SITXHRM008 Student Assessment Tasks. Chanpreet Singh

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SITXHRM008 Roster staff


roster staff

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V1.0: April 2023, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

This Assessment Coversheet MUST be filled up and submitted with each unit assessment task submission.

Student Student
Name: Chanpreet Singh ID:


Batch /
Assessment Due Date:

1 4

2 5
3 6

 First Attempt  Second Attempt


Plagiarism and collusion: Plagiarism is an academic dishonesty denoting the use of someone else’s
intellectual property as the form of one’s own work. This includes copying other’s work in whole or part
and/or citing information from various sources without standard referencing.
Disciplinary actions: A student found to have plagiarized or cheated the work or colluded with any other
student(s) will be subject to attend the meeting with the Academic team for counselling, re-submission
and /or undertaking examination. If the student denies the Academic team’s decision, he/she will be
referred to the TasCollege Disciplinary Committee for further actions such as suspension from the
Student declaration
 I declare that all the assessment tasks’ answer(s) is my own work and is not plagiarised.
 I agree for providing the electronic copy of my assessment answers to be examined by using a
relevant plagiarism/collusion scan software.
 I have correctly referenced all in-texts and resources throughout the assessment tasks.
 I have made a copy of my assessment answers (print/electronic) that I can produce if the original
is misplaced.
 I am aware of TasCollege policy on plagiarism as stated in the TasCollege
Assessment Submission Guidelines and other relevant policy and procedures.
 I also understand that a Late Submission/Re-Sit Fee will apply if I fail to maintain my
course progress at the required level.

Student Signature: Chanpreet singh Date Submitted:

The Second Attempt will also be applied under compassionate and compelling circumstances.

Trainer Declaration: I declare that I have reviewed the
submitted assessments properly and received them as a
form of complete submission.

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

Introduction 3
Assessment for this unit 3
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 4
Information for students 4
Questions 5
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 14
Assessment Task 2: Project 16
Information for students 16
Activities 17
Assessment Task 2: Checklist 22
Final results record 24

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RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITXHRM008 Roster staff. These tasks have been
designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide
provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.

 Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities to complete a

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V1.0: April 2023, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students
Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have
acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Hospitality
Works Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

i Assessment information

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the
Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

 whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is
provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with
an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

Provide answers to all of the questions below.

1. List two sources of information that you could access to find information about the Hospitality
Industry (General) Award.

2. List two further sources of information that you could access, to find out information on work
agreements for the hospitality industry.

3. Why is it important to check the relevant award conditions when preparing a roster?

It is important to check the relevant award conditions when preparing a roster because the
award includes various numbers of rules regulations and conditions of employers which
must be meet and when the employer do not breach the award by not respecting the rules
and regulations then the employee should be paid overtime so it is very important to check
the relevant award conditions when preparing rosters.

4. How is an enterprise agreement different from a modern award?

Enterprise agreement is focused to one employee whereas modern award focuses on the
whole organization, enterprise agreement is the kind of agreement which is all about the
permitted things and matters which are the relationship of employers and employees and
also the term of the about the relationship between the employees and employers etc. these
are the things covered by the agreement. Modern award is a kind of document which tries
to set the terms and conditions as minimum and by the standards of National Employment

5. Explain how industrial agreements can affect the preparation of rosters.

Industrial agreement is something which has direct relation and affect between the
employer and the employees and it includes conditions such as trainings, consultations,
leave etc. and the roaster is prepared for the employees so these kinds of things which are

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

included in industrial agreements hampers in the preparation of the roaster as it has various

6. Identify at least two factors of how each of the following award provisions will impact the
rostering process.

The leave includes annual leave, sick & carers leave, Family &
domestic violence leave, Maternity & parental leave,
Compassionate leave, public holidays, long service leave, etc.
 In all the above conditions of leave, the employee will be paid
without attending to work. You will need to find extra staff to cover their
shifts and the amount paid to the new staff is the excess amount of
spending. It will be hard to find the staff for a shorter period.
 Other thing is it will fluctuate the budgets and may exceed the
budgeted figures.
 It will affect the quality of the service, as the new employee may not
perform all the duties as the old staff can do and their skill level may be
 Vacations should be made on different time by the employees. They
can’t go for vacations at the same time.
 Mandated breaks between the shifts will affect the quality of the
service when its busy.
breaks between  It will be hard to roster the staff, as everyone has to go for breaks
shifts and need to rotate the breaks one by one.
 You might need to roster extra staff to cover others break time
which will cost you more.

 Need to manage the roster that no one is crossing their allowed shift
hours, may need to have extra staff like casual in the roster.
allowed shift  Overtime applies if the employee works more than the maximum
hours allowed shift hours, which will affect your budgets and cost of the roster.
 Providing split shifts can manage the roster.

 There will be a causal loading rates for casuals, so roster more shifts
Standard pay
to full time and part time employees than casuals which will save money.
rates  Use full times during weekends, so that you don’t need to pay
weekend rates to them.

 Overtime applies if the employee works more than the maximum

Overtime pay
allowed shift hours, which will affect your budgets and cost of the roster.
rates  Hire sufficient number of staffs to avoid the situation of over-time

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RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

 Try to roster full timers and then part timers during weekends
Penalty pay
and public holidays to reduce paying the penalty rates which is the way
rates of managing an efficient roster.
 Try to limit the staff shift hours during the weekends and public
holidays where possible

7. List three impacts of contractor fees, if you had to include them in a staff roster.

When the contractors are paid it hampers in the payment structure as the contractors are
not included in staff roasters.

It hampers in the controlling of labor costs.

Contractors are independent workers so there is no fix routine for them to work which
hampers in staff roaster.
Contractor fees are also not fixed and hampers in preparation of roaster

8. Outline two considerations when rostering permanent or casual staff.

One should always consider that the busy shifts need the best staff as in busy shifts the
work are done in hurry so best staff should be listed in the roaster.

One should always consider that the roaster is being provided prior to 1 week for the
convenience of the staff.

9. Using the table below and referring to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, (this can
be found at the Fair work Australia government website, identify the key
elements of the award.

Annual (holiday) leave.

Under the standards, all employees (except casual employees) are
entitlement entitled to at least 4 weeks of paid annual leave for every year of
service. Shift workers may get up to 5 weeks of annual leave per
Personal, carers' and compassionate leave
For every year of service, full-time and part-time employees are
entitled to at least:
 10 days of paid personal (sick)/carers' leave
 2 days of unpaid carers' leave (if needed)
 2 days of paid compassionate leave (if needed).
Casual employees are only entitled to 2 days of unpaid.
 carers' leave (if needed) and 2 days of unpaid
compassionate. leave (if needed).
Public holidays
On public holidays, employees who would usually work on that day
are entitled to a day off with pay (subject to reasonable requests to
work). Or they will be paid with public holiday penalty rates.
Long service leave

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SITXHRM008 Roster staff

Long service leave is paid leave for employees who’ve worked for the
same business for a long period of time (generally 10 years of
continuous service).
Maternity leave:
Employees can get parental leave when a child is born or adopted. All
employees in Australia are entitled to parental leave. Employees are
able to take parental leave if they have worked for their employer for at
least 12 months
Sick leave:
Sick leave can be used when an employee is ill or injured. All
employees except casuals are entitled to paid sick and carer's leave.
Sick and carer's leave comes under the same leave entitlement. The
yearly entitlement is based on an employee’s ordinary hours of work
and is 10 days for full- time employees, and pro-rata for part-time
Community service leave:
Employees, including casual employees, can take community service
leave for activities such as voluntary emergency management activities
or jury duty.
Mandated Number of hours Paid 20 minute meal Unpaid meal breaks
breaks between worked breaks
Less than 5 hours 0 0

5 or more hours - 10
0 1

Over 10 hours 2 1

Maximum Full-time maximum hours

The maximum number of ordinary hours a full-time employee can work
allowed shift
hours  an average of 38 hours over a 4 week roster cycle
 11.5 hours in a day
 3 consecutive days of more than 10 hours without at least
48 hours break immediately after
 8 days of more than 10 hours in a 4 week roster
 10 hours in a shift, if the employee is under 18 years old
 a 12 hour span during a broken shift.
Part-time maximum hours
The maximum number of ordinary hours a part-time employee can
work is:
 their rostered ordinary hours
 11.5 hours in a day (or shift)
 3 consecutive days of more than 10 hours without at least
48 hours break immediately after
 8 days of more than 10 hours in a 4 week roster
 10 hours in a day, if the employee is under 18 years old
 a 12 hour span during a broken shift.
Casual maximum hours
The maximum number of ordinary hours a casual employee can work is:
 12 hours in a day (or shift)
 38 hours per a week or an average of 38 hours over a roster

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RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

cycle of up to 4 weeks.

10. Using the table below and referring to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, (this can
be found at the Fair work Australia government website, provide the
overtime payable.

Period of overtime Overtime payable (as a percentage)

Monday to Friday: First two hours 150%

Monday to Friday: After first two hours 200%

Midnight Friday to midnight Sunday 200%

A rostered day off 200%

11. Using the table below and referring to the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010, (this can
be found at the Fair work Australia government website, provide the
appropriate penalty rate for each period.

Penalty rate for full-time and Penalty rate for casual employees
part-time employees (incl 25% loading)

100% per hour plus $2.31 125% per hour plus $2.31 per
Monday to
per hour or part of an hour or part of an hour (till
Friday hour (till midnight) midnight)
100% per hour plus $3.46 per 125% per hour plus $3.46 per hour or
hour or part of an hour (Night part of an hour (Night work)
Saturday 125% 150%

Sunday 150% 175%

Public holidays 225% 250%

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RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

12. Dixon Hospitality has an enterprise agreement with its staff, rather than following the
Hospitality Award. Complete the table below for full time staff:

Name of Dixon Hospitality enterprise agreement


Leave 4 weeks paid leave


Full time: An average of 38 hours per week over a four-week period.

Hours required
Part time: A minimum of 7.6 hours per week hours and a maximum of
to work 38
per week averaged over a four‐week period.
Casual: No minimum hours required to work.

An unpaid meal break of no less than 30 minutes (to be taken after the
first 2 hours of work and within the first 6 hours of work). One 20- minute
breaks between paid rest break (may be taken as two 10-minute paid rest breaks with
shifts flexibility how to take that as per as contract

Maximum Maximum 12 hours per shift including breaks

allowed shift

Overtime Monday-Friday Saturday & Sunday

First 2 hours 150% 150%

Thereafter 200% 200%

13. Using the National Employment Standards (NES), provide the maximum weekly hours for the

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

Maximum weekly hours

Full-time 38

Part-time 38

Casual 38

14. Complete the table and provide two examples of organisational initiatives that could have an
impact on the preparation of staff rosters.

 Had the rotating roster, so that employees can have time for
social and cultural gatherings. Can request a day off with a week
friendly of notice before the roster is done. Flexible with the availability
and rostered shifts.
 Providing day off on their cultural and social events when
rostering which will motivate them and will know that the
organisation care for them.
 Had the rotating roster, so that employees can have time for
family and friends. Can request a day off with a week of notice
before the roster is done. Flexible with the availability and
rostered shifts.
 Rostering the staff that they can finish at the same time in the
evening so that they can hang out after work and will get to
know about each other.
 Roasting the staff by considering the family and providing
enough time for the family and friends in a way that the
employees can manage the work and family life efficiently.

15. Using the table below, identify three issues that you may come across for each leave provision
listed when preparing a staff roster.

 Hard to find the replacement when we don’t have enough staff.

 It will affect the budgets as we are paying extra wages to the
replacement staff along with the carer leave amount paid to
the old staff at the same time.
 Will be an extra work to calculate the carers leave when
rostering if its paid leave and have to maintain the
 Lack of the same level of performance when compared to the
old and new staff/under level staff. Lack of supervision in case
of managerial position of employees like head chef/sous
chef/chef de parties.
 Need to keep tracking on the employee health records, in the
long run it will affect the whole organisation including rostering
if the employee is having too many sick leaves
 Hard to find the replacement when we don’t have enough staff.
 It will affect the budgets as we are paying extra wages to the
reasons replacement staff along with the compassionate leave amount
paid to the old staff at the same time.
 Will be an extra work to calculate the compassionate leave
when rostering if its paid leave and have to maintain the

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RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

 Lack of the same level of performance when compared to the
old and new staff/under level staff. Lack of supervision in case
of managerial position of employees like head chef/sous
chef/chef de parties.
 Hard to find the replacement when we don’t have enough staff.
Illness or injury
 It will affect the budgets as we are paying extra wages to
the replacement staff along with the illness or injury leave
amount paid to the old staff at the same time.
 Will be an extra work to calculate the carers leave when
rostering if its paid leave and have to maintain the records.
 Lack of the same level of performance when compared to the
old and new staff/under level staff. Lack of supervision in case
of managerial position of employees like head chef/sous
chef/chef de parties.
 Need to keep tracking on the employee health records, in the
long run it will affect the whole organisation including rostering
if the employee is having too many sick leaves.
 If the injury was taken place in the workplace then the
organisation has to bear all the medical expenses of the
injured person.

 Hard to find the replacement when we don’t have enough staff.

Jury service
 It will affect the budgets as we are paying extra wages to
the replacement staff along with the jury leave amount paid
to the old staff at the same time.
 Lack of the same level of performance when compared to the old and
new staff/under level staff. Lack of supervision in case of managerial
position of employees like head chef/sous chef/chef de parties.

 Hard to find the replacement when we don’t have enough staff.

Long service
 It will affect the budgets as we are paying extra wages to the
replacement staff along with the long service leave amount
paid to the old staff at the same time.
 Lack of the same level of performance when compared to the
old and new staff/under level staff. Lack of supervision in case
of managerial position of employees like head chef/sous
chef/chef de parties.
 This leave can be used only after working in the same
organisation continuously for more than 7-10 years, so there
will be atleast 3 months of paid leave which will affect the
rostering for a long time if the employee takes all the long
service leave at once.

 Hard to find the replacement when we don’t have enough staff.

Maternity or
 It will affect the budgets as we are paying extra wages to the
paternity replacement staff along with the leave amount paid to he old staff at the
same time.
Lack of the same level of performance when compared to the old and
new staff/under level staff. Lack of supervision in case of managerial
position of employees like head chef/sous chef/chef de parties.
 This leave could last upto 6 months and may continue to the
carers/parental leave in some cases which will affect the roster in a long

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SITXHRM008 Roster staff

 Hard to find the replacement when we don’t have enough staff.

Rehabilitation of
 It will affect the budgets as we are paying extra wages to
injured workers the replacement staff along with the leave amount paid to
the old staff at the same time.
 Lack of the same level of performance when compared to the
old and new staff/under level staff. Lack of supervision in case
of managerial position of employees like head chef/sous
chef/chef de parties.
 If the person was injured in the workplace, some organisations will pay
the rehabilitations costs as well.
 The purpose of workplace rehabilitation of sick employees is to
support individuals and encourage them to re-enter the workplace as
soon as they recovered.
 Hard to find the replacement when we don’t have enough staff.
 Lack of the same level of performance when compared to the
old and new staff/under level staff. Lack of supervision in case
of managerial position of employees like head chef/sous
chef/chef de parties.
 It will affect the budgets if the organisation is paying the
tuition fee in the form of scholarships or could be also paying for the
training to make the employee more knowledgeable
 Hard to find the replacement when we don’t have enough staff.
 Lack of the same level of performance when compared to the
(holiday) old and new staff/under level staff. Lack of supervision in case
of managerial position of employees like head chef/sous
chef/chef de parties.
 We have to consider the recreation holidays of employees when
rostering as it will improve their performance.

16. Why are rosters used and why are they important for controlling staff costs?

Rosters are typically used to schedule time off and to schedule tasks. A sustainable roster
takes into consideration timing that best suits the individuals, including breaks between
shifts and start and finish times. They allow companies to design rosters, model costs, and
easily compare actuals to planned expenditure or budgets. Displaying costs while
developing the roster assists managers to take control of their labour costs and enforces a
budget responsibility before finalising rosters.

17. Provide four functions of a software program that can support the development of a roster.

It manages labour costs.

It increases productivity and allows to distribute rosters

It communicates updates.

It send shift requests directly to an employee service portal and/or mobile app.

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SITXHRM008 Roster staff

18. What are two different formats used for staff rosters?

MS Excel Rostering


19. Identify four items that you would need to include on a roster.

Employee name


Shift timings

Length of breaks

20. List two examples of the two different ways of communicating a new roster, or an update to a

Digital/electronic Through emails and messages Through rostering app

Paper based Attaching the printed paper based roster in the workplace (notice board)

21. Provide two advantages of rostering team members that have diverse social and cultural
backgrounds, as well as skills.

Can share and acquire knowledge from different sociocultural background people.

Working in a multicultural environment, can make you keen work.

Understanding about other cultures.

Share of experience and knowledge

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SITXHRM008 Roster staff

22. Identify four human resource policies and procedures that could be used to find out about
leave provisions and managing socio-cultural workforce issues.

Code of conduct

Anti-discrimination policy

Equal opportunity policy

Workplace diversity policy

23. Referring to the hospitality industry specifically, provide three examples of operational
requirements that can have an impact on roster development.

Minimum and maximum hours of work

Leave entitlements

Penalties and overtime payments

Mandatory breaks

Types of employment

24. Explain how a wage budget can impact rostering.

When we assign a budget against the weekly roster and instantly we can see live staff
costings. We can set limits and can see individual shifts costing for all the employees. The
budgets will limit the spending on labour wages, staff shifts. The budgets will provide an
idea on how much we could spent on the return that we are expecting to maintain the
revenue levels. It will allow other staff like managers to create rosters and block shifts from
being added the moment the budget limit is reached.

25. List three reasons that rosters may require adjustments or modifying.

providing flexible working hours, such as working part-time or starting and finishing later

moving a person with disability to a different office, or site closer to their home or
onto the ground floor, or allowing them to work from home

moving furniture, widening a doorway or providing a ramp so that a person using a

wheelchair or other mobility aid can get around comfortably and safely

allowing a person with disability time off during working hours for necessary

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RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

26. List two important factors that you need to consider when modifying a roster.

Weekly Requirements

Rotational vs Fixed Shifts

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RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

Assessment Task 2: Project

Information for students

Tasks required for this unit

This unit of competency requires that you:

 prepare staff rosters that meet diverse operational requirements across three different
roster periods

 ensure the following when preparing the above staff rosters:

o sufficient staff to ensure the delivery o compliance with industrial provisions

of required services within wage and organisational policies and
budget constraints procedures
o appropriate skills mix of the team o completion of rosters within
commercial and staff time
o modifications are incorporated where

Instructions for how you will complete these requirements are included below.

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International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this unit requires that you complete the range of tasks
listed above. It is important that you provide evidence that you have successfully
completed each task.
Below is a guide to the skills and knowledge you must demonstrate when you are
completing each activity step. We have provided a number of documents to assist
you and you will find these in the student resources.
You will need access to:

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 rostering software

 your Operational Policy

 your Business Case Study Template

 your Staff Profile Template

 your Timesheet Template

 your Staff Record Template

 your Evaluation Report Template

 space for a meeting.

What do I need to demonstrate?

During this task, you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and
knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include:

 developing a roster following relevant industrial agreements, other

considerations and wage budgets

 maximising operational and customer service efficiency while minimising wage


 combining duties where appropriate to ensure effective use of staff

 rostering teams with complementary skills mix to meet operational


 taking account of social and cultural considerations and broader organisational

policies that affect staff rosters

 consulting with colleagues to obtain their input into rosters

 using roster systems and equipment to administer rosters

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 presenting rosters in required formats to ensure clarity of information according

to organisational standards

 communicating rosters to appropriate colleagues within designated timeframes

 administering records of shift time completed by employees or contractors

 maintaining staff rostering records according to organisational procedures

 monitoring effectiveness of rosters in consultation with colleagues

 identifying ways in which rosters and roster development processes may be

improved and take appropriate action.

How will I provide evidence?

Your assessor will provide you with templates to complete each task. You will find
some detailed information about providing evidence; this will include:

 a completed Business Case Study

 a completed Staff Roster

 an amended Staff Roster

 two completed Staff Timesheets

 a completed Staff Record

 an Evaluation Report.

You will need to complete each activity and submit the completed templates at the
end of each step completed.

2. Select a business and roster teams.

You are required to prepare a three-week roster for kitchen staff using a business
such as a restaurant or hotel of your choice. A Business Case Study Template has
been provided to guide you on the information required in order to complete the
assessment as well as an Operational Policy to help identify operational
Once you have completed the Business Case Study, you will then need to meet
with staff to discuss their availability over the next three weeks.
The assessor will divide you into groups of five (5). Each person in the group must
select one of the staff positions that you identified in the Business Case Study and
complete the Staff Profile Template provided. They will do this providing their own
details and skills and experience.
When completing the Staff Profile Template (as you will be completing one for other
students as part of their project) – make sure you are true to your own
commitments and availability over the roster period. Also consider your own
personal, social and cultural needs and ensure to communicate any requirements
to the person preparing the roster.

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Please note that this is an individual task so each person must develop their own
business case.
When conducting discussions, take into consideration:

 any staff requests for the roster including any upcoming personal

 social and cultural considerations such as working flexibly, family

commitments, cultural events or ceremonies.
During the meeting with your group, ensure that you use effective communication
skills including:

 listening to staff requests

 using active listening to confirm understanding

 asking questions to confirm any requirements.

You are to base all wages on the pay guide for the Hospitality Industry (General)
Award (you can download this from:

Conduct the meeting/role play.

You are one of the staff members and the others in your group will also be staff
members. Provide your own skills and experiences and record the other group
member’s details and skills and experience.
Use the Business Case Study Template that has been provided to you to record
the details provided by the other staff members as well as the Operational Policy to
help identify operational requirements and the staff members’ completed profiles.

Record the details and submit the completed Business Case Study and each Staff
Profile to your assessor.

3. Research and select roster software.

Using the internet research an appropriate scheduling software that you could use
to create the roster. You may need to register to download the software, however,
only select one that has a free trial around 30 days. The assessor must approve the
selected software.

4. Create a roster.

Using the software you have downloaded, create the staff roster according to the
discussions held with staff (your group), information gathered for the Business
Case Study and operational requirements outlined in the Operational Policy.
Your roster must meet the following criteria:

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 Meet operational requirements as set out in the Operational Policy.

 Meet the business requirements as identified in the Business Case Study.

 Have the right amount of staff with the necessary skills and mix to deliver
services effectively.

 Meet any wage and budget constraints as outlined in the Operational Policy
and complying with the Hospitality Industry (General) Award, based upon the
positions identified.

 Be clear enough so that it can easily be understood by all staff.

The roster must be submitted in a suitable format to your supervisor for approval
within the time allocated. This could be a PDF document, a printed report from the
software, or a screenshot.

Submit your roster to your assessor.

5. Roster changes.

The supervisor (your assessor) will provide you with the following messages from three members
of staff:

 One member of staff is sick.

 One casual member of staff has requested extra hours.

 One member of staff has been called for jury duty.

The assessor will let you know which students in your group represent each staff member and
provide you with further information on the messages received.
Change the roster using the staff requesting extra hours to cover for the two members of staff
unavailable. Ensure that it still meets the roster criteria and the requirements of the Operational
Send an email to the supervisor explaining the changes and why they were made, include the
amended roster and ask for final approval.
The roster must be developed and submitted to your supervisor for approval within the time

Submit the adjusted/modified roster to your assessor

Cristino is cook of restaurant but he is sick today. shrestha is going today to cover
his shift


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The Supervisor
Subject: Approval of roaster amended

Good morning
I hope you are doing well. I am sending this mail to let you know about the changes
that I have made on the roaster. Mikal asked me for a day off on 04th of may. He is going to attend
family function. So I gave Manish the shift as he is happy to cover it. So, there will not be any
overtime as well. I have attached the roaster below. I would really appreciate it if you could review
and suggest to me if

Kind regards,

6. Communicating the roster.

The supervisor has approved the roster.

Draft an email to the members of staff rostered and cc to your supervisor. In the
email you must clearly point out the changes made.
The roster must be communicated to staff within the timeframe allocated.
Submit the email to the assessor, including the roster saved in an appropriate format.
Bishnu is a trainee in restaurant. But she has appointment for jury duty so she need
off on Tuesday.
She swap shift with Cristino

The Supervisor staff
Subject: Communicating roaster
Good morning.
I hope you all are doing well, I am writing this email to let you know about the
roaster that I have changed. I gave mikal a day off on 26 may and asked
Manish to work instead as Mikal needs to attend his family function. I have mailed
the roaster to let you all know about the changes for your convenance.
Kind regards,

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7. Maintaining records.

As part of your role, you are to record timesheets completed by two staff members.
They must complete the Timesheets for the first week based on their actual shifts
and submit this back to you.
You will be required to do the same for each of the other members in your group.
Once you have received both Timesheets, check the information received against
the roster.

Record and maintain the staff records by completing the Staff Record Template.
Ensure that you accurately record all the information to ensure that the member of
staff is paid the right amount of money for the hours worked.

Submit the completed Staff Record and a copy of the Timesheets to your assessor.

8. Feedback and evaluation.

Meet with your initial group and discuss the effectiveness of the roster development
process. Discuss what worked and what didn’t work.
Take notes during the discussion and use these to write an evaluation of the roster
development process, including any recommendations or actions required to
improve the roster process used.
An Evaluation Report Template has been provided to assist you.

Record your findings on the Evaluation Report Template to guide your response.

Submit the Evaluation Report to your assessor.

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Business Case Study Template

Complete this template for the business that you have chosen for Assessment Task 2.2.
Remember to also use the Operational Policy.

Business background
Include the name of the business, background information such as the main purpose of the
business, type of cuisine and service, where it is located and any other relevant information.

Business Background
Business Name: EAT GRK. Parramatta
Business Type: Restaurant
Address: 100 George St, Parramatta NSW 2150, Australia

Operational hours and shifts

What are the opening and closing times, days of the week and any restrictions? What are the
current shifts used for the roster?

Opening and Closing Times:

Monday to Sunday, 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Days of the Week:
Open seven days a week
Shifts for the Roster:
Evening Shifts: 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Complete the following tables to provide an overview of staffing skills and availability.

Name of staff Position Normal shift Hourly rate / Award

Chanpreet Chef 5:00 PM - 11:00 $30 per hour


Alex Nguyen Waiter 5:00 PM - 11:00 $22 per hour


Emma Rodriguez Bartender 5:00 PM - 11:00 $25 per hour


Jason Patel Sous Chef 4:00 PM - 10:00 $28 per hour


Maya Chen Server 6:00 PM - 11:00 $20 per hour

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Availability and commitments

Name of staff Availability Week 1 Availability Week 2 Availability Week 2

Mon-Sun, 5:00 PM-

1. Chanpreet Mon-Sun, 5:00 PM- Mon-Sun, 5:00 PM-
11:00 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM

Wed-Sun, 5:00 Tue-Sat, 5:00 PM- Mon-Fri, 5:00 PM-

2. Alex Nguyen
11:00 PM 11:00 PM
11:00 PM

Thu-Sun, 5:00 PM- Mon-Sun, 5:00 PM- Wed-Sun, 5:00

3. Emma
Rodriguez 11:00 PM 11:00 PM
11:00 PM

Mon-Sun, 4:00 PM- Mon-Sun, 4:00 PM- Mon-Sun, 4:00 PM-

4. Jason Patel
10:00 PM 10:00 PM 10:00 PM

Tue-Sun, 6:00 PM- Mon-Sun, 6:00 PM- Tue-Sun, 6:00 PM-

5. Maya Chen
11:00 PM 11:00 PM 11:00 PM

Skill set

Name of staff Skills Duties

Culinary expertise, menu Leading kitchen

1. Manya
planning operations, creating
Service, customer Taking orders,
2. Alex Nguyen
interaction serving customers

Mixology, bar Preparing

3. Emma Rodriguez
managing the

Assisting chef,
4. Jason Patel Culinary skills, leadership
overseeing kitchen

Customer Serving tables,

5. Maya Chen
service, multitasking
assisting customers

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Social and or cultural considerations

All staff members appreciate flexibility in their schedules due to personal

commitments and cultural events

Expected customer traffic

Day Time Expected traffic Staff required

Mon 6pm Moderate Chef, Waiter

Fri 8pm High Chef, Waiter,


Chef, Waiter,
Sat 7pm Very High
Bartender, Sous
Chef, Server

Sun 5pm Moderate Chef, Waiter

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From: (Manager)
To: Preeti (supervisor)
Subject: Approval of the amended roster.
Dear John
I have made some changes on the roster for week 2 and 3. Matt has asked day off on
Friday of week 2 to follow up with her doctor and I have given her hours to Maya Chen as
she had asked for extra hours. emma has been given off for Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Sunday as he need to go on his jury duty. Please look on the roster and suggest some
changes if necessary.

Kind regards
Draft an email to the members of staff rostered and cc to your supervisor. In
email you must clearly point out the changes made.
The roster must be communicated to staff within the timeframe allocated.
Submit the email to the assessor, including the roster saved in an
From: (Manager)

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To: Staff
Cc: Supervisor
Subject: Roster for week 2 and 3
Dear staff,
I have made some changes to the roster for week 2 and 3. Please find
the revised roster attached to this email. If you are unhappy about the changes and
need to talk please come to be and talk with me.
Kind regard

Evaluation Report Template

You are to write an evaluation report, addressing all of the points below.

Roster Software
How well did the software work for your requirements? What features or functions worked well and
what could have been useful that was not available? How easy was it to use? Was it clear to staff?
What were the main benefits of using the software, what were the limitations?
Provide an overview of the software using screenshots to identify useful tools and functions that
helped you develop the roster.

Basically, deputy roaster software may be used for a variety of purposes, including creating
roasters and scheduling shifts. However, I primarily use this programme to create roasters for restaurants,
businesses, and organisations.

Roster development process

Provide an evaluation of how successful the roster development process was undertaken. Include
any feedback provided during discussions with staff (your role play group). What could you do to
improve the process? What action do you need to take?

The roster development was actually finished near the end of the conversation.
In the
past, the records were helpful for determining personnel needs and accessibility
as well
as for creating a roster. Gather as much information as you can about the
availability of
the group of workers and any upcoming events or occasions in order to create
roster. To enhance the cycle, all findings should be taken into consideration and
given an equal load. The only way I know how to reduce the time it takes to

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create rosters is to use a massive roster tool.

Staffing requirements
How well did you consider the staffing requirements? Were you able to roster on the right amount
of staff for each shift? Was there a good mix of skill and combination of staff? Did you take into
consideration social and cultural factors that affect staff rostering? Was it easy to make the
changes required when modifications had to be made and incorporate the necessary skills whilst
also meeting operational requirements?

These guidelines have been maintained at the delegates' request in order to

examining faculty requirements. Despite the fact that a few employees reported
sick, we were nevertheless able to maintain adequate staffing levels. Since
was always on hand to remember the various delegates, there was in fact a
balanced mixture of skills and tasks. We took into account the social and
factors that affect representative rostering because some employees are obliged
attend chapel on Sunday mornings and are given the free day. It used to be
difficult and
tiresome to implement the important adjustments and integrate the crucial skills
while still getting the utilitarian necessities.

Operational requirements
Were you able to meet the operational requirements such as staffing skills, costs, the amount of
staff needed for each shift? Did you meet the required budget? What improvements could you

In fact, we had the option to meet practical requirements including

talents, respect, and the number of people needed per shift. In fact, we were
given the
option to stick to the budget we had created. In the event that we really want to
significant progress, we can provide fresh and useful items to build the rosters.
Yes, we actually stick to the budget

What are your overall conclusions? Do you have any recommendations? Are there any actions that
you need to take in order to improve the roster development process?

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In conclusion, creating a roster is a laborious process that should adhere strictly

professional, legal, and ethical standards. having a mark of the restaurant's
traffic week
by week. The program must adhere to all Open Business Rules (NES)
with typically one kitchen partner on the rundown. Depending on the
workers may be suggested escape days. Equipment that is roster-unambiguous
should be used to streamline and accelerate the cycle.

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Operational Policy

The purpose of this document is to provide staff with guidelines for developing the staff roster. The
aim of the Policy is to ensure that there is a consistency across the organisation and to ensure that
operational requirements have been followed.

Wages represent a large part of the business expenses need to be kept to a minimum when
preparing the roster. Therefore, ensure when selecting staff for the roster you are maximising
operational and customer service efficiency by selecting complimentary skills and duties that match
the requirements for each shift, as well as making the most effective use of staff.
All wages must be based on the pay guide for the Hospitality Industry (General) Award in order to meet budget constraints.

Operational needs
The following should be factored in when developing rosters:

 Open four days a week Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun

 Kitchen operates between 6am and 9pm

 Breakfast service: 7am – 11am

 Lunch service: 12noon – 3pm

 Dinner service: 6pm – 9pm

 Must always have the following staff:

o Head Chef, Sous Chef, Kitchen hands

 All apprentices must be under supervision

 Limit the use of casual staff on the weekend shift

 To maintain the desired level of customer service one chef and apprentice must be rostered
for every shift

 The Head Chef and Sous Chef cannot have the same days off

 Staff skills must cover all sections during service

 There must be no split shifts

 Meal breaks to be rostered as per the Hospitality Industry (General) Award 2010

 The roster must meet all National Employment Standards (NES) requirements

 At least one kitchenhand must be rostered on at all times

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 Any staff requests for days off must be met.

The total weekly wages are not to exceed $5,000. The budget can be exceeded in the event of
unplanned leave, however this must be approved by the supervisor.

General staffing
 Head chef

 Full time Sous chef

 Casual Head chef

 Casual Sous chef

 Apprentice

 Full time kitchen hand

 Casual - Kitchen Hand

 Casual - Kitchen Hand

Estimated covers

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Breakfast 15 15 25 25

Lunch 25 25 15 30

Dinner 30 40 50 30

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Staff Profile Template

Complete this template to profile a staff member. Bring the completed template to the meeting for
Assessment Task 2.2.
As a staff member, make sure you are true to your own commitments and availability over the
roster period. Also consider your own personal, social and cultural needs and ensure to
communicate any requirements to the person preparing the roster.

Name of staff Nick

Position Employee

Pay scale $30-per hour

Skills Communication skill Presentation Honesty

Availability over Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

the next three
I'm free Monday to I'm free somewhere in I am free from the very first
weeks Friday, and I am the range of 8:30 and 3 hour to the late evening as
adaptable on start times pm from Monday my children are going to
during the weeks’ worth through Friday. My five their uncle’s home. And I
of work. I take evening year-old girls just began would be free for a week.
classes this semester, kindergarten, and I want
so I would have to to get her from school.
complete them at 6 pm. I'm additionally
Be that as it may, I will accessible at the ends
take on extra work of the week in light of
during the end of the the fact that my better
week if important. Half is off work and can
deal with her during
then, at that point.
1) Commitment: Believing in yourself
2) Commitment: Taking huge activity ordinary
commitments 3) Commitment: Being versatile and adapting consistently
4) Commitment: Willingness to lose some rest and saying NO
5) Commitment: Not doing untrustworthy or corrupt stuff

1. Set up clear ethos and qualities for the association: It is imperative to have a
Social and/or
bunch of clear hierarchical fundamental beliefs that are imparted adequately and
cultural needs examined with the workers so they feel part of it. It is the responsibility that an
association or an organization makes to specific approaches and activities, for

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example, "practicing environmental awareness" or "social change". It isn't

sufficient to express this in the statement of purpose, brand story, or in
advertising and special material. It is vital that certifiable moves are made
consistently so the representatives feel an individual and moral obligation towards
these qualities. This will guarantee that they can assess their own mentalities
towards these positive guiding principles, and invest heavily in them.
Inspirational perspectives and positive activities make for a positive work
environment culture.
2. Cultivate cooperation and correspondence: Leadership and the executive's
style that energizes collaboration, transparent correspondence is essential to
making a good inclination in the work environment. Transparent correspondence
likewise implies that ordinary reviews are taken to assess how individuals are
interfacing with one another, criticism is invited and accepted, and openings for
social communication are empowered. These can incorporate espresso
mornings, group escapes, and family ends of the week. This offers a chance for
colleagues to sustain and encourage associations outside of work.
Kept learning openings empowering colleagues to survey their inborn oblivious
and certain inclinations that can affect their collaborations with different workers
are vital. Likewise, severe no resilience open entryway strategies and protest
strategies for working environment tormenting are vital for establishing a positive
collective climate.
Obligations of a Staff Manager
Any other
a. Keep labour force tested - Staff administrators should keep the staff inspired,
information drawn in, and involved. The idea of authoritative citizenship ought to be applied.
b. Keep the labour force informed - The staff ought to be given clear directions
and they should realize what is generally anticipated of them. Consistent input
meetings and evaluations help the staff director to be in a state of harmony with
the staff.
c. Keep labour force fulfilled - The award arrangement of the association ought to
be adequate and fulfilling for the staff
d. Develop work culture - Formal and casual customs of the association ought to
be developed and set up by staff supervisors.
Go past guarantees - The staff administrator ought to perceive expertise holes,
furnish with plentiful preparing and continually update the set of working
responsibilities of the representatives.

Staff Record Template

Complete this template for Assessment Task 2.7 Maintaining Records Complete this template to
record hours for members of staff provided on the timesheets.

Name of staff Chanpreet Singh

Position Head chef

Date Shift Hours worked Pay rate Total

20th march 12:00pm to 7hr $32.50 $227.5


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21st march 11:00am to 11hr $32.50 $375.50


22nd march 11:00am to 11hr $32.50 $375.50





Total amount $942.5


Name of staff Mikal Poudel

Position Sous chef

Date Shift Hours worked Pay rate Total

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20th march 06:00pm to 5hr $24.37 $121.85


21st march 12:00pm to 11hr $24.37 $268.07


22nd march 12:00pm to 11hr $24.37 $268.07





Total amount $658


Name of staff Cristino Ronaldo

Position Cook

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Date Shift Hours worked Pay rate Total

20th march 05:00pm to 5hr $20.52 $102.60


21st march 11:00am to 11hr $20.52 $225.72


22nd march 11:00am to 11hr $20.52 $225.72





Total amount $554.04


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Name of staff Arsenal shretha

Position Kitchen hand

Date Shift Hours worked Pay rate Total

20th march 05:00pm to 5hr $18.15 $90.75


21st march 05:00pm to 5hr $18.15 $90.75


22nd march 11:00am to 11hr $18.15 $199.65





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Total amount $381.15


Name of staff Bishnu

Position Kitchen hand

Date Shift Hours worked Pay rate Total

20th June 05:00pm to 5hr $15.30 $76.50


21st June 05:00pm to 5hr $15.30 $76.50


22nd July 11:00am to 11hr $15.30 $168.30




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Total amount $321.30


Timesheet Template

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Complete this template for Assessment Task 2.7 Maintaining Records. Complete the timesheet
based on actual shifts worked to match Task 2.2 information provided.

Employee Name: Chanpreet singh


Week Ending:

Date Department Start Break Finish Total


Monday ------- -------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------------

Tuesday ------- -------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------------

Wednesday ------- -------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------------

Thursday 20/05/23 Kitchen 6:00 am 2 hrs 14:00p 6


Friday 21/05/23 Kitchen 6:30 am 2 hrs 14:30p 6


Saturday 22/05/23 Kitchen 6:00 am 2 hrs 15:00p 7


Sunday 23/05/23 Kitchen 12:00 2 hrs 20:00p 6

pm m

Total hours worked

Office use only

Approved by: ___Manager_______________________

Date: _____________________

Use information to check the information received against the roster and complete Staff Record

Employee Name: Mikal


Week Ending:

Student Assessment Tasks – SITXHRM008 Roster staff | Page 44 of

V1.0: April 2023, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K
SITXHRM008 Roster staff

Date Department Start Break Finish Total


Monday ------- -------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------------

Tuesday ------- -------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------------

Wednesday ------- -------------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------------

Thursday 20/05/2 Kitchen 16:00 2 hrs 22:00 4


Friday 21/05/2 Kitchen 13:00 2 hrs 22:30 7


Saturday 22/05/2 Kitchen 13:00 2 hrs 22:00 7


Sunday 23/05/2 Kitchen 7:00 2 hrs 15:30 7


Total hours worked

Office use only

Approved by: ___Manager_______________________

Date: _____________________

Use information to check the information received against the roster and complete Staff Record

Student Assessment Tasks – SITXHRM008 Roster staff | Page 45 of

V1.0: April 2023, Approved: QAC
International College of Tasmania Pty Ltd trading as: TasCollege
RTO Code: 45352 | CRICOS Code: 03683K

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