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The article entitled “Market-Sensing Capability, Innovativeness, Brand Management Systems,

Market Dynamism, Competitive Intensity, and Performance: An Integrative Review” was authored by:
Steven W. Bayighomog Likoum who is affiliated with the Department of Business Administration,
Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus, via Mersin 10, Turkey; Mohamed Dawood
Shamout who is affiliated with the Department of Business Management, American University in
Emirates, Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Ibrahim Harazneh who is affiliated with the Department of
Tourism Management, Middle East University, Amman, Jordan; and A. Mohammed Abubakar who is
affiliated with the College of Business, Antalya Bilim University, Antalya, Turkey. The article was
published in Journal Knowledge of Economy on October 06, 2018. All of the authors are equipped with
enough knowledge to discuss this article.

Many authors have developed and published numerous concepts and literatures regarding
strategic management. Most of those are related specifically in the concept of Market-Sensing
Capabilities, Firm Innovativeness, Brand management System, Market Dynamism, Competitive Intensity,
and Firm Performance. Researchers in the field of management have been extending so much effort to
further develop these concepts and literatures. As years pass by, researchers continuously and constantly
improving these concepts and literatures. In connection with this, the researchers reviewed existing
strategic management and marketing literature, and then proposes a framework that links market-sensing
capability, firm innovativeness, brand management systems, and firm performance. It seeks to improve
and further develop these existing literatures to give way to the building of knowledge with different
strategic management concepts. This article represents an episodic process model that explains how
market-sensing capability can give rise to firm innovativeness and brand management systems, which in
turn may drive up firm’s performance. The study also shows how these literatures and concepts are
interrelated among each other.

The researchers used a qualitative approach to present concepts and situations relevant to
understand the study. The researchers relied on various published scholarly documents that are related to
market-sensing capabilities, firm innovativeness, brand management system, firm performance, market
dynamism and competitive intensity. First, the researchers introduced the concepts one by one by giving
and presenting situations and theories applicable to the concept. Then they explained how a certain
concept is related to the other concept. Lastly, a set of propositions that represent an empirically driven
research are presented. The information and data gathered was analyzed and presented in a way that could
help readers to further understand the concepts mentioned in the study.

The following propositions that represent an empirically driven research agenda are presented and
discussed in the study: (1) Market-Sensing capability will positively influence firm innovativeness; (2)
Market-sensing capability will positively influence firm performance; (3) Market-sensing capability will
positively influence brand management systems; (4) Firm innovativeness will positively influence firm
performance; (5) Firm innovativeness mediates the relationship between market-sensing capability and
firm performance; (6) Firm innovativeness will positively influence brand management systems; (7)
Brand management systems will positively influence firm performance; (8) Brand management systems
mediate the relationship between market-sensing capability and firm performance; (9a) Market dynamism
will moderate the link between firm innovativeness and firm performance, such that the relationship will
be stronger when market dynamism is high; (9b) Competitive intensity will moderate the link between
firm innovativeness and firm performance, such that the relationship will be stronger when competitive
intensity is high. (10a) Market Dynamism will moderate the link between brand management systems and
firm performance, such that the relationship will be stronger when market dynamism is high. (10b)
Competitive intensity will moderate the link between brand management systems and firm performance,
such that the relationship will be stronger when competitive intensity is high. Based on the review of the

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literature, the study conceptually established a connection between market-sensing capability, firm
innovativeness, and brand management systems, competitive intensity, and market dynamism. The
propositions mentioned above is consistent with mainstream research on marketing strategies, which
suggest that market-sensing capability is rational, and useful for innovation and learning purpose.

The information gathered was used to interpret and analyzed the relationship of various strategic
management concepts. The paper’s biggest contribution is the construction of framework which improves
and further develop the existing strategic management concepts through linking each one to another. The
propositions created and presented in the study may help a lot of readers, especially managers, to create
an effective strategy on how to manage their businesses. Future researchers may conduct a further study
to rationalize the propositions that were presented in the paper. Furthermore, future researchers may also
test the validity of each propositions. Hence, this study may serve as a related literature for future
researchers if they seek to improve and further develop these existing literatures.

Generally speaking, the paper is good. The researchers provided enough propositions that can be
tested by other researchers. The only weakness I see in this study is that the researchers used deep
vocabularies which may some readers misinterpret the message it wants to deliver to them. Using
synonyms that can be easily understand will help the readers comprehend the study easier. Moreover, a
thorough and deeper explanation as to the concepts being presented is highly recommended. In
summation this paper will benefit future researchers, readers and managers.

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