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Ch 1 The story of Village Palampur

1. What is Palampur?
2. What is the main activity of Palampur? What else on limited scale?
3. What type of resources do they need?
4. Tell about Palampurs connections.
5. What is a big village near Palampur and by how much?
6. Tell another village and how it is connected. How big or small that town is?
7. What kind of transport system is visible?
8. What is loaded with what?
9. How many families? How many upper caste?
10. Who own the majority of land?
11. How are their houses?
12. What is the pop of SC(dalit)?
13. Where do they live and in which houses?
14. Most of the houses have_____.
15. What does it power and where is it used?
16. How many schools or what are the education facilities?
17. What are the health facilities?
18. Palampur has fairly well developed system of _____,____,____,_____,____ and ________,
19. What are the non farm activities?
20. What is the aim of production?
21. What is the first requirement?
22. What is the second requirement? That is who? What do some require and what do others
23. What is the third requirement? That is?
24. What is fixed capital?
25. What do Tools and machines range from?
26. What is working capital?
27. Unlike tools,machines and buildings _____ are used up in production.
28. What is the fourth requirement? Why do we need them and to produce what?
29. What is factors of production?
30. ________ of the people in Palampur who are working are dependent on farming.
31. What they could be?
32. What is related to of the people to what?
33. What is the constraint?
34. Since when, there has been no expand?
35. By then what had been done?
36. The standard unit of measuring land is what? What are the local units?
37. How much is on hectare?
38. What part of India would Palampur resemble?
39. What is the narrative of the chapter based on?
40. During which season farmer grow jowar and bajra?
41. What are they used for?
42. What is it followed by and when?
43. In which season, the fields are sown with wheat?
44. What do farmers do of the wheat production? Name the village.
45. A part of land area is also devoted to ______ which is harvested when?
46. Where is it sold and in which form?
47. How are farmers able to grow three different crops?
48. What came early ? What was its impact?
49. What was used before it? How?
50. What did people see after electricity?
51. What were installed by govt?
52. What happened soon?
53. As a result by when the _________ _________ area of _________ was irrigated.
54. What are the well irrigated parts of India?
55. What have low levels of irrigation?
56. Of the total irrigated area in the country how much is irrigated today?
57. In the _____ farming is dependent on what?
58. What is multiple cropping?
59. What is the most common way of increasing production?
60. All farmers grow atleast ________ crops. Many are growing _____ in the past _______ to
61. What is the other way of increasing production?
62. How is yield measured?
63. Till when, the ____ used in cultivation were traditional ________, with _______ ________
64. What was used as fertilizer?
65. For whom was this available?
66. What in the ______ introduced the Indian farmer to cultivation of _______ and _____ using
67. What did it promise?
68. What was the result?
69. What did they need?
70. How was higher yield possible?
71. Who were the first to try modern farming methods?
72. What did they set up and made use of what?
73. What did some buy? How were they rewarded?
74. The yield of wheat from traditional variety was _____ per hectare grew to ____ per hectare.
75. What did farmers have now?
76. Table
77. Which resource is land and why should we careful?
78. What do scientific reports indicate?
79. In many areas GR is associated with what and why?
80. Continuous use of what has led to what?
81. What are built over the years and how can we restore them?
82. Why should we take care of the environment?
83. What do chemical fertilizers provide?
84. But what happens to them?
85. How do they pollute groundwater and what more?
86. What does CF kill?
87. The consumption of CR is highest in______.
88. What are the Punjab farmers forced?
89. The contin use of CR has led to the ________ of _________ _____.
90. What does this mean?
91. In palampur how many families are landless? Most of them are what?
92. How many cultivate small plots of land of how much?
93. How much income does it give?
94. When Who was a farmer of land of _____ hactares largely unirrigated.
95. How did he cultivate?
96. How did the family manage?
97. How much plot does each has? What has happened due to it?
98. Half of the village is covered with plots ____ in size.
99. How many families who cultivate more than how much land?
100. How many are the large ones?
101. Farmind requires _________-.
102. Who cultivate their own field?
103. So what do they provide?
104. Who hire who for labour?
105. Who are these people?
106. Unlike whom, farm labourers do not have what?
107. How are they paid? In what form?
108. How does it vary?
109. Which kind of wide variation is present? Like how?
110. Who is a landless farm labourer who works how?
111. What is the minimum wage set by govt but how much does he get and hwy?
112. Name a large farmer.What did he buy?
113. Read all images and cartoons.
114. What are the villages in north bihar? Out of ___ household in the two villages, there are
more than _____ who are employed in ____ and _____ or in ____,_____,_______,_______ or
______.. What is it called and how common is it?
115. What is the capital needed in farming?
116. Name a small farmer. What does she plan?
117. Besides what she needs cash to buy what and what?
118. How much money does she estimate?
119. As she doesn’t have the money, what does she decide to do?
120. How did he agree? At what wage,
121. The harvest time is a ____ time.
122. How many children does she have?
123. Why does she agree?
124. In contrast to small farmers large farmers have what?
125. Among the factors of production which is the most abundant factor?
126. What do the farmers do of the wheat?
127. Small farmers lillke who have little surplus, why?
128. Who supply wheat in the market?
129. Who , where buy wheat and sell it further where?
130. Name a large farmer and his surplus?
131. Where does he sell all that?
132. What does Tejpal do of the money?
133. What does Tejpal plan this year?
134. How large and small farmers are able to arrange capital for their next farm activity?
135. Where do some farmers may use the money?
136. What is a common activity in many families of palampur?
137. What do people feed their buffaloes?
138. Where is the milk sold?
139. Who have set up chilling centres where for what?
140. What is an example of small scale activity in palampur? How many? How unlike?
141. How are they carried out and what is rare?
142. What has mishrilal bought?
143. How was it done back then?
144. What does Mishrilal also do?
145. How does he make a profit?
146. How many people are involved in trade?
147. Who are the trader of palampur?
148. How can we see them?
149. A few families whose houses are close to the bus stand do what?
150. Who has opened computer classes? Why?
151. Whom did he hire? What did he buy and where did he set all that. Who attends?
152. Which is a fast developing sector?
153. On which road are there many vehicles?
154. Name many. What do they do. How many people are involved?
155. Who is Kishora? What was difficult for him? What did he do some years back?
156. What was it under?
157. What did he do with the money? How does he earn money?
158. What else has he done to earn money?
159. What does he do once a week? Or sometimes, what does he do?
160. Every month Kishora gets _______. What is the result?

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