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रुद्राक्षोपनिषद्वेद्यं महारुद्रतयोज्ज्वलम्। प्रतियोगिविनिर्मुक्तशिवमात्रपदं भजे॥

ॐ आप्यायन्तु ममाङ्गानि वाक्प्राणश्चक्षुः श्रोत्रमथो बलमिन्द्रियाणि च॥ सर्वाणि सर्वं ब्रह्मोपनिषदं माहं ब्रह्म निराकु र्यां मा मा ब्रह्म निराकरोदनिराकरणमस्त्वनिराकरणं मेस्तु तदात्मनि निरते
य उपनिषत्सु धर्मास्ते मयि सन्तु ते मयि सन्तु॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

हरिः ॐ॥ अथ हैनं कालाग्निरुद्रं भुसुण्डः पप्रच्छ कथं रुद्राक्षोत्पत्तिः। तद्धारणात्किं फलमिति।

Hari Om. Next, Bhusunda addressed Kalagni Rudra thus: “How did Rudraksha originated and what is the result of
wearing Them?”.

तं होवाच भगवान्कालाग्निरुद्रः।
Lord Kalagni Rudra answered Him.

त्रिपुरवधार्थमहं निमीलिताक्षोऽभवम्। तेभ्यो जलबिन्दवो भूमौ पतितास्ते रुद्राक्षा जाताः।

When, for the sake of destroying Tripura, I closed My eyes, drops of water fell from Them on the ground and became
(manifested as) Rudraksha.

सर्वानुग्रहार्थाय तेषां नामोच्चारणमात्रेण दशगोप्रदानफलं दर्शनस्पर्शनाभ्यां द्विगुणं फलमत ऊर्ध्वं वक्तुं न शक्नोमि।
They benefit everyone and all. Uttering Their name gives the effect of the gift of ten cows. Seeing and handling Them
produces twice the effect of the above. Beyond this, I am unable to describe more.

तत्रैते श्लोका भवन्ति।

These are the following verses on this (question).

कस्मिंस्थितं तु किं नाम कथं वा धार्यते नरैः। कतिभेदमुखान्यत्र कै र्मन्त्रैर्धार्यते कथम्॥ १॥

From where does It come? What is Its name? How is It to be worn by men? How many faces does It contain? What
are the mantras to be chanted when wearing It?

दिव्यवर्षसहस्राणि चक्षुरुन्मीलितं मया। भूमावक्षिपुटाभ्यां तु पतिता जलबिन्दवः॥ २॥

I closed My eyes for the period of a thousand divine years. From My closed eyes drops of water fell down on the

तत्राश्रुबिन्दवो जाता महारुद्राक्षवृक्षकाः। स्थावरत्वमनुप्राप्य भक्तानुग्रहकारणात्॥ ३॥

Then those teardrops became the great Rudraksha trees of the non-movable kingdom for the sake of blessing the

भक्तानां धारणात्पापं दिवारात्रिकृ तं हरेत्। लक्षं तु दर्शनात्पुण्यं कोटिस्तद्धारणाद्भवेत्॥ ४॥

Wearing It removes the sin of the devotees committed during the day and the night. Seeing It produces one lac
(100.000) of virtues and handling It one crore (10.000.000).

तस्य कोटिशतं पुण्यं लभते धारणान्नरः।

लक्षकोटिसहस्राणि लक्षकोटिशतानि च॥ ५॥
तज्जपाल्लभते पुण्यं नरो रुद्राक्षधारणात्।
Worn by mankind, It produces one hundred crores (100.000.000) of virtues. Man gains plus (infinite) the virtue by wearing Rudraksha while chanting on a Rudraksha rosary.
धात्रीफलप्रमाणं यच्छ्रेष्ठमेतदुदाहृतम्॥ ६॥
It is said that that Rudraksha is of the best quality, which is as big as a Dhatri fruit.

बदरीफलमात्रं तु मध्यमं प्रोच्यते बुधैः। अधमं चणमात्रं स्यात्प्रक्रियैषा मयोच्यते॥ ७॥

The wise declare the Rudraksha-bead as big as a Badari fruit, to be of middle quality. The lowest quality is That one
which has the size of a Bengal gram. Thus is the order given out by Me.

ब्राह्मणाः क्षत्रिया वैश्याः शूद्राश्चेति शिवाज्ञया। वृथा जाताः पृथिव्यां तु तज्जातीयाः शुभाक्षकाः॥ ८॥
By the command of Shiva the trees have sprung up from the earth in four classes, namely, Brahmana, Kshatriya,
Vaisya and Sudra; and each brings benefit to its own caste.

श्वेतास्तु ब्राह्मणा ज्ञेयाः क्षत्रिया रक्तवर्णकाः। पीतास्तु वैश्या विज्ञेयाः कृ ष्णाः शूद्रा उदाहृताः॥ ९॥
The white one is called the Brahmana. The red one Kshatriya. The yellow one Vaisya and the black one is said to be

ब्राह्मणो बिभृयाच्छ्वेतात्रक्तात्राजा तु धारयेत्। पीतान्वैश्यस्तु बिभृयात्कृ ष्णाञ्छू द्रस्तु धारयेत्॥ १०॥

The Brahmanas should wear the white ones and the Kshatriyas the red ones. The Vaishyas should wear the yellow
ones and the Shudras the black ones.

समाः स्निग्धा दृढाः स्थूलाः कण्टकैः संयुताः शुभाः।

The good bead is that which is well-shaped, sappy, sound, well-sized and with thorns.

कृ मिदष्टं भिन्नभिन्नं कण्टकै र्हीनमेव च॥ ११॥

व्रणयुक्तमयुक्तं च षड्रु द्राक्षाणि वर्जयेत्।
Forbidden (to wear) are six kinds of Rudraksha; Those in which are made holes by worms, cracked ones, broken
ones, ones without thorns, not well-shaped ones and combined ones (2 or more Rudrakshas fused together).

स्वयमेव कृ तं द्वारं रुद्राक्षं स्यादिहोत्तमम्॥ १२॥

यत्तु पौरुषयत्नेन कृ तं तन्मध्यमं भवेत्।
The highest quality Rudraksha is That one which has a natural hole. That bead is of middle quality which has a man-
made hole.

समान्स्निग्धान्दृढान्स्थूलान्क्षौमसूत्रेण धारयेत्॥ १३॥

सर्वगात्रेण सौम्येन सामान्यानि विचक्षणः।
The wise should wear on their body and limbs garlands of beads that are equally shaped, sappy, sound, pleasing and
big in size, threaded by a silk thread.

निकषे हेमरेखाभा यस्य रेखा प्रदृश्यते॥ १४॥

तदक्षममुत्तमं विद्यात्तद्धार्यं शिवपूजकैः।
That bead is known to be of best quality which produces a golden line when tested on a rubbing stone; and such one
should be worn by worshippers of Shiva.

शिखायामेकरुद्राक्षं त्रिशतं शिरसा वहेत्॥ १५॥

One should wear a single Rudraksha in the Sikha (tuft of his hair) and three hundred on the head.

षट्त्रिंशतं गले दध्यात्बाहोः षोडशषोडश। मणिबन्धे द्वादशैव स्कन्धे पञ्चशतं वहेत्॥ १६॥
He should make a garland of thirty-six for his neck, sixteen for each arm and twelve for each wrist. He should wear
five hundred in his shoulders.

अष्टोत्तरशतैर्मालामुपवीतं प्रकल्पयेत्। द्विसरं त्रिसरं वापि सराणां पञ्चकं तथा॥ १७॥

One should prepare a garland of one hundred and eight in the form of the sacred thread (yajnopavita). One should
suspend from his shoulders a garland of beads consisting of two, three or five rounds.

सराणां सप्तकं वापि बिभृयात्कण्ठदेशतः। मुकु टे कु ण्डले चैव कर्णिकाहारके ऽपि वा॥ १८॥
के यूरकटके सूत्रं कु क्षिबन्धे विशेषतः।
He may wear the same in the neck, in the form of a crown (mukuta) (on the head), in the form of arm-bands
(kundala) (round the wrists) and in the ears. Also, across the shoulders like the sacred thread and especially on the

सुप्ते पीते सदाकालं रुद्राक्षं धारयेन्नरः॥ १९॥

Whether sleeping or drinking (and eating), man should always wear the Rudraksha.

त्रिशतं त्वधमं पञ्चशतं मध्यममुच्यते। सहस्रमुत्तमं प्रोक्तमेवं भेदेन धारयेत्॥ २०॥

The wearing of three hundred is said to be the lowest, of five hundred middling and of one thousand the best.
Having been told the difference (knowing the difference), one should wear It.

शिरसीशानमन्त्रेण कण्ठे तत्पुरुषेण तु। अघोरेण गले धार्यं तेनैव हृदयेऽपि च॥ २१॥
He should wear It on the head chanting the mantra (of) “Isana”, on the shoulders the mantra (of) “Tatpurusha” and
on the neck and heart (chest) the mantra of “Aghora”.

अघोरबीजमन्त्रेण करयोर्धारयेत्सुधीः। पञ्चाशदक्षग्रथितान्व्योमव्याप्यपि चोदरे॥ २२॥

The wise should recite the “Aghora” beej-mantra while wearing It om their wrists. One should wear a garland of fifty
Rudraksha on the belly/abdomen chanting the mantra (of) “Vyomavyapi”.

पञ्चब्रह्मभिरङ्गैश्च त्रिमाला पञ्च सप्त च। ग्रथित्वा मूलमन्त्रेण सर्वाण्यक्षाणि धारयेत्॥ २३॥

Chanting the Panchabrahman (Sadyojata adi) and its supplementary mantra, he should wear, in all the places of
sense-organs, a garland of three, five or seven strands.

अथ हैनं भगवन्तं कालाग्निरुद्रं भुसुन्डः पप्रच्छ रुद्राक्षाणां भेदेन यदक्षं यत्स्वरूपं यत्फलमिति। तत्स्वरूपं मुखयुक्तमरिष्टनिरसनं कामाभीष्टफलं ब्रूहीति होवाच।
Next, Bhusunda, addressing Lord Kalagni Rudra, said: “Tell Me the different kinds of Rudrakshas, Their nature, the
result of wearing Them and also Their different faces; and Those that drive out evils and that give the desired

तत्रैते श्लोका भवन्ति॥

The following verses state what He said.

एकवक्त्रं तु रुद्राक्षं परतत्त्वस्वरूपकम्। तद्धारणात्परे तत्त्वे लीयते विजितेन्द्रियः॥ १॥

The one-faced Rudraksha represents the Supreme Reality. Wearing It, one, with completely controlled senses,
merges with the Supreme Reality.

द्विवक्त्रं तु मुनिश्रेष्ठ चार्धनारीश्वरात्मकम्। धारणादर्धनारीशः प्रीयते तस्य नित्यशः॥ २॥

The two-faced one, o best of sages, represents Ardhanarisvara. By wearing It, one will always be a dear to
त्रिमुखं चैव रुद्राक्षमग्नित्रयस्वरूपकम्। तद्धारणाच्च हुतभुक्तस्य तुष्यति नित्यदा॥ ३॥
The three-faced one represents the three sacred fires. The fire god always stays satisfied/pleased with him who
wears It.

चतुर्मुखं तु रुद्राक्षं चतुर्वक्त्रस्वरूपकम्। तद्धारणाच्चतुर्वक्त्रः प्रीयते तस्य नित्यदा॥ ४॥

The four-faced Rudraksha represents the four-faced one (Brahma). The four-faced god becomes ever pleased with
him who wears It.

पञ्चवक्त्रं तु रुद्राक्षं पञ्चब्रह्मस्वरूपकम्। पञ्चवक्त्रः स्वयं ब्रह्म पुंहत्यां च व्यपोहति॥ ५॥

The five-faced Rudraksha represents the five Brahmans (Sadyojata etc.). The five-faced one is Brahman Itself and
removes the sin of killing human beings.

षड्वक्त्रमपि रुद्राक्षं कार्तिके याधिदैवतम्। तद्धारणान्महाश्रीः स्यान्महदारोग्यमुत्तमम्॥ ६॥

The six-faced Rudraksha has Kartikeya as Its presiding deity. The wearing of It brings forth great wealth and very
good health.

मतिविज्ञानसम्पत्तिशुद्धये धारयेत्सुधीः। विनायकाधिदैवं च प्रवदन्ति मनीषिणः॥ ७॥

The wise should wear It to obtain brightness of the intellect. The great men say It has also Vinayaka as Its presiding

सप्तवक्त्रं तु रुद्राक्षं सप्तमाधिदैवतम्। तद्धारणान्महाश्रीः स्यान्महदारोग्यमुत्तमम्॥ ८॥

महती ज्ञानसम्पत्तिः शुचिर्धारणतः सदा।
The seven-faced Rudraksha has the “Sapta Matrikas” as Its presiding deity. The wearing of It brings forth great
wealth and very good health. Also, the wearer gains great wealth (in the form of knowledge) and purity/cleanliness.

अष्टवक्त्रं तु रुद्राक्षमष्टमात्राधिदैवतम्॥ ९॥
वस्वष्टकप्रियं चैव गङ्गाप्रीतिकरं तथा। तद्धारणादिमे प्रीता भवेयुः सत्यवादिनः॥ १०॥
The eight-faced Rudraksha has the “Ashta Matrikas” as Its presiding deity. It is pleasing to the “Ashta Vasus” and the
goddess Ganga. The wearing of It will please the above-mentioned gods, who are true to their words.

नववक्त्रं तु रुद्राक्षं नवशक्त्यधिदैवतम्। तस्य धारणमात्रेण प्रीयन्ते नवशक्तयः॥ ११॥

The nine-faced Rudraksha has “Nava Shaktis” as Its presiding deity. The mere wearing of It pleases “Nava Shakti”.

दशवक्त्रं तु रुद्राक्षं यमदैवत्यमीरितम्। दर्शनाच्छान्तिजनकं धारणान्नात्र संशयः॥ १२॥

The ten-faced Rudraksha has Yama as Its presiding deity. Having audience of It is conducive to peace. Wearing it also
gives peace, there is no doubt in this.

एकादशमुखं त्वक्षं रुद्रैकादशदैवतम्। तदिदं दैवतं प्राहुः सदा सौभाग्यवर्धनम्॥ १३॥

The eleven-faced Rudraksha has the eleven Rudras as Its presiding deity. It is said that the deities always increase the
prosperity of him who wears It.

रुद्राक्षं द्वादशमुखं महाविष्णुस्वरूपकम्। द्वादशादित्यरूपं च बिभर्त्येव हि तत्परम्॥ १४॥

The twelve-faced Rudraksha has “Maha-Vishnu” as Its own form. It also has the twelve Adityas Its form.

त्रयोदशमुखं त्वक्षं कामदं सिद्धिदं शुभम्। तस्य धारणमात्रेण कामदेवः प्रसीदति॥ १५॥
The thirteen-faced Rudraksha fulfills all desires and grants welfare. The mere wearing of It pleases Kamadeva.
चतुर्दशमुखं चाक्षं रुद्रनेत्रसमुद्भवम्। सर्वव्याधिहरं चैव सर्वदारोग्यमाप्नुयात्॥ १६॥
The fourteen-faced Rudraksha has originated from the eyes of Rudra. It removes all diseases and also grants
freedom of diseases, always.

मद्यं मांसं च लशुनं पलाण्डुं शिग्रुमेव च। श्लेष्मातकं विड्वराहमभक्ष्यं वर्जयेन्नरः॥ १७॥

Consuming of liquor, flesh, garlic, onion, sahajana /drumstick tree/moringa oleifera, lasoḍā (लसोड़ा)/Cordia
myxa/Assyrian plum, and village-boars (tame boars) is strictly forbidden for men (wearing Rudraksha).

ग्रहणे विषुवे चैवमयने संक्रमेऽपि च। दर्शेषु पूर्णमासे च पूर्णेषु दिवसेषु च। रुद्राक्षधारणात्सद्यः सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते॥ १८॥
Wearing Rudraksha on the following times grants freedom from all sinfull reactions: 1: (solar & lunar) eclipses; 2:
equinoxes (mesha surya sankranti & tula surya sankranti); 3: solistices (surya uttarayana (makar surya sankranti) &
surya dakshinayana (karka surya sankranti)); 4: planetary change of zodiacal signs (graha sankranti), 5: XXX; 6: full-
moon days; 7:

रुद्राक्षमूलं तद्ब्रह्मा तन्नालं विष्णुरेव च। तन्मुखं रुद्र इत्याहुस्तद्बिन्दुः सर्वदेवताः॥ १९॥ इति॥
It is said the root of the Rudraksha tree is Brahma, the stem is Vishnu, the top is Rudra and the drops (fruits?) are all
the Devatas.

अथ कालाग्निरुद्रं भगवन्तं सनत्कु मारः पप्रच्छाधीहि भगवन्रुद्राक्षधारणविधिम्।

Next, Sanatkumar asked Lord Kalagnirudra about the rules of wearing Rudraksha.

तस्मिन्समये निदाघजडभरतदत्तात्रेयकात्यायनभरद्वाजकपिलवसिष्ठपिप्पलादादयश्च कालाग्निरुद्रं परिसमेत्योचुः।

On that occasion, Nidagha, Jadabharata, Dattatreya, Katyayana, Bharadvaja, Kapila, Vasishtha, Pippalada and others
approached Him and Kalagnirudra addressed Them.

किमर्थं भवतामागमनमिति होवाच।

Kalagnirudra asked Them “What is the reason of Your arrival here?”.

रुद्राक्षधारणविधिं वै सर्वे श्रोतुमिच्छामह इति।

They replied; “We desire to hear the rules of wearing Rudrakshas.”.

अथ कालाग्निरुद्रः प्रोवाच। रुद्रस्य नयनादुत्पन्ना रुद्राक्षा इति लोके ख्यायन्ते।

Next Kalagnirudra said: “Rudraksha has originated from the eyes (aksha) of Rudra. This is known in the world.

अथ सदाशिवः संहारकाले संहारं कृ त्वा संहाराक्षं मुकु लीकरोति।

Now, SadaShiva, at the time of devastation after finishing destruction, closes His eye of destruction.

तन्नयनाज्जाता रुद्राक्षा इति होवाच।

From that eye originates Rudraksha.”, said the Lord.

तस्माद्रुद्राक्षत्वमिति कालाग्निरुद्रः प्रोवाच।

“It is therefore named Rudraksha (Rudra = (Sada)Shiva & Aksha = eye) by its derivation.”, said Lord Kalagnirudra.

तद्रुद्राक्षे वाग्विषये कृ ते दशगोप्रदानेन यत्फलमवाप्नोति तत्फलमश्नुते।

The utterance of the name “Rudraksha”, grants the same virtue gained by donating ten cows.

स एष भस्मज्योती रुद्राक्ष इति।

That which is (the virtue/piety/significance of) Bhasma, is (the virtue/piety/significance of) Rudraksha.

तद्रुद्राक्षं करेण स्पृष्ट्वा धारणमात्रेण द्विसहस्रगोप्रदानफलं भवति।

By handling/touching Rudraksha with the hands and by wearing It, one acquires the fruit of donating two thousand

तद्रुद्राक्षे कर्णयोर्धार्यमाणे एकादशसहस्रगोप्रदानफलं भवति। एकादशरुद्रत्वं च गच्छति।

Wearing Rudraksha in the ears grants the fruit of donating eleven thousand cows. The wearer attains (the
status/level of) the eleven Rudras.

तद्रुद्राक्षे शिरसि धार्यमाणे कोटिगोप्रदानफलं भवति।

Wearing Rudraksha on the head grants the fruit of donating one crore (10.000.000) of cows.

एतेषां स्थानानां कर्णयोः फलं वक्तुं न शक्यमिति होवाच।

Of all the places (on the body) to wear Rudraksha, the fruit of wearing Them in the ears is beyond the capability to
describe. Thus replied the Lord.

य इमां रुद्राक्षजाबालोपनिषदं नित्यमधीते बालो वा युवा वा वेद स महान्भवति।

He who studies daily this Rudra Jabala Upanishad, whether he be young or youthful, becomes great.

स गुरुः सर्वेषां मन्त्राणामुपदेष्टा भवति एतैरेव होमं कु र्यात्। एतैरेवार्चनम्।

He becomes the guru and imparter of all the mantras. One should perform Homa in the Sacred fire chanting this
Upanishad only and perform worship reciting this only.

तथा रक्षोघ्नं मृत्युतारकं गुरुणा लब्धं कण्ठे बाहौ शिखायां वा बध्नाति।

One should tie the Rudraksha called “Mrityutaraka”, which drives out evil spirits, received from a Guru, in the neck,
arms or in the Sikha.

सप्तद्वीपवती भूमिर्दक्षिणार्थं नावकल्पते।

Even the gift of the earth the with seven continents is not enough to pay spiritual fee to that Guru.

तस्माच्छ्र द्धया यां काञ्चिद्गां दद्यात्सा दक्षिणा भवति।

Therefore with earnestness he should give Him a cow of any quality. This is the spiritual fee.

य इमामुपनिषदं ब्राह्मणः सायमधीयानो दिवसकृ तं पापं

A Brahmana who recites this Upanishad in the evening destroys the reactions of sin committed during the day.

मध्याह्नेऽधीयानः षड्जन्मकृ तं पापं नाशयति।

Recitation in the noon destroys the reactions of sin committed in six births.

सायं प्रातः प्रयुञ्जानोऽनेकजन्मकृ तं पापं नाशयति।

The study in the evening and morning destroys the reactions of sin accumulated during many births.

It also brings grants the result of repeating the Gayatri mantra six thousand lacs (600.000.000).
ब्रह्महत्यासुरापानस्वर्णस्तेयगुरुदारगमनतत्संयोगपातके भ्यः पूतो भवति।
He becomes free from the reaction of the sin of killing Brahmanas, drinking liquor, stealing gold, having intercourse
with his Guru’s wife and associating with people engaged in the aforementioned sins.

He gets the benefit of performing all the pilgrimages.

पतितसंभाषणात्पूतो भवति।
He becomes freed from the reaction of the sin of talking with the fallen men.

पङ्क्तिशतसहस्रपावनो भवति।
He becomes the sanctifier/purifier of one hundred thousand lines (generations?)

He attains Shiva-sayujya.

न च पुनरावर्तते न च पुनरावर्तत इत्योंसत्यमित्युपनिषत्॥

He never returns to this world, he never returns. Om, Truth! Thus says the Upanishad.

ॐ आप्यायन्तु ममाङ्गानि वाक्प्राणश्चक्षुः श्रोत्रमथो

बलमिन्द्रियाणि च॥ सर्वाणि सर्वं ब्रह्मोपनिषदं माहं
ब्रह्म निराकु र्यां मा मा ब्रह्म निराकरोदनिराकरणम-
स्त्वनिराकरणं मेस्तु तदात्मनि निरते य उपनिषत्सु धर्मास्ते
मयि सन्तु ते मयि सन्तु॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

इति रुद्राक्षजाबालोपनिषत्समाप्ता॥

अथ कालाग्निरुद्रं भगवन्तं सनत्कु मारः पप्रच्छाधीहि भगवन्रुद्राक्षधारणविधिं।
Next, Sanatkumar asked Lord Kalagnirudra about the rules of wearing Rudraksha.

स होवाच रुद्रस्य नयनादुत्पन्ना रुद्राक्षा इति लोके ख्यायन्ते सदाशिवः संहारकाले संहारं कृ त्वा संहाराक्षं मुकु लीकरोति तन्नयनाज्जाता रुद्राक्षा इति होवाच।
Next Kalagnirudra said: “Rudraksha has originated from the eyes (aksha) of Rudra. This is known in the world.
SadaShiva, at the time of devastation after finishing destruction, closes His eye of destruction. From that eye
originates Rudraksha.”, said the Lord.

तस्माद्रुद्राक्षत्वमिति तद्रुद्राक्षे वाग्विषये कृ ते दशगोप्रदानेन यत्फलमवाप्नोति तत्फलमश्नुते स एष भस्मज्योती रुद्राक्ष इति।

“It is therefore named Rudraksha (Rudra = (Sada)Shiva & Aksha = eye) by its derivation.”, said Lord Kalagnirudra. The
utterance of the name “Rudraksha”, grants the same virtue gained by donating ten cows. That which is (the
virtue/piety/significance of) Bhasma, is (the virtue/piety/significance of) Rudraksha.

तद्रुद्राक्षं करेण स्पृष्ट्वा धारणमात्रेण द्विसहस्रगोप्रदानफलं भवति। तद्रुद्राक्षे एकादशरुद्रत्वं च गच्छति।

तद्रुद्राक्षे शिरसि धार्यमाणे कोटिगोप्रदानफलं भवति।
एतेषां स्थानानां कर्णयोः फलं वक्तुं न शक्यमिति होवाच।
By handling/touching Rudraksha with the hands and by wearing It, one acquires the fruit of donating two thousand
The wearer attains (the status/level of) the eleven Rudras.
Wearing Rudraksha on the head grants the fruit of donating one crore (10.000.000) of cows.
Of all the places (on the body) to wear Rudraksha, the fruit of wearing Them in the ears is beyond the capability to
describe. Thus replied the Lord.

मूर्ध्नि चत्वारिंशच्छिखायामेकं त्रयं वा श्रोत्रयोर्द्वादश कर्णे द्वात्रिंशद्बाह्वोः षोडश षोडश द्वादश द्वादश मणिबन्धयोः षट् षडङ्गुष्ठयोस्ततः सन्ध्यां सकु शोऽहरहरुपासीताग्निर्ज्योतिरित्यादिभिरग्नौ
जुहुयात्॥ ८॥
On the head forty; in the tuft of hair one or three; in the ears twelve; around the arms thirty-two, sixteen sixteen, in
each; twelve twelve, in each wrist; & six six, in each thumb.
Next he should perform Sandhya daily with munja grass (in his hand) and give oblation in the fire reciting the
mantras ‘Agnirjyotih’ etc..

इति सप्तमं ब्राह्मणम्॥ ७॥

Thus ends the seventh Brahmana (chapter).

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