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Curated by Aditi Naik

The questions below are a compilation of all the questions asked in 15 previous year university theory
exams ranging from 2014 to 2022.


Each paper is worth 60 marks and has 2 sections, each of which is worth 30 marks.
Paper I –
General Surgery
(+ maybe Gastrointestinal Surgery)
Paper II –
Gastrointestinal Surgery
(+ maybe General Surgery
+ maybe Instruments
+ maybe Operative & Laparoscopic Surgery and Accessories)
[This division of Topics between sections/papers is not strictly followed]

Topics that are asked in both papers:

Thyroid Gland

Format for each section:

Q1. Choose 1 out of the 2 long notes (LN) [10 marks]
Q2. 4 compulsory short notes (SN) [2.5 marks x 4]
Q3. 4 compulsory short notes (SN) [2.5 marks x 4]

@ - denotes how many additional time the question has been repeated (‘@’ before a question means
that it has been asked twice before, ‘@@’ before a question means that it has been asked thrice before,
and so on).
LN- Long note
SN- Short note
S/s – Signs and symptoms
Cl/f – clinical features or clinical manifestations
D/d – differential diagnosis
Rx – treatment
Mx – management
C/I - contraindications
Pt – patient

[All questions from this section have been asked in Paper 1 unless mentioned otherwise. Those that have
been asked in Paper 2 have ‘(P2)’ typed against them].

@ SN: Breaking bad news to patients and relatives (P1, P2)

Wound, Keloid and Metabolic Response to Injury

LN: Discuss the biological process of wound healing and discuss factors affecting wound healing.

SN: Components of wound healing

@ SN: Crush injury (also asked in P2)

SN: Crush syndrome

@ SN: Keloid

Acute Infections, Sinus, Fistula and Surgical Site Infection

SN: Ludwig’s angina

@ SN: Cold abscess (also asked in a part of a LN in Neck Swellings chapter), (also asked in P2)

SN: Madura foot

SN: Tuberculous lymphadenitis

SN: Lupus vulgaris (P2)

SN: Furuncle

SN: Carbuncle

SN: Erysipelas

LN: Discuss hospital acquired infections, their Mx and preventive aspects.

Tetanus and Gas Gangrene

@ LN: Describe the etiology, pathophysiology, cl/f and Rx of tetanus. (P2)

@ LN on Gas Gangrene:
Describe the aetiopathgenesis, cl/f and Mx of a pt with gas gangrene.
Discuss the aetiology, pathology and Mx of gas gangrene.

Hand and Foot Infections

SN: Principles of Rx of hand infection (P2)

LN: Surgical anatomy of web spaces of the hand. Discuss the Mx of palmar abscess.

SN: Ingrowing toe nail (P2)

Chronic Infectious Disease

SN: Deformities in leprosy

D/d of Leg Ulcer and Pressure Sore

@ SN: Trophic ulcer

@@ LN on diabetic foot:
Define ulcer. Describe the pathophysiology and Mx of diabetic foot ulcer.
Define gangrene and describe the pathophysiology, cl/f and Mx of diabetic foot.
Describe pathology, cl/f and Mx of diabetic foot. – part of a LN

SN: Pressure sores

Lower Limb Ischaemia and Popliteal Aneurysm

LN: Describe the aetiology, cl/f and Mx of chronic lower limb ischemia.

SN: Thromboangitis obliterans (TAO)

SN: Ankle brachial index

@ SN: Ainhum

SN: Ischemia reperfusion syndrome

SN: Air embolism (P2)

Upper Limb Ischemia and Gangrene

SN: Cervical rib

Part of a LN: Define and classify gangrene.

SN: Subclavian Steal Syndrome

Lymphatics, Lymph Vessels and Lymphoma

Part of a LN: Discuss the pathology, cl/f and Mx of Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

@ SN: Chyluria (also asked in P2)

Varicose Veins and Deep Vein Thrombosis

LN: Discuss the etiology, cl/f, complications and Mx of varicose veins of the lower limbs.

SN: Trendelenburg test for varicose veins

SN: Complications of varicose veins

@ SN: Venous ulcer

LN: Describe the surgical anatomy of the veins of the lower limbs. Discuss the Mx of DVT with pulmonary

SN: Deep vein thrombosis

SN: Prophylaxis against DVT

Skin Tumours

@@ SN: Marjolin’s ulcer

@@ SN: Basal cell carcinoma / Rodent ulcer

@ SN: (Malignant) melanoma (also asked in P2)

SN: Kaposi’s sarcoma (P2)

SN: Turban tumour (P2)

SN: Hydreadenitis suppuration

Haemorrhage, Shock and Blood Transfusion

LN: Enumerate different types of haemorrhage. Discuss cl/f, measurement of acute blood loss and Rx of
LN: Give the classification and Mx of different types of haemorrhage. Discuss the indications and
complications of blood transfusion.

@@ LN on septic shock:
Define and classify ‘shock’. Describe the etiopathogenesis, cl/f and Mx of a pt with septic shock.
Define shock. Describe the pathophysiology and classification of shock. Discuss the Mx of septic shock.
Classify shock. Describe the pathophysiology, cl/f, assessment and Mx of septic shock. (P2)

SN: Anaphylactic shock (P2)


SN: Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS)

SN: Hyperbaric oxygen

@@ SN: Central venous pressure / CVP

SN: Complications of blood transfusions

SN: Blood transfusion reactions

Burns and Skin Grafting

@@@ LN on burns:
Classify burns. Describe in detail the Mx of 45% deep burns in a 60kg adult.
Classify burns. Discuss the pathophysiology of burns. How will you manage a case of 40% burns?
Describe the post burn sequelae.
Classify burns. Discuss the pathophysiology and Mx of a pt weighing 60kg with 45% burns.
Classify burns. Discuss the Mx of 60% deep burns in a 60kg individual. (P2)

SN: Partial thickness skin grafting

Acid-Base Balance, Fluid and Electrolytes

@@ SN: Metabolic acidosis

SN: Hyponatremia (P2)

SN: Hyperkalemia (P2)

SN: Hypokalemia (P2)

SN: Assessment of nutritional status

SN: Parenteral nutrition

Tumours and Soft Tissue Sarcoma

@ SN: Lipoma

Cystic Swellings, Neck Swellings and Metastasis Lymph Node Neck

SN: Implantation dermoid (P2)

@@ SN: Sebaceous cyst / wen (also asked in P2)

SN: Cock’s peculiar tumour

@ SN: Cystic hygroma (P2)

@ SN: Ranula

@@ SN: Thyroglossal cyst (also asked in P2)

SN: Branchial cyst (P2)

SN: Branchial sinus (P2)

LN: Briefly discuss neck triangles and discuss d/d of cervical lymphadenopathy and Mx of cold abscess.

LN: Describe the causes and investigations of cervical lymphadenitis. Write in brief about Mx of
secondaries in the neck.

Part of a LN: Mention causes of cervical lymphadenopathy.

SN: Cervical lymphadenopathy

SN: Carotid body tumour

SN: Haemangioma

SN: Pancoast’s tumour

SN: Retropharyngeal abscess (P2)

Oral Cavity and Odontomes

SN: Leukoplakia

SN: Nerve supply of the tongue

LN: Describe surgical anatomy of the tongue. Discuss the etiology, pathology and Mx of ca tongue.

LN: Discuss the etiology, cl/f and Mx of a pt with carcinoma of the lateral part of the tongue. (P2)
LN: Discuss the d/d of lingual ulcers. Describe cl/f and Mx of ca of the lateral border of tongue.

SN: Dental cyst

@ SN: Adamantinoma

@ SN: Quinsy (P2)

Salivary Glands

LN: Surgical anatomy of parotid gland. Discuss the Mx of mixed parotid tumour.

LN: Classify salivary gland tumours. Describe the etiopathology, cl/f and Mx of pleomorphic adenoma.

SN: Adenolymphoma

Parathyroid and Adrenals

SN: Tetany

SN: Phaeochromocytoma (P2)

[All questions from this section have been asked in Paper 2].

Fracture Healing

SN: Fracture healing

SN: Bone healing

Treatment of Fractures: General Principles

LN: Enumerate common fractures in elderly patients. Discuss the preventive measures and Mx

SN: Principles of closed reduction of fractures in children

SN: Role of plaster in fracture Rx

SN: Compound fractures

LN: Define open fractures. Discuss the classification and Mx of open fractures. Discuss its complication.

LN: Classify compound fractures. Discuss the principles of Mx of Type IIIB compound fractures. Discuss
the complications of compound fractures.
@ SN: (Gustilo and Anderson) Classification of compound fractures

Splints, Tractions and Prosthetics

SN: Thomas splint

SN: Role of traction in orthopaedics

SN: Skeletal traction

SN: Bryant’s traction

@ SN: Russell’s traction

SN: Dunlop traction

@ SN: Jaipur foot

Recent Advances in the Treatment of Fractures

SN: Dynamic compression plating

SN: Buttress plating

@ SN: Locking compression plate/ locked compression plating

Complications of Fractures

LN: Enumerate complications of fractures. Describe the clinical, radiological, lab investigations and Mx of
fat embolism.

SN: Compartment syndrome

LN: Define non-union. Describe its classification and Mx.

@ SN: Non-union

SN: Hypertrophic non-union

SN: AVN Hip (Avascular Necrosis) (also refer to ‘Injuries Around the Hip’ and ‘Miscellaneous Affections of
the Bone’)

SN: Sudeck’s dystrophy

SN: Myositis ossificans traumatica

SN: Zonation phenomena

Fractures in Children

SN: Congenital pseudoarthrosis of tibia

@ Part of a LN: Write (Salter and Harris) classification of epiphyseal/physeal injuries (in children).

LN: Enumerate common paediatric fractures. Discuss cl/f, radiological features and Rx of greenstick
fractures in children.

LN: Describe greenstick fractures. Discuss the principles of Mx of these fractures. Discuss complications
of greenstick fractures in children.

SN: Torus fracture

Peripheral Nerve Injuries

@@ SN: Wrist drop / Saturday night palsy

@ SN: Foot drop

SN: Bilateral foot drop

SN: Intrinsic Minus Hand

SN: Ulnar paradox in ulnar claw hand

SN: Intrinsic Plus Hand

SN: Sciatic nerve

SN: Nerve conduction study

Deformities and Their Management

SN: Club foot

Injuries Around the Shoulder

SN: Recurrent dislocation of shoulder

LN: Classify fractures of the proximal humerus. Discuss the Mx of four part proximal humerus fracture in
elderly patients.

LN: Classify proximal humeral fractures. Discuss the Mx of III and IV part proximal humeral fractures.
Discuss its complications.

Injuries Around the Elbow

LN: Enumerate the fractures around the elbow joint. Write the cl/f and Mx of supracondylar fracture of
the humerus.

SN: Cubitus varus

@ SN: Volkmann’s Ischaemic Contracture

Part of a LN: Write a note on fracture of the lateral condyle of the humerus.

Injuries of the Forearm and Wrist

LN: Enumerate all fractures of necessity. Discuss the Mx of Monteggia fractures and the complications of
untreated Monteggia fractures.

SN: Monteggia fracture

LN: What is Colles’ fracture? Classify fractures at the distal end of the radius and give their Mx.

LN: Classify fractures of the lower end of the radius. Discuss the Mx of Colles’ fracture in elderly patients.
Discuss its application.

LN: Classify fractures of the lower end of the radius. Discuss the Mx of Colles’ fracture in a 70y/o F

SN: Colles’ fracture

SN: Barton’s fracture

@ SN: Fractures of the scaphoid

Hand Injuries

SN: Mallet finger

SN: Role of mallet splints in mallet finger

Injuries Around the Hip

SN: Atypical hip dislocation

LN: Classify fractures at the neck of the femur. Discuss the Mx of transcervical fracture of the neck of the
femur in a 32y/o patient. Discuss its complications.

LN: Discuss the Mx of fracture of the neck of a femur in a 70y/o patient. Discuss the cl/f, first aid, Rx and

LN: Describe the etiopathology, cl/f and Mx of non-union of the neck of the femur in young adults.
Injuries Around the Knee

SN: Patella fracture

SN: Clinical fractures in ACL tear

SN: Habitual dislocation of the Patella

Injuries to the Leg and Foot

LN: Classify compound fractures. Discuss the cl/f, Mx, complications of grade III compound fracture of
the midshaft of the tibia in an adult.

SN: Fractures of talus

Infections of Bones and Joints

SN: Haematogenous osteomyelitis

LN: Discuss the etiopathology, cl/f and Mx of acute haematoogenous osteomyelitis of a tibia in a 10y/o

LN: Describe the cl/f, investigations and Mx of chronic osteomyelitis.

LN: Discuss the etiopathology of acute Salmonella osteomyelitis. Discuss its cl/f, Mx and complications.

SN: Salmonella osteomyelitis

SN: Iatrogenic osteomyelitis

SN: Septic arthritis in infancy

TB of Bones and Joints

SN: Paradiscal Koch’s

SN: Middle path regime in Koch’s spine

LN: Describe Pott’s paraplegia. Discuss the principles of middle path regime in Pott’s paraplegia. Discuss
the long term complications of Pott’s paraplegia.

Congenital Talipes Equino Varus (CTEV)

LN: Describe the anatomy, etiology, pathophysiology and Mx of CTEV deformity.

LN: Describe idiopathic CTEV. Discuss the principles of Mx. Discuss the role of triple arthrodesis in CTEV.

LN: Discuss the pathoanatomy and Mx of CTEV.

SN: Clinical and radiological features of CTEV

Congenital Dislocation of the Hip and Other Malformations

LN: Write the cl/f and Mx of congenital dislocation of the hip.

SN: Ortolani’s test

SN: X-ray features of Developmental Dysplasia of Hip (DDH)

SN: Madelung’s deformity

Bone Tumours

SN: Osteoid osteoma

@@@ SN: Osteoclastoma/ (Malignant) giant cell tumour

SN: Osteoclastoma of the lower end of radius

@ SN: Ewing’s sarcoma

SN: Multiple myeloma

SN: Enchondroma

SN: Cystic lesions of bone

@ SN: Simple bone cyst

SN: Aneurysmal bone cyst

Spinal Injuries

SN: Jefferson’s fracture


SN: Rheumatoid hand

SN: Gouty arthritis

Affections of the Soft Tissues

@ SN: Villonodular synovitis

SN: Tennis elbow

SN: de Quervain’s disease

SN: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Metabolic Bone Diseases

LN: Discuss the role of vitamin D in the growing skeleton. Discuss the cl/f and Mx of nutritional rickets.

@ SN: Rickets

SN: Osteomalacia

SN: Hyperparathyroidism

Miscellaneous Affections of the Bone

@ SN: Multiple exostosis

Miscellaneous Regional Diseases

SN: Congenital torticollis

SN: Transient synovitis

SN: Chronic synovitis of knee joint

Part of a LN: Discuss the cl/f, radiological features and Rx of Type-I physeal injury of capital femoral

SN: Trethowan’s sign and its significance

SN: Knock knees

SN: Rocker bottom feet

Prosthetics and Orthotics

SN: Syme’s amputation

SN: Ankle foot orthosis

Clinical Methods

SN: Normal gait cycle

@ SN: Pathological gaits / Types of gaits

SN: Trendelenburg’s test

SN: Pivot Shift test (it says pivot shift ferr in the paper but that must be a typo)

Orthopaedic Implants

SN: K-wire

@@ SN: Kuntscher’s nail

SN: Titanium elastic nails

SN: Proximal femoral nail

@ SN: Dynamic hip screw

SN: Herbert’s screw

SN: Bone cement

[All questions from this section have been asked in Paper 2 unless mentioned otherwise. Those that have
been asked in Paper 1 have ‘(P1)’ typed against them]

Oesophagus and Diaphragm


@ SN: Hiatus hernia

SN: Barrett’s esophagus

439 @ SN: Achalasia cardia

SN: Causes of stricture esophagus

@ SN: Dysphagia lusoria

SN: Tracheo-esophageal fistula (P1)

Stomach and Duodenum

@ SN: Helicobacter pylori (infection)

SN: Zollinger Ellison syndrome

LN: Describe the etiology, cl/f and Mx of perforated peptic ulcer.

LN: Describe the cl/f, Ix and Mx of perforated peptic ulcer.

LN: Enumerate the causes of upper gastrointestinal bleed. Discuss the Mx of bleeding duodenal ulcer.

SN: Mallory Weiss syndrome

LN: Describe the etiology, cl/f and Mx of a patient with gastric outlet obstruction.

LN: Describe the surgical anatomy of stomach. Discuss the cl/f and Mx of ca pyloric antrum.

SN: Linitis plastica

@ SN: GIST (also asked in P1)

@ SN: Bezoar(s) (also asked in P1)

SN: Trichobezoar

SN: Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis


SN: Liver function tests

SN: Liver abscess

SN: Amoeba

@ LN: Describe the etiology/aetiopathology, cl/f and Mx of amoebic liver abscess. (also asked in P1)

@@ SN: Amoebic liver abscess

522 @ SN: Hydatid cyst

SN: Hydatid cyst of liver

LN: Describe surgical anatomy of liver and discuss etiology, pathologu, cl/f and Mx of liver tumours.

@ SN: Secondaries in the liver

SN: Portal hypertension

SN: Oesophageal varices

SN: Role of endoscopy in a case of oesophageal varices (P1)

SN: Abdominal paracentesis

Gall Bladder and Pancreas

@ SN: Calot’s triangle

LN: Discuss the etiology, cl/f, Ix and Mx of gall stone cholecystitis.

LN: Describe the etiology, cl/f, complications and Mx of gall stones.

LN: Enumerate the complications of Gall stones. Explain how you manage a pt with chronic calculus
cholecystitis with a CBD stone. (P1)

@ SN: Complications of gall stones

LN: Describe the etiology, cl/f and Mx of a patient presenting with acute cholecystitis.

Part of a LN: Enumerate the causes of obstructive jaundice. Describe the cl/f, Ix and Rx of a case of
periampullary carcinoma.

SN: Complications of acute hepatitis

LN: Describe the etiology, cl/f and Mx of acute pancreatitis. Mention the complications.

@ SN: Pseudocyst of pancreas

SN: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography


@ LN: Describe the cl/f, Ix and Mx of splenic injury.

Part of a LN: Discuss the cl/f, Dx and Mx of traumatic rupture of spleen.

SN: Indications for splenectomy (P1)

SN: Complications of splenectomy

Peritoneum, Peritoneal Cavity, Mesentery and Retroperitoneum

LN: Discuss the etiology, cl/f, Ix and Mx of peritonitis.

SN: Hippocratic facies

SN: Subphrenic abscess

@ SN: Pseudomyxoma peritonei (also asked in P1)

@ SN: Mesenteric cyst

@ SN: Psoas abscess

Small Intestine

SN: Ulcerative colitis

SN: Toxic megacolon

SN: Crohn’s disease

@ SN: Surgical complications of enteric fever / typhoid

SN: Non intestinal complications of typhoid

Large Intestine

LN: Discuss the etiopathogenesis, cl/f and Mx of a pt with ca caecum.

Part of a LN: Describe cl/f and Mx of ca caecum.

SN: Faecal fistula

SN: Bowel wash

Intestinal Obstruction

@@ SN: Sigmoid volvulus

SN: Vitellointestinal duct

@@@ SN: Meckel’s diverticulum

LN: Describe etiology, cl/f and Mx of intussusception.

@ SN: Hirschsprung’s disease

SN: Meconium ileus

SN: @ Paralytic ileus

Rectum and Anal Canal

SN: Per-rectal examination

SN: Clinical importance of per rectal (P/R) examination (P1)

SN: Solitary rectal ulcer

@ SN: Colostomy

SN: Complications of haemorrhoids

SN: Perianal abscess

@ SN: Fistula in ano

SN: Goodsall’s rule

@@ SN: Anal fissure

@ SN: Sentinel pile

@@@ SN: Pilonidal sinus

SN: Pruritis ani

Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding

SN: Causes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding

The Appendix

SN: Ochsner Sherren regimen

@ SN: Appendicular lump

SN: Mucocoele of appendix


LN: Describe surgical anatomy of inguinal canal and discuss etiology, pathology, cl/f, complications and
Mx of inguinal hernia?

SN: Maydl’s hernia

LN: Surgical anatomy of femoral canal. Discuss cl/f and Mx of femoral hernia.

@@ SN: Femoral hernia (also asked in P1)

@ SN: Paraumbilical hernia

SN: Epigastric hernia

SN: Spigelian hernia

Umbilicus and Abdominal Wall

@@ SN: Burst abdomen

@@ SN: Desmoid tumour (also asked in P1)

Blunt Abdominal Trauma, War and Blast Injuries and Triage

LN: Enumerate the causes of haemoperitonuem. Discuss the cl/f, Dx and Mx of traumatic rupture of
Part of a LN: Enumerate the causes of haemoperitoneum.

Part of a LN: Discuss cl/f and Mx of renal trauma.

LN: Discuss Ix and Mx of renal trauma.

LN: Discuss the mechanism, cl/f and Mx of blast injuries. (P1)

@ SN: Triage

Abdominal Mass

Part of a LN: Discuss d/d of lump in right iliac fossa.

SN: Abdominal colics

[All questions from this section have been asked in Paper 2].

Investigations of the Urinary Tract

SN: Urine analysis

SN: Intravenous pyelography

SN: Ureterorenoscopy

@ SN: Cystourethroscopy

SN: Cystoscopy

SN: Intravenous urography


@ LN/part of a LN: Discuss surgical anatomy of kidney.

SN: Horseshoe kidney

LN: Discuss the etiology, pathology, cl/f, Ix and Mx of renal stones.

@ SN/Part of a LN: Characteristics of various urinary calculi

SN: Types of renal calculi

@@ SN: Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy / ESWL

LN: Define hydronephrosis. Describe the etiopathogenesis, cl/f and Mx of a case of unilateral

LN: Define hydronephrosis. Describe the causes, pathology, cl/f and Mx of unilateral hydronephrosis.

LN: Describe etiopathology, cl/f and Mx of renal TB.

Part of a LN: Discuss the cl/f, Ix and Mx of a case of Wilm’s tumour.

Part of a LN: Mx of Wilm’s tumour

@ SN/part of a LN: Describe (etio)pathology, cl/f and Mx of hypernephroma

SN: A typical presentation of renal cell carcinoma

@ SN: Pyonephrosis

@ SN: Perinephric abscess


SN: Ureteric colic

Part of a LN: Discuss etiology, cl/f and Mx of a case of ureteric calculus causing obstruction.

SN: Ureteric stricture

The Urinary Bladder

@@ SN: Lower urinary tract symptoms / LUTS

LN: Describe the etiology, types, cl/f and Mx of vesical calculus.

SN: Vesical calculus

@ LN: Describe etiology/etiopathology, cl/f and Mx of ca urinary bladder.

SN: Acute cystitis

SN: Urinary diversion


LN: Describe the etiology, cl/f and Mx of stricture urethra.

SN: Stricture urethra

@@@@ SN: Hypospadias

SN: Chordee
SN: Epispadias

SN: Posterior urethral valves


Part of a LN: Discuss the surgical anatomy of the prostate.

@@ LN: Discuss the etiology, cl/f and Mx of benign enlargement of prostate.

@ Part of a LN / LN: Discuss the etiology, pathology, cl/f, Ix and Mx of benign enlargement of prostate.


@@ SN: Phimosis

@@ SN: Paraphimosis

LN: Discuss the etiology, pathology, cl/f, Ix and Mx of ca penis.

SN: Peyronie’s disease

SN: Fracture penis

Testis and Scrotum

LN: Enumerate the causes of testicular swelling and Mx of primary hydrocele.

@ SN: Hydrocoele

SN: Epididymo-orchitis

@ SN: Spermatocoele

SN: Undescended testis

SN: Ectopic testes

@@@ SN: Varicocoele

@@ SN: Torsion Testis

Part of a LN: Describe the pathology, cl/f and Mx of testicular tumours.

LN: Classify testicular tumours. Describe the pathology, cl/f and Mx of seminoma testes.

LN: Classify testicular tumours. How will you investigate, Dx and Rx a case of seminoma testis?

SN: Seminoma testis

SN: Teratoma testis

@@ SN: Fournier’s gangrene (of the scrotum)

D/D of Haematuria

@@ Part of a LN: Enumerate causes of haematuria.

@ Part of a LN: What are the renal causes of haematuria? OR Enumerate the causes of renal hematuria.

[All questions from this section have been asked in Paper 2].

SN: Foley’s catheter

@ SN: Ryle’s tube

SN: Sengstaken-Blackmore tube


[All questions from this section have been asked in Paper 2 unless mentioned otherwise. Those that have
been asked in Paper 1 have ‘(P1)’ typed against them]

@ SN: Vasectomy

@ SN: Tracheostomy (also asked in P1)

SN: Complications of thyroid surgery

SN: Diagnostic laparoscopy

@@ SN: Complications of laparoscopy (also asked in P1)



SN: Lasers in urology

SN: Robotic surgery

SN: Day care surgery

[Those questions that have been asked in Paper 1 have ‘(P1)’ typed against them and those that have
been asked in Paper 2 have ‘(P2)’ typed against them].
LN: Classify goiters. Describe cl/f, pathology and Mx of papillary ca of thyroid. (P2)

@ SN: Retrosternal goiter (P1, P2)

LN: Discuss the etiology, cl/f, Ix and Mx of Graves disease. (P2)

SN: Eye signs in thyrotoxicosis (P1)

SN: @ Exophthalmos (P1, P2)

LN: Describe the classification, investigations and Mx of thyroid neoplasms. (P1)

SN: Papillary carcinoma of thyroid (P2)

LN: Describe the surgical anatomy of the thyroid gland. Discuss the etiology, cl/f, Dx and Mx of a solitary
thyroid nodule. (P2)

SN: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (P1)

SN: Thyroid crisis (P1)

SN: Lingual thyroid (P1)

[Those questions that have been asked in Paper 1 have ‘(P1)’ typed against them and those that have
been asked in Paper 2 have ‘(P2)’ typed against them].

LN: Describe the cl/f, d/d and Mx of a 50 y/o lady with a 6cm x 7cm hard lump in the breast. (P1)

@ SN: Phylloides tumour (P2)

SN: Fibroadenoma breast (P1)

SN: Galactocoele (P1)

@ SN: Nipple discharge (P2)

@ SN: Gynaecomastia (P1, P2)

@ SN: Paget’s disease of the nipple / breast (P2)

LN: Describe the etiology, pathology, Ix and Mx of early breast cancer. (P2)

@ SN: Mammography (P1, P2)

SN: Screening of breast cancer (P1)

LN: Describe the surgical anatomy of breast. State the indications and C/Is of breast conservation
surgery. (P2)
SN: Breast conservative surgery (P1)

[Those questions that have been asked in Paper 1 have ‘(P1)’ typed against them and those that have
been asked in Paper 2 have ‘(P2)’ typed against them].

Chest Trauma and Cardiothoracic Surgery

@@ SN: Flail chest (P1, P2)

LN: Discuss the causes and pathophysiology of flail chest. What will the presentations of steering wheel
injury be? (P2)

@@ SN: Tension pneumothorax (P1, P2)

SN: Haemothorax (P1)

@ SN: Intercostal drainage (P2)

SN: Empyema thoracis (P2)


LN: Discuss the mechanism, clinical assessment and Mx of head injuries. (P1)

@@@ SN: Extradural haematoma (P1, P2)

SN: Lucid interval (P1)

@ SN: Subdural haematoma (P1)

@ SN: Glasgow coma scale (P1, P2)

SN: Skull fracture (P1)

@ SN: Pott’s puffy tumour (P1)

Principles of Radiology

SN: Barium studies in radiography (P1)

SN: CT Scan (P2)

@ SN: Magnetic Resonance Imaging / MRI (P1, P2)

SN: PET Scan (P2)

Principles of Anaesthesiology

SN: Informed consent in surgery (P1)

SN: Sevoflurane (P2)

SN: Local anaesthesia (P1)

SN: Bupivacaine (P2)

@ SN: Spinal anaesthesia (P1)

SN: Epidural anaesthsia (P1)

SN: Brachial plexus (P1)

SN: Femoral nerve block (P2)

SN: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (P1)

Organ Transplantation

SN: Graft v/s Host reaction (P2)

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