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Rea pol history and const documents, Quas tara cantuton, theories of aw and usspruderce WEEK1 1 Kivas nota product of legisature buts document adopted and diferent inthe sense Is produced» all aw needs o conform to this lao the lard 2 years 11 months and 8 days taken to ame Rote values preserved and cried forward by other eattes “Arti 18 what te aw ‘cle 12atata Aricle S12 otizanan ‘8 Hypothetical in lass assessment 20 ‘8 Corsitstonalsm decine: deren fom const law - considered as an Kea what the const sand hal itis cugal tobe 10. What doos democraylua of aw dene 2x? Principles describing consttuionaiem {1 Principe ffdaral eat: cepartion of owas, how di these forces como tegcthor 12 Did thaes places decide to come tageher er vide provnen a inca (ncey stata) for belt saiistatin. 1 ayers of ga: caialfaderal& each and avery stale 13 India foeral principe snot embodieé wih absolute sense. separation 14 Tobe able tp alow Diurcaton of auhonty tore snoulé be non iniotang xgans separalectranches have a designate task 15. Law making procedure power wh the parkament- pariament and state: sion f power provided inconatsenedulo 7 and union Sets te law wal within the phere of power legion appearing in either House ifthe paamant only actin tet elds 18. Law making power i accorded to he lgislatre 417-Treough conn aw & jude pronouncements 18-dudciary only proncinoas law 19. Exooutvot dictate the aw ura vee (outside) acon is takon pace - wl never eretoor act ‘utsde te law which has been created -comptiion aw = CCl procedure inthe act deter acting Ui ves=volaton of valid aw 20. Conflicting provision uv viesvelate of prncples 22. India framed economy on beng a federl sae nine towards central: vided bw union ard Stato got: cncuren et config unable of being harmonious) harmonious ierprotaon conta law wilake precedence 22. Anyfing ntistd nthe const ramowork-.nferseen potential 23. Article 248: has the residual power to make ary law fr any law not delineate o ‘ne pariament 24. \const has a federal tendencies but a centalisd theories 25. Framework taken for Canada they hac @consttion in? 28 India has a lengiest const but also a bag of boronngs = tken from other prevaling const 3. Emergencies . Single citizenship 27 Plethora of amencment fences aly reveal on exseuton| 28. Dyramic changed wih sci 28. Living breatnngdoctne-ve and organiorigd but equally fete fr aterng it accorcing tothe needs of te society 30. Supreme law ofthe land has been changed mutipe times 31. Took at the censty and quality is whether fo change too flebleortecon appalled ts cizens dees nat havea strong Foot ands quoston) or ait 132. Quasi faders consuton sical power of 2atn november 1849 passed adopted 2tn january 1950 came ito efoc-exersabe inthe cout ot aw Read pol histor and const documents, Quas federal coniuton, theories of aw and uisprudencs 1. Repercussions of he est naa company - when we atin attendance wo, the people should have onsttutonal arangemerts making nai a soveregn sate 2, The onstvuentassomby sa fra total of 2 yeas 11 months 18 days crafting tine 3. Document entaling const prncpts on which const adopted 4, Sexgans ofthe goverment designated tatktoderal govt dvsloniseperation of powers 2. Logislatze Yaw making) Executive (acinistative rele, ministers and pale) © siciny (guardian or retoctor ef the cons) Ipeiavepriviles ara spoiled and interpreted 4. Quasi federal untaryin spirt.india does rot have federaism as federal counties have SCHEDULE VI-UNION STATE AND CONCURRENT LIST ©. amonious operation in case of oni supromacy athe union aw 5. Structure i ne most impetant eloment: why oi he legate not oat ho const? Every sr ‘word can make adifaronce inthe spit the inns have given the const to ourseles-poopl of independent nda elect representa 305 artes row VlxIl SCHEDULES NOW ‘Clause 18F OF RIGHT TO PROPERTY before the removal under the land acquisition regime can ‘he state take land was contested. 19, Alan can bo PUBLIC OR PRIVATE cons ai publc and alc administrative 10. Gives A orzontal anda verte! roiatonship whore I deals wth eitzone and sighs part 3 FR. rescue whan thee is a vilation -lgilaton chou vise 13 11, Amending procedure «nots par of ylbis 12 Flexbty OF const? 18. Law is presumed to be constutionaly vaé because artt3 exists and here meat be possi not ‘ety te pariarnt with never wight thenent of curbing FR change te aw 14 Arti 12 FR cant be exercised against privat individual ony valle agains a stato boy 15. Whats a pinosle qovering decing whalhor ts a sata a not? Test 16, rt 13 Judea review: potntalfooing ef vation of gh by tho legiaturenocessarly or ‘execution ele of exacuin of flowing the lear of the law and implarering and misinterprt or ‘sapped law impairing ihe {7.dRof acon: ADWIN LAW arising out of the exocutva how to taka care of ho rights a. CONSTITUTIONALISNt philosophy, blo tho theory tat const tho euprome lw doa ‘weal a consti canbe -nom that we falked about 8 & C combined any deals wth powers but ‘what about imits? Absolut power and uncontllee power lads to abirarness and omuption- against ro understanding of constutenalsm LIMITED OR LIMITATION ON. GOVT ART 13 REFLECTS -snoua have tose pinpos fr consttutonalsm nla does have his | Rule of aw can also reste: separation of powers «no irerterence and Independence wateright compartments executive wl neve make al . Constutenal la: attempt to realise consttsiona, jude irerpreation of he law, eombnaten of docines and ‘aos developed trough aw THE CONSTITUTION: document wtih aye dou the qualfletion and powers of the ‘executive branches- whe can do what 18. Removal of 370, 10. Cart apply 1 piece wl obers 20. Magna carta coe 2 the fst bil 1215 keeping its foundations FR have evolved. protest against king jh agent tis: sgnedn unnymede in lnonfolowing his developments of early onsttuion 21. 1947-49 while was beng tamed

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