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Curated by Aditi Naik

The questions below are a compilation of all the questions asked in 15 previous year university theory
exams ranging from 2014 to 2022.


Paper I – Obstetrics (except Induction of Abortion)
Paper II – Gynaec + Induction of Abortion
Each paper is worth 40 marks and has 2 sections, each of which is worth 20 marks.
The format for each section:
Q1. 1 compulsory Long note (LN) [6 marks]
Q2. Long note (LN) – Choose 1 of the 2 options [6 marks]
Q3. 4 compulsory short notes (SN) [2 marks x 4]

@ - denotes how many additional time the question has been repeated (‘@’ before a question means
that it has been asked twice before, ‘@@’ before a question means that it has been asked thrice before,
and so on).
LN- Long note
SN- Short note
[C] – compulsory long note
[O] – optional long note
S/s – Signs and symptoms
Cl/f – clinical features or clinical manifestations
D/d – differential diagnosis
Rx – treatment
Mx – management
C/I - contraindications
Pt - patient

Fundamentals of Reproduction

SN: Physiology of ovulation

LN: Write in brief about ovulation, conception and implantation [C]

The Placenta and Fetal Membranes

Part of a LN: Describe the development of the placenta. [O]

SN: Liquor amnii

SN: Amniotic fluid index

The Fetus

@ SN: Fetal circulation (: salient features)

Physiological Changes during Pregnancy

LN: Describe in short the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. [C]

Diagnosis of Pregnancy

SN: Probable signs of pregnancy

The Fetus-in-Utero

SN: Leopold maneuvres

Fetal Skull and Maternal Pelvis

SN: Moulding in fetal skull

@ SN: Caput succedaneum

SN: Obstetric conjugate of the female pelvis

Antenatal Care

LN on antenatal care: [C]

Define antenatal care. How will you plan antenatal care in a primigravida who visits the OPD at 12 weeks
of gestation?
What is ante-natal care? Discuss in brief how you will manage a primigravida during normal ante-natal

Antenatal Assessment of Fetal Wellbeing

@@@ SN: Non stress test

Prenatal Genetic Screening and Diagnosis

SN: Down syndrome screening in pregnancy (Down syndrome is mentioned in another question put
under Chapter 33)

Normal Labour

@@ LN: Discuss physiology of (normal) labor. [C/O]

LN: Explain in brief the stages of labor. How will you manage each of these stages in a case of normal
labor? [C]

@ SN: Lower uterine segment

LN: Describe the mechanism of labour in occipitoanterior position and outline its Mx. [C]

LN: Discuss stagewise Mx of labour. [C]

LN: Discuss the Mx of the first stage of labour. [O]

SN: AMTSL (Active Management of Third Stage of Labour)

Normal Puerperium

SN: Physiology of puerperium

SN: Lochia

@ SN: Suppression of lactation

Vomiting in Pregnancy

@ LN/SN: Describe in brief Hyperemesis gravidarum. [O]

Hemorrhage in Early Pregnancy

LN: Enumerate the causes of bleeding per vaginum in the first trimester. Give the diagnosis and Mx of
any one of them. [C]

LN: Give the d/d of first trimester bleeding per vaginum. How will you manage a case of inevitable
abortion at 16 weeks of pregnancy? [O]

SN: Inevitable abortion

SN: Missed abortion

@@ SN: Septic abortion

SN: Complications of septic abortion

SN: Causes of habitual abortion

LN: Discuss the diagnosis and Mx of cervical incompetence. [O]

@ SN: Cervical incompetence

LN: Discuss MTP Act [C] (asked in Paper II)

LN: Discuss the various methods of MTP in 1st and 2nd trimester. [O] (asked in Paper II)

LN: Describe various methods of 1st trimester termination of pregnancy. [O] (asked in Paper II)

LN: Describe various methods of 2nd trimester termination of pregnancy. [O] (asked in Paper II)

SN: Second trimester MTP (asked in Paper II)

@ LN: Discuss the etiology, diagnosis and Mx of tubal ectopic pregnancy. [O]

LN: What is ectopic pregnancy? How will you manage a case of unruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy of 5
weeks gestation? [O]

SN: Mx of unruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy

SN: Medical Mx of unruptured tubal ectopic (asked in Paper II)

@ LN on Vesicular Mole:

How will you investigate and manage a case of a primigravida at 18 weeks with vesicular mole? [O]


Discuss diagnosis and Mx of vesicular mole. [O]

SN: Follow up of vesicular mole

Multiple Pregnancy, Amniotic Fluid Disorders and Abnormalities of the Placenta

SN: Antenatal complications of twin pregnancy

LN: Discuss the complications and Mx of twins. [O]

LN: Enumerate causes of the uterine height being more than the period of gestation. Add a note on
intrapartum complications and Mx of twins. [C]

LN: Enumerate the causes where uterine height is more than the weeks of amenorrhea. Discuss in brief
the Mx of a case of twin pregnancy at 32 weeks of gestation. [C]

LN: Write about the Mx of a twin pregnancy in a primigravida at 34 weeks of gestation. [O]
SN: Causes of oligohydramnios

Part of a LN: List the placental abnormalities and complications associated with it. [O]

Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy

LN: Classify hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. How will you investigate and manage a case of a
primigravida at 32 weeks of gestation with a BP of 160/110 mmHg? [O]

LN: How will you manage a case of a primigravida at 30 weeks with BP of 140/90mmHg? Enumerate the
complications in such a patient. [O]

LN: Describe briefly the pathophysiology of pregnancy induced hypertension. How will you manage a
case of 34 weeks of pregnancy with eclampsia? [C]

LN: Discuss the effects of PIH on the mother and the fetus and outline its Mx. [O]

LN: Discuss the cl/f of eclampsia. Enumerate its complications and outline the principles of its Mx. [C]

LN: Discuss the complications and Mx of a case of a primigravida at 30 weeks of gestation with
eclampsia. [O]

LN: Discuss the Mx of a primigravida at 36 weeks of pregnancy with eclampsia. [O]

Antepartum Haemorrhage

LN: Discuss the etiology, complications and Mx of a case of a primigravida at 34 weeks with bleeding per
vaginum [O]

LN: Enumerate the various causes of antepartum haemorrhage. How will you manage a case of central
placenta previa at 32 weeks of pregnancy? [O]

LN: Describe the types of placenta previa. How will you manage a case of type II placenta previa at 36
weeks of pregnancy? [C]

LN: Discuss the diagnosis, complications and Mx in a primigravida at 36 weeks with concealed accidental
haemorrhage. [O]

LN: Define antepartum haemorrhage. Enumerate the complications and Mx of accidental haemorrhage.

LN: Define antepartum haemorrhage. Discuss the Mx of a G3P2L2 patient at 36 weeks of gestation with
abruption placentae. [C]

Medical and Surgical Illnesses Complicating Pregnancy

LN: Discuss the etiology, complications and Mx in a case of primigravida at 34 weeks of gestation with
Hb of 5g%. [O]
@ LN: Discuss causes, complications and Mx of iron deficienct anaemia at term. [O]

LN: How will you manage a case of 32 weeks of pregnancy with Hb 6g/dL? [O]

@ SN: Parenteral iron therapy

LN: Describe the etiology and classification of heart disease in pregnancy. What are the various general
precautions which you will take in a patient with heart disease in labour? [O]

LN: Discuss the complications and Mx of a primigravida at 36 weeks of gestation with RHD with MS. [C]

SN: Mx of labour in heart disease complicating pregnancy

SN: Screening for gestational DM

LN: How will you screen for diabetes in pregnancy? Discuss the Mx of a primigravida at 28 weeks of
pregnancy with Gestational DM. [C]

LN: Discuss the diagnosis and Mx of Gestational DM. [O]

LN: A 30 y/o primigravida with 30 weeks of gestation is diagnosed as a case of GDM. List the
complications she is likely to have and briefly discuss her Mx. [O]

LN: What is gestational diabetes? How will you manage a case of a primgravida at term with GDM on
insulin? [C]

SN: Chorioamnionitis

SN: HIV in pregnancy

SN: Anti-retrovirals in pregnancy

Gynaecological Disorders in Pregnancy

SN: Red degeneration of fibroid

Preterm Labour and Birth, Premature Rupture of Membranes, Postmaturity and Intrauterine Fetal

SN: Causes of preterm labour

@ LN: Discuss the etiology, diagnosis and Mx of preterm labor. [O]

LN: What are the causes of preterm labour? How will you manage a case of preterm labour? [O]

SN: Use of antenatal corticosteroids

LN: Define premature rupture of membrane. Write the Mx of a primigravida at 34 weeks of gestation
with premature rupture of membrane. [O]

LN: Discuss the etiology, cl/f and Mx of prolonged pregnancy. [O]

SN: Intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD)

LN: Give the causes, diagnosis and Mx of intrauterine fetal death. [O]

SN: Complications of intrauterine fetal demise

Complicated Pregnancy

LN: How will you manage a post caesarean pregnancy at term? [C]

@@ LN/SN on management of Rh incompatibility:

LN: What is iso-immunization? How will you manage such a case at 32 weeks of gestation? [O]


LN: Discuss the Mx of a case of G2P1 at 28 weeks gestation with an Rh- mother. [O]


SN: Prophylaxis against Rh-immunisation

SN: Anti D

@ SN: Indirect Coombs’ test

Contracted Pelvis

@ SN: Android pelvis

SN: Pelvic assessment

LN: Enumerate the causes of contracted pelvis. Describe the diagnosis and Mx of cephalopelvic
disproportion. [C]

@ LN/Part of a LN: (Define trial of labour.) Discuss in brief the Mx of a case of primigravida at term with
borderline cephalopelvic disproportion. [O]

Abnormal Uterine Action

SN: Bandl’s ring

Complicated Labour

LN: How will you diagnose and manage a case of occipitoposterior position in a primigravida at term in
labour? [C]
LN: Discuss the etiological factors, diagnosis and Mx in a case of a primigravida at 34 weeks with breech
presentation. [O]

LN: Enumerate causes of breech presentation. Add a note on Assisted Breech Delivery and its
complications. [O]

LN: Discuss assisted vaginal breach delivery. [O]

LN: Discuss mechanism of labour and its Mx in a term pregnancy with face presentation. [O]

Prolonged Labour, Obstructed Labour and Dystocia Caused by Fetal Anomalies

LN: Define obstructed labour. How will you manage a case of second stage arrest of labour. [O]

LN: A primigravida at term has protracted dilatation at 5cm in labour. Discuss the possible etiological
factors and its Mx. [O]

SN: Anencephaly

Complications of the Third Stage of Labour

@@ LN: (Define PPH.) Give the causes/etiology of PPH. How will you manage a case of atonic PPH?

LN: Enumerate the various causes of PPH. How will you manage a case of retained placenta? [C]

@ SN: Manual removal of the placenta

SN: Secondary postpartum hemorrhage

SN: Retained placenta

SN: Placenta accreta

Injuries to the Birth Canal

@ SN: Perineal tear

SN: Fourth degree perineal tear

LN: Discuss the etiology, cl/f, diagnosis and Mx of rupture uterus. [O]

LN: Discuss the etiology, cl/f, complications and Mx of rupture uterus. [O]

Abnormalities of the Puerperium

LN: Enumerate complications of puerperium and discuss any one in brief. [O]
LN: Define puerperium. Discuss the d/d and Mx of puerperial pyrexia. [C]

SN: Puerperal pyrexia

LN: Define puerperal pyrexia. Enumerate the causes. How will you investigate and manage a case of
puerperal sepsis? [O]

LN: Define puerperium. Discuss the etiology and Mx of puerperal sepsis. [O]

LN: Define puerperal pyrexia. How will you manage a case of puerperal genital sepsis? [O]

SN: Breast abscess

The Term Newborn Infant

@ SN: Advantages of breastfeeding

Low Birth Weight Baby

LN: Enumerate etiological factors for IUGR. How will you manage a case of a primigravida at 32 weeks of
pregnancy with IUGR? [C]

LN: Discuss the diagnosis and Mx of IUGR. [C]

Disease of the Fetus and the Newborn

@@@@ SN: Apgar score

SN: Neonatal jaundice

@@ SN: Cephalhematoma

SN: Down’s syndrome

SN: Nonimmune Fetal Hydops

Pharmacotherapeutics in Obstetrics

@ SN: Oxytocin

@@@ SN: Methyl ergometrine

SN: Prostaglandins in pregnancy

SN: Uses and contraindications of prostaglandins in obstetrics

SN: Dinoprostone gel

@ SN: Misoprostol/Misoprost

SN: Alpha methyldopa

@ SN: Tocolytics

@@ SN: Magnesium sulfate

SN: Pain relief during labour

Induction of Labour

@@ LN: (Define induction of labour.) Give indications, methods and complications of induction of
labour. [O]

SN: Amniotomy

SN: Bishop’s score

LN: Discuss various methods of induction of labour. [O]

@ SN: Partogram

Operative Obstetrics

@ SN: Episiotomy

SN: Prerequisites for outlet forceps

SN: Complications of ventouse delivery

@@ SN: External cephalic version

Part of a LN: Enumerate indications of caesarean section. [O]

@ LN: Enumerate indications of LSCS. How will you manage a case of G2P1 at term with previous LSCS?

SN: Complications of caesarean section

Safe Motherhood, Epidemiology of Obstetrics

@@@ LN: Define maternal mortality ratio (MMR)/maternal mortality rate/maternal mortality. What are
the major causes/ etiological factors of maternal mortality (in India)? Suggest a few measures to
lower/prevent the maternal mortality (in India). [O/C]

SN: Maternal mortality

@ SN: Causes of maternal mortality in India

SN: Problems of teenage pregnancy

Special Topics in Obstetrics

SN: Amniotic fluid embolism

Current Topics in Obstetrics

SN: PC and PNDT Act (Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act)

Imaging in Obstetrics and Amniocentesis

SN: Role of ultrasonography in obstetrics

SN: First trimester ultrasonography

SN: Amniocentesis

Anatomy of the Female Pelvic Organs

SN: Fallopian tube

Part of a LN: Describe the course of pelvic ureter in females.

@@ SN: Pelvic ureter OR

Pelvic ureter and its applied anatomy OR
Anatomy of pelvic ureter and its clinical significance

Lymphatic Drainage of Pelvic Organs

LN: Discuss the lymphatic drainage of genital tract and its significance. [C]

Development of Genital Organs

Part of a LN: Describe in brief the development of uterus. [O]

SN: Development of vagina

Congenital Malformation of Female Genital Organs

Part of a LN: Enumerate the various malformations in the development of the uterus. [O]


SN: Menopause

SN: Merits and demerits of hormone replacement therapy

Neuroendocrinology in Relation to Reproduction

SN: Follicle stimulating hormone

SN: Luteinizing hormone


@@ LN: Write briefly about physiology of (normal) menstruation. [C]

SN: Menstrual regulation

SN: Endometrial changes in menstrual cycle

@ Part of a LN: Discuss ovulation. [O]

Examination of a Gynaecological Patient and Diagnostic Procedures

LN: Describe in brief the method of obtaining and interpreting pap smear (Papanicolaou smear) in a pt.

@@ SN: Pap smear

@ SN: Colposcopy

Pelvic Infection

LN: Discuss pelvic inflammatory disease. [O]

LN: Give the etiology, diagnosis and Rx of pelvic inflammatory disease. [O]

LN: Describe cl/f and Mx of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. [O]

LN: Discuss genital TB. [O]

LN: Give the cl/f, Dx and Mx of genital TB. [O]

LN: Discuss cl/f, Dx and Rx of genital TB. [O]

LN: Discuss the Dx and Rx of genital TB. [O]

SN: Hysterosalpingography in genital TB


@@ SN: Bacterial vaginosis

Infections of the Individual Pelvic Organs

@ SN: Bartholin’s gland

SN: Bartholin’s cyst

@@@@@ SN: Trichomonas (vaginilis) vaginitis

@ SN: Vaginal candidiasis

SN: Pyometra


SN: Primary dysmenorrhea

SN: Congestive dysmennorhea

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB)

Define various menstrual irregularities and describe the causes and Mx of any one. [O]

SN: Menorrhagia

LN: A 30y/o lady comes with menorrhagia. Discuss the Mx of such a pt in the absence of palpable pelvic
pathology. [O]

SN: Metrorrhagia

LN: A 30y/o para 2 presents with menometrorrhagia Discuss the d/d and Mx. [O]

LN: Discuss the etiology, Dx and Mx of dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB). [O]

LN: Discuss various modalities of Rx of DUB in different age groups. [O]

LN: How will you investigate and manage a case of DUB in reproductive age group? [O]

LN: A 30y/o F presents with AUB. Discuss its etiology and Mx. [O]
Displacement of the Uterus

SN: Retroversion symptoms and effects

SN: Supports of uterus

@ LN: Describe the supports of uterus. Discuss the etiology and prevention of prolapse (of uterus). [C]

LN: Enumerate various etiologies of prolapse of uterus. How will you investigate and manage a 3 rd
degree uterocervical prolapse in a 50 y/o woman? [O]

LN: A 24y/o married woman presented with 2nd degree descent of cervix. How will you investigate and
manage her? [C]

LN: Discuss complications that can occur in a long standing uterine prolapse. How will you manage a
case of 70 y/o with procidentia? [C]

SN: Decubitus ulcer of cervix

SN: Anterior vaginal wall prolapse

SN: Cystocoele

@@@ SN: Pessary Rx for prolapse (uterus)

SN: Vault prolapse

@ SN: Complications of vaginal hysterectomy


LN: Discuss male factor in infertility. [O]

LN: Discuss anovulation. [O]

LN: What are the tests for detecting ovulation? Enumerate causes of anovulation and its Rx. [O]

SN: Anovulation – causes and Rx

LN: How will you investigate a couple presenting with infertility? [O]

LN: How will you investigate a couple presenting with primary infertility? [O]

LN: How will you investigate a case of primary infertility? Discuss tubal patency tests. [O]

SN: Semen analysis

@ Part of a LN: Describe the various tests to detect ovulation. [O]

@ LN: Enumerate/describe the different tests/methods for detection of ovulation. Write in brief about
(induction of ovulation in / Mx of) anovulatory infertility. [O]

@@ SN: Tubal patency tests

SN: Ovulation induction

SN: Intrauterine insemination

SN: Assisted reproductive techniques

Benign Lesions of the Cervix

SN: Cervical erosion

Benign Lesions of Uterus

LN: What are the various types of fibroids? Describe in brief the Mx of fibroids in a 45 y/o woman. [C]

SN: Degenerations in fibroid uterus

LN: How will you manage a 30 y/o lady with leiomyoma of the uterus? Briefly describe the secondary
changes which a leiomyoma can undergo. [O]

LN: Discuss the cl/f, Mx and complications of fibroid uterus. [O]

Part of a LN: Describe various symptoms of fibroid uterus. [O]

SN: Complications of fibroid uterus

LN: Discuss the investigations and Rx of multiple fibroids in a 30 y/o multigravid patient. [O]

SN: Myomectomy

Benign Lesions of the Ovary

A 38 y/o lady is found to have an ovarian cyst of 10 x 10 cm size. How will you evaluate her and decide
on the Mx. [O]

@ SN: Dermoid cyst


LN: Discuss the etiology, Dx and Mx of endometriosis in a 30 y/o F. [O]

LN: What is endometriosis? Describe its etiology, cl/f and Mx. [O]

LN: Describe the clinical presentation of endometriosis and its Mx. [C]

LN: Enumerate the investigations and Rx options in a 26 y/o single pt with pelvic endometriosis. [O]

LN: A 26 y/o multigravida with pelvic endometriosis desires conception. Describe various investigations
and Rx options for her. [O]
@ SN: Chocolate cysts (of the ovary)

Premalignant Lesions


@ SN: Transformation zone

Part of a LN: Give risk factors for ca cervix. [C]

Part of a LN: Discuss in brief etiology of cervical cancer. [C]

Part of a LN: Describe the role of HPV in the etiology of ca cervix. [C]

@ LN/Part of a LN: Write in brief different screening methods/tests for cervical cancer. [C] (also refer to
“Examination of a Gynaecological Patient and Diagnostic Procedures” chapter)

Genital Malignancy

Part of a LN: Describe in brief the FIGO staging of ca cervix. [C]

@ LN: Give the FIGO staging of cervical cancer. Discuss in brief the (stagewise) Mx of cervical cancer. [O]

LN: Discuss the cl/f, staging and outline the stage wise Mx of cervical cancer. [C]

Part of a LN: Describe the Mx in brief in a pt with ca cervix. [C]

Part of a LN: Discuss in brief the Mx of cervical cancer. List the complications in such a patient. [C]

Part of a LN: How does a ca cervix patient present? Outline the diagnosis and Mx of a case of stage I ca
cervix. [C]

SN: Downstaging of ca cervix

Part of a LN: Write in brief about ca endometrium. [O]

LN: What are the risk factors for ca endometrium? Discuss the diagnosis and Mx of ca endometrium. [O]

Part of a LN: Discuss the cl/f and Mx of endometrial cancer. [O]

@ LN: Discuss Dx and Mx of ca endometrium. [C/O]

SN: Fractional curettage

SN: Staging laparotomy

LN: Describe staging laparotomy. Discuss in brief Mx of ovarian cancer. [O]

LN: Discuss cl/f, staging and Mx of malignant epithelial ovarian tumours. [O]

LN: How will you diagnose and manage a case of malignant ovarian tumour? [C]
SN: Tumour markers in ovarian cancer

@ SN: Adjuvant chemotherapy in ovarian cancer

SN: Dysgerminoma

SN: Germ cell tumours – Mx in teenage

Genitourinary Fistula

@ SN: Vesicovaginal fistula

@ SN: Causes of vesicovaginal fistula

SN: Three swab test

Part of a LN: What are the primary measures that can be taken to prevent ureteric damage in
gynaecological surgeries? [O]

SN: Rectovaginal fistula

Disorders of Sexual Development

@ SN: Turner’s syndrome


@ SN: Cryptomenorrhea

LN: Define primary amennhorea. How would you investigate a case of primary amenhorrea? [O]

SN: Secondary amennorhea

SN: Asherman’s syndrome

LN: Describe cl/f, Dx and Mx of PCOS. [O]

SN: Investigations in PCOS

SN: Mx of PCOS


@@ LN on contraceptive options:
Discuss contraceptive options in a Para I patient with pros and cons of each. [O]
A 30 y/o para I comes for family planning advice. How will you counsel her with advantages and
disadvantages of one method over the other? [O]
A 25 y/o para I wants contraception. Discuss various options suitable for her with advantages and
disadvantages of each. [O]

@ LN: Give a brief account of IUCDs. [C/O]

LN: Elaborate on various IUCDs. Mention in brief their complications. [C]

LN: Discuss in bried C/Is, complications, benefits and side effects of IUCDs. [O]

SN: Missing IUCD thread

@ LN: Give a brief account of oral contraceptive (pills). [C/O]

LN: Discuss in brief C/I, complications, beneficial and side effects of oral contraceptive pills. List all the
uses of these pills. [C]

SN: Injectable contraceptives

LN: What is emergency contraceptive? Enumerate its indications and describe in brief the various
modalities of emergency contraception. [C]

@ SN: Emergency contraception

LN: Write briefly about permanent methods of contraception. [C]

SN: Male contraception

@ LN: Give an account of permanent methods of family planning/contraception in females. [C/O]

SN: Tubectomy

LN: Discuss barrier contraception. [O]

Basic Principles of Chemotherapy

@@@ SN: Methotrexate

Hormones in Gynecological Practice

SN: GnRH analogues

@ SN: GnRH agonists

@@ SN: Danazol

@ SN: (Use of) Progesterone in gynaecology

SN: Mifepristone
Gynaecological Problems from Birth to Adolescence

SN: Monilial vaginitis

Special Topics

@@ SN: Leucorrhoea

LN: Enumerate gynaecological causes of acute abdomen and discuss any commonest of them. [O] (this is
exactly what was printed in the paper, yes I know it makes no sense)

LN: A lady of reproductive age group is brought with acute pain in abdomen. How will you manage her?

@ Part of a LN: Enumerate/What are the various causes of post-menopausal bleeding (p/v). [O]

LN: Give causes of postmenopausal bleeding. How will you diagnose and manage such a pt? [C]

LN: Discuss d/d of lump in abdomen. Give the Mx of any one. [O]

LN: A perimenopausal woman presents with palpable mass in lower abdomen. Discuss d/d and Mx of
any one condition. [C]

Operative Gynaecology

SN: Genital curettage

SN: Complications of abdominal hysterectomy

Part of a LN: What precautions can you take to rescue blood loss at the time of myomectomy? [O]

Endoscopic Surgery in Gynaecology

SN: Indications and contraindications of laparoscopy

SN: Complications of laparoscopy

@ SN: Hysteroscopy

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