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(Lewis Carroll)
1 Curious Adj Tò mò
2 Nonsense Noun Lời nói vô lý, vô nghĩa
3 Ceiling Noun Trần nhà
4 Plate Noun Đĩa, bản, tấm kim loại
5 Caterpillar Noun Sâu bướm
6 Pipe Noun Đường ống
7 Grin Noun, Verb Cười toe toét
8 Croquet Noun Bóng vồ
9 Mad Adj Điên rồ
10 Vanish Verb Tan biến, biến mất
11 Dormouse Noun Chuột sóc
12 Crossly Adv Cáu kỉnh, gắt gỏng
13 Hatter Noun Người làm/ bán mũ
14 Hare Noun Thỏ rừng
15 Shake – shook Verb Rung, lắc
16 Pour Verb Rót, đổ
17 Flat Adv Bằng, phẳng
18 Pack Noun Bó, gói, bầy, đàn, đội
19 Soldier Noun Người lính, quân nhân
20 Knave of Hearts Cơ Hiệp
21 Duchess Noun Nữ công tước
22 Execution Noun Sự chấp hành
23 Hedgehog Noun Nhím
24 Mallet Noun Cái vồ
25 Hoop Noun Vòng
26 Neck Noun Cổ
27 Flamingo Noun Chim hồng hạc
28 Argue Verb Tranh cãi
29 Fight Verb Đấu tranh, chiến đấu
30 Mock Adj Giả, bắt chước
31 Throne Noun Ngai vàng
32 Witness Noun Bằng chứng, nhân chứng
33 Jury Noun Ban hội thẩm, hội thẩm đoàn
34 Shaking Noun Sự lắc, giũ
35 Evidence Noun Bằng chứng
36 Majesty Noun Vẻ uy nghi, oai nghiêm
37 Pence Noun Đồng xu
38 Scream Noun Tiếng thét
Verb Gào, thét
39 Leaves Noun Lá (cây)
40 Gloves Noun Găng tay
41 Glossary Noun Bảng chú giải
42 Trial Noun Sự thử nghiệm
43 Hole Noun Lỗ, hố
44 Illustration Noun Minh họa
45 Rugby Noun Môn bóng bầu dục
46 Verse Noun Thơ
47 Adapt Verb Tra, lắp vào, mô phỏng theo
48 Elementary Adj Sơ cấp
49 Leg Noun Chân
50 Whisk Verb Vụt, đập vút vút, vẫy (đuôi)..


The story ”Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland'' written by Lewis Carroll , tells

about Alice, a girl from the 19th century, who accidentally falls into a rabbit
hole and starts an adventure in Wonderland. During this journey, she
encounters various peculiar characters and experiences many humorous
and strange situations. She meets the White Rabbit and follows it and falls
into the rabbit hole it entered, which leads her to Wonderland. Then she
meets Cheshire Cat with a "C"-shaped smile that can appear and
disappear. This cat often grins and converses with Alice about her journey.
Later, when passing through the garden, she meets and has a
conversation with a large caterpillar smoking a cigar, and the caterpillar
shows her using mushrooms to change her size, either to grow taller or
shorter. Then she meets the Duchess and the Fish-Boy that is
accompanied by the ever-grinning Cheshire Cat. The Duchess asks Alice
to take care of her baby, as she has been invited to play croquet with the
Queen. Alice agrees, but the baby turns out to look like a pig. Eventually,
the baby becomes a pig, Alice puts it down and it runs quietly away on its
four legs into the woods. She meets the Mad Hatter, encounters the Mad
Hatter and joins his mad tea party with the March Hare and the Dormouse.
They have a mad conversation, and Alice learns that time is still at six
o'clock in Wonderland. Perhaps meeting the Queen and King is an equally
crazy meets: Alice arrives in a garden filled with white roses and meets
gardeners, followed by a procession of playing card soldiers, and
eventually, the Queen and King. The Queen is eccentric and quick-
tempered, often issuing orders to cut someone’s head for absurd reasons,
including a game of croquet using a hedgehog as a ball and flamingos as
mallets. Following the croquet match, Alice is brought before the court and
has to testify in a peculiar trial with a jury consisting of animals and birds.
However, before the trial's outcome is revealed, Alice wakes up and
everything seems to be a dream. Then she told her sister about her strange

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