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Nope, you likely didn’t win Radcliffe dreads saying Alcaraz

that free vacation stay goodbye to ‘Merrily’ cast rallies to win

Scammers use popular summer events, such as Broadway production was more than a show
his first
concerts and traveling, to trick you. In Money to him, Jonathan Groff, Lindsay Mendez. In Life French Open

Spaniard continues his
country’s dominance of
Roland Garros, defeating
No. 4 seed Alexander
Zverev of Germany in
five sets. In Sports



Hamas: Over 270 killed in Israeli raid

Hostage rescue freeing instability to Netanyahu’s already
fragile ruling coalition. The popular for-
4 is decried as massacre mer military leader called on Netanyahu
to set an autumn election date.
John Bacon Gantz’s resignation removes the only
USA TODAY centrist from Netanyahu’s conservative
coalition. Far-right National Security
Militant-held Israeli hostages were Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir demanded
among the more than 270 people killed in Gantz’s Cabinet seat immediately after
the raid that freed four captives and has the resignation was announced.
been lauded as heroic in Israel but de- Opposition leader Yair Lapid called
scribed as a massacre across much of the Gantz’s decision “important and just.” He
Middle East, Hamas officials said Sunday. called for replacing the “extreme and
As Israel celebrated the hostage res- promiscuous government with a sane
cue Sunday, the government of Prime government” that will secure the return of
Palestinian children search through rubble of their home Sunday, a day after an Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was the hostages, repair Israel’s economy and
Israeli raid rescuing hostages. An Israeli official dismissed a Hamas statement shaken by the resignation of wartime
that three hostages were killed during the raid. EYAD BABA/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Cabinet minister Benny Gantz, adding See RAID, Page 3A

being seen
Vietnamese American
as far north aims for House history
as Cape Cod
Birdwatchers tickled pink
over unusual occurrence
Dinah Voyles Pulver

It’s the height of the season in the

Hamptons, but a flamingo sighting
may be the summer’s main event.
The Hamptons are just one of more
than a dozen locations seeing flamin-
gos in recent weeks along the East and
Gulf coasts, including on Cape Cod.
More than 100 flamingos arrived
with the winds of Hurricane Idalia last
August. They were seen in 18 states
from Florida to Wisconsin and as far
west as Kansas and Texas. Avian sci-
entists weren’t quite sure what would
happen next.
Some birds returned to the Yucatan
Peninsula, but many lingered in Flori-
da over the winter. Now that summer
is approaching, the birds appear to be
surprising scientists by wandering
In New York, Tim Healy drove two


Candidate Derek Tran, D-Calif., listens to community leaders during a meeting in the Little Saigon area of Orange County.
Little Saigon has never been represented by a Vietnamese American in federal office. ROBERT HANASHIRO/USA TODAY

Democrat Ken Tran USA TODAY

Derek Tran WESTMINSTER, Calif. – On a cloudy recent holiday morning, as

dozens of people who served in the South Vietnamese army min-
canvasses gled after honoring the memories of those who died in the Viet-
Little Saigon nam War, one veteran called out to his friends to “meet Derek!”

in his effort to h That would be Derek Tran, a micro-celebrity of sorts in South-

ern California’s Vietnamese community who posed for Memorial
flip Southern Day selfies and shook hands with people interested in meeting
California seat the Democratic candidate for an Orange County-based U.S.
House seat that his party sees as a critical part of its pathway to
winning back the majority in November. The area he’s running to
represent is home to Little Saigon, a district with one of the larg-
“I take a lot of pride est Vietnamese populations outside of Vietnam itself.
A flamingo thrilled New York birders in their excitement
when it appeared in Georgica Pond in Despite that claim to fame, “But I take a lot of pride in their
East Hampton, N.Y., on June 1.
about my race. ... Southern California’s Little Saigon excitement about my race, so I take
PROVIDED BY DAN FIORE/GHOSTWALKING They’re appreciative has never been represented by a it as it comes,” he added. “They’re
PHOTOGRAPHY Vietnamese American in federal of- appreciative and they are just happy
and they are just fice. to have someone ... that’s going to be
happy to have “It’s weird. It’s not something I’m able to possibly give us a voice in
used to,” Tran, who is Vietnamese, Congress.”

someone ... able to told USA TODAY of his newfound Tran, a 43-year-old political new-
popularity as he made his way comer who previously worked as a
possibly give us a around a local park that features lawyer for personal injury and dis-
A division of
voice in Congress.” two towering statues of American crimination cases and served in the
Gannett Co., Inc. and South Vietnamese soldiers U.S. Army, is running a campaign in
Derek Tran
HOME DELIVERY On support he’s getting from standing side by side, flanked by
1-800-872-0001, USATODAYSERVICE.COM Vietnamese Americans their respective flags. See DEREK TRAN, Page 4A

Study: Divide on cultural issues widens

Polarization has grown isn’t tough enough on criminals, while
25% believe the system treats criminals
over the last two decades about right and 13% think it’s too tough.
With candidate backers, the survey
Terry Collins showed more than 80% of Trump sup-
USA TODAY porters believe the nation’s criminal
system is not tough enough. Biden sup-
The split among American voters on porters are more divided: 40% say the
cultural issues is arguably the widest it criminal justice system is not tough
has been in decades, according to a new enough on criminals while about 36%
study by the Pew Research Center. think its treatment of criminals is about
The study clearly shows that sup- right and about 21% believe the system
porters of President Joe Biden and for- is too tough on criminals.
mer President Donald Trump have Voters who support U.S. President Joe Biden, left, here in Las Vegas in March,
deeply divided views when it comes to and former President Donald Trump, pictured in New Hampshire in January, are Gun rights continue to differ
matters of immigration, reproductive deeply divided on many key issues, a new Pew study shows. among presidential supporters
Overall, nearly 60% of registered vot- As the rise of gun sales increases
ers Pew surveyed think undocumented across the U.S., voters are divided over-
immigrants currently living in the U.S. “The 2024 election will take place at a gration, the ongoing debate on abortion all on whether it’s good or bad for soci-
should be allowed to stay in the country time when the two parties are so differ- rights will “potentially play out” in this ety, the Pew Study said.
legally. Yet about 32% of Trump sup- ent on almost every dimension you can fall’s election. A slight majority of voters, 52% say
porters share those sentiments, com- think of,” Kiley said. “The fact that the “They’re already shaping up to be two this increase is “very” or “somewhat
pared with 85% of those who back Bi- differences have widened really indi- of the most important issues as those bad,” while 22% say it is good and a
den, according to the study released cates these deep and now enduring cul- dynamics will matter come Election Day quarter of voters think it is neither good
midday Thursday. tural divides.” in November,” Kiley said. nor bad, the study said.
Meanwhile, 63% of Trump sup- Global political strategist Louis Per- As far as women’s progress in Amer- Along presidential candidate lines,
porters say there should be a larger na- ron, who was not involved in the recent ica, nearly three-quarters of Biden sup- 40% of Trump supporters think the
tional effort to deport undocumented poll, has said the U.S. has been highly porters (73%) believe there are still sig- growing number of guns is a good thing
immigrants currently living in the U.S. partisan for the past decade. nificant obstacles that make it harder for society, while 38% think it’s neither
compared with only 11% of Biden sup- “If you are a diehard Trump voter, for women to get ahead compared with good or bad compared with 21% who
porters. The Pew survey of 8,709 Amer- there will be little that can change your men. view the guns increase negatively.
icans, including 7,166 registered voters, mind, even a criminal conviction,” said Trump supporters seemingly have Meanwhile, 83% of Biden supporters
was conducted in April. Perron, author of the 2024 book, “Beat the opposite view. About 70% of Trump say the increase of guns in the U.S. is a
“That divide is quite large, and for the the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and backers believe the obstacles that once bad thing, cutting across age, gender,
Republicans, that response has grown Tactics to Win Elections.” “If you are a made it harder for women than men to race, levels of education and whether
in recent years,” said Jocelyn Kiley, diehard Biden voter, it’s the same thing. get ahead “are now largely gone.” they live in cities, suburbs, or rural
Pew’s associate director of research. “It Everything is so looked at through a par- areas.
shows a pattern of consistency for the tisan lens these days.” Major contrast between gender
party on that topic.” identity and same-sex marriage On race and America’s position in
In 2020, 54% of Republicans and Re- Beliefs vary sharply on the world
publican-leaning voters had said un- reproductive rights Regarding gender identity, 90% of
document immigrants should not be al- Trump supporters say sex is determined Overall, about half of registered vot-
lowed to stay in the country. Now that Nearly two years after the Supreme at birth. However, Biden supporters ap- ers say white people benefit at least a
figure is up to roughly 66%, she said. Court overturned the federal decision pear more divided. Nearly 60% sur- fair amount from advantages in society
that made abortion legal nationwide, veyed said gender can be different from that Black people do not have, though
Divisiveness has grown supporters of the presidential candi- sex at birth. the share who say this is down 4 per-
in the past two decades dates still differ sharply on reproductive Just over half of Biden supporters be- centage points in the past two years and
rights, the Pew study showed. lieve more people being comfortable 8 points since 2020.
Pew’s study comes at a time with About 88% of Biden backers believe identifying as gay, lesbian or bisexual is The share of voters who say white
about five months until Election Day, abortion should be legal in all or most good for society. people benefit a great deal from advan-
with Biden and Trump still in a prover- cases, while 38% who support Trump Biden supporters are more than five tages in society has decreased from 32%
bial dead heat for the presidency, 37% to hold those viewpoints, the study said. times as likely (57%) than Trump sup- in 2022 to 24% today.
37%, followed by independent candi- Meanwhile, the study found that the porters (11%) to say the legalization of Two-thirds of Black voters (66%) say
date Robert F. Kennedy with 8% accord- vast majority who support both candi- same-sex marriage is “good for society.” white people benefit a great deal from
ing to the latest USA TODAY/Suffolk dates say the mass availability of birth Conversely, about half of Trump sup- advantages in society that Black people
University National Poll. The poll indi- control pills, access to in vitro fertiliza- porters think both changes are bad for do not have.
cates possibly the closest and the most tion (IVF), condoms and other contra- society. By comparison, about 30% of both
politically charged and polarizing con- ceptive devices is “good for society.” About 53% think the increased com- Asian and Hispanic voters say this,
test in U.S. history. About 80% of voters surveyed say this is fort with people identifying as lesbian, along with just 16% of white voters.
Kiley, whose research focuses on po- very or somewhat good for society, 13% gay or bisexual is not good for society, In terms of the U.S.’ presence as a
litical polarization, said the divides on view it as neither good nor bad, and 7% and 51% feel negatively about the legal- dominant global leader, Trump sup-
values began to emerge in the early say it is bad ization of same-sex marriage. porters are about three times as likely
2000s and accelerated through then- On Wednesday, Senate Republicans (34%) compared with Biden supporters
President George W. Bush’s administra- blocked the advancement of a bill that Candidates’ supporters differ (12%) to say the U.S. stands above all
tion. The polarization surged into Presi- would codify the nationwide right to on crime measures other countries.
dent Barack Obama’s second term and contraception after Republicans argued Meanwhile, Biden supporters are
has continued over the last eight years the legislation was unnecessary. In terms of crime, the Pew study about twice as likely (27%) to say other
during both Trump’s and Biden’s ten- Based on the findings, Kiley said, in found 61% of registered voters surveyed countries are better than the U.S. com-
ures. addition to the divisiveness over immi- think the U.S. criminal justice system pared with Trump supporters (13%).

Flamingos has been documented in that state in

decades, even though sightings have in-
What about the flamingo
sightings in New York and Cape
birds. It’s only now with technology and
a proliferation of cameras and commu-
creased since 1990. Lorenz and others Cod? nication tools that can so easily docu-
Continued from Page 1A hope that may change with this latest ment bird sightings, he said, that scien-
influx of birds. “It could just be one of those birds tists are beginning to understand how
hours from his home in Queens before In February, he coordinated an effort that’s gone into wandering mode some- flamingos have a capacity to wander
dawn on June 1, after hearing about the to count the flamingos in Florida. They how,” said Mark Faherty, science coor- long distances.
rare sighting of a flamingo in East found 101 wild flamingos. dinator with Mass Audubon at the Well-
Hampton on Long Island. When he and In May, a flock as big as 10 birds was fleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary on Cape Was the same flamingo seen on
a friend arrived, as they were discussing reported at Merritt Island National Cod. Cape Cod and Long Island?
plans to find the bird, Healy turned to- Wildlife Refuge on the east coast. A The Massachusetts flamingo sight-
ward the beach. flock of 12 was seen at Ding Darling Na- ing was in Dennis on the afternoon of They can’t say for sure, but Healy and
“This thing is flying in from the west tional Wildlife Refuge on Southwest June 2. It hasn’t been reported again. On Faherty suspect it may have been the
dramatically, perfectly illuminated in Florida’s Sanibel Island and a flock of 43 June 5, a flurry of flamingo sightings same young bird.
the sunlight,” a cause for celebration was reported in the Everglades, accord- were reported west of the Hamptons on “It’s not that far between Long Island
among the couple of dozen birders gath- ing to, an online database for Long Island. and Cape Cod, about 114 miles,” Faherty
ered to see it, Healy said. “It was abso- bird observations by the Cornell Lab of If the sightings are confirmed as wild said.
lutely incredible.” Ornithology and Audubon. birds, it would be the first wild flamin- Each time, the bird photographed
Now that temperatures are warming, gos in New York and Massachusetts. had similar pinkish, gray plumage, indi-
Idalia’s surprising delivery Lorenz thinks some of the birds that “That Idalia event where all those fla- cating the bird was not a juvenile, but
overwintered in Florida are beginning to mingos were deposited all over lends not quite an adult either, said Healy, a
Experts say Idalia likely brought the explore. In recent weeks, a flock of five credibility” to the sightings being a wild high school biology teacher.
pink, leggy birds over from the huge col- flamingos was seen near St. Simons Is- flamingo, Faherty said. It’s not ironclad, but none of the birds
onies in conservation areas on the Yu- land, Georgia. In addition to the bird on Healy is a member of New York’s were seen concurrently and all the
catan Peninsula, a theory at least partly Long Island, and sightings in Cape Cod, state avian records committee, which he sightings reported so far were within
confirmed by bands found on flamingos sightings also have been reported else- said will have the final say over whether about 200 miles, Healy said.
in Florida that were traced back to fla- where. the Long Island flamingo is officially For New York birders, who were dis-
mingo chicks in Yucatan. Among the recent sightings reported considered the state’s first wild member appointed their state missed out on the
Then over the winter, one of the on eBird: of the species. One unconfirmed bird wandering flamingos immediately after
banded birds seen in the Florida Keys h One bird in the Cape Romain Na- was reported along the Hudson River Idalia, the sightings on Long Island were
after Idalia was spotted again in Yuca- tional Wildlife Refuge, South Carolina. last year among the other sightings thrilling.
tan, said Jerry Lorenz, Audubon Flori- h A single bird in and around Port along the East Coast, but there was no Healy’s trip to Long Island Saturday
da’s state director of research, based at Aransas, Texas. photo and the sighting couldn’t be docu- was “well worth it,” he said. “I’ve seen no
the Everglades Science Center. h A single bird in Pascagoula Beach, mented. shortage of incredible and unexpected
The birds fly back and forth between Mississippi. Healy now wonders if any of a few birds. Just to get to see a flamingo on
Mexico, Cuba and South Florida. But al- h A group of three flamingos in Dau- sightings last century that were consid- Long Island, it was absolutely spectac-
though they fly over Florida, no nesting phin Island, Alabama, in April. ered escapes could really have been wild ular.”

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Biden visits cemetery that Trump skipped

President honors WWI killed during the war.
Most of them fought in the area and
ica showed up make sure that they did
not prevail. America shows up whenev-
cause it was raining.
“Why should I go to that cemetery?
soldiers at burial ground in the Marne valley in the summer of er needed, just like our allies show for It’s filled with losers,” Trump reportedly
1918. us,” he continued. said, according to The Atlantic.
Michael Collins The soldiers buried in the cemetery’s Biden has spent much of his trip to Trump also called the fallen soldiers
USA TODAY sweeping curve include 1,800 U.S. Ma- France focusing on World War II veter- “suckers” and “losers,” the magazine
rines killed in the Belleau Wood. ans who participated in the D-Day land- claimed.
BELLEAU, France – President Joe Bi- Holding hands with the first lady, the ings in Normandy on June 6, 1944. Trump’s White House denied the re-
den ended his five-day trip to France on president walked through the cemetery The Allied troops who stormed Nor- port and said the cemetery visit had
Sunday by paying his respects to World with hundreds of white, cross-shaped mandy’s beaches that day liberated Na- been canceled because the rain ground-
War I soldiers buried in a cemetery that headstones. zi-occupied France and “literally saved ed his helicopter and there wasn’t
former President Donald Trump did not He stood silent facing a floral wreath the world,” Biden said Thursday during enough time to close off roads for a mo-
visit six years ago over weather con- at the steps of the cemetery chapel Sun- ceremonies commemorating the 80th torcade on such short notice.
cerns. day. anniversary of D-Day. Yet Biden has mentioned the ensuing
Biden and first lady Jill Biden partici- “More Americans, more Marines His stop at the Aisne-Marne ceme- incident several times this year during
pated in a wreath-laying ceremony at than lost here than any battle. The idea tery on Sunday allowed him to also hon- campaign events as he again faces
the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery that I could come to Normandy and not or the sacrifices of those killed in World Trump in this November’s election.
and Memorial near the village of Bel- make the short trip here to pay tribute,” War I and subtly call attention to “To me, that is such a disqualifying
leau, about 60 miles northeast of Paris. Biden told journalists after the ceremo- Trump’s refusal to pay his respects to assertion made by a president – ‘suck-
The cemetery, which sits at the foot ny. the war dead buried there. ers’ and ‘losers,’ ” he told reporters at
of Belleau Wood, is the burial ground of “America showed up. America Trump in 2018, during his presiden- Wilkes-Barre Scranton International
more than 2,000 American soldiers showed up to stop the Germans. Amer- cy, canceled a visit to the cemetery be- Airport in Pennsylvania in April.

Shopping-cart debate raises child safety issues

Kayla Jimenez child’s age, the temperature outside or
USA TODAY the neighborhood they’re in, said Rol-
A California mother recently set off a This year, 44 children have been ab-
social media firestorm with a video de- ducted from cars, according to the na-
fending her choice to not return shop- tional nonprofit Kids for Car Safety. The
ping carts when she shops with her group documents child abductions from
kids, raising troubling safety questions vehicles each year – which are typically
amid a debate about etiquette. in the hundreds.
“I’m not getting my groceries into my “Babies and small children are being
car, getting my children into the car and abducted ... when they’re left alone in
then leaving them in the car to go return the backseats of vehicles while their
the cart,” said Leslie Dobson, a TikTok parents hop out for just a minute to
creator who often posts about parenting pump gas, pick up take-out food or dash
safety and crime, in the video. Some back into their homes for something,”
viewers expressed the opposite view: reads a blog post from The National
having kids in the car doesn’t excuse Center for Missing and Exploited Chil-
parents from the courtesy of returning dren.
shopping carts to the right place. Most car thefts happen when a par-
Putting aside debates about the eti- ent or guardian turns a blind eye to their
quette of shopping cart returns, Dobson children even for a few minutes after
raises an important point that child leaving them in a car, Rollins said.
safety experts emphatically agree Americans don’t think these incidents
about: Parents should never leave kids could happen to them or their children,
alone in cars – even for a minute. she said, “but it really only takes a few
“It is not a safe environment for chil- seconds.”
dren,” said Amber Rollins, director of And there are other legitimate ways
Kids for Car Safety. “Far too many chil- kids can harm themselves or set them-
dren have been injured or killed after selves up for harm unwillingly when
being left alone in a vehicle for just a they are left alone in vehicles.
minute.” “We don’t want to play the parent
But that important safety advice shame game, but I think people truly Shopping carts for Hobby Lobby and HomeGoods sit in the parking lot at
doesn’t mean parents can’t safely return don’t understand that kids can hurt Freedom Town Center in North Carolina. ANDREW CRAFT/USA TODAY NETWORK
their cart after shopping with their chil- themselves in cars,” Rollins said.
dren. They can find objects in vehicles and
choke themselves, find guns in vehicles h A 3-year-old girl was in a vehicle h Check the backs of their cars before
What should parents do with their and shoot them or get out of the car and before she went missing in Detroit and walking away.
cart when they’re done shopping? risk being hit by a driver who doesn’t see was found safe in February, The Detroit h Place visual reminders of the
them, she said. News reported. child’s presence – such as the child’s di-
To safety experts such as Rollins, the “People tend to think as isolated in- aper bags or sweater – in the front seat
priority is making sure kids remained Are there cases where a parent cidents,” Rollins said. as reminders that a child is in the car
supervised. But parents still can return has left for short time and their “But these are things happening far with them.
their shopping cart – just bring the kids. children were abducted or hurt? more often than people deem to believe h Be mindful to set up agreements
“When my son was little I would un- and to children of all ages.” with their day care to notify them if the
load the groceries with him still in the Yes. A few recent cases of child ab- child doesn’t show up in case a child is
cart, take him with me to return it, then ductions include: What else should parents know? accidentally left in the car.
carry him back to the car and buckle him h Memphis, Tennessee, police found h Make sure children cannot sneak
in,” she said. “With a little forward an abducted 1-year-old child in a car in Hot days create extra risk. Dozens of out of the house to get into cars by child-
thinking parents should never have to late April. The mother of the child told kids died in hot cars last year. Two kids proofing or adding alarms to doors lead-
leave their children alone in the car.” police that her son was taken at a gas have died in hot cars this year, according ing to the outside.
station, WREG Memphis reported. to the Kids for Car Safety. h Keep keys out of reach of children
Is leaving kids alone in a car for a h A 4-year-old in Southern California Parents can take extra precautions to at all times and keep cars locked at all
short amount of time a real risk? was abducted in a car after a man left his keep their kids safe this summer and times.
car running with his child inside. The avoid a nightmare. h Check floorboards and trunks of all
Parents should never leave their kids case triggered an Amber Alert, the Officials from Kids and Car Safety ad- cars immediately in case a child goes
unattended in a car regardless of the Press-Telegram reported. vise parents to: missing.

Raid “By committing horrific massacres,

the enemy was able to free some of his
Israeli special forces
posed as Rafah refugees
negotiations between Israel and Hamas
to reach a new truce connected to a hos-
prisoners, but at the same time, it killed tage and prisoner release deal.
Continued from Page 1A some of them,” Obaida said. “The opera- Israel’s operation Saturday began
tion will pose a great danger to the (re- around 11 a.m. local time (4 a.m. EDT) Rafah shelters empty
restore Israel’s international standing. maining hostages) and will have a nega- and was based on “precise” intelligence as refugees flee again
“Netanyahu is preventing us from ad- tive impact on their conditions and lives.” that was “very complex to obtain,” Rear
vancing toward true victory,” Gantz said Freed captives Noa Argamani, 25; Al- Adm. Daniel Hagari said at a news con- As Palestinians remained in shock
at a news conference. “That is why we mog Meir Jan, 21; Andrey Kozlov, 27; and ference. Israeli troops came under fire over Saturday’s death toll – the worst
are leaving the emergency government Shlomi Ziv, 40, were in good health and from Hamas while the operation was over a 24-hour period of the Gaza war
today, with a heavy heart but with full being reunited with their families, Is- taking place, he said. for months, according to Palestinian
confidence.” raeli authorities said. Lerner said they Some special forces slipped into the medics – Israeli forces pounded central
were held “in civilian homes, putting Nuseirat refugee camp in a car with Gaza anew on Sunday, and tanks ad-
Palestinian death toll them within the civilian arena.” mattresses on top posing as Palestin- vanced farther into Rafah in an appar-
rises in hostage raid Neighboring Egypt and Jordan ex- ians fleeing Rafah, according to Saudi- ent bid to seal off part of the southern
pressed outrage at the Israeli attack, call- owned Asharq news channel in a report city, residents and Hamas media said.
The Israeli operation on Saturday in- ing it a violation of international law. translated by the Times of Israel. They Only about 100,000 of the more than
volved hundreds of troops and heavy air Lebanon’s foreign ministry condemned told local residents they were escaping 1 million residents and refugees who oc-
support that pounded the Nuseirat refu- the “massacre.” Jasem Mohamed Albu- the Israeli attack on Rafah and would be cupied Rafah a month ago remain in the
gee camp in central Gaza. daiwi, secretary-general of the Gulf Co- staying in the building near a market − a city, according to the U.N. agency for Pal-
Gaza’s Health Ministry said Sunday operation Council, called the attack “a building where Argamani was being estinian refugees UNRWA. Rafah, on the
that 274 Palestinians were killed in the heinous and terrorist crime that targeted held. The other freed hostages were be- Egyptian border, had become home to
rescue raid, up from 210 it reported on defenseless innocents with brutality.” ing held in another building nearby. Palestinians fleeing Israeli attacks that
Saturday. At least 64 of the dead were But Netanyahu remained ecstatic The Israeli military denies reports left much of northern and central Gaza in
children and 57 were women, the Hamas- Sunday, saying in a social media post: that some Israeli special forces entered ruins. With Israeli military operations
run Gaza government media office said. “Happy is the people that is blessed Nuseirat in humanitarian aid trucks. now focused on Rafah, many Palestin-
An additional 698 people were wounded. with its heroes. We will continue togeth- Israel has now rescued a total of sev- ians are heading back toward their de-
Abu Obaida, spokesman for the Ha- er to do our utmost to return all of the en hostages since Oct. 7, when militants stroyed communities, the agency said.
mas Al-Qassam Brigades military wing, hostages, and to achieve victory over stormed across the Israeli border and “All UNRWA shelters in Rafah have
called Saturday’s raid a “complex war our enemies.” killed about 1,200 people. Some 251 been vacated. Many of the people who
crime.” He said three hostages were Netanyahu proposed the rescue be were taken hostage. Saturday’s rescue were based in Rafah have fled up the
killed in the attack, including one hold- dubbed Operation Arnon in honor of the was Israel’s third such operation since coast seeking safer locations in both
ing a U.S. passport, a claim Israeli mili- “hero of Israel Arnon Zamora,” the com- that date. Khan Younis and the middle area of Ga-
tary spokesperson Peter Lerner said mander of the assault force who was the It’s not immediately clear how Satur- za,” UNRWA said in a statement.
should be taken “with a pinch of salt.” only Israeli soldier killed during the effort. day’s rescue will, if at all, impact Contributing: Reuters

Derek Tran Derek Tran

visits the
Continued from Page 1A Truong
Buu Diep
one of the nation’s few competitive Foundation in
House races in the upcoming elections Garden Grove,
that will determine which party will Calif. John
control the lower chamber and play a Nguyen,
major role in shaping or killing the agen- co-founder of
da for the White House winner. High- the faith-based
lighting the competitiveness of Tran’s nonprofit, says
race, it’s one of the handful of districts he’s going out
that President Joe Biden won in the of his way to
2020 election but is held by a Republi- support Tran
can – Biden won there by 6 percentage “because of
points. (the) relation-
A key component behind Tran’s cam- ship” he’s built
paign is his background and ability to with the
connect with the Vietnamese popula- Democratic
tion that Democrats believe no prior candidate over
candidate could. The hope is that Tran the years he
can convince and turn out those voters volunteered for
during a presidential election cycle the foundation.
where Biden will be at the top of the ROBERT
ticket in one of the nation’s deepest blue HANASHIRO/
states. USA TODAY
Whether Tran could capture those
voters is essential to flipping the seat as
he faces an uphill battle against two-
term GOP incumbent Michelle Steel, a
68-year-old Korean American who is Filipino, Indian and Korean voters. tyranny will withstand any labels the Committee, has begun to invest in voter
well established in local politics and one “Don’t get me wrong. There’s people GOP tries to put on him. contact, community outreach and or-
of the GOP’s strongest fundraisers … like, ‘What’s your party? What’s your “Steel is going to have a very hard ganizational support for Tran’s cam-
among vulnerable members, boasting a party?’ ” Tran said. “And I tell them I’m a time painting a son of this community paign.
massive campaign war chest. Though it Democrat and they’re like: ‘Oh. We can’t as a communist because an attack on The district’s location is another
was just a few days after Tran’s primary vote for a Democrat, we’re Republican.’ ” me as a Vietnamese American is an at- headwind for Tran’s campaign, given
victory, at the end of March, Steel re- Tran says at times, he can “walk tack on my entire Vietnamese commu- that advertising rates in the Los Angeles
ported $3.2 million cash on hand com- them through my upbringing and why nity out here,” Tran said. “She needs the media market are among the most ex-
pared with Tran’s near $200,000. I’m running” and for some of those vot- votes out here and she can’t win this dis- pensive in the country.
Not only that, Steel’s campaign has ers, his background resonates and he’s trict without them.” “She has good name recognition,” Tu-
capitalized on the Vietnamese commu- able to persuade them. Others though, “I dare her to attack me and call me a ong Thang, Vietnam news director of
nity’s GOP leanings before. She’s al- he cannot, “so we just leave it at that.” communist because I know my commu- Saigon Broadcasting Television Net-
ready built a strong grassroots opera- nity will respond right away,” Tran add- work, a Vietnamese language television
tion for voter outreach across the whole 2022 congressional race marked ed. network based out of Little Saigon, said
district that helped her win reelection in by accusations of ‘red-baiting’ Tran’s heritage already poses strong of Steel. “A lot of people already know
2022, along with controversial messag- appeal to some Vietnamese voters who her,” Thang added, noting her time in lo-
ing points that critics have decried as Illustrating the visceral emotions have longed to see a candidate that cal politics serving on Orange County’s
“red-baiting” to inflame fears of com- Vietnamese Americans hold toward looks and speaks like them. board of supervisors.
munism among Vietnamese voters. communism and the fear that drives Tran’s unique strengths to connect But Thang argued that Tran is
Lance Trover, a spokesperson for some of them to the GOP, the South with the voters of Little Saigon also uniquely positioned to win over the
Steel’s campaign, noted the race is Vietnamese flag was seen flying across comes from his familiar history for Vietnamese community. Though the
about more than just the Vietnamese the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as rioters be- many in the community. His parents district also includes a sizable Korean
population in the district and said in a sieged the building seeking to overturn were among the 2 million Vietnamese American and Hispanic population,
statement to USA TODAY that “South- the 2020 election. boat people who after the war desper- “the swing vote” that will decide the
ern Californians of all ethnicities know The bright yellow flag bearing red ately sought to escape Vietnam to election is in Little Saigon, Thang said.
who they can trust which is why they horizontal stripes, commonly used as a neighboring countries. He said his fa- “To be honest, Jay’s my friend, (but)
keep electing Michelle Steel.” symbol of freedom, stuck out to many in ther attempted to flee with his first wife he didn’t make the investment in the
Despite the headwinds facing Tran, the Vietnamese community, flying and youngest children, but their boat Vietnamese community that Derek will.
his campaign is touting internal poll alongside MAGA flags and displays of capsized and Tran’s father was the only It’s not just having surrogates here and
numbers in the district that shows the far-right symbols. one who survived the accident. Back in there but really having a full on cam-
Democrat in a dead heat with Steel, Tran is hoping to win over voters Vietnam, his father met his mother and paign in the Vietnamese community,”
trailing her by just 1 percentage point from the Vietnamese community who managed to successfully flee Vietnam, said Phu Nguyen, a trustee on the Foun-
among likely voters in the district in a were appalled to see the South Viet- later relocating to the U.S. where Tran tain Valley School district who is sup-
head-to-head matchup. namese flag fly over the Capitol then. was born. porting Tran. “I think it was a missed
But more notably, Tran far outper- “It was just being used inappropri- His family history though is difficult opportunity for him.”
forms a generic Democrat among likely ately on Jan. 6. A lot of Vietnamese for Tran to recount, describing it as “un- Parts of the community are already
Vietnamese voters. Up against Steel, Americans were ashamed seeing that comfortable” to speak openly about and planning to rally support for Tran in Lit-
Tran is 3 points behind. Underscoring flag flying up like that,” said Phu Do noting it’s not part of his stump speech tle Saigon. John Nguyen, co-founder of
the Vietnamese community’s lean to- Nguyen, an attorney and board member on the campaign trail: “It’s not my story the Truong Buu Diep Foundation, a
ward the GOP, those same voters would of the Vietnamese American Democrat- to tell.” faith-based nonprofit honoring Father
favor a generic, unnamed GOP candi- ic Club in the area supporting Tran. Truong Buu Diep, a Vietnamese Catho-
date by 25% compared with a generic “That flag represents all of us, not just Democrats will need to do more lic priest, said he has “to share with ev-
Democratic candidate. one faction.” than play up Tran’s background eryone about how good he is.”
“There is a political machine behind Those feelings of resentment toward The Truong Buu Diep Foundation,
all this,” Tran said, noting Steel’s hus- the regime that drove out so many who Tran’s background will be a key de- where people from any faith can stop by
band, Shawn Steel, is also an important called Vietnam home still linger strong- fense against any attempts to tie him to to pray, offers various free walk-in re-
figure in the California GOP. “But that ly in Little Saigon. Quan Nguyen, one of communism, one political consultant sources for local residents who may
doesn’t slow my yearning and my ability the founders of the Museum of the Re- for California Democrats said on the need assistance navigating federal gov-
to make sure that I beat her by out-can- public of Vietnam, a humble one-room condition of anonymity to speak can- ernment programs such as Social Secu-
vassing her. I’m going to try to out-fun- collection of items ranging from model didly given the high stakes of the House rity and Medicare. For a few years, Tran
draise her, but she’s definitely had a warships to army uniforms to medals campaign. “It was a rough one to put it would offer his own legal knowledge to
head start on me.” from the Vietnam War, described Little mildly,” the consultant said about help those who needed advice on per-
The Vietnamese community in the Saigon as the “capital of exiled Viet- Steel’s attacks and Chen’s campaign. sonal and family legal issues.
district runs through Little Saigon, a namese” who are “very anti-commu- Come Election Day, the race is expected Those resources are critical for the
sprawling enclave of Vietnamese shop- nist.” to be close and if Tran does win, it won’t community, Nguyen said, since “most of
ping centers, strip malls and restau- He added the community “is very di- be by a large margin. Though the con- them, they don’t know (how to) speak
rants built up in Orange County after vided” by those who continue to hold sultant also argued Tran’s fluency and English and they need help from people
hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese such strong feelings toward the commu- connection with the Vietnamese com- who have licenses and knowledge.”
refugees flocked to the United States af- nist regime and others who, while they munity offers Democrats a much Nguyen says he’s going out of his way
ter the fall of Saigon marked the end of still yearn for the restoration of freedom stronger chance to flip the seat. to support Tran “because of (the) rela-
the Vietnam War in 1975. in their home, don’t hold such similar, A GOP consultant working on House tionship” he’s built with the Democratic
Driving past Carrot and Daikon Banh intense feelings. races, who also spoke to USA TODAY on candidate over the years he volunteered
Mi, a local Vietnamese sandwich shop, The political power of that sentiment the condition of anonymity to candidly for the foundation. When he learned
Tran recalled asking the restaurant’s was on full display in the district’s last discuss the competitive election, Tran was running for Congress, Nguyen
owner, a Republican and current Army election in 2022, when Steel faced off echoed the same sentiment and noted thought that he and his foundation had
reservist, whether his campaign could against Democratic challenger Jay Steel is a familiar name for many voters “to support him totally.”
plant signs in front of his business dur- Chen. Though Chen was the son of Tai- in the district. The GOP consultant dis- “I do feel inspired when I hear them
ing the state’s primaries. The owner wanese immigrants, Steel’s campaign missed Tran’s use of his background as talk” about him and his campaign, Tran
turned them down. tied him to the Chinese Communist Par- more of a “talking point.” said. “But I also feel the burden that they
But upon learning Tran was a veter- ty, stoking fears in the Vietnamese com- To be successful in 2024, Democrats put on me. It would be very hard to face
an, the owner changed his mind. When munity. will need to invest in outreach centers them should I lose this election.”
California law permits – 90 days before The attacks labeled Chen on signs as and canvass directly to voters in the en- Whether Nguyen and other commu-
the election day in November – those “China’s choice” and Vietnamese lan- tire district rather than just make a nity members’ support will be enough
signs will again be there for the general guage mailers photoshopped him in a broad stroke political play solely around for Tran and Democrats to flip the seat
election. “The fact that I was a veteran, classroom holding a copy of “The Com- Tran’s Vietnamese lineage, according to and give Little Saigon its first Vietnam-
he respected that, and he allowed us to munist Manifesto.” Steel’s campaign the GOP consultant who noted both ese representative in Congress is uncer-
use his property to place our signs, so faced heavy criticism from Democrats Steel and Rep. Young Kim, another Cali- tain. For now though, just having a can-
that was cool,” Tran said. and accusations of “red-baiting.” Chen fornia Republican and Korean Ameri- didate in the first place, almost 50 years
Democrats are enthused to have a ultimately lost by less than 5 points, or a can, invested heavily in Asian American after the fall of Saigon, is already an
candidate like Tran, whose background little more than 10,000 votes. voter outreach to build strong grass- achievement.
as the son of refugees mirrors the life of “When you’re messaging particularly roots operations that led to their elec- Back in Westminster Memorial Park,
so many in Little Saigon. But his candi- to a community like the Vietnamese tion wins. Chen shared similar feelings, where Tran and the rest of the attendees
dacy could be undercut by the fact older community, which has a long history of arguing Democrats need “to focus on moved the Memorial Day processions to
Vietnamese voters harbor strong feel- trauma with the Communist Party, the AAPI vote and not take it for granted plant incense and South Vietnamese
ings against communism. that’s got to have an impact,” Chen told even though AAPIs in general vote Dem- flags to honor 81 unknown Vietnamese
Vietnamese Americans are the only USA TODAY, calling the attacks “bla- ocratic, they can’t take this constituen- airmen, a few local Vietnamese lan-
Asian American demographic to skew tantly racist.” cy for granted.” guage reporters stood by, waiting to in-
toward the GOP, which is perceived as “Those attacks are not going to land Whether Tran will be able match terview Tran. After the processions,
having a stronger stance against China the same way,” given Tran is Vietnam- Steel’s campaign operation remains “to Tran made himself readily available for
and communism. A Pew Research Cen- ese, Chen said. “There are a lot of people be seen,” the GOP consultant said, not- any of their questions. He answered in
ter survey conducted last year found in the Vietnamese community who are ing the fundraising gap between Steel both English and Vietnamese.
that 51% of registered Vietnamese vot- going to take offense to some of those at- and her Democratic opponent. Tran’s “Handsome guy!” one of the local
ers either identified with or lean toward tacks.” campaign is still in the process of build- news network reporters quipped, mak-
the GOP compared with 42% who favor Tran echoed similar sentiments and ing a ground game akin to Steel’s. The ing sure to get a picture with the poten-
the Democrats. That’s unlike other said his background as the product of a campaign arm of House Democrats, the tially history-making Democratic can-
Asian American voters such as Chinese, community that fled communism and Democratic Congressional Campaign didate after their interview.

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Learn before you lather the sunscreen

It does expire and can be
used for up to three years
Olivia Munson

No matter the season, it’s important

to protect yourself – and your skin –
from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. This is
especially crucial during the warmer
months. Whether you’re hitting the
beach or sunbathing in the backyard,
you should take the necessary steps to
prevent sunburn and other skin dam-
One way to protect yourself is to ap-
ply sunscreen. But before you grab the
bottle from the back of the pantry, you
should check if it’s still good. Like other
topical products, sunscreen expires.
With summer and outdoor activities
quickly approaching, here are tips to
keep in mind when it comes to sun-

Does sunscreen expire?

Sunscreen does have an expiration

Based on FDA regulations, sunscreen Shelf life for sunscreen typically is three years post-purchase. PROVIDED BY REVIEWED/LA ROCHE-POSAY/NEUTROGENA/E.L.F. COSMETICS
is required to have an expiration date
unless testing by manufacturers can
guarantee its longevity and stability You can continue using it until the How does sunscreen work? skin, the FDA reports. The higher the
past three years. Most sunscreen will three-year mark. The sunscreen should SPF, the more protection you have.
have an expiration date listed on its then be discarded since it is no longer Sunscreen’s active ingredients pre- If you plan on being outside for pro-
packaging. guaranteed to be fully effective or us- vent the sun’s UV rays from penetrating longed periods, it is recommended to
able, the FDA reports. your skin, according to the Skin Cancer use SPF 30 or higher, according to the
How long does sunscreen last? Store sunscreen away from excessive Foundation. Minerals – such as titani- Skin Cancer Foundation.
heat and direct sunlight, according to um dioxide and zinc oxide – help block As a general rule, you should reapply
If your sunscreen does not have a list- the Mayo Clinic. When bringing sun- the rays, while other ingredients – such every two hours, according to the Skin
ed expiration date, the shelf life is typi- screen outside, be sure to keep it in the as avobenzone and octisalate – absorb Cancer Foundation. Even with water-
cally three years post-purchase, accord- shade or wrapped in a towel. UV before it can harm the skin. proof or water-resistant sunscreen, it is
ing to the Food and Drug Administra- You should throw away sunscreen if A sunscreen’s SPF, or sun protection important to reapply since no sun-
tion. it has changed consistency or has dras- factor, determines how long it will take screen is entirely waterproof. You also
Write the purchase date on any sun- tic changes in color, the Mayo Clinic for the sun’s rays to affect your skin should reapply immediately after swim-
screen without a listed expiration date. says. when applied in comparison to bare ming or excessive sweating.


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Vaccines take a shot in fighting cancer

Progress is being made, risk polyps removed during colonosco-
pies. By vaccinating them after the pol-
but ‘science takes time’ yp has been removed and following
them, she hopes to prevent them from
Karen Weintraub developing colon cancer. “If you show
USA TODAY immunity, safety and efficacy in this
setting, the same can be expected in
Watching his brother slowly die was other precancer settings,” she said.
enough to convince Filko Prugo he She also is trying the same approach
didn’t want to go the same way. He was in women diagnosed with ductal carci-
willing to do whatever he could to en- noma in situ, or DCIS, a precancerous
sure his three children would avoid that condition that puts them at high risk for
fate, too. breast cancer. Eventually, she hopes her
So, among other things, the New York approach will enable them to avoid sur-
City resident volunteered for a research gery.
trial, testing an experimental vaccine In the trials, she gives two shots two
for people like him, who carry an extra weeks apart to prime the immune sys-
genetic risk for certain cancers. tem, a third two months later to boost it,
If all goes as hoped, the vaccine, plus a fourth at a year. She’s not sure yet
which he received four times, will keep whether people will need another
him from developing prostate, breast or booster at 10 years or another time in-
pancreatic cancer. terval.
As a trial participant, he also is being But if tumor cells start to grow later,
monitored carefully for the two years of Finn said, those cells should act as their
the trial, so any tumors that do develop own booster.
will be caught early when they are likely Dr. Elizabeth Jaffee, a medical oncol-
to be the most survivable. ogist and immunologist
If the vaccine works and doesn’t at Johns Hopkins Univer-
cause other safety problems – and so sity in Baltimore, takes a
far, it hasn’t – it will be tested in more similar approach against
people and over longer periods. In the a different mutation.
meantime, vaccines that help prevent The KRAS gene is typi-
cancer recurrences are progressing with cally the first to mutate in
an advance in melanoma vaccines an- Jaffee the cascade of genetic
nounced on Monday. changes to cause many
Long-term, the vision is to prevent different types of solid tumors. Pancre-
nearly all cancers, a Holy Grail that re- atic cancer, Jaffee’s specialty, would not
searcher Dr. Susan Domchek and others happen for instance, if the KRAS gene
have been working toward for decades. didn’t mutate.
She says it will likely take decades more She’s currently testing a KRAS-tar-
to achieve fully. geted vaccine in people at high risk for
“I believe in what we’re doing, but I pancreatic cancer. Her first patients
also recognize what’s needed to get were vaccinated about a year ago and
from A to Z,” said Domchek, a breast are still making an immune response,
cancer specialist at Penn Medicine in suggesting their bodies would still fight
Philadelphia. off cancer cells, she said.
She says the project is about at letter Finn has shown that a vaccine ap-
K right now – nearly midway through proach may not work to prevent lung
the development process. “What can be cancers in heavy smokers because of
frustrating to patients is: Science takes the damage to the immune system. It
time.” must either catch them earlier in their
smoking history or something else
Different types of cancer vaccines needs to be used to prevent cancer in
those individuals, she said.
Cancer vaccines have been a dream Filko Prugo, right, and his family. He carries the BRCA2 cancer mutation that And even the best cancer vaccine
for nearly as long as there have been increases his risk for several cancers, which is why he volunteered to test an won’t stop every cancer, just as the flu
vaccines. experimental cancer vaccine. PROVIDED BY KATE MELCONIAN vaccine doesn’t stop every infection,
The only ones readily available today Finn said. But ideally, it will reduce the
are those that block cancer-causing vi- risk and “keep it at bay as long as pos-
ruses. For example, the HPV vaccine to get the immune system to recognize One hope, he said, is that researchers sible.”
against human papillomavirus, given to the neoantigens present within a per- will be able to identify a limited number
children starting at 9, is extremely effec- son’s own tumor cells and attack them. of neoantigens that are most likely to be Changing the path of disease,
tive at preventing cervical cancer, some The combination of the vaccine, present in most cancers and create a one person at a time
head and neck and other cancers in along with Keytruda fires up the im- ready-made “library” of these.
men. mune system and enables it to wipe out Then, once a patient’s tumor is ana- Prugo, the New Yorker who has been
A different type of cancer vaccine is tumor cells throughout the body, she lyzed, a personalized selection can be in a vaccine trial, knows it’s going to be a
being tested in patients who already said. made from this library and the vaccine very long time before a vaccine will be
have cancer – though it’s probably still a The two companies are launching a cam be mixed practically at their bed- able to prevent nearly all tumors or even
handful of years away from the first fed- larger trial of the same approach in mel- side and rapidly delivered. those caused by inherited mutations
eral approvals. anoma and are also testing the same ap- The personalization makes a lot of like his own.
A key reason mRNA vaccines were proach in non-small-cell lung cancer. sense, said Dr. Catherine Wu, a medical But he says it’ll never happen if peo-
ready to go so quickly against COVID-19 Others are testing a similar type of oncologist at the Dana-Farber Cancer ple like him don’t volunteer for research
was that they already were being devel- vaccine in head and neck cancers and Center in Boston. Cancer cells have lots trials.
oped against cancer. By then, research- colon cancer, though all these vaccines of unique mutations and a personalized “Getting involved in clinical trials is
ers had realized the most effective near- are expected to be years away from ap- vaccine can help target of the utmost importance if we want to
term use of a vaccine was probably to proval. each cancer’s distinctive change the trajectory of difficult-to-
stop cancer from recurring, rather than “This is such a fun time to be an on- features. treat diseases,” he said.
to prevent it from happening at all. cologist,” Green said. “If you have to Personalization also Prugo carries the BRCA2 (for BReast
They also realized after years of fail- have this horrible diagnosis, we’re so makes sense, she said, CAncer gene 2) mutation, which in-
ures that vaccines alone weren’t enough much in a better place now than we were because it means “you creases the risk for several cancers, in-
to block a recurrence. But by pairing a 20 years ago.” get another shot” if the cluding breast cancer. Typical men have
vaccine with other treatments, they Wu cancer evolves and needs less than a 0.1% chance of developing
could make a profound difference in a So close, but not close enough for a modified treatment. breast cancer over their lifetime, but
patient’s care. everyone The involvement of big companies men with the BRCA2 mutation have as
On Monday, as part of the annual such as Merck and Moderna in cancer much as a 10% chance – 100 times high-
American Society of Clinical Oncology Even with this type of cancer vac- vaccines makes Wu optimistic that they er risk.
conference in Chicago, Merck and Mo- cine, though, challenges remain. will figure out a way to make these treat- After watching his brother die of
derna released information about a can- Dr. Corey Casper, a cancer and infec- ments feasible and more affordable over breast cancer, Prugo had surgery to re-
cer vaccine they are jointly developing. tious disease expert in Seattle, said he time. The cost of preventing cancer move his breast tissue, dramatically re-
The new data in patients with ad- worries that rare and pediatric cancers from recurring should offset the cost of ducing the risk. “As a male, there’s just
vanced melanoma, a type of skin can- are being left behind by large commer- these vaccines, Wu said. less associated with male breasts,” he
cer, shows that three years after receiv- cial efforts such as Many questions remain unanswered said. “Honestly, it was an easy deci-
ing a vaccine, along with taking a Merck Merck’s and Moderna’s. about these types of vaccines, though, sion.”
immunotherapy called Keytruda, 89% Of the 200 cancer like what are the best neoantigens to His father had already died of cancer,
of patients remain free of metastatic drugs approved over the target; how to trigger the right amount likely not connected to BRCA2, but an
growth. Of patients who receive Keytru- past few years, only three of immune reaction, but not too much; uncle who died of cancer years ago may
da alone, 68% remain free of metasta- or four were for pediatric and whether to use mRNA technology, have had a BRCA2-related disease, he
ses at three years, showing the vaccine cancers, said Casper, an older vaccine technology or both, said.
provides substantial benefit. Casper who also is president and said Robert Schreiber, a tumor immu- After watching so many people close
“This is the promise,” said Dr. Marjo- CEO of Access to Ad- nologist and director of the Washington to him endure ultimately futile treat-
rie Green, senior vice president of on- vanced Health Institute, a nonprofit University School of Medicine Bursky ment, Prugo gave up a lucrative career
cology global clinical development with biotech firm in Seattle. He wants the Center for Human Immunology and Im- as a lawyer working with the biotech-
Merck. federal government to support cancer munotherapy in St. Louis. nology industry.
The great challenge with these vac- vaccine development for children and Still, “if I’m a patient and I’ve failed In his late 40s, he began studying for
cines to prevent recur- young people with cancer, so they’ll be all other kinds of therapies and some- a doctorate at Columbia University, re-
rences is that – at least able to benefit from the advances, too. one offers me a personalized therapy, searching how the BRCA2 mutation
for now – they must be “I think the kids need a hand. Parents I’m going to go for it,” Schreiber said. leads to pancreatic cancer in mice.
personalized. Each vac- need a hand,” he said. “If the govern- His salary is a fraction of what it once
cine has to be tailored to ment helps de-risk that, in pediatric Decades to prevent cancer was. But he says it doesn’t matter.
each person’s tumor. cancers, we’ll make rapid leaps and from gaining a foothold “When you see your dad die of cancer
Because cancer cells bounds.” and the suffering I saw my brother go
Green are a person’s own cells He’s haunted, he said, by a patient Olivera Finn has been working for through – it was horrific,” he said. Plus,
that have figured out how recently referred to him, a 21-year-old four decades on a vaccine to stop cancer he knew his future would likely be the
to grow and divide undetected, they are woman named Zoe who has already from ever taking hold. same. “When you stare that reality in
difficult for the immune system to rec- been coping with aggressive ovarian Finn, an immunologist the face, you realize how unimportant
ognize as “foreign” and root out. cancer for three years. at the University of Pitts- money is.”
But also, because they divide so often She wasn’t eligible for clinical trials burgh, has been focused What matters more, he said, is what
they typically have changes that are not for immunotherapy, so she’s now “bat- on a specific molecule he’s doing to help others with cancer
present in normal cells. It’s these tling cancer in the final stages of her that occurs in more than now or who might develop it.
changes, so-called neoantigens on the life,” Casper said. “We know the tech- 80% of solid tumors, “This way, I can always look back and
surface of the cells that can act as flags nology can be there, but we just can’t Finn called MUC1. say I tried. I tried for myself and I tried
to identify cancer cells, Green ex- avail it to every patient who needs it. She currently i stest- for my kids,” Prugo said. “What else can
plained. Cancer vaccines are designed That breaks my heart.” ing a vaccine in people who have high- we do in life?”


We’re on Facebook (USA TODAY Opinion) and Instagram and X, formerly Twitter (@usatodayopinion).
You can also comment directly on columns.

In fight against opioids, close the gap

lease, providing incarcerated people
with treatment and easing their transi-
tion back into society.
h Finally, we must reduce harm for
Dr. Jerome Adams
people suffering from substance use
Opinion contributor
When I served as the U.S. surgeon
As the former surgeon general of the general, I issued an advisory on nalox-
United States and a Black man, I feel one, encouraging all Americans to carry
compelled to tell Congress: Black Amer- this critical medicine.
icans need your help. When administered during an over-
Substance use disorder affects com- dose, naloxone can reverse the impacts,
munities across America, but it doesn’t preventing death.
affect all communities the same.
The epidemic of addiction and over- To save lives, fund more programs
dose disproportionately impacts Black in underserved communities
According to data from the National We also should fund syringe service
Institutes of Health, Black and white programs.
Americans use drugs about the same These community-based prevention
rate, yet Black Americans are four times programs allow people suffering from
more likely to be incarcerated. substance use disorder to access and
We’re less likely to receive treatment A clinic staff member packs overdose prevention kits, including nasal spray used dispose of sterile syringes, acting as a
– and we’re more likely to die. In March, to treat narcotic overdoses in an emergency situation, in New York City. bridge between individuals and treat-
the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- ANGELA WEISS/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ment options like medication-assisted
vention revealed that the death rate for treatment.
white Americans dropped for the first Research shows that new users of
time in years, while rates for overdose these programs are five times more like-
deaths among Black Americans in- ly to enter drug treatment and about
creased by 7.5%. During the recent briefing on Capitol Hill, I urged members three times more likely to stop using
The stigma associated with sub- drugs than those who don’t enter the
stance use disorder also disproportion- of Congress to take these steps to address the programs.
ately affects Black Americans. disproportionate impact of substance use disorder on Black Unfortunately, Black Americans are
underrepresented in syringe service
I’ve shared my brother’s story communities. Today, I’m reiterating this call for action. programs, depriving them of this vital
in trying to help find solutions link to treatment.
Congress must fund more programs
My brother Phillip has fought a long It’s also the treatment most likely to be disparity and increase access to these in underserved areas.
battle against addiction and overdose, available to Black communities. medications, Congress can save lives. During the recent briefing on Capitol
and I talk publicly about his struggle in The bipartisan Modernizing Opioid h Within two weeks after release, Hill, I urged members of Congress to
an effort to end the stigma surrounding Treatment Access Act would safely in- formerly incarcerated individuals are take these steps to address the dispro-
treatment. crease access to methadone by allowing over 40 times more likely to die from an portionate impact of substance use dis-
I shared Phillip’s story at a recent licensed physicians to prescribe the overdose than the general population. order on Black communities. Today, I’m
panel on Capitol Hill, where I also medication from retail pharmacies. Because Black Americans are more reiterating this call for action.
briefed members of Congress on the Buprenorphine is another medica- likely to be jailed for drug-related crimes We’re living in a moment of extreme,
substance use disorder’s harmful im- tion widely used, and patients pre- than white Americans, this is a tragedy all-hands-on-deck urgency.
pact on Black America. scribed this are less likely to seek out il- directly harming our communities. Black Americans suffering from sub-
In no uncertain terms, I told Con- licit drugs and are at lower risk of dying Connecting individuals to treatment stance use disorder need help – and
gress, this is a crisis. But it’s not a crisis from an overdose. while they’re incarcerated gives them a Congress must act.
without solutions. However, Black patients were found pathway to breaking the cycle of addic-
We know what to do: to be significantly less likely to be pre- tion once released – and the Reentry Act Dr. Jerome Adams, MD, MPH, FASA,
h Methadone is the gold-standard scribed buprenorphine to treat opioid would do just that. is Purdue University’s executive director
medication for treating substance use use disorder than white patients. This bipartisan bill would reinstate of Health Equity Initiatives and a for-
disorder and reducing drug cravings. By taking immediate steps to end this Medicaid benefits 30 days before re- mer U.S. surgeon general.

Gen Z voters are distrustful; Biden needs them

careers. The 2021 Solutions Voter Sur- have historically been lowest among eli-
vey by Lake Research Partners found gible voters under 30, while older voters
that baby boomers are more likely to say consistently turn out at higher rates. In
being able to pay bills and provide for 2022, though, Gen Z turned out at high-
their family is extremely important. er rates than millennials or Gen X did
Celinda Lake and Christine Matthews Generation X, born between the years when they were that age.
Opinion contributors 1965 and 1980, is most likely to focus on However, increases in young voter
stability and financial success. turnout were largely concentrated in
Gen Z is much more likely than swing states such as Michigan, Penn-
Younger and older Americans have boomers to say pursuing a passion is ex- sylvania and Wisconsin, while turnout
often been disconnected, but the differ- tremely important, as well as accom- rates in solidly red or blue states were
ences between Gen Z and older genera- plishing a goal and achieving their full lower among young people.
tions are proving to be especially pro- potential.
nounced in this election year. However, Gen Z and boomers equally Where do voters under 30 stand
Having come of age during a global disagree with the notion that hard work on Joe Biden and Donald Trump
pandemic, economic crisis and social is good for them.
and political unrest, today’s young peo- According to 2022 exit polls, 63% of
ple are perhaps understandably sour on Faith in public institutions at voters under 30 voted for the Democrat-
public institutions, existing power all-time low among young people ic candidate for the House and 35% vot-
structures and even the country, com- ed for the Republican, a higher Demo-
pared with older Americans. Younger people also see systemic is- cratic margin than any other age group.
As we head into a presidential elec- sues as more of a barrier to success: In the election of 2022, Generation Z Now, among likely voters under 30,
tion where 41 million Gen Z Americans Gen Z and millennials, born between voters turned out at higher rates than Joe Biden leads Donald Trump 56% to
are now eligible to vote, politicians, or- 1981 and 1996, are more likely than older millennials or Generation X did when 37%, according to the Harvard Youth
ganizers and pundits would be wise to generations to agree that people of color they were that age. Poll.
pay attention to differences in guiding face greater barriers to economic suc- DEBORAH BERRY/USA TODAY However, only 44% of likely Biden
values between older and younger gen- cess than white people (64% of Gen Z voters say they enthusiastically support
erations that affect perceptions of the and 67% of millennials compared with him while 76% of Trump supporters are
world and voting behaviors. 57% of Gen X and 45% of boomers). sacrifices for the benefit of the common enthusiastic.
A nearly defining feature of young good. As political candidates make their
Look at stats on religion, Americans is their lack of trust in public This vein of cynicism persists in pitch to voters this summer through
patriotism, economic success institutions. Faith in institutions among many younger adults and affects their Election Day, they would be wise to un-
Americans under 30 has dropped dra- perception of American democracy. derstand how the experiences of each
There is a stark difference between matically in the past decade. Trust in While younger registered voters are generation have shaped their values –
younger and older generations in what the president, Congress, federal govern- more Democratic, they are more likely to and in turn shape their campaign’s pitch
values they believe in, particularly ment, Supreme Court, Wall Street, the be partisan leaners and independent accordingly.
when it comes to religion, patriotism news media and the military are all at an leaners than older voters, who tend to
and economic success. all-time low. identify completely with a one party or Celinda Lake, president of Lake Re-
Generation Z, born from 1997 to 2012, Young people also have less faith in the other. search Partners, was one of two lead
is less than half as likely as baby boom- our economic system. Only 40% of Younger Americans are also more pollsters for Joe Biden’s 2020 presiden-
ers, born between 1946 and 1964, to Americans under 30 have a positive im- likely to say they wish that there were tial campaign. She also is a pollster for
place importance on things like patrio- pression of capitalism, compared with more political parties to choose from. the Democratic National Committee.
tism, belief in God and having children. 73% of those 65 and over. Younger adults are also less likely to see Christine Matthews, president of
They are also half as likely to agree Gen Z even has less faith in their fel- a great deal of difference between Dem- Bellwether Research, is a leading public
that America is the best place to live. low Americans – they are far less likely ocrats and Republicans. opinion pollster known for her under-
Generations also differ about what is than older generations to agree that Gen Z turnout could decide the result standing of swing voters, particularly
important to them financially or in their most people are willing to make minor of this year’s election. Turnout rates women.

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ahead to
deal with
A little research can
make traveling easier
Zach Wichter

It’s the realization no traveler wants

to have: Your flight is delayed, can-
celed or diverted, and as a result, you’ll
miss your connection or otherwise not
make it where you’re trying to go.
It’s a frustrating situation, but it

Beware of fake
doesn’t always have to be the end of
the world – or even the end of your trip.
Ultimately, airlines want to get you
where you’re trying to get to, and
sometimes, you can help smooth that

vacation scams
process by doing your research and
being prepared when you finally have
your turn with customer service.
So the next time your travel plans go
awry, here are the things to remember.

Tight connection? Let a flight

attendant know
Tips to follow to get taken in during the summer
If your flight is delayed and you Betty Lin-Fisher USA TODAY

have a connection, you may still be
able to continue without too much ummer months mean vacations, outdoor concerts – and unfortunately,
Nadia Henry, a travel adviser who scams. h Though scams happen year-round, during the summer there’s
goes by Sparkle professionally, told me an increase in fraud around popular summer activities, Dan Cusick, a
flight attendants may be able to help
make that connection a little easier for fraud and claim executive at Wells Fargo, told USA TODAY. h “Scammers
you. and/or bad actors, as we often refer to them, really just look to exploit events. So
“If the flight is not full, they can
move their seat up if they’re nice,” she whether it’s the holiday season, whether it’s summertime and concerts ... their
said. “They can make an announce- whole MO isn’t so much to get to that one person,” Cusick said. “It’s to exploit an
ment that there are people that are on
a connecting flight, (so) please let event, and then those people come to that event and the scam is on.”
these people off first.”
A few weeks ago, I heard the cabin Young adults may be the most fering tickets at discounted prices. Victims are
crew leader on my flight announce vulnerable to summer scams asked to pay upfront for the tickets, often via a
multiple times that there were many peer-to-peer payment app, which may not
passengers on our plane with tight “Fraud and scams are an equal-opportunity have as many protections against fraud.
connections after a long delay before sport” that will exploit anybody, Cusick said, h Fake travel websites. Be on the lookout
our departure. He requested that ev- but young adults ages 18 to 24 are more likely to for spoofed or fake travel websites, which can
eryone allow those passengers off first, become victims of summer frauds, particularly be disguised as legitimate sources. These sites
and the message seems to have stuck. fake concert tickets. might look real and offer attractive deals on
It was the first time I can remember in In a study in October 2023, the Better Busi- flights, hotels and vacation packages, but there
ages that people generally stayed in ness Bureau found that consumers ages 18 to 24 is no vacation. If a website asks for payment in
their seats when we arrived at the reported a higher median loss in scams than the form of a gift card or a wire transfer, that’s a
gate. other age groups for the first time in 2022. red flag. Another red flag: if the site asks you to
Sparkle added, however, that flight Still, scams happen to any age group, he book immediately.
attendants may not know your predic- said. In February, the Federal Trade Commis- h The disappearing vacation rental.
ament if you don’t ask for help, so it’s sion said consumers reported losing more than Scammers are trying to take advantage of pop-
important to be your own advocate if $10 billion to fraud in 2023, marking the first ular sites like AirBnB and VRBO by offering
you encounter problems while travel- time fraud losses have reached that bench- properties that don’t exist or don’t belong to
ing. mark. It was also a 14% increase over losses re- them. If the site asks you to go to another site to
ported in 2022. make your payment, or if that payment is re-
Research your alternatives quiredvia an unusual payment method, that’s a
Fake vacation rentals, concert tickets red flag. Research the rental property by doing
Being your own advocate isn’t lim- are common scams an online search for the owner’s name and
ited to asking flight attendants for property address.
help. If you’re going to miss a connec- Here are some common summer scams, ac- h You’ve won a free vacation. Some scam-
tion or your flight has been canceled, cording to Cusick: mers will try to trick consumers into believing
you may need to have all or part of your h Summer concert and event scams. they’ve won a “free” vacation, but they need to
trip rebooked. Fraudsters will target and exploit popular sum- pay a fee to receive the prize or pay for taxes.
In that case, it’s a good idea to ap- mer concerts, trying to lure victims through
proach customer service with your fake websites, social media posts or emails of- See SCAMS, Page 2B
preferred flights if you’re not able to re-
book them yourself. Many airlines now
offer self-service rebooking tools on

their apps and websites, but those

don’t always present every option.
So, how can you do this research?


You might not have to be a millionaire to retire

‘You Don’t
Need to Be a
AEI fellow says retirees American Enterprise Institute think
tank, and published in April in The Wall
Millionaire to must reduce spending Street Journal.
Retire,’ says Most Americans retire with nowhere
the headline of Daniel de Visé near $1 million in savings. The notion
a column USA TODAY that we need that much money to fund a
written by secure retirement arises from opinion
Andrew Biggs, If you want to retire in comfort, in- polls, personal finance columns and two
published in vestment firms and news headlines tell or three rules of thumb that suffuse the
April in The us, you may need $1 million in the bank. financial planning business.
Wall Street Or maybe not. One prominent econo- Financial advisers tell you to save 10
Journal. mist says you can retire for a lot less: times your annual salary for retirement,
GETTY IMAGES $50,000 to $100,000 in total savings. enough cash that you can live on 4% of
He points to the experiences of actual the balance for a year. In one widely re-
retirees as evidence. ported survey, Americans said they
“You Don’t Need to Be a Millionaire to would need $1.46 million in the bank to
Retire,” says the headline of a column by
Andrew Biggs, a senior fellow at the See RETIREMENT, Page 2B

What travelers should know Scams which indicates it’s a secure site.
h Book direct. When possible, book
directly from an official travel provider.
about booking a cruise online Continued from Page 1B h Use a credit card. Credit card pur-
chases provide certain protections for
Tips to protect yourself consumers, while peer-to-peer pay-
Nathan Diller from scams ment apps may not.
USA TODAY h Use caution with QR codes. QR
Cusick’s tips to protect yourself: codes can be convenient, but be aware
Travelers can buy almost anything h Verify websites. Make sure the that scammers can use QR codes to
they need for a cruise online, from flip- URL is an authentic website of a known send you to a malicious site. Verify the
flops to sunscreen to the trip itself. company. Look for the padlock icon, site is legitimate.
Many travelers book cruises through
travel agents, but that’s not necessarily
the right move for everyone. “Some
people don’t want to deal with people,”
said Joanna Kuther, a New York City- Retirement “I don’t think it helps to hold out un-
realistic savings goals and to exagger-
based travel agent and owner of Port ate how much money people need to
Side Travel Consultants. “They want to Continued from Page 1B fund a comfortable retirement,” she
go online. They don’t want to have one said.
conversation.” retire comfortably. The million-dollar retirement is a
But with seemingly endless search Royal Caribbean International’s Oasis frustrating quest, Munnell said, be-
results and websites vying for prospec- of the Seas ship. PROVIDED BY ROYAL Most retirees say they’re doing cause most of us do not retire as mil-
tive guests’ attention in ads, the experi- CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL just fine, thank you lionaires.
ence can be overwhelming. And while
booking online offers convenience, Biggs disagrees. To prove his point, How much retirement savings
there can be some drawbacks. “kind of built into their ecosystem,” he the economist looked at responses to do retirees have?
added. the federal Survey of Household Eco-
What are the best websites Travelers booking through online nomics and Decisionmaking between The typical senior with a retirement
to book a cruise online? travel agencies may have to pay fees 2019 and 2022. account has about $200,000 saved, ac-
that cruise lines do not charge, howev- The survey asked retirement-age cording to data for households in the
When booking online, Kuther rec- er, Smith said. Americans, 65 to 74, how well they 65-74 age range from the 2022 Survey
ommended going directly through the were managing financially. of Consumer Finances.
cruise line – if you know which one you What if I need help A majority, roughly 85%, said they But only about half of those house-
want to sail with. with my booking? were just fine: They were living com- holds report having retirement ac-
Travelers can easily browse itinerar- fortably, or at least “doing OK.” counts at all.
ies, the line’s ships and their layouts, Customers who book online on their Only 15% said they were struggling. On this point, Biggs and his col-
and other add-ons and promotions of- own may have to contact the cruise line The finding matters, Biggs says, be- leagues disagree. He contends that
fered. If customers reserve other as- or third-party site when they have cause most retirees have much less many seniors have other kinds of sav-
pects of their trip, like flights, directly questions or issues, and the customer than $1 million in the bank. In the feder- ings, not to mention pensions. Munnell
through the line, they will also have representative’s familiarity with the al survey, the typical senior who report- believes that Biggs is overconfident in
greater protection in the event of dis- kind of trip they’re taking might vary. ed a satisfactory retirement had the security of American retirees.
ruptions. “And I think that’s one of the big short- $50,000 to $100,000 in savings. “I don’t know people, really, who
“So if there’s a cancellation or a de- comings,” Smith said. “It’s impossible to find any evidence have retirement savings who don’t have
lay, it’s their job to get you to that ship,” Some travelers who have used third- that seniors need even a fraction of a retirement account,” she said.
Kuther said. “That’s their commit- party booking sites have had to jump $1.46 million in savings to be financially Retirement experts often say people
ment.” However, she noted that travel- through hoops to get help when their secure,” Biggs wrote. will need about 80% of their preretire-
ers may not have as many choices as plans have gone awry. By his argument, retirees don’t need ment income to fund their retirement
when booking their flights themselves. nearly so much savings as financial years.
(Cruise lines often have in-house vaca- Should first-time cruisers planners say they do. Social Security covers only about
tion planners who are familiar with the book a cruise online? The average couple who retired in half of that, according to the Social Se-
brand.) 2022 reaped nearly $46,000 in annual curity Administration. And so, for a
Travelers can book cruises via third- There is a wide range of lines and Social Security benefits, by Biggs’s cal- comfortable retirement, we are urged
party sites as well and may be able to ships that cater to different types of va- culations. While that sum is “hardly ex- to save.
find deals doing so. intro- cations. travagant,” he wrote, “a typical couple One rule dictates that we should try
duced a cruise option late last year, al- Smith recommended new cruisers can expect an income more than twice to save 10 times our annual salary to
lowing travelers to book sailings, flights work with a travel agent who can help the elderly poverty threshold before supplement our Social Security in-
and hotels in one place. Other sites like them determine what kind of voyage is they touch a penny of their own sav- come.
Expedia and Orbitz also offer the cate- right for them. “Word of mouth is a ings.” For a typical American household,
gory, and there are cruise-specific sites great way to find people, and finding Biggs says retirement planners over- that comes to nearly $750,000, or 10
as well like and Crui- people who know your style of cruis- state how much income retirees actu- times the median household income of ing,” he said. “So, if you’re a family of ally need, and how much they will $74,580.
Those can also offer a comprehen- five, you want to find somebody that’s spend, essentially as a way to drum up And then there is the 4% rule: Plan to
sive way to see what cruises are out familiar with looking for larger fam- business. withdraw 4% of your retirement sav-
there. Brandon O. Smith, who runs the ilies.” ings to cover your annual living ex-
YouTube channel The Weekend Cruis- If a traveler is looking for highly per- Do you really need $1.46 million penses, adjusting the figure for infla-
er, said Vacations To Go’s search func- sonalized advice, he said, “You’re not to retire in style? tion each year.
tion is particularly good. Many travel- going to get that through an online Some experts say 4% is too low; oth-
ers also like Costco Travel because it’s booking tool.” Reactions to Biggs’s column ranged ers contend it’s too high. Either way, the
from admiration to outrage. Some message is clear: If you are going to live
readers reposted the piece on X with on a single-digit percentage of your re-
praise. One critic quipped, “You don’t tirement savings, you will need a lot of

Cruising Zach Griff, a fellow aviation journal-

ist at The Points Guy, recently posted a
need to be a millionaire to retire and do

thread on social media about his best Biggs is a noted conservative econo- Retirees ‘reduce their spending
Continued from Page 1B practices when he encounters flight mist and something of a contrarian. pretty significantly’ as they age
disruptions, and researching alterna- This year, he and a colleague sparked
Well, first, download the airline’s app tive flights was his No. 1 piece of advice. outrage with a paper that argued for Biggs believes those rules exist
on your phone before you travel. That eliminating the 401(k) plan. largely so that investment houses can
will be the easiest way to get updates Know your rights His new assertion, that people don’t sell investment products, and so per-
and make changes to your itinerary on need a million dollars to retire in com- sonal-finance websites can attract pa-
the fly if something goes wrong. Take Different airlines have different pol- fort, flies in the face of common wis- geviews.
advantage of inflight Wi-Fi or service icies around rebooking, including hotel dom in the retirement planning indus- He points to the 80% rule: Not many
on the ground to get a jump on your fel- and meal vouchers, when your flight is try. retirees, he reasons, will ever spend
low passengers when it comes to look- delayed or canceled for reasons within “What about rising health care that much of their working income in
ing up your options and rebooking their control. costs?” said Lili Vasileff, a certified fi- retirement.
yourself. The sooner you can make The U.S. Department of Transporta- nancial planner in Greenwich, Con- “For a long time, 70% was the rec-
those changes, the more options will be tion has a dashboard that outlines each necticut. “What about more older adult ommended mean for middle-income
available. carrier’s rules, and a quick check before children living for free with older par- retirees,” he said in an email to USA TO-
“Doing your homework before you you get to the customer service counter ents? What about divorces in later life DAY, “and it’s crept up without (to my
get to the counter is always good. You or connect with a representative elec- that halve all assets on the cusp of re- mind) particularly strong evidence.”
can be proactive to let the representa- tronically or on the phone can help you tirement?” The 4% rule is a little harder to cri-
tive know 'I already looked this up,'” understand what you can and can’t ask Perhaps the most provocative claim tique, he said, “but one thing we now
Sparkle said. Especially when agents for in your situation. For example, Alas- in Biggs’s analysis is that only a few re- know is that retirees reduce their
are dealing with multiple delays and ka, American, Delta, JetBlue and Unit- tirees face financial challenges. spending pretty significantly as they
cancellations, knowing what flights ed Airlines will rebook you on other air- Alicia Munnell, director of the Cen- age.”
you want when you get to the counter lines if your flight is significantly de- ter for Retirement Research at Boston Older retirees travel less, eat less
can help make their job easier because layed for reasons they control. But Alle- College (and a past collaborator with and spend less on children, Biggs said.
it means they don’t have to spend time giant, Frontier, Hawaiian, Southwest Biggs), estimates that at least two- Medical costs rise, but insurance cov-
searching for those alternatives for you. and Spirit Airlines won’t. fifths of retirees are struggling finan- ers most of them.
Sparkle also said airlines can some- cially. Retirement experts say the guide-
times rebook you on other carriers, so You may be entitled to a refund In the 2022 edition of the federal lines are meant as aspirational goals for
it’s worth seeing what other airlines Survey of Consumer Finances, when working people to plan their retire-
have available as well. If your flight is canceled for any rea- seniors were asked how they would ment.
Keep in mind there are no guaran- son and you choose not to travel on the handle a financial emergency, only 58% “Those rules of thumb are helpful for
tees when things go wrong like this. alternatives your airline offers you, said they could rely on savings. To folks in their early career, their mid-ca-
Your preferred flights might not be you’re eligible for a refund to your origi- Munnell, that figure reflects the depth reer,” said Douglas Ornstein, a director
available, or your airline might not have nal form of payment – even if you of financial insecurity among retirees. with TIAA Wealth Management, part of
a partnership deal to get you on another bought a nonrefundable ticket. the financial services nonprofit. “By the
carrier you’re requesting, but it never The Transportation Department re- You don’t want to say, ‘I really time you’re five years out from retire-
hurts to ask. cently announced changes to its man- screwed up’ ment, those rules are probably not so
Like most things in air travel, air- datory refund policies that will take ef- helpful anymore.”
lines usually accommodate elite fre- fect this fall. These policies include Why, then, did only 15% of seniors in No two retirements are alike, finan-
quent flyers and passengers in premi- automatic refunds if a service you pay the other federal survey, cited by Biggs, cial advisers say. Some retirees are still
um cabins first when things get dis- for, like onboard Wi-Fi, doesn’t work on say they were struggling? making mortgage payments or sup-
rupted. But if you don’t have status and your flight. Munnell thinks many retirees are re- porting grandchildren.
you’re flying economy, you can still luctant to discuss their financial prob- Others have neither dependents nor
maximize your chances of getting your One more tip lems in surveys. debt.
preferred alternate flights by using self- “When people are asked about their “If you’re living in Manhattan, yeah,
service rebooking tools as soon as pos- Beyond advocating for yourself dur- well-being, I think there’s a certain you probably need a million dollars, if
sible. You can also reach out to airlines ing a travel hiccup, Sparkle said there pride,” she said. “You don’t want to say, not more,” said Christopher Lyman, a
on multiple platforms, such as through are things you can do to prepare. ‘I really screwed up.’” certified financial planner in Newtown,
their app or social media, while waiting “Always keep any important medi- Though Munnell disagrees with Pennsylvania.
to get customer service help at the air- cation in your carry-on bag. Also, al- Biggs on the financial well-being of “If you’re living out near Lancaster,
port. If you have lounge access, you ways keep a small bag, whether a knap- American retirees, she applauds his Pennsylvania, with the Amish, there’s
also may be able to take advantage of sack or small carry-on, with a change of stance that you don’t need a million not a lot going on down there. If you’ve
shorter customer service lines there. clothes and all your toiletries,” she said. dollars to retire. got $50,000, you’re probably OK.”


In May 2022, as previously reported and as part of a federal investigation, federal authorities conducted a
search at the canine breeding facility in Cumberland County, Virginia, owned and operated by Envigo RMS,
LLC, a company that had been acquired in November 2021 by Inotiv, Inc. Subsequent to the search, the United
States brought a civil action to enjoin the company from transporting any dogs from the facility until it fully
complied with the Animal Welfare Act. In June 2022, pursuant to an agreement resolving its civil liability with
the United States, the company agreed to close the facility and allow the dogs to be rehomed. The facility
ceased operations in September 2022.

On June 3, 2024, under a Plea Agreement and Resolution Agreement with the United States (through
the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia and the Environmental Crimes Section of the United
States Department of Justice, Environment and Natural Resources Division), Inotiv, Inc. agreed to accept
responsibility for its conduct and agreed to the facts and allegations set forth in the charging document.
In addition, its subsidiary, Envigo Global Services, Inc., pleaded guilty to conspiring to violate the Clean Water
Act from January 1, 2020, through September 30, 2022, and its subsidiary, Envigo RMS, LLC, pleaded guilty
to conspiring to violate the Animal Welfare Act from January 1, 2020, through May 18, 2022.

Pursuant to the Plea Agreement and Resolution Agreement, we will:

• Pay a criminal fine in the amount of $22 million, to be paid over the next four years;

• Make payments of approximately $1.1 million to the Virginia Animal Fighting Task Force and
approximately $1.9 million to the Humane Society of the United States for direct assistance
provided to the United States’ investigation;

• Make a payment of $3.5 million to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to benefit and restore the
environment and ecosystems in Cumberland County, Virginia, at least $500,000 of which will be spent
on purchasing riparian wetland or riparian land located in or near Cumberland, Virginia;

• Invest a minimum of $7 million over the next three years to continue to improve our facilities and
personnel to exceed the standards imposed by the Animal Welfare Act;

• Pay all costs of a Compliance Monitor, who will ensure we comply with our obligations under the
Plea Agreement and Resolution Agreement and all federal, state, and local laws;

• Continue to not breed dogs;

• Be subject to contempt proceedings if we violate any provision of the agreement; and

• Be placed on a period of probation for up to five years, with the potential toend the term early at a
minimum of three years if we comply with all elements of the resolution.

In committing the crimes identified in the charging document, and by not making the necessary infrastructure
upgrades and hiring the requisite staff, we fell short of our standards for animal and environmental welfare and
apologize to the public for the harm caused by our conduct. In resolving this matter, we renew our commitment
to maintaining the highest standards of animal care, as well as to the communities and environments in which
we operate. We hope that others will learn from our experience.

News from across the USA

ALABAMA Montgomery: The South- HIGHLIGHT: IOWA OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City: The
ern Poverty Law Center released its City Council gave developer Scot
annual Year in Hate & Extremism Matteson the rezoning he sought to
Report, documenting more than 1,400 build the tallest tower in the country,
extremist groups operating in the but not without questions on wheth-
United States in 2023. That includes er it will really get built.
20 groups in Alabama.
OREGON Eugene: Lane County plans
ALASKA Anchorage: Pantheon Re- to roll out a new mobile crisis re-
sources said it had signed an agree- sponse program this month. Mobile
ment establishing the terms for fu- crisis refers to an alternate response
ture sales of its natural gas to a unit model where health professionals are
of state-backed Alaska Gasline De- deployed to emergencies instead of,
velopment Corporation. or in conjunction with, law enforce-
ARIZONA Phoenix: The Lake Hava-
su-Kingman area was found to enjoy PENNSYLVANIA Butler: A police
the best air quality in the nation, investigation has revealed that the
while metro Phoenix has one of the woman claiming to be an 8-year-old
worst, according to a recent study. Pennsylvania girl missing since 1985
More than 1,000 Lego bricks were used to create a miniature replica of some is likely not the missing child accord-
ARKANSAS Bentonville: U.S. retailer
of the buildings that make up Des Moines’ skyline. PROVIDED BY JOE FELDMANN ing to DNA. Forensic fingerprint
Walmart said it saw no impact from
analysis showed that the woman
the war in Gaza. The company wit-
Des Moines: It takes 1,234 Lego bricks to build a miniature replica of Des Moines. claiming to be Cherrie Mahan, who
nessed a “minor supply chain issue,”
Or at least that’s how many pieces Joe Feldmann chose to use when he crafted was last seen on Feb. 22, 1985, did
Doug McMillon, the chief executive of
parts of Des Moines. His Des Moines skyline Lego set, first reported by the Des not match the ones of the missing
the retailer, said at the company’s
Moines Business Record, includes the Iowa Capitol Building, the Iowa Women of girl’s, according to a news release
annual general meeting in Benton-
Achievement Bridge, the 801 Grand Building, the Krause Gateway Center and from the Pennsylvania State Police
ville, but that didn’t have any major
Pappajohn Sculpture Park. An associate principal with OPN Architects in Des provided by the department’s Public
Moines, Feldmann’s always appreciated the city’s skyline. “I think it’s something Information Officer Trooper Bertha
CALIFORNIA Los Angeles: Two peo- we can brag about over a lot of our other similar-sized communities,” he said. Cazy on the social media platform X,
ple have been charged in connection formerly Twitter.
to a LEGO theft ring bust after au-
RHODE ISLAND Providence: Crucial
thorities seized nearly 3,000 boxes of
services for crime victims are in jeop-
stolen LEGO toys.
ardy, advocates say, unless state law-
KENTUCKY Henderson: Kentucky NEBRASKA Beaver City: Officials
COLORADO Pueblo: Pueblo is facing makers provide $2 million in funding.
officials announced that Hydro Alu- said a mountain lion and two cubs
a lawsuit over city council’s decision More than 20 nonprofit organizations
minum Metals would invest have been seen in the area, Lincoln
to ban needle exchange programs together are urging the General As-
$85 million into its Henderson recy- Journal Star reported.
from operating within city limits. In a sembly to provide emergency funding
cling facility, adding 31 new jobs and
news release, the ACLU of Colorado NEVADA Reno: Stellar Aviation has for support services for victims based
introducing advanced manufactur-
said Pueblo City Council’s decision to wrapped up construction on the on a 40% cut in federal funding na-
ing equipment to the facility over
ban the programs is “preempted by first phase of a major expansion of tionwide. The cuts take effect Oct. 1.
the next two years.
state law.” The ACLU is seeking a its Reno facility – a move designed
SOUTH CAROLINA Greer: Inland Port
temporary restraining order and pre- LOUISIANA Lafayette: A study con- to accommodate the area’s growing
Greer’s $50 million expansion project
liminary injunction to immediately ducted by analyzed demand for aviation services.
is expected to be mostly complete by
halt enforcement of the new law, Louisiana casinos to see which are
NEW HAMPSHIRE Portsmouth: the end of this year. Terminal Man-
which went into effect May 16. the luckiest. The luckiest casino in
Mitch Landrieu, senior adviser to ager Will Angelich said the expansion
the state, according to the study, is
CONNECTICUT Hartford: Connecti- President Joe Biden, said Biden will double cargo capacity and en-
Delta Downs Racetrack and Casino
cut’s economic development agency “delivers” on infrastructure while hance rail capabilities.
in Vinton, followed by Coushatta
is offering up to $100 million in grant Donald Trump merely “talks” about
Casino Resort, Louisiana Downs SOUTH DAKOTA Sioux Falls:
funding aimed at fostering startup it. Landrieu, infrastructure coor-
Racetrack and Casino and Golden Schwan’s has purchased the land for
“clusters” in cities and towns around dinator for Biden, joined Ports-
Nugget Casino. Margaritaville Re- its promised 700,000 square foot
the state, with a focus on innovations mouth Mayor Deaglan McEachern
sort Casino in Bossier City ranked Asian food production facility in
in biotechnology, finance, insurance last week to tout millions of dollars
last as the unluckiest in Louisiana, northwestern Sioux Falls, which will
and advanced manufacturing, The CT in federal funding that has flowed to
according to the study. also come with a downtown office
Mirror reported. several New Hampshire infrastruc-
that will add another 50 jobs to the
MAINE Portland: In an effort to fill ture projects. This includes the
DELAWARE Rehoboth Beach: A le- 600 already promised, the company
30 vacant positions, Portland’s po- completed expansion of the Ports-
gally questionable land deed and announced.
lice department hired a public safe- mouth Harbor shipping channel.
government agencies’ failure to act
ty marketing company and has in- TENNESSEE Knoxville: An Alabama-
quickly on complaints may have led NEW JERSEY Trenton: The Murphy
vested nearly $300,000 to create a based company rethinking how clean
to the illegal filling of wetlands on Administration has proposed re-
recruitment video which is set to go energy can be generated on a large
Silver Lake in Rehoboth Beach. moving the osprey and the bald
live in August, News Center Maine scale is planning its own large-scale
eagle from New Jersey’s list of en-
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washing- reported. expansion in Knoxville after acquir-
dangered species, according to a
ton: Howard University’s board of ing technology to generate power
MARYLAND Salisbury: Hurricane- statement from Environmental Pro-
trustees voted to rescind an honorary through water.
related damage for all Salisbury tection Commissioner Shawn M.
degree presented in 2014 to rapper
area homeowners could total an LaTourette. If approved, the move TEXAS Houston: Element Fuels
Sean “Diddy” Combs after a video
estimated $40.9 billion according to would reflect decades of work “to Holdings, a Dallas-area startup pro-
surfaced showing him kicking, hitting
a 2024 Hurricane Risk Report. restore these iconic birds to New posing to build the first all-new U.S.
and dragging then-girlfriend Cassie
Jersey’s landscape,” he said. oil refinery in nearly 50 years, said it
Ventura. MASSACHUSETTS Boston: Accord-
was relaunching efforts to build a
ing to a recent study, gaming is now NEW MEXICO Santa Fe: New Mex-
FLORIDA Jacksonville: The future of large plant in South Texas.
“the” way to unwind. Research by ico State Police has issued more
recycling in Jacksonville could even-
the Interventional Pain Manage- than 370 citations from May 20 to UTAH Salt Lake City: The Utah NHL
tually involve the use of artificial
ment and Ortho-Spine Center June 2 during a national campaign team whittled down its list of 20
intelligence, or even a tool for resi-
ranked gaming as No. 1 in the top 10 encouraging seat belt use, KRQE original names in a fan survey that
dents to determine if specific prod-
most popular hobbies in Massachu- reported. drew 520,000 participants and it is
ucts could be recycled, as the city
setts (and the country). putting the remaining names up for
pursues efforts to save money NEW YORK Albany: State officials
another fan vote through June 20.
through decontamination. MICHIGAN Wexford County: The announced the release of $74 mil-
The remaining names (in alphabet-
Michigan Department of Natural lion in taxpayer-supported funds to
GEORGIA Bryan County: A coastal ical order): Utah Blizzard, Utah HC
Resources recently had to euthanize build a new hospital in Western
Georgia conservation group informed (Hockey Club), Utah Mammoth, Utah
about 31,000 Atlantic salmon at the New York, Gov. Kathy Hochul said.
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Outlaws, Utah Venom and Utah Yeti.
Harrietta State Fish Hatchery in The hospital will replace the aging
that it will take legal action to stop
Wexford County. The fish were sick Brooks-TLC Hospital – the only VERMONT Bennington: Vermont lost
work on Hyundai Motor Company’s
with bacterial kidney disease, ac- community hospital in Chautauqua another fabled state senator. Ben-
soon-to-open electric-vehicle manu-
cording to the DNR. County. Kaleida Health, the Buffalo- nington Sen. Dick Sears Jr. − often
facturing facility near Savannah.
based health system, and Brooks- described as one of the country’s
MINNESOTA Benton County: The
HAWAII Honolulu: The Department TLC Health Systems struck an “most productive” lawmakers − died
ongoing U.S. outbreak of avian flu in
of Human Services is asking for pa- agreement with Hochul’s admini- on June 2. He was 81.
dairy cattle reached Minnesota as
tience amid a delay in state Snap and stration and union groups to build
the state announced its first in- VIRGINIA Chester: Saying he was
EBT benefits due to staff vacancies the new hospital in the village of
fected herd. The Minnesota Board “unleashing the power” of Virginia
and a surge in applications, Hawaii Fredonia, the governor’s office said.
of Animal Health said the farmer of consumers, Gov. Glenn Youngkin said
News Now reported.
the affected herd reported more NORTH CAROLINA Raleigh: North he planned to do away with a Cali-
IDAHO Idaho Falls: Solar power de- than 40 cows with signs of fever. Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore, fornia-driven initiative requiring that
velopers will soon build two big solar and other House Republicans, are a percentage of vehicle purchases in
MISSISSIPPI Water Valley: Eight
projects on U.S. Department of Ener- sponsoring a newly filed bill about the state be electrically-powered cars
former employees have filed a feder-
gy-owned lands in Idaho that are citizen voting laws called HB 1074 by the end of the year.
al lawsuit against an auto parts
now cleaned up after decades of tests that would not change who can vote
manufacturing company, the former WASHINGTON Port Orchard: A fam-
on nuclear reactors for civil and de- in elections but would alter the
EnPro Industries, in Water Valley, ily in northwestern Washington has
fense, the first projects in a program wording of the state constitution.
claiming the company and others, sued a local butcher shop for killing
across five states, the department
including Detrex Chemical Indus- NORTH DAKOTA Bismarck: The their pet pigs when they came to the
said. NorthRenew Energy Partners
tries, exposed them to chemicals Donald Trump campaign has wrong house, according to a lawsuit
and Spitfire plan to install solar ar-
known to cause cancer. stepped up its vice presidential filed in Washington Superior Court.
rays with battery storage at the DOE’s
search, requesting detailed informa-
Idaho National Laboratory. MISSOURI Springfield: In front of a WEST VIRGINIA Charleston: West
tion from at least four of the top
camera since she was a baby, ac- Virginia veteran organizations re-
ILLINOIS Springfield: A new study contenders. North Dakota Gov. Doug
tress Brooke Shields will be in ceived more than 10,400 boxes of
found Illinois to be among the worst Burgum is one of the four asked to
Springfield this fall to discuss her cookies donated by Girl Scouts dur-
in the country when it comes to pay submit background information to
life and navigating fame. She will ing the latest Girl Scout Cookie sea-
gaps between genders. the Trump campaign, according to
also talk about overcoming chal- son, WV News reported.
two people familiar with the proc-
INDIANA Bloomington: Indiana Uni- lenges. Shields will headline Mis-
ess. WISCONSIN Green Bay: The Ray
versity faculty members say a pro- souri State’s Public Affairs Confer-
Nitschke Memorial Bridge would see
vost-led initiative to bring in re- ence, speaking on Sept. 24 at Juani- OHIO Columbus: A church, a hospi-
two murals added and more than
nowned senior professors to IU’s ta K. Hammons Hall for the Per- tal, a school, a restaurant and a
$679,000 in repairs completed under
faculty has been poorly executed, is forming Arts. grocery store – some dating from
contracts the Green Bay City Council
falling behind schedule and is caus- the 1800s – are this year’s most
MONTANA Great Falls: A dozen could approve this month.
ing widespread dissatisfaction in endangered historic properties in
people came to a meeting last week
multiple departments. central Ohio, according to Columbus WYOMING Jackson: A mudslide has
to protest Great Falls Mayor Cory
Landmarks. The list, which the shut down part of a road between
KANSAS Topeka: City Council is Reeves’ decision not to issue a Pride
preservation group releases annu- Jackson and the Idaho border.
considering changing its policies on proclamation for the month of June,
ally, includes a wide mix of building From USA TODAY Network and
hiring and firing the city attorney. The Daily Montanan reported.
uses, vintages and sizes. wire reports
Jack Nicklaus plays role of Latest news, results, opinions
Superman at Memorial, 7C 24/7 at
Colombia hands US men’s soccer team its worst Check out who won Game 2 of the NBA Finals and
USA TODAY | MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2024 | SECTION C loss since 2016; it’s ‘a wake-up call,’ 8C how, plus highlights from PGA Tour, MLB, WNBA



MLB fear:
harm over
Editor’s note: The following story
contains graphic threats of violence.
PHOENIX – They receive death
They are followed home by strang-
They are abused and derided.
They are Major League Baseball
players, who can tell you all about the
menacing threats that have been in-
flicted upon their lives since MLB and
gambling companies got into bed to-
“You hear it all, man,” Arizona Dia-
mondbacks closer Paul Sewald told
USA TODAY Sports. “You blow a save,
you don’t come through, you get it all.
“(Expletive) you. You suck. You cost
me all of this money.
“(Expletive) you. (Expletive) your
family. I’m going to kill you and then
kill your family.’
“It gets ugly really quickly. It’s scary,
and it’s sad. It used to be fans who
were upset because you blew the game
for the team, but now it’s gambling.
These people don’t really care about
the Diamondbacks. They just care
about their bets, and we’re talking
about money they don’t have that they
are losing. So, it’s a very scary spot.”
One MLB general manager told USA
TODAY Sports that he received death
threats delivered directly to his house,
requiring police protection.
“I remember being followed home
one time when I was playing for Cleve-
land,” Diamondbacks reliever Logan
Allen said. “I had a really bad game,
and this guy follows me home, and
starts cussing at me, telling me I cost
him all of this money.
“It’s scary.”
The Major League Baseball Players
Association began publicly voicing
concerns about player safety after a
Supreme Court decision that ultimate-
ly opened the door for it to become le-
gal to gamble on sporting events in 38
states and the District of Columbia,
with teams constructing sports bet-
A Spaniard is once again the king of Roland Garros. Third-seeded Carlos Alcaraz continued his country’s ting sites outside their ballparks. The
union negotiated Amendment 61 to the
dominance of the French Open, defeating No. 4 seed Alexander Zverev of Germany in five sets Sunday for his collective bargaining agreement re-
first French Open title and third Grand Slam title. Alcaraz carried on the tradition of countryman Rafael quiring teams to be proactive in curb-
ing fans’ aggressive behavior toward
Nadal, who won a record 14 French Open championships from 2005 to 2022. players.
“Clubs shall include in their fan
h Dan Wolken column on the Spanish ‘mega-talent,’ 3C YVES HERMAN/REUTERS

Sergei Bobrovsky best USA Basketball airballs by

player in Cup Final opener leaving Caitlin Clark at home
Joe Schad Christine Brennan
The Palm Beach Post Columnist

SUNRISE, Fla. – There’s something You can love Caitlin Clark. You can
about watching a peak athlete in a state hate Caitlin Clark. You can love her
of peak performance. Iowa roots. You can hate her Iowa
There’s something about watching roots. You can like her because she’s
the best hockey player in the world, white, or dislike her because she’s
Connor McDavid of the Edmonton Oil- white. Same goes for being straight.
ers, yes, but there’s something better You can love the media’s fascination
about watching the best hockey player with her, or hate it. You can love the Caitlin Clark of the Fever was the
on the ice, Sergei Bobrovsky of the Flori- historic TV ratings and sell-out WNBA’s Rookie of the Month for May.
da Panthers. The Panthers’ Sergei Bobrovsky faced crowds, or hate them. You can love her GREG FIUME/GETTY IMAGES
Bobrobsky. 32 shots on goal Saturday and made interviews, or hate them.
High scoring chance after high scor- 32 saves. SAM NAVARRO/USA TODAY SPORTS But there’s one thing that we all
ing chance. High danger chance after know to be true: sensation Clark on the roster, I think the
high danger chance. With Caitlin Clark on the 2024 U.S. top storylines for the Americans in Paris
It was Sergei Bobrovsky on a Satur- first period. Olympic women’s basketball team, (and quite a few international reporters)
day night at Amerant Bank Arena, turn- It was Bobrovsky, stymieing an Oil- players who have been largely ignored would have been these: 1. Simone Biles,
ing away shot after shot and keying ers offense with supreme speed and by the sports media at every Summer 2. Katie Ledecky 3. Caitlin Clark.
Florida’s 3-0 win in Game 1 of the Stan- skill. Olympic Games that I’ve covered, Maybe you add an athlete or team or
ley Cup Final. Bobrovsky, 35, was well-rested and which is every one since 1984, would two here or there, U.S. women’s soccer,
It was turning away McDavid on a sharp. As sharp as ever. It was 32 shots have finally received the spotlight they U.S. men’s basketball, take your pick,
strong drive to the net and then stone- faced and 32 saves made. deserve from a national and global au- but that’s the general idea. With Clark
walling breakaways by Adam Henrique dience.
and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins later in the See SCHAD, Page 3C Going into the Games, with national See BRENNAN, Page 2C

Nightengale “FanDuel. DraftKings. MGM. Caesars.

We’re promoting the hell out of this, and
then to say, ‘Oh, I don’t know what guys
Continued from Page 1C are gambling?’ ”
When MLB banned San Diego’s Tu-
policies a prohibition against betting- cupita Marcano for life this past week
related, abusive fan speech and behav- after betting on baseball while playing
ior that is directed at players, players’ for the Pittsburgh Pirates and suspend-
family members, club personnel or um- ed four other players for one year, it was
pires. … to serve as a warning for other players as
“The parties will jointly develop a a reminder that it’s illegal to bet on
safety hotline for players to report any baseball.
threats, potentially threatening com- “It’s tough because it’s such a fine
munications or other inappropriate line,” Sewald said. “The more people
sports bettor-related conduct or contact that bet on our sport, the more people
that a player or any member his family are watching. The more people watch,
received related to sports bettor (e.g., the richer we all get, right?
social media messages threatening vio- “But it’s such a slippery slope be-
lence as retribution for a gambler’s cause it’s an addiction that people can-
losses.)” not stop. People get aggressive in this
The amendments also restrict teams mode. We’re talking about real money,
from placing gambling information on and they’re gambling with money that
their scoreboard before and during they don’t have.
games: “No betting lines on player-spe- “And it’s never been easier to gamble.
cific performance or other player-spe- Everyone can do it in their phone. This
cific betting-related information may be isn’t like illegal bookie stuff or sketchy
displayed on in-stadium videoboards or stuff. Anyone can do it as easily as they
other in-stadium signage during a game want.”
or during pre-game warm-ups.” It’s too late to stop baseball’s affair
Yet, as the players will tell you, no with gambling. Gambling is far too lu-
scoreboard is needed with fans con- crative to owners to halt all of the pro-
stantly reminding them about the odds, motions, sponsorships and advertise-
prop bets and parlays while they’re on ments from gambling sites.
the field before games. Yet unless the promotions and adver-
And if your team doesn’t win, or you tisements start to at least be curtailed
fail to hold up your end of the prop bet, from their own network and games, un-
guess who hears about it? til fans’ harassment, threats and intimi-
“You get some messed-up stuff, a lot A BetMGM logo on the wall at the Reds home ballpark in Cincinnati. dation stop, don’t be surprised if gam-
of nasty DMs (direct social media mes- ALBERT CESARE/THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER bling scandals become as much a fabric
sages),” San Francisco Giants ace Logan in baseball as pine tar.
Webb said. “People are really passion- MLB will soon implement an auto-
ate about teams, and now that you add It shouldn’t be part of it. But it is part of sages to four players on the Tampa Bay matic strike zone, likely in 2026, sparing
money to it, it’s bigger than ever. professional sports now.” Rays and one player on the White Sox the umpires of all of the vitriol they re-
“My first year, there wasn’t that much It has become so appalling that fans after a 2019 game the Rays lost. ceive. If you’re an umpire, do you really
gambling going on. It was just, ‘Oh, you are now requesting payment from play- Here’s a sampling of the horrifying want the threats that await if you hap-
suck. You shouldn’t be on the team.’ Just ers for their lost wages in bets. messages to one Rays player: pen to miss a pitch in late innings?
things like that. “Fans used to just say normal things h “I will sever your neck open you pa- “When that happens, you watch,” Al-
“Now, you’re getting, ‘You just cost like, ‘You’re a bum,’ ” said Chapman, a thetic (expletive).” len says, “it will be a huge thing where
me money.’ They say some (messed)-up seven-year veteran. “Now, that they h “I will enter your home while you people will start betting on automatic
(expletive). I get a lot of that with strike- have all that money on us, fans will talk sleep, and sever your neck open.” strikes. If they do the challenge system,
outs. ‘Hey, I got money on you for strike- a lot of (expletive) to us. I’ll even have h “I will kill your entire family.” there will be an over-under on how
outs. Are you going to hit it?’ fans Venmo requesting me for money. I h “Everyone you love will soon many times somebody challenges the
“I always look up and say, ‘Probably had to change my Venmo.” cease.” ball and strikes in a game. How many
not.’ Said Giants veteran reliever Tyler h “I will cut up your family.” are overturned? How many are wrong.
“There are times it gets pretty seri- Rogers: “I had to make my Venmo pri- h “Dismember them alive.” They’ll start having (betting) lines for
ous.” vate because I’d blow a game or some- Patz also sent threats to players on that, you just watch.”
When players like Giants third base- thing, and people would find me on Ven- Atlanta, San Diego, Oakland, Cleveland, Yes, so don’t forget to stop by the
man Matt Chapman and Diamondbacks mo, and they’d send me requests. ‘Hey, Baltimore, Kansas City and Toronto. Caesars Sportsbook when you walk
first baseman Christian Walker come to you cost me $1,500. You better pay me So what was Patz’s punishment through the gates of Chase Field to catch
the plate, instead of their own fans back.’ when he pleaded guilty? the Diamondbacks. Who needs to sit in
cheering for them to get a hit, fans will “It definitely gets people a lot more Three years of probation and six the Wrigley Field bleachers when you
remind them they have them in their upset than it used to.” months of home confinement. Not a sin- can hang outside the ballpark at the
parlay, and they better hit a home run or Chicago White Sox outfielder Tommy gle day of jail time. DraftKings Sportsbook? Why brave the
at least a double. Pham spends time at the Las Vegas ca- The odds of Patz’s deviant behavior elements watching your first-place
“People are always talking (exple- sinos in the offseason and sees how being just an isolated incident is the Cleveland Guardians when you can plop
tive),” Walker said. “You’re in the on- gambling has dramatically changed same as believing there are no other inside at the Fanatics Sportsbook at
deck circle, and someone’s like, ‘Come fans’ acrimony in recent years, particu- players who gamble on baseball; no club Progressive Field?
on, I need you. I need plus-2. Hit a dou- larly from those who are betting beyond employees are routinely providing line- Oh, and if you’re a baseball player,
ble for me. their financial means. up and health information to gamblers; please adhere to Rule 21, prohibiting you
“People have their phones out as the “It’s getting completely out hand,” and that Ippei Mizuhara, Shohei Ohta- from gambling on baseball, but if you
game happens now. It’s not a situation Pham said. “As a blackjack gambler my- ni’s interpreter, made 19,000 bets with- want to share some inside information
anymore where you place a bet before self, you shouldn’t bet on anything out telling a soul. with your gambling friends, hey, just
the game, and then you’re at the mercy you’re not prepared to lose, but we know Still, despite the inherent danger, not don’t get caught.
of it (the bet) the whole game. It’s real that doesn’t happen, and it brings out all only to players but to the potential in- The genie is out of the gambling bot-
time as innings are unfolding and they of these keyboard warriors. tegrity of the game, Major League Base- tle, death threats, corruption and con-
make little prop bets. “It’s getting worse and worse.” ball endlessly promotes gambling web- sequences be damned.
“I can show you my DMs that are full Frankly, it’s terrifying. sites. Besides, who needs integrity when
with people talking (expletive), saying Benjamin Tucker Patz, a 24-year-old “You cannot watch one set of com- there’s a revenue stream pouring
how you cost them money and saying sports gambler, pleaded guilty in 2021 mercials between innings without a oceans of gambling money into the
some nasty (expletive). That’s part of it. for sending a string of social media mes- gambling commercial,” Sewald said. game with everyone getting rich, right?

Brennan Jackie Young at the Olympics.

She won’t be there, so all those fans
the women’s game, told me Friday that
concern about how Clark’s millions of
ously accomplished only by Ionescu in
WNBA history. She also became the first
won’t be there, because they’re never fans would react to what would likely be rookie and only the fourth player ever in
Continued from Page 1C there. And one could only have imag- limited playing time on a stacked roster the league to record 30 points, five re-
ined the global appeal of Clark once was a factor in the decision making. bounds, five assists, three steals and
continuing to set records for TV ratings writers and reporters from around the If true, that would be an extraordi- three blocks in a game, joining Taurasi,
and attendance in her first eye-popping world dropped in and watched a few lo- nary admission of the existence of real Stewart and Angel McCoughtry.
month in the WNBA as she did in NCAA go 3s fall from the sky and a few hun- tension that the old guard of women’s Just hours before she found out she
basketball, it would have been inevita- dred more autographs be recorded for basketball harbors for this multimillion- wasn’t going to be on the Olympic team,
ble: She would catapult U.S. women’s posterity. Perhaps little girls in Europe dollar sensation. The two people spoke Clark made a WNBA rookie record-tying
basketball to a place it so richly has de- and Africa would have been just as en- on the condition of anonymity because seven 3’s and scored 30 points in front
served but has never attained – cover- tranced as girls in America are. That’s of the sensitivity of the matter. of the largest WNBA crowd in 17 years:
age from broadcasters and news organi- not happening anymore, and it’s all on But if the players and USA Basketball 20,333 in D.C., more than double the
zations not just in the U.S. but around USA Basketball, whose mission state- officials think not having Clark in Paris crowd Chicago drew the night before in
the world, headlines every day, and ment fascinatingly includes “promot- means people won’t be talking about the same arena. She became the first
most important, vastly increased re- ing, growing and elevating the game at Clark around them, well, that’s just not player in WNBA history with 200 points
spect from a still male-dominated inter- all levels.” (Seems to be Caitlin Clark’s going to happen. It’s a sure thing that and 75 assists in her first 12 career
national sports media that has for dec- job description these days.) one of the first questions they will re- games.
ades focused almost exclusively on the Because this great opportunity to ceive at their opening press conference And then USA Basketball dumped
U.S. men’s basketball team rather than publicize international women’s bas- at the Games will be: “Why isn’t Caitlin her.
the women, who are so good they ketball has been eliminated, the vast Clark here?” Clark has done all of this while facing
haven’t lost since 1992. majority of broadcasters and reporters And if the team is missing 3’s, or has a the fiercest defensive pressure statisti-
But following Clark would have will be able to focus as they always have scare, or doesn’t play well, or, horrors, cally in the league. No one has received
meant following much more than Clark. on the swimmers and gymnasts and loses, Clark’s name won’t be far behind the kind of attention she has as a rookie.
She would have introduced all those runners, and leave the U.S. women’s and likely will become omnipresent She is not the best player in the league,
Olympic viewers and readers – many of basketball team alone. back on the homefront. but she’s clearly the most important.
whom are not big sports fans and have I’ve watched all this happen in real Speaking of 3’s, there seems to be a Never given a real chance to try out –
never watched a women’s Olympic bas- time. I’ve covered at least five of the U.S. notion out there that Clark didn’t de- USA Basketball preposterously sched-
ketball game – to the entire U.S. team. women’s gold medal basketball games serve to be put on the team on merit. uled her tryout during the Women’s Fi-
You’ve never watched Breanna Stew- at the Olympics, plus countless other That’s ridiculous. First of all, the deci- nal Four, when she was leading Iowa to
art on one of her two previous Olympic women’s basketball stories at the five sion is subjective, so you can make a the national title game for a second con-
teams? You would have been watching other Summer Games I’ve attended. case for just about anyone and every- secutive season – Clark now has been
her this summer because America’s in- When I’ve looked around and seen a one. told by the U.S. national governing body
terest and even obsession with Clark half-empty press tribune and wondered But how about some statistics? Clark of basketball one simple word: No.
would have brought you there. Same why, the answer I received from my is 13th in the WNBA in points per game. No, Caitlin Clark, we don’t want you
goes for Brittney Griner, assuming she’s peers always was that the Americans (Taurasi is 15th.) Clark is fourth in as- on our Olympic team.
healthy. are just too good for their own good. sists per game. (Sabrina Ionescu, 8th; I’ve seen some bad team and athlete
But Clark isn’t coming to Paris, un- People already know they’re going to Kelsey Plum, 11th; and Jewell Loyd, 14th, selection decisions in the 40 years I’ve
less someone withdraws or is injured. win. And they’re right. all are on the list for the Olympic team.) covered the Olympics, but this is the
Clark won’t be there to bring the casual But something strange and poten- Clark is second in 3-pointers made, two worst by far. Then again, we probably
sports fan who fell in love with her at tially much most impactful is percolat- ahead of Taurasi. shouldn’t be surprised. As we’ve known
Iowa and now knows the difference be- ing around the snub of Clark. Two In her first 10 games, Clark scored for years, the last amateurs left in the
tween ION and Prime to finally and sources, both longtime U.S. basketball more than 150 points and had more than Olympic Games are the people running
rightfully watch Diana Taurasi and veterans with decades of experience in 50 rebounds and 50 assists, a feat previ- them.

Trust your eyes: Alcaraz a ‘mega talent’

Dan Wolken

A trip through the social media ar-

chives reveals that the first time I
watched Carlos Alcaraz play tennis was
Feb. 19, 2020.
Just 16 years old but already a buzz-
worthy talent among those in the know,
Alcaraz had been granted a wild-card
entry to the ATP tournament in Rio de
Janeiro playing Federico Coria, a long-
time pro on the fringe of the top 100.
Alcaraz would lose the match in three
sets. But 30 minutes of viewing, he had
won my conviction that the hype was
“I’ve seen enough on Alcaraz. Mega
talent,” I posted to X that evening.
The purpose of sharing that is not to
pat myself on the back for a banal obser-
vation from a few thousand miles away.
If there were a line of people trying to
buy stock in Alcaraz back then, it would
have already stretched around a full city
But in a sports world that has become
so much more driven by data, some-
times it’s really as simple as trusting
your eyes. Carlos Alcaraz celebrates winning the French Open men’s singles final against Alexander Zverev on Sunday at Roland
From the moment he showed up on Garros. SUSAN MULLANE/USA TODAY SPORTS
the scene, Alcaraz has been a “trust your
eyes” All-Star. And now, just a month
past his 21st birthday, he’s a three-time may want to get over this knee injury against both Zverev in the final and Jan- – always a concern with his physical
Grand Slam champion. and try to sneak in one or two more just nik Sinner in the semifinals. style of tennis – Alcaraz should get bet-
Alcaraz defeated Alexander Zverev in case. The thing about Alcaraz – and what ter. Maybe even a lot better. His serve
6-3, 2-6, 5-7, 6-1, 6-2 in the French Open That’s not what the numbers would jumped off the screen so clearly even at can still become more of a difference-
final on Sunday, cementing himself at say. But it is absolutely what your eyes age 16 – is that his combination of bold maker. He can still cut some fat from his
the top of this era in a way that has tell you about just how much game and shot making and canniness in deploy- game, do a better job controlling the im-
seemed both inevitable and yet breath- guts this kid has in his bag. ing his array of weapons has almost no pulse to go for a highlight-reel shot
takingly fast. Sunday’s final against Zverev was a equal or precedent in the history of the when a standard rally ball would be the
He’s won Grand Slams on hard court, bit like Alcaraz’s career so far. The highs sport. better choice.
grass and clay – the first man ever to win were very, very high. There were also He does not have the biggest or best At the same time, the daring creativ-
his first three on different surfaces. some odd, inexplicable lows at mo- serve on tour and is susceptible to being ity Alcaraz brings to the table is often
He’s three-fourths of the way to the ments where he had a clear opportunity broken more than other top players. He what separates him from guys like Zve-
career Slam, needing only an Australian for an early knockout. often makes more unforced errors than rev, who prefer a kind of game where
Open to join Novak Djokovic, Rafael Na- But in the end, when it was all on the it seems like he should. He has odd dips they can camp behind the baseline and
dal, Roger Federer, Andre Agassi, Roy line, Alcaraz had the discipline and fo- within matches where he seems to lose rhythmically hit ground strokes all day.
Emerson, Rod Laver and Fred Perry. cus and belief in his game that his oppo- focus and get himself in trouble out of The comparison is a bit trite at this
If he never played another match, nent did not. That’s not a coincidence, nowhere. point, but Alcaraz truly is a combination
he’s already an all-time great. either. It’s who he has always been in All of that happened against Zverev. of Federer’s offensive skill set, Nadal’s
And yet it’s only the beginning, with the big moments. Alcaraz should have easily won the third competitiveness and Djokovic’s all-
so, so much more room to grow. At the 2022 US Open, Alcaraz had to set, then collapsed out of nowhere and court movement, with a tactical mind
Predictions about how far he can go? survive three consecutive five-setters to had to figure out a way to get back even far beyond his years.
With this kid, it’s useless. Time is his get to the final. in the fourth. It was totally unnecessary Even as someone who was sold on
friend, and his talent still needs to be At Wimbledon last summer, he did for this match to go five sets. It was also him a long time ago, winning three
molded and harnessed in some ways to something that seemed almost impos- an opportunity to show once again how Grand Slam titles at this stage of his ca-
optimize his game. sible by outlasting Djokovic in five sets. amazing this young Spaniard is under reer is beyond what anyone could have
There’s a heck of a long way between And at this French Open, which start- pressure and how he uses both offense expected.
three Grand Slam titles and Djokovic’s ed with questions about a forearm inju- and defense to create conflict for oppo- But it’s happening, and it’s not going
record of 24 and plenty of things that ry that had limited him in lead-up tour- nents in ways nobody else currently to stop anytime soon. Trust your eyes
can go wrong in the next decade and a naments, he was by far the more confi- playing the game can pull off. because they’re not lying to you. He
half of Alcaraz’s career. But Djokovic dent and better player in the fifth set Barring a lack of motivation or injury really is this special.

Coco Gauff claims doubles title

Field Level Media | Reuters Katerina, for playing with me,” Gauff Coco
said. “We decided two days before the Gauff, left,
Coco Gauff captured her first Grand tournament to play together. Thank you and
Slam doubles tennis title Sunday, win- to the fans. I know 11:30 Sunday morning Katerina
ning the French Open final in straight is early for most people. It’s early for Siniakova
sets with partner Katerina Siniakova. me.” captured
Gauff, 20, and her teammate from the Gauff was the only player who didn’t the
Czech Republic defeated Italians Jas- lose her serve in the 1-hour, 47-minute women’s
mine Paolini and Sarra Errani 7-6 (5), match. Gauff and Siniakova trailed 5-4 doubles
6-3 in Paris. in the first set and fell behind 5-3 in the title in the
Gauff, the 2023 US Open singles tiebreak before rallying. French
champion, lost both of her previous Gauff and Siniakova dropped only Open.
Grand Slam tournament doubles finals one set in the tournament. SUSAN
at Roland Garros in 2022 and the US Paolini also finished runner-up in the MULLANE/
Open in 2021. singles competition, losing to Poland’s USA TODAY
“Third time’s a charm. Thank you, Iga Swiatek on Saturday. SPORTS

Schad and that’s the most important position

on the ice, just as quarterback is so
No matter that Bobrovsky is Russian.
And star Aleksander Barkov is Finnish.
Florida tried to go with journeyman
Alex Lyon in 2023.
clearly the most important position on And that Matthew Tkachuk is from And then, well, Bobrovsky rediscov-
Continued from Page 1C the football field. Canada. He’s a Florida Man, now! ered Bobrovsky.
The Panthers are deep and strong And it is clear the former Calgary He has three career postseason shut-
“They obviously have an elite of- and so effective on the penalty kill. Flame is not a friendly rival of the Oilers outs, all in the last two seasons.
fense,” Bobrovsky said on the bench af- The Panthers have the valuable expe- players. He had none in the first 12 seasons of
terward, speaking with ESPN. “It was a rience of their run to the Stanley Cup Fi- Things may get progressively chipper his Hall of Fame career.
really hard game. They are really smart nal in 2023. in this Final. With the trust of coach Paul Maurice
players. And it was a fun challenge.” They are balanced and patient and “Bob-by! Bob-by!” Panthers fans and his superbly sound defensive sys-
steady. And physical, too. chanted here in the third. tem, Bobrovsky has regenerated.
Did it all They say he is a relentless worker.
Panthers are better in goal and Panthers frustrate Oilers They say he is consistent in his routine.
Edmonton is going to have a very dif- more balanced, too We know that he can be oh-so-spec-
ficult time winning this series if it con- The Oilers showed frustration in this tacular. He is an acrobat with a goalie
tinues. Edmonton is so top-heavy, with one. That’s because they often did con- mask.
They entered play as pretty heavy McDavid and Leon Draisaitl, the Ger- trol play. And they often did get the bet- Bobrovsky rarely says much. Nobody
underdogs, anyway. man sharpshooter, taking up so much ter chances. seems quite sure how Bobrovsky redis-
The Oilers’ 25-year-old goalie, Stuart attention and so much of the scoring But this Bobrovsky is going to be hard covered Bobrovsky.
Skinner, who has had five bad games load. to beat. But did he ever.
this postseason, who has been pulled by It was 10 total shots for McDavid and It’s hard to even recall that in each of Is there anyone more locked into
his coach this postseason, gave up early Draisaitl on Saturday, and well, you the previous two preseasons, Florida their job at the moment than Bob?
goals to Carter Verhaeghe and Evan Ro- know how many entered Florida’s goal. tried to lean on other goalies, with Bo- They say McDavid is the best player
drigues, falling in a 2-0 hole while facing The pressure on Edmonton’s players brovsky benched. in the world. He’s led the league in scor-
few shots. must be immense, carrying the weight Was Bobrovsky washed up? Was Bo- ing five times. He’s been league MVP
As we have learned time after time in of a nation – Canada – which somehow brovsky done? Was Bobrovsky a buyout three times.
this postseason, shot attempts can has not won a Stanley Cup since 1993. candidate? No matter on Saturday. What mat-
mean little. “USA! USA!” Panthers fans chanted Florida tried to roll with youngster tered was this: In Game 1, Bobovsky was
Florida has a significant edge in goal here in the second period. Spencer Knight in 2022. the best player in Sunrise.


Panthers take first step toward first title

Mike Brehm only to be thwarted by Bobrovsky.
USA TODAY Panthers forward Sam Bennett: He
had a game-high 11 hits and made a nice
The Florida Panthers are one step play setting up the Evan Rodrigues goal.
closer to their first Stanley Cup champi-
onship and they have goalie Sergei Bo- Losers
brovsky to thank for their Game 1 win on
Saturday night. Oilers defensemen Darnell Nurse
Bobrovsky made 32 saves, including and Cody Ceci: They were on the ice for
breakaway stops on Adam Henrique the Panthers’ first two goals, and Ben-
and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins, on the way nett beat Ceci to the puck before feeding
to a 3-0 victory against the Edmonton Rodrigues. Coach Kris Knoblauch had
Oilers for a 1-0 lead in the best-of-seven put the pairing back together for Game 1.
Stanley Cup Final. Nurse has a minus 15 plus-minus in the
The Panthers got goals from Carter playoffs.
Verhaeghe, Evan Rodrigues and Eetu Panthers’ discipline: They were
Luostarinen to pick up just their second short-handed three times and two pen-
win in three trips to the championship alties could have been avoided. The Oil-
round. ers are dangerous on the power play,
The Oilers figured out a way to get and the Panthers can’t afford to be
around a Panthers forecheck that frus- short-handed too many times.
trated other Florida playoff opponents Connor McDavid roughed up: He
but they weren’t able to capitalize. was dangerous with six shots but also
Game 2 is Monday (8 p.m. EDT, ABC) absorbed one of Bennett’s big hits. He
in Sunrise, Florida. also ended up with a cut on his chin,
A closer look at Game 1: which he said happened on another
Winners Panthers goaltender Sergei Bobrovsky defends against Oilers forward Connor
What the Panthers said after McDavid during the first period. JIM RASSOL/USA TODAY SPORTS
Panthers goalie Sergei Bobrovsky: the game
With his shutout, he has given up two or
fewer goals in 11 of his past 12 games. Much of their comments were about it was a fun challenge.” porters. “We had looks, not a lot of puck
Even on his few puck-handling mis- the play of Bobrovsky. luck around the net.”
takes, he fought back to keep the puck “His preparation is incredible,” for- What the Oilers said after Knoblauch said the Oilers will need
out of the net. ward Matthew Tkachuk told reporters. the game to improve in Game 2.
Oilers offense: You couldn’t ask for “His work ethic, his character; he’s ev- “Florida, that probably wasn’t their
much more other than the score. They erything you want in a teammate.” McDavid said there was a lot to like best game,” Knoblauch said. “We antici-
generated chances, particularly on the Said Bobrovsky to ABC: “It was a hard about the Oilers’ play in Game 1. pate them to be much better the next
power play, and got several breakaways, game. They’re really smart players and “We generated chances,” he told re- one.”

Oklahoma ‘did the impossible’ with fourth consecutive softball title

coach Mike Candrea for the most in
softball history. Gasso and pitching
Joe Mussatto coach Jennifer Rocha tinkered with
The Oklahoman their pitching rotation like never before.
USA TODAY NETWORK The Sooners started Liberty transfer
Karlie Keeney in the circle. The only
move more surprising than that was
OKLAHOMA CITY – Not one, not two, who replaced her: Wisconsin transfer
not three … Paytn Monticelli. The Sooners used
Four. their No. 4 and 5 pitchers to open a na-
And for the Oklahoma Sooners, the tional championship close-out game.
fourth was the hardest. May followed, then Kierston Deal. Fi-
Division I college softball had never nally, it was Kelly Maxwell who entered
seen a four-peat national champion. as closer. Maxwell was named the
Not until Thursday night in Oklahoma WCWS Most Outstanding Player.
City, where Oklahoma beat Texas 8-4 to “It worked exactly how it was sup-
sweep the Women’s College World Se- posed to,” Gasso said. “To a T.”
ries championship series. It was a difficult year for Maxwell, os-
“People say, ‘Let’s go win one,’ ” tracized for crossing Bedlam lines and
Sooners coach Patty Gasso said. “You’re transferring in after four years at Okla-
like, ‘OK.’ It’s not like that. It’s very diffi- homa State.
cult. Everything has to go right. The The rest of the Sooners concocted
thing about them is they’re resilient. obstacles if necessary.
They have a lot of pride in that. “Everybody hates us, no one wants
“With that, it’s hard for me to com- Oklahoma softball players celebrate winning the Women’s College World Series us to win anymore, but that’s fine,” May
prehend.” championship series on Thursday in Oklahoma City. BRYAN TERRY/THE OKLAHOMAN said. “We just got a fourth, so it’s OK.”
It’s been a presidential term of domi- The three-time defending champs
nance for the Sooners. The Fab Five of convinced themselves that they were
Rylie Boone, Kinzie Hansen, Nicole May, Four-peats have only happened on Oklahoma softball joins Southern Cal underdogs entering the series against
Tiare Jennings and Jayda Coleman have other fields of play. Among the notable beach volleyball and Virginia women’s No. 1-seeded Texas – a team they had
20 rings between them. They won as ones this century: Penn State volleyball swimming and diving in active four- split four games against during the reg-
freshmen, won as seniors, won as soph- (2007-10), UConn women’s basketball peats. ular season and Big 12 tournament.
omores and juniors. (2013-16), Oklahoma men’s gymnastics Needless to stay, college softball is “There were so many times that we
“This one was the hardest one that (2015-18). played on a much grander stage. could’ve been defeated … ‘Are they gon-
I’ve ever had to work for in my life,” Jen- In Division I, only the Stanford men’s A championship record crowd of na do it, are they not?’ But we just
nings said. “This team, the adversity gymnastics program, with five straight, 12,324 packed Devon Park. Those who fought,” Boone said. “There was a lot of
that we went through, we did it and we has a longer active streak of national didn’t have a seat were lined up three failure, more than what at least this
overcame everything.” championships. Twelve teams compete and four deep on the concourse. Every class is used to and this team is used to.
“This team has fought and fought all in Division I men’s gymnastics com- pitch landed with a thud of anxious an- The adversity, I think it helped us be
season long,” Hansen said. pared to softball’s 291. ticipation. Then the Sooners broke the able to stand here and say that we won a
Added Boone: “This was the most “We knew it was historic,” Oklahoma game open with three runs in the bot- fourth one.”
grinding one.” athletic director Joe Castiglione said on tom of the sixth inning. The Sooners have been crowned
A four-peat. the field after the game. “Of course we The Sooner-heavy crowd was jubi- champs in six of the last eight Women’s
It’s ridiculous, really. A feat without wanted to finish it off. I don’t know that I lant. College World Series. In what used to be
precedence on the softball diamond. can truly verbalize how magnificent this In the seventh inning, Boone told a West Coast-dominated sport, this
Four seasons ending in dogpiles and is.” herself not to cry. century has belonged to Gasso’s Soon-
confetti angels, of the Sooners flipping May also struggled to describe it. “Please don’t do that,” Boone said, ers.
bats and raising trophies. “Being a part of something that “because if they hit a grand slam I’m Eight national championships. Four
“We expect ourselves here, which is hasn’t been done before is pretty spe- kinda screwed.” in four years.
crazy to expect yourself winning the na- cial, especially with this group,” May Gasso even toyed with Texas, at least “Just unreal,” said Jennings, still
tional championship every year,” May said. “I don’t think it’ll hit me, it never it seemed, en route to winning her eight catching her breath. “We just did the im-
said. hits me for another couple weeks.” national title – tying former Arizona possible.”

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Kidd points out Brown as best Celtic

Jeff Zillgitt Brown has one (second team in 2022-
The Celtics were not interested in
BOSTON – His intentions unclear, getting involved.
Dallas Mavericks coach Jason Kidd “I don’t have no reaction,” Brown
tossed accelerant into the NBA Finals said, adding, “It’s a team game. We’re
fire by calling Jaylen Brown Boston’s trying to focus on that, and everybody
best player. has their own opinions.”
If the first time Kidd said it didn’t reg- Said Tatum: “No reaction. This is a
ister, he said it again. team sport, right. We understand that.
“Well, Jaylen’s their best player,” Kidd We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t have JB
said Saturday. on our team, and we can say that for a lot
It got a reaction immediately from re- of guys, right. We have all played a part
porters in the room, and Kidd con- in getting to where we’re at, and we un-
tinued: “Just looking at what he does derstand that people try to drive a
defensively. He picked up Luka (Doncic) wedge between us. I guess it’s a smart
full court. He got to the free-throw line. thing to do or try to do.
He did everything, and that’s what your “We’ve been in this position for many
best player does. Just understanding he of years of guys trying to divide us and
plays both sides defensively and offen- say that one of us should be traded or
sively at a high rate, and he’s been doing one is better than the other. So it’s not
that the whole playoffs.” our first time at rodeo.”
Does Kidd really believe that Brown Celtics guard Jaylen Brown blocks a shot by Mavericks forward Derrick Jones Jr. Mazzulla wasn’t interested in con-
is Boston’s best player – and not Jayson during Game 1 of the NBA Finals on Thursday. DAVID BUTLER II/USA TODAY SPORTS fronting Kidd’s comments either.
Tatum? Is Kidd trying to lull Brown into “Just need to focus on the truth,” he
complacency? Is Kidd trying to get in- said. “At the end of the day, nobody
side the head of Tatum, who had 16 What point was Kidd trying to make? and Celtics coach Joe Mazzulla had an knows because they are not in the locker
points on 6-for-16 shooting, 11 rebounds, Was it wise for him to inflame the situa- opportunity to address Kidd’s declara- room. And so I think as long as we focus
five assists and six turnovers in the Celt- tion? tion. For the record, Tatum is recognized on the truth, we focus on the things that
ics’ 107-89 victory in Game 1 Thursday? Kidd made his comments ahead of widely as Boston’s best player – he has we talk about every day, we focus on the
Brown had 22 points, six rebounds, Game 2 Sunday and before the Celtics four All-NBA selections, including first relationships that we build with each
three steals and three blocks in Game 1. met with the media, so Brown, Tatum team in 2022-23 and 2023-24, and other, we focus on just that stuff.”

$750,000 tanking decision helped lift Mavs

Jeff Zillgitt Then-Mavs majority owner Mark Cu-
USA TODAY ban and general manager Nico Harrison
decided to lose so they could improve.
BOSTON – Losing for Lively was not It’s hard to argue against their plan to-
a popular tanking catchphrase in the day.
NBA last season. “In terms of what Dallas did last year,
But tanking worked for the Dallas we sanctioned them,” NBA Commis-
Mavericks. sioner Adam Silver said Thursday be-
They lost a game to the Chicago Bulls, fore Game 1. “We did what we thought
protected a top-10 draft pick and traded was appropriate at the time. I would
it to get Dereck Lively II. only say that the success they saw this
He made an immediate and impact- season, that they’re now seeing in the
ful contribution to the rotation and is playoffs and here they are at the Finals, I
one of the main reasons the Mavericks don’t attribute it to one draft pick, as im-
are in the NBA Finals. portant as that draft pick has been to
But the Mavericks’ choice – a costly their team.”
one in more ways than one – was un- Silver is partially correct. It was a
popular with many, particularly those in team effort, and Doncic and Irving,
the NBA league office. The Mavericks’ Dereck Lively II dunks against the Celtics during Game 1 of the among others, were necessary compo-
The Mavericks were in the mix for a NBA Finals at TD Garden. PETER CASEY, USA TODAY SPORTS nents. It’s a team game. But Lively’s
spot in the play-in game format, but to contributions were a significant factor.
keep their lottery pick, which was top-10 Lively knew the Mavs were interest-
protected, they wanted to miss the post- Mavericks $750,000 “for conduct detri- and-roll, setting screens, catching lobs ed, and he was interested in playing for
season. mental to the league in an elimination for dunks and protecting the rim. He av- the Mavs.
Had the Mavs made the play-in, they game,” the NBA said in a news release. eraged 8.8 points, 6.9 rebounds, 1.4 “I was hoping I could go to Dallas be-
wouldn’t have been in the top 10 and NBA executive vice president/head blocks and 1.1 assists and shot 74.7% cause I knew I could make an impact,”
would’ve had to give the pick to New of basketball operations Joe Dumars from the field in 23.5 minutes per game Lively said. “I knew what they needed is
York as part of a previous trade involv- said the Mavericks’ decision “under- as the Mavs went 50-32. With Lively on what I can do. I was sitting there with
ing Kristaps Porzingis, who now plays mined the integrity of our sport” and the court, the Mavericks scored 120.6 my fingers crossed hoping I could get to
for Boston. their actions “failed our fans and our points per 100 possessions, which Dallas. Grateful that I was able to get
So, the Mavs lost a game to Chicago league.” makes them one of the league’s top of- drafted to Dallas.
on April 7, 2023 – a game in which Luka However, the Mavericks made a mi- fensive teams. “Our first workout, when we played
Doncic played just under 13 minutes and nor draft-day trade, swapping their The Mavs beat three 50-win teams in 5-on-5 and me and Luka were on the
Kyrie Irving, Maxi Kleber, Christian No. 10 pick for Oklahoma City’s No. 12 the Western Conference playoffs. Lively same team, everybody saw what could
Wood, Tim Hardaway Jr. and Josh pick, and selected Duke center Lively. again was a big part of that success, av- possibly happen throughout the season,
Green did not play. And they missed the Lively immediately became a signifi- eraging 8.2 points, 7.1 rebounds, 1.5 as- and it’s not a surprise we got this far.”
postseason. cant part of Dallas’ rotation – an active sists and 1.1 blocks in 21.5 minutes per Losing for Lively turned into playing
The league was irate and fined the two-way big man who excels in the pick- game. in the Finals.

Celtics win long-distance game

Jeff Zillgitt Mazzulla’s is high-volume at- the perimeter, which already IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELAWARE
USA TODAY tempts. begins to stretch the defense CRYSTALLEX INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION,
v. Plaintiff,
No team has attempted more and create spacing the Celtics BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA, ) Misc. No. 17-151-LPS
Defendant. )
BOSTON – Boston’s first the past two seasons than the seek. Brown and Tatum are NOTICE OF SALE, BIDDING PROCEDURES, AND SALE HEARING
shot attempt in Game 1 was a Celtics. This season they led dribble-drive threats and com- PLEASETAKE NOTICE OFTHE FOLLOWING:
On January 14, 2021, the United States District Court for the District of Delaware (the “Court”)1 issued
dunk. the NBA in attempted 3s per mand double-teams. an opinion and corresponding order setting forth certain contours for the sale of the shares of PDV Holding,
Inc. (“PDVH”) owned by Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (“PDVSA”) in connection with the above-captioned
The Celtics’ next six shots game (42.5) and made 3s per “When you get multiple bod- proceeding. In furtherance thereof, the Court appointed Robert B. Pincus as special master (the “Special
Master”) on April 13, 2021 to assist the Court with the sale of PDVSA’s shares of PDVH. The Special Master is
were 3-pointers. Just one went game (16.5) and were No. 2 in 3- ies on the ball, that’s when the 3 advisedbyWeil,Gotshal&MangesLLP,astransactioncounsel,andEvercoreGroupL.L.C.asinvestmentbanker.
On October 11, 2022, the Court entered an order (Docket No. 481) (the “Sale Procedures Order”)
in. Three 3s were on the same point percentage (.387). comes into play,” Kidd said. (i) approving the bidding procedures, substantially in the form attached to the Sale Procedures Order
as Exhibit 1 (the “Bidding Procedures”); (ii) setting the timeframe for potential bidders to submit a
possession when the Celtics Mazzulla and the Celtics are If you don’t double-team one proposal to purchase the shares of PDVH and scheduling a tentative hearing with respect to the approval of
had consecutive offensive re- unapologetic. Boston scored of them, they are capable of the sale (the “Sale Hearing”); (iii) authorizing and approving the Notice Procedures for the foregoing; and
(iv)grantingrelatedrelief. AssetstobeSold: SharesofPDVH
bounds on missed shots. 122.2 points per 100 posses- beating defenders off the drib- Interested parties may submit bids for the purchase and sale of some or all of the shares of PDVH in accor-
dance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Bidding Procedures. To avoid any ambiguity,parties may
Of Boston’s first 13 shots, 10 sions in 2023-24, which is an ble for their own shot or pass- submitbidsforlessthan100%ofthesharesofPDVHsolongassuchbidsatisfiestheAttachedJudgments.
PDVH is the sole shareholder and direct parent of CITGO Holding,Inc.,which in turn is the sole shareholder
were 3-pointers. They made all-time high. The Celtics can ing to open shooters – at the 3- anddirectparentofCITGOPetroleumCorporation.
four and were on the way to get three players at least 20 point line. ImportantDatesandDeadlines
 Round 2:Deadline to Submit Binding Bids. Any person or entity interested in participating in the
crushing Dallas 107-89 in the points in a game, and four – This is not feast or famine or sale of shares of PDVH is encouraged to submit a Binding Bid on or before Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 6:00
NBA Finals opener. even in this series – is realistic. live by the 3, die by the 3. The  Notice of Successful Bid. As soon as reasonably practicable following selection of a Successful Bid
The Celtics made 16 3s, shot During the regular season, Celtics have so many shooters  SaleObjectionDeadlines.TobedeterminedfollowingcompletionofRound2.
38.1% from that distance and the Celtics had eight rotation that one or two can have an off AdditionalInformation
Any party interested in submitting a bid should contact the Special Master’s investment banker, Evercore
outscored the Mavericks by 27 players (Jayson Tatum, Jaylen night and they can absorb it. (Attn:Ray Strong (;William Hiltz (;David Ying (ying@evercore.
points on 3s. Brown, Jrue Holiday, Kristaps They don’t have extended com);andStephenGoldstein(,assoonaspossible.
Copies of the Sale Procedures Order and the Bidding Procedures may be requested free of charge by email to
“They play their style of bas- Porzingis, Derrick White, Sam shooting slumps: They shot the Special Master’s counsel,Weil,Gotshal & Manges LLP (attn.:Chase Bentley at and
ketball at a high rate,” Maver- Hauser, Al Horford and Payton 33% or less from 3 in consecu- FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE BIDDING PROCEDURES, THE SALE PROCEDURES ORDER, OR ANY OTHER
icks coach Jason Kidd said. Pritchard) who attempted at tive games just three times this Dated: June3, 2024
Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the respective meanings ascribed to such terms in
“They generated 27 3s there in least four 3s per game and four season. It’s certainly possible the Sale Procedures Order and the Bidding Procedures (each,as defined herein),as applicable. Any summary of
the first half, and made I think 11 players averaged at least 5.9. Of they have a bad game shooting the Sale Procedures Order or the Bidding Procedures contained herein is qualified in its entirety by the actual
terms and conditions thereof. To the extent that there is any conflict between any such summary and such
of them. So, we have to be bet- those eight players, seven shot and lose a game or two. actualtermsandconditions,theactualtermsandconditionsshallcontrol.

ter. We can’t give them seven 37% or better. Porzingis as the third-best
made 3s in the first quarter.” “Their pacing is great, and offensive option is a luxury
The 3-pointer’s importance they have a lot of shooters,” most teams don’t have. He
in today’s NBA has been em- Dallas guard Luka Doncic said. scored 18 of his 20 points in the
phasized over and over. But the “We have to do a better job tak- first half of Game 1 and made 2
shot is ingrained in Boston’s of- ing those 3s away. … That’s of 4 3s. White, Holiday and
fensive DNA. what hurt us the most.” Horford were a combined 9-
The Celtics are not swayed Limiting Boston’s offense, for-18 from 3, and while Tatum
by makes or misses. They are especially its 3-point shooting, wasn’t spectacular with his
swayed by philosophy, and a is a challenge for any team. scoring, he still made 3 of 7
main tenet of Boston coach Joe Boston often has five players on from that range.


All times ET NBA
Dornoch, 17-1 long
Texas at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10 p.m.


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156th Belmont Stakes
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Houston 6, L.A. Angels 1 N.Y. Liberty 11 2 .846 1
⁄2 x-Monday: Oregon vs. Texas A&M, TBD, TBD Order of finish the stretch. Seize the Grey faded and Dornoch was
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N.Y. Mets 6, Philadelphia 5 Chicago 4 6 .400 5 2. Mindframe able to hold off the threat from Mindframe to win the
Texas 7, San Francisco 2 Indiana 3 9 .250 7 DEALS 3. Sierra Leone
race by a half-length. He posted a winning time of
Washington 8, Atlanta 5 Washington 0 12 .000 10 4. Honor Marie
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5. Antiquarian
6. Protective
Detroit 10, Milwaukee 2 W L Pct GB
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7. Seize the Grey
8. Mystik Dan
Sierra Leone, the favorite at 8-5, struggled out the
Cleveland 6, Miami 3 Seattle 7 3 .700 —
St. Louis 5, Colorado 1 Las Vegas 5 3 .625 1 Called Up from Minors. P Logan Allen Desig-
nated for Assignment.
9. The Wine Steward gate but ended up third. Honor Marie was fourth.
Minnesota at Pittsburgh Phoenix 5 6 .455 2½ 10. Resilience
Boston at Chicago White Sox Dallas 3 6 .333 3½ ATLANTA BRAVES — RF Ronald Acuna Jr. This is the sixth year in a row a different horse won
L.A. Sparks 3 7 .300 4 Transferred to 60-Day IL Torn ACL, left knee - Belmont Stakes payouts
Seattle at Kansas City
Houston at L.A. Angels Friday’s Games
out for season. Hurston Waldrep Purchased 6 — Dornoch WIN: $37.40 PLACE: $17.60 each of the Triple Crown races, the longest stretch
From Minors. SHOW: $8.10
Toronto at Oakland
Arizona at San Diego
Indiana 85, Washington 83 CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Shane Drohan Desig- 10 — Mindframe PLACE: $6.80 SHOW: $4.20 since 1924-29.
Seattle 78, Las Vegas 65 nated for Assignment. Shane Drohan Re- 9 — Sierra Leone SHOW: $2.60
L.A. Dodgers at N.Y. Yankees L.A. Sparks 81, Dallas 72 moved From 60-Day IL Recovery from left $1.00 EXACTA: 6-10 $163.25 “When I rode this horse here in Saratoga for the
Monday’s Games Phoenix 81, Minnesota 80 $0.50 TRIFECTA: 6-10-9 $236.50
Baltimore at Tampa Bay, 6:50 p.m. Saturday’s Games
shoulder surgery. Shane Drohan Recalled
From Minors Rehab. Sammy Peralta Pur- $0.10 SUPERFECTA: 6-10-9-8 $320.05 first time (July 29), I told Danny, ‘You have the Derby
Colorado at Minnesota, 7:40 p.m.
N.Y. Yankees at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m.
N.Y. Liberty 82, Connecticut 75
Atlanta 89, Chicago 80
chased From Minors.
CINCINNATI REDS — P Emilio Pagan Placed on
$1.00 DAILY DOUBLE: 9-6 $86.50
$1.00 PICK 3: 2-9-6 $213.25
winner,’ ” Saez said. “Unfortunately, the Derby’s a
Toronto at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m.
Chicago White Sox at Seattle, 9:40 p.m.
Sunday’s Games 15-Day IL Right lat strain. P Carson Spiers $0.50 PICK 4 4 OF 4: 8,13,14,15,16-2-9-6 crazy race and we draw that No. 1 hole. Today, we
N.Y. Liberty 93, Washington 88 Called Up from Minors. $514.00
Oakland at San Diego, 9:40 p.m.
Houston at San Francisco, 9:45 p.m.
Phoenix at Dallas COLORADO ROCKIES — 2B Brendan Rodgers $0.50 PICK 5 5 OF 5: 1-8,13,14,15,16-2-9-6 have pretty good confidence that we could win this
Seattle at Minnesota Placed on 10-Day IL Strained left hamstring. $3,972.50
Tuesday’s Games Las Vegas at L.A. Sparks Adael Amador Called Up from Minors. $1.00 PICK 6 5 OF 6: 1-1-8,13,14,15,16-2-9-6 race.”
Atlanta at Baltimore, 6:35 p.m. OAKLAND ATHLETICS — P Alex Wood Trans- $227.25
Washington at Detroit, 6:40 p.m.
Monday’s Game ferred to 60-Day IL Left rotator cuff tendin- $1.00 PICK 6 6 OF 6: 1-1-8,13,14,15,16-2-9-6 Traditionally held at Belmont Park in Elmont, New
Indiana at Connecticut, 7 p.m. $35,034.00
Chicago Cubs at Tampa Bay, 6:50 p.m.
Philadelphia at Boston, 7:10 p.m. Tuesday’s Games
itis. Michel Otanez Purchased From Minors. P
Jack O’Loughlin Sent to Minors.
York, the famed track’s meet was relocated to the
Washington at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m.
Cleveland at Cincinnati, 7:10 p.m.
Miami at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m. Minnesota at Las Vegas, 10 p.m.
Sent to Minors. P Keaton Winn Removed From GOLF iconic Saratoga Race Course due to a $455 million
Colorado at Minnesota, 7:40 p.m. L.A. Sparks at Seattle, 10 p.m. 15-Day IL Right forearm strain. renovation at Belmont Park.
Pittsburgh at St. Louis, 7:45 p.m. Wednesday’s Game SEATTLE MARINERS — Tyler Locklear Pur-
N.Y. Yankees at Kansas City, 8:10 p.m. Connecticut at Chicago, 8 p.m. chased From Minors. P Matt Bowman Pur- PGA World Rankings The distance of the race was also different than
Toronto at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m. Thursday’s Games chased From Minors. P Collin Snider Sent to 1. Scottie Scheffler, 15.29.
L.A. Angels at Arizona, 9:40 p.m. Atlanta at Indiana, 7 p.m. Minors. P Levi Stoudt Designated for Assign- 2. Xander Schauffele, 8.64. the norm. This year’s race was 1 1⁄4 miles, shorter than
Chicago White Sox at Seattle, 9:40 p.m. ment. P Eduardo Salazar Designated for As- 3. Rory McIlroy, 8.16.
Oakland at San Diego, 9:40 p.m.
Seattle at Dallas, 7 p.m.
Las Vegas at Phoenix, 10 p.m. signment. 1B Ty France Placed on 10-Day IL 4. Wyndham Clark, 6.05. the traditional 1 1⁄2 because of the shape of the Sarato-
Houston at San Francisco, 9:45 p.m. Right heel fracture. 5. Viktor Hovland, 5.82. ga racetrack.

The weather changes.
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Multiple areas of severe weath- Seattle

er are likely to develop across the Olympia
71 Bangor
74 Spokane
nation today as showers and thun- Portland 80 Miles City
Bismarck Duluth Marquette

derstorms spread from the north- Salem 78

81 84 Burlington Augusta

ern Rockies and northern Plains Boise Fargo Mpls-St. Paul 67 Montpelier
72 T-storms Rain Snow Ice/mix
86 Billings 77 75 Boston
to the southern Plains and the 83 83
Rapid City Grand Buffalo 63 74
81 Milwaukee Rapids 61 Albany
Southeast. The first of these areas 85 Pierre Sioux Falls
64 70 69
Eureka Idaho Falls Jackson
81 79 Cleveland 76
will be from far northern Colorado 59 85 Hole Casper
Des Moines Madison
Lansing 63 Pittsburgh New York
to western North Dakota, where Sacramento
Elko 74 87 North Platte
76 71 68 62 76
95 92 87 Salt Lake City 84 Chicago
Harrisburg Philadelphia
thunderstorms will be capable of 88
Cheyenne Omaha
69 Columbus
Carson City
77 80 64 75 77
San Francisco 91
producing large hail, locally dam- Kansas City Springfield Washington Annapolis
79 73 Indianapolis Cincinnati
79 78
aging winds and even isolated tor- 72 St. George Aspen
67 66
Las Vegas
97 69 84 Topeka
Charleston Richmond
nadoes. Thunderstorms may also Fresno
103 82 Jefferson City St. Louis Louisville 73 83 TODAY
95 Wichita 77 75 73
become severe across portions of Dodge City 80 Raleigh
82 82 Memphis
western Texas and eastern New Los Angeles Santa Fe Charlotte
Palm Springs Flagstaff
78 Oklahoma 83 Nashville
80 Columbia
Mexico, where they could bring 105 82 City
Albuquerque 83 84
large hail and gusty winds. San Diego
Phoenix 82 82 Little Rock Birmingham Atlanta Charleston
69 Lubbock Dallas/Ft. Worth 86 82 83 85
Meanwhile, any thunderstorm Alaska 106 77 82 Montgomery Savannah
may produce gusty winds and El Paso Midland- Shreveport Jackson 89 91
hail across the Florida Peninsula, 100 Odessa Austin
86 84 Jacksonville
Fairbanks Hawaii 87 93 Mobile
southern Georgia and southern 72 Juneau
Honolulu San Antonio
Baton Rouge 93 96
South Carolina. Anchorage 57 87 96 Houston 94 New TUESDAY
61 92
Showers will dot the 93 Tampa

Northeast, while much of the 93

Puerto Rico
San Juan
Midwest and the West Coast will 90 Note: For contiguous 48 states through 3 p.m. ET yesterday
Brownsville 91
remain largely dry and warm. Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather Inc. ©2024
96 HOTTEST: 99° COLDEST: 34°
Pecos, Texas Sun River, Mont.
Below 10 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+
TOP TRAVEL CITIES Air quality index (AQI)
Not as Breezy Mostly Not as A P.M. A few Stray Turning
hot 79/60 cloudy warm t-storm showers t-storm sunny
69/52 82/71 69/49 103/79
83/63 74/58 80/64 84/56 87/75 92/74 76/58
Partly Partly A P.M. Partly Stray Stray Mostly Stray Partly
sunny shower sunny t-storm t-storm sunny t-storm sunny
77/60 77/64 87/74 108/80
85/64 71/60 83/61 85/73 86/63 74/57 90/75 74/58
Partly Mostly Clouds, Partly Partly Mostly Partly Stray Sunny, Partly
sunny sun sunny sunny sunny sunny t-storm hot sunny
85/63 89/71 86/73
88/71 73/63 86/68 86/67 94/66 82/64 89/75 107/81 75/60
AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Moderate
Partly Stray Partly Stray Sunny, Stray Partly Partly Sunny,
t-storm sunny t-storm warm t-storm sunny sunny nice
90/79 75/59 77/62 79/62
93/77 76/58 94/74 106/79 88/63 69/61 72/54 71/53
T-storms Stray Partly Partly Sunny, Turning Mostly Rather Partly
79/63 t-storm sunny sunny hot sunny sunny cloudy sunny
85/77 89/72 92/73
90/76 76/62 78/60 111/80 68/62 76/54 66/48 78/61
Warmer Stray Partly Partly Mostly Partly Mostly
85/64 t-storm sunny sunny cloudy sunny sunny
81/76 87/73 113/82 98/70 71/55
91/77 80/66 85/67 69/60 66/48 84/66
AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Moderate AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Good AQI Moderate
c Cloudy f Fog i Ice r Rain sf Snowflurries sn Snow w Windy dr Drizzle h Haze pc Partly cloudy s Sunny sh Showers t Thunderstorms


76/55pc Hartford, Conn.
78/56pc Nags Head, N.C.
77/64t Sarasota, Fla.
Akron, Ohio 61/47c 71/53pc Cleveland 63/50c 70/55s Indianapolis 67/48pc 76/58s Nashville, Tenn. 80/55s 80/57pc Savannah, Ga. 91/71t 91/69pc TODAY TUE
Albany, N.Y. 70/54c 73/55sh Colorado Springs 75/58t 81/56t Islip, N.Y. 76/61pc 76/60pc Newark, N.J. 78/61pc 78/60pc Scottsdale, Ariz. 103/76s 108/79s Beijing 96/68pc 101/71s
Albuquerque 82/63c 93/68s Columbia, S.C. 84/66pc 87/63pc Jackson, Miss. 84/64t 86/60pc New Haven, Conn. 76/59pc 76/58pc Shreveport, La. 86/67t 91/68pc Buenos Aires 63/56s 64/60c
Allentown, Pa. 72/52pc 74/52pc Columbus, Ohio 64/50pc 76/55pc Jacksonville, Fla. 98/71t 91/71t Norfolk, Va. 83/67pc 77/67pc Sioux Falls, S.D. 79/64pc 85/62s Cancun, Mexico 90/80t 90/81t
Amarillo, Texas 74/61t 82/61t Corpus Christi, Texas 93/78t 96/77s Jefferson City, Mo. 77/53s 80/60pc Oakland, Calif. 72/52pc 79/55s South Bend, Ind. 66/43s 73/55s Dubai, UAE 106/89s 108/89s
Anaheim, Calif. 77/60pc 75/59pc Dayton, Ohio 63/51pc 76/57pc Kansas City 79/58pc 83/64pc Oklahoma City 82/63t 82/67t Spokane, Wash. 80/57s 81/48w Frankfurt 67/48pc 65/45c
Anchorage, Alaska 61/48c 59/47r Daytona Beach, Fla. 97/75pc 89/73t Key West, Fla. 88/81t 86/80r Omaha, Neb. 80/61pc 88/68pc Springfield, Mo. 77/55pc 80/63c Hong Kong 88/81t 88/82t
Aspen, Colo. 69/45t 78/48s Des Moines, Iowa 76/56pc 83/68pc Knoxville, Tenn. 80/58pc 78/55pc Palm Springs, Calif. 105/77pc 108/78s Springfield, Ill. 73/49s 78/59s Istanbul 88/71s 92/76s
Atlantic City, N.J. 78/62pc 73/60pc Duluth, Minn. 69/49pc 69/55t Laredo, Texas 101/79t 104/78s Pensacola, Fla. 92/74t 93/71pc St. Louis 75/57s 82/63s Jerusalem 85/65s 87/67s
Augusta, Ga. 86/63t 88/61pc Durham, N.C. 84/61pc 82/58pc Lexington, Ky. 72/52pc 76/55pc Pierre, S.D. 81/60c 85/61s St. Petersburg, Fla. 92/77sh 90/74t Johannesburg 60/38s 61/40s
Austin, Texas 93/74t 91/72s El Paso, Texas 100/74pc 104/73s Lincoln, Neb. 82/63pc 87/69c Pittsburgh 62/48c 70/51pc Syracuse, N.Y. 62/54sh 69/52pc London 61/46sh 62/48pc
Bakersfield, Calif. 96/71s 102/76s Fairbanks, Alaska 72/56sh 70/54c Little Rock, Ark. 86/63pc 83/64pc Portland, Maine 72/53c 71/54sh Tallahassee, Fla. 96/73t 91/72t Mexico City 81/58c 82/57pc
Baton Rouge, La. 94/73t 93/68t Flagstaff, Ariz. 82/44pc 87/47s Long Beach, Calif. 75/61pc 71/61pc Portland, Ore. 78/56s 73/51s Tampa, Fla. 93/79t 89/77t Montreal 63/53sh 73/57pc
Billings, Mont. 83/55sh 86/58s Fargo, N.D. 77/62pc 79/58w Louisville, Ky. 73/56pc 77/58s Providence, R.I. 74/55pc 75/57pc Toledo, Ohio 71/49pc 75/54s Moscow 70/61sh 70/58t
Birmingham, Ala. 82/61pc 84/60pc Fort Myers, Fla. 91/77t 86/74r Lubbock, Texas 77/64t 85/67t Raleigh, N.C. 85/63pc 84/60pc Topeka, Kan. 82/60pc 85/66c Mumbai, India 88/83t 88/84t
Bismarck, N.D. 76/56t 82/56w Fort Smith, Ark. 87/64s 86/65c Madison, Wis. 71/49pc 75/61pc Rapid City, S.D. 81/56t 80/57t Tucson, Ariz. 102/68s 107/72s Paris 64/46sh 64/47pc
Boise, Idaho 86/58s 92/58s Fort Wayne, Ind. 69/47pc 76/52s Manchester, N.H. 78/54c 77/57sh Reno, Nev. 92/65s 97/63s Tupelo, Miss. 85/61s 83/58pc Rio de Janeiro 84/70pc 82/68pc
Buffalo, N.Y. 61/52c 66/54pc Fresno, Calif. 95/70s 103/71s Memphis, Tenn. 83/62s 80/62pc Richmond, Va. 83/62pc 78/58pc Tulsa, Okla. 83/61pc 85/66c Rome 80/64s 80/63pc
Burlington, Vt. 67/56sh 71/57pc Grand Rapids, Mich. 70/43s 72/55s Milwaukee 64/51s 74/62pc Rochester, N.Y. 61/52c 68/50pc Virginia Beach, Va. 81/67pc 76/66pc Seoul 85/66pc 85/63s
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 73/50pc 76/63pc Green Bay, Wis. 71/45s 74/60pc Mobile, Ala. 93/70t 91/67pc Sacramento, Calif. 95/59s 102/62s Wichita, Kan. 82/59pc 83/66c Singapore 88/80h 89/78t
Charleston, S.C. 85/69t 86/69pc Greensboro, N.C. 81/61pc 78/58pc Modesto, Calif. 94/64s 101/67s San Antonio 96/78c 98/76pc Wilmington, Del. 77/57pc 77/57pc Sydney 63/47s 65/56c
Charleston, W.Va. 73/55pc 74/49pc Greenville, S.C. 82/59pc 82/58pc Montgomery, Ala. 89/64t 88/62pc San Jose, Calif. 85/61pc 92/61s Winston-Salem, N.C. 82/61pc 79/59pc Toronto 62/51c 68/54pc
Cheyenne, Wyo. 77/54t 85/59pc Harrisburg, Pa. 75/58pc 74/58pc Myrtle Beach, S.C. 82/68pc 82/68s Santa Fe, N.M. 78/56c 85/58pc Worcester, Mass. 72/53pc 72/58pc Tokyo 75/66pc 81/71s


Tireless Nicklaus like Superman

at Memorial Tournament
Rob Oller
The Columbus Dispatch

DUBLIN, Ohio – Jack Nicklaus will

have had plenty of practice shaking
hands by the time he congratulates the
winner of the Memorial Tournament on
Sunday at Muirfield Village Golf Club.
I stopped counting at 150, but it’s safe
to say Upper Arlington’s most famous
Golden Bear shook well over 200 paws
Wednesday as he moved along the 220
acres of golf course on his way to meet-
and-greets, photo shoots, autograph
signings, ceremonies, lunch, board
meetings and dinner.
And he didn’t drop from exhaustion.
That may be more impressive than him
winning the 1986 Masters.
“I think he gets very primed for this
event,” 2019 Memorial honoree Judy
Rankin said. “And it means so much to
him, he just decides he can be tired lat-
Nicklaus is 84 but has more energy
than a man in his 60s. I should know. I
shadowed him from early morning
through late afternoon Wednesday – “A
day in the life of Jack Nicklaus at the
Memorial” if you will – and I needed a
nap by the time we parted company.
Jack needed no such thing. He is like the
Man of Steel, except Superman never
smacked a 1-iron like Nicklaus could in
his prime.
That prime is past, but the legacy
lives on:
Nicklaus as golf ’s greatest champion,
winner of a record 18 major champion-
Nicklaus as Memorial Tournament
visionary, founder and host.
Nicklaus as humanitarian, raising
millions for children’s hospitals and
Nicklaus as needler, applying a well-
placed elbow of sarcasm into the ribs of
those he likes.

Papa Bear comfortable around

the Cubs

The day began with Nicklaus and

wife Barbara, or the first lady of golf as
she is known in these parts, arriving at
the practice putting green to shake
hands and pose for pictures with offi-
cials, parents and kids involved in the
Play Yellow initiative, a program in Jack Nicklaus shakes hands with Hale Irwin inside the clubhouse dining room during a practice day for the Memorial
which the Nicklauses, the PGA Tour and Tournament at Muirfield Village Golf Club. ADAM CAIRNS/COLUMBUS DISPATCH
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
join forces to raise money for kids at lo-
cal children’s hospitals. Then again, Nicklaus is self-aware laus instructed the club to renew Coop- itary men and women and their fam-
Nicklaus listened to Jimmy Smith, enough to know that he wouldn’t be er’s membership. ilies. “It’s a big thing for us to say thank
whose 16-year-old daughter Madison standing here either if “I had missed Nearly a quarter century later, Coop- you. We don’t understand what you did,
died of colorectal cancer in October. about 10 5-foot putts.” er wanted to thank Nicklaus again for but we understand the results of what
“The heartache just doesn’t go away, Had that happened, Nicklaus would the kind gesture. you did.”
but things like this help,” said Smith, have won fewer majors, earned less Nicklaus’ response? Nicklaus launched into a brief history
who arrived at Muirfield from Rockville, money and lacked the cache to create “We take care of all our friends.” of Muirfield Village, telling the crowd it
Maryland, as a guest of PGA Tour player his own tournament in Dublin. cost $2.5 million to build the course.
and Play Yellow spokesperson Denny Day picks brain of ‘elite’ Nicklaus When asked for his expectation of
McCarthy. Fans recognize Nicklaus is where the Memorial will be in a decade
Nicklaus nodded, then engaged Mc- golf royalty Eventually, Nicklaus and Day sat to- or two, he raises his index finger to the
Carthy in a history lesson on the Mas- gether on the nearby “Helen Nicklaus” sky, signaling he wants the tournament
ters, which he won six times. He shook But he made the putts, which turned bench, dedicated to Jack’s mother, who to keep trending up.
more hands before gravitating toward him into a king of golf, which is what he passed Aug. 16, 2000 – the Wednesday More humor: “Notice how crooked
his favorite audience – kids. Cordial to resembled as he offered the “royals of the PGA Championship. that (finger) was. From holding a golf
adults, he lights up around 3- and 4- wave” while driving his cart to the 16th “I always like getting a chance to club (all those years).”
footers. green following the Play Yellow event. meet, know and study people who are At 11:35 a.m., Jack and Barbara
Nine Golden Cubs – current or former As Jack and Barbara sped along the hilly elite. And he was,” Day said. “Just to be hopped back in their cart and headed
patients from Nationwide Children’s cart paths – does he have a license for around him, listening to the mindset, toward the clubhouse for lunch in the
Hospital – swarmed like bees around that thing? – a chorus of “Hey, Jack” hel- you can pick something up. I had an op- Captain’s Grill. More waves. More fans
the Bear. Jack’s eyes lit up. He signed los rang out among fans dotting the fair- portunity a year ago to go down and pointing out, “There goes Jack.”
their shirts, hats, anything they wanted. ways. spend some time at the house with Jack
“I’m going to sit here with my gang,” There was even a fist bump. and Barbara, Nina and I both, and so it Lunching with who’s who of
the man said, squeezing between two Three things struck me about the was great. We appreciate their support.” the golf world
gigglers. “How long do you think I’ve constant attention: 1. It must feel good, The coach and golfer discussed Ohio
been married?” especially since it’s been nearly 20 years State University quarterbacks, NIL and Inside the players’ locker room, Nick-
“Fifty years,” someone chirped. since Nicklaus played a competitive recruiting. Nicklaus, who played golf at laus and his media representative, Scott
“That’s a good guess,” Nicklaus said. round (2005 British Open). 2. I wonder Ohio State, could talk Buckeyes football Tolley, went over details of his upcom-
“How about 64.” if it’s easy to take the adulation for all day. But he did not have all day, be- ing afternoon speech at the honoree cer-
An adult spoke up. granted. 3. Celebrity must get exhaust- cause soon it was off to another ceremo- emony for LPGA Hall of Famer Juli Ink-
“You still look happy.” ing. I mean, 200-plus handshakes? ny. ster. Then it was off to lunch, where
Then, the Nicklaus wit: “We’re work- Pertaining to point No. 3, the only Wednesday was Military Apprecia- Nicklaus shook more hands. He ex-
ing it,” he said, patting Barbara’s leg. time the sea of fans parted was when tion Day at the Memorial, sponsored by changed a few words with Rickie Fowler,
Hayden Laycock was one of the Cubs. Ohio State coach Ryan Day and his wife, JobsOhio, and inside a huge tent located greeted members of the Captains Club,
The 15-year-old Grandview Heights Nina, showed up at the Play Yellow near the 16th green Nicklaus shook at including Rankin, Hale Irwin and Andy
sophomore has a congenital heart meet-and-greet photo opp. Suddenly, least 100 hands, including that of 76- North, then checked out what was being
block. Nicklaus has his own health is- Nicklaus was left alone for a few min- year-old Bob Patterson, one of 61 living offered in the buffet line.
sues. The two bonded. utes. He did not mind. recipients of the Medal of Honor, the An hour later, he joined the proces-
“He’s pretty cool,” Laycock said, add- Another Ohio State coach arrived on military’s highest award recognizing sion of golf dignitaries, including PGA
ing that Nicklaus was “the Tiger the scene. John Cooper looked younger valor. Tour commissioner Jay Monahan and
(Woods) before Tiger. I know he was than his 87 years. While three years old- Patterson said he does not play golf Augusta National chairman Fred Ridley,
really good for his time.” er than Nicklaus, he gushed like a little as much as he works at playing golf. The who walked from the clubhouse to the
At least the teen knew that much. kid when recalling Jack’s generosity. native North Carolinian, who lives in driving range for the honoree ceremony.
Many of the kids simply saw a hunched After getting fired at OSU following Pensacola, Florida, got a handshake Temperatures reached into the
older man in black pants and shoes with the 2000 season, Cooper received a call from Nicklaus, who made golf look as mid-80s. But if Jack was uncomfort-
a gray sports coat and tangerine tie. from Muirfield Village’s CEO informing easy as child’s play. able, he didn’t show it.
They did not realize the ground they him that his membership was ending It is something to see a Vietnam vet- As the ceremony ended, unlike me,
stand on, once forest and farmland, because it was tied to his coaching job. eran, who in 1968 destroyed five enemy Nicklaus was far from finished. There
might be retail space if not for Nicklaus Several years later, Cooper bumped into bunkers while under fire, melt while was a Captains Club meeting to attend,
choosing in 1966 to give back to the area Nicklaus. meeting a man who fired golf balls into then a dinner that lasted until 9 p.m.
where he grew up by building a champi- “He asked me why he had not seen the air. Such is the power of Nicklaus. Finally, lights out. A 14-hour day
onship golf course that would attract me (at Muirfield Village),” Cooper said. “A lot of my friends served in the mil- came to a close, and the Bear got to hi-
the best players in the world. After hearing the explanation, Nick- itary,” Nicklaus said to the crowd of mil- bernate for the night.

Colombia gives USMNT ‘a wake-up call’

American men suffer terra turned a woeful U.S. turnover in
the center of the field into a simple goal
worst lost since 2016 at keeper Matt Turner’s near post in the
Tom Schad “For us, it’s just about respecting the
USA TODAY game,” Turner said. “I think we’re a good
team, no doubt about that. We had some
LANDOVER, Md. – Before a training bright moments within the game –
session last week, a handful of U.S. fought back, 2-1 down, really pushing
men’s soccer players spoke about not forward. But then it’s just a bit of a na-
just wanting to hold their own at this ivete, respecting the game, respecting
summer’s Copa América tournament, what the opponent brings. We really
which is the most prestigious event just opened up and allowed them to do
they’ll play prior to the next World Cup. exactly what they were planning on do-
They talked about entering the tourna- ing to us.”
ment with the goal of winning it. Pulisic also cited that openness as
If Saturday’s 5-1 dud against Colom- one of the most frustrating parts of the
bia is any indication, however, the Americans’ performance.
Americans still have a long way to go. When asked if he felt like the U.S. was
In its most lopsided defeat since the on the same level as Colombia, he
Jürgen Klinsmann era, the U.S. men’s quipped, “Did you see the game? Clearly
national team appeared both sloppy not.”
and out of sync at Commanders Field – “Does that mean we don’t have good
particularly in the closing five minutes, enough players? No,” Pulisic said. “But
when Colombia scored back-to-back the way we played today, as a team, in-
goals on two cheap giveaways. dividual performances as well – (we
There were individual mistakes ga- were) nowhere near as good as they
lore for the United States. were today.”
Poor movement. Given the context of the summer and
Tepid passing out of the back. years ahead, Saturday’s game will likely
And a general lethargy that left coach be cause for concern in U.S. soccer cir-
Gregg Berhalter lamenting that his team cles, if not alarm. The United States is
showed “a lack of respect for our oppo- USA forward Christian Pulisic controls the ball against Colombia defender Daniel hosting or co-hosting Copa América,
nent, the game of soccer.” Munoz on Saturday in Landover, Maryland. GEOFF BURKE/USA TODAY SPORTS the 2026 men’s World Cup and the 2028
“We’re not framing it as a lesson Los Angeles Olympics – a stretch that
learned. We’re actually framing it as a will bring some of the most prestigious
wake-up call,” Berhalter said. “A really “We were nowhere near the level that Jhon Arias, who took one touch before events and top-caliber players into the
poor performance against a top team. If we need to play at if we want to win rifling it into the roof of the net. country. U.S. soccer officials have ex-
you give a team like that the opportuni- games, coming into Copa América,” said About 15 minutes later, an unmarked pressed hope that this stretch, particu-
ties that we gave them, you’re never go- Christian Pulisic, who captained the Borré had plenty of space and time to larly the World Cup, can ignite the
ing to win.” team. “Absolutely, yeah, for sure it’s bet- complete the spectacular overhead kick sport’s popularity and fuel a long-term
Five players scored for Colombia, in- ter that it happened now. But we can’t be after the U.S. failed to deal with a Co- boon.
cluding Rafael Santos Borré, whose anywhere near playing like that and ex- lombian corner, making it 2-0. The hope, as part of that long-term
overhead kick in the 19th minute put the pect to win games.” It was around this time when the goal, was that Saturday night’s game –
visitors up 2-0 and would go down as While the quality of the U.S. men’s chants began to rain down from the pre- and a second friendly against world
the highlight of the game. soccer team has risen, with more na- dominantly yellow-clad crowd at Com- power Brazil in Orlando, Florida, on
The loss was the Americans’ worst tional team players carving out roles manders Field: “U-S-A, Colombia es tu Wednesday – would help the U.S. build
defeat since November 2016, when they and holding their own with top teams in papa!” confidence and momentum.
were blown out by Costa Rica 4-0 in a Europe, there’s been a lingering notion While Timothy Weah deposited a Instead, if nothing changes, it could
World Cup qualifying match. that the team is still incapable of beat- nice give-and-go to halve Colombia’s prove to have the opposite effect.
Fortunately for the U.S., the stakes ing some of the world’s soccer power- lead early in the second half, it proved to “We shouldn’t be having results like
were not quite as high this time. Satur- houses. Saturday did little to discount be only a blip. that. ... But at the end of the day, it’s the
day’s game was only a friendly, the first that idea. Substitute Richard Ríos banged first of a long summer,” Turner said. “So
of two tuneup games that it will play be- The individual mistakes started just home an easy cutback in the 77th min- ideally we use this experience as a
fore its Copa América opener against five minutes into the game, when left ute. wake-up call and we can rally together
Bolivia on June 23. back Antonee Robinson lunged for a ball Weah unsuccessfully attempted to and give the fans what they deserve.
That, of course, doesn’t make such a that was heading out of bounds and in- nutmeg Jorge Carrascal, who then “There’s a way to lose, and that is def-
scoreline any easier to stomach. advertently knocked it into the path of scored in the 85th. And then Luis Sinis- initely not the way.”

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Dick Van Dyke has made history

as the oldest Daytime Emmys
winner ever. The 98-year-old TV icon
won Friday night for his guest role on
“Days of Our Lives.” “I feel like a spy
from nighttime television,” Van Dyke
joked, while accepting the award. “If I
had known I was going to live this
long, I would have taken better care
of myself!” The “Mary Poppins” star,
who played a man with amnesia on
the Peacock soap opera, rose to fame
in the 1960s in Broadway’s “Bye, Bye
Birdie” and his CBS sitcom “The Dick “It's a very simple story about friendship across the course of a life,” says Daniel Radcliffe, left, with Jonathan Groff and
Van Dyke Show.” Lindsay Mendez. PROVIDED BY MATTHEW MURPHY

‘Merrily’ trio rolls along,

through tears and laughs
Patrick Ryan USA TODAY

NEW YORK – On July 7, the cast of “Merrily We Roll Along” will take their final Broadway bow together. For
WHO’S CELEBRATING TODAY the show’s tight-knit central trio, the grief has already set in. h The waterworks start not even three minutes
into our conversation, huddled in the back of the Hudson Theatre before a weekday performance. Directed
Kate Upton is 32. Faith Evans is 51.
Gina Gershon is 62. by Maria Friedman, the acclaimed revival of Stephen Sondheim’s 1981 flop musical charts the fissure of a
longtime friendship between Franklin (Jonathan Groff), Charley (Daniel Radcliffe) and Mary (Lindsay Men-
dez) as they navigate careers in the arts. See MERRILY, Page 2D

Aries (March 21-April 19). Flashing “That’s what the

back to simpler times? The moon’s
harmonious connection to Mercury joy of the show is:
helps you put words to feelings. None of us are
Taurus (April 20-May 20). Need a
sounding board? Enlist the ear of a
carrying it by
friend or loved one as the moon and ourselves.”
Mercury harmonize.
Lindsay Mendez
Gemini (May 21-June 21). Doing
someone a solid? Talk a friend out of a
tailspin as the moon and Mercury
Radcliffe, left, Mendez
Cancer (June 22-July 22). Feeling
and Groff each is Tony
sentimental? As the moon and Mercu-
nominated for their
ry harmonize, rediscovering old
performances in “Merrily
ephemera is soothing for your soul.
We Roll Along.”
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22). Swapping ad- JENNY ANDERSON/
vice? As the moon and Mercury har- GETTY IMAGES
monize, friends have your back and
you have theirs.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Trusting
your intuition? Psychic hits help you
handle a delicate career matter as the MUSIC
moon and Mercury harmonize.
Libra (Sept.23-Oct. 23). The moon’s
harmonious connection to Mercury
Pearce proudly shows ‘Kentucky side’
encourages you to confide in a friend.
Ralphie Aversa the song includes the line: “Liar, liar,
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Spreading
USA TODAY truck on fire. Flames rolling off your
awareness? As the moon and Mercury
Goodyear tires.”
harmonize, you say the quiet part out
Carly Pearce is back with her fourth The singer continues her run on the
loud, literally and figuratively.
studio album and perhaps the revenge “Standing Room Only” tour through the
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Chart- anthem of the summer. “Humming- end of the month. The trek hasn’t come
ing new territory? Have an adventure bird” (out now) includes “Truck on without its trials. A vocal issue forced
with a friend or partner as the moon Fire,” a song that already has received her to sit out McGraw’s May 11 show in
and Mercury harmonize! a hot reception during her opening set Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. It was the
on tour with Tim McGraw. first time in her career she canceled a
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Harness-
“Honestly, it’s not like this guy did performance because of her voice.
ing your intuition? As the moon and
‘this’ to me and I took his truck and “I started the week fighting off some
Mercury harmonize, you sense what
burned it down,” Pearce, 34, tells USA kind of sickness and then just started
your colleagues are thinking.
TODAY from her Nashville, Tennessee, singing on it and working at normal
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The home. “But there is that sentiment speed,” Pearce recalls. “Then my body
moon’s harmonious connection to where if you do us wrong, we want to said, ‘Absolutely not.’ ”
Mercury inspires romantic and playful seek revenge. Pearce kept listening to her body. On
conversations with loved ones. “Carrie Underwood keyed the car, May 30, she revealed that she had a con-
I’m burning the truck down. I think dition called pericarditis, which is an in-
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20). Repairing
maybe that’s just the Kentucky side of flammation of the fluid-filled sac sur-
trust? The moon’s harmonious con-
me coming out for everybody.” Carly Pearce hopes her fourth album, rounding the heart. While Pearce won’t
nection to Mercury inspires a heart-
Pearce references Underwood’s “Hummingbird,” shows that people be leaving the tour, she did note that
to-heart. Get something off your
2005 hit “Before He Cheats,” when “don’t have to have it all figured out to
talking about “Truck.” The chorus of be happy.” PROVIDED BY ALLISTER ANN See PEARCE, Page 2D


Stamos has great hair, good vibrations

Bryan Alexander USA TODAY hair), I’ve got stuff in here from the
’90s that reactivates. So that’s part of
In a new series USA TODAY’s The Essentials, celebrities share what it,” he says.
fuels their lives. h Summer already is sending out good vibrations The heroic hair “knows when it’s
showtime,” says Stamos. “I’ll look in
because John Stamos is hitting the road with The Beach Boys. h Sta- the mirror and be like, ‘Yeeeeah, it’s
mos, 60, will play drums and guitar with the band through Septem- showtime!’ ”
ber on The Endless Summer Gold Tour, which marks the 50th anni- Stamos’ lesson from ‘Full House’
co-star Bob Saget’s death
versary of the Beach Boys’ classic “Endless Summer” album. h “The
Stamos is still deeply emotionally
Beach Boys mean summer to me,” says Stamos who has been jam- affected by the February 2022 death
ming with the band since the 19-year-old “General Hospital” star was of his friend and “Full House” co-star
Bob Saget. Last month, he celebrated
pulled on stage for a concert. The self-described “wanna-be Beach the late comedian’s 65th birthday by
Boy” Stamos even enthusiastically bongo-ed in the classic 1988 “Ko- posting a “Full House” reunion photo
on Instagram taken the day after
komo” video. Saget’s funeral, which included
John Stamos has great respect for
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.
Beach Boy and touring partner Mike
Performing timeless songs in front of Stamos, son Billy stay in touch Love. “He’s 83. And he buries all of “Bob was the one who kept us all
screaming fans is the ultimate with onstage FaceTime calls us on stage every night. I’m not together, he was the glue,” says
energizer for the already-animated kidding.” Stamos. “It still hurts. He was just
Being on the road means being away
Stamos. But the bestselling author of FRAZER HARRISON/GETTY IMAGES plucked out of our lives.”
from his wife Caitlin McHugh Stamos
his 2023 memoir “If You Would Have
and son Billy, 6. But Stamos, who Just before the comedian’s death,
Told Me” has learned to appreciate
became a first-time dad at 54, keeps Stamos enjoyed a reunion with Saget
how important good rest is on the “Like anything in life, you just dust
in touch with FaceTime video calls, and their wives. The two expressed
road. yourself off and get back to it,” says
including when he’s rocking the their love and took a final picture
Stamos. He took his own advice after
“When I first toured, they were all drums on stage. together. The whole tragedy taught
ripping his pants at the Stagecoach
older than me. You’d meet in the hotel Stamos to make his feelings known.
“People make fun of my selfie stick, Festival in April in front of 80,000
lobby before the concert and
but I use it to hit FaceTime for like people (and didn’t have time to “You just never think that’s going to
everyone was like, ‘How did you
four songs and just keep playing,” repair the wardrobe malfunction). “I be the last time with someone. But
sleep?’ I’d be like, ‘What do you even
says Stamos. “Most of the time, he’ll was wearing white underpants you just don’t know,” says Stamos.
mean? I slept,’ ” Stamos recalls. “Now
be like, ‘I gotta go, dad.’ He’s a luckily under white pants. Most of “That’s why you tell everybody you
I’m like the first one to ask, ‘Did you
character. He’s the light in my life, the time, people don’t even notice. love him and care about them. That
sleep OK?’ ”
the reason I wake up in the morning.” It’s taken me so long to learn this you’re proud of them. Call your mom.”
Stamos shares his essential Beach lesson.”
Boys song, his hair secrets and more. When Stamos has a stage fail in Summer is all kid-filled parties
front of Adam Sandler, he just Styling his iconic hair is a Ronco and getting hosed down
What’s the top Beach Boys song? keeps rocking Showtime miracle
For Stamos, summer is all about
Stamos weighs in
Stage mishaps happen in live shows. Admit it, we all envy John Stamos’ working the pizza oven for friends.
Stamos has lifelong respect for the Stamos plays through them, like hair. How does he work it? Stamos “But parties are different now,” says
entire catalog of the band from when he went full throttle after says his ’do is as fuss-free as the Stamos. who has been sober since
Hawthorne, California, founded by hearing Adam Sandler was in famed Ronco Showtime Rotisserie & 2015. “Nowadays, there’s a lot of kids
Brian, Carl, and Dennis Wilson, their attendance. BBQ from the classic infomercial. running, laughing and throwing water
cousin Mike Love and their friend Al balloons.”
“I’m showing off, running across the “You just set it and forget it,” says
Jardine. But Stamos reckons “God
stage. I hit this cord and I go flying, Stamos quoting the Ronco pitch. Billy is the water culprit who surprise
Only Knows” (by Brian Wilson and
landing on my guitar. But I got up attacks with a hose when his father
Tony Asher) “is a perfect song.” His use of styling products earned
and kept going,” says Stamos, who comes home from work.
him the nickname “mud” from “Full
“There’s not many perfect songs. says the audience didn’t notice.
House” star Dave Coulier. While “I’m so tired and he’s just waiting
“Something” by the Beatles is perfect. “Adam Sandler comes backstage,
Stamos vows to start his own line, he behind the bush with a hose,” says
But “God Only Knows” is perfect, too,” and I go, ‘God, I wiped out.’ And he
says it doesn’t take much. Stamos. “The joy he gets out of
he says. was like, ‘What are you talking
spraying his poor dad. I just love it.
about?’ You just keep going. “Honestly, if I put a little water in (my
That’s summer to me.”

Merrily most is doing it for the last time.

Radcliffe: Disclaimer to anyone com-
her have that experience and feel like
she has another family – that’s why I Pearce
ing to that final performance: You’re not wanted to do theater. So to give that to
Continued from Page 1D going to be seeing the show, really. You’ll my kid, and then to have another one Continued from Page 1D
just see us crying at each other for a cou- in the show every night. (Points to her
Offstage, the threesome has become ple hours. stomach.) I always dreamed of that, after speaking with doctors, she will
“thick as thieves,” Mendez says. In the You’ve lived with these characters even if I didn’t know that was possible. alter her set.
past year and a half, they’ve been there for nearly two years, including the Groff: I would also say this. I wanted Following both instances, Pearce
to celebrate births, marriages and preg- 2022 Off-Broadway run. Are there to be an actor that was always working received a flood of well wishes from
nancies, as well as seven Tony Award scenes that hit differently now? in theater, but I didn’t know quite how fans. She credits her authenticity for
nominations for the production itself, Mendez: I think when … oh, no. – I thought maybe I’d be in the ensem- the way people have responded to both
including for their respective perfor- (Laughs as she starts to cry.) When we ble of a Broadway show. I was taking her.
mances. do the end and we say, “Years from now, gymnastics lessons the first year I “I don’t want to live my life in priva-
Radcliffe, returning from a brief va- we’ll remember and we’ll come back.” moved to New York because I really cy,” Pearce says. “I am a normal girl. I
cation, sprints down the theater aisle as That really hits me. wanted to be in “Mary Poppins,” and I want to share when I’m happy. I want
soon as he arrives, where he’s met with Groff: Oh, no, not Lindsay going! couldn’t do that unless I learned back- to share when I’m excited. I know that
a giant bear hug from Groff. They excit- Lindsay is the rock! flips! (Laughs.) And then “Spring somebody else is experiencing some-
edly greet Mendez’s husband, J. Alex Radcliffe: Yeah, all three of us do cry, Awakening” happened, and it was thing that I am. And I think the ‘29’
Brinson, and her 3-year-old daughter, but Jonathan and I have cried consider- such a fairy-tale experience. I remem- season of my life really showed me
Lucy, who sweetly stops by to deliver ably more than Lindsay. Sometimes ber feeling, “Oh, my God, it all hap- that, even to a degree, that I had no
mom coffee. Lucy briefly protests, ask- Lindsay will come out for the last scene pened so fast.” I was in a bit of a state of idea. There were so many young peo-
ing to stay for the rest of the interview. and we’ll both be in bits. Lindsay knows shock. ple that felt shame around divorce. But
“That’s how I’m going to be at the end Jonathan is a lost cause, so she’ll look at But there was also a lot of growing I almost feel like I’ve built my career on
of the show,” Groff jokes. “These two are me like, “Get it together!” But I do think up I had to do; being closeted, there just being unapologetically honest
going to walk out of the building to their it changes show to show. Throughout was so much of my life that was com- about whatever I’m going through.”
families, and I’m going to be like, ‘But I the run, you’ll find new resonances with partmentalized. So with “Merrily,” it “29: Written in Stone” was Pearce’s
want to go with you!’ And they’ll be like, whatever’s happening in your life. No feels like getting a do-over of the third album, which chronicled in part
‘Jonathan, get a life!’ ” matter what kind of day you’ve had, “Spring Awakening” experience. I’ve her divorce from country singer Mi-
But, he adds, “that’s why we’re all there’s some song where you can exor- never felt more myself. This time, I’m chael Ray. It yielded “Never Wanted to
crying in this interview: It’s the roles. cise those feelings: If you’re having a not so blocked and I’m really able to Be That Girl,” a duet with Ashley
It’s the life we’ve seen each other live. great day, you’ve got “Bobby and Jackie take it in and enjoy it. McBryde that won the Grammy for
Doing a long run of a show, you’ve seen and Jack.” If I’m having an angry day, What are the offstage moments country duo/group performance in
everybody’s highs and lows – it really is I’ve got “Franklin Shepard, Inc.” you’re going to miss the most? 2023.
so bonding.” The show really gets at this idea of, Radcliffe: Hanging out in Lindsay’s “ ‘29’ showed me that people really
Groff, 39, Radcliffe, 34, and Mendez, “Am I living a life that my younger self dressing room. Sorry, Lindsay, that care about me in the way that I view
41, look back on “Merrily,” their careers would be proud of?” Thinking back to you’ve had to share with us. country music and the kind of country
and more (edited for length and clarity): when you were 18 or 20, what were Mendez: We have a kiki every day. music that I want to make,” she con-
Question: There are fewer than your ambitions? Where did you see My daughter is there 50% of the time, tinues. “And I think that (‘Humming-
than 40 performances left of “Merrily your life going? playing and eating snacks off of Jona- bird’) will be a reflection of that.
We Roll Along.” Have any unexpected Radcliffe: I definitely had a sense of than’s hand. (Laughs.) “For anybody that’s just on a jour-
emotions come up as you enter the not knowing (what was next). When I Radcliffe: She watches “Peppa Pig,” ney of healing and trying to find happi-
homestretch? was 21 and “Potter” was finishing, I gen- so she came in the other day and was ness, you don’t have to have it all fig-
Radcliffe: Going into it, you just know uinely remember crying so much on the like, “Do you want to play ‘pass the ured out to be happy. And I think that’s
it’s all going to be very emotionally load- last day because there was a sense of, “I parcel?’ ” Also, in the most heated the essence of this record.”
ed and bittersweet and lovely and sad. don’t know what happens now. This has scene of the play, Lindsay hurls bread
But I’m excited to just feel all those been all my life has been and I don’t at people and I’m off in the wings try-
things onstage with (them) for the next know where I go from here.” I knew I ing to catch it every night. We high-five
few weeks. loved (acting), but I didn’t know if I if I get it and she shames me if I don’t.
Mendez: I think I can speak for Dan, would be able to have longevity in that. Mendez: I do, very much. And now,
just because we’re parents of young So to be here now, doing this show, I they’re helping me up and down as I’m
children, that this run and how long couldn’t have wished for anything more. navigating this pregnancy.
we’ve been doing it has been taxing. Was there a time in your careers Groff: Pulling your skirt up (mid-
We’ll be ready to get our nights back. But when you felt like you had finally performance) on Sunday as the belly
this show and these people have been “made it?” was coming out. I was like, “Oh, my
such a huge part of my life, so I’m going Mendez: For me, it’s having my God, that baby is jumping out right
to severely mourn that. (Looks at Groff.) daughter in the theater: to have her now! We’ve got to fix this dress; the
He’s already sobbing! raised here; to have her dancing (back- gown is coming down!”
Groff: (Wiping away tears.) I’ll be a stage) during the overture with us; to Mendez: That’s what the joy of the
wreck. I have a sinking feeling like I’m have the crew all knowing her. What show is: None of us are carrying it by
going to vomit; it feels like sand through she’s living is what I dreamed as a little ourselves. Taking that bow together at Carly Pearce performs at Bridgestone
my fingers. Once it’s July 8 or 9, we’ll be kid, like, “Oh, my God, to go to a Broad- the end is like the best thing ever. Arena in Nashville, Tennessee, in
mourning. But the part I’m dreading way show every day?” To get to watch April. JASON KEMPIN/GETTY IMAGES

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contain the SOLUTION
SOLUTION Solution to Friday's puzzle
ĽÞċċó ÈśĂªĶ€ãĽµĶĽ ýãĂśĽ ōűċ numbers 1
ĂĽűµĶĽ§ €óó ĕâĆƁƁâĆ½½â½ŒƁƁ¨ ĆĆ µĂōĽ € ýãĂśōµń ċĶ¨ űãōÞ € Ķµªãō €Ķª¨ ĕâ½ƁƁâŒŘƁâÎŘ½ƁĤ ѵō ċśĶ ĶċĽĽűċĶª €ĞĞ (easy) or 1
though 6
2- 7+ 2-r 9 7 13 5 WRZLWKRXW
(challenging) 3 4 2 1 UHSHWLWLRQVVR

TXTPERT without 24X
repeating. 1 3 4 2 LQHDFKURZDQG
1 2 3
2. The numbers
within the
2-r 3+
TXTPERT Today’s theme
Friends and family
E D heavily outlined 4 2 1 3 VDPHDVWKH
Across Down
boxes, called
cages, must
2- 4
2. 626
4. 228352
1. 7359
2. 6262 ■ii 2 3
Use the
S H Y O combine using 2 1 3 4 FLUFOHGQXPEHU
5 6 7 8
5. 75293283
5.75293283 3. 6263
a be keypad to
decode the P
L I S S the given 9K04 Pm*. LLC Wt ‹.XERN'LVWULEXWHGE\7ULEXQH&RQWHQW$JHQF\ 6/10/24
9. 727368 5. 725 4 5 6 clues. I O
10. 738
10.738 6. 23678 ghij JWj ,mno For example: 7 8 9 10 any order) to
7. 3327 2 could be A, S A D W H I M produce the target numbers in the top-left
9 8. 89467 71 8 ’9 B or C ... and
5678 could
E O A corners.
pqrs tuv 11

10 be LOST D A U N T E D
3. Freebies: fill in single-box cages with the

© USA TODAY and Rich Coulter Friday’s solution

number in the top-left corner.


1 School subject 59 Onetime grape
qGV ROUNDUP B # ) S  S Z , p B B 5 Time off from 63 Jai —
M O N O T R 1 P E M 1 T
64 Fiery crime E V E R R O D ■ M A S H
ŷ €Ű㪠;Ĥ )ċŷō €Ăª 7µÈÈ 9ĂśĶµñ ŇʼnĕƁ $  p G A | B B ,  G G work
10 Votes against 67 Unctuous s A R 1 1 N E R 1 « 1 L E
#ãĂª €Ăª ãĶóµ§ AqG e V    $  V $ 14 Toward shelter 68 Excess S L O G A N A T T O R N E Y
ZãŶ рĽµĽ  e | $ B $   G  |  V 15 Citified 69 Actress — 1 L K H b R A
#ċśĶ €Ķ ċýĞ€ĂãµĽ  16 Gothic arch Keaton
© ĂªĶµűĽ AAµµó

`ÞĶµµ eĤZĤ Ľō€ōµĽ  ,  7 w | B V V T ` $  17 Skyrocket 70 Well That G R A N D E U R R E C A P S

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µ€Ă ċĶ е€  ; 9 v  e ` ,   ) G ) 19 Mouthful 71 Wiggling A L O T A P E D A T E
#Ķ㪀ŷijĽ €ĂĽűµĶ§ B`eVw Z GB A,Be`   AGB`) q9  GA w , p G ; p G B T 20 Gear for a 72 Finished
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B`V; ʼn A,BGV ) ) B ; qw G A , B $ 22 Beef cut E Y E L E T D O OR S T O P
24 Actor James — DOWN L A R A U S E
Jones Pulped food
eS &GqB
qGVZ 26 whiz!” — vera
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R O L E o M E N
31 Designated duck A L L * S
A; Ľō€ōĽ
I 1 I ĕĤ BG`
34 Manning of
35 Term of
messenger god
R E A 3 v E A H
6-10-24 © 2024 UFS, Dist. by Andrews McMeel for UFS

€ĶªãÀó ªãĶµōãċĂ
1 1 1 1 ŒĤ ondoarmont
37 Expert
“Able was I
28 Audibly 52 Buckeye State
A; рýµ ââØ
A. 1 1 1 ÎĤ
39 Clayey soil
41 Indian
29 Lasso
30 — Quarter in
55 Fury
Paris 56 Fashion
$ãĂ ōŷе
1" 1 1 1 ŇĤ
43 “Death on the
Naval officer
Earl or duke 32 Water brand
33 Singer — Reese
57 Painter Peter —
© ĂªĶµűĽ AAµµó

qċĶñċśō ãōµĶ€ōãċĂĽ ŅĤ V*" Z;S,B$ 11 Exchange

44 Sedans premium 36 Gun type Rubens
󜵼§ #Ķ㪀ŷijĽ ĂĽűµĶ 46 Fruity drink 12 Himalayan 38 Astronaut — 58 Actress —
ââØ ċеĂãĂÑ Ľō€ōµýµĂō Armstrong
ĕĤ #€ãó ōċ ċýĞĶµÞµĂª ,``V B 48 — Baba monster Moriarty
#Ķ㪀ŷijĽ ĂĽűµĶ ŘĤ µċýµ Ľ€ōã€ōµª B SG,B` 49 Was bold 13 Perceived 40 Virtue 60 Storage tower
V e B Z
$ċóȵĶ ċñã

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* enough
51 Citizen
21 Diner sign
23 Quantity of
42 Sent back
45 Antitoxins
47 Actress —
61 Troubles
62 Wall Street
,    / #GG` ;; 53 Exist paper
ŇĤ Vµý€ãĂ ýċōãċĂ󵼼 `Ge )
54 Comedian — 25 Sound thinking Hayworth 65 Blue
$ G  ; ŅĤ Bċō ŷµō €ű€ñµ #GG` ;; / $A 50 Measure of time 6 6 hit wonder
Te, 9 VGZZ Buzzi 27 Actor — Lugosi
 B ` Z © GB wGeV S)GB
ON YOUR PHONE S;w GB;,B 1 2 3 I 10 11 12 13
ŇʼnŅ ĞśŽŽóµĽĤśĽ€ōċª€ŷĤċý Se||;ZĤeZ`GwĤ GA © ĂªĶµűĽ AAµµó

Journalist Anne Rearrange the words to complete the quote. 17
about dessert.
éé i I
________ IS A ___________ ERROR TO ___________ THAT ICE 20
___________ CONSUMPTION ______________ HOT ___________.
6/10 ft
Friday’s Answer: “Never give a party if you will be the
most interesting person there.” - Mickey Friedman


7 L ittle W© rds Unscramble these Jumbles,
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

Find the 7 words to match the 7 dues. The numbers in parentheses 3 one letter to each square,
represert tho number of tetters In each solution. Each letter i to form four ordinary words.
combination can be used only once, but all letter combinations *
wii be necessary to complete the puzzle. ILCAL M-
/W rwp Ml»*'.
I Look at tue
CLUES SOLUTIONS £ öß.mii'i. n.rrisn

1 particularly (9)
2 royal headpieces (6) NYTGA
3 not as sunny (8) ____________ ^ ■■■ /'
4 proposed ideas (8) _____________
5 maudlin quality (9) PPREEP
6 model Ashley (6) ____________ f \ ^ 'nK ^
7 uarm candy" (9) _____________
55 56 57 60 61 62
Bern ASL£ TO S£B TH£
A 6009 REASON TO —
Now arrange the circled letters 63
ow IER ESS HAM IES ©2024 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
All Rights Reserved.
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon.
' y ■>
! !
here: v-
(Answers tomorrow) I
Answer: The
Answer: When
the of the park that
“Scramble” allowed
debuted barbecue grills
in newspapers
in newspapers on on
Friday s Answers 1 DABBLES 2 GROUPIE 3 ROBBIE
was nicknamed
June 7,
7. 1954, the —
1954. readers
readers —SMOKING


‘Perfect Match’ contestants spill the tea

KiMi Robinson

Spoiler alert: This story includes de-

tails from the first six episodes of Net-
flix’s “Perfect Match,” now streaming.
LOS ANGELES − Netflix’s “Perfect
Match” is back with a new season to stir
up romance − but mostly drama −
among “the Netflix ‘Avengers’ of reality
Those are the words of one of Season
2’s stars, reality TV veteran Harry Jow-
sey. The all-star cast comprises alumni
from across the Netflix reality universe,
including “Love Is Blind,” “Too Hot to
Handle,” “Dated & Related” and “The
The contestants, now pros from their
time on other Netflix shows, compete in
challenges that supposedly test their
compatibility. As on Peacock’s “Love Is-
land,” they must be coupled up by the
end of each day (which means sharing a
bed in a resort room) to stay on the
“We are a little more seasoned to it;
we know what to do and how to handle
ourselves as best as possible,” says Ste-
van Ditter (“Too Hot To Handle” Season
3). Looking askance at his friend Harry,
he adds: “Some of us.”
Ahead of the season premiere, sever-
al cast members spoke with USA TODAY From left, Kaz Bishop, Stevan Ditter, Harry Jowsey, Bryton Constantin and Izzy Zapata on Season 2 of “Perfect Match.”
about their strategy (or lack thereof) PROVIDED BY ANA BLUMENKRON/NETFLIX
and thoughts on their most notorious
resort in Tulum, Mexico, do his fellow people want to talk poorly about me.” strategy.”
Stars agree the women were right castmates still stand by these reserva- Realizing too late that “Perfect
to be wary of Harry: ‘People talk’ tions? Is ‘Perfect Match’ a strategy game Match” was not solely a dating show
“I’d say so. I mean, people talk; the in- or a dating show? gets Izzy Zapata (“Love Is Blind” Season
Harry, 27 − who broke out in the inau- dustry talks,” says Xanthi Perdikomatis 5) sent home in Episode 2 after he un-
gural season of “Too Hot to Handle” and (“The Circle” Season 5). “We’re a Netflix The contestants engage in sexually successfully pursues Micah Lussier
carved out a media career by competing reality universe. So we all talk. I think it suggestive challenges and get to know (“Love Is Blind” Season 4).
on such shows as ABC’s “Dancing with was pretty valid for people to have their one another on a romantic level, but “I definitely went in (with a) ‘Love Is
the Stars” and hosting a podcast − also qualms.” there’s no shortage of underhanded tac- Blind’ mentality − real deep and kind of
has built a certain reputation. Since his Kaz Bishop (“Dated & Related” Sea- tics and strategy involved on “Perfect looking for marriage,” he says.
“Too Hot” debut in 2020, the Australian son 1) agrees “100%” that women were Match.” “I should’ve went in a little bit more
star has made tabloid headlines with his right to be wary of getting involved with This is most apparent when the win- lighthearted, kind of more with a game
dating life and a reportedly successful Harry. ners of a challenge head to the “board- plan.”
OnlyFans page. Stevan has a kinder perspective: “I room” to send two of their fellow cast Micah says she suffered from the
On the show, Harry proudly acknowl- think they might have been wary, but members on dates with other Netflix same weakness: “I kind of, as usual, led
edges he and Stevan have slept with also I think he had a lot of appeal, to be alumni who are waiting in the wings. with my heart and forgot that there was
“pretty much everybody who’s been on honest with you. Every girl that was wa- If they find a better connection over a game going on, unfortunately for me.”
a Netflix reality show.” In spite of this, he ry still ended up making a move. the course of a day, the original cast “Was there a game?” Xanthi jokingly
insists several times on “Perfect Match” “Someone thinks they can change member’s match has to scramble to re- interjects.
that he’s dating to marry. him every time.” team or risk going home. “I don’t think I won anything,” Micah
“I think, for a while, I was kind of Still, Harry has no problem finding “The two shows I came from,’ ‘Love Is laments.
avoiding dating shows, and I said no to romantic prospects thanks to his sense Blind’ and then ‘Perfect Match,’ I feel like Tolú Ekundare (“The Trust” Season
the first season (of ‘Perfect Match’). I of humor and charm. He wins over fel- are two completely opposite shows,” 1), who unexpectedly was dumped by
was like, ‘I’ve just got to work on myself low “Too Hot to Handle” alum Elys Jess says. Dom Gabriel (“The Mole” and “Perfect
and continue to grow,’ ” he tells USA TO- Hutchinson (Season 5), then loses some “Coming off ‘Love Is Blind’ a couple of Match” Season 1), echoes this senti-
DAY. “But this time around, I was going goodwill when, several episodes in, he months before, (I) was still in the love- ment. “I was like: ‘OK, I can’t go in as
through a bad breakup. I just got off 13 redirects his efforts toward “Love Is and-marriage mindset. And I complete- guarded. I have to allow myself to be a
months sober. I was in a bad place, men- Blind” Season 6 breakout star Jess Ves- ly forgot that ‘Perfect Match’ had an ele- little more vulnerable,’ ” Tolú says. “I led
tally. And I was like, ‘I think I just need to tal. ment of strategy to it.” with my heart instead of my brain.”
do something different.’ ” He struggles, however, when it seems Her match Harry (through Episode 6, “And how did that work?” Micah asks
In “Perfect Match,” a recurring theme the preconceived notions about him at least) says, “Everyone’s been on a dryly as the women laugh.
is Harry’s extensive dating history (sev- might get in the way of his pursuits. In show before. Everyone knows how it “I learned that, you know what? My
eral of his exes appeared in Season 1) Episode 5, an upset Harry goes off by works. Everyone knows how to get brain is always going to take first place
and how he deals with women who are himself to cry into a pillow. screen time and make drama and stuff from now on,” Tolú says.
cautious of wading into a romance with “I think Jessica is the perfect match like that. ... I think this show, to some Episodes 7-9 of “Perfect Match” drop
him. After filming for several weeks at a for me,“ he says. “But for some reason, degree, everyone had a little bit of a June 14; the finale streams June 21.


Brat Pack got the Rat Pack’s blessing at ‘Sammy’s’

Bryan Alexander

In his documentary “Brats,” Andrew

McCarthy makes a strong case that be-
ing labeled the Brat Pack had a detri-
mental impact on the careers of all the
young stars involved − from Ally Sheedy
and Molly Ringwald to Rob Lowe and
Emilio Estevez.
But McCarthy, 61, rediscovered some
serious perks in talking with Lowe, 60,
for the new movie, which premiered at Rat Pack icon Sammy Davis Jr. was
Tribeca Film Festival on Friday (and will delighted to meet the Brat Pack back
premiere Thursday on Hulu). in the ’80s. JIMMY SIME/GETTY IMAGES
Like the booze-filled night in the
1980s when young McCarthy and Lowe
celebrated with Liza Minnelli at the sunken bar in his living room and regal-
famed Los Angeles eatery Spago and ing the group with stories. Davis was a
moved the party to Sammy Davis Jr.’s fan of the generation of young actors
Beverly Hills mansion. taking over Hollywood who would have
Yes, it was the night that the Brat the reductive Brat Pack label thrust
Pack met the legendary Rat Pack. Davis, upon them.
along with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, “I remember this like it was yester-
Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop, was Rob Lowe, left, and Andrew McCarthy share laughs and memories in “Brats,” day,” says McCarthy. “Sammy was like, ‘I
part of the latter clique of entertainers in premiering Thursday on Hulu. PROVIDED BY ABC NEWS STUDIO got my eye on you, cats. I love what you
the ’50s and ’60s. do.’ And he was smoking. It was like,
McCarthy and Lowe still laugh about ‘Oh, my God, Sammy Davis Jr. is doing
their memories of the wild bash in Lowe invited McCarthy to Spago, which “Sammy’s.” his point at me.’ ”
“Brats.” the New York-based actor had not even McCarthy assumed it was a night- The festivities carried on until the
“It’s a classic Hollywood story,” Mc- heard of. When McCarthy arrived at club, but they rolled up to a Beverly Hills wee hours and ended with an exclama-
Carthy tells USA TODAY. “I was just a Wolfgang Puck’s famed eatery, he found mansion. To McCarthy and Lowe’s tion point.
kid from New Jersey. How do I end up a large group that included Lowe, his shock, legendary crooner Davis threw “Liza Minnelli ended up driving me
partying at Sammy Davis Jr.’s house? As then-girlfriend Melissa Gilbert and open the door. home in her Rolls-Royce,” says McCar-
Rob points out in the documentary, Minnelli. The cocktails started flowing. He even threw his arms open and thy. “As we say in the documentary, it’s
that’s the kind of stuff that happened in At the end of the dinner, Minnelli left the shouted “Cats!” (his term of endear- the only time the Brat Pack met the Rat
the Brat Pack.” table to make a call. She returned saying ment). The night continued with a sober Pack. It was a very memorable night for
The surreal evening started when that everyone was welcome to go over to Davis pouring drinks from behind the sure.”

G7 to warn Chinese
banks about evading
Western sanctions,
sources say. 5NN

FAR-RIGHT SURGE man in the
Macron calls surprising snap vote in France Departure removes one
of Netanyahu’s biggest
detractors in coalition
James Mackenzie

JERUSALEM – In the traumatic af-

termath of the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel,
as hundreds of thousands of Israeli re-
servists rushed to join the ranks to
fight Hamas, Benny Gantz said he felt
it was his duty to join the war effort.
“This is not a political partnership I
am in,” the centrist former general told
a group of reporters, shortly after
agreeing to join Prime Minister Benja-
min Netanyahu in an emergency war-
time government of unity. Instead, it
was “destiny.”
“Hamas started the war but Israel
will win it. There is no doubt about it.
We will win this war,” he said.
Now, eight months in, the early con-
fidence of those remarks made as Isra-
el was starting to get back on its feet
following the shock of Oct 7, appears to
have ebbed.
Having tangled repeatedly with the
prime minister and the hard-line na-
tionalist religious parties in his coali-
tion, Gantz has quit, three weeks after
laying down a deadline for Netanyahu
to come up with a clear postwar strate-
gy for Gaza.
His departure will remove one of
the few in Israel’s government who
still appeared to enjoy the confidence
of a U.S. administration whose frus-
tration with Netanyahu has become
ever more evident as the war has gone
Even before the deadline, he had
appeared increasingly unhappy with
the government, quarreling over is-
Supporters of the French far-right party RN celebrate at the announcement of the vote results during an evening sues ranging from the army leadership
gathering at the Pavillon Chesnaie du Roy in Paris on Sunday. JULIEN DE ROSA/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES to opening a path toward a two-state
solution with the Palestinians. In April
he called for new elections to be held in
Jan Strupczewski and Sudip challenges, the impact of climate September, only to see the call reject-
Kar-Gupta and Ingrid Melander change or industrial competition from ed.
REUTERS China and the United States. The commanding lead over Netan-
However, exactly how much clout yahu that he and the centrist party
BRUSSELS – Gains by the far right in the euroskeptic nationalist parties will once held in the opinion polls has
voting for the European Parliament on wield will depend on their ability to shrunk, and, with the ruling coalition’s
Sunday prompted a bruised French overcome their differences and work parliamentary majority still solid, his
President Emmanuel Macron to call a together. They are currently split be-
snap national election and added un- tween two different families, and some See GANTZ, Page 6NN
certainty to Europe’s future political di- parties and lawmakers for now lie out-
rection. side these groupings.
While the center, liberal and Socialist
parties were set to retain a majority in ‘Anchor of stability’
the 720-seat parliament, the vote dealt
a domestic blow to the leaders of both The center-right European People’s
France and Germany, raising questions Party will be the biggest political fam-
about how the European Union’s major ily in the new legislature, gaining five
powers can drive policy in the bloc. seats to field 189 deputies, a central-
Making a risky gamble to try to rees- ized exit poll showed.
tablish his authority, Macron called a In Poland, Prime Minister Donald
parliamentary election, with the first Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s Tusk’s centrist Civic Coalition, a mem-
round on June 30. centrist Civic Coalition, a member of ber of the EPP, was set to win the Euro-
Like Macron, German Chancellor the EPP, was set to win the European pean vote. In Spain as well, the center-
Olaf Scholz also endured a painful night vote. KACPER PEMPEL/REUTERS right People’s Party, also part of the
where his Social Democrats scored their EPP, came out on top, outperforming
worst result ever, suffering at the hands Socialist Prime Minister Pedro San-
of the mainstream conservatives and Brothers of Italy group winning the chez. Israeli Minister Benny Gantz, while
hard right Alternative for Germany most votes, exit polls showed. Such results were good news for mistrusting many Palestinian leaders,
(AfD). A rightward shift inside the Euro- EPP member Ursula von der Leyen seemed more willing to accept that
Meanwhile, Italian Prime Minister pean Parliament may make it tougher to who seeks a second five-year term at Israelis and Palestinians eventually
Giorgia Meloni saw her position pass new legislation that might be had to learn to live in the same
strengthened by her arch-conservative needed to respond to security See ELECTIONS, Page 4NN region. NIR ELIAS/REUTERS

Trump tells sweltering rally in Nevada he won’t tax tips

State gripped by heat wave ing a possible counter-investigation away, first thing in office,” and noted in
into the event if he were re-elected. prepared remarks that he would seek
Nathan Layne and David Lawder The pledge on tips, revealed at a legislation in Congress to make the
REUTERS sweltering outdoor rally in Las Vegas change. “You do a great job of service,
where temperatures reached 100 de- you take care of people and I think it’s
LAS VEGAS – Republican presiden- grees, adds one more detail to a Trump going to be something that really is de-
tial candidate Donald Trump told a rally tax plan that has included vague served.”
in Las Vegas on Sunday that he would pledges of tax relief to middle-income Trump has previously pledged to
seek to end taxation of income from workers and small businesses. make permanent the Republican-
tips, a direct appeal to service workers “So this is the first time I’ve said this, passed individual tax cuts that he
in the swing state of Nevada, which and for those hotel workers and people signed into law in 2017 but which expire
polls suggest is leaning his way ahead of that get tips you’re going to be very hap- at the end of 2025. Tax experts estimate
the Nov. 5 election. py because when I get to office, we are that doing so would raise U.S. deficits by
Donald Trump speaks during a Trump also once again valorized his going to not charge taxes on tips people some $4 trillion over a decade compared
campaign rally at Sunset Park in Las supporters convicted for their roles in (are) making,” Trump told a crowd of to current forecasts.
Vegas, Nev., on Sunday. the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capi- several thousand people.
JIM WATSON/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES tol, calling them “warriors” and suggest- Trump said he would “do that right See TRUMP, Page 6NN



In the digital e-edition, you can click anywhere on the US map to get up-to-date forecasts, radar, MinuteCast® and more.
Showers and thunder- Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation for Monday. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
storms will spread across
the northern Rockies and
northern Plains today. Winnipeg
Some thunderstorms may Seattle 73/57
turn severe from northern 71/55
Colorado to North Dakota.
Billings Montreal
Another zone of severe 82/55 Toronto 63/54
weather is likely to develop 62/51
across eastern New Mexico Minneapolis
and western Texas, while 75/59
thunderstorms, some Detroit
strong, will occur in the
69/48 New York
San Francisco Chicago 75/59
71/54 Denver 67/51
85/56 Washington
Kansas City 81/62

Fairbanks Los Angeles Atlanta

73/55 76/58 El Paso 85/63
56/47 Houston
Honolulu 98/70 91/74
86/75 Hilo Miami
84/69 Monterrey 90/80
-10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold front Warm front Stationary front


NATIONAL (for the 48 contiguous states) INTERNATIONAL (excludes Antarctica) A woman was sucked through a window in her Q: What are mammatus?
High: 108 at Gila Bend, AZ High: 119 at Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia home in El Dorado, Kan., by a powerful torna-
Low: 34 at Sun River, MT Low: 20 at Oruro, Bolivia do on June 10, 1958, and carried 60 feet. A
Precip: 2.20” at Emporia, KS Precip: 4.88” at Lao Cai, Vietnam broken record found next to her was entitled
“Stormy Weather.” that signal severe weather
A: Turbulent clouds at the base of a t-storm

NATIONAL CITIES MONDAY O Denotes possible travel delays

Air Air Air Air
High/low/W Quality High/low/W Quality High/low/W Quality High/low/W Quality
O Aberdeen, SD 80/59/pc 36 Evansville, IN 73/51/s 40 Levittown, PA 79/59/pc 30 Rochester, NY 62/53/c 25
O Abilene, TX 82/68/t 32 Fall River, MA 77/55/pc 26 Lincoln, IL 72/49/pc 37 Rockford, IL 72/47/s 41
O Accomac, VA 81/62/pc 48 Farmington, NM 83/59/c 55 Louisville, KY 73/55/pc 47 Ruidoso, NM 75/55/t 53
Adrian, MI 70/48/pc 36 Fayetteville, NC 80/61/pc 56 O Lubbock, TX 79/64/t 43 Salem, OR 81/54/s 27
Akron, OH 60/46/c 32 Fond du Lac, WI 69/46/s 38 Manitowoc, WI 63/46/s 34 Salina, KS 84/60/pc 48
Alamogordo, NM 89/61/pc 57 Fort Myers, FL 91/77/t 32 Mansfield, OH 61/47/c 35 Salinas, CA 67/55/pc 46
Alexandria, VA 80/60/pc 42 Fort Smith, AR 86/63/s 50 Marshall, NC 74/53/c 48 Salisbury, MD 81/59/pc 53
Alliance, OH 61/46/c 31 Framingham, MA 77/52/pc 33 Marshfield, WI 71/45/pc 34 O San Angelo, TX 89/71/t 36
O Amarillo, TX 76/61/t 42 Freeport, IL 71/49/s 44 Massillon, OH 62/46/c 36 Sarasota, FL 91/77/t 43
Ames, IA 75/55/pc 47 Fremont, OH 66/51/s 35 McLean, VA 79/58/pc 40 O Savannah, GA 88/70/t 63
Anderson, SC 82/61/c 53 Fort Collins, CO 83/59/t 61 Melbourne, FL 93/74/t 32 Sheboygan, WI 62/48/s 36
Appleton, WI 69/47/pc 32 Gadsden, AL 83/57/pc 53 Memphis, TN 83/61/s 60 Shelby, NC 79/56/pc 49
Asheville, NC 76/54/pc 48 O Gainesville, FL 96/72/s 44 Middletown, NY 70/49/pc 19 O Sherman, TX 84/63/t 38
Ashland, OH 61/46/c 37 Galesburg, IL 74/47/pc 38 Milford, MA 75/51/pc 32 O Shreveport, LA 87/66/t 55
Athens, GA 85/59/pc 56 Gastonia, NC 80/59/pc 48 Milwaukee, WI 64/52/s 41 Silver City, NM 91/58/pc 53
Augusta, GA 82/65/t 59 O Glen Rose, TX 84/69/t 38 Monroe, MI 68/49/pc 34 O Sioux Falls, SD 77/63/pc 50
Austin, TX 93/74/t 40 Gonzales, LA 93/72/c 59 Monroe, LA 84/63/t 59 Somerset, PA 63/47/pc 31
Bartlesville, OK 83/54/pc 47 Great Falls, MT 80/50/sh 36 Montgomery, AL 88/63/t 55 Somerville, NJ 77/54/pc 25
Battle Creek, MI 69/46/pc 38 Green Bay, WI 70/44/s 29 Muncie, IN 66/47/s 32 South Bend, IN 66/43/s 42
Bedford, IN 66/44/pc 32 Greenville, SC 81/59/pc 50 Murfreesboro, TN 80/53/s 52 Spartanburg, SC 79/58/pc 56
Binghamton, NY 60/50/sh 21 Hackensack, NJ 76/57/pc 25 Naples, FL 90/79/t 30 Springfield, IL 73/49/s 40
O Bluffton, SC 85/72/t 62 Hagerstown, MD 76/56/pc 32 Nashville, TN 81/55/s 50 Springfield, MO 78/57/pc 48
Bremerton, WA 72/48/s 26 Hattiesburg, MS 92/65/t 62 Neptune, NJ 78/63/pc 31 O St. Augustine, FL 93/75/pc 51
Brockton, MA 77/54/pc 31 Henderson, KY 72/51/s 39 New Bedford, MA 76/55/pc 31 St. Cloud, MN 74/57/pc 35
O Brownwood, TX 86/69/t 33 Hendersonville, NC 76/55/pc 48 New Bern, NC 81/61/pc 58 St. George, UT 100/71/pc 56
Burlington, IA 72/52/pc 36 O Herkimer, NY 62/53/sh 23 New Philadelphia, OH 64/46/c 33 Staunton, VA 76/53/pc 46
Burlington, NC 81/57/pc 46 Hillsdale, MI 68/45/pc 38 Newark, OH 66/49/pc 40 Stevens Point, WI 72/46/pc 36
O Burlington, VT 64/55/sh 20 Holland, MI 60/49/s 41 Newton, NJ 72/50/pc 20 Stockton, CA 97/61/s 54
Cambridge, OH 68/48/pc 32 Hornell, NY 60/49/sh 19 New York, NY 75/59/pc 32 Stroudsburg, PA 72/50/pc 23
Camdenton, MO 77/52/pc 44 Houma, LA 92/74/t 46 Norwich, CT 76/51/pc 25 O Stuart, FL 92/76/t 29
Canandaigua, NY 60/52/sh 19 Howell, MI 68/45/pc 37 Ocala, FL 95/74/pc 36 Sturgis, MI 67/44/pc 40
Canton, OH 61/47/c 36 Hutchinson, KS 83/58/pc 50 Oklahoma City, OK 83/61/t 52 Tallahassee, FL 98/74/t 64
Carlsbad, NM 89/69/t 69 Hyannis, MA 75/58/pc 41 Opelousas, LA 90/69/t 42 Thibodaux, LA 92/73/t 47
Chambersburg, PA 76/56/pc 32 Indianapolis, IN 67/47/pc 32 Oshkosh, WI 69/48/s 37 Topeka, KS 82/60/pc 51
Cherry Hill, NJ 80/61/pc 35 Iowa City, IA 74/50/s 42 O Palm Beach, FL 92/81/t 27 Tuscaloosa, AL 85/62/t 53
Cincinnati, OH 67/51/pc 39 Ithaca, NY 60/50/sh 20 Palm Springs, CA 108/77/pc 55 Utica, NY 59/52/sh 19
Clarksville, TN 76/52/s 52 Jackson, MS 83/63/t 63 O Panama City, FL 89/76/t 59 Ventura, CA 65/55/pc 33
Coldwater, MI 68/46/pc 40 Jackson, TN 79/56/s 54 Pekin, IL 74/50/pc 38 Victorville, CA 95/58/s 56
Columbus, OH 64/51/pc 36 O Jacksonville, FL 97/72/t 62 Pensacola, FL 92/73/t 63 Vineland, NJ 79/57/pc 37
Corning, NY 64/52/sh 19 Jacksonville, NC 76/61/pc 61 Peoria, IL 74/50/pc 39 Visalia, CA 95/65/s 50
Corpus Christi, TX 94/78/t 48 Kent, OH 61/45/c 33 Petersburg, VA 84/60/pc 48 Washington, DC 81/62/pc 45
O Daytona Beach, FL 94/74/pc 38 Kewanee, IL 72/48/pc 42 Phoenix, AZ 106/79/s 60 O Watertown, SD 75/60/pc 38
Deming, NM 96/64/s 55 Keyser, WV 74/52/pc 33 Port Huron, MI 62/39/pc 29 Wausau, WI 72/48/s 34
DeRidder, LA 89/67/t 32 Kinston, NC 80/60/pc 58 Portsmouth, NH 75/53/c 33 Waynesboro, PA 76/55/pc 31
Des Moines, IA 76/57/pc 53 Knoxville, TN 80/58/pc 49 Poughkeepsie, NY 74/51/pc 23 White Plains, NY 74/54/pc 22
Detroit, MI 69/48/pc 35 Lafayette, IN 68/41/pc 34 Providence, RI 76/54/pc 23 O Wichita Falls, TX 80/67/t 40
O Devils Lake, ND 71/55/t 32 Lafayette, LA 92/71/t 45 O Pueblo, CO 83/54/t 60 Wilmington, DE 78/58/pc 37
Dover, NH 74/50/c 29 Lakeland, FL 95/74/t 27 Quincy, MA 78/57/pc 30 Wilmington, NC 78/62/pc 61
El Paso, TX 98/72/pc 56 Lansing, MI 68/45/pc 40 Redding, CA 104/69/s 43 Wisconsin Rapids, WI 72/46/pc 38
Elmira, NY 65/52/sh 19 Las Cruces, NM 97/66/s 54 Reno, NV 92/64/s 63 Wooster, OH 62/44/c 32
Erie, PA 62/55/c 30 Lebanon, PA 73/55/pc 29 Ravenna, OH 61/45/c 32 Worcester, MA 71/53/pc 38
Eugene, OR 81/51/s 30 Leesburg, FL 96/75/pc 30 Richmond, IN 65/48/pc 35 York, PA 76/56/pc 33
Air Quality Index: 0-50, Good; 51-100, Moderate; 101-150, Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200, Unhealthy; 201-300, Very unhealthy; 301-500, Hazardous
Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Monday Tuesday
High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W High/low/W
Acapulco 89/75/pc 89/75/c Cape Town 79/59/s 70/56/pc La Paz 60/30/pc 61/30/pc San Jose 82/68/r 81/68/r
Addis Ababa 75/55/pc 74/55/sh Caracas 90/77/t 90/76/t Lagos 88/75/t 86/76/t O San Salvador 84/71/t 84/71/t
Algiers 83/64/pc 79/62/pc Casablanca 76/63/pc 74/60/sh Lima 67/59/pc 67/62/pc Santiago 59/48/c 61/47/c
Amman 88/68/s 91/68/s O Colombo 88/82/t 87/80/t Lisbon 75/60/pc 77/58/pc Sao Paulo 83/61/pc 81/60/s
O Amsterdam 57/47/r 59/47/sh O Copenhagen 64/51/c 62/51/c London 62/46/sh 62/48/pc Sarajevo 85/57/s 78/58/t
Ankara 87/56/s 92/59/s Damascus 97/67/pc 99/68/s Madrid 69/53/t 79/54/s Shanghai 87/66/s 83/71/c
Asuncion 90/69/s 91/68/pc Dublin 61/42/pc 58/42/pc Manila 93/81/t 94/82/t Singapore 90/80/pc 90/79/t
Athens 91/72/s 92/71/s Geneva 72/52/s 66/51/sh Mexico City 84/61/c 86/58/pc Stockholm 55/43/r 63/45/sh
Auckland 66/53/pc 60/46/pc O Guatemala City 79/66/t 78/65/t O Milan 82/63/t 77/59/r Sydney 64/46/s 64/56/c
Baghdad 113/82/pc 111/81/pc O Hanoi 91/79/t 94/81/t O Mombasa 87/73/sh 87/72/sh O Taipei 92/76/t 90/77/t
Bangkok 89/81/sh 91/80/t Harare 67/43/s 68/41/s Montevideo 62/46/pc 66/57/pc O Tegucigalpa 82/69/r 85/70/t
Beijing 93/70/pc 97/68/s O Havana 88/77/t 86/78/t Montreal 63/54/sh 73/57/pc O Tehran 99/78/pc 97/76/c
Beirut 83/73/s 84/73/s Helsinki 61/53/sh 61/51/s O Moscow 71/63/sh 74/61/t Tokyo 78/67/pc 82/69/s
Belgrade 91/66/pc 79/62/pc Hong Kong 89/81/t 90/83/t Nairobi 75/55/c 74/54/c Toronto 62/51/c 68/54/pc
Berlin 66/52/pc 64/47/pc Jakarta 92/78/sh 91/76/sh New Delhi 111/90/pc 113/89/pc Tunis 87/69/c 88/71/s
O Bogota 67/51/sh 67/49/r Jerusalem 85/66/s 87/67/s O Panama City 87/77/r 86/77/t Vancouver 66/53/s 66/49/sh
O Brussels 56/44/sh 60/44/pc Johannesburg 60/37/s 61/40/s Paris 63/46/sh 65/47/pc Vienna 69/58/t 66/55/c
Bucharest 95/66/t 96/64/pc Kabul 86/58/s 88/60/s Port-au-Prince 99/76/pc 99/77/pc Warsaw 69/52/r 71/49/c
Budapest 76/60/t 73/56/pc Khartoum 102/84/pc 106/85/s Rio de Janeiro 81/70/pc 82/70/pc Yerevan 80/57/t 77/57/t
Buenos Aires 62/54/s 63/60/c O Kyiv 82/66/t 81/63/c Riyadh 112/88/s 114/87/pc Zagreb 81/61/pc 68/58/c
O Cairo 97/76/s 99/76/s Kingston 91/82/pc 90/82/pc Rome 79/65/s 79/64/pc Zurich 69/52/r 58/46/c
O Denotes possible travel delays Monday Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
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Fed to offer
hints about
US market
Recent data have sent
conflicting signals
David Randall

NEW YORK – Investors will closely

watch this week’s inflation numbers
and Federal Reserve meeting for clues
on whether the soft landing hopes that
drove stocks to record highs are still
This year’s rally has lifted the S&P
500 up more than 12% year-to-date, on
expectations the Fed can cool inflation
without hurting growth. Yet recent eco-
nomic data have sent conflicting sig-
nals: U.S. employment numbers re-
leased Friday were far stronger than ex- Visitors play “Stalker 2” at the Xbox booth of the Gamescom video game fair in Cologne, Germany, on Aug. 23, 2023. Its
pected, while earlier reports showed a latest hardware refresh could help Xbox boost sales of its consoles. INA FASSBENDER/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
slowdown in manufacturing and a first-
quarter growth rate revised lower.
May inflation data, due Wednesday,
must walk a tightrope to satisfy expec-
tations of a “Goldilocks economy”: sat-
isfactory growth with prices under con-
Microsoft makes public
trol. Later that day, investors will look
to the Fed for signals on the central
bank’s rate cut plans.
“The market would like some clarity
all-digital Xbox consoles
and not see the Fed have to wait until
December or January to begin cutting
rates,” said Paul Christopher, head of
‘Doom’ title unveiled Microsoft showed off three gaming
consoles including a diskless version of
day of launch, indicating that Microsoft
is making big bets on the subscription
global market strategy at the Wells Far- at Games Showcase the Xbox Series X and S consoles, and a service as it tries to woo consumers
go Investment Institute, adding a long special edition of the Series X with 2 te- grappling with a relatively softer econ-
period of elevated borrowing costs Zaheer Kachwala rabytes of storage. omy.
could hurt the economy. REUTERS The hardware refresh could help The Games Showcase was followed
Nonfarm payrolls increased by Xbox boost sales of its consoles which by a special feature from Activision
272,000 jobs last month, the Labor De- Microsoft kicked off its annual Xbox compete with Sony’s PlayStation 5. Blizzard’s studios that highlighted fea-
partment’s Bureau of Labor Statistics Games Showcase on Sunday, unveiling Among the games on display was tures, characters and gameplay of the
said on Friday, exceeding 185,000 jobs a new all-digital version of its Xbox Se- “Doom: The Dark Ages,” the latest in- new “Call of Duty: Black Ops 6”, which
forecast by economists in a Reuters ries X and S consoles as well as trailers stallment in the long-running “Doom” is slated for a release in October.
poll. After the data, futures markets for more than a dozen games including franchise, as well as a sneak peak at the Developers Treyarch and Raven soft-
showed investors trimming expecta- the next installment of “Call of Duty.” newest “Gears of War” title, ending a ware showed clips from the campaign
tions for rate cuts, with chances of a The Games Showcase comes at a five-year wait for one of Xbox’s most of the game that takes place in the early
September cut falling to about 55% crucial time for Xbox and Microsoft as popular properties. 1990s, touting features such as a new
from about 70% before the report. the gaming industry faces a downturn A sizable number of games including movement system allowing players to
Strong employment data countered and publishers grapple with softer the new “Doom” and “Call of Duty” will sprint in all directions, and a glimpse at
earlier reports suggesting the economy sales, layoffs and studio shutdowns. be available on Xbox Game Pass on the the fan-favorite “Zombies” mode.
was cooling, including a June 3 release
showing U.S. manufacturing activity in
May slowed for a second straight
Despite the S&P 500’s march to new
records, some investors worry the
gains have concentrated in a few giant
Recruiters: UK job market recovering
technology and growth names such as
Nvidia, with the rest of the market far William Schomberg “The jobs market looks like it’s on its staff rose at a pace that was only slight-
more tepid. REUTERS way back, with clear improvements ly slower than April’s four-month high.
U.S. stock valuations remain well over last month on most key measures,” Vacancies fell at the slowest pace in a
above historic norms, noted Ed Clis- LONDON – A fall in permanent hir- REC Chief Executive Neil Carberry said. seven-month downturn.
sold, chief U.S. strategist at Ned Davis ing by employers in Britain was its least The REC survey has generally paint- In a possible relief for the BoE, the
Research. The median price to earnings severe in more than a year in May and ed a weaker picture of the labor market availability of staff grew by the most
ratio of the S&P 500 would need to fall the recruitment market appears to be than broader official data, which since December 2020, boosted by a mix
31% to hit its long-term median, and poised for a recovery, an industry sur- showed annual wage growth of 6% in of redundancies, higher unemploy-
19% to reach its 20-year norm, he said. vey showed on Monday. the first quarter of 2024. ment and the reduction in demand for
“People are concerned about how far In a report that will be studied by the Britain’s July 4 national election and staff.
and how high this market has risen and Bank of England as it weighs up when the likelihood of interest rate cuts by The BoE is watching the labor mar-
how narrow it has been,” said Raul Diaz, to start cutting interest rates, the the BoE later this year were likely to re- ket closely as it assesses when inflation
senior investment officer at Northern Recruitment and Employment Confed- move the hesitancy of employers about pressure in the economy has abated
Trust Wealth Management. eration said permanent hiring fell by hiring, Carberry said. sufficiently for it to cut borrowing costs
Plenty of investors believe strong the smallest amount in 14 months. “These numbers suggest that cau- for the first time since the start of the
corporate results and a relatively be- Billings for temporary staff dropped tion may be starting to abate,” he said. coronavirus pandemic more than four
nign macroeconomic environment can by the least since January. REC said pay rates for permanent years ago.
keep supporting stocks. First-quarter
earnings came in about 8.1% above
analyst expectations, according to
LSEG data.
“We believe U.S. stocks are likely to
remain supported by favorable macro Volvo shifting EV production away from China
conditions, healthy earnings growth,
AI tailwinds, and the potential for a Fed REUTERS
pivot before year-end,” wrote Solita
Marcelli, chief investment officer Volvo cars has started to shift pro-
Americas at UBS Global Wealth Man- duction of Chinese-made electric vehi-
agement, in a note this week. cles to Belgium in the expectation that
The bank recently upgraded its the European Union will drive ahead
year-end S&P 500 target to 5,500, up with a crackdown on Beijing-subsi-
3% from where the index trades today. dized imports, the Times reported on
Others believe political uncertainty, Saturday.
not economic data, will cause turbu- Volvo, which is majority-owned by
lence later this year. The first debate China’s Geely, was considering halting
between President Joe Biden, a Demo- sales of Chinese-built EVs bound for
crat, and Republican challenger and Europe if tariffs were introduced, the
former president Donald Trump will newspaper said, citing company insid-
take place June 27, nearly three months ers.
earlier than the Sept. 16 date suggested However, the report added that
by the nonpartisan Commission on shifting production of Volvo’s EX30 and
Presidential Debates, which has man- EX90 models from China to Belgium is
aged them since 1988. expected to negate the need for the
That could turn the market’s atten- company to do so and that the company
tion to the 2024 presidential election insisted suspending sales of EVs made
earlier in the year than usual, said in China was no longer being consid-
Grace Lee, senior portfolio manager at ered. Volvo revealed its EX30 fully electric small SUV during an event in Milan, Italy, in
Columbia Threadneedle Investments. The manufacturing of certain Volvo 2023. CLAUDIA GRECO/REUTERS FILE
“The market still on the surface models bound for the United Kingdom
looks like everything is fine, but I think could also be moved to Belgium, Times
there’s a certain nervousness that may said. electric cars manufactured in China Relations between China and the EU
not even be about the economic data,” Volvo did not immediately respond were receiving distortive subsidies and have been strained by factors including
said Lee. “People want to stick to what to a Reuters request for comment out- warranted extra tariffs. Beijing's closer ties with Moscow after
has been working and not go too far out side of regular business hours. The anti-subsidy investigation, offi- Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The EU is
on a limb into other areas that might The European Commission, which cially launched on Oct. 4, can last up to seeking to reduce its reliance on the
see political ramifications, whether it’s oversees trade policy in the 27-nation 13 months. The Commission can im- world's second-largest economy, par-
health care and drug prices or clean en- European Union, launched an investi- pose provisional anti-subsidy duties ticularly for materials and products
ergy.” gation last year into whether fully- nine months after the start of the probe. needed for its green transition.


Pivotal policies may be impacted

REUTERS Mercosur, while the European Commis-
sion is also seeking to strike deals with
BRUSSELS – The European Parlia- the likes of Australia.
ment took a shift to the right after a All those deals, and the Mercosur
four-day election concluded on Sunday, agreement in particular, have faced op-
with more euroskeptic nationalists and position and pushing them through par-
fewer mainstream liberals and Greens. liament could be even more difficult
The parliament’s most important with greater numbers of nationalist eu-
role is reviewing and approving new leg- roskeptics.
islation and it generally comes up with
amendments on which it and EU gov- China, US relations
ernments need to agree before EU reg-
ulations or directives can enter force. The European Commission argues
The EU assembly will also need to ap- that the EU needs to present a united
prove the next president of the Euro- stance towards major rivals such as Chi-
pean Commission – most likely incum- na and the United States, particularly if
bent Ursula von der Leyen for a second former President Donald Trump returns
term – and their 26 other commission- to the White House.
ers. It also says the European Union
The rightward shift could have a needs a clearer unified industrial strate-
bearing on a series of important policy gy to remain a major industrial base for
areas in the next five-year term. The financial district in London is seen in May, the hottest on record. The next green and digital goods as rivals pump
five years will be crucial for determining whether Europe achieves its 2030 in massive subsidies.
Climate climate change targets. HENRY NICHOLLS/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Critics say the nationalist right-wing
parties advocate a looser, more frag-
The next five years will be crucial for mented Europe that will be less able to
determining whether Europe achieves farming, to manufacturing, to transport. Similarly, for the Commission’s plans to rise to these challenges.
its 2030 climate change targets. carry any real clout, they will need seri-
The EU spent the last five years pass- Defense, Ukraine ous money from the next long-term EU Enlargement, reform
ing a bumper package of clean energy budget, which must also be approved by
and CO2-cutting laws to hit its 2030 tar- Foreign and defense policy are pri- the Parliament. The EU needs to reform its internal
gets, and those policies will be hard to marily the domain of the EU’s member agriculture policy and the way it sup-
undo. countries, not the European Parliament. Trade ports its members to equalize standards
But a more climate-skeptical EU Par- So the election result should not have of living before it admits new countries,
liament could attempt to add loopholes any immediate impact on EU support The European Parliament’s principle especially big ones such as Ukraine, be-
to weaken those laws, since many are for Ukraine or military matters. role in EU trade policy is in approving cause the current system of transfers is
due to be reviewed in the next few years However, the Parliament will have a free trade agreements before they can already seen as too costly.
– including the bloc’s 2035 phase-out of role to play in plans to encourage pan- enter force. It is not directly involved in To admit new members – Ukraine,
the sale of new combustion engine cars, European cooperation between coun- trade defense, such as the imposition of Moldova and the Western Balkan coun-
which faced criticism during the EU tries and companies on defense projects tariffs. tries – the EU will also need to change
election campaign, including from law- and to get governments to buy more Eu- The European Commission and some how it makes decisions, reducing the
makers in von der Leyen’s center-right ropean military kit. The European Com- EU leaders argue that the bloc needs need for unanimity, which is proving in-
political group. mission’s Defense Industrial Program, more trade agreements with reliable creasingly difficult to achieve.
The European Parliament will also which aims to realize those goals, needs partners to make up for lost business If such reforms are proposed in the
negotiate with EU countries a new, le- the consent of both EU governments with Russia and to reduce dependence next five years, the parliament will have
gally binding target to cut emissions by and the European Parliament. on China. a crucial role to play in shaping them
2040. That goal will set the course for a Gains for parties that oppose greater A number of trade agreements are and a stronger voice of the far-right,
future wave of policies to curb emis- European integration may make these still waiting for approval, such as with which opposes deeper EU integration,
sions in the 2030s in every sector, from ambitions more difficult to achieve. Mexico and the South American bloc might have an important impact.

Continued from Page 1NN

the helm of the powerful EU executive

And she was quick to present herself
as a shield against extremes.
“No majority can be formed without
the EPP and together … We will build a
bastion against the extremes from the
left and from the right,” she told sup-
French President Emmanuel Macron porters at the EPP’s election night event
said the EU result was grim for his in Brussels.
government, and one he could not She added, later in the evening: “But
ignore. HANNAH MCKAY/POOL/AFP VIA it is also true that extremes and on the
GETTY IMAGES left and the right have gained support
and this is why the result comes with
Macron’s move puts him great responsibility for the parties in the
in precarious position Von der Leyen may still need support
Macron’s shock decision to roll the from some right-wing nationalists, such
dice on his political future Sunday as Meloni’s Brothers of Italy to secure a Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban applauds after the announcement of the
set off a political earthquake in parliamentary majority, giving Meloni partial results of the European Parliament in Budapest on Sunday.
France, offering the far-right a shot and her European Conservative and Re- MARTON MONUS/REUTERS
at real political power after years on formists allies more leverage – which
the sidelines and threatening to could upset other potential allies.
neuter his presidency three years
before it ends. Voters’ worries
If Marine Le Pen’s far-right National The center-left Socialists and Demo-
Rally (RN) party wins a parliamentary crats are poised to be the second biggest
majority, Macron would be left with political family, even as they lost four
little sway over domestic affairs. lawmakers to end up with 135, the exit
Macron said the EU result was grim poll showed.
for his government, and one he Political observers attribute the shift
could not ignore. In an address to to the right to the rise in the cost of liv-
the nation, less than two months ing, concerns about migration and the
before Paris hosts the Olympics, he cost of the green transition as well as the If Marine Le Pen’s RN party wins a
said lower house elections would be war in Ukraine – worries that national- parliamentary majority, French
called for June 30, with a ist and populist parties have seized on. President Emmanuel Macron would be
second-round vote on July 7. “I think a lot of people felt that European Commission President left with little sway over domestic
Europe is doing things not with people, Ursula von der Leyen presents herself affairs. Led by Jordan Bardella, right,
“This is an essential time for but just doing it on top of people,” as a shield against extremes. the RN won about 32% of the vote
clarification,” Macron said. “I have Greens’ lead candidate Bas Eickhout PIROSCHKA VAN DE WOUW/REUTERS Sunday. SARAH MEYSSONNIER/REUTERS
heard your message, your concerns told Reuters in an interview, asked why
and I will not leave them unanswered the far right was doing so well.
… France needs a clear majority to “And I think here we need to come up with the intergovernmental European immigration party of Geert Wilders’ six
act in serenity and harmony.” with a credible answer, otherwise, we’re Council on laws governing the 27-nation seats.
Led by telegenic 28-year-old Jordan only getting further to the far right,” he bloc of 450 million people. In Hungary, Prime Minister Viktor
Bardella, the RN won about 32% of said, after the Greens and liberals lost The exit poll gave the ECR three more Orban’s Fidesz party was on track for its
the vote in Sunday’s vote, more than ground in the election. deputies than in the last parliament for worst result in a national or EU vote in
double the Macron ticket’s 15%, Euroskeptic nationalist groups ECR a total of 72 and the far-right ID group nearly two decades at Sunday’s Euro-
according to exit polls. The Socialists and Identity and Democracy and hard- nine more seats for a total of 58. pean Parliament election, where a polit-
came within a whisker of Macron, right lawmakers not yet affiliated to an The number of nonaffiliated deputies ical newcomer trounced all other oppo-
with 14%. EU political family from Germany’s AfD who may choose to join other groups, in- sition parties.
secured together 146 seats, a gain of 19, cluding the euroskeptics, jumped by 36 Initial results projected Orban’s Fi-
Le Pen, widely seen as the the centralized exit poll showed. to 98, the exit poll said. desz and its small Christian Democrat
front-runner for the 2027 election in The exit poll projected that pro-Euro- In Austria, the count of votes cast in allies winning 11 seats in the European
which Macron is unable to stand, pean center-right, center-left, liberal polling stations on Sunday plus a pro- Parliament with 44.2% of votes, down
welcomed his decision. and Green parties will retain a majority jection for postal ballots confirmed the from a combined 13 seats prior to Sun-
“We are ready to take over power if of 456 seats, but one which is signifi- far-right Freedom Party won but by a day’s vote.
the French give us their trust in the cantly slimmed down compared to their smaller margin than had been forecast, The tally showed Peter Magyar’s
upcoming national elections,” she 488 in the outgoing chamber. national broadcaster ORF said. right-of-center Tisza coming second
said at a rally. Europe’s Green parties in particular In the Netherlands, estimates based with seven seats at 30% of votes, more
suffered heavy losses, subsiding to 52 on most of the votes counted confirmed than all other opposition parties com-
Macron’s Renaissance party currently deputies from 71 in the outgoing parlia- exit polls that showed a Labour/Green- bined, and a better outcome than any of
has 169 lower house lawmakers, out ment. Left combination was set to have won the polls leading up to the election fore-
of a total of 577. The RN has 88. The European Parliament co-decides eight seats, slightly ahead of the anti- cast.

G7 plans warning for Chinese banks

No immediate sanctions Russian business moves
to China’s small banks
expected over Russian ties
Washington has so far been reluctant
Trevor Hunnicutt and Lananh Nguyen to implement sanctions on major Chi-
REUTERS nese banks – long deemed by analysts a
“nuclear” option – because of the huge
WASHINGTON – U.S. officials expect ripple effects it could inflict on the glob-
the Group of Seven wealthy democra- al economy and U.S.-China relations.
cies to send a tough new warning next Concern over the possibility of sanc-
week to smaller Chinese banks to stop tions has already caused China’s big
assisting Russia in evading Western banks to throttle payments for cross-
sanctions, according to two people fa- border transactions involving Russians,
miliar with the matter. or pull back from any involvement alto-
Leaders gathering at the June 13-15 gether, Reuters has reported.
summit in Italy hosted by Prime Minis- That has pushed Chinese companies
ter Giorgia Meloni are expected to focus to small banks on the border and stoked
heavily during their private meetings on the use of underground financing chan-
the threat posed by burgeoning Chi- nels or banned cryptocurrency. Western
nese-Russian trade to the fight in Uk- officials are concerned that some Chi-
raine, and what to do about it. nese financial institutions are still facili-
Those conversations are likely to re- tating trade in goods with dual civilian
sult in public statements on the issue and military applications.
involving Chinese banks, according to a Concern over the possibility of sanctions has already caused China’s big banks to Beijing has accused Washington of
U.S. official involved in planning the throttle payments for cross-border transactions involving Russians, or pull back making baseless claims about what it
event and another person briefed on the from any involvement altogether, Reuters reported. says are normal trade exchanges with
The United States and its G7 partners The Biden administration this year
– Britain, Canada, France, Germany, It- began probing which sanctions tools
aly and Japan – are not expected to take ment, but Treasury officials have re- European security, NATO and transat- might be available to it to thwart Chi-
any immediate punitive action against peatedly warned financial institutions lantic security,” he said. nese banks, a U.S. official previously
any banks during the summit, such as in Europe and China and elsewhere that Singh and other top Biden admini- told Reuters, but had no imminent plans
restricting their access to the SWIFT they face sanctions for helping Russia stration officials say Washington and its to take such steps. In December, Presi-
messaging system or cutting off access skirt Western sanctions. partners are prepared to use sanctions dent Joe Biden signed an executive or-
to the dollar. Their focus is said to be on Daleep Singh, deputy national secu- and tighter export controls to reduce der threatening sanctions on financial
smaller institutions, not the largest Chi- rity adviser for international econom- Russia’s ability to circumvent Western institutions that help Moscow skirt
nese banks, one of the people said. ics, told the Center for a New American sanctions, including with secondary Western sanctions.
Negotiations were still ongoing about Security last week that he expected G7 sanctions that could be used against The U.S. has sanctioned smaller Chi-
the exact format and content of the leaders to target China’s support for a banks and other financial institutions. nese banks in the past, such as the Bank
warning, according to the people, who Russian economy now reoriented Washington is poised to announce of Kunlun, over various issues, includ-
declined to be named discussing ongo- around the war. significant new sanctions next week on ing working with Iranian institutions.
ing diplomatic engagements. The plans “Our concern is that China is increas- financial and nonfinancial targets, a China and Russia have fostered more
to address the topic at the G7 were not ingly the factory of the Russian war ma- source familiar with the plans said. trade in yuan instead of the dollar in the
previously reported. chine. You can call it the arsenal of au- This year’s G7 summit is also expect- wake of the Ukraine war, potentially
The White House did not respond to a tocracy when you consider Russia’s mil- ed to focus on leveraging profits gener- shielding their economies from possible
request for comment. The U.S. Treasury itary ambitions threaten obviously the ated by Russian assets frozen in the U.S. sanctions.
Department had no immediate com- existence of Ukraine, but increasingly West for Ukraine’s benefit.

Ukraine shares photos of

newer Russian fighter jet
hit for 1st time during war

KYIV – Ukrainian forces have for A popular Russian pro-war

the first time hit a latest-generation
Russian Sukhoi Su-57 fighter jet at an military blogger who calls
air base inside Russia, Kyiv’s GUR de- himself Fighterbomber and
fence intelligence agency said on Sun-
day, showing satellite pictures which it focuses on aviation said the
said confirmed the strike.
In a Telegram post, the GUR did not
report of the strike on the
Ukraine army servicemen check a Vampire hexacopter drone after a mission specify how the Su-57 was hit or by Su-57 was correct and that
flight over a front line near Chasiv Yar on May 1. GENYA SAVILOV/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES which unit of the Ukrainian military.
A popular Russian pro-war military it had been hit by a drone.
blogger who calls himself Fighterbom-

Russia appears to ber and focuses on aviation said the

report of the strike on the Su-57 was
correct and that it had been hit by a
Russian blogger Fighterbomber said
the jet fighter was struck by shrapnel

make headway in
drone. and the damage was currently being as-
The GUR said the aircraft was sessed to see if the aircraft could be re-
parked at the Akhtubinsk airfield, paired.
which it said was 366 miles from front He said if the plane were to be

key Ukrainian town lines in Ukraine between Ukrainian

and Russian invasion forces.
“The pictures show that on June 7,
the Su-57 was standing intact, and on
deemed beyond repair it would be the
first combat loss of a Su-57.
Russian state-run news agency RIA
Novosti’s military correspondent Alex-
Area hard to defend amid erything possible to ensure our units
do not move across the canal and take
(June 8), there were craters from the
explosion and characteristic spots of
ander Kharchenko posted a cryptic
message which did not directly ac-
assaults, Zelenskyy says up positions in the ‘New’ district on the fire caused by fire damage near it,” the knowledge the strike but decried the
other side.” GUR said, with the images posted lack of hangars to protect military air-
Ronald Popeski Russian assault units were continu- alongside the message. craft.
REUTERS ing to clear the canal district, it said. Ukraine has been fighting a full- Despite being touted as a Russian
Video posted by both sides showed scale Russian invasion since February fifth-generation fighter aircraft to rival
Russian forces appear to be making soldiers making their way through vir- 2022. its U.S. equivalent, the Su-57 was
headway toward their longstanding goal tually destroyed areas of an urban cen- Both sides conduct regular strikes plagued by development delays and a
of capturing the strategic Ukrainian ter and checking buildings. hundreds of miles into enemy territory crash in 2019.
town of Chasiv Yar, according to reports Russian forces have been making with missiles and drones. According to its manufacturer, serial
on Sunday from both sides of the more gradual progress in areas of the east- Ukraine, which lacks the vast ar- production of the aircraft began in
than two-year-old conflict. ern front since the town of Avdiivka senal of missiles available to Moscow, 2022.
Chasiv Yar stands on high ground fell to Russian troops in February. They has focused on making long-range It is a heavy fighter jet capable of ful-
about 12 miles to the west of Bakhmut, a have also launched a cross-border in- drones to strike targets deep inside filling a variety of battlefield roles.
town Russian forces seized a year ago cursion into parts of northeastern
after months of battles that flattened Kharkiv region, though Ukraine says
nearly all its buildings. It is seen by both that advance has been stopped.
sides as a potential staging point for Ukraine has long anticipated a Rus-
Russia to advance on the key cities of sian advance and its top commander,
Kramatorsk and Sloviansk. Oleksandr Syrskyi, last month said
Ukrainian media outlet Ukrainska Moscow’s forces had hoped to capture
Pravda quoted a military source and a Chasiv Yar in time for May 9 ceremon-
blogger as saying that Russian forces ies marking the anniversary of the So-
had begun occupying a district of the viet victory in World War II.
town alongside a canal. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in
“Over the past week, there have been his nightly video address on Sunday,
more than 1,500 instances of shelling of made no mention of Chasiv Yar, but
the outskirts of Chasiv Yar from the said the area around the town of Pok-
north to the south,” it quoted its source rovsk, to the southwest, remained the
as saying. most difficult sector to defend.
The source said Russian troops were “This is the toughest area along the
using guided aerial bombs to clear areas entire front line, the one where pres-
along a major road “and with the sup- sure from the occupiers is the great-
port of multiple long-range missiles est,” he said.
and…drones they have begun to move “Every day this is the site of the
forward and build up their forces.” highest number of engagements. Only
Russia’s 98th Paratrooper Division, yesterday, there were more than 40 as- Despite being touted as a Russian fifth-generation fighter aircraft to rival its
posting on the Telegram messaging app, saults and as of this hour today, there U.S. equivalent, the Su-57 was plagued by development delays and a crash in
said Ukrainian forces were “doing ev- have been more than 20.” 2019. TATYANA MAKEYEVA/REUTERS FILE

Unclear if Biden, Netanyahu to meet

Israeli PM will address Congress in July ment.
“The fact is that the whole world is
looking to Hamas to say yes,” he said.
Jeff Mason tween the two men over how Israel is “For all those people, for all these months
REUTERS conducting the war. who have been calling for a ceasefire now
Biden, who is running for reelection in is the moment.”
PARIS – The White House declined to November, has faced criticism over his Speaking on ABC’s “This Week” pro-
say on Sunday whether President Joe Bi- support for Israel from his left-leaning gram, Sullivan said the United States did
den will meet Benjamin Netanyahu political base as the Palestinian death not know how many Palestinians died in
when the Israeli prime minister visits toll mounts from Israel’s assault. the rescue.
Washington next month to address the Sullivan said he hoped a cease-fire Gaza’s health ministry said 274 Pales-
U.S. Congress. and hostage deal would be in place by tinians were killed while Israel’s military
“I don’t have anything to announce to- the time Netanyahu came to Washing- said it knew of under 100 Palestinians
day,” Biden’s national security adviser ton. Hamas must simply say “yes” to the killed, though not how many of these
Jake Sullivan said in an interview with proposal on the table, he said. Biden has were fighters or civilians.
CBS’s “Face the Nation,” adding the two welcomed the rescue by Israeli forces of Asked if Washington would back sim-
men were in regular communication. four hostages held by Hamas and vowed ilar future Israeli operation even if such
“He’s coming to address the Congress. to keep working until all hostages were numbers of Palestinian civilians died,
The president talks to him all the time,” released and a ceasefire achieved. Sullivan replied: “The United States will The Biden administration hopes a
Sullivan said. Netanyahu is scheduled to Sullivan did not say whether the Unit- support Israel in taking steps to try to cease-fire and hostage deal will be in
address a joint session of Congress on ed States had provided intelligence sup- rescue hostages.” place by the time Israeli Prime Minister
July 24. Biden has been a staunch sup- port to Israel in the hostage rescue or He also said Washington would keep Benjamin Netanyahu, right, comes to
porter of Israel in its war with Hamas in comment on how the operation might af- urging Israel to minimize civilian casual- Washington.
Gaza, but there have been tensions be- fect Hamas embracing a ceasefire agree- ties. DEBBIE HILL/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES FILE

Gantz mounting casualty toll in Gaza, Gantz,

along with Defense Minister Yoav Gal-
lant, appeared to be one of the few in
Continued from Page 1NN government trusted by U.S. President
Joe Biden’s administration.
political future is unclear. Earlier this year, he visited Washing-
A former paratrooper who grew up on ton, infuriating allies of Netanyahu,
a kibbutz and commanded the elite who has so far not received an invitation
Shaldag commando unit, Gantz, the son to the White House. But his political in-
of a Holocaust survivor, spent most of stincts have been no match for Netanya-
his career in the military. As army chief hu, one of Israel’s wiliest operators, who
of staff in 2012, he oversaw an eight day- rode out the rebuff from Biden and is
operation in the Gaza Strip that began due to address both houses of Congress
with the killing of the chief of Hamas’ next month.
military wing in Gaza. Many on the left thought Gantz and
He served as defense minister in the his centrist partners should have left
previous government and for months, the government sooner. Others, like Ei-
his hawkish military credentials allied nav Tsengaukar, the mother of one of
to his opposition to Netanyahu’s divi- the Israeli hostages left in Gaza, who
sive campaign to trim the powers of the begged him to stay and try to agree to a
judiciary last year, made him seem like deal to get the hostages home, wanted
the natural choice to lead a future gov- him to remain. But in the end, his depar-
ernment. A Blue and White party election campaign banner in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 2021 ture appeared inevitable.
He has also been notably more open depicts its leader, Defense Minister Benny Gantz, alongside Israeli Prime Aviv Bushinski, a former communi-
to the idea of a political settlement with Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. CORINNA KERN/REUTERS FILE cations adviser to Netanyahu, said in
the Palestinians than either Netanyahu the end, Gantz’s own attempt to pres-
or his right-wing allies like Finance Min- sure Netanyahu had only succeeded in
ister Bezalel Smotrich or National Secu- estinian leaders, seemed more willing to where,” he said. paving the way for his own exit.
rity Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, for whom accept that Israelis and Palestinians With relations between Washington “Benny Gantz cornered himself be-
a Palestinian state is an anathema. eventually had to learn to live in the and Israel at their lowest point in years cause he cannot retreat, he cannot back
Gantz, while mistrusting many Pal- same region. “No one is going any- over the conduct of the war and the off from the ultimatum.”

Continued from Page 1NN

As current law requires, tipped em-

ployees must report their tips as in-
come. Eliminating this would add fur-
ther to deficits without new revenues
Trump’s Democratic opponent,
President Joe Biden, has pledged to
maintain Trump’s tax cuts for house-
holds earning under $400,000 a year,
but wants to substantially raise taxes on
the wealthiest Americans and on large
The Las Vegas speech was Trump’s
first large-scale rally since a New York
jury found him guilty on May 30 of falsi-
fying documents to cover up a payment
to Stormy Daniels on the eve of the 2016
election, making him the first former
U.S. president convicted of a crime.
Trump also continued to hammer Bi-
den on illegal immigration, predicting
that Biden’s move last week enacting a
broad asylum ban on migrants caught
illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico bor-
der would not make a difference, even
though the ban is similar to restrictions
Trump tried to implement when he was
“It’s (expletive) what he signed,”
Trump said of Biden’s executive order,
prompting a wave of chants by the Donald Trump arrives to speak during a campaign rally at Sunset Park in Las Vegas, Nev., on Sunday.
crowd repeating the profanity. JIM WATSON/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
For days, Las Vegas residents have
been coping with unusually high tem-
peratures, part of a heatwave scorching Trump to sit for virtual interview with probation fessor at the University of Nevada-Las
the U.S. Southwest. The Trump cam- Vegas, said she was skeptical that polls
paign set up misting stations while par- official Monday were fully capturing where voters will
tially overcast skies and a breeze helped Former President Donald Trump will have a virtual interview with a New York City be in a few months, given that many are
mitigate the heat, though a handful of Probation Department official on Monday following his conviction of 34 felony not yet paying attention to the race.
people had to be taken away for treat- counts of falsifying documents, the New York Times reported Sunday. Gill said she did not think Trump’s
ment. criminal conviction has fully sunk in
The mandatory interview comes as that department prepares a sentencing with voters and could deter some mod-
Swing states recommendation for the judge. Trump is scheduled to be sentenced on July 11, erate Republicans from backing him. In
and faces a maximum sentence of four years, though those convicted often addition, a proposed amendment to en-
Trump, who has repeatedly called receive shorter sentences. shrine access to abortion in the state
people imprisoned for their roles in the Trump was found guilty on May 30, making him the first U.S. president to be constitution would, if it makes it onto
Capitol attack “hostages” and said he convicted of a crime. The jury found him guilty of falsifying documents to cover up the ballot, likely boost Democratic turn-
may pardon them, on Sunday described a payment to silence an adult film star ahead of the 2016 election after two days of out.
them as “warriors” without blame. deliberation. He has said he will appeal the verdict. “I think that (Nevada) is 100% still in
“Those ‘J-six’ warriors – they were play,” Gill said.
warriors – but they were really more Trump campaign officials declined to comment on the interview Sunday. Sunday’s rally comes on the heels of
than anything else, they’re victims of Reuters a three-day fundraising push by Trump
what happened. All they were doing is that included stops in San Francisco,
protesting a rigged election.” Beverly Hills and Las Vegas, during
Nevada is one of six or seven swing guilty verdict showed Trump ahead of with an average of polls compiled by poll which he raised $33.5 million from do-
states likely to determine the election. A Biden in Nevada by five percentage tracking website FiveThirtyEight. nors, according to senior campaign ad-
Fox News survey conducted after the points, an advantage roughly in line Rebecca Gill, a political science pro- viser Chris LaCivita.

Oil slips on dollar’s
strength from US jobs data

SINGAPORE – Oil prices nudged

lower for a second straight session on
Monday, weighed down by a firmer
dollar as expectations of interest rate
cuts were pushed out further following
strong U.S. jobs data on Friday.
Brent crude futures and U.S. West
Texas Intermediate crude futures
slipped 4 cents to $79.58 and $75.49 a
barrel, respectively, by early Monday.
On Friday, data showed the U.S.
added more jobs than expected last
month, leading investors to trim ex-
pectations for rate cuts and causing
the dollar to rally.
A stronger greenback makes dollar-
denominated commodities such as oil
more expensive for holders of other
The euro also came under pressure,
reflecting uncertainty in the eurozone
after French President Emmanuel Ma-
cron called snap legislative elections
for later in June after he was trounced
in the European Union vote by Marine Newly elected Clara Brugada, center-left, alongside President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, received the validity of the
Le Pen’s far-right party. election certificate as Mexico’s head of government in Mexico City on Saturday. HECTOR VIVAS/GETTY IMAGES

Report: Elliott takes nearly $2B

stake in Southwest Airlines

Activist investor Elliott Investment

Management has built a nearly $2 bil-
Mexico ruling party wins
lion stake in Southwest Airlines and
plans to push for changes aimed at re-
versing the airline’s underperfor-
mance, the Wall Street Journal report-
lower house supermajority
ed on Sunday, citing people familiar
with the matter. But similar bid in na, and its allies coming close but
missing out on the two-thirds majority.
Mexican opposition leader Xochitl
Galvez, who lost to Sheinbaum in the
Elliott is one of Southwest’s largest
investors and plans to engage with the Senate falls short Ultimately, Morena’s coalition,
which includes the Green Party and the
election by some 30 percentage points,
had called for a recount of 80% of the
airline’s management team, the report Labor Party, will control 83 seats in the ballot boxes.
said. The Dallas-based airline said in Daina Beth Solomon and Diego Ore 128-seat Senate, just shy of the 85-seat Uncertainty over the makeup of the
April it expected higher costs and REUTERS super-majority threshold, Morena next Congress, which takes office in
slower-than-expected revenue growth President Mario Delgado said in a social September, roiled markets last week
as U.S. plane-maker Boeing will now MEXICO CITY – Mexico’s ruling Mo- media post. since both outgoing leftist President
be able to deliver it just 20 aircraft this rena party and its allies have won a su- In the 500-member lower house of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and
year. permajority in the lower house of Con- Congress, the ruling leftist coalition will President-elect Sheinbaum signaled
Elliott, one of the world's most gress but not the Senate, the party’s have 372 seats, above the 334-seat su- their support for sweeping reforms to
prominent investors, is known for president said on Sunday, falling just per-majority threshold, Delgado said. the constitution.
pushing for changes at companies to short of the two-thirds majority needed “With a supermajority in the lower The potential reforms include the
boost shareholder returns. in both houses to change the constitu- house and a majority in the Senate, we elimination of independent energy reg-
tion. will deepen the transformation to keep ulators, while consolidating power in
Armenian archbishop calls for Preliminary results from the June 2 building a country with well-being and the executive branch, in addition to an
protests to seek ouster of PM vote, which elected Claudia Sheinbaum shared prosperity,” Delgado said. overhaul of the judiciary that would see
as Mexico’s first woman president in a Mexico’s INE electoral authority had popularly elected Supreme Court
A large crowd protested in Arme- landslide, had showed her party, More- said it would recount 60% of votes. judges.
nia’s capital Yerevan on Sunday
against Prime Minister Nikol Pashi-
nyan, led by a Christian cleric who an-
nounced the start of four days of rallies
to seek to drive him from office.
Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan is
At the Zamzam
Suspected rebels
seeking to tap into popular anger over
military defeats and territorial conces-
camp in North
Darfur, Sudan,
in Congo kill more
sions to Azerbaijan, but Pashinyan has
so far withstood the pressure.
two babies were
dying every hour
than 80 in a week
Galstanyan called on parliamentary according to an
factions to hold a special session on assessment by Erikas Mwisi Kambale and Ange
Tuesday to remove the government Doctors Without Kasongo and Yassin Kombi
from power. A live video stream on Borders in REUTERS
YouTube showed thousands of people January.
rallying in the center of Yerevan and MSF/MOHAMED BENI – The death toll has risen to 41
then marching peacefully through the ZAKARIA/HANDOUT following an attack on Friday by sus-
streets with music blaring. There were VIA REUTERS pected Islamist rebels on villages in
no reports of arrests or clashes. eastern Democratic Republic of Congo,
After weeks of protests against a Congolese army spokesman said,
Pashinyan appeared to be losing mo-
mentum, Galstanyan is attempting to
bring matters to a head with demands
Sudan’s al-Fashir main bringing the total toll in the region to
more than 80 since Tuesday.
Friday night’s attack, on the villages
for a change of power within days. He
is calling for the appointment of a tran-
sitional government to “implement
hospital shut down of Masala, Mapasana and Mahini, had
been carried out by members of the Al-
lied Democratic Forces, said lieuten-
reconciliation,” manage foreign rela- REUTERS line,” said Michel Lacharite, head of ant-colonel Mak Hazukay, an army
tions and prepare for snap elections. MSF emergencies in a statement. spokesman in Congo’s North Kivu
CAIRO – The main hospital in Su- The hospital had previously started province.
British TV doctor Mosley found dan’s al-Fashir city has been attacked evacuating patients after being im- The ADF, which is now based in
dead on Greek island of Symi by the paramilitary Rapid Support pacted by fighting three times since eastern Congo, has pledged allegiance
Forces and put out of service, Doctors May 25, and the remaining patients to Islamic State and mounts frequent
British TV presenter Michael Mos- Without Borders (MSF), which sup- and staff were able to flee. attacks, further destabilizing a region
ley has been found dead in a rocky area ports the facility, told Reuters on Sun- The al-Fashir Emergency Response where many militant groups are active.
of Symi, days after he disappeared day. Room, a volunteer group, said on Sun- It originates from neighboring Ugan-
during a walk on the Greek island, lo- The city, in the Darfur region of day that several people were killed and da and is alleged to be behind multiple
cal officials and police told Reuters. northwestern Sudan, is home to more injured in the attack and that medicine assaults in the area over the past week,
The 67-year-old healthy living ad- than 1.8 million residents and dis- and an ambulance were looted. including one in the village of Masawu
vocate, who was had been a prominent placed people, and is the latest front in An eyewitness told Reuters he saw that killed 17 people, two civil society
face on British TV for two decades, was a war between the Sudanese army and people evacuating the hospital, and leaders said.
found on Sunday morning, ending a the RSF which began in April 2023. other eyewitnesses said the RSF had On Thursday, five bodies were found
four-day search that included aircraft, The RSF, which has taken over the launched missiles at the hospital and in the villages of Kabweli and Mamu-
drones and sniffer dogs. capital Khartoum and most of western its vicinity. lese, according to Justin Kavalami, a
Police spokeswoman Constantina Sudan, is also seeking to advance fur- A separate attack on Saturday on civil society member who helped
Dimoglidou said the body of a person ther within the center, as United Na- the Abu Shouk camp to the north of the search for bodies. The same day, six
believed to be Mosley had been found tions agencies say the people of Sudan city impacted another medical center, bodies were recovered from a river in
in the area of Agia Marina, north of the are at “imminent risk of famine.” injured more than 30, and killed at the village of Mununze, that village’s
village of Pedi and opposite the north- Some 130,000 people have fled their least two, the camp committee and a chief said.
east beach of Agios Nikolaos where homes in al-Fashir as a result of the volunteer said. On Friday, 13 bodies were found in
Mosley set out for his walk. fighting in April and May, the United A report last week from The Yale the village of Makobu, a civil society
“It is certainly him,” said deputy Nations has said. Humanitarian Research Lab said some leader and the village chief said, bring-
mayor Nikitas Grillis, pending formal The RSF did not respond to a re- 40 settlements outside the city have ing the total number of people killed by
identification of the body, which was quest for comment. been struck with arson attacks since suspected ADF militants since Tuesday
found on rocky terrain, close to the sea South Hospital was the only hospi- March. to 82.
and near a beach bar. tal in al-Fashir capable of handling Local residents have blamed the It was not possible to reach the ADF
The body was transferred to the daily mass casualty events, according RSF for the attacks. for comment.
neighboring Dodecanese island of to MSF. Leaving the city has proven danger- During the attacks on Friday eve-
Rhodes for more tests, after a police of- From May 10 to June 6, some 1,315 ous, as residents say those fleeing ning, armed men used guns and ma-
ficial said a coroner at the scene ex- wounded arrived at the facility and have been attacked and even killed on chetes to attack residents of the vil-
cluded any criminal act but could not 208 people have died there, but many the main RSF-controled road out of the lages in Beni territory, local official Fa-
determine the exact cause of death. people are not able to reach the hospi- city. bien Kakule told Reuters.
Mosley, who was on holiday with tal due to the fighting, MSF told Reu- Most of those leaving have taken Vusindi Nick Junior, a local civil so-
his wife, was last seen alive at 1:30 p.m. ters. routes either south to Zamzam camp, ciety leader, said a local health center
on Wednesday. “It is outrageous that the RSF or west to the Tawila and Jebel Mara had been set ablaze and nine people
Mosley appeared on programs in- opened fire inside the hospital. This is areas, which are controlled by armed were injured in addition to the 41 killed.
cluding the BBC series “Trust Me, I’m a not an isolated incident – staff and pa- groups, including the faction of the Su- “Several dozen civilians have been
Doctor”, the BBC’s “The One Show” tients have endured attacks on the fa- dan Liberation Army headed by Abd- victims of the ADF in eastern DRC in re-
and ITV’s “This Morning.” cility for weeks from all sides, but elwahid Mohamed Nour, an aid worker cent days,” said EU foreign affairs
Reuters opening fire inside a hospital crosses a and residents said. spokesperson Nabila Massrali.



Celtics guard Jrue Holiday (4) attempts a layup against Mavericks center Dereck Lively II (2) during the second half of Game 2 of the NBA Finals in Boston on Sunday.

Boston goes on Holiday

Celtics take 2-0 series ton Celtics picked up a 105-98 victory
over the Dallas Mavericks on Sunday
Luka Doncic supplied 32 points, 11
boards and 11 assists for Dallas, which
rally after 3-pointers from Holiday and
White on back-to-back possessions put
lead over Mavericks night in Game 2 of the NBA Finals. still managed to outshoot Boston 47.5 Boston ahead 103-89 with 3:34 left in
Holiday went 11-for-14 from the field percent to 45.2 percent overall. P.J. the game.
Nick Galle as Boston opened up a 2-0 lead in the Washington chipped in 17 points, Kyrie Derrick Jones Jr. scored four straight
FIELD LEVEL MEDIA best-of-seven series. Tatum finished Irving had 16 and Daniel Gafford went points as part of a 9-0 spurt that ended
with 18 points, nine rebounds and 12 as- for 13. with a three-point play from Doncic, but
BOSTON – Jrue Holiday racked up a sists for the Celtics, who also got 21 Game 3 is set for Wednesday in Dal- Brown’s layup with 29.8 seconds to go
team-high 26 points and Jayson Tatum points from Jaylen Brown and 18 from las.
flirted with a triple-double as the Bos- Derrick White. The Mavericks tried to mount a late See NBA, Page 2NS


Scheffler continues
dominant season,
wins Memorial
Adam Schupak

Having already won this year at the

courses famously connected to Arnold
Palmer and Bobby Jones, two of the
faces that would be etched on the
Mount Rushmore of golf, Scottie Schef- Kyle Larson celebrates by spitting wine after winning the Toyota/Save Mart 350
fler added winning at Jack’s Place, at Sonoma Raceway. STAN SZETO/USA TODAY SPORTS
shooting a final-round 2-over-par 74 at
Muirfield Village Golf Club in Dublin,
Ohio on Sunday in the 2024 Memorial
Tournament. Larson takes checkered
flag at Sonoma road course
That was enough to hang on for a
one-stroke victory, his 11th career PGA
Tour title.
“It was a fun test of golf. I like it when
it gets this hard,” Scheffler said. “I FIELD LEVEL MEDIA the past four races, claiming the Toyo-
didn’t do a whole lot great today but I ta/Save Mart 350 Cup Series road-
did enough to get it done.” Scottie Scheffler and wife Meredith Kyle Larson’s good week only got course event at Sonoma Raceway in So-
The only other player to win the Scudder, with Bennett Scheffler, pose better on Sunday in his home state. noma, Calif.
Players Championship in March, the for a photograph with the trophy for Days after receiving a waiver from The Elk Grove, Calif., native notched
Masters in April and the Memorial in the Memorial Tournament at Muirfield NASCAR allowing him to race for a his third win of 2024 and 26th of his
Village Golf Club. championship, the Hendrick Motor-
See GOLF, Page 6NS ADAM CAIRNS/USA TODAY SPORTS sports driver won for the second time in See NASCAR, Page 7NS



Olympic trio leads

Mercury over Wings
Jewell Loyd scored 25 points to lead
It took two overtime periods, but a Seattle (7-4). Nneka Ogwumike scored
trio of reported Olympic teammates 14 points for the Storm, whose six-
delivered a 97-90 road victory for the game winning streak ended.
Phoenix Mercury over the Dallas Wings
on Sunday. Liberty 93, Mystics 88
Mercury standouts Kahleah Copper,
Brittney Griner and Diana Taurasi are Jonquel Jones scored a season-high
all reportedly named to the U.S. Olym- 29 points and pulled down eight re-
pic team and each made significant bounds as the New York Liberty won
plays to seal the victory. Copper scored their seventh consecutive game with a
the first four points of the second over- victory over the visiting Washington
time for the Mercury (6-6) and ended Mystics. Seattle Reign FC defender Shae Holmes (25) topples over Kansas City Current
the period with eight points en route to Jones scored off a layup with 8.7 sec- forward Temwa Chawinga (6) for the ball in the second half at CPKC Stadium.
a game-high 29. onds left off an outlet pass to put the JAY BIGGERSTAFF/USA TODAY SPORTS
Taurasi, just two days shy of her Liberty (11-2) up three and then New
42nd birthday, canned a jumper with York survived a desperation 3-point at-
1:40 left in the second overtime to
stretch the lead to 93-88. In the closing
seconds she was fouled and then
tempt by Jade Melbourne with 4.6 sec-
onds remaining.
Sabrina Ionescu scored 19, Breanna
Chawinga’s big game
shoved to the floor by Teaira McCowan
for a technical foul. Taurasi bounced up
happily and finished her evening with
Stewart added 14 and Leonie Fiebich
made four 3-pointers and scored 12 for
New York, which was back home after
leads Current past Reign
20 points, seven assists and seven re- three in a row on the road. FIELD LEVEL MEDIA put a low, 12-yard shot into the left side
bounds. Kennedy Burke gave New York the netting for her team-leading seventh
Griner, playing in just her second lead for good at 80-77 on a 3-pointer Temwa Chawinga had two goals and goal of the season.
game back after a toe injury forced her with 7:43 to play on a day when there an assist as the Kansas City Current LaBonta converted a penalty kick in
out of the season’s first 10 games, con- were 11 ties and 17 lead changes. moved into a share of first place in the the 67th minute to cap the scoring.
tributed 24 points on 11-for-16 shooting. National Women’s Soccer League with Both teams scored twice in the first
Griner added nine rebounds and five Sparks 96, Aces 92 a 5-2 victory over the visiting Seattle half.
assists; she also hit the game-tying Reign on Sunday. Seattle struck first on a counterat-
shot with 33 seconds left in regulation Dearica Hamby finished with 18 Vanessa DiBernardo, Lo’eau LaBon- tack in the 24th minute. Huitema ran
to force the first overtime. points, 10 rebounds and five assists, ta and Lauren also scored for the Cur- onto Veronica Latsko’s cross from the
Dallas (3-7) was led by guard Arike and the Los Angeles Sparks recorded rent (8-0-4, 28 points), which pulled right wing and put a 5-yard volley past
Ogunbowale, who finished with 25 back-to-back wins for the first time this even with Orlando atop the standings. goalkeeper AD Franch.
points despite scoring just four in the season after dispatching the visiting Jordyn Huitema tallied both goals The Current tied the score just four
first half. Ogunbowale added 10 assists Las Vegas Aces. for the Reign (2-9-1, 7 points), who suf- minutes later. Defender Elizabeth Ball
and seven rebounds but shot just 9- Rickea Jackson and Aari McDonald fered a fourth consecutive defeat since sent a long pass from her own end of
for-27 on the game. scored 16 points apiece for Los Angeles a scoreless draw with Kansas City on the field down the right wing. Michelle
(4-7), which recovered from a 15-point May 8 in Seattle. Cooper tracked the ball down and sent
Lynx 83, Storm 64 deficit in the first quarter to defeat the The Current scored twice in the a cross to a wide-open Chawinga for a
two-time defending WNBA champi- opening 90 seconds of the second half tap-in from 4 yards out.
Kayla McBride scored 32 points on ons. to break a 2-2 tie. The Reign regained the lead on a set
9-for-13 shooting, including 7-for-10 A’ja Wilson registered 31 points, Just 30 seconds into the half, Chaw- piece in the 41st minute. Sofia Huerta
from beyond the arc, and the Minneso- eight rebounds and a season-high six inga drove the ball down the left wing sent a free kick diagonally to Jess Fish-
ta Lynx pulled away for a win over the blocked shots for the Aces (5-4), who and sent a cross to the top of the 6-yard lock on the right side. Fishlock’s cross
Seattle Storm in Minneapolis. have dropped three of their past four box, and halftime substitute DiBernar- to the far post pinballed off a pair of
Napheesa Collier recorded a double- games. do put a volley past Seattle goalkeeper players, with the ball caroming back
double with 19 points and 14 rebounds Wilson scored at least 20 points for Laurel Ivory. across the goalmouth. It took one
for Minnesota (8-3), which beat Seattle the 14th consecutive game, breaking Chawinga made it 4-2 a minute later, bounce off the turf before Huitema put
for the third time in as many games this the league record she shared with Di- picking up a loose ball near midfield a diving header into the net before
season. Bridget Carleton chipped in 13 ana Taurasi (2006-07). and charging in on a breakaway. She crashing into Franch.

Turnovers trouble Mavericks’ Doncic NBA

Jeff Zillgitt
Hurley to

BOSTON — Luka Doncic took just

two shots in the third quarter, didn’t
score in the fourth quarter until 1:15 re-
decide on
mained in the game, and scored just
nine points in the second half and three Lakers’ offer
in the fourth quarter.
Yes, the Dallas Mavericks‘ All-NBA
guard recorded his first NBA Finals tri-
on Monday
ple-double with 32 points, 11 rebounds FIELD LEVEL MEDIA
and 11 assists, but he also had eight turn-
overs and was 4-for-8 on free throws in UConn head coach Dan Hurley
Boston’s 105-98 victory against Dallas in plans to decide whether he will be-
Game 2 on Sunday. come the next coach of the Los Ange-
“My turnovers and my missed free les Lakers on Monday, ESPN reported
throws cost us the game,” Doncic said. on Sunday.
“So, I’ve got to do way better in those two Per the report, Hurley was im-
categories.” pressed with Lakers owner Jeanie
Doncic had his second consecutive Buss and Lakers vice president of
Finals game with at least 30 points, but basketball operations Rob Pelinka
he is also playing with injuries. He has during their meeting and spent Sun-
dealt with a sore left ankle and a Mavericks guard Luka Doncic (77) controls the ball against Celtics center Al day mulling a long-term offer to leave
sprained right knee for much of the Horford (42) during the fourth quarter in Game 2. PETER CASEY/USA TODAY SPORTS UConn for his first NBA coaching job.
playoffs and was downgraded to ques- Hurley, who guided the Huskies to
tionable for Game 2 after adding a back-to-back NCAA championships
bruised chest to his maladies. just couldn’t get over the hump. I overs per game. the past two seasons, traveled to Los
He said he injured his chest taking a thought our defense was really, really The Mavericks’ potent offense has Angeles on Thursday, met with the
charge in Game 1, but called himself OK good. We’ve just got to take care of the been held under 100 points in both Fi- Lakers on Friday and went back to
and well enough to play. But a majority ball. There’s too many turnovers that nals games, and the Mavs are just 24.5% Connecticut on Saturday.
of shots were outside the paint, includ- gave them points, and then also being on 3-pointers. Buss and Pelinka informed Hurley
ing several step-back, fadeaway able to score the ball, and right now, Kyrie Irving is shooting 35.1% from of their plan to combine his success-
jumpers. we’ve got to find someone to join Luka the field and is 0-for-8 on 3-pointers. In ful methods at the college level as a
“He was great,” Mavs coach Jason and Ky in that scoring category.” Game 2, the Mavs were 16-for-24 on free tactician and developer of players
Kidd said. “No matter what he says, Doncic’s stats in two Finals games throws and committed 15 turnovers with the Lakers’ brand of basketball.
that’s just who he is. He’s a leader. It’s look good: 31 points, 10.5 rebounds and leading to 21 Celtics points. Per ESPN, Lakers star forward An-
not all on him. It’s a team. We win as a 6.0 assists per game while shooting “We’ve got to make shots, we’ve got thony Davis is a big part of the talks
team, and we lose as a team. 51.1% from the field and 38.1% on 3- to make free throws and less turnovers,” regarding the team’s next coach and
“So, he put us in a position. He was pointers. He’s also shooting just 46.2% Doncic said. “Those three things I think how he’ll be used on both ends of the
really good tonight. Unfortunately, we on free throws and committing 6.0 turn- are the key for a win.” court.
Hurley, 51, has posted a 141-58 rec-
ord while leading UConn to four
NCAA Tournament appearances dur-
ing his six seasons at the helm. He

NBA to send Boston into the fourth with an

83-74 cushion.
the Celtics to settle for a 54-51 lead at the
had a 38-23 record during two sea-
sons as the head coach at Wagner
Doncic took over in the first quarter, (2010-12) and a 113-82 mark in six
Continued from Page 1NS scoring 13 points to lift Dallas to a 28-25 Boston 105, Dallas 98 campaigns with Rhode Island.
lead. The Celtics stayed close by going Jones Jr. 4-7 3-3 11, Washington 6-13 4-4 17, Gafford 6-9 1-4 13, Los Angeles fired Darvin Ham on
dashed any hope Dallas had left. 10-for-10 from the free-throw line Doncic 12-21 4-8 32, Irving 7-18 2-2 16, Lively II 1-3 0-0 2, Kleber May 3 after two seasons, including
0-4 0-0 0, Green 1-4 2-3 4, Exum 1-1 0-0 3, Hardy 0-0 0-0 0. Totals
Dereck Lively II threw home a dunk through the first 12 minutes of action. 38-80 16-24 98. an appearance in the Western Con-
to get the Mavericks within 63-61 with After Doncic canned a fadeaway with BOSTON (105) ference finals in 2023.
Brown 8-15 4-4 21, Tatum 6-22 5-6 18, Horford 2-4 0-0 5, Holiday
7:30 left in the third quarter, but the 10:08 left in the second quarter to push 11-14 2-2 26, White 6-15 2-2 18, Porzingis 4-7 4-4 12, Pritchard 1-2 The Lakers went 47-35 this sea-
Celtics then started to pull away. Boston the Mavericks’ advantage to 35-29, Bos- 0-0 3, Hauser 0-5 2-2 2. Totals 38-84 19-20 105. son, good enough for only an eighth-
DAL 28 23 23 24 — 98
scored 17 of the next 23 points, with ton put together an 11-2 run to go up 40- BOS 25 29 29 22 — 105 place finish in the Western Confer-
Brown’s trey making it 80-67 with 2:04 37. Neither team led by more than three 3-Point Goals: Dallas 6-26 (Doncic 4-9, Exum 1-1, Washington 1-5, ence. They defeated the Pelicans in
Kleber 0-2, Irving 0-3, Jones Jr. 0-3, Green 0-3), Boston 10-39
remaining in the period. until Holiday knocked down a triple (White 4-10, Holiday 2-4, Pritchard 1-2, Horford 1-3, Brown 1-5, the play-in round to earn the No. 7
Dallas cut its deficit to six before with 37.1 seconds remaining in the first Tatum 1-7, Porzingis 0-3, Hauser 0-5). Fouled Out: None. seed in the playoffs but were
Rebounds: Dallas 43 (Doncic 11), Boston 41 (Holiday 11). Assists:
quarter’s end, but Payton Pritchard half to give Boston a five-point edge. Dallas 21 (Doncic 11), Boston 29 (Tatum 12). Total Fouls: Dallas 17, bounced by the Denver Nuggets in
nailed a 34-foot 3-pointer at the buzzer Gafford answered with a dunk, forcing Boston 15. A: 19,156 (18,624) the opening round, 4-1.


Alcaraz enters all-surface elite with title

Julien Pretot in the game.
REUTERS The German seized the opportunity
to break twice to go 6-5 up and serve it
PARIS – Carlos Alcaraz made a grand out to take the lead in the contest.
entrance into the tennis history books In a see-saw encounter, Alcaraz took
as he claimed his maiden French Open the early advantage in the fourth set,
title to become the youngest man to breaking for a 2-0 lead with an eye-
capture Grand Slams on all three sur- catching passing shot and then again
faces with a see-saw five-set victory for 4-0 with a splendid drop shot.
over German Alexander Zverev on Sun- Yet his level dropped again right af-
day. ter, allowing Zverev to pull a break back
The 6-3, 2-6, 5-7, 6-1, 6-2 win may not before Alcaraz called the trainer on to
have been a classic, but the Spaniard have his left thigh massaged.
showed that he belonged among the The Spaniard managed to wrap up
elite as he added a third Grand Slam the set to force a decider and a woeful
crown to his impressive trophy cabinet third game by Zverev gave him the early
that already has the 2022 U.S. Open and break.
2023 Wimbledon titles. Alcaraz raised his level to save four
Alcaraz became the seventh man to break points in the next game and go 3-1
win a major on hard, grass and clay up but not before a controversial mo-
courts, a feat that eluded some of the ment where he sent down a second
sport’s greats, including American Pete serve that was called out, only to be
Sampras, who boasts 14 major titles, but overruled by the umpire after checks.
never won at Roland Garros. “There was some unlucky moments.
At 21 years old, Alcaraz has played in I heard that at 2-1 the second serve was
three Grand Slam finals and won them out. From the Hawk Eye data I saw that.
all, while for comparison, Roger Federer I break back there, I have break chances
and Novak Djokovic were in their late and then in the next service game, a
20s before they mastered the sport’s fifth set can go the other way,” Zverev
slowest surface. said.
“Since I was little kid, I was running “There’s a difference whether you’re
from school to put on the TV to watch down 3-1 in the fifth set or you’re back to
this tournament. Now I am lifting the two-all.
trophy in front of all of you,” said Alca- “It’s frustrating in the end, but it is
raz, who was described by Zverev as a what it is. Umpires make mistakes.
“Hall of Famer” in his speech. They’re also human and that’s okay. But
Sunday’s defeat prolonged Zverev’s Carlos Alcaraz celebrates with the trophy after winning the men’s singles final at of course in a situation like that, you
frustration at Grand Slams, with the the French Open on Sunday in Paris. EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES wish there wouldn’t be mistakes.”
German still chasing a first title despite Zverev, who was bidding to become
reaching the last four eight times. the first German man to win a singles
“I’ll be back next year,” Zverev prom- The fourth seed has now lost both his a break point, but the Spaniard was a Grand Slam since Boris Becker in 1996,
ised. Grand Slam finals, after losing the U.S. cut above and he bagged the set on his saw his hopes slip away on the biggest
In the first men’s Roland Garros final Open decider four years ago when he opponent’s serve with a crosscourt fore- stage yet again.
not featuring any member of the Big was two points away from victory hand winner. Alcaraz broke once more before serv-
Three – Rafael Nadal, Djokovic and Fe- against Dominic Thiem. Alcaraz needed more than 10 minutes ing it out and clinching the title on his
derer - in two decades, Alcaraz and Zve- Alcaraz, who has suffered with bouts to win the first game of the second set first match point.
rev failed to impress, their lack of con- of nerves at Roland Garros, where his after six deuces. “When you’re playing a fifth set you
sistency making for a disappointing dis- compatriot Nadal won a record 14 titles, The 21-year-old’s unforced error rate have to give everything and you have to
play. kept his composure despite some blips. spiked and Zverev broke for 3-2 and, give your heart. In those moments, it’s
Alcaraz often looked like he had got On a sun-kissed court Philippe Cha- having put his frustration behind him, where the top players give their best
the upper hand, only to let it slip several trier, Alcaraz slapped a forehand winner won three games in a row to level the tennis,” Alcaraz said.
times, but he ultimately rose to the oc- down the line to snatch the early break, contest. “I wanted to be one of the best players
casion against an increasingly frustrat- only for Zverev, who beat an ageing Na- Alcaraz broke in the third set but re- in the world, so I have to give extra in
ed Zverev, who entered the final on the dal in the first round, to level for 1-1. mained inconsistent and serving for the those moments, I have to show the op-
back of a 12-match winning streak on Alcaraz broke to love then held to set, the Spaniard made yet another ponent that I’m fresh, like we’re playing
clay. move 4-2 ahead before Zverev staved off string of errors that allowed Zverev back the first game of the match.”


Oilers aim to cash in on chances in Game 2


The Edmonton Oilers are concentrat-

ing more on the process than the result
as they prepare for Game 2 of the Stan-
ley Cup Final on Monday in Sunrise, Fla.
After being blanked 3-0 by goaltend-
er Sergei Bobrovsky and the Panthers in
Saturday’s best-of-seven series opener,
despite outshooting and out-chancing
their hosts by a wide margin, the Oilers
are doing all they can to avoid any frus-
tration from their best effort not being
good enough in Game 1.
“It’s encouraging in some ways the
way that we played,” forward Ryan Nu-
gent-Hopkins said. “You want to stack
up as many wins as you can as early as
you can in the series, but it’s a best-of-
seven, a race to four. We did a lot of good
things, couldn’t find a way to beat them,
but we can stay confident.”
The Panthers, who are in their sec-
ond consecutive final after losing to the
Vegas Golden Knights last year, have
plenty of experience dealing with the
extreme scrutiny and focus of the cham-
pionship round.
The Oilers only have a couple of play-
ers who have gone this far, thus the fo-
cus on keeping with the program and
the game plan.
“I thought we didn’t look out of sorts
at all,” said Oilers defenseman Mattias
Ekholm, who is in his second finals se-
ries. “I thought we took it to them, had a
really good start. I really liked the way
we started the game and it blended into
the next 40. That part of things was
really good. Hopefully nerves are out of
play now.
“Our best is good enough (to win),”
Ekholm added. “That’s something the Oilers defenseman Mattias Ekholm (14) passes the puck against Panthers forward Sam Reinhart (13) during the third
whole room is feeling, as well. It’s a mat- period in Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final at Amerant Bank Arena. SAM NAVARRO/USA TODAY SPORTS
ter of getting there every night, that’s
the hard part of it. We were close last
night and I think we have another level, by a 32-18 margin during the game – too. That’s some pretty good players Florida will need to elevate even more
but I’m encouraged.” 12-4 in the opening frame – and were over there.” from that point against an Oilers team
The Panthers, who are in search of saved by a brilliant performance from That said, the Panthers did gain mo- that knows they can ill afford to return
the franchise’s first championship, hold Bobrovsky. Florida’s goalie has surren- mentum though the game, and they’re home to Edmonton for the third and
a lead in the finals for the first time in dered two or fewer goals in 11 of his last ready to build upon that as well. fourth games of the series in a 2-0 def-
their third trip. As much as the Panthers 12 games. “Our third period was definitely our icit.
expect an even better effort from the “What can you learn from the game is best, for sure,” captain Aleksander Bar- “Well, we know we need to get better
Oilers on Monday, they also expect bet- the most important thing,” Panthers kov said. “I know it was 2-0 for us, but than what we were yesterday and we
ter of themselves despite having won coach Paul Maurice said. “Where can we still tried to play in our zone and kept need to keep building because Edmon-
via shutout to open a second consecu- you get better? You want to temper all of building on that. It was good after the ton is an unbelievable team,” Barkov
tive series. that when you sit down and watch your first two periods that we played a good said. “They have so much skill in their
After all, the Panthers were outshot video because the other team gets paid, third.” lineup. It’s going to be tough, for sure.”



Mets rally late to beat Phillies


Pete Alonso was hit by a pitch with

the bases loaded in the top of the ninth
inning as the New York Mets took ad-
vantage of an erratic outing from closer
Jose Alvarado to edge the Philadelphia
Phillies 6-5 on Sunday in London.
Alvarado had a chance to lock down
his 12th save of the season after pinch
hitter David Dahl smacked a solo shot in
the seventh to put Philadelphia up 4-3.
But Tyrone Taylor drew a walk to begin
the ninth, and Alvarado never managed
to find his groove.
Jeff McNeil and Mark Vientos fol-
lowed with singles, with Vientos’ hit
bringing home Taylor to tie things at 4-
all. Luis Torrens then walked to load the
bases, and after Francisco Lindor struck
out, Alvarado hit Alonso, allowing New
York to move in front.
The Mets added an insurance run
thanks to a passed ball charged to J.T.

Yankees 6, Dodgers 4

Trent Grisham hit a go-ahead three-

run home run in the sixth inning, Aaron
Judge hit his major league-leading 24th
homer and the New York Yankees avoid-
ed a three-game sweep with a victory
over the visiting Los Angeles Dodgers.
Grisham turned a 3-2 deficit into a The Mets’ Drew Smith celebrates with Luis Torrens and Francisco Lindor after beating the Phillies on Sunday in London.
5-3 lead when he lined a 2-1 offering MATTHEW CHILDS/ACTION IMAGES VIA REUTERS
down the right field line. It was the fifth
hit and third homer of the season for
Grisham. to open the 10th and the score tied at
Shohei Ohtani narrowly beat Judge’s 3-3, the Mariners’ Ryan Bliss put down a
throw from right field on Will Smith’s sacrifice bunt. After J.P. Crawford struck
sacrifice fly in the top of the eighth. out, Dylan Moore drew a walk to bring
Judge restored the two-run advantage up Rodriguez, whose eighth-inning
in the bottom half by homering to left. double gave him hits in all 16 career
games against the Royals. Rodriguez
Rangers 7, Giants 2 grounded a single to right off James Mc-
Arthur (2-3), scoring Rojas and sending
Marcus Semien homered and drove Moore to third. A walk to Mitch Garver
in two runs and Wyatt Langford tripled loaded the bases for Cal Raleigh, who hit
and had two hits and two RBIs as the a two-run single to right to make it 6-3.
Texas Rangers salvaged the final game Hunter Renfroe led off the bottom of
of their three-game series with the San the 10th with a two-run homer to left off
Francisco Giants with a victory in Ar- Austin Voth to score ghost runner Fred-
lington, Texas. dy Fermin, pulling the Royals within a
Semien, hit in the helmet by a 94.5 run.
mph fastball by San Francisco starter
Keaton Winn leading off the bottom of Blue Jays 6, A’s 4, 10 innings
the first, scored twice and drove in two
runs for Texas, which snapped a two- Isiah Kiner-Falefa capped a career-
game losing streak. Josh Smith singled, best five-RBI performance with a bases-
walked twice and scored two runs, Eze- clearing double in the top of the 10th in-
quiel Duran had two RBIs and Adolis ning, allowing the visiting Toronto Blue
Garcia stole home for the Rangers, who Jays to defeat the Oakland Athletics in
finished with four stolen bases. the finale of their three-game series.
Mike Yastrzemski homered for San Trent Grisham of the Yankees hits a three-run home run against the Dodgers After forcing extra innings with a
Francisco, which had a three-game win- during the sixth inning at Yankee Stadium. LUKE HALES/GETTY IMAGES game-tying run in the eighth, the Blue
ning streak snapped. Jays loaded the bases in the 10th when
A’s reliever Austin Adams (0-2), who in-
Nationals 8, Braves 5 nings. Brice Turang’s two-out RBI triple Cardinals, who salvaged a 2-2 split in herited an automatic runner at second,
in the seventh ended Tarik Skubal’s the four-game series. Rockies starting walked Justin Turner and hit Daulton
Keibert Ruiz hit a three-run homer to shutout bid. pitcher Ty Blach (2-4) allowed four runs Varsho with one out. Kiner-Falefa then
highlight a seven-run outburst in the on eight hits in five innings. He struck drilled a shot to left-center, scoring all
fourth inning and spark the Washington Orioles 9, Rays 2 out three and walked one. three runs and ultimately giving Toron-
Nationals to a win over the visiting At- to a fourth win in its last five games.
lanta Braves. Adley Rutschman went 3-for-5 with Twins 11, Pirates 5, 10 innings Genesis Cabrera notched his first
Ruiz added a sacrifice fly and Wash- a grand slam and Jordan Westburg was save of the season despite allowing a
ington won the final three games in the also 3-for-5 to help the Baltimore Manuel Margot sparked a seven-run run in the last of the 10th on an infield
four-game weekend series. The Nation- Orioles to a win against the host Tampa rally with a run-scoring triple in the 10th out by JJ Bleday.
als lead the season series 6-2. Bay Rays. inning as the visiting Minnesota Twins
The Braves scored two runs in the After going perfect through five in- avoided a three-game sweep with a vic- Diamondbacks 9, Padres 3
second inning. Adam Duvall walked and nings, Baltimore starting pitcher Gray- tory over the Pittsburgh Pirates.
later scored on a single by Michael Har- son Rodriguez (7-2) allowed two runs on Margot’s hit off Ben Heller (0-1) drove Jake McCarthy rapped out three hits,
ris II. Travis d’Arnaud scored on a wild two hits in 2/3 of the sixth. He finished in automatic runner Kyle Farmer to help including a two-run homer that capped
pitch with the bases loaded. the day with six strikeouts. the Twins snap a five-game losing a six-run second inning, as the visiting
Rays starter Zack Littell (2-4) surren- streak. Carlos Santana doubled in two Arizona Diamondbacks salvaged a split
Cubs 4, Reds 2 dered three runs on seven hits and runs during the rally, Carlos Correa add- of their four-game series with the San
fanned three in six innings. ed a two-run single, and Max Kepler sin- Diego Padres.
Ian Happ continued to torment the gled in a run. Joc Pederson snapped a 1-1 tie in the
Cincinnati Reds with a three-run double Guardians 6, Marlins 3 Connor Joe drove in two runs while second by grounding a two-run single to
and a clutch defensive play late in the Oneil Cruz, Nick Gonzales and Rowdy right against rookie Adam Mazur (0-1).
game to help the visiting Chicago Cubs Tyler Freeman hit a tiebreaking Tellez each had two hits for Pittsburgh, Lourdes Gurriel Jr. followed with a two-
salvage the finale of a four-game series three-run homer in the seventh inning, which scored a run in the bottom of the run double to left and McCarthy fin-
with a win. and the visiting Cleveland Guardians 10th on Cruz’s RBI single. ished the outburst by lining his third
Chicago lefty ace Shota Imanaga (6-1) beat the Miami Marlins 6-3. homer of the year into the right field
won for the first time since May 1 after With the game tied 2-2, Cleveland’s Red Sox 6, White Sox 4, 10 innings seats.
four no-decisions and a loss. Imanaga Brayan Rocchio and Steven Kwan re- Mazur was roughed up in his second
allowed two runs on five hits, striking corded back-to-back singles with one Jamie Westbrook and Rob Refsnyder MLB start, allowing eight hits and eight
out seven and walking one. out in the seventh. Then Freeman sent a drove in 10th-inning runs to help the runs in three-plus innings after limiting
Cincinnati starter Frankie Montas pitch from A.J. Puk (0-7) high and deep visiting Boston Red Sox rally for a win the Los Angeles Angels to a run and two
(3-5) was charged with four runs on five into the left-field seats to put the Guard- against the Chicago White Sox. hits on Tuesday night. Mazur walked
hits while retiring just four batters as the ians ahead for good. Refsnyder and David Hamilton had three and struck out two.
Reds had their season-best seven-game Meanwhile, Jazz Chisholm Jr. and two hits apiece for the Red Sox, who
winning streak snapped. Jake Burger each homered, while Trevor earned a split of the four-game series. Angels 9, Astros 7
Rogers overcame giving up four walks, Paul DeJong and Corey Julks con-
Tigers 10, Brewers 2 by yielding just a run and two hits, while tributed two hits each for Chicago. De- Logan O’Hoppe’s two-run home run
striking out five, in five innings for the Jong belted a three-run home run in the in the bottom of the ninth inning lifted
Jake Rogers blasted a three-run hom- Marlins, who have lost eight of their last fourth to give the White Sox a 3-1 lead. the Los Angeles Angels to a victory over
er as the host Detroit Tigers scored eight 11. the Houston Astros in Anaheim, Calif.
runs in the fifth inning and romped to a Mariners 6, Royals 5, 10 innings The Angels rallied from a 7-5 deficit
victory over the Milwaukee Brewers. Cardinals 5, Rockies 1 with two runs in the eighth inning to tie
Gio Urshela and Zach McKinstry Julio Rodriguez hit a run-scoring sin- the game, setting up O’Hoppe’s dramat-
drove in two runs apiece, while Riley Masyn Winn drove in two runs and gle into right field with two outs in the ic finish in the ninth.
Greene had two doubles and an RBI as Andre Pallante threw five scoreless in- top of the 10th inning to break a tie and Houston’s Jose Altuve had a career
Detroit ended a three-game losing nings as the St. Louis Cardinals defeat- the Seattle Mariners went on to defeat high-tying four hits, including a two-
streak. ed the visiting Colorado Rockies. the host Kansas City Royals to avoid a run homer in the sixth inning that gave
Brewers starter Bryse Wilson (3-3) Alec Burleson hit a homer and Pedro three-game sweep. the Astros a 7-4 lead. But they did not
was charged with seven runs in 41⁄3 in- Pages had an RBI and two runs for the With Josh Rojas the runner at second score again.



N.Y. Yankees 6, L.A. Dodgers 4
LAD ..............000 021 010 — 4 9 0
NYY ..............002 003 01x — 6 9 0
L.A. Dodgers AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Betts ss 5 0 1 2 0 2 .309
Ohtani dh 4 1 1 0 0 0 .310
Freeman 1b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .290
Smith c 3 0 0 1 0 0 .288
Hernandez lf 4 1 2 1 0 1 .266
Heyward rf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .230
Pages cf 3 1 1 0 1 1 .260
Lux 2b 4 1 3 0 0 1 .216
Hernandez 3b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .207
Totals 34 4 9 4 2 8
N.Y. Yankees AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Volpe ss 4 0 0 0 0 2 .280
Verdugo lf 4 2 2 0 0 1 .261
Judge rf 4 2 3 2 0 1 .305
Stanton dh 4 0 0 0 0 3 .224
Grisham cf 2 1 1 3 2 1 .100
Torres 2b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .230
LeMahieu 1b 3 0 1 0 0 2 .219
Cabrera 3b 3 1 1 1 0 2 .238
Trevino c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .254
Totals 31 6 9 6 2 14
2B: Betts (15), Ohtani (18), Hernandez
(14), Pages (8), Verdugo (14), Judge (21).
HR: Hernandez (16), Judge (24), Grisham
(3), Cabrera (5). RBI: Betts 2 (37), Smith
(39), Hernandez (48), Judge 2 (59),
Grisham 3 (9), Cabrera (22). CS: LeMahieu
(1). SB: Lux (3). SF: Smith. Runners left in
scoring position: L.A. Dodgers 4 (Betts 2,
Ohtani, Lux), N.Y. Yankees 2 (Stanton,
LeMahieu). RISP: L.A. Dodgers 2 for 11, N.Y.
Yankees 2 for 6. GIDP: Betts, Torres. DP:
L.A. Dodgers 1, N.Y. Yankees 1.
Glasnow L, 6-5 6.0 8 5 5 1 12104 3.24
Ramirez 2.0 1 1 1 1 2 28 5.12
Gil 5.2 5 3 3 1 5 96 2.04
Ferguson W, 1-3 0.1 1 0 0 1 1 11 4.95
Weaver H, 9 2.0 1 1 1 0 1 24 2.70
Holmes S, 19 1.0 2 0 0 0 1 24 1.23
Ferguson pitched to 2 batters in the 7th.
Inherited runners: Weaver 2-2. WP:
Glasnow 2. Umpires: HP-Ceja,
1B-Gonzalez, 2B-Tichenor, 3B-Jimenez. T:
2:44. A: 48,023 (46,537).
Arizona 9, San Diego 3
Arizona....... 160 200 000 — 9 15 1
San Diego .....111 000 000 — 3 7 1
Arizona AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Carroll cf 4 2 2 0 1 0 .204
Marte 2b 4 2 1 0 1 0 .281
Pederson dh 4 1 1 2 1 2 .283
Walker 1b 5 0 2 2 0 2 .256
Gurriel Jr. lf 5 2 2 2 0 1 .247
McCarthy rf 4 1 3 2 1 0 .282
Suarez 3b 5 0 1 1 0 1 .200
Moreno c 5 0 0 0 0 0 .229
Newman ss 4 1 3 0 0 0 .266
Totals 40 9 15 9 4 6
San Diego AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Arraez 1b 5 0 0 0 0 0 .331
Tatis Jr. rf 4 1 1 1 1 0 .281
Profar lf 4 1 2 1 0 2 .325
Cronenworth 2b 3 0 1 0 1 0 .262
Solano 3b 3 1 0 0 1 1 .314
Peralta dh 3 0 1 0 0 1 .250
Merrill cf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .272
Kim ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .220 Orioles catcher Adley Rutschman hits an RBI single against the Rays in the third inning at Tropicana Field.
Campusano c 4 0 1 1 0 1 .234
E: Newman, Brito. 2B: Gurriel Jr. (12). HR:
McCarthy (3), Tatis Jr. (12), Profar (10).
RBI: Pederson 2 (23), Walker 2 (41), Gurriel
Jr. 2 (39), McCarthy 2 (15), Suarez (30), for 8, Oakland 1 for 10. GIDP: Bichette. DP: Ragans 6.0 3 1 1 1 9 107 3.08 Rutschman c 5 1 3 6 0 0 .306 position: Chicago 8 (Tauchman, Happ 2, Detroit .... 200 080 00x — 10 12 0
Tatis Jr. (34), Profar (43), Campusano Klein 0.2 4 2 2 0 0 15 6.35 Mountcastle dh 4 0 0 1 1 0 .276
Oakland 1. Zerpa 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2.16 O’Hearn 1b 5 0 0 0 0 0 .276
Busch, Bote 2, Crow-Armstrong, Amaya), Milwaukee AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
(28). CS: Newman (1). SB: Carroll (11), Toronto IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Anderson 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 14 3.70 Santander rf 5 1 1 1 0 1 .227 Cincinnati 1 (Fraley). RISP: Chicago 2 for Ortiz 3b-ss 4 0 0 0 0 3 .284
Marte (2), Merrill (9). Runners left in Francis 4.0 3 0 0 1 3 49 7.36 Stratton 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 9 5.46 Westburg 2b 5 2 3 0 0 1 .285 15, Cincinnati 1 for 3. GIDP: Morel, Hoskins dh 3 0 1 0 0 1 .235
scoring position: Arizona 5 (Pederson, McArthur 0.2 2 3 2 2 1 30 5.27 Cowser lf 5 0 2 1 0 1 .233 b-Bauers ph-p 1 0 0 0 0 0 .206
Pop 1.0 0 0 0 0 3 11 4.15
Smith 0.1 0 0 0 0 1 5 5.57 Urias 3b 3 1 0 0 1 0 .238
Swanson. DP: Cincinnati 2. Yelich lf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .324
Walker, Suarez 2, Moreno), San Diego 5 Pearson H, 3 1.0 2 1 1 0 1 11 4.62
Mullins cf 4 1 2 0 0 0 .178 Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA a-Frelick ph-rf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .256
(Arraez 2, Merrill, Kim 2). RISP: Arizona 8 Richards BS, 1 0.2 2 2 2 1 0 13 3.48 Inherited runners: Saucedo 1-1, Zerpa 1-1, Totals 40 9 13 9 3 4 Adames ss 1 0 1 0 1 0 .243
Green 1.1 0 0 0 0 2 16 2.03 Imanaga W, 6-1 6.2 5 2 2 1 7 94 1.96
for 16, San Diego 1 for 6. GIDP: Arraez. DP: Garcia W, 3-0 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 17 2.08
Smith 2-2. Umpires: HP-Randazzo, 1B-Tosi, Tampa Bay AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Leiter Jr. H, 9 1.1 0 0 0 1 2 18 3.20
c-Dunn ph-3b 1 0 0 0 0 1 .231
Sanchez c 3 1 1 0 1 1 .216
Arizona 1. Cabrera S, 1 1.0 0 1 0 0 0 8 5.25 2B-Bellino, 3B-Cuzzi. T: 3:05. A: 20,926 Diaz 1b 4 1 2 0 0 0 .250 Neris S, 9 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 13 2.63 Perkins cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .255
Arizona IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Oakland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA (37,903). Lowe 2b 4 0 1 1 0 1 .211 Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Chourio rf-lf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .217
Arozarena lf 4 0 2 1 0 1 .179 Monasterio 1b 4 0 1 1 0 0 .147
McGough 0.2 1 1 1 0 1 13 6.62 Spence 7.0 5 2 2 0 3 89 3.68 Minnesota 11, Pittsburgh 5 (10) Lowe dh 3 0 0 0 1 2 .213 Montas L, 3-5 1.1 5 4 4 3 2 55 4.55
Turang 2b 4 0 1 1 0 2 .306
Henry W, 2-2 2.1 3 2 2 2 1 46 5.58 Alexander BS, 1 1.0 1 1 1 0 0 11 3.24 DeLuca cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .169 Spiers 5.2 4 0 0 1 7 90 2.33
Ginkel 1.1 1 0 0 0 0 17 3.46 Miller 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 13 2.12 Minn. .. 300 001 000 7 — 11 13 0 Palacios rf 2 0 0 0 0 2 .250 Suter 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 11 3.86 Totals 33 2 7 2 2 11
Mantiply 1.1 0 0 0 0 1 21 3.80 Adams L, 0-2 1.0 1 3 2 3 1 30 3.63 Pitt. ...... 010 030 000 1 — 5 10 1 a-Rosario ph-rf 1 0 0 0 1 1 .296 Farmer 1.0 2 0 0 2 0 16 2.51 Detroit AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Martinez 1.1 0 0 0 1 1 16 0.39 Walls ss 3 1 0 0 1 0 .200 Perez rf 5 2 2 0 0 1 .252
Thompson 1.0 2 0 0 0 1 26 1.00 Inherited runners: Green 1-1. HBP: Varsho. Minnesota AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Inherited runners: Leiter Jr. 1-1, Spiers 2-2. Vierling cf 4 0 1 0 1 1 .276
Santana 1b 5 1 1 2 1 2 .217 Rortvedt c 4 0 1 0 0 1 .243
Jarvis 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 5 3.75 IBB: Adams (2). WP: Adams. Umpires: Caballero 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .255 HBP: Amaya. IBB: Farmer 2 (2). Umpires: Canha 1b 3 2 0 0 0 0 .233
Larnach dh 3 1 1 0 0 0 .265
San Diego IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA HP-Knight, 1B-Guccione, 2B-Morales, a-Lewis ph-dh 2 0 1 1 0 1 .353 Totals 33 2 6 2 3 11 HP-Rackley, 1B-Johnson, 2B-Valentine, Greene lf 4 1 2 1 1 0 .243
Urshela 3b 5 1 2 2 0 0 .268
Mazur L, 0-1 3.0 8 8 8 3 2 82 9.00 3B-Additon. T: 2:32. A: 11,276 (46,847). Correa ss 5 2 3 2 1 0 .265 a-struck out for Palacios in 7th. 3B-De Jesus. T: 2:49. A: 32,737 (45,814). Malloy dh 2 1 1 1 1 0 .188
Kepler rf 5 1 2 1 1 0 .258
Brito 3.0 5 1 1 0 3 45 3.60 Boston 6, Chicago White Sox 4 (10) Miranda 3b 4 0 1 1 1 0 .273 2B: Henderson (10), Westburg (12), Cleveland 6, Miami 3 McKinstry ss 4 1 1 2 0 1 .198
Kolek 2.0 2 0 0 0 1 28 5.76 Ibanez 2b 4 1 1 1 0 2 .262
Matsui 1.0 0 0 0 1 0 26 4.61 Boston.....000 111 001 2 — 6 8 3 e-Farmer pr-3b 0 1 0 0 0 0 .172 Rortvedt (5). 3B: Westburg (5), Cowser Cleveland .... 010 001 301 — 6 10 1 Rogers c 4 1 2 3 0 0 .233
CWS....... 000 300 100 0 — 4 7 1 Kirilloff lf 3 0 0 1 0 0 .209 (1), Mullins (2). HR: Rutschman (13), Miami ........... 000 110 001 — 3 5 2 Totals 35 10 12 10 3 5
Mazur pitched to 1 batter in the 4th. b-Margot ph-lf 3 1 2 1 0 0 .225 Santander (14). RBI: Rutschman 6 (49),
Inherited runners: Mantiply 1-1, Brito 1-0. Boston AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Buxton cf 5 1 0 0 0 2 .223 Cleveland AB R H BI BB SO Avg. a-grounded into a double play for Yelich
Duran lf 4 3 1 0 1 0 .263 Jeffers c 5 2 2 0 1 0 .237 Mountcastle (32), Santander (37), Cowser Kwan lf 3 1 1 0 2 0 .370 in 6th. b-flied out for Hoskins in 8th.
HBP: Peralta. Umpires: HP-Ramos, Castro 2b 2 1 0 1 1 1 .250 (27), Lowe (15), Arozarena (20). SB: Freeman cf 4 2 2 3 0 2 .222
Valdez 2b 1 0 0 0 1 0 .184 c-was hit by a pitch for Adames in 6th.
1B-Bacchus, 2B-Estabrook, 3B-Gibson. T: a-Westbrook ph-2b 2 0 0 1 0 1 .167 Totals 42 11 13 10 6 6 Mullins (13). Runners left in scoring Ramirez 3b 5 1 2 1 0 1 .275
3:01. A: 41,979 (40,019). Refsnyder rf 5 0 2 1 0 0 .336 Naylor 1b 4 0 0 0 1 2 .220 2B: Monasterio (1), Vierling (9), Greene 2
Smith 1b 1 0 0 0 1 1 .221
Pittsburgh AB R H BI BB SO Avg. position: Baltimore 3 (Mountcastle, Fry c 4 0 1 1 0 1 .333 (14). 3B: Turang (1). HR: Rogers (5). RBI:
L.A. Angels 9, Houston 7 McCutchen rf 4 1 1 0 1 3 .238
d-Cooper ph-1b 3 0 1 1 0 1 .171 Reynolds dh 4 1 1 1 1 1 .262 Santander, Urias), Tampa Bay 5 (Lowe, Hedges c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .130 Monasterio (4), Turang (24), Greene (25),
Houston .... 003 004 000 — 7 14 2 Wong dh 4 0 1 0 0 0 .329 Joe lf-1b 5 1 1 2 0 2 .263 DeLuca 2, Caballero 2). RISP: Baltimore 5 Gimenez 2b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .263
Urshela 2 (16), Malloy (2), McKinstry 2 (8),
Hamilton ss 5 2 2 1 0 2 .282 Arias dh 3 1 1 1 0 1 .215
LAA ............. 010 211 022 — 9 12 0 Cruz ss 5 0 2 1 0 0 .247 for 13, Tampa Bay 2 for 5. c-Manzardo ph-dh 1 0 1 0 0 0 .230 Ibanez (14), Rogers 3 (11). SF: Malloy.
Dalbec 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .149 Gonzales 2b 5 0 2 0 0 0 .310
Houston AB R H BI BB SO Avg. McGuire c 3 0 1 1 0 0 .220 Tellez 1b 3 1 2 0 1 0 .218 Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Schneemann rf 2 0 0 0 1 1 .385 Runners left in scoring position:
Altuve 2b 5 2 4 3 0 0 .297 Rafaela cf 4 1 0 0 0 2 .212 c-Taylor pr-cf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .200 Brennan rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .233
Totals 36 6 8 5 3 9
Rodriguez W, 7-2 5.2 2 2 2 1 6 107 3.27
Rocchio ss 4 1 1 0 0 0 .214 Milwaukee 4 (Ortiz, Chourio, Monasterio,
Bregman 3b 3 0 1 1 0 0 .237 Triolo 3b 5 0 1 1 0 0 .215 Tate H, 1 0.1 1 0 0 1 1 16 2.66
Cabbage lf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .227 Chicago AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Suwinski cf-lf 3 0 0 0 1 2 .175 Perez H, 6 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 13 3.78 Totals 35 6 10 6 4 10 Turang), Detroit 4 (Canha, Malloy,
Alvarez dh 3 0 0 0 2 0 .292 Julks lf 4 0 2 0 0 1 .288 Davis c 2 1 0 0 1 1 .150 Akin 2.0 3 0 0 1 3 36 3.73 Miami AB R H BI BB SO Avg. McKinstry 2). RISP: Milwaukee 1 for 7,
Pena ss 5 0 1 1 0 0 .300 c-Ellis pr-lf 1 1 0 0 0 1 .000 d-Grandal ph-c 1 0 0 0 0 0 .167 Chisholm Jr. cf 4 1 1 1 0 2 .249 Detroit 5 for 11. GIDP: Frelick, McKinstry.
Diaz c 5 0 1 0 0 1 .257 Lopez 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .239 Totals 38 5 10 5 5 9 De La Cruz rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .248
Meyers cf 5 0 2 0 0 2 .263 Littell L, 2-4 6.0 7 3 3 1 3100 3.63 Bell 1b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .252
DP: Milwaukee 1, Detroit 1.
Robert Jr. cf 4 0 0 0 1 2 .188
Dubon lf-3b 3 2 1 0 1 0 .297 Sheets dh 4 1 1 1 1 2 .246
a-was announced for Larnach in 6th. Cleavinger 1.0 3 2 2 0 0 16 2.03 Burger 3b 4 1 1 1 0 2 .224 Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Abreu 1b 4 2 2 1 0 0 .132 Vaughn 1b 5 1 1 0 0 2 .217 b-was announced for Kirilloff in 7th. c-ran Maton 1.0 2 4 4 2 0 30 6.56 Sanchez dh 4 0 0 0 0 1 .239 Wilson L, 3-3 4.1 6 7 7 2 4 89 4.19
McCormick rf 4 1 2 1 0 2 .214 DeJong ss 5 1 2 3 0 2 .238 for Tellez in 8th. d-was announced for Fairbanks 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 18 3.15 Edwards ss 3 1 1 0 0 1 .222 Milner 0.0 3 3 3 0 0 13 3.73
Totals 38 7 14 7 3 6 Colas rf 3 0 0 0 1 2 .200 Gordon lf 2 0 1 1 0 0 .234
Davis in 8th. e-ran for Miranda in 10th. Inherited runners: Tate 2-1. Umpires: a-Myers ph-lf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .213
Hernandez 1.2 3 0 0 0 0 27 7.15
L.A. Angels AB R H BI BB SO Avg. b-Mendick ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .218 Herget 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 12 2.08
Stefanic 2b 5 0 0 1 0 0 .167 Sosa 3b 3 0 1 0 1 2 .234 E: Joe. 2B: Santana (8), Lewis (1), Miranda HP-O’Nora, 1B-Conroy, 2B-Miller, Brujan 2b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .250 Bauers 1.0 0 0 0 1 0 18 0.00
Guillorme 2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .289 Maldonado c 4 0 0 0 0 1 .071 (10), Jeffers (15), Reynolds (15), Tellez (6). 3B-Thomas. T: 2:54. A: 20,386 (25,025). Fortes c 2 0 0 0 0 0 .169
b-Gray ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Detroit IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Rengifo 3b 4 1 2 0 0 0 .316 Totals 38 4 7 4 4 17 3B: Margot (1), Joe (1). RBI: Santana 2 (27), Washington 8, Atlanta 5 Bethancourt c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .155
Ward lf 5 0 0 0 0 2 .247 Skubal W, 8-1 6.2 5 1 1 2 10 95 1.92
Calhoun dh 3 1 2 1 1 0 .296
a-lined out for Valdez in 6th. b-lined out Lewis (4), Correa 2 (26), Kepler (22), Atlanta........ 020 000 003 — 5 8 1 Totals 32 3 5 3 0 9 Vest 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 2 3.00
b-Tucker pr-dh 0 0 0 0 0 0 .178 for Colas in 10th. c-ran for Julks in 7th. Miranda (21), Kirilloff (20), Margot (12), Wentz 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 10 6.08
Castro (17), Reynolds (35), Joe 2 (27), Cruz Washington .000 710 00x — 8 7 0 a-struck out for Gordon in 7th. b-struck
a-Adell ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .189 d-grounded out for Smith in 6th. out for Fortes in 8th. c-doubled for Arias
Englert 1.0 2 1 1 0 0 16 4.35
Pillar rf 4 3 2 0 0 1 .330 E: McGuire, Hamilton, Slaten, Soroka. 2B: (25), Triolo (20). SB: Buxton (3), Taylor (5). Atlanta AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
O’Hoppe c 5 3 4 2 0 0 .269 Albies 2b 5 0 1 0 0 0 .265 in 8th. Milner pitched to 3 batters in the 5th.
Schanuel 1b 2 0 0 2 0 2 .211 Hamilton (7), Julks (6), DeJong (11), Sosa SF: Lewis. Runners left in scoring position: Riley 3b 4 0 0 0 1 0 .230 Inherited runners: Milner 3-0, Vest 1-1.
Minnesota 8 (Correa, Kepler 2, Miranda, E: Freeman, Burger, Fortes. 2B: Ramirez
Neto ss 3 1 1 1 0 2 .247 (3). 3B: Duran (10). HR: Hamilton (3), Ozuna dh 5 0 0 0 0 2 .312
(14), Manzardo (10), De La Cruz (11), HBP: Dunn, Canha 2. Umpires:
Moniak cf 3 0 1 2 1 1 .167 DeJong (12). RBI: Westbrook (2), Kirilloff, Buxton, Jeffers 2), Pittsburgh 3 Olson 1b 4 0 1 0 1 3 .239 HP-Vondrak, 1B-Merzel, 2B-Dreckman,
Totals 35 9 12 9 2 8
(Cruz, Davis, Grandal). RISP: Minnesota 5 Duvall rf 3 1 0 0 1 1 .180 Edwards (1). HR: Freeman (6), Arias (2),
Refsnyder (15), Cooper (5), Hamilton (8), d’Arnaud c 4 1 1 0 0 0 .246 Chisholm Jr. (9), Burger (5). RBI: Freeman 3B-Rehak. T: 2:26. A: 24,077 (41,083).
a-flied out for Tucker in 9th. b-ran for McGuire (15), Sheets (28), DeJong 3 (27). for 20, Pittsburgh 4 for 9. GIDP: Reynolds, Harris II cf 4 1 2 1 0 0 .248
3 (27), Ramirez (62), Fry (29), Arias (11), N.Y. Mets 6, Philadelphia 5
Calhoun in 7th. SB: Duran (15), Wong (3), Hamilton (13), Gonzales. DP: Minnesota 2. Arcia ss 2 1 1 0 2 1 .230
E: Dubon 2. 2B: Bregman (12), Meyers (6), Kelenic lf 4 1 2 3 0 1 .265 Chisholm Jr. (31), Burger (22), Gordon NYM ............ 000 003 003 — 6 7 0
Julks (3), Sosa (1). SF: Westbrook, Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Totals 35 5 8 4 5 8 (22). SB: Ramirez (10). Runners left in
Abreu (2), McCormick (4), Pillar (6), McGuire. S: Lopez. Runners left in scoring Phila. ...........100 200 101 — 5 10 0
Ober 4.2 7 4 4 2 5 85 5.13 Washington AB R H BI BB SO Avg. scoring position: Cleveland 3 (Naylor,
O’Hoppe (8), Neto (14). HR: Altuve (10), position: Boston 3 (Hamilton 3), Chicago 8 Thielbar 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 2 5.17 Abrams ss 5 0 1 3 0 0 .245 N.Y. Mets AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
O’Hoppe (8). RBI: Altuve 3 (25), Bregman Sands 1.0 2 0 0 0 1 19 4.61 Arias, Brennan), Miami 2 (Chisholm Jr., Lindor ss 5 0 0 0 0 1 .235
(Ellis, Robert Jr., DeJong, Mendick, Sosa 2, Thomas rf 4 1 1 0 1 2 .218
Sanchez). RISP: Cleveland 3 for 8, Miami 1 Alonso 1b 3 1 0 1 1 1 .240
(30), Pena (24), Abreu (7), McCormick (9), Jax 1.0 0 0 0 1 2 24 2.30 Winker lf 1 2 0 0 3 0 .261
Maldonado 2). RISP: Boston 1 for 7, Alcala 1.0 0 0 0 2 0 17 1.89 for 7. GIDP: Ramirez, Fry. DP: Miami 2. Nimmo lf 5 1 1 1 0 3 .221
Stefanic (1), Calhoun (8), O’Hoppe 2 (28), Rosario dh 4 0 1 0 0 1 .190
Chicago 2 for 14. GIDP: Refsnyder. DP: Duran W, 1-2 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 15 4.32 Garcia Jr. 2b 4 1 2 1 0 0 .270 Martinez dh 5 0 1 2 0 2 .271
Schanuel 2 (22), Neto (24), Moniak 2 (11). Chicago 1. Staumont 1.0 1 1 0 0 0 10 0.00 Ruiz c 3 1 1 4 0 0 .202
Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Stewart rf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .183
CS: Moniak (1). SB: Meyers (5), Rengifo 2 Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Senzel 3b 2 1 0 0 2 1 .239 Carrasco 4.2 4 2 2 0 3 55 5.50 a-Bader ph-cf 1 0 0 0 1 0 .266
Boston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Herrin 0.1 0 0 0 0 1 5 1.05 Taylor cf-rf 3 1 0 0 1 2 .230
(17), O’Hoppe (1), Moniak (4). SF: Schanuel Jones 5.0 6 3 2 3 3 84 3.27 Gallo 1b 3 1 1 0 1 1 .161
Kelly 2.0 0 0 0 2 3 32 1.80 Young cf 3 1 0 0 1 2 .267 Sandlin W, 5-0 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 15 2.63 McNeil 2b 4 1 2 0 0 0 .232
2. Runners left in scoring position: Weissert 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 16 2.93 Nicolas H, 1 0.1 1 1 1 1 0 15 6.14
Totals 29 8 7 8 8 7 Hentges H, 4 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 14 3.00 Baty 3b 2 0 1 0 0 0 .229
Bruihl BS, 1 1.0 0 0 0 1 0 10 0.00 b-Vientos ph-3b 1 0 1 1 1 0 .324
Houston 6 (Alvarez, Diaz 2, Abreu 2, Slaten 2.0 1 3 1 0 3 33 2.84 Gaddis H, 14 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 11 1.72
McCormick), L.A. Angels 5 (Stefanic 2, Bernardino 1.1 4 1 1 2 2 34 1.03 Stratton 1.2 0 0 0 0 1 15 4.31 E: Olson. 2B: Abrams (12). HR: Kelenic (4), Clase 1.0 1 1 1 0 1 15 0.57 e-Iglesias pr-3b 0 1 0 0 0 0 .409
Chapman 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 13 4.24 Torrens c 3 1 1 0 1 0 .313
Ward 2, Pillar). RISP: Houston 5 for 12, L.A.
Keller 0.2 0 0 0 0 1 12 5.47
Heller L, 0-1 1.0 5 7 7 1 2 46 54.00 Ruiz (4). RBI: Harris II (20), Kelenic 3 (15), Miami IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Jansen W, 2-1 2.0 1 0 0 0 5 34 2.61 Totals 34 6 7 5 5 10
Angels 5 for 13. GIDP: Bregman, Alvarez, Abrams 3 (31), Garcia Jr. (27), Ruiz 4 (17). Rogers 5.0 2 1 1 4 5 88 5.37
Booser S, 1 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 15 3.80 Inherited runners: Thielbar 1-1, Bruihl 3-2. CS: Thomas (3). SB: Abrams (10). SF: Ruiz. Nardi BS, 5 1.0 2 1 1 0 2 15 5.18
Philadelphia AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Diaz, Pillar. DP: Houston 1, L.A. Angels 3. Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA HBP: Farmer, Buxton, Castro 2. IBB: Bruihl Puk L, 0-7 0.1 3 3 3 0 0 12 7.30
Schwarber dh 4 1 2 0 1 1 .235
Runners left in scoring position: Atlanta 4 Realmuto c 3 0 0 0 1 1 .261
Houston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Flexen 5.0 2 2 2 2 3 89 5.06 (1). WP: Jones, Nicolas, Bruihl. Umpires: (Albies 2, Duvall 2), Washington 3 Bender 0.2 0 0 0 0 1 7 5.04 c-Stubbs pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 .173
Verlander 5.0 7 4 4 0 3 101 3.95 Peralta H, 1 0.1 1 1 1 1 0 14 27.00 HP-Wills, 1B-Fairchild, 2B-Clemons, Smith 2.0 3 1 1 0 2 47 3.81 Harper 1b 3 0 1 0 2 2 .277
Anderson BS, 1 1.2 1 0 0 0 2 22 6.35 (Thomas, Young 2). RISP: Atlanta 3 for 7, Bohm 3b 3 0 1 1 2 0 .291
Martinez H, 3 0.2 0 1 0 0 2 15 2.12
Brebbia H, 7 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 16 6.08 3B-Torres. T: 3:24. A: 24,463 (38,747). Washington 4 for 8. GIDP: Young. DP: Inherited runners: Herrin 1-1. HBP:
Montero H, 8 0.1 1 0 0 0 0 8 3.04 Castellanos rf 5 1 1 0 0 1 .215
Abreu H, 14 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 26 2.97 Banks BS, 3 1.0 1 1 1 0 1 17 4.75 St. Louis 5, Colorado 1 Atlanta 1. Freeman. WP: Smith. Umpires: Sosa ss 3 1 1 1 0 0 .294
Pressly BS, 5 0.2 2 2 2 1 1 17 5.40 Soroka L, 0-7 1.0 2 2 0 0 2 24 6.07 HP-Tomlinson, 1B-Wolcott, 2B-Vanover, Merrifield lf 4 0 1 1 0 1 .177
Colorado ...... 000 000 001 — 1 5 1 Atlanta IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Hader L, 3-4 0.2 2 2 2 0 1 15 4.08 Inherited runners: Keller 2-2, Anderson 3B-Segal. T: 2:27. A: 12,850 (37,446). Wilson 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .000
St. Louis......011 201 00x — 5 10 0 Waldrep L, 0-1 3.2 4 7 7 4 1 62 17.18 d-Stott ph-2b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .242
L.A. Angels IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA 2-1. HBP: Wong. IBB: Bernardino 2 (3). WP: Bummer 0.2 3 1 1 1 1 17 3.68 Texas 7, San Francisco 2 Rojas cf 2 0 1 0 0 0 .237
Sandoval 5.2 8 5 5 3 4 99 5.23 Kelly. Umpires: HP-Blakney, 1B-Wolf, Colorado AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Chavez 1.2 0 0 0 2 3 36 1.37 SF .................001 100 000 — 2 5 0 f-Dahl ph 1 1 1 1 0 0 .667
Strickland 0.1 2 2 2 0 0 10 3.33 Blackmon dh 4 0 0 0 0 0 .254
2B-Barber, 3B-Porter. T: 3:22. A: 21,055 Tovar ss 4 1 1 0 0 0 .294
Jimenez 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 14 2.52 Pache cf 1 1 1 0 0 0 .217
Moore 1.0 2 0 0 0 0 18 5.11 Iglesias 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 8 2.22 Texas ........... 320 020 00x — 7 9 0 Totals 33 5 10 4 6 6
Garcia 1.0 2 0 0 0 1 9 4.28 (40,615). McMahon 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .263
Estevez W, 1-3 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 12 4.05 Diaz c 4 0 2 1 0 1 .305 Washington IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA San Francisco AB R H BI BB SO Avg. a-walked for Stewart in 6th. b-walked for
Seattle 6, Kansas City 5 (10) Doyle cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .269 Ramos cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .314
Inherited runners: Montero 1-0, Hader 1-1,
Herz 4.1 4 2 2 3 5 87 6.48
Bailey c 3 0 1 1 1 1 .277 Baty in 7th. c-ran for Realmuto in 9th.
Seattle 100 000 200 3 — 6 10 0 Cave lf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .232 Barnes W, 3-2 1.0 0 0 0 1 1 19 4.35
d-grounded out for W.Wilson in 8th. e-ran
Strickland 1-0. HBP: Bregman, Rengifo, a-Stallings ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .282 Garcia 1.2 1 0 0 0 0 15 4.22 Flores dh 4 0 0 0 0 1 .220
KC...........000 010 002 2 — 5 9 1 Toglia 1b 2 0 0 0 1 1 .150 Floro 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 10 1.11 Conforto lf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .255 for Vientos in 9th. f-homered for Rojas in
Pillar, Neto. IBB: Sandoval (1). WP: Pressly. Amador 2b 3 0 1 0 0 1 .333 Estrada 2b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .246
Umpires: HP-Tumpane, 1B-Mahrley,
Seattle AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Weems 0.0 3 3 3 1 0 16 7.13
Yastrzemski rf 4 1 1 1 0 2 .214
Crawford ss 5 1 2 1 0 1 .226 Jones rf 2 0 0 0 1 2 .000 Finnegan S, 18 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 11 1.73
2B-Parra, 3B-Wendelstedt. T: 3:13. A: Moore 3b-lf 4 1 1 0 1 2 .213 Totals 31 1 5 1 2 8 Wisely ss 3 0 0 0 0 0 .298 2B: Nimmo (11), Sosa (6). HR: Dahl (2). RBI:
42,703 (45,517). Rodriguez cf 5 1 2 1 0 2 .269 St. Louis AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Weems pitched to 4 batters in the 9th. Schmitt 3b 3 1 1 0 0 0 .243 Alonso (32), Nimmo (32), Martinez 2 (18),
Garver c 4 0 0 0 1 2 .176 Inherited runners: Bummer 3-0, Chavez Brooks 1b 3 0 1 0 0 0 .167 Vientos (13), Bohm (51), Sosa (18),
Winn ss 5 0 2 2 0 2 .306
Toronto 6, Oakland 4 (10) Raleigh dh 5 0 2 2 0 1 .206 Burleson dh 4 1 1 1 0 0 .273 2-2, Barnes 2-2, Finnegan 1-1. WP: Herz 2. Totals 32 2 5 2 1 9
Merrifield (8), Dahl (2). Runners left in
Haniger rf 2 1 0 0 1 1 .217 Goldschmidt 1b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .229 Texas AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Toronto . 020 000 010 3 — 6 7 0 Raley rf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .258 Umpires: HP-Fletcher, 1B-Beck, Semien 2b 3 2 1 2 0 0 .261 scoring position: N.Y. Mets 4 (Alonso,
Arenado 3b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .252
Oakland..000 001 200 1 — 4 7 0 Locklear 1b 4 1 1 1 0 1 .250 Gorman 2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .223 2B-Hanahan, 3B-Visconti. T: 2:38. A: Smith ss 2 2 1 0 2 1 .287 Martinez 2, Taylor), Philadelphia 6
Toronto AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Robles lf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .167 Carlson rf 3 1 1 0 0 1 .175 34,282 (41,380). Garcia rf 4 1 1 0 0 0 .217 (Realmuto 2, Castellanos 4). RISP: N.Y.
a-Rojas ph-3b 2 1 1 1 0 0 .270 Donovan lf 4 1 1 0 0 0 .241 Lowe 1b 3 1 1 0 1 1 .264
Horwitz 2b 4 0 1 0 1 0 .167
Bliss 2b 3 0 1 0 0 1 .217 Chicago Cubs 4, Cincinnati 2 Duran 3b 4 0 1 2 0 2 .278
Mets 3 for 10, Philadelphia 2 for 7. GIDP:
Jansen c 4 0 0 0 1 0 .264 Pages c 2 2 1 1 1 1 .091
Guerrero Jr. 1b 5 0 1 0 0 2 .292 Totals 37 6 10 6 3 12 Siani cf 3 0 1 0 0 1 .207 CHC ............310 000 000 — 4 11 0 Langford dh 4 0 2 2 0 0 .234 Bohm, Castellanos, Merrifield. DP: N.Y.
Bichette ss 4 1 0 0 0 0 .239 Kansas City AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Totals 32 5 10 4 2 6 Heim c 4 0 1 0 0 1 .246 Mets 3.
Turner dh 3 1 1 0 1 1 .233 Garcia 3b 5 0 0 0 0 0 .256
Cincinnati ....001 000 100 — 2 5 0 Jankowski lf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .242
b-Clement pr-3b 0 1 0 0 0 0 .232 Witt Jr. ss 5 0 1 0 0 1 .320
a-struck out for Cave in 9th. Chicago AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Taveras cf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .223 N.Y. Mets IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Springer rf 4 1 1 0 0 0 .203 Pasquantino 1b 5 0 1 0 0 1 .243 E: Tovar. 2B: Tovar (20), Carlson (2). HR: Tauchman rf 4 1 1 1 1 0 .261 Totals 31 7 9 6 3 8 Quintana 3.2 6 3 3 2 1 69 5.29
Varsho lf-cf 3 2 1 0 0 1 .217 Perez dh 4 0 0 0 0 3 .299 Burleson (9). RBI: Diaz (28), Winn 2 (23), Suzuki dh 5 1 3 0 0 2 .272 Young 0.2 0 0 0 1 2 14 1.13
2B: Lowe (6). 3B: Langford (3). HR: Nunez 1.2 2 1 1 0 0 27 2.70
Kiner-Falefa 3b 3 0 2 5 0 0 .275 Loftin 2b 4 1 1 0 0 0 .283 Burleson (24), Pages (5). SB: Toglia (1), Bellinger 1b 5 0 2 0 0 1 .260
Kiermaier cf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .203 Melendez lf 4 1 1 2 0 1 .165 Morel 3b 4 1 1 0 1 1 .203 Yastrzemski (7), Semien (11). RBI: Bailey Diekman 0.2 0 0 0 1 1 16 3.80
a-Schneider ph-lf 1 0 0 1 0 0 .230 Fermin c 4 2 1 0 0 2 .292 Amador (1). SF: Pages. S: Siani. Runners Happ lf 3 0 1 3 2 1 .222 (21), Yastrzemski (25), Semien 2 (37), Garrett W, 6-2 1.2 1 1 1 1 2 27 3.31
Renfroe rf 4 1 2 2 0 0 .201 left in scoring position: Colorado 3 (Tovar, Smith S, 2 0.2 1 0 0 1 0 10 2.38
Totals 33 6 7 6 3 5 Swanson ss 4 0 2 0 1 1 .226 Duran 2 (11), Langford 2 (17). SB: Semien
Isbel cf 3 0 2 1 0 0 .219 Toglia, Jones), St. Louis 4 (Burleson, Busch 2b 3 0 0 0 1 2 .242 Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Oakland AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
b-Blanco pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 .255 Bote 2b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .231
(2), Garcia (5), Langford (2), Jankowski
Toro 3b 5 0 1 2 0 2 .269
Totals 38 5 9 5 0 8 Goldschmidt, Gorman, Donovan). RISP: Crow-Armstrong cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .205 (5). Runners left in scoring position: San Walker 5.2 2 2 2 1 6 79 5.40
Bleday cf 4 0 0 1 1 0 .237 Colorado 1 for 7, St. Louis 1 for 7. GIDP: Soto BS, 1 0.0 2 1 1 1 0 12 5.40
Rooker dh 5 1 1 1 0 1 .270 a-was announced for Robles in 7th. b-ran Amaya c 3 1 1 0 0 0 .198 Francisco 2 (Flores, Yastrzemski), Texas 2 Strahm 1.0 1 0 0 1 1 29 0.69
Andujar lf 4 0 2 0 0 1 .302 Cave. DP: St. Louis 1. Totals 36 4 11 4 6 9 (Heim 2). RISP: San Francisco 1 for 4, Texas Hoffman 1.1 0 0 0 0 1 11 0.93
Cameron rf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .226
for Isbel in 10th. Cincinnati AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Alvarado L, 1-3 BS, 2 0.2 2 3 2 2 2 35 3.54
E: Isbel. 2B: Rodriguez (6), Locklear (1), Colorado IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA 4 for 9. GIDP: Garcia, Jankowski. DP: San
c-Brown ph-rf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .190 Fairchild rf-lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .232 Ruiz 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 3 1.88
Langeliers c 4 0 0 0 0 2 .197 Loftin (1). 3B: Pasquantino (2). HR: Blach L, 2-4 5.0 8 4 4 1 3 79 4.84 a-Benson ph-lf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .212 Francisco 2.
Soderstrom 1b 3 1 1 0 1 0 .193 Hartlieb 2.0 2 1 1 1 2 31 4.50 De La Cruz ss 3 0 0 0 1 0 .235 Soto pitched to 3 batters in the 6th.
Diaz 2b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .133
Crawford (6), Melendez (7), Renfroe (6). Chivilli 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 16 8.10 Candelario 1b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .234
San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Nunez pitched to 1 batter in the 7th.
Schuemann ss 3 1 0 0 0 2 .252 RBI: Crawford (18), Rodriguez (25), St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Steer dh 3 1 1 0 1 1 .239 Winn L, 3-7 4.1 6 7 7 2 7 69 6.94
Inherited runners: Young 2-2, Garrett 1-1,
Rodriguez 1.2 1 0 0 0 1 22 3.10
Totals 36 4 7 4 2 10 Raleigh 2 (35), Locklear (1), Rojas (12), Pallante W, 2-2 5.0 3 0 0 1 6 68 4.88 India 2b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .243
Rogers 1.0 1 0 0 1 0 13 2.52 Smith 2-1, Soto 2-0, Strahm 2-2, Hoffman
Melendez 2 (19), Renfroe 2 (26), Isbel (19). Liberatore 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 10 4.45 Espinal 3b 4 0 2 1 0 0 .202
a-hit a sacrifice fly for Kiermaier in 8th. Friedl cf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .220 Jackson 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 8 6.00 2-2, Ruiz 2-2. HBP: Alonso, Realmuto,
b-ran for Turner in 10th. c-struck out for CS: Rojas (3). S: Robles, Bliss, Isbel. Fernandez 1.2 0 0 0 1 1 30 2.73
Maile c 2 1 1 1 0 1 .189 Texas IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Sosa. Umpires: HP-Scheurwater, 1B-Baker,
King 1.1 2 1 1 0 1 14 1.66
Cameron in 8th. Runners left in scoring position: Seattle 4 b-Fraley ph-rf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .288 Eovaldi W, 3-2 7.0 5 2 2 1 5 90 2.68 2B-Carlson, 3B-Blaser. T: 3:27. A: 55,074
2B: Turner (12), Kiner-Falefa (7), Andujar (Garver, Raleigh, Raley, Bliss), Kansas City Inherited runners: King 1-1. HBP: Carlson. Dunn lf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .111 Leclerc 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 18 4.71
WP: Hartlieb. Umpires: HP-Carapazza, Stephenson c 1 0 0 0 0 0 .262 (55,000).
(3). HR: Rooker (13). RBI: Kiner-Falefa 5 2 (Garcia, Perez). RISP: Seattle 3 for 10, Totals 31 2 5 2 2 11
Yates 1.0 0 0 0 0 2 16 0.81

(26), Schneider (31), Toro 2 (23), Bleday Kansas City 2 for 4. 1B-Barry, 2B-Walsh, 3B-Moscoso. T: 2:15. Inherited runners: Rodriguez 2-0. HBP:
A: 40,219 (44,383). a-struck out for Fairchild in 8th. b-struck Semien. Umpires: HP-May, 1B-Bucknor,
(24), Rooker (40). CS: Kiner-Falefa (1). SB: Seattle IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
out for Maile in 7th.
Springer (8), Varsho (7). SF: Schneider. S: Kirby 7.0 5 1 1 0 4 96 3.81 Baltimore 9, Tampa Bay 2 2B-Jimenez, 3B-Iassogna. T: 2:16. A:
Munoz H, 5 1.0 0 0 0 0 1 15 1.67
2B: Suzuki (8), Happ (14), Swanson (9), 34,912 (40,518).
Kiner-Falefa, Schuemann. Runners left in Baltimore....001 101 240 — 9 13 0 Amaya (4). HR: Maile (2). RBI: Tauchman
Baumann BS, 2 1.0 2 2 2 0 3 21 3.24
scoring position: Toronto 3 (Guerrero Jr. 2, Voth H, 5 0.2 2 2 1 0 0 12 3.42 Tampa Bay ..000 002 000 — 2 6 0 (19), Happ 3 (30), Espinal (18), Maile (6). Detroit 10, Milwaukee 2
Bichette), Oakland 3 (Rooker, Saucedo 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2.81 Baltimore AB R H BI BB SO Avg. SB: Happ 2 (5). Runners left in scoring Milwaukee ...000 000 101 — 2 7 0
Soderstrom, Schuemann). RISP: Toronto 3 Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Henderson ss 4 3 2 0 1 1 .267



Strom records 6th

60 in LPGA history
Beth Ann Nichols

More than four hours after Linnea

Strom put a bow on the sixth 60 in
LPGA history, she was holding a bottle
of champagne.
Strom began Sunday at the ShopRite
LPGA Classic in a share of 52nd – tied
for last – and vaulted to the top of the
board after a spectacular 11-under per-
formance at Seaview Country Club’s
Bay Course in Galloway, New Jersey.
With a daunting clubhouse lead of 14
under, Strom enjoyed a leisurely lunch
of chicken and tortellini pasta while the
rest of the field grinded to catch her.
No one ever did.
Strom’s victory is the largest come-
from-behind win by position since Aya-
ko Okamoto won the 1987 Lady Key- Linnea Strom celebrates with the
stone Open, another 54-hole event, af- trophy after winning the ShopRite
ter the starting the day in a share of LPGA Classic on Sunday.
23rd. After losing her card following the DREW HALLOWELL/GETTY IMAGES
2021 season, Strom went back to the
Epson Tour where she won once and
earned 2022 Player of the Year honors. four of the last five holes. The 27-year-
She returned to the LPGA a more confi- old Swede got a boost mid-round when Carlos Ortiz of Torque Golf Club hits a tee shot at the first hole during the final
dent player. she chipped in for eagle on the par-5 round of LIV Golf Houston. ERIK WILLIAMS/USA TODAY SPORTS
“I mean, honestly, really did not ex- ninth. Strom said she had no idea she

Ortiz wins LIV Golf

pect this waking up today,” said Strom, was so close to a 59, and she also never
who won in her 99th start on the LPGA. once thought about winning the tour-
“This is proof that you should never nament during the round.
give up.” The Bay Course is the shortest setup
American Megan Khang was briefly
tied with Strom down the stretch at the
ShopRite but fell one back after a bogey
on No. 16. On the par-5 18th, Khang hit
on the LPGA, with Sunday’s final round
playing at 5,990 yards. Thailand’s Ar-
pichaya Yubol opened with a 61 at the
ShopRite but followed it with a 75 on
Houston by 1 shot
her second shot long and completely Day 2. Cameron Jourdan was enough to give Ortiz his first win
misjudged her third, a chip shot from Annika Sorenstam remains the only Golfweek | USA TODAY NETWORK since the Asian Tour’s International
just over the green, that rolled off the player in LPGA history to shoot 59. Series Oman in February.
other side. Strom’s 60 sets the LPGA record for Carlos Ortiz is a fan of the city of It’s Ortiz’s second professional win
“It wasn’t terrible being at the back lowest final round by an eventual win- Houston. Ortiz picked up the first LIV in the city of Houston, also capturing
of the green, but just didn’t execute my ner. The previous record was a final- Golf win of his career Sunday, shooting the PGA Tour’s 2020 Vivint Houston
chip the way I wanted to,” said Kang, round 61 posted by Inbee Park at the 5-under 67 to finish at 15 under and Open. That is his lone Tour victory.
whose birdie attempt just missed. 2014 Manulife Financial LPGA Classic. capture 2024 LIV Golf Houston by one Cleeks GC took home the team title,
Kang shot 66 and finished one back “I worked very hard for this,” said shot over Adrian Meronk. its first, at 33 under. Smash GC and
at 13 under with Japan’s Ayaka Furue Strom. “Just surreal that it’s finally Ortiz and Meronk started the day Fireballs GC tied for second at 31 under.
(65). happening.” tied for the lead, and they remained The next LIV Golf event is slated for
Strom, who made a 12-footer for Strom becomes the sixth player to tied with only four holes to go at Golf two weeks in Nashville at The Grove.
birdie on Saturday to make the cut on shoot 60 on the LPGA and the first since Club of Houston. However, on the par-5 Next week, Meronk will be among the
the number, took only 20 putts in a Jessica Korda in 2021 at the season- 15th, Ortiz made birdie while Meronk 12 LIV Golf players headed to Pinehurst
closing round that included birdies on opening Tournament of Champions. made bogey, and the two-shot swing No. 2 to compete in the 2024 U.S. Open.


Golf the one spot available into the British
Open at Royal Troon in July to the top

Els beats Stricker in Continued from Page 1NS

finisher not already qualified,
Morikawa (71) remained hot on
Scheffler’s heels, especially after he

playoff to win in Madison June in the same season? None other

than Tiger Woods, another of the faces
on the Mount Rushmore of golf, who
drilled a 32-foot birdie putt at the par-3
12th, his longest putt he had made since
the first round of the PGA Champion-
FIELD LEVEL MEDIA won the first of five Memorial titles 25 ship, a span of 202 holes, to get within
years ago. one.
Ernie Els of South Africa beat tour- Ahead of the PGA Championship Scheffler failed to answer at 12 from
nament host Steve Stricker on the first last month, Woods was asked to de- closer range, made a nervy short-range
playoff hole to capture the American scribe the tremendous run by Scheffler birdie stab at 13 and watched in disbe-
Family Insurance Championship on to become the dominant world No. 1 lief as his ball spun out on 15. Although
Sunday in Madison, Wis., Els’ second this season. “If he putts awful, then he he stepped up with the clutch par save
win in as many weeks. finishes in the top 10. If he putts decent, at 16, Scheffler left the door open for
Both Els and Stricker shot 3-under he wins. He putts great, he runs away. Morikawa to catch him by missing an
69 for their final round at University He’s just that good a ball-striker and 8-foot par putt at 17 to cut his lead in
Ridge Golf Course, but Els had to close a that good an all-around player.” half.
late deficit by birdieing Nos. 12, 13, 14 After entering the final round with a But Scheffler made an up-and-down
and 16 to catch up to Stricker. four-stroke edge, Scheffler was nursing from over the green at 18, pumping his
At the first playoff hole, a replay of a one-streak lead before he canned a right fist with gusto when his 5-foot
the par-4 18th, Stricker had a 2 1/2-foot 16-foot par putt at 16 to stretch his lead putt for the win dropped. Morikawa,
putt for par to tie the hole. But the putt to two and despite a rocky finish, he who also played in the final group with
lipped out, uncharacteristically so for held off Collin Morikawa, who closed in Scheffler at the Masters in April, had
one of the best putters on tour. 71, his fifth top-5 finish this season. seen this movie before.
Els told reporters he said “I’m sorry” Scheffler finished with a 72-hole aggre- Asked what about Scheffler’s game
to Stricker when they hugged after the gate of 8-under 280, his third Signature impresses him, Morikawa said, “Every-
playoff. event this season and fifth win in his thing. The guy could be off balance and
“I really feel for Steve missing that last eight starts, making him the first to the ball’s right down the middle of the
short putt, but I’ve done that, a lot of win five times in a season since Justin fairway. Look, his ball striking is in-
people have done that,” Els said. “He Thomas seven years ago and the first to credible. Growing up, his short game
had a great week, he’s a great guy and win five times before the U.S. Open and putting was always amazing, but
runs a great tournament.” since Tom Watson in 1980. how good he hits his irons and the con-
Els, 54, also won the Principal Char- Ernie Els holds the winner’s trophy Scheffler opened with rounds of 67- trol he has is amazing. Distance control
ity Classic last week in Des Moines, after winning the American Family 68 to claim the 36-hole lead and man- is key and it’s king and he’s got that.”
Iowa. The former World No. 1 now has Insurance Championship on the first aged to extend it by a stroke despite a Scheffler’s topped the field in
five career titles on the PGA Tour playoff hole on Sunday. triple-bogey on Saturday and three- Strokes Gained: Tee-to-Green and Ap-
Champions. STACY REVERE/GETTY IMAGES putt bogey at 18. proach-the-Green and his putter was
“You’ve got to keep going, you’ve got He signed for 71. just good enough: he ranked 42nd in
to believe that things are going to come Conditions during the final round re- Strokes Gained: putting in the final
around,” Els said. “I’ve had a great ca- feel bad giving it to him like that, but he mained tough on a sun-drenched day round and 22nd for the week in the 73-
reer. Never thought I’d be in the Hall of played well,” Stricker said. “He strung that turned greens brick hard. With a man field, lending credibility to Tiger’s
Fame, all that stuff, but all that stuff together I think three birdies on that scoring average of nearly 75, it felt a lit- assessment of his game. In the end,
came my way. But I still – when I com- back side when he had to and he kind of tle too much like the U.S. Open had Scheffler got the traditional winner’s
pete, I want to compete at the highest answered the call when he had to be- come one week early. handshake from the legendary Nick-
level. And I’m quite hard on myself, so I cause I had a three- or four-shot lead “Muirfield Village is growling at the laus that he had said before the tourna-
just thought of making putts, just a and kind of just let it slip away.” players today,” said CBS’s Trevor Im- ment that he so desired.
couple more putts and driving it better. He called Els a “great guy” he’s been melman. “It would mean a lot to me to be able
That’s really the difference between me glad to get to know over the years. As Scheffler made two bogeys on the to shake his hand and win this golf
finishing first here or finishing fifth or host, Stricker was also grateful for the front nine and just one birdie – at No. 6 tournament with all the history here
10th.” money his tournament raised for char- – as Adam Hadwin made an early move and what Mr. Nicklaus has meant to the
Stricker, 57, who dominated the tour ity. before stumbling late and finishing game.”
with six victories in 2023, has yet to win Cameron Percy of Australia finished alone in third (74). That wasn’t the only greeting Schef-
in 2024. He also missed a short putt at in third at 9 under following a 67. Doug “I had put a Band-Aid on the round fler received behind the 18th green.
his final hole of regulation to win out- Barron (66), Canada’s Stephen Ames for a long time,” said Hadwin “and the Wife Meredith and baby Bennett were
right. (67) and Denmark’s Thomas Bjorn (69) Band-Aid came off and it was carnage.” there to congratulate him on daddy’s
“He feels bad winning like that and I tied for fourth at 8 under. As a consolation prize, Hadwin did earn first win as a parent.



Power a two-time winner at Road America

Dave Kallmann
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

ELKHART LAKE, Wis. – The wait was

worth it for Will Power. Looking for his
first NTT IndyCar Series victory in a full
two years, Power made his final pit stop
later than his two Team Penske Chevro-
let mates, came out in front and held on
to win the XPEL Grand Prix at Road
America. He led the final nine laps and
finished 3.2609 seconds ahead of team-
mate Josef Newgarden.
“I felt good about today, had a very
fast car,” Power said in his NBC televi-
sion interview. “Great strategy.
“Massively special. Massively spe-
cial. We worked so hard to try to get
wins, and I worked really hard in the off-
season. The whole season last season
was very stressful (with wife Liz ill).
Had half a mind at home and half at the
track. …
“That was very, very well deserved
for the whole team.”
The 43-year-old Australian is the
2014 and 2022 champion and the win-
ner of the IndyCar Series’ first race at
4.014-mile Road America in 2016. With
his 42nd victory, Power moved into a tie
with Michael Andretti for fourth on the
all-time win list.
Despite Power’s previous success at
the track, the fresher and more vivid
memories were of a horrible 2023 race
weekend, when he got caught in a freak
crash in practice, later went off track
and wasn’t competitive.
Power had won a race in 16 straight
seasons before being shut out last year.
The victory ended a 34-race drought
since the 2022 Detroit street-course
race. The race came down to strategy.
He made the last of his pit stops on after
44 of the 55 laps, and came out ahead of Will Power celebrates after winning the XPEL Grand Prix at Road America. MARK HOFFMAN/MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL
Josef Newgarden, who’d stopped one
lap earlier, and Scott McLaughlin, who
had stopped a lap before Newgarden. onds behind, and McLaughlin third. It ished fourth. Scott Dixon, who came in IndyCar will return to Road America
Team Penske did sweep the podium was the team's first 1-2-3 since 2017. as the points leader, finished 21st and in 2025 and for an unspecified number
with Newgarden – a two-time Road Power moved into the points lead, dropped to third, 11 points out of the of years after, the track and series an-
America winner – second, 3.2609 sec- five points ahead of Alex Palou, who fin- lead. nounced Sunday morning.


Verstappen picks up
another win in Canada
Steve Keating

MONTREAL – Red Bull’s triple world

champion Max Verstappen completed
a Canadian Grand Prix hat-trick of vic-
tories on a wet, wild and tricky Sunday
at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve.
Verstappen, who started on the
front row alongside Mercedes pole sit-
ter George Russell, stayed clear of trou-
ble on a day of constantly changing
conditions, snatching the lead from
McLaren’s Lando Norris on the final pit Kyle Larson takes the checkered flag to win the NASCAR Cup Series
stops. The Dutchman then grimly hung Toyota/Save Mart 350 at Sonoma Raceway. MEG OLIPHANT/GETTY IMAGES
on to claim his sixth victory from nine
races this season and the 60th of his
Formula One career.
It was another brilliant drive from NASCAR To open the second road race of
2024 and 34th all-time at the Napa Val-
the 26-year-old who dealt with a track ley track, polesitter Joey Logano led be-
switching back-and-forth from wet to Max Verstappen celebrates with the Continued from Page 1NS fore seeing the initial yellow fly for Den-
dry, pit stop battles and challenges trophy on the podium after winning ny Hamlin after his engine expired, the
from McLaren and Mercedes while the Canadian Grand Prix at Circuit career by passing Martin Truex Jr. with first of multiple bad incidents for JGR.
wrestling with his Red Bull’s suspen- Gilles-Villeneuve in Montreal on nine laps to go after the Joe Gibbs Rac- After William Byron ran off the
sion. Sunday. GEOFF ROBINS/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ing driver had just taken the lead from course in Turn 1 and came to pit road
After Ferrari’s Carlos Sainz and Wil- Chris Buescher. Truex had recovered with tire problems, Ty Gibbs became
liams’s Alex Albon came together, from a Lap 8 spin at the beginning of JGR’s third driver to have issues when
bringing out the safety car for a second Europe back in control of both, with the series’ 16th race. In a full green-flag he smacked the Turn 1 wall on Lap 15 to
time, Verstappen pulled away on the Verstappen opening up a 56-point ad- run after Stage 2 ended on Lap 60, Lar- force the second caution period.
restart and finished 3.879 seconds vantage over Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc son pitted with 29 circuits left and used After giving up the lead to pit, Loga-
ahead of Norris, while Russell won a at the top of the drivers’ standings 13-lap fresher tires to run down no restarted 21st and was involved in
nail-biting last-laps duel with team while Red Bull moved 49 clear of Ferrari Buescher and Truex, taking advantage the third caution on Lap 19 when the
mate Lewis Hamilton to complete the for the constructors’ crown. of the latter’s mistake. spinning car of Chase Briscoe banged
podium. Both Ferraris failed to finish on Sun- “I was thankful (Buescher and into the pole winner’s No. 22 Ford and
“Not easy but we did it,” said Ver- day, with Sainz losing control of his car Truex) got racing and Martin never got had it hit again by Harrison Burton.
stappen over the team radio. “We had to on the wet track and hitting the barrier clear and I’d be stuck in third,” said Lar- Tyler Reddick beat Ryan Blaney on a
be on top of our calls and I think, as a while Leclerc retired after struggling son, who also won at Sonoma in 2021 restart and crept away from the de-
team, it went really well today. with an engine issue. and gave Hendrick its series-best fending series champion to win the 25-
“I think we pitted at the right time “I knew I had to score big so the other eighth win at the twisty track. “I was lap first stage by 0.451 seconds, his
and of course the safety car worked out teams don’t catch up a lot,” said Ver- hoping (Truex) didn’t have anyone to third segment win this season.
nicely for us but even after that I think stappen, who accounted for all the Red judge off (in the apex). I had a big run.” A melee occurred in Turn 11 on Lap 36
we were managing the gaps quite well. Bull points after Mexican team mate The last lap featured Truex running when Josh Berry blocked Erik Jones.
“I love it, that was a lot of fun. Those Sergio Perez retired. out of gas and Kyle Busch (12th-place The cars of Truex, Brad Keselowski,
kind of races you need them once in a “I do think at the end of the day as finish) getting turned by Ross Chastain Austin Dillon, Byron, Cam Waters and
while.” long as you keep winning, you score 25 while racing in the top five. Christopher Bell were involved.
The win will certainly provide a con- points, even if the others finish P2, P3, “I finally cleared (Buescher),” said On the restart, last Sunday’s winner
fidence boost at Red Bull which has re- you don’t really lose too much and can Truex, who ended up 27th. “I made a Austin Cindric, McDowell and Noah
cently seen challenges to the team’s kind of afford these one-offs.” mistake, and (Larson) was right there Gragson spun off the repaved track at
once unquestioned dominance. Mercedes head to Barcelona for the to pounce and then obviously ran out of high speed for the seventh yellow.
In the three races before Canada, next grand prix on June 23 with grow- gas so it didn’t matter.” Buescher, who had pitted earlier,
Red Bull had managed one win as the ing confidence following a stellar qual- Michael McDowell, Buescher, Chase took the lead from Reddick and claimed
battle for the drivers’ and constructors’ ifying effort that translated into third Elliott and Chastain rounded out the fi- his second stage win by beating Ryan
titles tightened. But the team returns to and fourth-place results. nal five positions. Preece.

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Colorado (Hudson 2-7) at Minnesota
MLS Emiliano Grillo .........70-78-76-69—293 (5)
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So Mi Lee ....................68-68-72—208 (-5)
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N.Y. Yankees 46 21 .687 —
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Toronto 32 33 .492 13 (Lugo 9-1), 8:10 p.m. Inter Miami CF 10 3 5 35 42 27 Nick Taylor................73-73-74-73—293 (5) Cydney Clanton...........70-68-71—209 (-4)
Tampa Bay 31 34 .477 14 Toronto (Berrios 5-4) at Milwaukee (Rea Cincinnati 10 3 3 33 23 16 Davis Thompson.......73-73-74-73—293 (5) Gianna Clemente.........68-70-71—209 (-4)
4-2), 8:10 p.m. NY City FC 9 5 2 29 24 17 Jason Day ................73-75-69-77—294 (6) Perrine Delacour..........67-70-72—209 (-4)
Central Division NY Red Bulls 8 4 5 29 29 23
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Minnesota 34 31 .523 8½ 5-4), 9:40 p.m. Philadelphia 4 4 8 20 27 23 Taylor Pendrith..........74-71-77-72—294 (6) Isi Gabsa ......................69-69-72—210 (-3)
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1-800-270-7117 for confidential Washington 8, Atlanta 5 Nick Dunlap .............70-73-70-75—288 (0) Paula Reto ..................69-69-69—207 (-6)
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help (MI), 1-800-981-0023 (PR). In Minnesota 11, Pittsburgh 5 N.Y. Liberty 82, Connecticut 75 Victor Perez .............71-74-68-75—288 (0)
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partnership with Kansas Crossing Atlanta 89, Chicago 80 Sahith Theegala.......73-71-69-75—288 (0) Minors. P Jack O’Loughlin Sent to Minors.
Casino and Hotel. Visit Detroit 10, Milwaukee 2 Sam Burns .................71-75-71-73—290 (2) Alexandra Forsterling.70-69-68—207 (-6)
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Conditions. US promotional offers Cleveland 6, Miami 3 Viktor Hovland ........69-69-77-75—290 (2) Brooke Henderson .....66-73-68—207 (-6)
Boston 6, Chicago 4 Phoenix 97, Dallas 90 (2OT) Haeji Kang....................67-70-70—207 (-6) Removed From 15-Day IL Right forearm
not available in DC, Nevada, New Minnesota 83, Seattle 64 Si Woo Kim...............72-70-73-75—290 (2) strain.
York or Ontario. Seattle 6, Kansas City 5 Rory McIlroy .............70-71-73-76—290 (2) MinJi Kang ..................69-70-68—207 (-6)
St. Louis 5, Colorado 1 L.A. Sparks 96, Las Vegas 92 Auston Kim ..................67-69-71—207 (-6) SEATTLE MARINERS — Tyler Locklear
All times Eastern Corey Conners ..........68-76-76-71—291 (3) Purchased From Minors. P Matt Bowman
L.A. Angels 9, Houston 7 Monday, June 10 Tommy Fleetwood ...69-73-73-76—291 (3) Pornanong Phatlum ...70-68-69—207 (-6)
Toronto 6, Oakland 4 Indiana at Connecticut, 7 p.m. Yu Jin Sung ..................67-68-72—207 (-6) Purchased From Minors. P Collin Snider
Byeong Hun An ........71-73-73-75—292 (4) Sent to Minors. P Levi Stoudt Designated
Lindsey Weaver ...........67-69-71—207 (-6)
MLB Arizona 9, San Diego 3
N.Y. Yankees 6, L.A. Dodgers 4
Tuesday, June 11
Washington at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m.
Akshay Bhatia ..........69-72-75-76—292 (4)
Jaravee Boonchant......67-71-70—208 (-5) for Assignment. P Eduardo Salazar
Max Homa.................71-73-72-76—292 (4) Designated for Assignment. 1B Ty France
American League Monday’s Games Minnesota at Las Vegas, 10 p.m. Alex Noren ...............70-74-75-73—292 (4) Kristen Gillman ............71-67-70—208 (-5)
L.A. Sparks at Seattle, 10 p.m. Rachel Kuehn ...............66-71-71—208 (-5) Placed on 10-Day IL Right heel fracture.
East Division Baltimore (Suarez 2-0) at Tampa Bay J.T. Poston................75-69-72-76—292 (4)


Florida stuns Clemson in 13th to reach Omaha


Michael Robertson slapped a two-

run double in the bottom of the 13th in-
ning to lift Florida to a wild 11-10 win over
No. 6 Clemson and a two-game sweep of
the Clemson (S.C.) Super Regional on
After Cam Cannarella’s three-run
home run tied the game 9-9 for Clemson
in the ninth, Alden Mathes put the Ti-
gers in front with a solo shot in the top of
the 13th. Mathes spiked his bat in cele-
bration and received a warning from an
umpire, which led to manager Erik Bak-
ich and another Clemson coach to be
ejected for arguing with the crew.
Then came Florida’s half of the in-
ning. Luke Heyman and Tyler Shelnut
singled off Ethan Darden (5-5) and were
sacrificed over to third and second. Fol-
lowing an intentional walk to load the
bases, Robertson came through on a 1-0
pitch for the Gators (34-28), who will
make their second straight trip (and
14th overall trip) to the Men’s College
World Series.
Jac Caglianone, Brody Donay and
Ashton Wilson all hit two-run home
runs for Florida. Luke McNeillie (4-6)
yielded nothing more than Mathes’
homer in 12⁄3 innings of relief.
Blake Wright and Jimmy Obertop
added homers for Clemson (44-16).

Tennessee 12, Evansville 1

Christian Moore and Dalton Bargo

each supplied two of the Volunteers’
seven home runs as they bashed their
way past the Purple Aces to win the
Knoxville Super Regional two games to
one. The Florida Gators celebrate after sophomore Michael Robertson hit a walk-off double in the bottom of the 13th inning to
Brent Widder drove in a run in the top beat Clemson in the Super Regional at Doug Kingsmore Stadium. KEN RUINARD/USA TODAY SPORTS
of the first to give Evansville (39-26)
some more reason to hope after it upset
the tournament’s top-seeded team 10-8 the best-of-three series. on seven hits and a walk in three-plus fence to give Texas A&M its ninth run of
on Saturday. But Moore answered with After NC State crushed Georgia 18-1 innings and took the loss. the inning, and a 13-8 lead.
a solo shot in the bottom half, and the on Saturday, Bulldogs designated hitter The Aggies added two more runs off a
barrage began with four more runs in Tre Phelps hit a three-run homer to cen- Texas A&M 15, Oregon 9 home run in the eighth, and Oregon only
the second inning. ter off Wolfpack starter Dominic Fritton scored on one more solo shot.
Dean Curley, Billy Amick and Cal to stake the Bulldogs (43-16) to a 5-0 Oregon blew a four-run lead in the
Stark also left the yard for Tennessee lead in the third inning. He added an RBI seventh, allowing nine runs on just two Kentucky 3, Oregon State 2
(55-12); the team’s first five were solo in the fourth when he was hit by a pitch hits, as host Texas A&M swept its Super
shots before Amick hit a two-run shot with the bases loaded. Regional. Kentucky center fielder Nolan Mc-
and Stark drove in three in the fifth. Fernando Gonzalez went 3-for-5 with The Ducks led 8-4 in the seventh in- Carthy capitalized on Oregon State
Starter Zander Sechrist (4-1) scattered a run and an RBI for Georgia. Corey Col- ning, but reliever Brock Moore let the pitcher Nelson Keljo falling asleep at the
six hits and one unearned run while lins and Slate Alford each added two Aggies (49-13, 19-11 SEC) load the bases wheel after a wild pitch in the top of the
striking out six in 61⁄3 innings, while Ev- hits, including a home run, and two thanks to two walks and a single to open seventh inning. McCarthy scored from
ansville starter Kevin Reed (5-3) was RBIs, while Paul Toetz was 2-for-5 with the inning. second base for the go-ahead — and
dinged for five runs on four hits in 11⁄3. a solo homer. Four more free passes tied the game, NCAA Tournament Super Regional-
NC State (37-21) was led by Jacob Co- with three walks and a hit batter scoring clinching — run to give the Wildcats a
Georgia 11, zart, who was 2-for-3 with a home run four runs for the home team. After Jax- victory in a game that ended after mid-
North Carolina State 2 and an RBI. Brandon Butterworth added son Jordan, making his first appearance night Monday at Kentucky Proud Park.
two hits. in nearly a month on the mound, walked Coupled with its 10-0 win in Game 1,
The host Bulldogs had 15 hits, includ- Georgia right-hander Leighton Finley another batter to give A&M the lead, the Kentucky (45-14) sealed a sweep of the
ing four home runs, to turn the tables on (6-1) allowed one run on eight hits and unthinkable happened. super regional, moving on to Omaha,
the Wolfpack and tie the Athens (Ga.) two walks in 6 2/3 innings. He struck Facing a 2-2 count, Kaeden Kent Nebraska, where the MCWS begins Fri-
Super Regional at one game apiece in out five. Fritton (3-6) gave up seven runs mashed a grand slam over the outfield day.

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