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Well known as "The very generous city", is a city in

the Callejón de Huaylas valley in the north of Peru. It
is the capital of the region of Ancash, its climate is
characterized by days sunny and cold nights.

Tourist places
Llanganuco Lagoon
The Cordillera Blanca and the Huascarán National Park are known for the incomparable
beauty of the Llanganuco creek. This broken is sheltering giant glacial peaks that feed
with their crystalline waters the Chinancocha lagoons, this lagoon has beautiful quenual
trees that are surrounding.

Yungay Holy Field

Yungay, once one of the most beautiful cities in Peru, was involved in one of the most
impressive tragedies in history.
Base of the Snowy Pastoruri
The base of Nevado Pastoruri has one of the fastest retreating glaciers in Peru. It is
common that the guides are constantly commenting on how not so long ago the glacier
was much larger.

Churup Lagoon
The lagoon with the easiest access from Huaraz, but it is not the least impressive for that.
It has shades that go from deep blue to emerald, a range of colors protected by the
spectacular mountains around it.

Laguna Paron
The largest lagoon in the Cordillera Blanca. This beautiful lagoon is also very popular
with climbers looking to acclimatize before an expedition to higher altitudes.
Caraz "Dulzura" is obviously famous for the exquisite sweets it produces. And it is that
a visit to the city will necessarily involve trying its delicious white delicacy.

Chavín de Huántar
Chavín de Huántar was an archaeological complex built by the Chavín culture more
than 2,200 years ago. It is the most important in the department of Ancash, in the
central zone of Peru. This great architectural work had two temples, of which some of
its parts are still being preserved and in which you will find a mysterious network of
labyrinths to lose yourself and feel like a true explorer.
In Ancient Peru, the dance of the wankas (a sacred stone) was presented in certain
ceremonial centers. Currently these are being carried out during the feast of Our Lady of
Mercedes de Carhuaz. The celebrations would be starting on September 24 and ending
on October 3.

The blacks
The origins of this dance would be going back to colonial times, when black slaves were
temporarily freed around Christmas. These were organized by the priests to visit
churches and demonstrate their veneration to God through songs and dances. In
exchange, they were given food and drink.

Huaridanza is another of the typical dances of Ancash that is always enjoying great
popularity. It is believed that this dance arrived in the Huari province from Pomabamba
at the beginning of the 20th century.
The antihuanquillas
The antihuanquillas joins the typical dances of Ancash that are usually practiced during
the festival of Our Lady of Mercedes.

Pachamanca is a typical Peruvian dish that forms part of the Cultural Heritage of the
Nation along with other avocados. This emblematic dish usually consists of three
meats: mutton, chicken and pork, which according to tradition are cooked in a hole in
the ground.

Spicy guinea pig

Guinea pig meat is one of the healthiest meats. This meat is highly appreciated,
especially in the highlands of Peru, and is the main ingredient in many recipes. Lose
the fear of new flavors on your next trip to Huaraz and enjoy a tasty spicy Cuy.
Like many of the typical dishes of the country, charqui is an ancient dish. The charqui
is dried meat, in Huaraz it is made using pork, although it is also possible to eat
charqui of other types of meat.

Pecan Broth
In the Ancash region this dish is consumed very early. This typical dish is made with
lamb's head and tripe. The dish is ideal to be consumed when you feel that you have
been losing energy, since it is also called “dead rises”.

Patasca is a traditional soup from the Andean region of Peru. It is prepared in a
different way, since, unlike other places, tripe is not used for cooking.

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