2024 C-X E-1 Writings Dialogues

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1st Term Exam-2024

Class: X
English 1st Paper
a. About pastime between two friends.
Tania : Hello, Anusha! How are you?
Anusha : I’m fine. And you?
Tania : I’m fine too. Anusha, what happens? You’ve sports trousers, T-shirts, sports shoes, and a carry bag!
Where are you coming from? And you look tired!
Anusha : Not exactly, Tania. I’m great because I’m just from the gym.
Tania : Do you go to the gym regularly?
Anusha : Almost yes. I go twice a week. It’s one of my favourite pastimes.
Tania : Really! Going to the gym is your favourite pastime! You make me laugh!
Anusha : Why not? I like sports because I like to keep in shape. I’m not a lazy person like you!
Tania : What do you do there?
Anusha : I do yoga.
Tania : Don’t you have any other pastimes?
Anusha : Hmm…yes, I have. I like playing chess, painting, and reading books when I’m free. I also like
photography but I’m yet to learn it. What do you do for pastime?
Tania : I like watching TV, listening to music, reading books and magazines, and playing games on the
computer. I do like gardening. But we don’t have sufficient space. So I do pot planting.
Anusha : What is your favourite pastime?
Tania : Reading books is my favourite pastime. I like to read story books, novels and fictions. Zafor Iqbal,
Humayun Ahmed and Emdadul Haque are my favourite writers.
Anusha : Do you think pastime is important?
Tania : Yes, of course. Routine work makes our life boring and monotonous. Pastime gives us relax, pleasure
and entertainment.
Anusha : You’re right. Everybody should have pastimes to enjoy his/her life. Anyway, I have to go now. See you
again. Bye.
Tania : See you. Bye.

b. About importance of physical exercise.

Rohan : Hello, Shahed! How are you?
Shahed : Hi, Rohan! I’m fine. And you?
Rohan : I’m fine too. What happens? You’ve sports trousers, T-shirts, sports shoes,! What are you doing?
Shahed : I am taking physical exercise.
Rohan : Really! Do you take exercise regularly?
Shahed : Yes, I take physical exercise regularly.
Rohan : But why?
Shahed : It keeps me fit and strong. Don’t you know the importance of physical exercise?
Rohan : Not exactly. Would you please explain?
Shahed : Of course. Physical exercise helps to develop the growth of different organs of the body properly.
Without physical exercise no one can enjoy a good health. It makes a man strong and active and
keeps him free from diseases. He who takes physical exercise can build up a good health.
Rohan : You are right. Physical exercise enables us to build a good health which is the key to success. It helps
proper circulation of blood in out body and increases the power of digestion.
Shahed : What’re the good forms of exercise?
Rohan : Well. Walking, swimming, running, taking exercise in gym, yoga, and all kinds of indoor and outdoor
games like table tennis, badminton, football, cricket, basketball etc. are good forms of exercise. People
according to their age and taste -can take physical exercise.
Shahed : There are many people who do not take physical exercise. They fall victim to many diseases.
Rohan : So physical exercise is very essential for all.
Shahed : Yes, you’re right. We all should take regular physical exercise to lead a healthy and happy life.
Rohan : Anyway, I have to go now. See you again. Bye.
Shahed : See you. Bye.

c. About importance of learning English.

Rohan : Hello, Rashed! How are you?
Shahed : Hi! I’m fine, and you?
Rohan : I’m fine too. What are you doing?
Shahed : I’m learning English.
Rohan : Why are you learning English in your free time?
Shahed : I want to achieve good command over English. Don’t you know the importance of learning
Rohan : Yes, I know. But, would you please explain?
Shahed : Well, you know English is an international language. It is essential to communicate with the
people of other countries.
Rohan : You are right. About 350 million people speak English as their mother tongue and 300
million people use English as second language.
Shahed : English is the official and semi-official language in more than 60 countries. The language of
computer and ICT is English.
Rohan : English is essential for higher education. Because all the books on higher education are
written in English. Besides scientific research and journals are published in English.
Shahed : English is a must to get a good job in home and abroad.
Rohan : Yea, you are right.
Shahed : Actually the importance of learning English can’t be described in words. So we all should
learn English.
Rohan : Thank you very much.
Shahed : You are welcome.

d. About the importance of reading newspaper

Rohan : Hello, Sohan! How are you?
Sohan : Hi! I’m fine, and you?
Rohan : I’m fine too. What are you doing?
Sohan : I’m reading a newspaper.
Rohan : Do you read newspaper daily?
Sohan : Yes, of course.
Rohan : Can we talk about the importance of reading newspaper?
Sohan : Why not. You know newspaper gives us news and views of home and abroad. It gives us news
of day to day happenings of the different parts of the world.
Rohan : Yes, you are absolutely right. Newspaper is a blessing of modern science. We cannot think of
modern life without newspaper. We eagerly wait for a newspaper in the morning.
Sohan : Newspaper is called the store-house of knowledge. It is very important to all sections of
people. In every page of a newspaper, there are different types of news. It contains news,
views, opinions, advertisements, notices and information of all kinds.
Rohan : Commodity prices, share market, reports, sports news, news about films, fashions and
entertainments are some of its regular features. Newspapers have also columns for children
and women and for the students’ preparation for the examinations.
Sohan : A newspaper is a great source of entertainment. It flashes news on films, TV dramas games
and sports. We get articles of intellectuals, philosopher, politicians and free-thinkers. It
discloses corruption, bribery irregularities of high officials. It acts as a source of public
opinion. The job seekers get useful information in it.
Rohan : Newspaper is also the best medium of advertisement. Business men bring their products and
goods to the notice of a wide circle of people through it. People also express their opinions
through newspapers
Sohan : It is the means of communications between the government and the people. Thus all sections
of people such as students, lawyers, politicians, businessmen sportsman etc. are always in
need of newspapers.
Rohan : Global distance has removed. The world has turned into a global village. A student must
have the habit of reading newspaper every day. Mere bookish knowledge is not sufficient in
this competitive world. A newspaper helps him enrich his general knowledge and makes him
aware of the burning issues of both inside and outside of the country.
Sohan : A man who does not read newspaper is like a frog in a narrow well. Being ignorant of the
current affairs, he can’t take part in the talks and discussions in an enlightened society and
thus he feels like a fish out of water.
Rohan : There is nothing unmixed blessing. Sometimes newspapers publish wrong and false news. It
causes a great harm to the victims as well as the others related to the news. The publishers
should be aware and careful about publishing news.
Sohan : However, newspaper is a part and parcel of our modern life. It develops our ideas, broadens
our outlook, enriches our thought, removes our narrowness, and purifies our philosophy.
Rohan : To read newspaper is a good habit. The more we read newspaper, the more we can acquire
knowledge. So, all of us should read it regularly.
Sohan : You are absolutely right. We all should read newspsper regularly. Anyway, I have to go now.
See you again. Bye.
Rohan : See you. Bye.

e. About opening a bank account.

Rohan : Good morning, sir!
Manager : Good morning! How can I help you?
Rohan : I want to open an account in your bank. But I don’t know how to do that.
Manager : Ok, no problem. What type of account do you open?
Rohan : I don’t know, sir. I want to deposit some money that I got from the scholarship of my JSC
Manager : Well. You have to open a saving account. Meet with the customer care officer. He will give
you an application form. You have to fill it in.
Rohan : Is that all?
Manager : No. You need an introducer who has an account with us. He must put his signature and
write his address and account number in the relevant part of the application.
Rohan : What else?
Manager : The officer will also give you a signature card. You have to put your specimen signature on
this card.
Rohan : Anything more?
Manager : Yes. You have to attach two passport size colour photographs which will be attested by your
introducer. You have to write down the address and take signature of your nominee in the
relevant part of the application. Then you have to attach a passport size colour photograph
of your nomine which will be attested by you.
Rohan : Is that over?
Manager : No. Finally you have to deposit minimum 1000 taka. After that you will get a cheek book
with your account number and a deposit book. With the deposit book you will deposit money
and with the cheek book will withdraw money when you need. Thus you can open an
account and continue it.
Rohan : Thank you very much for your kind information.
Manager : You are welcome.

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