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2021 SINGA Assessment – Primary 1 (FREE)

2021 SINGA Assessment – Primary 1 (FREE) > 2021 SINGA Assessment – Primary 1 (FREE)

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R e s tart Cont e s t P r a c ti c e P a p e r Vi e w Quest i o n s

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Correct Incorrect

1 point(s)

Look at the four given numbers. Write down the smallest number.

1 point(s)

1 point(s)

A number of marbles are arranged in a row as shown below

How many marbles are there in total?

1 point(s)

The figure below shows lines 1, 2 and 3. Which line is the longest?

1 point(s)

Count the number of balls below. Ali gave 6 of the balls away.
How many balls were left in the end?


1 point(s)

5 circles are used to form one side of a square.

How may circles are used to form all sides of the square?

1 point(s)

How many straight lines can be drawn to connect any two points in the figure below?

1 point(s)

Study the pattern below.

What is the missing number in the box?

1 point(s)

This graph shows the number of toys owned by three pupils. One of them has 6 more toys than Alan.
How many toys does the person have?

1 point(s)

At first, there were 4 cakes with 3 lighted candles on each cake. Mary blew out 3 of the candles.
How many lighted candles were there in the end?

2 point(s)

The following apples are packed into boxes of 3.

How many boxes are needed to pack all the apples below?

2 point(s)

Jason had $80 at first. He bought a book and a stapler.

How much money did he have left?


2 point(s)

There are 8 ducks and 6 goats in a farm.

A duck has 2 legs and a goat has 4 legs.
How many legs are there altogether?

2 point(s)

Study the diagrams below.

What is the total length of the crayon and eraser in units?

2 point(s)

I am thinking of a 2-digit number.

The value of the digit 6 is 6.
The digit in the tens place is 3 more than the digit in the ones place.
What is the number that I am thinking of?

2 point(s)

The picture below shows Tom’s clothes.

In how many different ways can Tom wear his clothes?

2 point(s)

Hui Ling has 14 sweets

Devi has 7 more sweets than Hui Ling.
How many sweets do they have in total?


2 point(s)

Look at the picture given below

Mrs Wong has $10.
What is the greatest number of apples she can buy?

2 point(s)

Alice has saved 4 coins with different value as shown below.

How much more does she need to save to get $1?


2 point(s)

Judy has a basket of eggs.

There are more than 15 eggs but less than 20 eggs in the basket.
If she counts the eggs in twos, there is one extra egg.
If she counts the eggs in threes, there are two extra eggs.
How many eggs are there in the basket?

2 point(s)

The graph below shows the number of pupils who own pets.

The number of pupils who own pets in Class 1D is twice the number of pupils who own pets in Class 1B.
How many pupils are there in the 4 classes altogether?


2 point(s)
Mr Tan buys 2 bags of lollipops.
There are 10 lollipops in each bag.
He keeps 6 lollipops and gives the rest to his 2 sons equally.
How many lollipops does each son receive?

2 point(s)

Look at the number pattern below.

Find the sum of the values of A and B.


2 point(s)

Ann has 15 strawberries.

Betty has 4 strawberries less than Ann.
Cindy has 6 more strawberries than Betty.
How many strawberries do they have in all?

2 point(s)

Mr Tan went to the cinema with his two children.

His son was 6 years old and his daughter was 15 years old.
How much did he pay for all three tickets?


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