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Drudging A nhàm chán

Lúc ban đầu như nào và lúc sau như nào
Describe a time when you helped someone
I have helped a lot of people around me when i was a little child, my mom always teach me help the
miserable people but I encounter the situation that i have never forgot. That is a almost drowning person that make
me feel unbelievable
You know, i played at water park with my family and acquaintances at this time i played in the the water pool
with 2 meter depth . when i was swimming and chilling with the line of water, I came across/ ran into a boy. The
first time, i saw him i think he is chilling but suddenly i realize some unusual features/details(specific information)
so i come closer to that boy to check out. And I notice that he is fainting that startle me make me feel
panic/surprise/scare because the face is fade and the breath is really weak, therefore i need to calm down to rescue
him from the death . i try to manipulate my strength to pull up him on the side and i call for help beside that/ by
this time/simultaneously/at the same time i need push the water out for him to breath easily fortunately depend on
the support of experienced people, he has step out of the death
That is a unforgettable memory and i think i feel like helpful person and i have been appraised by many
people. And i get a some gifts from his parent for saving him. Also i get compliment/admiration from my parent

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