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Introduction Me history of Muslin-Byzanine relations begins with the in pein of Islam in the Srsvseventhcentry and contnacs othe {allot the Byzantine empire in AD. 1453. From the ery days of IIB pansion, whch came only decodes fer the eveltion Bfshe ne fait, te Islamic community was in a state of enmity iyith Byznntum. After the collapse ofthe Persian empize in the Fisiseveth century, the Byrantine sate remained the primary over dat vas capable of opposing the nascent Islamic commu BiPAMilien exprcitons agnnst Byanntinetersitory wert stake ona replar basis, sd the early shirmishes between I Jim and_Byesntiom, the unsuccessful Muslim attempts to faprure Constantinople, and che establishment of defined feo fiers beren the two powers al served to fx Byzantiam asl Tas piacpal enemy. Hence, although the cari caliphate ex Dpanded © the east, west, and north, the Byzantine Frontier Teste the consent focus of Arab atetin, This conflict nese ‘arly directed the orientation of the medieval Arabi=lamie ours, and in many instances, military and political affairs Aominated the major chronises and historical works. For in Hance, the Muslim chronicle al Tabard. 310/923) lees athe fd of each years annals che raids on Byzantine tercitry that ‘Were cated out bythe Muslins 2 Byeantiom Viewed by the Arabs This preoccupation with warfare between the two empires ul timately Ted to distorted overview of Muslin Byzantine rl tions for there wae alo less adversail side to the elations between Byzantiam and the Maslin. Treaties wee frequently signed the frontiers were moe or le table for long periods, and campaigning across the fontir eventually stsined rial ‘wal. Paradosiclly the permanent state of wae did not dis: ‘courage peaceful contacts which arose in a vadety of con teatothvough consowous commercial relation the exchange ‘of embassies, the internment and ransom cf prisoners of wa the deportation of conquered urban populations, the move ‘ments f traitors and exes, the Byzantine women kept as harem slaves the conclision of traces, the elations beeween the faster pauarchates and the patriarch of Constantinople, and pileimages to the Holy Land. In alton, a fw Byzaatine fempeross, such at Lao’ VI fe 4.0. 886-912) and Alexander (cap. 912-913), had Muslin advisers, jose at Muslin caliphs vsed Christan and sometimes Byzantine civil servants sd counselors! "The Frontier was bare but alo a poine of contact If ac cording o Blam egal theory a sate of war exists between dar ‘atisio (extitory of lam) and dir abo (terrcory of war), brief spans of peace are possible whether bya peace treaty or by an aman (safeconduct, which helps to explain the ease ith ‘which Mastins and non’ Meslims crossed frontiers? Thus, ac Jaen of Byzantium might oben permission to take up residence in Muslim tezicory to engage in commerce. Silty, by the fourthtenth century, Muslim merchants were exablished in ‘Trebizond in some towns in Bithynia, and even in the Byzantine Mat Kasbbf on boat gus ear the msi Spore Meaty a-Zamakic (. SONi 449) lod Weiter cn te edtionlreaing by revering the forms ofthe Spee is incr oth the Ri ee victoios and Dirty nur, wil b eed bythe Make afer ony febjeat ab lyn 2457344) inchsthe arn cea Hig ol nr sa sir explant, er nea Be tae Masten wil ium ove the’ Ram. Alay SP tess1286, whorls on a-Zaaktsry alo nce the Sits ceatine nis iaou commentary wring “tha been BBE pais, yghabantometn a the i were vo ies ove ibe cuntyie of af Sm and the Mesis wil then. che rh yar che Modine invaded and Eomeresome atti lnde Hinde arian lon fie the wadiondierprenon,wihou any further discs Shon asco vray, ras theo interpretations he tad onl end ee rd have equal weigh rom the fidccvah vo the vnc conus, ees weal thn re expen es na [enor to circumvent he jbiston of he beer A amashat poposes tht the contnsus warfare betwen the Tyanines andthe. Persins would weaken they wile ftewsheiog Many hence, the joy ofthe televers. The Salt this Kam ak shay! 4871072) acre othe tnd foal reading br batt to qualify i neve by ying thet “the Maslns roped forthe victory of the Ra ove the Persians, eventhough nbc unes them” Norther the 2 yeti Viewed by the Arabs ‘Ram are somewhat superior, since they have singled outa nun ber of prophes for ther devotion. For al uri (d. 67 1272), the believer’ joy could merely be the contequence of ‘Maslin preference forthe victory of & weaker eaeny ‘ver one that is more threatening, For alFakhral- Raa (4.609) 1209), eer oy i uniquely connected to the Muslin. victory lover the poytheists a Bade" “This new tne of explanation reflects the emergence of two ‘ardinal ferences in relation to eaves thought. Fist the Byzantines are now characterized as poytheits despite thei tial and wadtional depiction sb monotheiss Second, the jbl tion of te blevers no longer stems fom a foreknowledge of Byzantine vietory. In commentariss dating from the sacl ‘welt century onward the "ejicing® is explained bya come bination of easons: because the poythit (that the Persian the Byzantines) were battling one another because the Mas lms were victorious over their enemien because the Byzantine victory coincided with a Musi victory or because the victory, predicted hy the Prophet, testified to his truthflnes. Some of ‘hese poins appear on Abi ayn ist of explanations forthe joy of the betvers, which inles the victory ofthe Ron over the Persians, the verry ofthe Musime oer their ene the victory as evidence foe the Prophet's veracity, andthe Hklihood thatthe ewo oppressors would annihilate exch other. Mubat mad al Nays (€. 50/1185) gives the following reasons fox the believers jubilation: ist, ee vcr confms the Prophets ‘promise second, the weaknes of Petia strengthens the Arabs, thie, the Persians are not abl aka, whereas the Rim are Christians and havea gospel, and finaly al-Baydaw explains the *rejoicing” in terms of the victory of monotheists ove polthests, the confirmation of Mason wathflness and as 4 eve to seengien Maslin bei in he eligion.” “Thos lists clearly represent attempts to depreciate the tad tional explanation of the believers joy, an explanation that, ‘ended o emphasize the shared monotheism ofthe Maslns and The Encounter with Byzantion Fann At ths poi nine, a onl hat had once Mia wctlog snow only on aso among *h in emphasis has taken place whereby even. ses ve comply gore thes ht ti Tm umn favo of explants ta oes excliely Sin arian the conten een he seve falliment ofthe Prophets predhon Is given added vious: Queenie expr adopted interpretations tre to Bynum the ene brane ince Flin wn sdvemcilriacoshp with the Mamie wate. Be Abd atin a Zamakhshar, aura, Aba Hay Pingu tne provide more cabot nd contre expe Rober thecal complinetcy mage of Batam pening veo ee Ri. The pominncr that he Min ening ce 10 shire nthe atonal comments Drain) mst liked to there dates poston Tiley tne Mose dig te foward ith cere is when the Min community was divided and weak Brow that h vain eading rer ting Oaisomy the aionally more scp eagle apo ide by side with x Woking whey were wtin 9 Belton th cones stated the waditona reding fd inrpeaon, deed, een though the india shar evi seport or empaine «prtularinerpetatin as a Biol te hiv cecum of bi tne or singly Per Vntnaon rcfisting the prevalent Jominn eso tse, wasn» cottnnews dog wit the eon Besse ofthis nenchd don, te exec Weetare Bok cenees to rn te ysis ico sn ene. tn ther “alemergedealec In any event, the earlier exegetical traditions Ac the Byzantines as monothats and by extension, as pale _ illalies Upholding monotheism adits practiioners was a at this early stage, forthe Islamic wma, Bye Viewed by the Arabs EARLY CONTACTS: BYZANTINE MILITARY LEADERS Miltary escomners agrinst the Byzstins ightene he Arabs consciousness of ethnic unity and brought them face face witha formidable enemy. These encounters andthe hoped defeating the Byzantines wete the subject of Umayyad pony such a the following verse bythe poet Jari in praise of ie ‘Umayyad pence Miya b. Hisham ‘Onthe day when history browght he eck th Ri ner yoke, (Gadi tal who Fein lowland aight? In spite ofan increased sense of separation, the Arabs speci aMfnky with the Byzantines ate reflected in the verse of eae tribal poe: Though you hat uy, yet the Rw ate your sess, And the Ri bet no ated om the Ae (One Musi tation promised Mubamnads followers the conquest of Syria, ating "Thave been given the keys of Syria However, an awarenes of the primary obstacle—tyzatie strength—is reflected ina number of traditions, such a the one atributed to a Companion of the Prophet, n which he ask “Bur how can we possibly gain Syca wil it has the home! Byzantines wel established in 42” One contemporary i sup pose to have ssh "Does Mubarmad think that fighting the Bani al-Afar is chld play? Bat the Muslims rapid congue. ‘of Syria proved the rations co be creet and brought the con: ‘querors face to face with Byzantiums leaders, Byzantine behavior in yea was the subject of sharp criticism in the Muslim texts, which contain specie accusations of ‘wrongdoing. The word most often ured in sich discussions hn, which, as wsed inthe Qua, may be broadly defied “misdeed” Late, its usage becomes increasingly speciale 8 ietakes ona stronger comottion of injustice and oppression. “The Encounter with Byzantiam I ee see dtm, home enti me eh ey [government in Syria a an prot in the: Om pet i od oe eee “function was the administeation of justice under the is, the sub ofthe Byzantine government in Syria provides forthe righteousness ofthe new community. Indeed, the tants of Fil bunny say as meh othe Maslin: "You are ster governor,” The defeated Byzantine armies leaving Fb] cf ths assent they sty that, unlic the Muslin they Uae guilty of deception and itlerancs. Moreover, “we dink Byeanti Viewed by the Arabs wine and commie laf ees [bar we evoke ga, tnd we ace unum.” The Dyesone defen io Dlhine! by means of» poplie view that saw the Ausbead Serament of God's punishment Sinfalness provides the ‘heap explanation forthe Byeantine debut Cis of the coupe Byzantine Elite prepared the for is replacement by n now selligheous religous te Musim sources inclade whole ciltion of top i to ses the pity ofthe Muslim protagonists in coma thee Byron predeeson One uch proape sound ‘ham al Kf andi a: Tab ‘ese te Masi are monks cringe ight od abi daring he dy eg eel they hve hand a ‘if angone commits aaron. Fe res ag _mswered IT i oe fn he anger ofthe rest King weal 2k ther for peice 50 that Lay be saved ad eet the a Ashe Maslin authors assessed adjudged the basic con differences been two poi ideologies--namel hee “Maslin caliphate and Byzancin kingshipthe isaprobatn was not limited to specie acts of injustice. Instendy they tended ther comparison to lace the men-—dhe Maslin ea liphs and the Byzantine emperore—as wll a their ofeey, ways 0 the dewiment of Byzanviam. Mu'idh b, Jabal vas stitial ofthe hierarchical organization ofthe Byzantine pone structure and also ofthe elaborate cermovial tha distanced ‘les from the population. He emphasized that a sease offi tice was a prerequisite for legate role while its ab disqualified any ruler Mu'Adh tld he Byzanines you kings Hero, oe kings Go... and ow ar so mong ws whom we con ony if he es acon ot Book and 0 che sme of exe probe, pace be on hin, Othe ‘wis we remove hin be the am] hi end ah omits dlr, he Hoged nd he cis commonest ” tkzing the Byzantine emperors and governors Petia er dane meson, Mees msc. Byunin rl in sop sachs ened rg oad fe: pod, Une he stn co Hie beprond vb spread as sop Balsa oy eer sin, The Men i ak Wat (21600 tol ee yamine Got, wie molecu pines man oot see him as having greater meri han any hil denying and condenining the reprehensible Byzantine leader, she autho of ou texts also ind attitdesroward justice and goverment. Thus, the BP tin’ Lrg endenci. The Mona Ethie oa ci clement in the source of sable rule Bke unjust and corrupe Byzantine leaders in a catcgory fl fm ise Mun cue. Rly would wines the cto ofthe my af ata the gold ag of lam, with og, is ofthe words ofthe Byzantine retreting From Fi. AL-Aadi, who was the source for ecount, clewhere describes the disordediness of the yzantiun View by the Arabs ee Prmtane pees nbs calcio ers Saag a Chenin aidnsioe! bona tncreens em sew and dnp ecnplinoeconan al {ie teha ef nmin Heres acd oon al jase ones wes pel oe ae eal Ie sod fae fd as hn ea aT ‘ym aos pepe by Dyes ene sonra iain lope car a we Consmands ofthe Byanto arcs in Sr. Ven waste iS ten sete yt omporncr sf tn a all ‘sig Hn net tc eens al poe jas bec al of hs conrad more epee ieee oe apa How sang and odd! Why do the moustsns nt cle, wy docs these ot burt ot, why dos the ann vais sed why docs the sky noe shader a eh sn which you have pepe "A for te Ise that am nna your ded * ‘The Arab authors make a clea distinction between th noble and righteous conduct of Vaan and that ofthe other Byeaning tiltaty leader at once ruthless and unjust. Vahan is depicted san honest man honed atthe actions of is officers he was them that they believe ina God tae protect and gives juste to the oppresed, they may be suce of punishment, Distacig himself rom such behavior, Vaan declared himself anocen theircrimes* Vahans exemplary conduct and moral superiority found resonance ata higher evel ofthe Byzantine hierar. a lester to Vahan, the emperor Heralvs dele that the Maslin ‘tory was die to the shamefl deeds and injustice that taken plice under Byzantine rule. Hon A'ham eats the insta tions cha Heractis spposedly gave to General Vaan to por fm his fotare behavior You shold jst and empatonae towed your Knsnen Honor the emineat, yet donot dissin the conn people, You “he Bacounter wit Byzontivm nda brother al ofthe. You have en | tla sg liable Bk the win song ther Fentro ou with ert tnained, so beware af daobeyig me ad Ling te his of your sou for thi wuld bethe «fos compassion a jutc s manifest self serving, nga docs he contrat Beeween the Ua bear panting a che rect Acummandments and consulted their sages Ii also fT benase Hereclvs x clearly not implicated inthe ial treacherous following ashe extizes the defects egime, The instrctionsatibuted to him place him erel as conscientious leader enjoining hi goreals Pprale with vigilance and janice. There elerences tothe en iether unique noe frtitous, for Heralas enjoyed a following the rvale against Emperor Phocas (e602 TID), while the Persians were menacing the empice from the Si AlTabaet relates the story of Heracles accession to foterand his subsequent riumph over the Persians in this way i kil per hoc becuse of what they sof is oaliy is insatencerowaed God, and his bad admins ot The ele in with aman ane Heracl, why extent of th destin altel by the Pein sles and tie rnb of poner and the Booty they took ried and Byeamtion Viewed by the Arabs implore God ose hi ase his pope fom he Pa soldiers A-Taburt also deserbes the dreams that Hraclas had predict is ature vitory over the Persians nhs fied Feralas saw a great man sting on an exalted seat A rman entered th room and removed the fist man from hse telling Heracis: “Ihave delivered him to you.” Herat ‘ot tel anyone of his dream but later had a similar dea ‘which the second man threw a chain around the neck of Seated man and old Heraclvs: have delivered to CChoseoes himself so go and defeat him for victory your ter repeatedly dreaming these same dreams, Heat aay consulted with his patrician and advisors who urged hin march agains the Persians. He did and wae victorious. A ‘Maud els a similar story bu emphasizes Hac oe Phocas’s deposition: Herat... was rom Suonca and xn ver f0Contatnpl ly swith provisions wl they were sige. Hi courage parent alte people of Cavstataaple loved hin He we Are with the uci and the iat people renin ‘hem of Phocars ad eee 8 wl the vetoy of the Pei ‘ore the, beens of is nompeence and hi abet pols aad Iiseting about for blood an he kd them kill a aa AL-Tabar inches the fllowing story, in which Aba Satya b Hath ells eing Heals after success ove the Persians 1 wea with nurber of Qaraysh merchants to Sy... West ied hee fo the sine when Heras jo eet te er Sins and diem them ou fis etry, espana then his Gist Cross, which the Pesan ad pled rac then came out fom Hin, which wat his hearer aad walk on ot. oder t pray in the Hay Cy. Carpets wt Seca for hin, sd aromatic erb were how othe espe (Once he each Ih, Heals payed opter wih the bls tthe Rin ‘he Encounter with Bye —/— ee Bae ingen he cinch of cone oo and thus found its way into Muslim Disparity toc inghf ety comms Ips on py. Dt ahough hs cpa onthe Betas wien, pthope nore import Pte arta wih th Quran. One ounce me Be Prot vo Cah Una. sikhsah ave Bie tohin ccs sisting he clgh whether ia Pied Vir May The ec thc Heals was atone nan of srt Maron: "Bad te Tnowledge of the Quean were but a few of sinitabl guaies. For instance, al-Tabatsepeas fof Hereclas ascribed to AO Sufyn: “Ihave never ‘whom T consider more shrewd than this us tiesto the strong tradition upholding the wisdom of ine emperor. Indeed, this radition is reterated, much pby the eight/fourrenth century historian and exeget, hie 74/1373), who praises Emperor Hac po- men in the highest terms: *Hleracius was one of the ed of kings. He rled the Byzantines with great ead and splendor Ibn Kathir embers his description of us ih the context of the afocesid Byzantine Persian ts by emphasizing the great popularity that Herclvs en clamona his peopl.” 37 God Tam ocit is wnmiseakabl, asin these words ina town where there x nothing good.” Following the Byzaines’ major defeat by the Musim armies at Yar, in 636, Heraclius is quoted as sayings "I knew that they wece a Byanti Viewed by the Arab soingo defeat you bene thy Ihe Arab Mastin opel 28 much a8 you love lif” But earlier inthe same ene al Hondas formal a owtsonrar yeaa ands ofthe Msn, be made to skh general “Ae people not human like you? Are you not more numero Feralas is subsequently described as emphasizing the Mg ln sldargy andthe patience hat oly am could gre He paints ptr of he Mess asa pople who ave ing the ight and at ving te day. They keep prea crow hed whe print hl, od ne antier wth uric and equi The inner cone impcaton that he Byzantines have the oppose hate tes and are lacing in these vituous quale Sie Herat hinselfconszenty ric te defects of he tins and sanctions the behavior and achievements of the ing coramuiy in Arabia. The Ms communi had Bled out bythe Bautne emperor a2 duit coneuiy {unig veton. nine with the Sunn dct that ral developed and guna preceience inthe amie erly vocation cons the view that he wa, he sor coma rig ie bsd on th sha and eae it stra! developmen inl guided.” eral as presented bythete sources, has al of he ei ues ofthe idea role Hi lest pesee characte fa toe of authori piety, seme of fuse, widom, elgg Imagnaniniy, and courage al prota bim aa ota fovercign whose opis andpronounments approche iy Thi chrateraion i cnental tothe ok sed Hers in the Arabic sani sources namely acknowl ing the te ath peice by the Prophet Muhamed. Fo these sours, Heraclnssered one cvdnal fonction af arene ler ofthe Near Fas drng Muara Metin ‘Ron whore empire would survie slam’ onlaght ong ‘main ite principal ev, be had responsiblity for seeing and sckoowledging te prophetic character ofthe mito Mabannad and the excellence of is noma he Encounter with Byzantion Jd wo ave learned about the emerging amie wa dteams. A-Tabae stats that Heratas die saw he kingdom of the “iecumcisd nbs dream. Not knowing about the new com his paticlans advised him, on learning ofthe ale ordes to behend every Jer in hi dominion Prpasenger from Busta brought beduin before Thadeen relating curious evens that were happening tye? The Bedouin told Heracius that "aman feom fostobes prophet and some people have followed Aiki, Others cid nos, and bates occured berween Heals ordered the bedovin t0 be is by God he dream that Thad" This passage fmportant atribat of Heraclas his abi to fore- es In this instance, the prediction concering the at- fubamad and the facue spread of lam occured via jum of Iiteral dream. Such dreams, as Leah Kinberg actully operated as 4 meas of legiimiztion in ie apecs of Islamic Me. Heracis’ dream thus estab eptinacy of Muhammad sion, showing tat the g appearance was anticipated as part of the divine the new commanity sit hasbeen alleged that he the tecpient of alter foun Mubamanad, In his Tabagat, Sid mentions that the Prophet, having etumned fom bya in Dh al ijn year 6 sent messages tothe Kings i iviting them to join the community of believers pce be upon him, sent Dikya b. Khalifa a-Kabi «(0 with a mesage calling him to Ila." heathen ofthe eters weten by the Prophet Mubam- subject of great comtoves. fn the mid-1950s, Mubammed allah wrote in support of the authenticity of Mahan Byeantin Viewed by the Arabs She reapers ah nega Inch name of God the Mtl, she Compassionate. Hom Ma bmn, the srvan of God and his mesenger, Feral the ‘eat adr of he Rae. race on thaw who flo the ropa dnc. Now then I suman you to ebace lam. Beco 4 ‘Masi and you shal esse bcooe Ml and God shal bo stow onyoua doablerecompen, But if you ref, the sn of he ‘Arisa wlll en you. O people of the Book come ovaed ‘Wor thai common tween and yous that we worship ol Got and do wot asia soything with Himsa hat mone among stakes lords ny ethers vei of Gd ty sa ty,then ey "eat witness tht we ae thse win sabi one ‘The letter sent co Heralus was very similar ints phrasing and content to letters thatthe Propet supposedly sent 0 othe ‘omtemporaneous rulers. A leer bidding the Persian King ‘embrace Islam odo bate infuriated Chosoes I who tore it apart and wroee this governor in Yanan ordering him (0 march on Madina, fight Muhammad, tke him prison, and send him to the Pesan capital ALTabari contrasts the at fetion of lam by the Pesan rule, a8 well as Bite hoy he rssh by BE en idl co have red she Kee respetlly and Mt deerence. This tation is Found in vate of Mins nced inthe great Sa Quranic com ID. Tbh aL Qumnt 328238), who ex Hse am Gc! er i of Pion of the Prophet ker the believers wl Pie ve sh ea, can he ue acd seat importance tothe Prophets dred his amas, he Persian emperor or the ited the Prophet"? Fe pind ox ent che impeccable bhava: in le bus more important, for actly acknowledging ls prophtiood. Indeed, the sources have Heracivn cyte mesenger of Gd, anoined by Js, fom Ping ote Rn have esd youre with your am Boyan lily ft youre he mecge of Gol fonda Pier Tenet Jens, of Mary snnoneed od ask olen yo, theyre Ha they obs Beer ne fo: hen Fore wi oe fund eh youre" s Heacius not ony sponded, bu he began his response fe name ofthe Prophet and by proclaiming him the mes of God. Heracin’'s reference tothe New Testament be to that category of writings chat attempted to establish Mulan advent wos foretold in Chistian and Jewish es, Muhammad's mision i hence rooted in the grest notte projet and attested to by the greatest monothels ruler ofthe tme—namely che Byzantine empers eres’ bused on sxieural prediction, lites Mobammads an is expressions of dep espe at the ee of he er 6 no doubt ae to his position. His eter was meant to be Mie act that conferred Tegiimacy on Muhammad and the Bysontum Viewed by the Arabs toma habe kd ated A son contention ‘Si mats thatthe Sha a Za (dc 124742) a founders of Islamic tradition, was told by a Chritan by ‘that, when Heraclius received the letter of the Prophet, he seq foam He raw wis te cag oe ea Cac har Mutua the pots te meee Th ro doe tout fll hn ad See a ‘ers pge pot a oly mb Hence ea rene sein sl ape oa thee faith ae banned itso have ben formed of Herc sveratan ands veep hen oar el vont hehe edn dod tawerear an kouy ea a Sad prod tht wry ie oe hs gon Heo na ads by Gohl wh col ence heap Sond i yo nthe yaa sor inn eve ny pee ston sy By Gols Chi heed we the New Ter l i tc ope hewee oper nd hein al the pecan of ny ear “seta wane expan, nd he ne gine the Mani sess ged: pent Cre le re tic th th br coud wo abedon spe Anal ‘Sum fre tyranny tener iSite we jean ofeach «proper he pei avi nd gins The vues dee ec Fang hi poco conver ‘Sts hn oon spe cher © Rim, t have bough you togaber foes good purpose. Tht ‘nan Mbamna hs writen he ater summoning ne ‘eligon. By God hei the prophet whoo we expec ad ed in ur oaks ew fellow bi able in him so ha may be well with win his world nin the ext — == Bees was 0 nguive and ening BBP ee is poston, cating iar be was only Ber i Chritan faith, Nonethles he had fe effort t0 extend the Prophet's invitation to the Be ce fan recon repre led Ge rophes amber, Diya Kala Bi pit caverios posh bt infnr Mike Kam: Got Dep Dug andl tin, Fee sng he Ram tan 1” Dy hd po toe Ha eared Mabanmadyprophthood by sting Ptr these nwo Cod bt Cod at Aad Mose Wak hse words th parc of Costar. Bai hoe wines wo Mabanraod but went mh aed hs lam by pronouncing he blac Bnd mes prom maryred ete hands fed pbc vo bet hn death Tas, eccring BB ic ro met uthontatre gues inte Bese pen ond the wolf andertood Se cae om bt ware els inthe ace Bedopponion of he pra th paca, nd Iona ge Heels cas expt oppon ml erence wa Ntome eave te moe het ng the er that recirel frm the ropes Mahan ssl vo comply end fim he lion, bat you Pe Bears wer tins eminty warts of thereof te tes cmpcrorw the vent of Chien on eat inne Gd wil The sani heayeraon proposes eta Cran emperor wold ec tothe form about am by immaiel recogni super Be fh hat he wos supponed vo uphold aod prte= New. Fibdng tis couric, he wadion Gers tnt shed pended postive whe ropes eer me ling pac onthe nage of the Byanines Msi Tory and gen Tres cena eth atid apy 10! Byeantom Viewed by the Aribs ‘Mu‘zs IeDin Allah (.341-365/953-975), reminded his ence ofthe episode, stating: Did you ot hea of he det ofthe King of Pea whe colt ee fo pate the Moen of God a ing hin to nan? He didaned Srplayed eens aa the keer apr, Gd hen tors irom aaa pas no a tie ihe Pesan] wee fished, Wher ingots ssaed teatro the oper ie med tod onnvered 0 sac misorne bfl n™” “Thos, the survival and durability of the Byzantine empig believed to be de to divine sanction because of the emp positive response tothe Prophet’ ler Tht “theological gp Planation i eenfored bythe Prophet immediate resetin eral’ ltr as reported by al-Ya"qab “Their kingdom ‘mains as longo my letter remains wit them.” Byzandag survival woud come ro depend on its continued posession the precious letter. This stonaiation proposed bythe tex scaly Islamic i the face ofthe disappearance ofthe Pe tempire and the eenacious survival of Byzantium, “The most substantial and impeesive acknowledgment eratus ofthe prophethood of Mubanmad appears in context ofan interrogation found in eb-Bukhis's colleion teaons the Sabb an in the chronicle ofa: Tabac” The pote conceras Aba Sufya's meeting with Heralve to dal Fumoes about che emergence of «prophet in Arabia. The ite ‘icunlitelihond ofthis scenario and the symbolic quality oft account betray its legendary character Hee, the Sabie thestory onthe authority of Tbn ‘Abbi, who had heard ira ‘Aba Sulyins eraclios sent after bis (Abi Sufio) slong, with «gro of (Qoryshies who were merchant ah hehe was in ya ese) and he ved sem to is cour lk where he was surrounded By the Byzantine lender» He ‘side "Who among you dhe aces kin tobi who ins tobbea prophe™ eounter with Byranton aie of the Bost lineage” fanyone among your people ever made sch fveny of isancecor cer ules “No.* ithe noble among the peopl or he werk who fol BEE tayore cence this righ, dicntentd ia, No" Br you cvs accused bi fying before be tare says?” Udo." BisDoes accschroual?” Ii "No." yout asters my and he order 0 pny an 0 Ilias ol hs onl “Teli his Lake you about os sid tht ii among the be ad soa the ea int bst nage of thet people aed be ny yee ade ec clin ond you sa oy ad any thar those ce, asked whether any oh ance sores, you sido; any o his ancestors ben ov feofhixanceors sted you whether you fing sorb tare saying wha he ye, you a not Tsk ou wheter hey incense o decease i mer a ike increase ands i faith ul i accomplished, asked so el wens slce pete the at. tasked you ere sreacheus, and you sid no; ado ae prope You what he ores yout do, ad you seamed hat be

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