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2006-2007 Kankakee County

4-H & Volunteer Recognition Banquet November 18, 2007 Tuscany Steak and Pasta House Manteno

Order of Events
Welcome......Tim Yohnka Pledge to Flags....Sara Smietanski Moment of Reflection......Mallory Boomsma DinnerTuscany Steak & Pasta House Announcements....Joyce Goodwin Installation of 2007-2008 4-H Federation Officers......Jacqueline Boomsma, Kaylle Dodds, Amy Lorenz President.......Tim Yohnka, SR Vice-President .... Mallory Boomsma, SAS Secretary..Kelly Rivard, SR Treasurer..Andrew Basham, CA Reporter.Marguerite Hesser, HHH Recreation Chairman..Edward Hesser, HHH Parliamentarian...................................................Sara Smietanski, SAS The installation service for the Kankakee County 4-H Federation Officers is their chance to pledge to work hard for everyone involved in the Kankakee County 4-H program. The Kankakee County 4-H Federation officers are representatives of all county 4-Hers.

Introduction of Guests....Beth LaPlante University of Illinois Extension Kankakee County Staff Members Beth LaPlante Extension Director Chelsey Byers Unit Educator, Adult Life & Aging Donna Nuger Unit Educator, Youth Development James Theuri Unit Educator, Ag & Natural Resources Joyce Goodwin Community Worker 4-H & Youth Holly Froning Youth & FNP Janet Moody Youth & FNP Laura Halbach FNP Rhonda Legan Master Gardener Coordinator Shona Dionne, Debbie Gaffield, Marsha Kerschke Secretaries Janice Blanchette, Debra Koch, Judy Lemenager Extra Help Camp Shaw-Waw-Nas-See ReportSusan Crisp

Message from Sponsors....Joyce Goodwin Kankakee County 4-H Federation ......Tim Yohnka Heritage FS Board Members David Meyer, Mark OConnor, Dana Robinson, Keith Yohnka, Brian Zelhart Kankakee County Farm Bureau Board Members Stephen Benoit, Sterling Bouchard, Michael Bourgeois, Brian Dandurand Charles Grotevant, Marty Joyce, Patrick Joyce, Paula Karlock, Keith Mussman, Jason OConnor, Duane Oosterhoff, Gary Paarlberg, Bret Perreault, Gene Rademacher, Greg St. Aubin, John Whitten, Kevin Yohnka Kankakee County 4-H/Youth FoundationWilliam VanWassenhove Members Ken Allers, Ron Asher, Chuck Baker, Christopher Basham, Joseph Benoit, Paula Benoit, Mike Bossert, Agnes Boulger, Edward Boulger, Carole Franke, Lyn Grandt, Melissa Grider, Mike Hartman, Scott Jensen, Jerry Lorenz, Kim Lorenz, Jay Richie, Tammy Richie, Melisa Saathoff, Nick Saathoff, Linda Stockbar, William VanWassenhove, Lorraine Wildman First National Bank of Grant Park VanDrunen Farms, Kevin VanDrunen Tribute to Leaders.Kelly Rivard Introduction of Youth Program Committee Members...Marguerite Hesser Introduction of 4-H Awards & Incentives Committee ..Andy Basham Recognition of Other Extension Programs Utilizing Volunteers..........Donna Nuger Kankakee County Ag Expo Committee (Kids Day at the Farm, Ag Expo at Farmers Market, Kankakee County Fair informational exhibit) Theatre Camp Mary Alyce Householter Camp Clover Lisieux Center, Rehoboth Church in Pembroke, The Resource Center Welcome to the Real World (Kankakee High School) Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents (Kankakee Co. 4-H Judging Events) Window Display Judges Trophy Donors Master Gardeners 4-H Workshop Volunteers 4-H Livestock Auctioneers 3

Recognition of Special Award Winners Club Awards....Christopher & Christina Basham Illinois 4-H Standards of Excellence for 4-H Group Winners Window Display Winner Get Up & Move Award Community Service Awards Dairy Promotion Awards Outstanding Secretary Awards Outstanding Treasurer Award Outstanding Reporter/Scrapbook Awards Awesome Achiever Awards .......Amy Lorenz Clothing Awards..Kaylee Dodds County Demonstration/Public Speaking Awards..... Amy Lorenz . Conservation AwardKaylee Dodds Showman of Showmen...Andy Frerichs Livestock Judging Team Accomplishments.Dan Hamilton, Alex Benoit, Andy Frerichs Beef Awards. Steve Courville Kankakee County 4-H/Youth Foundation Scholarship Winners ...William VanWassenhove 1996 William VanWassenhove 1997 Christina Bretveld, Amy Meyer 1998 Dawn Allers, Larry Smith, Adam Viall, William VanWassenhove 1999 Dawn Allers, Jolene Chappell, Melissa Burwell, Becky Meyer 2000 Christina Bretveld, Michelle Johnson, Josh Houberg, Alyssa Grosso 2001 Kathy Seimetz, Sarah Schwark, Elizabeth Erickson, Christina Bretveld, Sarah Viall 2002 Ashley Evans, Jessica Duval, Katherine ODonnell, Christina Bretveld, Kathryn Gray 2003 Damian Adams, Timothy Basham, Annette Carlin, Sara Houberg, Amy Lorenz, Karla Jo Seimetz, Katie Sula 2004 Kristen Burwell, Michelle Hertz, Elizabeth Kacmar, Amy Lorenz, Justin Moritz, Katherine ODonnell, Katie Sula, Claire Viall 2005 Bradley Adams, Kristen Burwell, Brian Down, Michelle Hertz, Brian Jacobson, Justin Moritz, Brennan OConnor, Sarah Schwark 2006 Julia Brooks, Rachel Hamende, Charlotte Hanson, Brian Jacobson, Adam Moritz, Jennifer ODonnell, Jessica White, Laura Yohnka 2007 Clayton Abbott, Bradley Adams, Matthew Hogan, Jill Jacobson, Tera Moritz, 4

Chad OConnor, Drew Wright, Laura Yohnka The Kankakee County 4-H/Youth Foundation was formed for the purpose of promoting the educational opportunities for participation in 4-H and youth activities in Kankakee County. To help with this promotion, the Foundation offers scholarships. Among the criteria for the scholarship: 1. Applicants should have participated in 4-H & Youth programs in Kankakee County conducted by the Kankakee Unit of the University of Illinois, 2. Applicant is pursuing a stated degree or certificate program. County Awards..Joyce Goodwin General Records My 4-H Activities Planning for My Project Adventure (Ages 8-11) Illinois 4-H Project Plan (Ages 12-14) Illinois Project Goals and Evaluations (Ages 15-18) Livestock Records Beef Rate of Gain Booklet Optional County Award Form County Medal Winners (Must have 75 points and be twelve years of age to win award) 4-Her may win in more than one area. Medals may be applied for in these areas: Achievement (All 4-H project work, leadership and community service) Animal Science (Beef, Cat, Dairy, Dog, Goat, Horse & Pony, Poultry, Rabbit, Sheep, Small Pets, Swine and Veterinary Science) Community Involvement & Global Awareness (Citizenship & Intercultural) Environment & Natural Resources (Camping & Outdoor Living, Conservation, Entomology, Forestry, Geology, Natural Resources) Food, Nutrition & Health (All Foods & Nutrition & Health - Physical and Mental) Home & Family (Child Development, Intergenerational, Family Relations, Clothing, Consumer Education & Interior Design) Mechanics & Technology (Aerospace, Bicycle, Computer, Electricity, SafetyAll areas, Small Engines, Tractor & Woodworking) Personal Development (Communication, Photography, Visual Arts, Leadership, Recreation & Theater Arts) Plants & Soils (Plant and Soil Science, Crops and Soils & Horticulture) Key Award....Jacqueline Boomsma 1. Nominees should be at least a junior in high school. 2. Proof of nominees meeting award requirements should be in written form. 3. Nominee must meet Leadership Standards, listed in Clover, for 2 years to receive Key Award. The Leadership Standards are: 1. Establish plans for members project and report on project to leader. 2. Attend at least two-thirds of club meetings. 3. Share project experience by giving a talk or demonstration or making an exhibit. 4. Serve on club committee or hold a club office. 5. Take part in a community service activity or in a community activity related to members project. 5

6. Assist leaders with a special club activity, tour, or program. 7. Participate in one or more learning experiences at the county, regional, or state level. 8. Provide leadership for a project, activity, or 4-H group. 9. Help conduct programs at the local level or beyond. 10. Meet the above items for a minimum of two years, and submit county records for the same two year period. I Dare You Award Winners...Kaylee Dodds, Amy Lorenz The I Dare You award is made available each year by the American Youth Foundation in cooperation with 4-H leaders and County Advisers across the country. The award was first offered in 1941 by William H. Danforth, founder of the Ralston Purina Co in St. Louis, who dared young people to achieve their highest potential, and to influence others through lives of service. The Award takes its name from the book I Dare You, written by Mr. Danforth, in which he commends the balanced life of mental, physical, social, and spiritual development as the backbone of leadership. Leader/Junior Leader Recognition.......Janet Moody & Donna Nuger Junior Leaders One Year Leaders Five Year Leaders Ten Year Leaders Thirty Year Leaders Valued Volunteer Program Recognition.Donna Nuger 4-H Alumni Award..Kelly Rivard , Tim Yohnka Friend of 4-H Award...Cindy Harris Closing..Edward Hesser Door Prizes..Sara Smietanski

Door prizes will be given throughout the evening, compliments of the Kankakee County 4-H Federation and participating 4-H clubs. Winners must be present. Thank you to all the volunteers, 4-H Awards & Incentives Committee Members, and Kankakee County 4-H Federation members, who helped make tonight a successful event!

Important Information Award Winners Booklet An Award Winners Booklet listing all the awards and the recipients has been prepared. There is one for every family. Please pick this booklet up as you leave. This will help the awards presentation go faster and smoother. Enrollment The enrollment deadline for all animal projects (cats, dogs, small pets, large animals) is January 1, 2008. Animal Ownership dates vary by species. A revised sheet is being prepared. Each family will receive a copy. The Kankakee County 4-H Livestock Enrollment and Ownership Information sheet will also be posted on the county website. When completing required enrollment/re-enrollment forms please sure these forms are completely filled out and signed. These forms should be turned in to the main club leaders as soon as possible. Enrollment information may be turned in at any time. April 1st is the FINAL deadline. Any additions /corrections may be made until April 1. A final check of individual 4-H members enrollment should be done with the main club leader prior to judging events that begin in June. 4-H Beef Weigh-in & Tattooing 4-H Beef animals will be weighed and tattooed on Saturday, February 2, 2008 at the Kankakee County Fairgrounds from 8 am to 11 am. 4-H Beef Department Essay Contest Topics for the 2007-2008 4-H Beef Department Essay Contest will be announced at a later date. Watch for this information in a future 4-H Newsletter and also on the county website. If you have honestly read this complete booklet to this point, please see Joyce Goodwin for a small prize. Records Many of the Kankakee County 4-H records may be found on the county website. Copies of Kankakee County 4-H records for all 4-Hers have been included in the club packets that main club leaders pick up at 4-H Recognition Night. Extension staff, and 4-H Awards and Incentives Committee members, ask that leaders pass these records out to each 4-H member. 4-H members ask your leader for these records. If you have any questions about filling out 4-H records, ask your leaders, call the Extension Office, ask a member of the 4-H Awards and Incentives Committee, or ask one of this years outstanding record winners. Begin working on 4-H records now. Dont wait until the last minute!

Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter Individual 4-H records are to be turned in by the main club leader to the Extension Office the last part of August. At the same time, 4-H Club Secretary & Treasurer Books are to be turned in. If a club has done a scrapbook, it is to be turned in at this time also. In order for a 4-H club to be enrolled in the current 4-H year, the club must turn in a club Treasurer Book or Indication of Financial Activity Statement for the past year. Kankakee County 4-H Federation Meetings 4-Hers who are 12 years old, or older, or are at least in 7th grade, are welcome to attend Kankakee County 4-H Federation meetings, and be active members of this group. Meetings are held the second Monday of every month at the University of Illinois Extension Office. One purpose of Kankakee County 4-H Federation is to participate in activities to promote 4-H and Extension. Federation also works on leadership activities, participates in county, regional, and state activities, and learns how events are put together. Community Service projects are ongoing activities. Kankakee County 4-H Federation is a great way to make friends from other parts of the county, and to learn how large group activities are planned, and happen. Volunteer Applications Process The County Extension Office is required to have a Volunteer Application Form, Authorization for Background Check Form, and a State Police Check on file, for each volunteer who works with youth. These Forms must be filled out completely. Where references are listed, complete addresses are required. For a volunteer applicant to be enrolled as a volunteer, two (2) positive references must be returned to the Extension Office. These forms must be updated every five years. All re-enrollment forms were marked if Volunteer Forms need to be updated, and new Volunteer Applications were attached. If you have not filled out the Volunteer Forms, please contact the Extension Office immediately. All 4-H Leaders, Jr. Leaders, Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Committee Members, Livestock Judging Coordinators, etc. must have a completed Volunteer Form on file in the Extension Office. Kankakee County Website The Kankakee County Website has information and forms about many 4-H & Youth Programs. Please look at this website. If you have any questions please call the Extension Office and ask for Donna Nuger, Joyce Goodwin, or Debbie Gaffield. Unit Extension Office Closed The Kankakee County Extension Office will be closed December 24, 2007 through January 1, 2008. 4-H Livestock enrollments are due in the Extension Office by January 1, 2008, so be sure and have the forms turned in to the Main Club Leader. They must be postmarked by December 31. Happy Holidays! Thank You We would like to thank everyone who helped with the 4-H & Youth programs in Kankakee County. Your service and dedication is greatly appreciated! 8

2006-2007 Leaders List

* Main Club Leaders

All Around Kids *Margaret Cote Bonfield Handy Helpers LuAnn Love Rita Overacker *Lorraine Wildman Ronald Wildman Cabery Specials *Cynthia Harris Marcia Hills Dorreen Winterroth Chebanse Ag John Adams Thomas Basham *Barb Hanson Thomas Hanson, Sr. County South Beef Joseph Benoit Paula Benoit Garden of Prayer Warriors *Barbara Soucy Grant Park LL SS Ronda Graf Judy Helms *Jerry Lorenz Kimberly Lorenz Herscher Hustlers *Jane Schwark Van Schwark Vanessa Schwark Duane Wright Kendra Wright Hortense Husbandman *Ida Thurman John Thurman John Thurman, II Joseph Thurman KC-HEY *Annette Colbert William Colbert Michelle Cooper Cindy Hannay Stephen Hannay Brigitt Jump Kirsten Lathrop Kimberly Lowe Dawn Mattson Gregory Mattson Melody Reed Amy Wagner Bridget Wissmiller Kids With Kids *Julie Radtke Lynn Wilkening Georgette Wyatt Les Petite Dragons *Carolyn Blanchette Donna Hamende Limestone Leaders *Bonnie Buckley DJ Papineau Limestone STP Francis Cordes Kimberly Glassford *John Williams

Leslee Schafer Trisha Sprimont Sky Raiders Manteno Best Pioneers Jacob Lanoue *Lois Meyer Ronald Meyer Melissa Saathoff Linda Viall Momence Troopers Catherine Abbott Charles Burwell Phyllis Burwell Cindy Graf Melissa Grider *Doreen Lagacy Newcomers Sandra Erickson *Judy McKinstry Reddick Rascals Christopher Denault *Susan Denault Reddick Town & Country *Sheryl Brooks Karen Chipman Christopher Denault Susan Denault Judy Forneris Amy Hertz Pauline Hoffman Melinda Hogan Larry Houberg Valinda King Vicki Mahoney Karen OBrien Jennifer ODonnell Katie ODonnell Patricia ODonnell Cleo Raiolo Keith Yohnka *Kim Yohnka St Anne Sprouts Jacqueline Boomsma Charell Clement Deborah Clement *Rebecca Williams St George Dragons Debra Belske Carolyn Blanchette *Janice Blanchette Donna Hamende Traci Mussman Joseph Turner Roxanne Turner Wee Wonders Cindy Hannay *Brigitt Jump


2006-2007 4-H Committees

4-H Ag
John Adams, Carroll Basham, Janice Blanchette, Lon Brown, Francis Cordes, Lorne Cordes, Patricia Farman, Ron Hooper, Scott Jensen, Gary Kohl, Lois Meyer, Phil Moritz, Julie Radtke, Jay Richie, Mike Wallace

4-H Awards and Incentives

John Adams, Janice Blanchette, Phyllis Burwell, Judy McKinstry

4-H Horse Projects

Sue Colehower, Francis Cordes, Ron Hooper, Roxanne Hooper, Jane Schwark, Cindy Stowe. All members and leaders enrolled in 4-H Horse Projects are members of this committee.

4-H Livestock Auction

John Adams, Joseph Benoit, Todd Boicken, Lon Brown, Francis Cordes, Steve Courville, Gary Kohl, Lois Meyer, Brian Murphy, Julie Radtke, Mike Wallace, Merle Witheft

4-H Projcets
Janice Blanchette, Annette Colbert, Margaret Cote, Patsy Lanoue, Jean Lowey, Peggy Regas, Nora Unger, Lorraine Wildman, Kim Yohnka

4-H Showman of Showmen

Todd Boicken, Lois Meyer, Nick Saathoff, Darrin Schultz

Kankakee County Ag Expo

Holly Froning, Joyce Goodwin, Lisa Habeeb, Dave Malone, Donald Marcotte, JD Marquis, Chad Miller, Pat Mombrun, Louis Mombrun, Keith Mussman, Melba Novack, Alex Panozzo, Don Schafer, Rick White

Kankakee County 4-H Fair Superintendents

John Adams Sheep; Janice Blanchette Small Pets; Lon Brown Swine; Francis Cordes Rabbits; Steve Courville Beef & Beef Rate-of-Gain; Patricia Farman Dogs; Ron Hooper Horse; Roger Johnston Pork Premiere; Lois Meyer Dairy; Julie Radtke Goats; Mike Wallace Poultry; Kevin Yohnka Small Engines/Garden Tractor Rodeo; Kim Yohnka Cats

Kankakee County 4-H Fair Assistant Superintendents

Damian Adams Sheep; Jeff Adams Sheep; Myra Buza Dogs & Horses; Maureen Chappell Dogs; Sue Colehower Horses; Edythe Cuprys Poultry; Eugene Evans Swine; Tom Hanson Sr. Rabbits; Mike Hemp Dairy; Bill Hertz Beef; Dale Heidemann Sheep; Roxanne Hooper Horse; Scott Jensen Rabbits; Brennan OConnor Swine; Jodi Residori Rabbits; Nick Saathoff Beef; Brent Strawson Beef; Dave Sargeant Beef; Shawn Unger Beef; William VanWassenhove Beef; Mike Wallace Rabbits; Rick White Swine; Ronald Wildman Small Engines/Garden Tractor Rodeo; Rebecca Williams Cats; Keith Yohnka Rabbits

2006-2007 Extension Committees


Kankakee County Extension Council

Jackie Boomsma, Mallory Boomsma, Annette Colbert, Francis Cordes, Steve Curren, Jr., Dianne Doss, Lucy James, Scott Jensen, Chad Kalecki, Dirk Langfoss, Kelli Ryenolds, Michael Roof, Nancy Spice, Ida Thurman, John Thurman, Virginia Tummelson, Larry Williams

Kankakee County Extension Board

Extension Council Members :Annette Colbert, Francis Cordes ,Scott Jensen, Virginia Tummelson Kankakee County Board Members: Ruth Barber, Steve Liehr, Ralph Red Marcotte,

Ag Program Committee
Bob Gotkowski, Russ Higgins, Rich Howell, John Lilienthal, Alex Panozzo, Ellen Phillips, David Surprenant, Brad Weber

Family Life Committee

Liz Deck, Carole Franke, Janet Glidden, Lucy James, Karl Kruse, Tracy Shoup, Virginia Tummelson

Child Care Conference Committee

Delphine Gordon, Marianne Heinzl, Roxanne Hooper, Lucy James, Sylvia Koenig, Jane Luedtke, Mary Noble, Tamara Notter, Diana Parker

Steve Curren, Jr., Dennis Dickman, JoAnn Dickman, Jane Johnson, Merrill Marxman, Chad Miller, Alex Panozzo, Irene Seals, Nancy Spice, Ida Thurman, John Thurman, Randall Vaughn, Larry Williams, Larry Wilson

Youth Program Committee

Caroll Basham, Annette Colbert, Francis Cordes, Pat Farman, Cindy Harris, Michael Hartman, Scott Jensen, Gary Kohl, Traci Mussman, Cleo Raiolo, Jane Schwark, Ron Strawson

Kankakee County 4-H/Youth Foundation Ken Allers, Ron Asher, Chuck Baker, Christopher Basham, Joseph Benoit, Paula Benoit, Mike Bossert, Agnes Boulger, Edward Boulger, Carole Franke, Lyn Grandt, Melissa Grider, Mike Hartman,Scott Jensen, Jerry Lorenz, Kim Lorenz, Jay Richie, Tammy Richie, Melisa Saathoff, Nick Saathoff, Linda Stockbar, William VanWassenhove, Lorraine Wildman Expansion and Review Committee Christina Basham, Mallory Boomsma, Jackie Boomsma, Carole Franke, Marguerite Hesser, Mollyann Hesser, Nora Unger


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