Paediatrics Cheat Sheet

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Curated by Aditi Naik

The questions below are a compilation of all the questions asked in 15 previous year university theory
exams ranging from 2014 to 2022.


The paper is worth 40 marks. It has 2 sections, each of which is worth 20 marks.
Format for each section:
Q1. a. Compulsory short note [3 marks]
b. Compulsory short note [2 marks]
Q2. a. Compulsory short note [3 marks]
b. Compulsory short note [2 marks]
Q3. Choose any 5 of the 6 short notes [2 marks each x 5]

@ - denotes how many additional time the question has been repeated (‘@’ before a question means
that it has been asked twice before, ‘@@’ before a question means that it has been asked thrice before,
and so on).
[3] – question is worth 3 marks
[2] – question is worth 2 marks
y/o – year old
S/s – Signs and symptoms
Cl/f – clinical features or clinical manifestations.
D/d – differential diagnosis
Dx - diagnosis
Rx – treatment
Mx – management.
C/I - contraindications
Pt – patient
LBW – Low birth weight

Growth and Development

Discuss the laws of growth and development. [3]

Outline the principles governing development. [3]

Briefly explain any 2 methods used in developmental assessment in children. [2]

Describe factors affecting growth and development. [3]

Discuss factors affecting growth and list causes for developmental delay. [3]

@ Enumerate causes of delayed development. Define growth and development. [3]/[2]

Discuss the growth of a term baby in the first year of life. [3]

@@ Describe the developmental milestone achieved by 1 year of age. [2]/[3]

Define growth and development. Enumerate motor milestones until 5 years of age. [3]

Define development and give one milestone each in each of the domains for a 3 y/o. [2]

General Neonatology

Outline the advice you will give a mother regarding the care of her term newborn baby after being
discharged from the hospital. [2]

@@ Kangaroo Mother Care [2]

Discuss thermoregulation and prevention of hypothermia in newborns. [3]

Discuss preventive measures of hypothermia in newborns. [3]

Describe Mx of moderate hypothermia in a newborn. [2]

Classify birth asphyxia and add a note on apgar score. [3]

Caphalhematoma [2]

Moro’s reflex [2]

Define LBW. List some causes of LBW. [2]

Define LBW and problems associated with LBW OR

Enumerate complications of LBW [2]

Discuss the labour room care of a baby weighing 1.8 kg. [3] OR
Define LBW. Discuss Mx of LBW in labour room. [3]

Discuss care of a term baby weighing 1.6kg. [3]

Define prematurity. Discuss problems associated with prematurity in early neonatal period. [3]

Discuss cl/f and Mx of neonatal hypoglycemia. [3]

Enumerate the causes of indirect hyperbilirubinemia and discuss its Mx. [2]

List out causes of pathological neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and add a note on bilirubin metabolism. [2]

Discuss the causes of jaundice in the first 24 hours of life. [2]

What are the causes of pathological jaundice in a newborn? Discuss the use of phototherapy in Mx of
pathological jaundice. [2]

Phototherapy [2]

Complications of phototherapy [2]

Exchange transfusion in a newborn [2]

Cl/f and Dx of congenital CMV infection [2]

Cl/f and Mx of congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis [2]

Triple test [2]

Newborn screening [2]

Karyotyping [2]

Discuss baby friendly hospital initiatives. [2]

Describe the prevention of nosocomial infections in the NICU. [2]

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia [2]

Dx of congenital diaphragmatic hernia [2]

Outline the Mx of a baby born to HBsAg positive mother. [2]

Neural tube defects [2]

Hirshsprung disease [2]

Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn [2]

Cl/f and Mx of hemorrhagic disease of the newborn [2]

List 3 causes of neonatal mortality. Discuss investigations in neonatal sepsis. [3]

Prevention of sepsis in newborns [2]

Mention the etiology and describe the manifestation and Mx of neonatal polycythemia. [3]


Anatomy of the breast and composition of breast milk [2]

Describe milk production and milk ejection reflexes [3] OR

Discuss prolactin and oxytocin reflex [2]

Describe the advantages of human breast milk [3]

Breast feeding technique [2]

@ (Enumerate) causes of lactation failure. [2]

Describe weaning and problems associated with weaning. [3]

Discuss in detail about optimum infant and young child feeding. [3]

@ Discuss complimentary feeding. [2]

Reference protein [2]

Classify Vit A deficiency and discuss its prevention. [2]

Cl/f and Mx of vit A deficiency [2]

WHO Classification of xerophthalmia [2]

Radiological signs of scurvy [2]

Cl/f of rickets [2]

@@ Radiological signs in / x-ray picture of Rickets [2]

Folic acid [2]

Classify malnutrition. [3]

@@ Discuss Age Independent Criteria of Malnutrition/PEM/nutritional assessment in children. [2]/[3]

Discuss Welcome classification of malnutrition. [2]

Mx of malnutrition [2]

Nutritional rehabilitation in PEM [2]

Discuss cl/f of marasmus. [2]

Cl/f of marasmus and kwashiorkor [2]

Discuss cl/f and Mx of marasmus [2]

Describe cl/f and Mx of Kwashiorkor. [3]

@ Discuss the (acute) complications of SAM/PEM. [2]

Head circumference in children [2]

Emotional Disorders

Breath holding spell [2]

Pica in children [2]

Nocturnal enuresis [2]

@@ Temper tantrums [2]

Discuss the psychosocial issues of adolescents. [2]

Battered Baby syndrome [2]

GIT + Liver Disorders

How will you assess and classify dehydration in a 4 y/o presenting with 2 days of loose motions and
vomiting. [3]

List the etiological agents of acute diarrhea in children. How will you classify dehydration? Describe the
Mx of acute diarrhea with no dehydration. [3]

Describe assessment of dehydration and discuss Mx of some dehydration. [3]

Causes of acute watery diarrhea [2]

Describe complications of acute diarrhea. [2]

Oral rehydration therapy [2]

Low osmolarity ORS [2]

Composition and advantages of low osmolality ORS [2]

Liver function tests [2]

Discuss the cl/f and Mx of acute viral hepatitis. [3]

Mx of liver failure in children [2]

Respiratory Diseases

Causes of recurrent wheezing in children [2]

D/d of stridor [2]

Discuss the d/d in a 2 y/o child presenting with cough and breathlessness. [3]

Rx and prevention of pertussis [2]

Bronchiolitis [2]

@ Acute bronchiolitis [2]

Discuss the pathogenesis and Mx of primary complex. [3]

@ Mantoux test [2]

INH [2]

RNTCP [2] (the paper says RNTLP but ig it’s a typo)

List causes of wheezing and discuss the Mx of acute severe asthma. [3]

Describe Mx of status asthmaticus. [2]

Write the advantages of inhalational therapy in bronchial asthma. [2]

Mx of Respiratory Distress Syndrome. [2]

Empyema thoracis [2]

Discuss cl/f and Mx of empyema thoracis. [3]

Mx of acute respiratory infection in the community [2]

ARI control program [2]

Discuss the cl/f, investigations and Rx of community acquired pneumonia in a 2 y/o child. [3]

Thoracocentesis [2]

@ Mx of croup [2]

Etiology of recurrent respiratory infection in infancy [2]


Discuss the investigations in a 2 y/o child presenting with fever of 3 days and one episode of generalized
tonic clonic convulsion. [3]

Discuss the Mx of the first episode of febrile convulsions in an infant. [2]

@ Describe the classification of epilepsy/seizures and discuss the Mx of status epilepticus (in a 2 y/o). [3]

Subtle seizures [2]

Define simple febrile seizures and discuss its Mx. [3]

@ Etiology of neonatal seizures [2]

Cl/f of neonatal seizures [2]

Outline CSF picture in acute bacterial meningitis and discuss the Mx of acute bacterial meningitis in a 1
y/o child. [3]

Discuss complications of acute bacterial meningitis. [2]

Describe CSF in TB meningitis. Outline the Mx of drug sensitive TB meningitis under National TB
Elimination Program. [3]

Discuss complications of TB meningitis. [2]

Cushing Triad [2]

Cl/f and Mx of hydrocephalus [3]

Erb’s palsy [2]

Discuss the etiology of acute encephalitis and briefly describe its Mx. [3]

Describe the cl/f and Mx of acute encephalitis in a 5 y/o child. [3]

Define and give the classification of cerebral palsy. [2]

Cl/f of cerebral palsy in a 2 y/o child. [2]


Enumerate the causes of hematuria in children. [2]

@ (Enumerate) causes of proteinuria [2]

Enumerate causes of generalized edema in a 4 y/o child. [2]

Enumerate the causes of edema in children and describe Mx of newly diagnosed nephrotic syndrome.

Investigations of nephrotic syndrome [2]

Enumerate complications of nephrotic syndrome on Rx. [2]

Describe cl/f and Mx of minimal change nephrotic syndrome. [3]

Acute glomerulonephritis [2]

Discuss the etiology and Mx of acute glomerulonephritis. [3]

Discuss the etiology of ARF and briefly describe the Mx of acute PSGN (Post Streptococcal
Glomerulonephritis). [3]

@ Etiology/causes of acute renal failure (in children) [2]

Dx of acute kidney injury [2]

Cardiovascular System

Nada’s criteria for diagnosis of congenital heart disease [2]

Cl/f and Mx of ASD. [2]

Classify congenital heart diseases. Describe the Mx of VSD. [2]

Patent ductus arteriosus [2]

Clinical presentation of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) in an infant [2]

Cl/f of Tetralogy of Fallot [2]

Cl/f and investigations in Tetralogy of Fallot [2]

Complications of tetralogy of Fallot [2]

Jones criteria [2]

S/s of rheumatic carditis [2]

Investigations and Mx of CCF. [2]

Enumerate the causes of hypertension in an adolescent. What tests would you include when
investigating this adolescent? [3]

@ Describe in brief the Mx of subacute bacterial endocarditis. [3]/[2]

Classify congenital heart diseases. Discuss the Mx of a 6 m/o baby presenting with a hypercyanotic spell.

Cyanotic spell [2]


Causes of shock in children [2]

Define shock. Discuss the types of shock. [2]

@ Define shock and outline the Mx of septic shock. [3]

Classify anemias in children. [2]

Lab diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia [2]

@ Describe the investigations and Rx of iron deficiency anemia. [2]

Enumerate the causes of microcytic hypochromic anemia and discuss the Rx of nutritional anemia in
children. [3]

Peripheral smear in megaloblastic anemia [2]

Peripheral smear in hemolytic anemia [2]

Pathophysiology of thalassemia major [2]

Classify hemolytic anemia. Discuss in brief the cl/f and Dx of thalassemia major. [3]

Cl/f of Thalassemia Major [2]

Describe the cl/f and Mx of beta Thalassemia major. [3]

Complications of thalassemia major [2]

@ Discuss the cl/f and Dx/investigations of ALL. [3]/[2]

Discuss the Dx of ALL. [2]

Febrile neutropenia [2]

Discuss the Mx of a child with hemophilia who presents with hemarthrosis. [3]

@ Risks/complications of blood transfusion [2]

Peripheral smear [2]

Peripheral smear in anemia [2]

Hemotoxic snake bite [2]

Infectious Diseases

Cl/f and prevention of tetanus [2]

Measles [2]

Describe the cl/f, complications and Mx of measles. [3]

@ Complications of measles [2]

Complications and prevention of measles [2]

@ Congenital Rubella syndrome [2]

Clinical s/s and Dx of congenital Rubella syndromes [2]

Ascariasis [2]

Enterobiasis [2]

Mx of enteric fever [2]

@@ Complications of enteric fever [2]

Rx of uncomplicated vivax malaria [2]

Discuss the Dx and Mx of vivax malaria. [2]

Rx of uncomplicated falciparum malaria [2]

Artemisinin based Combination Therapy (ACT) [2]

Fluid Mx in severe dengue [2]

Toxic shock syndrome [2]

Acute otitis media [2]


BCG vaccine [2]

Complications of DPT vaccine [2]

Measles vaccines [2]

Typhoid vaccine [2]

@ IPV [2]
FIPV [2]

@@@ Pneumococcal vaccine [2]

Rotavirus vaccine [2]

HPV vaccine [2]

JE vaccine (Japanese encephalitis vaccine) [2]

Safe injection practices [2]

Vaccine vial monitor [2]

Electrolyte Imbalance

Dx and Rx of hyperkalemia [2]

@ Rx of hyperkalemia [2]

Hypokalemia [2]

Mx of hypokalemia [2]

Hypocalcaemia [2]

Calcium gluconate [2]

Hypernatremia [2]

@ Enumerate causes of metabolic acidosis [2]


@@ Neurocutaneous markers [2]

Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome [2]

Stevens Johnson syndrome [2]

Cl/f and Mx of scabies [2]

Mx of scabies [2]


@ Amikacin [2]

Gentamicin [2]

Prednisolone [2]
Adrenaline [2]

Intraosseous infusion [2]


Anaphylaxis [2]

Intravenous immunoglobulin [2]

Discuss the opportunistic infections in HIV/AIDS. [2]

Outline the Mx of HIV in children. [2]

Endocrine Disorders

Rx of diabetic ketoacidosis [2]

Briefly outline the Mx of diabetic ketoacidosis. [2]

Describe the cl/f and Mx of Type 1 DM. [3]

Problems in infants of diabetic mothers [2]

Complications of diabetes in children [2]

Newborn screening and Rx of congenital hypothyroidism [2]

Cl/f of hypothyroidism [2]

Chromosomal Disorders

Dx of Down’s syndrome [2]

Antenatal Dx of Down’s syndrome [2]

@ Turner syndrome [2]

Cl/f of Turner’s syndrome [2]

Poisoning, Injuries and Accidents

Acute Paracetamol poisoning [2]

Kerosene poisoning [2]

Discuss the Mx of kerosene poisoning. [2]

Mx of organophosphorus poisoning. [2]

Describe the cl/f and Mx of drowning. [3]

Near drowning [2]

Mx of scorpion sting [2]


@ Classification of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis [2]

National Health Mission [2]

RMNCH+A Program [2]

Pedigree charts [2]

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy [2]

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