Scoring Rubric ROUTINES

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English Total points: 21

Teacher: MSc. Yahaira Acuña C 15%

Project (17/05 /2023) Points obtained: _______
Topic: Daily Routines % obtained: ____________
Student’s name: ________________________________________________ Grade obtained:

*Reading is not allowed

Scoring Rubric
Points 1 2 3
Content (Daily The student repeated some daily routines. The student repeated some daily routines. The student didn’t repeat daily routines.
Routines) The student used from one to six different The student used from seven to thirteen The student used fourteen or fifteen
daily routines or didn’t use them at all. different daily routines. different daily routines.
Vocabulary The student used only one connector. The student used two or three different The student used four different connectors.
(connectors) connectors.

Grammar More than three errors. From one to three errors. Correct agreement in the sentence.
All the parts are correctly included.
Volume Volume too soft to be heard by all Volume is loud enough to be heard by all Volume is loud enough to be heard by all
classmates. classmates at least 90% of the classmates throughout the presentation.
Fluency Speech is slow and hesitant; difficult to Few hesitations; a slight search for words. Excellent ability to speak quickly and
perceive continuity in speech; inaudible. comprehensibly using consistently a smooth
pace. Self- corrections are automatic.
Pronunciation The student mispronounces more than The student mispronounces some words. The student mispronounces no words.
four words. (from one to four words)
Visual Aids Some or no visual aids to enhance Some visual aids to enhance presentation. All statements were illustrated.
presentation. (from seven to thirteen)
(from 0 to six)

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