Gurps Creature Catalogue

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Creature Catalog

A D&D goes GURPS 4th Edition Sourcebook by Pythagoras

Introduction About This

This netbook is a collection of fantasy
creatures based on the D&D Monster
Manual, the Creature Collection 2, and This document was created by
the D&D Miniatures Game (as well as Pythagoras. More GURPS material by
some new creatures). I have tried to him can be downloaded at:
replicate the abilities as faithfully as
possible but the difference between the Send feedback to:
systems makes some creatures more
powerful than before due to the value of
certain "abilities" in GURPS such as
being unliving etc.
The current version is relatively small
but I hope to add new stuff over time.
For now, enjoy what is there.

Each intelligent monster is given a short
fluff description but details can usually
filled in from the appropriate D&D
source books. Next, the racial template
is given. To make the monsters
immediately usable, one or more
example NPCs are provided. The
warrior NPC corresponds to the warrior
entry in the D&D Monster Manual, the
rest is more creative, not directly based
on any D&D classes.
Unintelligent monsters or constructs are
given a less detailed treatment. They are
represented by a single entry, possibly
with some variants.
Since I feel that the point value does not
necessarily represent the lethality in
battle, each NPC is rated in skulls. One
skull represents a monster that even
beginning characters eat for breakfast.
The rating goes up to 10 skulls but those
are creatures you do not wish to meet.

Version 2005.11.28 - Page 1

Ethengarian Skills: Bow (DX/A) 12 [4], Brawling
(DX/E) 13 [4], Knive (DX/E) 12 [2],
Noble nomads of the Steppe, Observation (Per/A) 10 [2], Riding
Ethengarians excelat riding and horse (Horse) (DX/A) 13 [8], Stealth (DX/A)
archery. Being very religious people, 10 [1], Broadsword (DX/A) 12 [4],
these humans worship many spirits, Horse Archery 12 [5]
which are grouped into three categories; Typical Equipment: Longbow,
spirits of law, neutral spirits, and spirits Scimitar (treat as Broadsword), Scale
of chaos. Mail, Mail Coif, Steppe Horse

Chaos Acolyte [75] 1

Racial Template [-15]
The Chaos Accolyte is a cleric new to
Attribute Modifiers: none the cult of the chaos spirits.
Secondary Characteristics Modifiers: Attributes: Str 12 [20], Dex 11 [20], Int
none 10, HT 10 [0]
Advantages: none Secondary Characteristics: Damage
Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Mino- thrust 1d-1, swing 1d+2, HP 12 [0], Will
rity Group) [-10], Low Tech Level (3, 2 10 [5], Per 10 [0], FP 10 [0], Speed 5.25
for weapons and armour) [-5] [0], Move 5 [0]
Features: none Advantages: Fire Dart [7] (Acc +0,
1/2D 10, Max 100, RoF 1, Recoil 1,
Typical Specimens Damage 2d burn, fatigue 1).
Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Mino-
Warrior [55] 1 rity Group), Low Tech Level (3, 2 for
weapons and armour), Disciplines of
The warriors of Ethengar are
Faith (Ritualism) [-5]
well-trained with both bow and scimitar.
Features: none
They are also expert riders, being able to
Skills: Fire Dart (DX/E) 13 [4],
perform impressive stunts.
Brawling (DX/E) 13 [4], Knive (DX/E)
Attributes: Str 12 [20], Dex 11 [20], Int
12 [2], Observation (Per/A) 10 [2],
9 [-20], HT 10 [0]
Riding (Horse) (DX/A) 13 [8], Stealth
Secondary Characteristics: Damage
(DX/A) 10 [1], Axe/Mace (DX/A) 12
thrust 1d-1, swing 1d+2, HP 12 [0], Will
[4], Theology (IQ/H) 10 [4], Religious
10 [5], Per 10 [5], FP 10 [0], Speed 5.25
Ritual (IQ/H) 10 [4]
[0], Move 5 [0]
Typical Equipment: Mace, Scale Mail,
Advantages: none
Mail Coif, Steppe Horse.
Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Mino-
rity Group), Low Tech Level (3, 2 for
weapons and armour)
Features: none

Name Attack Damage Parry/Ddge/Blck DR Notes

Warrior Scimitar 121d+3 cut 9/8/NA torso 3, * DR 2 vs. crush
or 1d cr limbs 4,
Longbow 12 1d+1 head 4/2*
(15 w/acc) imp
Chaos Mace 12 1d+5 cr 9/8/NA torso 3, * DR 2 vs. crush
Acolyte Fire Dart 2d limbs 4, * costs 1 FP
burn** head 4/2*

Version 2005.11.28 - Page 2

Ettin Typical Specimens
These two-headed giants sometimes
Warrior [156] 1 1 1
lead orc and goblin tribes. While not
overly bright, these creatures can be This is a relatively inexperienced ettin,
quite intimidating. Due to their two which will have trouble to strike his
brains, they can fight with two weapons enemies but is quite deadly once he
simultaneously. The ettin language is a does.
mixture of the languages of giants, orcs, Attributes: Str 20 [0], Dex 9 [0], Int 8
and goblins, ans those fluent in at least [0], HT 13 [0]
one of these languages can communicate Secondary Characteristics: Damage
on broken level with an ettin. thrust 2d-1, swing 3d+2, HP 20 [0], Will
8 [0], Per 9 [0], FP 13 [0], Speed 5.5 [0],
Racial Template [140] Move 7 [0]
Advantages: Dark Vision, Extra Attack,
Attribute Modifiers: Str +10 [+80 due Ambidexterity, Extra Head,
to size], Dex -1 [-20], HT +3 [30], Int -2 Compartmentalized Mind, Damage
[-40] Resistance 2 (tough skin)
Secondary Characteristics Modifiers: Disadvantages: Bad Smell, Callous,
Per +1 [5], SM +2, Move +2 yards [10] Bloodlust (12 or less), Appearance
Advantages: Dark Vision [25], Extra Hideous, Ham-Fisted (-3 on DX)
Attack [25], Ambidexterity [5], Extra Features: none
Head [15], Compartmentalized Mind Skills: Brawling (DX/E) 12 [8],
[50], Damage Resistance 2 (-40% tough Axe/Mace (DX/A) 11 [8]
skin) [6] Typical Equipment: Great Club
Disadvantages: Bad Smell [-10], (=Mace), Leather Armour w/o Cap.
Callous [-5], Bloodlust (12 or less)
[-10], Appearance Hideous [-16],
Ham-Fisted (-3 on DX) [-5]
Features: none

Variant: Two-Headed Troll [230]

While the two-headed troll is not related
to the ettin in any way, it does share
most of its properties. Apply the
following changes to the template
Advantages: Regeneration (1
HP/second, -20% does not apply to
damage caused by acid or fire) [80],
Regrowth [40]
Disadvantages: Uncontrolable Appetite
(Humanoid Flesh, 6 or less) [-30]

Name Attack Damage Parry/Ddge/Blck DR Notes

Warrior 2 x Club 11 3d+5 cr 8U/8/NA torso 2+2,
limbs 2+2,
head 2

Version 2005.11.28 - Page 3

Goblin Attributes: Str 9 [0], Dex 11 [0], Int 10
[0], HT 10 [0]
Goblins are small, wicked humanoids, Secondary Characteristics: Damage
who often serve Orcs or other more thrust 1d-2, swing 1d-1, HP 7 [0], Will
powerful races as cannon fodder. Some 10 [0], Per 10 [0], FP 10 [0], Speed 5.25
goblins ride large wolves into battle. [0], Move 5 [0]
Advantages: Dark Vision , Silence 1
Racial Template [10] Disadvantages: Bad Smell, Callous,
Cowardice (self control 15 or less),
Attribute Modifiers: Str -1 [-10], Dex Appearance Hideous
+1 [20] Features: none
Secondary Characteristics Modifiers: Skills: Brawling (DX/E) 13 [4],
HP -2 [-4], SM -1 Observation (Per/A) 11 [4], Riding
Advantages: Dark Vision [25], Silence (Wolf) (DX/A) 11 [2], Stealth (DX/A)
1 [5] 10 (+2/+1 due to silence) [2],
Disadvantages: Bad Smell [-10], Shortsword (DX/A) 11 [2], Shortbow
Callous [-5], Cowardice (self control 15 (DX/A) 12 [4]
or less) [-5], Appearance Hideous [-16] Typical Equipment: Shortsword,
Features: none Studded Leather Armour, Short Bow.

Typical Specimens
Warrior [30] 1
Almost every tribe member is a warrior
though many have additional skills that
represent a more peaceful occupation.
Goblins are not really good fighters,
though, especially as they are cowards at

Name Attack Damage Parry/Ddge/Blck DR Notes

Warrior Sword 11 1d-1 cut 8/8/NA torso 2,
or 1d-2 limbs 2,
imp head 2
Bow 12 (13 1d-1
w/ acc) imp
Sneak Sword 12 1d-1 cut 9/8/NA torso 2, * must be used
or 1d-2 limbs 2, from behind on
imp head 2 unaware target, -5
Garrote 14* to target neck. +3
on opposed ST
roll, damage is
Wolf Sword 14 1d cut 10(12)/8(10)/9(11) torso 5, * 2 against
Knight or 1d-2 limbs 3, crushing.
imp head 4/2*
Lance 13 1d+1

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Sneak [60] 1 1 Code of Honour (Pirate's) [-5],
Appearance Hideous
Goblin sneaks are the scouts of the tribe. Features: none
Excellent at stealth and deception, these Skills: Brawling (DX/E) 14 [4],
loners focus on reconaissance as Observation (Per/A) 11 [4], Riding
opposed to attacking but when (Wolf) (DX/A) 14 [8], Stealth (DX/A)
circumstance demands it these vile 10 (+2/+1 due to silence) [2],
creatures make decent assassins as well. Shortsword (DX/A) 14 [8], Lance
Attributes: Str 9 [0], Dex 12 [20], Int (DX/A) 13 [4], Shield (DX/E) 12 [1]
10 [0], HT 10 [0]
Typical Equipment: Shortsword,
Secondary Characteristics: Damage Bronze Corselet, Bronze Armbands,
thrust 1d-2, swing 1d-1, HP 7 [0], Will Bronze Greaves, Mail Coif, Lance,
10 [0], Per 11 [5], FP 11 [3], Speed 5.5 Medium Shield, Riding Wolf.
[0], Move 6 [5]
Advantages: Dark Vision , Silence 1
Disadvantages: Bad Smell, Callous, Sneak Attack
Cowardice (self control 15 or less), Hard Technique
Appearance Hideous Default: prerequisite-3
Features: none Prerequisite: Any melee skill that
Skills: Brawling (DX/E) 14 [4], uses a piercing or impaling weapon.
Observation (Per/A) 13 [8], Riding The character is trained in targeting
(Wolf) (DX/A) 11 [1], Stealth (DX/A) the vital parts of an enemy and can
12 (+2/+1 due to silence) [4], use this technique (which cannot
Shortsword (DX/A) 12 [2], Steel Wire exceed the prerequisite) to do so
Garrote (DX/E) 14 [4], Sneak Attack without penalty.
(Short Sword) 12 [4]
Typical Equipment: Shortsword,
Studded Leather Armour, Garrote.

Wolf Knight [30] 1 1 1

The self-styled Wolf Knights are the
elite fighting force of the goblin tribes.
Emulating the knights of humanity,
these creatures live under the delusion
of being noble warriors. Since they are
quite good fighters when compared to
the average goblin, the rest of the tribe
refrains from pointing out their mistake.
Attributes: Str 10 [10], Dex 12 [20], Int
10 [0], HT 11 [10]
Secondary Characteristics: Damage
thrust 1d-2, swing 1d, HP 9 [2], Will 10
[0], Per 10 [0], FP 10 [0], Speed 5.0 [-5],
Move 5 [0]
Advantages: Dark Vision, Silence 1
Disadvantages: Bad Smell, Callous,
Delusions (Minor, Shiny Knight) [-5],
Cowardice (self control 15 or less),

Version 2005.11.28 - Page 5

Halfling Typical Specimens
The halfling described here is very Warrior (Militia) [31] 1
losely based on the D&D 3e Halflings, Halfling militia is not the most effective
which I do not particularly like.
fighting force but those who
Halflings are small, stout creatures, who underestimate them are in for a rude
immensely enjoy food, smoking, and surprise.
have a rather fuzzy concept of personal Attribute Modifiers: Str 9 [0], Dex 11
property. [0], Int 10 [0], HT 10 [0]
Secondary Characteristics: Damage
Racial Template [20] thrust 1d-2, swing 1d-1, HP 10 [0], Will
10 [0], Per 10 [0], FP 10 [0], Speed 5.25
Attribute Modifiers: Str -1 [-10], Dex [0], Move 5 [0], SM -1
+1 [20] Advantages: Accute Hearing 2 [0],
Secondary Characteristics Modifiers: Silence 1 [0], Luck [0]
SM -1 Disadvantages: Gluttony (self-control
Advantages: Accute Hearing 2 [4], 12 or less) [0], Increased Consumption 1
Silence 1 [5], Luck [15] (6 meals a day) [0], Overweight [0],
Disadvantages: Gluttony (self-control Nosy (Quirk) [0]
12 or less) [-5], Increased Consumption Features: none
1 (6 meals a day) [-10], Overweight [-1], Skills: Throwing (DX/A) 12 [3],
Nosy (Quirk) [-1] Connoiseur (IQ/A) 10 [0], Observation
Racially Learned Skills: Throwing (Per/A) 11 [4], Stealth (DX/A) 10
(DX/A)-1 [1], Connoiseur (IQ/A) [2] (+2/+1 due to silence) [2], Shortsword
Features: none (DX/A) 11 [2]
Typical Equipment: Shortsword,
Studded Leather Armour, Bag of Stones

Rogue [90]
While some feel that all halflings are
rogues, there are some that are even
more "roguish" than the average
halfling. The halfling rogue concentrates
on discretion rather than combat,
lacking a "sneak attack" ability
employed by creatures such as goblin

Name Attack Damage Parry/Ddge/Blck DR Notes

Warrior sword 11 1d-1 cut 8/8/NA torso 2,
or 1d-2 limbs 2,
imp head 2
stones 12 1d-1 cr
Rogue dagger 13 1d-3 9/9 (11 vs. traps)* torso 2, * Uncanny Dod-
imp /NA arms 2 ge and Uncanny
stones 14 1d-1 cr Trap Dodge

Version 2005.11.28 - Page 6

Attribute Modifiers: Str 9 [0], Dex 12
[20], Int 11 [20], HT 10 [0]
Secondary Characteristics: Damage
thrust 1d-2, swing 1d-1, HP 10 [0], Will
10 [0], Per 11 [0], FP 10 [0], Speed 5.5
[0], Move 5 [0], SM -1
Advantages: Accute Hearing 2 [0],
Silence 1 [0], Luck [0], Uncanny Dodge
[15], Uncanny Trap Dodge [15]
Disadvantages: Gluttony (self-control

Uncanny Dodge [15]

This version of uncanny dodge helps
in combat. It is in effect enhanced
dodge and does not stack with that
ability. The only reason to take this
ability is that it is a prerequisite for
Uncanny Trap Dodge.

Uncanny Trap Dodge [15]

The rogue has a sixth sense for
traps, allowing him to avoid being
hurt once a trap springs. The
Uncanny Trap Dodge grants +2 on
dodge rolls vs. traps.

12 or less) [0], Increased Consumption 1

(6 meals a day) [0], Overweight [0],
Nosy (Quirk) [0]
Features: none
Skills: Disguise IQ/A 11 (-1 due to
overweight) [2] Throwing (DX/A) 14
[7], Connoiseur (IQ/A) 10 [0],
Observation (Per/A) 12 [4], Stealth
(DX/A) 12 (+2/+1 due to silence) [4],
Knife (DX/E) 13 [2], Pickpocket
(DX/H) 10 [1]
Typical Equipment: Dagger, Leather
Armour, Bag of Stones

Version 2005.11.28 - Page 7

Hobgoblin Disadvantages: Bad Smell, Callous,
Code of Honour (Pirate's), Appearance
The taller cousins of the goblin race Hideous
share many of their superficial features Features: none
but are far more militaristic and Skills: Brawling (DX/E) 13 [4],
organized. They often sell their services Observation (Per/A) 11 [4], Riding
as mercenaries and are preferred by (Wolf) (DX/A) 11 [2], Stealth (DX/A)
some to the unreliable orcs. 10 (+2/+1 due to silence) [2],
Broadsword (DX/A) 13 [8], Shortbow
Racial Template [24] (DX/A) 12 [4], Shield (DX/E) 12 [2]
Typical Equipment: Thrusting
Attribute Modifiers: Dex +1 [20], Broadsword, Studded Leather Armour,
HT+1 [10] Short Bow, Medium Shield .
Secondary Characteristics Modifiers:
none Veteran Warrior [73] 1 1
Advantages: Dark Vision [25], Silence Attributes: Str 10 [0], Dex 11 [0], Int
1 [5] 10 [0], HT 11 [0]
Disadvantages: Bad Smell [-10], Secondary Characteristics: Damage
Callous [-5], Code of Honour (Pirate's) thrust 1d-2, swing 1d, HP 12 [4], Will
[5], Appearance Hideous [-16] 10 [0], Per 10 [0], FP 10 [0], Speed 5.75
Features: none [5], Move 5 [0]
Advantages: Dark Vision, Silence 1
Typical Specimens Disadvantages: Bad Smell, Callous,
Code of Honour (Pirate's), Appearance
Warrior [50] 1 Hideous
Features: none
Hobgoblins greatly value martial
Skills: Brawling (DX/E) 13 [4],
prowess and learn little else beyond
fighting, using goblins and other slaves Observation (Per/A) 11 [4], Riding
(Wolf) (DX/A) 12 [4], Stealth (DX/A)
to take care of the more mundane tasks.
11 (+2/+1 due to silence) [4],
Attributes: Str 10 [0], Dex 11 [0], Int
Broadsword (DX/A) 14 [12], Shortbow
10 [0], HT 11 [0]
(DX/A) 12 [4], Shield (DX/E) 14 [8]
Secondary Characteristics: Damage
Typical Equipment: Thrusting
thrust 1d-2, swing 1d, HP 10 [0], Will
Broadsword, Scale Mail, Bronze Pot
10 [0], Per 10 [0], FP 10 [0], Speed 5.5
Helm, Short Bow, Medium Shield .
[0], Move 5 [0]
Advantages: Dark Vision, Silence 1

Name Attack Damage Parry/Ddge/Blck DR Notes

Warrior Sword 13 1d+1 cut 9(11)/8(10)/11* torso 2, * values in bra-
or 1d limbs 2, ckets reflect shield
imp head 2 bonus
Bow 12 (13 1d-1
w/ acc) imp
Veteran Sword 14 1d+1 cut 9(11)/8(10)/12* torso 3, * values in bra-
Warrior or 1d limbs 4, ckets reflect shield
imp head 3 bonus
Bow 12 (13 1d-1
w/ acc) imp

Version 2005.11.28 - Page 8

Iron Maiden
Note: This creature is based on the
Mistress of Dungeon Keeper.
Half undead creature, half construct, this
sadistic creature enjoys inflicting pain
on others. While theoretically under the
control of its master, the Iron Maiden
tries to twist her orders when this allows
her to cause physical discomfort to

Iron Maiden [193] 111

Attributes: Str 16 [60], Dex 13 [60], Int
7 [-60], HT 12 [20]
Secondary Characteristics: Damage
thrust 1d+1, swing 2d+2, HP 19 [6],
Will 10 [15], Per 7 [0], FP 12 [0], Speed
6.25 [0], Move 6 [0]
Advantages: Fearlessness 3 [6], Terror
[30], Claws (Long Talons) [11],
Appearance Beautiful [12], Damage
Reduction 4 [20], Injury Tolerance
(Unliving) [20]
Disadvantages: Sadism (self-control 12
or less) [-15], Reprogrammable [-10]
Features: none
Skills: Brawling (DX/E) 16 [8], Stealth
(DX/A) 13 [2], Intimidate (Will/A) 12
Typical Equipment: none

Name Attack Damage Parry/Ddge/Blck DR Notes

Iron Claws 16 1d+1 11/9/NA all 4 unliving
Maiden imp

Version 2005.11.28 - Page 9

Orc Typical Specimens
Orcs are vile, green-skinned creatures
Warrior [11] 1
living underground. Stronger than the
average human, these foul-tempered Almost every tribe member is a warrior
beasts make a living raiding human and though many have additional skills that
elven settlements. While their inferior represent a more peaceful occupation.
intellect denies them elaborate planning, However, warfare is the only thing that
their feriocity often makes up for this orcs really excel at.
fault. Attributes: Str 14 [0], Dex 10 [0], Int 8
The main weakness of orcs, however, is [0], HT 10 [0]
their mean temper. Easily insulted and Secondary Characteristics: Damage
provoked, they tend to forget thrust 1d, swing 2d, HP 14 [0], Will 8
instructions and plans quickly under [0], Per 8 [0], FP 10 [0], Speed 5 [0],
such circumstances. Move 5 [0]
Advantages: Fearlessness 2, Dark
Disadvantages: Bad Smell, Bad
Temper (self-control 12 or less),
Callous, Appearance Hideous
Features: Night Vision 2
Skills: Brawling (DX/E) 13 [8], Knive
(DX/E) 12 [4], Observation (Per/A) 8
[2], Riding (Boar) (DX/A) 10 [2],
Stealth (DX/A) 10 [2], Two-Handed
Axe/Mace (DX/A) 12 [8],
Typical Equipment: Great Axe, Scale
Mail, Bronze Pot Helm

Racial Template [-15] Headhunter [85] 11

Orc veterans are called headhunters.
Attribute Modifiers: Str +4 [40], Int -2
These vicious fighters collect the skulls
of their slain enemies, sometimes
Secondary Characteristics Modifiers:
accumulating an impressive collection.
Attributes: Str 14 [0], Dex 11 [20], Int
Advantages: Fearlessness 2 [4], Dark
8 [0], HT 11 [10]
Vision [25]
Secondary Characteristics: Damage
Disadvantages: Bad Smell [-10], Bad
thrust 1d, swing 2d, HP 16 [4], Will 10
Temper (self-control 12 or less) [-10],
[10], Per 10 [10], FP 11 [0], Speed 5.5
Callous [-5], Appearance Hideous [-16]
[0], Move 5 [0]
Features: Night Vision 2 [0]

Name Attack Damage Parry/Ddge/Blck DR Notes

Warrior Axe 12 2d+3 cut 9U/8/NA torso 3,
limbs 4,
head 3
Head- Axe 14 2d+3 cut 10U/8/NA torso 3,
hunter limbs 4,
head 3

Version 2005.11.28 - Page 10

Advantages: Fearlessness 2, Dark
Disadvantages: Bad Smell, Bad
Temper (self-control 12 or less),
Callous, Appearance Hideous
Features: Night Vision 2 [0]
Skills: Brawling (DX/E) 14 [8], Knive
(DX/E) 13 [4], Observation (Per/A) 11
[4], Riding (Boar) (DX/A) 12 [4],
Stealth (DX/A) 12 [4], Two-Handed
Axe/Mace (DX/A) 14 [12]
Typical Equipment: Great Axe, Scale
Mail, Bronze Pot Helm, 2d skulls on

Version 2005.11.28 - Page 11

Skeleton Features: Night Vision 2
Skills: Brawling (DX/E) 14 [8], Knive
Skeletons are weak undead creatures, (DX/E) 13 [4], Observation (Per/A) 8
often used as pawns by necromancers or [2], Riding (Undead Boar) (DX/A) 11
evil priests. They are weak but due to [2], Stealth (DX/A) 11 [2], Two-Handed
their state of undeath resistant to many Axe/Mace (DX/A) 13 [8],
magical attacks such as cold. Typical Equipment: Great Axe, Scale
Mail, Bronze Pot Helm.
Skeleton is a lense which can be applied
to any other race.

Racial Template [19]

Attribute Modifiers: DX+1 [20]
Secondary Characteristics Modifiers:
Speed +0.5 [10]
Advantages: Immunity to Metabolic
Hazards [30], Injury Tolerance
(Homogenous) [40], Doesn't Breathe
[20], Doesn't Eat and Drink [10],
Doesn't Sleep [20]
Disadvantages: Automaton [-85]
Appearance Hideous [-16], Unhealing

Typical Specimens
Orc Warrior Skeleton [42] 1 1
Orcs often serve evil wizards as
henchmen. Some of them do so even
after death.
Attributes: Str 14 [0], Dex 11 [0], Int 8
[0], HT 10 [0]
Secondary Characteristics: Damage
thrust 1d, swing 2d, HP 14 [0], Will 8
[0], Per 8 [0], FP 10 [0], Speed 5.5 [0],
Move 5 [0]
Advantages: remove Fearlessness 2 [-4]

Disadvantages: remove Bad Smell, Bad

Temper (self-control 12 or less),
Callous, Appearance Hideous [+41]

Name Attack Damage Parry/Ddge/Blck DR Notes

Orc Axe 13 2d+3 cut 9U/8/NA torso 3, homogenous
Warrior limbs 4,
Skeleton head 3

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