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NAME: ______________________ ( ) CLASS: _________ DATE: ______________________






In this we will learn to use three common numerical measures, namely, mean, median, mode to

describe a set of data.This three numerical measures are measure of central tendency and are

also known as averages in statistics.

Measure of Central Tendency

A measure of central tendency is a single numerical value that reflects the average value (or the

approximate centre) of a set of data.

In this worksheet, we will be learning: Mean

Mean, X̅ = Sum of values/ Number of Data

When a set of data is grouped into class intervals, the exact value of each data is unknown in the

frequency table. Hence we can only estimate the mean for grouped data with class intervals.

In a data set, the frequency of a value is the number of times the values occur.

To learn more about Mean, Median and Mode scan the QR code:
[This QR code is also important for Chapter 12.2 and 12.3]

Secondary 2 Express Mathematics 1 Chapter 12 Measures of Central Tendency

Practice One

The masses, in grams, of 6 mangoes are as follow:

205, 208, 211, 197, 192 , 205.

Find the mean mass of the mangoes.

Practice Two

The mean height of 5 basketball players is 178 cm. The mean height of 11 soccer players is 170 cm.
Find the mean height of all these players.

Practice Three

The mean of 7 number is 23. Four of the numbers are 5, 9, 17 and 25. The other three numbers are
each equal to y. Find the value of y.

Secondary 2 Express Mathematics 2 Chapter 12 Measures of Central Tendency

Practice Four

The dot diagram shows the waiting times, in minutes, of some patients at a clinic.
Find the mean waiting time of the patients.

Practice Five

The age of a group of students are shown in the frequency table.

Age (x years) 13 14 15 16
Number of students 5 8 17 10

Secondary 2 Express Mathematics 3 Chapter 12 Measures of Central Tendency

Secondary 2 Express Mathematics 4 Chapter 12 Measures of Central Tendency
Practice Six

A survey was carried out to find the number of mobile applications installed by 100 students in their
mobile phones. The table show the results of the survey.

Number of mobile apps (x) Frequency

Secondary 2 Express Mathematics 5 Chapter 12 Measures of Central Tendency

Practice Seven

The histogram shows the number of hours some students spent on co-curricular activities (CCA)
during the holidays. Find an estimate of the mean number of hours students spent on CCA.

Secondary 2 Express Mathematics 6 Chapter 12 Measures of Central Tendency

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