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(1) T(6th Sm.)-Psychology-H/Pr.


Paper : DSE-A-2P
(Human Resource Management)
Full Marks : 30

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

Answer all questions (word limit 150 words).

1. What do you understand by organizational role stress? Delineate the different dimensions of the
organizational role stress scale. 2+8

2. Comment on the reliability, validity and norms of the organizational role stress scale in brief. 10

3. What is the scoring standard of the scale? Give a brief idea about how the organizational role stress
scale could be useful in HRM. 5+5
(1) T(6th Sm.)-Psychology-H/CC-13/CBCS

Paper : CC-13
(Organizational Behaviour)
Full Marks : 50

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

1. Write notes on any two of the following (within 300 words) : 5×2
(a) Challenges of OB
(b) Hawthorne Studies
(c) Organizational Citizenship Behaviour
(d) Optimism.

2. Answer any one question from the following (within 800 words) : 10×1
(a) Relate Job Satisfaction to Organizational Commitment.
(b) Explain Stogdill’s theory of trait approach in organizational behaviour.
(c) Explain the Human Relations Approach to Management.

3. Write any two questions from the following (within 1000 words) : 15×2
(a) Discuss the OB dynamics in detail.
(b) Comparatively discuss the approaches of Maslow and Herzberg toward work motivation.
(c) Discuss any one significant contingency theory of leadership.
(d) Write on the Indian view of leadership.
(1) T(6th Sm.)-Psychology-H/CC-14/CBCS

Paper : CC-14
(Counselling Psychology)
Full Marks : 50

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

1. Write notes on any two of the following (each within 100 words) : 5×2
(a) Working alliance
(b) Goals of Counselling
(c) Role of Confidentiality in Counselling
(d) Unconditional acceptance.

2. Answer any one question from the following (within 150 words) : 10×1
(a) What are the various personality characteristics of an effective counsellor?
(b) Write a short note on Yoga as one of the techniques of Counselling.
(c) How does career counselling take place? Explain with suitable example(s).

3. Answer any two questions from the following (within 200 words) :
(a) Define the term ‘counselling’. Differentiate between psychoanalytic and humanistic techniques
of counselling. 3+12
(b) What is meant by crisis-intervention? How can counselling be provided to a client having a history
of sexual abuse? 5+10
(c) Explain the salient features of behavioural techniques of counselling. 15
(d) Discuss the professional ethical issues in counselling. 15
(1) T(6th Sm.)-Psychology-H/DSE-A-2/CBCS

Paper : DSE-A-2
(Human Resource Management)
Full Marks : 50

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

1. Write notes on any two of the following (within 300 words) : 5×2
(a) Human Resource Management
(b) Organizational change
(c) 360-degree performance evaluation
(d) Objectives of HRD.

2. Answer any one question from the following (within 800 words) : 10×1
(a) Critically examine the evolution and present state of HRM in India.
(b) Delineate the process of personnel selection.
(c) Explain the role of globalization in IHRM.

3. Answer any two questions from the following (within 1000 words) :
(a) Explain the role of culture on IHRM. Discuss Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory in this context.
(b) Discuss in detail the purpose and techniques of job analysis. 5+10
(c) (i) Distinguish between job description and job specification.
(ii) Delineate any one model of organizational development. 5+10
(d) Distinguish between training, induction and development. How can the training needs of an
organization be determined? 6+9
(1) T(6th Sm.)-Psychology-H/Pr./DSE-B-4P/CBCS

Paper : DSE-B-4P
(Community Psychology)
Full Marks : 30

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

Answer all questions (word limit 150 words).

1. Discuss the role of family environment in the socio-emotional adjustment of the individual. 10

2. Describe the different dimensions of the Family Environment Scale. 10

3. How do you think the family environment plays a role in the adjustment and well-being of an individual?
(1) T(6th Sm.)-Psychology-H/DSE-B-4/CBCS

Paper : DSE-B-4
(Community Psychology)
Full Marks : 50

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

1. Write notes on any two from the following (each within 100 words) : 5×2
(a) Basic principles of community research
(b) Difference between clinical and community psychology
(c) Positive Ageing
(d) Human Diversity.

2. Answer any one question from the following (within 150 words) :
(a) Discuss the aims of Community Psychology. 10
(b) State the importance of community programmes for old age in the Indian context. 10
(c) Define empowerment. Discuss the importance of empowerment in the field of Community
Psychology. 2+8

3. Answer any two questions from the following (each within 200 words) :
(a) Discuss Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological model of Community Psychology. 15
(b) Discuss the core values of Community Psychology with special emphasis on respect for human
diversity and social justice. 15
(c) Define community mental health. Why individual wellness and family wellness are essential for the
promotion of community mental health? 5+10
(d) Explain the phases of community intervention programme to prevent drug addiction. 15
(1) T(6th Sm.)-Psychology-H/Pr./CC-13P/CBCS

Paper : CC-13P
(Organizational Behaviour)
Full Marks : 30

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

Answer all questions (word limit for each 150 words)

1. Explain the concept of achievement motivation after McClelland. Describe the Achievement Motivation
Scale by Deo and Mohan. 5+5

2. Delineate the standard method of administration and scoring procedure of Deo and Mohan Achievement
Motivation Scale. 6+4

3. Discuss in detail the psychometric properties and applicability of Deo and Mohan Achievement Motivation
Scale. 4+6
(1) T(6th Sm.)-Psychology-H/Pr./CC-14P/CBCS

Paper : CC-14P
(Counselling Psychology)
Full Marks : 30

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

Answer all questions (word limit for each 150 words)

1. What is interest? Briefly explain the different types of interest measured by Guilford Zimmerman Interest
Inventory (GZII). 2+8

2. What is the difference between an inventory and a test? Explain briefly self-report inventory. 6+4

3. Describe in detail the standard scoring procedure of Guilford Zimmerman Interest Inventory (GZII).
What type of norm is used in GZII? 8+2

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