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NAME _________________________DEPARTMENT _____________I.D.No. ______

PART I: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect
1. The Zagwe king established their capital at a place called Adafa near Lalibela (Roha).
2. The first locally known state of the Ethiopia and the horn region was Aksum.
3. Christianity became state religion in 334 AD during the reign of king Kaleb.
4. Stone tools had been first technologies to develop by human beings.
5. The port of Zeila served as the main gateway of Islam into the interior of Ethiopia
6. Archeological evidences suggest that east Africa rift valley is the cradle of humanity
7. As a source of history, secondary sources are more reliable than primarily sources.
8. . The first modern Ethiopian history in Europe was written by a German historian called Job Ludolf In 1684.
9. The establishment of “royal prison” at Amba-Gishen solved the problem of succession and facilitated
the consolidation of the power of the Christian kingdom of the medieval period.
PART II: Match Column “A” with Column “B”(1 pt. each)
“A” “B”
9. The Muslim state of Ifat was ruled by A. Zara-Yaqob
10. Famous king in the Christian kingdom known by territorial expansion B. Umer Walasma
11. The earliest Muslim sultanate of Shewa was founded by C. Yekuno Amlak
12. He was a great writer and religious reformers D. King Ezana
13. The restoration of the so-called “solomonic”Dynasty E. Zagwe dynasty.
14. Rock hewn church F. Emperor Lalibell
15. The king of Aksum who welcomed the Muslim refigures was G. Armah Ella
H. Solomonic dynasty
I. Amdetsion
PART III: Fill in the blank space(1pt. each) .
17. A British traveler who discover the source of Nile was __________________
18. Serves as a primary and secondary sources in which information transmitted by word of mouth
From generation to generation refers to ______________
19. A theory that explains human beings developed from small beings through gradual changes of
Many million years is ______________________
20. The last Zagwe king , Yitbarek was overthrown by ________________
PART IV: Choose the best answer from the given alternatives(1pt.each)
21. One of the following is NOT the uses of the study of history as a field of study?
A. It helps us to know the past to understand the present and for see the future development.
B. It helps us to have abroad understanding of national and international issues.
C. It helps us to develop intolerance and narrow- mindedness
D. It helps us to develop necessary skill for collecting and analyzing information to reach
22. The earliest known state in the history of Ethiopia and the horn is?
A. Da’mat B. Yeha C. Punt D. Coloe.
23. In dealing with sources and methods of historical study, which one of the following option is not
A. Primary sources are first hand sources.
B. Oral tradition refers to recounting of the past across generation.
C. Oral tradition is used so as to verify lived experiences.
D. none of the above.
24. Which one of the following is the turning point of modern Ethiopian historical studies?
A. The emergence of traditional Ethiopian history such as Aleqa Taye and Atseme Georgis
B. The emergence of the first modern history in Europe.
C. The establishment of Haile sillassie I university
D. The writing of Tekletsadik Mekuria
25. Which one of the following fossil was discovered by Donald Carl Johnson at Hadar in 1974 A.D.?
A. Ardipithicus Ramidus C. Australopithecus Anamensis

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B. Australopithecus Afarnesis D. Cororapithecus
26. The main port of Axumite kingdom through which it maintained trading link with the outside
A. Massawa B. Adulis C. Zeila D. Berbera
27. Which one of the following choices is not true in line with the human evolution??
A. Stone tools had been the first technologies to be developed by human beings.
B. During the Neolothic period human beings transformed from mobile to settled way of life.
C. Evidence suggests that East Africa is the origin of human kind.
D. The fossil named Dinkinesh which wasc discovered at Hadar is grouped under Australopiticus
E. None.
28. The south Arabian political and religious title used by Damat in Ethiopian history was
A. Mukarib C. Sunni
B. Sultanate D. Ifat
29. Which of the following is true about history as a field of study?
A. It is written on the basis of written sources only
B. It is written on the basis of both written and oral sources
C. It gives more important to fossils and art crafts than oral tradition
D. It gives more important to eyewitness accounts rather than to written documents
30. Which one of the following is correct about the Nilo- Saharan languages?
A. They are grouped as part of Cushitic super family
B. They include languages as Goffa, Dawaro, and Sidama
C. They are mainly spoken along the Ethio- Sudan border region
D. They were spoken outside of the Omo Valley in the distant past
31. The “first Solomonic king” according to the legend and legitimate state power for successive
Generation was
A. Yekuno Amlak B. Menilik I C. Menilik II D. Tekle Haimanot
32. In accordance with the tenure system of historic Ethiopia, the hereditary land use right og the
Peasantry was branded as?
A. Gult B. Semon C. Rist gult D. Rist E. A and C
33. One of the following is subjects Cosmos Indecopleustes discussed in his book “the Christian
Topography” which one?
A. The expansion of Christianity in Aksum
B. the Aksumite merchants visited lands to the south of Abbay to buy gold for the ruling class
C. Factors for the fall and the decline of Aksumite state
D. The military strength of Aksumite kingdom from 3rdC up to 6thC AD.
34. According to the Periplus of Eritrean sea document, which Aksumite king was mentioned in and used
to communicate in Greek language, Lingua Franca of Greco- Roman world?
A. Zoscales B. Ezana C. Caleb D. Abraha
35. Who was the writer of the book entitled “The periplus of Erythrean Sea”?

A. Cosmas Indicopleustus B. Emporer Zoscales C.Emperor Ezana D. Unknown author

36. Identify false statement about the Zgwe Dynasty

A. The period of the Zawe Dynasty was coincided with the crusades; and the zagwe took part in
The wars of Crusades on the seide of Christians.
B. Though they were considered as usurpers, the Zagwes were able to retain the cultural traditions of the
Axsumite State
C. The Zagwe Dynasty came to powers in the mid 12 th century from ruling class of Agaw people of
D. The Zagwe Dynasty was founded by Merra T/Haimanot in 1150.
37. Which one of the following is the main reason for the conflict between the Christian
kingdom and the Muslim Sultanate
A. Religious differences C. To spread their own religious ideologies
B. To control trade and trade route D. To build up great Ethiopian empire
38. List down the major factors that contributed the down fall of Aksumite state (2pt.)
39. Write down the limitation of Ethiopian history/ historiography?(2pts.)

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