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**Lesson Plan: Micro Teaching for Simple Present Tense**


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to correctly use the simple present tense to describe
actions related to a specific object.

**Grade Level:**

Elementary to Intermediate (Ages 10-12)


5-10 minutes

**Class Size:**

5-10 students


- One simple object (e.g., a pen, a book, a cup)

- Whiteboard and markers

**Set Induction (2 minutes):**

1. Begin by showing the object (e.g., a pen) to the class and holding it up for everyone to see.

2. Ask students to describe the object using the simple present tense. For example, "The pen writes
smoothly" or "I use the pen to write in my notebook."

3. Encourage students to take turns sharing sentences about the object using the simple present tense.

**Lesson Procedure:**
**Introduction (1 minute):**

1. Review the concept of the simple present tense. Explain that it is used to describe actions that happen
regularly, habits, routines, or facts.

**Instruction (3-5 minutes):**

1. Model a sentence using the simple present tense to describe an action related to the object. For
example, "I hold the pen in my hand."

2. Elicit sentences from students about actions they can do with the object. Write their sentences on the
board, emphasizing the use of the simple present tense.

3. Provide feedback and correction as needed, ensuring students understand the correct usage of the

**Practice (3-4 minutes):**

1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.

2. Distribute the object to each group.

3. Instruct students to take turns describing actions related to the object using the simple present tense.

4. Circulate among the groups to provide assistance and monitor progress.

**Conclusion (1 minute):**

1. Bring the class back together and review some of the sentences generated by the groups.

2. Summarize the key points of using the simple present tense.

3. Encourage students to continue practicing using the tense in their everyday English communication.


Informal assessment through observation of students' participation and understanding during the
practice activities. Provide feedback and correction as needed.

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