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Midterm test

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1 My sister ____________________________ her homework at night. (usually/do)

2 They ____________________________ soccer on Mondays. (hardly ever/play)
3 Be quiet! I ____________________________ for my maths test. (study)
4 He ____________________________ angry. Everybody likes the way he deals with
problems. (be/rarely)
5 Where ____________________________ yesterday? (she/go)
6 ____________________________ (they/have) dinner with us tonight?

2 Complete the email with the correct alternative, a) b) or c).

1 2
Hi Anderson. What c you doing tomorrow? Nelissa and Camila to
3 4
Farroupilha! Camila wants to the cinema we’re going to Caxias first.
5 6
Then I of taking them to Yoodai to have a snack. We there in June –
do you remember? Nelissa absolutely loves Japanese food but I 7 sure if Camila
is keen it. After that, Camila wants to go to Vales dos Vinhedos. I 9 mind
going there but I 10 you hate to go there! I’m not sure what we 11 do on the
Peter xoxo

1 a) do b) is c) are
2 a) comes b) are coming c) come
3 a) to go b) go c) to going
4 a) but b) because c) so
5 a) think b) ’m thinking c) are thinking
6 a) was b) go c) went
7 a) ’m not b) don’t c) am
8 a) at b) on c) of
9 a) do b) am c) don’t
10 a) don’t know b) am knowing c) know
11 a) are going b) are going to c) go to
3 Underline the correct alternative.

1 Did you have / go a good evening out?

2 How many days a week do you get / spend with your family?
3 People have / work time off during summer.
4 He’s very good at dealing / risking with the company’s problems.
5 Please don’t talk / speak about politics here.
6 She should stop playing soccer. She’s spending / risking her health, because she
has already had lots of injuries.
7 Do you get on / by well with your mother?
8 Let’s have / get tickets for the show at the CD’s store.
9 Do you have time to take / have a quick conversation?

4Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words.

bonus jokes gossiping

play proposed salary saying
speak talked telling

1 My mom is terrible at __________ stories.

2 Do you want to soccer with me?
3 That company pays its employees a much better .
4 He to her when they were in Paris. They’re getting married in June.
5 Last night we about our science project.
6 I don’t like Sandra. She’s always about me.
7 My boss gave me a at Christmas, because I was an excellent employee.

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