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Kenopanishad Class 3 – Mantra 1.

Chapter 1 | Mantra 1

kena ishitam patati preshitam manah

kena praanah prathamah praiti yuktah |
kena ishitaam vaacham imaam vadanti
chakshuh shrotram kah u devah yunakti II

Deductions from the above question about the nature of the student:
1. The student is well matured and clear enough to know that this gross body by itself is not
consciousness. It is jadam.
2. The student is also very clear that the subtle body is also not consciousness by itself.
3. The student understands that this body and mind is apart and hence directly strikes the
core question - What activates this body + mind combination? What makes it conscious,
sentient? (e.g., bulb / electricity and milk / sugar). There is something that is apart from the
body and mind yet entwined that makes it activate / function. The student wants to know
what is that?

1 manah preshitam patati The student questions,

kena ishitam By what, does the mind get activated or propelled
or blessed to experience objects?
2 prathamah praiti yuktah By the blessing of what essence, that I function
kena praanah along with the prana?
3 Kena imaam vaacham vadanti By the blessing of what essence, that all karmae
chakshuh shrotram indriya and gnanayae indriya functions or works
in me?
4 kahu devah yunakti Devah – The student clearly questions – I want to
know who or what is that ultimate self-
consciousness essence that propels /
functions every other thing, making them

The key essence of this mantra is – The student is asking the Guru who or what is
THAT ultimate essence that propels / functions and enlivens every other thing
(indriyas, prana, manah)

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