Shift Register Work Project Final Report

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Green University of Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Faculty of Sciences and Engineering

Semester: (Fall, Year : 2023) , B.Sc. in CSE (Day)


Course Title: Computer Architecture

Course Code: CSE -211 Section: PC-213_DA

Lab Project Name : How Shift register work.

Student Details

Name ID

1. Erfat Jahan Jassika 213902063

Submission Date : 22 – 06 – 2023

Course Teacher’s Name : Mr. Mahbubur Rahman

[For Teachers use only:Don’t Write Anything inside this box]

Project Report Status

Marks: ………………………………… Signature:.....................
Comments:.............................................. Date:..............................
1.1 Introduction

A shift register is a sequential logic circuit that is commonly used in digital systems for the
purpose of storing and shifting data. It consists of a series of flip-flops connected in a chain,
where each flip-flop can store one bit of information.

1.2 Objective
The objective of the shift register lab project can be summarized in the following five points:

• Understand the working principle of a shift register in digital systems.

• Learn how to interface a shift register with a microcontroller, such as Arduino.
• Gain hands-on experience in constructing a circuit using a shift register chip, LEDs,
resistors, and jumper wires.
• Explore the concept of sequential logic and data storage.
• Develop the ability to control multiple outputs using a serial data transfer technique,
enabling efficient use of microcontroller pins.

1.3 Using Field

Shift registers find applications in various fields. Here are five real-life examples of their usage:
• Serial Communication: Shift registers are commonly employed in serial communication
protocols such as SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) and I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) to transmit
and receive data between microcontrollers, sensors, and other peripheral devices.
• LED Displays: Shift registers are utilized to control large arrays of LEDs in applications like
scoreboards, advertising displays, and electronic signage. They enable efficient control of
multiple LEDs with a reduced number of microcontroller pins.
• Data Storage and Memory: Shift registers can be used in memory applications where data needs
to be stored and retrieved in a serial manner. They are employed in various memory devices,
including shift register-based random access memory (SRAM) and serial EEPROMs
(Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory).
• Shift and Load Registers: Shift registers are utilized in shift and load register applications,
where they are used to perform serial-to-parallel or parallel-to-serial data conversions. This is
commonly seen in applications such as data acquisition, parallel data processing, and signal
• Industrial Control Systems: Shift registers play a crucial role in industrial control systems,
where they are used for tasks like conveyor belt control, process monitoring, and sequential
control of operations. They allow for the efficient management and synchronization of various
processes and signals in industrial environments.

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2.1 Block Diagram
The pinout of the 74595 8 bit parallel chip is shown below, so that we can see how to connect it
in the circuit.

Figure 1 : 74595 IC

2.2 How shift register work

Figure 2 : How it’s work.

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2.3 Components

The components needed for this project are.

● Breadboard.
● 74595 IC .
● 330 ohm resistor.
● 10 k. ohm resistor.
● 5mm LED.
● 9V battery.
● Push switch
● Some connection wires.

3.1 Simulation Environment/ Simulation Procedure

To implement the shift register lab project, follow these steps:

• Gather the required components: Obtain a breadboard, a 74HC595 shift register chip, LEDs,
resistors (around 220 ohms), and jumper wires. Additionally, you’ll need an Arduino or any
microcontroller board.
• Connect the circuit: Refer to the circuit connections mentioned earlier and carefully connect
the components on the breadboard. Ensure proper connections between the shift register,
LEDs, resistors, and the microcontroller.
• Power up the circuit: Connect the power supply (5V) to the VCC and GND pins of the shift
register. Power up the Arduino/microcontroller board.
• Observe the LED pattern: Once the code is uploaded and the circuit is powered, you should
see the LEDs light up one by one, shifting from right to left at a 500ms interval. Observe and
verify the expected LED pattern and the shift register’s functioning.

By following these steps, you will successfully implement the shift register lab project.
Remember to double-check the circuit connections, code, and power supply to ensure everything
is properly set up. This project will provide hands-on experience with shift registers and help
solidify your understanding of their working principle and applications.

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The full circuit in tinkercad has been shown below

Figure 3 : Implementation on Tinkercad store 00000000

Figure 4 : Implementation on Physically store 00000000

3.2 Costing

a. Breadboard = 100 taka

b. 7400 NAND gate =20 taka
c. 330 ohm resistor = 5 taka

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d. 6.8 k.ohm resistor = t taka
e. Photo-resistor = 30 taka
f. 5mm LED = 5 taka
g. 9V battery = 40 taka
h. Some connection wires = 10 taka.

3.3 Results Output

Figure 5 : store 00111000

Figure 6 : when we 2- right shift 00111000 to 00001110 (new store )

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Figure 4 : Implementation on Physically store 11111111

4. 1 Discussions
The shift register lab project provides a practical way to understand the working principle of shift
registers. By constructing a circuit with a shift register chip, LEDs, and a microcontroller, such
as Arduino, participants can observe how data is stored and shifted. The project also highlights
the advantages of using shift registers for efficient control of multiple outputs with minimal pins.
Additionally, the project encourages exploration of sequential logic, data storage, and
applications such as serial communication, LED displays, data storage, and industrial control

4.2 Conclusion
In conclusion, the shift register lab project serves as a valuable hands-on experience to
comprehend the functionality and applications of shift registers. By constructing the circuit and
observing the data storage and shifting process, participants gain a practical understanding of
sequential logic and its role in digital systems. The project highlights the benefits of using shift
registers for efficient control of multiple outputs. Overall, this project enhances knowledge in
electronics, microcontroller interfacing, and lays the foundation for further exploration of
advanced digital circuits and applications.

5. Reference

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