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International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 5, no 5, pp 5377-5383 May 2024

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

Journal homepage: ISSN 2582-7421

NFC-Empowered Smart Campus Automation by Using IoT & Machine


B. Lakshmi Naidu1, K. Sravana2, K.V.S. Sandeep3, G.Murali4, B.Charan5, Virender Singh6

UG Students, Department of ECE, N.S. Raju Institute of Technology, Visakhapatnam, A.P, India
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, N.S. Raju Institute of Technology, Visakhapatnam, A.P, India


NFC technology and machine learning have the potential to revolutionize the way attendance and libraries operate. By integrating NFC technology into attendance
systems and library management systems, attendance and libraries can streamline their workflows, improve security, and provide a better user experience for
students and patrons. Machine learning can be used to analyze the data collected by NFC technology to identify patterns in student behavior and library operations.
This information can be used to improve student outcomes, provide personalized recommendations for Library and get attendance data to their mail, and optimize
institutional operations. Overall, the integration of NFC technology and machine learning in universities attendance and libraries can provide valuable insights and
lead to significant improvements in services and operations.

Keywords: NFC, Machine Learning, attendance, Library, Students, etc….

1. Introduction

The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution has brought about significant changes in various domains, including education. With
the rapid growth of IoT and the smart features of RFID and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies, universities have the opportunity to leverage
NFC-enabled automation systems to transform their traditional processes into smart online schemes [1]. Building on this idea, NFC technology can also
be used in libraries to improve book tracking, inventory management, and patron identification. By integrating NFC technology into library management
systems, librarians can streamline their workflows and provide a better user experience for patrons [2]. Moreover, machine learning can be used to analyze
the data collected by the NFC technology in both the attendance system and library management system. In the attendance system, machine learning
algorithms can be trained to predict which students are at risk of failing or dropping out of the course, based on their attendance patterns. This information
can be used by instructors and administrators to provide targeted interventions and support to these students, improving their chances of success [2] [3]
[4]. In the library management system, machine learning algorithms can be used to analyze the data collected by the NFC technology to identify patterns
in book borrowing and patron behavior. This information can be used to optimize library operations, such as book ordering and shelving, and to provide
personalized recommendations to patrons based on their borrowing history [5]. Figure 1 represents overall, the integration of NFC technology and machine
learning in both the attendance system and library management system can provide valuable insights into student behavior and library operations. By
leveraging the power of these technologies, universities and libraries can improve their services and provide a better experience for their users.

Figure 1. Overall Integration of NFC-Technology

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 5, no 5, pp 5377-5383 May 2024 5378

2. Literature Review

• The Power of NFC Technology

• Near-Field Communication (NFC) technology has emerged as a game-changer in various industries, and education is no exception.
NFC enables short-range wireless communication between devices, making it ideal for applications like attendance management
and library services. With NFC-enabled smartphones and smart cards, students can seamlessly interact with NFC readers and tags,
unlocking a world of possibilities in education management [6].

• NFC technology operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction, allowing devices to communicate when brought into close
proximity. The technology's simplicity, reliability, and ease of use have paved the way for its widespread adoption in various
sectors. In the context of universities, NFC holds immense potential to transform traditional processes, making them more efficient,
secure, and user-friendly [6].

• NFC- Empowered Campus Management System

• To harness the power of NFC technology in universities, the development of an NFC-enabled university management system is
crucial. This comprehensive solution integrates NFC technology for both attendance management and library services, offering a
range of benefits to students, faculty, and administrators.

• The NFC-enabled university management system simplifies attendance registration, eliminating the need for manual processes and
reducing delays. Students can register their attendance by simply touching their NFC-enabled student ID cards to NFC readers.
The attendance data is instantly recorded and transmitted to the university's database, ensuring real-time updates. This not only
saves time but also eliminates the possibility of proxy attendance, ensuring the integrity of examination halls.

• In addition to attendance management, the NFC-enabled system revolutionizes library services. Traditionally, accessing book
information and borrowing books involved manual processes that were time-consuming and prone to errors. However, with NFC
technology, users can effortlessly access book information by touching their mobile devices to NFC tags on the books. This enables
quick searches for books using keywords and simplifies the check-out process. Returning books is equally streamlined, with users
simply touching their devices to NFC-tagged books, updating the library management system in real-time.

• The NFC-enabled university management system is designed to be scalable, secure, cost-effective, and user-friendly. It caters to
the needs of large universities with a high number of students, providing a seamless and efficient experience for all stakeholders.

• Advantages of NFC- Empowered Education

• The adoption of NFC-enabled education in universities offers numerous advantages over traditional methods. Let's explore some
of the key benefits that make NFC a unique and valuable tool for university management.

• Enhanced Efficiency and Accuracy

• One of the primary advantages of NFC-enabled education is its ability to improve efficiency and accuracy in attendance
management and library services. By automating attendance registration, NFC eliminates manual processes, reducing the time and
effort required. This not only saves valuable administrative resources but also ensures accurate and real-time attendance data. The
system's instant updates and streamlined processes eliminate the possibility of errors and discrepancies, providing a reliable
foundation for decision-making.

• Improved Security and Integrity

• With NFC-enabled education, universities can enhance the security and integrity of examination halls and library operations. The
NFC-enabled university management system eliminates the risk of proxy attendance, ensuring that only authorized students can
register their attendance. This prevents fraudulent practices and maintains the integrity and fairness of examinations. Similarly, the
system's real-time updates and accurate tracking of library transactions enhance security by minimizing the chances of book theft
or misplacement.

3. NFC-Enabled Student Attendance Monitoring

One of the key areas where NFC-enabled automation can make a significant impact is student attendance monitoring. Traditionally, universities rely on
manual attendance tracking methods, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. By implementing NFC-enabled systems, universities can
automate the attendance tracking process, ensuring accurate and real-time data collection [3].

The NFC technology allows for the connectivity of physical objects, such as student ID cards, with real-time communication technology. By integrating
NFC tags into student ID cards, universities can easily track and record student attendance by simply tapping the card on NFC-enabled terminals placed
strategically throughout the campus. Figure 3 represents the overall integration of attendance system
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 5, no 5, pp 5377-5383 May 2024 5379

Figure 2. Attendance Flow Diagram

3.1 Benefits of NFC-Enabled Attendance Monitoring

Implementing NFC-enabled student attendance monitoring systems offers several benefits for universities:

• Real-time data collection: NFC-enabled systems provide universities with real-time attendance data, allowing for timely intervention and

• Accuracy and reliability: With NFC technology, attendance data is recorded automatically, reducing the chances of human error and

• Efficiency: NFC-enabled attendance systems streamline the attendance tracking process, saving valuable time for both students and faculty

• Integration with other systems: NFC-enabled systems can be seamlessly integrated with other university systems, such as grading and
scheduling platforms, for a more comprehensive view of student performance.

3.2 Implementation of NFC-Enabled Attendance Systems

The implementation of NFC-enabled attendance systems involves the following steps:

• NFC-enabled ID cards: Students are issued NFC-enabled ID cards that contain embedded NFC tags. These tags store unique identifiers linked
to each student's profile in the university database.

• NFC-enabled terminals: NFC-enabled terminals are strategically placed throughout the campus, such as classroom entrances or lecture halls.
These terminals can read the NFC tags on student ID cards and record attendance data.

• Data integration and analysis: The attendance data collected by NFC-enabled terminals is integrated into the university's information system.
Analytics and reporting tools can then be used to analyze the data and generate insights.

Figure 3. Attendance Overview

4. NFC-Enabled Library Automation

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 5, no 5, pp 5377-5383 May 2024 5380

Another area where NFC-enabled automation can revolutionize university processes is library management. Traditional library systems rely on manual
book tracking and checkout processes, which can be inefficient and time-consuming. By implementing NFC-enabled systems, universities can automate
these processes, providing a seamless and enhanced experience for library users [2].

Figure 4. Library Overview

Figure 5. How Tracking System Works

5. IoT Integration for Enhanced Automation

Figure 6. IoT Integration

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 5, no 5, pp 5377-5383 May 2024 5381

6. The Flow of the NFC-Enabled University Management System

The NFC-enabled university management system follows a carefully designed flow that encompasses both attendance management and library services.
This systematic flow ensures the efficient and seamless operation of the system, creating a positive experience for users and administrators alike. Let's
explore the key steps in the flow of the NFC-enabled university management system:

1. Figure 7. Represents the overall functioning of NFC-Empowered Smart Campus Automation.

2. Students register their attendance by touching their NFC-enabled student ID cards or smartphones to NFC readers located at designated entry

3. The NFC readers instantly capture the attendance data and transmit it to the university's centralized database.

4. Students can access their daily and monthly attendance reports through a web interface accessible via admin and student logins. This provides
students with real-time updates on their attendance and enables them to monitor their progress.

5. The system automatically sends daily and monthly attendance reports to students' email addresses, ensuring timely communication and record-

6. In the library, users can access book information by touching their NFC-enabled mobile devices to NFC tags on the books. This instantly
provides them with detailed information about the book, including availability status.

7. Users can search for books using keywords, authors, or genres, leveraging the system's powerful search capabilities. This simplifies the book
discovery process and enhances the overall user experience.

8. When users have identified the books they wish to borrow, they can conveniently check them out by touching their NFC-enabled devices to
NFC-tagged books. This updates the library management system in real-time, ensuring accurate tracking of borrowed books.

9. Returning books is equally streamlined, with users simply touching their devices to NFC-tagged books. This automatically updates the library
management system, making the book available for other users and maintaining an accurate inventory.

10. All transaction history, including attendance records and library transactions, is securely stored in the university's database. This provides
administrators with valuable data for analysis, decision-making, and reporting purposes.

Figure 7. Flow of NFC Enabled University Management System

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 5, no 5, pp 5377-5383 May 2024 5382

7. Results of Library and Attendance

Figure 8. Login Page of Library Figure 9. Home Page

Figure 17. Books Listed in Library Figure 18. Profile of the Student account

Figure 19. Signup page for Students Figure 20. Login Page for Admin Panel

Figure 21. Admin Dashboard

Figure 26. Login Page for Attendance Figure 27. Users in Attendance System
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 5, no 5, pp 5377-5383 May 2024 5383


In conclusion, the integration of NFC technology and machine learning into attendance management and library services at universities represents a
significant leap forward in optimizing educational operations. This comprehensive approach improves efficiency, enhances security, and provides a user-
centric experience. The success of this integration relies on meticulous planning, careful hardware and software selection, rigorous testing, and ongoing
maintenance. NFC technology in attendance management streamlines the process by automating tracking and reducing delays. The systematic
implementation encompasses planning and analysis, hardware and software selection, system design and development, testing and debugging,
deployment, and continuous monitoring and maintenance. It brings increased accuracy and user-friendliness to the process. In library services, NFC
technology simplifies book access and borrowing, while machine learning adds another layer of personalization and efficiency. Machine learning
algorithms analyze user data to offer personalized book recommendations, optimize inventory management, predict book availability, and re-engage users
with targeted notifications and offers. This not only streamlines library operations but also enriches the user experience. The integration of NFC
technology and machine learning requires seamless collaboration between hardware and software components. Using PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
XAMPP, and SQL ensures data storage and retrieval are secure and efficient. User interfaces provide a user-friendly experience for both administrators
and library users. Thorough testing and validation are essential to confirm that the machine learning models work effectively in providing personalized
recommendations, optimizing inventory, predicting book availability, and enhancing user engagement. Continuous improvement is an ongoing process,
ensuring that the models remain accurate and up-to-date with evolving user preferences.


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