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Sethuraman A S

Power Transfer Equation

Transient stability means the ability of a power system to experience a sudden
change in generation, load, or system characteristics without a prolonged loss of
synchronism. So, transient stability is the ability of the system to remain in synchronism
under transient conditions, i.e., faults, switching operations, etc. As important concept
here in synchronizing power. The higher the real power transfer capability over the
transmission link between the two machines, the more likely they are to remain in
synchronism in the face of a transient disturbance. By this power transfer equation is
given as,

P= sin δ

P = power transferred
E = Sending / Machine 1 voltage
V = Receiving / Machine 2 voltage
X = Reactance
sin 𝛿 = angular difference between two machines

Consider two synchronous machines connected by a transmission line having an

inductive reactance XL but neglecting resistance and capacitance. Let us assume that
machine 1 represents a generator feeding power to a synchronous motor represented
as machine 2.

The power transferred from the generator to the motor is a function of angular
separation (𝛿) between the rotors of the two machines. This angular separation is due
to three components:
• Generator angle (angle by which the generator rotor leads the revolving
field of the stator)
• Angular difference between the terminal voltages of the two machines
• Internal angle of the motor (angle by which the rotor lags the revolving
stator field)
Sethuraman A S

When the angle is zero, no power is transferred. As the angle is increased, the
power transfer increases up to a maximum (when it reaches 90). After a certain angle
increases further 90 results in a decrease in power transferred. The magnitude of
power is directly proportional to the machine’s internal voltages and inversely
proportional to the reactance between the voltages, which includes the reactance of the
transmission line connecting the machines and the reactance of the machines.
When there are more than two machines, their relative angular displacements
affect the interchange of power. However, limiting values of power transfers and
angular separation is a complex function of generation and load distribution.

Power transfer equation in an AC transmission

Let us now examine factors influencing the transfer of active and reactive power
between two sources connected by inductive reactance. Such a system is representative
of two sections of a power system interconnected by a transmission system with power
transfer from one section to the other. Considering a purely inductive reactance
interconnecting the two sources, impedances representing transmission lines,
transformers, and generators are predominantly inductive.
Analysis of transmission of active and reactive power through an inductive
reactance thus gives useful insight into the characteristics of AC transmission systems.
The equivalent system diagram is shown below.
Sethuraman A S

• Case 1: When 𝛿 = 0,

For making the 𝛿 = 0 taking the angle of grid 1 and grid 2 as 10, so that
angular difference between ( 𝛿 = grid 1 angle – grid 2 angle) those grids will be

Inference: When the sending voltage angle and receiving end voltage angle is
the same and voltage is also the same, the angular difference between the grid is
zero. So, there will not be any flow of active power, and reactive power is transferred
from sending end Es Bus to receiving Er Bus.
Transmission of lagging current (lagging power factor) through an inductive
reactance causes a drop in receiving end voltage. Transmission of leading current
(leading power factor) through an inductive reactance causes a rise in receiving end

• Case 2: When Es = Er, 𝛿 ≠ 0

Sethuraman A S

Inference: When Voltage at sending end and receiving end Es = Er, and 𝛿 is
positive active power flows from sending end Es to receiving end Er. When 𝛿 is
negative active power flows from sending end Er to receiving end Es

• Case 3: any values of Es, Er, and 𝛿

Inference: when receiving end voltage magnitude Vr > sending end voltage
magnitude Es the reactive power flows from receiving end Er to sending end Es and
when the angle of sending end Es > angle of receiving end Er the active power
flows from sending end Es to receiving end Er.

From the above cases, it is clear that these are the following conclusions,

• Active power transfer depends mainly on the angle of sending end and receiving
end. It flows from sending end to receiving end when sending end leads receiving
• Reactive power transfer depends mainly on voltage magnitude. It is transmitted
from high magnitude to lower magnitude.
• An increase in reactive power transfer causes an increase in active as well as
reactive power losses.
• Reactive power cannot be transmitted over long distances since it would require
a large voltage gradient to do so.
• If there is a mismatch between generation and demand, there will be a difference
in angle, hence it leads to affect the flow of power. There will be a loss in
synchronism. Which in leads to transient stability analysis.

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