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1. Rohit’s income is `32000. If his expenses is 30 percent of total income,

then what will be the saving of Rohit? (a) Rs. 45,800
` (b)Rs. 48,000
” (c) Rs. 52,600
(a)`18600 (b) `22400 (d) Rs. 81,965
(c)`19200 (d) `24600 7. A man spent 30% of his monthly income
on rent. He spent 15% of the remaining
2. Amelia saves 68% of her monthly income. If her
amount on food. 35% of the amount now
monthly expenditure is Rs.25,720 then her monthly
left was used for all other expenses. If Rs
saving is:
162435 was left with him, then his
monthly income was?
(a) Rs. 54,655 एक व्यक्ति अपनी मासिक आय का 30% ककराये पर
(b)Rs. 35,720 खर्च करिा है । उिने शेष रासश का 15% भोजन पर खर्च
(c) Rs. 64,655
(d) Rs. 80,375 (SSC CPO 2023) ककया। अब बर्ी हुई रासश का 35% अन्य िभी खर्ों के
3. A man spends 72% of his salary and saves ₹5,740 per सिए उपयोग ककया गया था। यदि उिके पाि 162435
month. What is 10% of his annual salary (in ₹)?
रुपये बर्े िो उिकी मासिक आय ककिनी थी?
एक व्यक्ति अपने वेतन का 72% खर्च कर दे ता है , और प्रतत
(CHSL PRE 2023)
महीने ₹5,740 की बर्त करता है । उसके वातषचक वेतन का
A) Rs 480000
10% तकतना (₹ में) होगा? B) Rs 420000
(a) ₹21600 (b) ₹24600 C) Rs 360000
(c) ₹28400 (d) ₹20500 D) Rs 540000
4. Ayush spends 25% of an amount of money on an 8. Rajan spent 10% of his salary on rent. He spent 20%
insurance policy, 26% on food, 23% on children’s of the remaining part of the salary on transport. After
education and 19% on recreation. He deposits the which he spent 40% of the balance of the salary on
remaining amount of ₹26,600 in the bank. What is the food. Further, he spent 80% of the balance on various
total amount (in ₹) that he spends on food and bills. He deposits Rs. 5000 in the bank and kept the
recreation together? remaining Rs. 1480 for his own petty expenditure.
आयुष एक राति का 25% बीमा पॉतिसी पर 26% भोजन Find his monthly salary (in Rs.).
पर, 23% बच्ोों की तिक्षा पर, और 19% मनोरों जन पर खर्च 10%
करता है । वह िेष ₹26,600 बैंक में जमा करता है । वह 20%
भोजन और मनोरों जन पर कुि तमिाकर कुि तकतनी राति 40%
(₹में) खर्च करता है ? (SSC CPO 2023) 80%
(a) 1,95,000 (b) 1,83,000
(c) 1,62,000 (d) 1,71,000
5. Rita spends 25% of her monthly income on house rent (a) 75000
and 30% of the remaining income on food. If she saves (b) 80000
`5,250, what is her monthly income? (c) 82500
25% (d) 64800
30% `5,250 9. Rima spends 35% of her monthly income on
food articles and 15% of the remaining on
(a) `14,000 clothes. She saves 40% of the remaining
(b) `10,000 income. If her monthly salary is Rs 27,500,
(c) `12,000 how much does she save (in Rs) every
(d) `16,000 month?
6. Bhavani spent 15% of his monthly income on kid’s
रीमा अपनी मातसक आय का 35% खाद्य वस्तुओ ों पर और
education and 20% on food. 40% of the remaining she
spent on sports and 30% on transport. She is left with िेष का 15% कपडोों पर खर्च करती है । वह िेष आय का
an amount of Rs.10,257 after all these expenditures. 40% बर्ाती है । यतद उसका मातसक वेतन ₹27,500 है , तो
What is Bhavani’s monthly income? वह प्रतत माह तकतनी बर्त (₹ में) करती है ?
15% (a) 6077.5 (b) 6170.5
20% 40% (c) 6277.5 (d) 6370.5

BY Gagan Pratap
10. A person spends 12.5% of his income on food, 14. In January 2022, Kriti paid an EMI,
18 𝟒 % of remaining part on travelling and 20% of the which was 22% of her monthly salary. She
spent the remaining salary on shopping of
remaining part on education. Finally his total
groceries and clothes in the ratio 7:5. She
expenditure is Rs. 3450. Find his total income.
spent Rs 18,200 on shopping of clothes. If,
एक व्यक्ति भोजन पर अपनी आय का 12.5%, यात्रा पर शेष in February 2022, her salary increased by
भाग का 18𝟒% और शेष 20% दहस्िा सशक्षा पर खर्च करिा है ।
𝟑 16%, then what was her salary (in Rs) in
उिका कुि खर्च रु3450 है । उिकी कुि आय ज्ञाि कीक्जए। जनवरी 2022 में, कृतत ने EMI का भुगतान तकया, जो
a)5000 b) 8000 c) 10000 d) 12000 उसके मातसक वेतन का 22% था। उसने िेष वेतन को
11. तकराने का सामान और कपडोों की खरीदारी पर 7: 5 के
Raju spends 10 percent and 20 percent of his income on transport and
food respectively. He spends 30 percent of the remaining income on अनुपात में खर्च तकया। उसने कपडोों की खरीदारी पर
clothing. He saves rest of his income., If his saving is `26460, then what ₹18,200 खर्च तकए। यतद, फरवरी 2022 में, उसके वेतन
will be total expenditure on food and clothing together? में 16% की वृक्ति हुई, तो फरवरी में उसका वेतन (₹ में)
” 10 ” तकतना था?
20 ” 30 ” (a) 66,350 (b) 68,520
(c)70,250 (d) 64,960
`26460 SSC CGL 2023 PRE
15. A family income is Rs 35000 in a
(a)`22140 (b) `23440 month. The family spends the income on
(c)`24480 (d) `26420 various expenditures, viz, food, health,
education, entertainment and rent. After
12. A person gives 30% of his salary to his friend.
incurring all the expenditures, 8% is saved
40% of the remaining salary he invests in a chit fund,
every month. The expenditure on health is
out of remaining income he invests in an insurance
50% more than that of food. While food is
scheme and PPF in the ratio 4:3. if the difference three times of the expenditure on
between total amount invested in chit fund, insurance entertainment, the expenditure on health
scheme together and the amount he gave her friend is is half of the expenditure on education.
Rs.19800. Find the salary of person? The expenditure on rent is one-third of the
एक व्यक्ति अपने वेिन का 30% अपने िोस्ि को िे िा है । शेष combined expenditure on food, health and
वेिन का 40% वह चर्ट फंड में ननवेश करिा है , शेष आय में िे education. How much expenditure (in Rs) is
incurred on education?
,वह एक बीमा योजना और पीपीएफ में 4 :3 के अनप
ु ाि में एक पररवार की आय एक महीने में 35000 रुपये है ।
ननवेश करिा है । यदि चर्ट फंड और बीमा योजना में ननवेश की पररवार अपनी आय को ववसभन्न व्ययों पर खर्च करिा है ,
गई कुि राशी और िोस्ि को िी गयी रासश का अंिर रु 19800 है जैिे भोजन, स्वास््य, सशक्षा, मनोरं जन और ककराया। िारे
। व्यक्ति का वेिन हैं? खर्च करने के बाि हर महीने 8% की बर्ि होिी है ।
a)80000 b)90000
c)100000 d)110000 स्वास््य पर ख़र्च भोजन िे 50% अचिक है । जहां भोजन
13. A man spends 20% of his monthly salary on मनोरं जन पर होने वािे खर्च का िीन गुना है , वहीं स्वास््य
food and one-fourth of the remaining salary on
पर होने वािा खर्च सशक्षा पर होने वािे खर्च का आिा है ।
charity. If he saves `9,600 per month, which is equal
to half of the balance after spending on food and ककराये पर ख़र्च भोजन, स्वास््य और सशक्षा पर िंयुति
charity, then his monthly salary is : ख़र्च का एक निहाई है । सशक्षा पर ककिना व्यय (रुपये में )
`9,600 ककया जािा है? (SSC CGL 2023)
A) 12600
B) 8400
C) 13200
(a) `28,000 D) 7700
(b) `32,000 16. The monthly salary of a person was
(c) `26,000 Rs. 50,000. He used to spend on three
(d) `30,000 heads-personal and family expenses(E),

BY Gagan Pratap
taxes(T), philanthropy(P), and rest were his 20. Raju, Ravi and Ashok contested an
savings. E was 50% of the income, T was election 5% votes polled were invalid. Raju
20% of E and P was 15% of T. When his got 30% of the total votes. Ravi got 32% of
salary got raised by 40%, he maintained the the total votes. The winner got 5136 more
percentage level of E, but T became 30% of votes than the person who received the
E and P became 20% of T. By what least number of votes. Find the total votes
percentage is the new savings more or less polled?
than the earlier savings? राजू, रवव और अशोक ने एक र्ुनाव िडा, डािे गए 5%
(E) (T) वोट अवैि थे। राजू को कुि वोटों का 30% वोट समिे।
(P) E रवव को कुि वोटों का 32% वोट समिे। ववजेिा को िबिे
50% T ,E 20% P ,T 15%
कम मि प्राप्ि करने वािे व्यक्ति िे 5136 अचिक मि
40% E श
प्राप्ि हुए। डािे गए कुि वोट ज्ञाि कीक्जये?
T ,E 30% P,T 20%
A) 171200
श B) 64200
C) 171220
(a) 16.4% less (b) 8.2% more D) 172100
(c) 8.2% less (d)16.4% more 21. A, B and C contested an election. All
17. A vendor sells 60% of apples he had and throws the votes polled were valid. A got 38% of
away 15% of the remainder. Next day he sells 50% of the the total votes. For every 45 votes polled,
remainder and throws away the rest. What % of his B got 18 votes. The winner got 5,760 more
apples does the vendor throw? votes than the person who received the
एक ववक्रेिा कुि िेबो का 60% भाग बेर्िा है िथा बर्े हुए भाग least number of votes. The total number of
votes polled was:
का 15% फेक िे िा है । अगिे दिन वह बर्े हुए भाग 50% दहस्िा
A, B और C ने चन ु ाव लडा। डाले गए सभी वोट वैध थे। A
बेर्िा है िथा शेष िेबो को फेक िे िा है । ववक्रेिा द्वारा फेके गए
को कुल मतों का 38% मत प्राप्त हुए। प्रत्येक 45 मतों के
िेबो का % ज्ञाि करो?
a)17 b)21 c)23 d)29 ललए, B को 18 मत प्राप्त हुए। ववजेता को सबसे कम मत
18. There were two candidates in an election. One प्राप्त करने वाले व्यक्तत से 5,760 अधधक मत प्राप्त हुए।
got 41% of the total votes and lost by 5580 votes. Find डाले गए मतों की कुल संख्या थी: (ICAR Assistant
the total votes.
एक र्न
ु ाव में िो उम्मीिवार थे। एक को कुि मिों का 41% A) 37,200
समिा और वह 5580 मिों िे हार गया। कुि वोट ज्ञाि करे ? B) 38,400
a)28000 b)31000 c)34000 d)37000 C) 36,000
D) 32,000
19. Three-seventh of voters promise to vote
22. In an election, candidate X got 70% of the
for A and the rest promise to vote for B. Of
overall valid votes. If 20% of the overall votes were
these, on the last day 12% of the voters went declared invalid and the total numbers of votes is
back on their promise to vote for A and 20% 640000, then find the number of valid votes polled in
of voters went back on their promise to vote favour of the candidate.
for B and A lost by 234 votes. The total एक र्ुनाव में उम्मीदवार x को कुि वैध मतोों के 70% मत
number of voters was:
तीन बटे सात (3/7 ) मतदाताओों ने A को वोट दे ने का वादा तमिे। यतद कुि मतोों के 20% मतोों का अवैध घोतषत कर
तकया और बाकी ने B को वोट दे ने का वादा तकया। अोंततम तदया गया हे ा और मतोों की कुि सोंख्या 640000 हो तो इस
तदन 12% मतदाता A को वोट दे ने के अपने वादे से मुकर उम्मीदवार के पक्ष मे पडे वैध मतोों की गणना करें ।
गए और 20% मतदाता B को वोट दे ने के अपने वादे से (a) 358400 (b) 450000
मुकर गए और A, 234 वोटोों से हार गया। मतदाताओों की (c) 400000 (d) 358000
कुि सोंख्या तकतनी थी? 23. In an election between two candidates,
1. 13,650 2. 14,555 85% of the electorate cast their votes. 6% of
3. 15,550 4. 12,525
( ICAR Technician 2023) the votes polled were declared invalid. If the

BY Gagan Pratap
winning candidate secured 60% of the valid given that he received only 10% of the
total valid votes?
votes, how many votes did the winning
िीन उम्मीिवारों के बीर् एक गााँव के र्न
ु ाव में , 80%
candidate receive if the number of eligible
मििािाओं ने अपने वोट डािे, क्जनमें िे 3% वोट अवैि
voters was 10000?
घोवषि कर दिए गए। ववजयी उम्मीिवार को 42680 वोट
6% समिे जो कुि वैि वोटों का 55% थे। िीिरे स्थान पर
% रहने वािे उम्मीिवार को प्राप्ि वैि मिों की िंख्या ज्ञाि
कीक्जए, जबकक उिे कुि वैि मिों का केवि 10% प्राप्ि
(a) 4804 (b) 4794 हुआ था? (CHSL 2023 PRE)
(c) 4784 (d) 4824 A) 7760
24. In an election, there were two B) 7700
candidates Ram and Soham. The total C) 7670
number of voters in this constituency was D) 7680
85800 and 80% of the total votes were 27. In an election between two candidates,
polled. If 65% of the polled votes were one got 54% of the total valid votes: 8% of
cast in favour of Soham, how many votes the votes were invalid. If the total number
were received by Ram? of votes was 7500, then the winning
एक र्ुनाव में , िो उम्मीिवार राम और िोहम थे। इि candidate won by how many votes?
दो उम्मीदवारोों के बीर् एक र्ुनाव में, एक को कुि वैध मतोों
ननवाचर्न क्षेत्र में मििािाओं की कुि िंख्या 85800 थी में से 54% वोट तमिे: 8% वोट अवैध पाए गए। यतद कुि
और कुि वोट का 80% मििान हुआ था। यदि मििान मतोों की सोंख्या 7500 थी, तो तवजयी उम्मीदवार तकतने
में िे 65% वोट िोहम के पक्ष में पडे, िो राम को मतोों से जीता?
1. 566 2. 552
ककिने वोट समिे?
3. 574 4. 580
( ICAR Technician 2023)
A) 34034
28. In an election between two candidates,
B) 38038
64% of the voters cast their votes, out of
C) 26026
which 4% of the votes were declared invalid.
D) 24024
A candidate got 12,288 votes which were
25. Rajat, Pooja and Abha participate in the 64% of the total valid votes. Find the total
election. If the total votes polled are 40,000 number of votes enrolled in that election.
and 10% of votes are invalid. Rajat got 36% दो उम्मीदवारों के बीच हुए चनु ाव में 64% मतदाताओं ने वोट

of valid votes and Pooja got 40% of valid डाले, क्जनमें से 4% वोट अवैध घोवित कर ददए गए। एक

votes, then find the number of votes Abha got. उम्मीदवार को 12,288 वोट लमले जो कुल वैध वोटों का 64% थे।
उस चन ु ाव में नामांककत मतों की कुल संख्या ज्ञात कीक्जये।
% % (CHSL MAINS 2023)
% [a] 30,250 [b] 32,152
[c] 31,250 [d] 20,152
(a) 1024 (b) 9245 29. In an election 2 candidates participated. 20%
(c) 5760 (d) 8640 votes were declared invalid and the winner gets 70% of
the valid votes and won by 9600 votes. Find total
26. In a village election between three
number of voters.
candidates, 80% of the voters cast their
votes, out of which 3% votes were declared एक र्ुनाव में 2 उम्मीिवारों ने भाग सिया। 20% वोटों को अवैि
invalid. The winning candidate got 42680 घोवषि ककया गया और ववजेिा को 70% वैि वोट समिे और
votes which were 55% of the total valid
votes. Find the number of valid votes 9600 वोटों िे जीि हासिि की। मििािाओं की कुि िंख्या ज्ञाि
received by the candidate who stood third, कीक्जये।
a)30000 b)24000 c)48000 d)56000

BY Gagan Pratap
votes. Find the number of voters who did
not cast their votes.
िो उम्मीिवारों के बीर् एक र्ुनाव में , 3% ने अपने वोट

30. In a constituency, 90% of the total नहीं डािे और डािे गए 5% वोटों को अमान्य घोवषि कर
number of people on the electoral roll cast दिया गया। ववजयी प्रत्याशी को वैि मिों का 54% प्राप्ि
their votes during an election, 15% of the
हुआ और वह 11058 मिों के बहुमि िे ववजयी हुआ।
votes cast were declared invalid. Jeeta
secured 60% of the valid votes. If jeeta उन मििािाओं की िंख्या ज्ञाि कीक्जए क्जन्होंने वोट नहीं
secured 91,800 valid votes, what was the डािा।
total number of people on the electoral roll?
A) 5050
एक तनवाचर्न क्षेत्र की मतदाता सूर्ी में िातमि कुि िोगोों
B) 3750
में से 90% िोगोों ने र्ुनाव के दौरान मत डािे, डािे गए C) 4500
मतोों में से 15% मत अवैध घोतषत कर तदए गए। जीता ने D) 4125
वैध मतोों के 60% मत प्र्राप्त तकये। यतद जीता को 34. In an election two candidates participated ,15%
91,800 वैध वोट तमिे, तो मतदाता सूर्ी में कुि तकतने voters did not vote ,3900 votes declared invalid and the
िोग िातमि थे? winners gets 57% of the valid votes and wins by 1120
(a) 2,16,000 (b) 2,25,000 votes. Find the number of voters in voting list?
(c) 1,80,000 (d) 2,00,000 एक र्ुनाव में िो उम्मीिवारों ने भाग सिया, 15%
मििािाओं ने वोट नहीं दिया, 3900 मि अवैि घोवषि
31. In a two-candidate election, 10% of the voters ककए गए और ववजेिा को वैिमिों का 57% समिे और
did not cast their ballots. 10% of the votes cast were
1120 मिों िे जीि हासिि की। मििािा िूर्ी में
found invalid. The winning candidate received 54% of
the valid votes and a 1620-vote majority. Find the मििािाओं की िंख्या ककिनी है ?
number of people on the voter list who have registered a)14000 b)15000 c)16000 d)12000
to vote.
54% 35. In an election between two
candidates, 12% of voters did not cast
their votes. The winner by obtaining 68%
(a) 25000
of the total votes defeated his contestant
by 2880 votes. What was the total number
(c) 24500
of voters who cast their votes in the
(d) 25500
िो उम्मीिवारों के बीर् एक र्न
ु ाव में , 12% मििािाओं
ने वोट नहीं डािा। ववजेिा ने कुि मिों का 68% प्राप्ि
32. In an election 20% voters didn’t vote. 12 𝟐 %
votes were declared invalid and winner gets 60% of the करके अपने प्रनियोगी को 2880 मिों िे हराया। र्ुनाव
valid votes and won by 5600 votes. Find the number of
में मििान करने वािे मििािाओं की कुि िंख्या ककिनी
voters in the voting list.
एक र्ुनाव में 20% मििािाओं ने वोट नहीं दिया। 12𝟐% वोटों
𝟏 थी?
A) 5280
को अवैि घोवषि ककया गया और ववजेिा को 60% वैि वोट समिे B) 8000
और 5600 वोटों िे जीि हासिि की। मििािा िर्
ू ी में C) 4000
D) 6000
मििािाओं की िंख्या ज्ञाि कीक्जए।
36. In an election between two candidates,
a)30000 b)40000 c)50000 d)80000
20% of the registered voters did not cast their
33. In an election between two
candidates, 3% did not cast their votes and vote and 40 votes were declared invalid. The
5% votes polled were declared invalid. The winner received 42% of the registered votes and
winning candidate got 54% of the valid was declared the winner by 112 votes. What was
votes and won by a majority of 11058 the number of registered voters?

BY Gagan Pratap
दो उम्मीदवारोों के बीर् र्ुनाव में , पोंजीकृत मतदाताओों में से together. If Lalit obtained only 8% of the
20% ने अपना मत नही ों तदया और 40 मत अवैध घोतषत total polled votes, find the number of votes
कर तदए गए। तवजेता को पोंजीकृत मतोों का 42% प्राप्त हुआ obtained by Hari.
और उसे 112 मतोों से तवजेता घोतषत तकया गया। पोंजीकृत हरर, कमि और ितित ने एक र्ुनाव िडा तजसमें 6050
मतदाताओों की सोंख्या तकतनी थी? वोट पडे और कोई भी वोट अवैध नही ों था। कमि को हरर
(a) 1200 और ितित द्वारा प्राप्त कुि वोटोों से 42% अतधक वोट
(b) 1500 प्राप्त हुए। यतद ितित को डािे गए कुि वोटोों में से केवि
(c) 1800 8% वोट प्राप्त हुए, तो हरर को प्राप्त वोटोों की सोंख्या ज्ञात
(d) 3800 कीतजए। (CGL MAINS 2023)
37. In an election 22 % voters couldn't cast their (a) 2016 (b) 1556
(c) 1912 (d) 1668
votes. Out of total Cast votes 15500 became invalid.
41. Three candidates P, Q and R participated in
Winner Secured 51% of total votes in voting list and won
an election. P got 35% more votes than Q, and R got
the election by 63500 votes find the total number of 15% more votes than Q. P overtook R by 2,412 votes.
voters? If 90% voters voted and no invalid or illegal votes were
एक र्ुनाव में 22% मििािा अपने वोट नहीं डाि िके। कुि cast, then what was the number of voters in the voting
कास्ट वोटों में िे 15500 अवैि हो गया। ववजेिा ने कुि वोदटंग list?
P, Q R P
सिस्ट का 51% प्राप्ि ककया और 63500 वोटों िे र्ुनाव जीिा, Q 35% R Q 15%
ू ी में मििािाओं की िंख्या ककिनी है ? P R 2,412
a)200000 b)180000 c)210000 d)225000
38. In an election 11𝟗% voters didn’t cast their vote.
In this election party A get 18% more casted vote than (a) 46,900
party B. If party A get 23600 votes, then find the total (b) 42,800
number of voters in the voting list. (c) 42,210
(d) 48,500
र्ुनाव में 11𝟗% मििािाओं ने अपना वोट नहीं डािा। इिमें
(SSC CGL 2022)
ु ाव पाटी A को पाटी B की िि
ु ना में 18% अचिक वोट समिे। 42. In an election, 35% of the voters
voted for candidate P whereas 62.5% of the
यदि पाटी A को 23600 वोट समििे हैं, िो मििािा िूर्ी में कुि
remaining voted for candidate Q. The
मििािा ज्ञाि करे । remaining voters did not vote. If the
a)42000 b)45000 c)40000 d)50000 difference between those who voted for
39. Three candidates were participating in an candidate P and those who did not vote was
election. The person at third place got 20% of the total 6800, the number of individuals eligible for
votes while the difference between the votes of the casting a vote in that election was?
winner and the first runner up was 20% of the total एक चुनाव में , 35% मतदाताओं ने उम्मीदवार P के ललए
votes. If the difference between the votes of the first
runner up and the second runner up was 37,000, how मतदान ककया जबकक शेि के 62.5% ने उम्मीदवार Q के
many votes did the winner receive? ललए मतदान ककया। शेि मतदाताओं ने मतदान नह ं ककया।

20% यदद उम्मीदवार P को वोट दे ने वालों और वोट न दे ने वालों

20% के बीच का अंतर 6800 था, तो उस चन
ु ाव में वोट डालने के
ललए योग्य व्यक्ततयों की संख्या तया थी?
(a) 1,80,000 A) 56000
(b) 1,85,000 B) 64000
(c) 1,75,000 C) 80000
(d) 1,95,000 D) 60000
(SSC CGL 2022) 43. In an election, there were four
40. Hari, Kamal and candidates and 80% of the registered
Lalit contested an election in which 6050 voters cast their vote. One of the
votes were polled and none of the votes were candidates received 30% of the casted
invalid. Kamal got 42% more votes than the votes while the other three candidates
total votes obtained by Hari and Lalit received remaining casted votes in the

BY Gagan Pratap
proportion 1:2:3. If the winner of the 46. A salesman is allowed 16% Commission on the
election received 2512 votes more than the total sales made by him and a bonus of 3% on the sales
candidate with the second highest votes, over 18500. If the total earning of a salesman is Rs
then the number of registered voters was? 15595. Find the total sales?
एक चनु ाव में, चार उम्मीदवार थे और पज ं ीकृ त मतदाताओ ं में से 80% ने एक कंपनी अपने ववक्रेिा को कुि बबक्री पर 16% कमीशन िे िी
मतदान ककया। उम्मीदवारों में से एक ने डाले गए मतों का 30% प्राप्त ककया
है । िथा 18500 िे ऊपर की बबक्री पर 3% का बोनि भी िे िी है ,
जबकक अन्य तीन उम्मीदवारों ने 1:2:3 के अनुपात में शेष डाले गए मत
प्राप्त ककए। यकद चुनाव के कवजेता को दूसरे सबसे अकिक वोट प्राप्त करने वाले यदि ववक्रेिा की कुि आय 15595 रुपये है . िो कुि बबक्री ज्ञाि
उम्मीदवार से 2512 वोट अकिक कमले, तो पंजीकृ त मतदाताओ ं की संख्या कीक्जये?
ककतनी थी? a)69000 b)75000
A) 40192 c)85000 d)90000
B) 60280 47. a company gives 15% commission to his
C) 50240 salesman on his total sales and above sales of 18000,
D) 62800 2% bonus. If the salesman deposited 75060 in the
44. A total of 7,50,000 voters participated in company after deducting his commission from total
an election, A candidtate recieved 3,82,500 sales. Find total sales.
एक कंपनी अपने िेल्िमैन को उिकी कुि बबक्री पर 15%
votes which was 60% of the total valid votes.
कमीशन और 18000 िे ऊपर की बबक्री पर 2% बोनि िे िी
What was the percentage of invalid votes in
है । यदि ववक्रेिा ने कुि बबक्री िे अपना कमीशन घटाकर
the election?
75060 कंपनी में जमा ककया। कुि बबक्री का पिा िगाएं।
% a)90000 b)84000 c)85000 d)100000

(a) 15% (b) 18% 48. A sales executive gets a commission on total
(c) 20% (d) 12% sales at 10.2%. If the sale is exceeded Rs. 15,000 he gets
an additional commission as a bonus of 8.5% on the
45. A marketing agent earns a
excess of sales over Rs.15,000. If he gets total earning of
commission of 2% on first ₹2,00,000, 1.5%
Rs.3180, then the bonus he received is?
on next ₹2,00,000 and 1% on the remaining
amount of sales made in a month. If the एक िेल्िमैन को कुि बबक्री पर 10.2%. कमीशन समििा है ।
sales achieved by the agent for the month of यदि बबक्री 15000 रू िे अचिक हो जाए िब उिे 8.5% बोनि
April 2018 are ₹5,68,000 the commission
earned is: समििा है । यदि कुि बबक्री 15000 रू िे अचिक हो, और उिकी
एक माके कटंग एजेंट पहले ₹2,00,000 पर 2%, अगले कुि कमाई 3180 रू है | िो उिमें िे बोनि ककिना था?
₹2,00,000 पर 1.5% और एक महीने में की गई कबक्री की शेष राकश a)600 (b)750 (c)500 (d)900
पर 1% कमीशन कमाता है। यकद अप्रैल 2018 के महीने में एजेंट द्वारा
प्राप्त कबक्री ₹5,68,000 है तो अकजित कमीशन है:
A) ₹ 8680
B) ₹7,730
C) ₹ 8,240
D) ₹ 7,105

BY Gagan Pratap

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