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i) Sosio-ekonomi

In recent years, social media has been consumed by both higher and lower socio-economic
status. Howeever, there are differences in usage of social media for both socio-economic
statuses depending on the type of apps used. For higher socio-economic status who have higher
income and high-education spend their time more on information-seeking tools like news,
email, WhatsApp and audio streaming service for work and education purposes. They besides,
for area with lower income and education ratio, they tend to use social media for entertainment
and streaming purposes like Facebook, Snapchat, Tiktok and more. Putting together, we can
generally say that both socio economic status has their own purposes in using social media as
it contains a lot of information and for us to entertain ourselves. Lastly, both socio-economic
statuses can use the social media or Internet as tool for their own personal enrichment.

ii) Social Intelligence

People nowadays use social media as a tool to connect with people virtually. However, with
too much usage of social media can affect our social interlligence depending on the content
that appears on our feeds. For example, we tend to compare ourselved with other people's
lifestyles on social media based on what they post on their Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram and
more. The act of constantly comparing ourselves with other people will make us ungrateful and
might affect our social intelligence at a very high scale. Thus, we must not use social media to
compete against each other as it might affect the way we socially interact with one
another virtuallty.
iii) Academic achievement

The impact of social media on the brain and cognitive development of students is decreasing.
This is due to the students' obsession with the internet and social media that has led them to
spend hours in front of mobile phones and computers, some even in cyber cafes just to find
self-satisfaction by browsing the internet. It is very unfortunate when school students who
should be at school to learn are willing to skip school simply for activities such as playing
games, chatting through Facebook, video games and various other activities that are not
beneficial. When they do not attend school, they will drop out of the student body, and academic
achievement is also affected. This shows that the unhealthy use of modern technology such as
the internet can have social and academic effects on users, especially on school students
consisting of children and teenagers in universities.

iv) Character Building

The medium of social media is one of the powerful influences for inspiration and the latest
trends. Lately we have heard a lot of the 121 word 'Challenge' where young children use Tik
Tok and Bigo applications like this to perform actions such as dancing, jumping and so on
according to the rhythm of the song provided by the application. In general, there are no
problems with this challenge nor with the available applications. However, what is emphasized
is the emergence of users among women, especially those who are Muslim, without feeling shy
by dancing and performing erotic actions to gain many followers and "like buttons". It is
believed that this happens because of the lack of religious knowledge that should be taught by
parents from childhood, where women should take care of their manners and modesty, which
is very much demanded by Islam. Supervision that does not take place makes it easy for teenage
children to get caught up in immorality and negative acts at the same time can have a negative
impact on their thinking.


i) Education and a changing society
ii) Education and Madani society

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