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PIA Volume 22 (2012), 143-148 DOI:


Steadman, S. R. And McMahon, G. (eds.)

2011. The Oxford Handbook of Ancient
Anatolia. Oxford: OUP, £95
Veysel Apaydin*

This extensive volume from the Oxford Hand-

book of Archaeology series covers vital topics
and academic discussions while offering one
of the most substantial overviews of Anato-
lian archaeology, covering nearly the whole
of the region, from eastern, southeast, cen-
tral Anatolia and Marmara and Thrace, and
encompassing a broad timeframe (10,000 to
323 BC). It is clear that the sites considered
here have been chosen very carefully, and
their analysis aims to shed new light on the
many problematic issues facing Anatolian
The book is divided into five parts, with the
first four addressing themes and specific top-
ics and the final section looking at key sites
from the region. Despite this clear structure
there is some confusion as to the content of
each section. For example, while the first part
is organised chronologically, starting with
the Neolithic and ending at the Iron Age, sec-
tion five starts with the Neolithic approaches
by M. Özdoğan for Thrace before jumping
to another article by Sagona discussing east- observations of Homer and Herodotus. This
ern Turkey. The volume may have benefitted article once more provides evidence for the
from a more straightforward structure, per- ethnic and linguistic diversity of the region.
haps addressing the core research questions The second article is titled “A History of the
systematically by period and region. Pre-classical Archaeology of Anatolia” by
Part One begins with the “The Land and Roger Matthews. His research considers the
Peoples of Anatolia through Ancient eyes” development of prehistoric Archaeology in
by G. McMahon, who approaches ethnic- Turkey since the Ottoman period. To this end
ity and the languages of Anatolia via the he investigates significant projects across key
sites of the region, looking at archaeological
UCL Institute of Archaeology work carried out under the Ottomans and
31-34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY the early Republic, emphasising why archae-
United Kingdom, ology was important in establishing a Turk-
144 Book Review: Apaydin

ish state. Furthermore, the author criticises group in these early societies. For instance,
the western tendency to underestimate the the location and treatment of some of Çay-
value of archaeological work carried out by anü burials, which are found in the “skull
Turkish institutions. Matthews clearly dem- building”, differ from burials placed outside
onstrates the variety and quality of home- of the structure. This may indicate a status or
grown archaeological research, giving hun- class differentiation within society. Such evi-
dreds of examples of excavations, surveys dence makes it hard to maintain that these
and publications carried out every year. Such societies were “egalitarian”.
endeavours show that Turkey can no longer Following this general overview the remain-
be considered a ‘third world country’ and the der of the section focuses on the Chalcolithic
study of its past should avoid classical colo- of the Anatolian Plateau. Ulf-Dietrich Schoop
nialist approaches. The third and final article offers a broad outline of the general charac-
of this section is “Anatolian Chronology and teristics of the period, focusing on central
Terminology” by Jak Yakar, which provides Anatolia, Lake District, Marmara region and
substantial data from the Neolithic to the Aegean Anatolia where systematic research
Iron Age. It is a particularly significant con- has been carried out for over several years.
tribution to the volume because it seeks to The second article, by Rana Özba, re-consid-
cover some newly excavated sites. ers the Chalcolithic in Southeast Turkey. She
Part Two is perhaps the most coherent sec- begins by providing a general geography of
tion of the book, providing regional devel- the area before analysing each region in turn
opment patterns for each period from the from the 6th to the 4th millennia BC, taking
Neolithic to the Iron Age. The first article, into account numerous key sites. The third
“The Neolithic on the Plateau” by Mihriban article on this theme is “The Chalcolithic
Özbaşaran, begins by giving an overview of of Eastern Anatolia” by Giulio Palumbi. The
the general geographical structure of central author provides brief information on geogra-
Anatolia, before discussing archaeological phy, history of archaeological work that has
investigations undertaken and the chronol- been done, and terminological and chrono-
ogy of the region. Özbağaran also takes a logical framework of the region, before spe-
comparative approach and considers sites cifically focusing on the problematic of the
one-by-one, providing information on their “periodization” of Chalcolithic in the region.
general characteristics. “The Neolithic in Volume Editor Sharon R. Steadman describes
Southeastern Anatolia” by Rosenberg and the geographical structure of the EBA and its
Özdoğan begins by arguing the terms PPNA boundaries in Anatolia, briefly mentioning
and PPNB are not applicable for the Ana- “urbanization and centralization”. Steadman
tolian Neolithic. Instead they use and sug- also provides an overview of the debate on the
gest “early and late Aceramic Neolithic”. The ethnic structures and languages of the Anato-
authors compare most of the sites in south- lia during the EBA. Lastly, she suggests that the
east Turkey, examining their architectural EBA was a “transitional” period from late Chal-
remains and sequences in order to under- colithic. “The early Bronze Age in Southeastern
stand the Neolithic customs of the region. Anatolia” by A. Tuba Okse describes the geo-
They first suggest that the economy of Early graphical boundaries of the region through site
Acaremic, in southeast Anatolia, was based names, before reconsidering the chronology of
on hunting and gathering with an egalitar- the EBA through comparison of significant site
ian social system. However, one needs to con- sequences. The importance of this article lies
sider the custom practices (particularly mor- in the fact Okse takes into account newly exca-
tuary) of these early societies before making vated sites in the region. However, as she points
such a statement. We do not see the same out, some of these sites are poorly published
treatment given to every single person or making further interpretation difficult. Cath-
Book Review: Apaydin 145

erine Marro re-evaluates the EBA in the Eastern centrates on Southeastern Anatolia during
zone, discussing socio-economic and political the Iron Age, focusing on many sites which
structures of the period and finally suggests have been examined during rescue excava-
that although Transcaucasian culture can be tions following dam projects in the region.
seen in the region it looks like it was not the Lori Khatchadourian’s analysis of eastern
only one. Anatolia during the first millennium com-
Discussing The Middle Bronze Age, Cecile pares this region with the Armenian plateau
Michel examines perhaps one of the most and south Caucases, emphasising the impact
interesting periods of Anatolia - the Assyrian of the Urartu Kingdom. Alan M. Greaves then
Trade Colony Period - considering its larg- discusses Greek culture in western Anatolia
est city-state Kültepe. Michel considers both during the first millennium BC.
archaeological assemblages and cuneiform Part III, which considers “Philological and
text in order to make plausible interpreta- Historical Topics”, is perhaps the most inter-
tions. She continues with an examination esting section of the book. Most nation states
of the political and social structures of the have approached early civilizations and their
Kaneş by considering status differentiations languages from a nationalistic perspective.
and ethnicity. Finally, she links the end of In the early years of the Turkish Republic,
this period to results of political struggles Atatürk established Archaeology, Hittites and
between Anatolian states. The second article Sumerian departments in Ankara University
on “Southeastern and Eastern Anatolia in the in order to provide a link between Turks and
Middle Bronze Age” begins by outlining the the early civilizations of Anatolia. Unfortu-
general geography of the area and showing nately authors in this chapter do not discuss
every single Middle Bronze Age site which has this nationalistic agenda and mostly focus
been documented. The authors then discuss on the structure and diffusion of the Hittite,
the structure of the city-states and their dis- Luwian and Phrygians in Anatolia. Richard
persal in the region with a particular focus on H. Beal focuses on the socio-political struc-
the areas importance as a cultural interaction ture and organization of the Hittite society,
zone, finally pointing out that although many G. Kenneth Sams outlines the general socio-
“city-states” collapsed in Northern Mesopota- political structure of Anatolia during the
mia, there is clear continuity in Anatolia from first millennium, while Ömür Harmanşah
early Bronze Age to Middle Bronze Age. provides a visual perspective on Anatolia by
Three articles on The Late Bronze Age begin considering the meaning and impact of mon-
with Trevor Bryce discussing Western Anato- umental architecture on societies.
lia through Hittite texts, the Arzawa Lands Part IV is divided by “Thematic and Spe-
and the development of states and social cific Topics”, with the first six articles ana-
organization. Jürgen Seeher, who has worked lysing inter-regional cultural interactions.
for a long time at Hattuşa (capital city of the Mehmet Özdoğan re-evaluates the debate
Hittite empire) raises many important issues over whether eastern Thrace was a bridge
around the Hittites during the second mil- between Anatolia and the Balkans by pro-
lennium BC. Marie-Henriette Gates examines viding a regional overview from Neolithic to
the southern and southeastern zone during Iron Age. He suggests that during the Neo-
the Late Bronze Age with a focus on the cities lithic, Thrace may have been “peripheral”
and towns of this period. to Anatolia and Near East, but was a central
Kealhofer and Grave offer a general over- area for European cultures. Antonio Sagona
view of the central Anatolia during the first considers the contact zone of eastern Turkey,
millennium with a discussion of geography, looking at the interaction between Anatolian
chronology, and material culture of the main cultures and Transcaucasia from Neolithic
sites during this period. Timothy Matney con- to Middle Bronze Age. Although he outlines
146 Book Review: Apaydin

that Transcaucasian cultures built their own effect of the expansion of Uruk in the region
identity he also suggest that according to mostly in southeast Anatolia and Mesopota-
material cultures of the sites there was a high mia during the fourth millennium BC. Jason
level of interaction between Anatolia and Ur takes a different approach, examining the
Transcaucasia. H. Craig Melchert debates the landscape and natural environment based
migration of Indo-Europeans to Anatolia. He on surface surveys carried out in the region.
suggests that although it is hard to define the James D. Muhly remarks that Anatolia was
route of the Indo-Europeans they were pre- important in terms of Metal and Metallurgy
sent in Anatolia by 15000 BC. Peter Jablonka by taking into account most of the sources
approaches the famous site of Troy within and metal artefacts of the sites during the
its ‘regional and international context’. He Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. Cladia
first outlines the history of research under- Glatz re-considers the Hittite state in terms
taken here, then stratigraphic levels, and of its socio-political organization and struc-
finally Troy as a strategic location between ture of the empire by considering archaeo-
the Aegean and Anatolia. Karen Radner con- logical evidence. Lastly, Theo Van Den Hout
siders archaeological evidence and textual re-evaluates the Hittite empire by taking
sources for Assyrians and Urartians in east- base textual evidences and mostly focusing
ern and Southeastern Anatolia. She discusses on the administrative structure by following
the relationship between these two empires written tablets.
during the first millennium BC stating that Part V considers eleven key sites from across
although there was always war and conflict Anatolia. Although contributors to this sec-
there was also significant cultural interac- tion have published related sites elsewhere,
tion. Kenneth W. Harl discusses the existence here we are given the latest data and interpre-
of Greeks in Anatolia. He begins by outlining tations Schimdt takes a comparative approach
the emergence of Greek civilization in the to Göbekli Tepe, outlining simultaneous
land of Anatolia and development of the first sites in the region with similar artefacts and
city-states in the region, giving brief insights symbols. He then gives a detailed overview
into Greeks during the first millennium BC of the architectural structure of the site and
until Alexander the Great. makes interpretations on the base of symbols
The second section of Part IV, “From Pasto- depicted on pillars. He points out that Göbekli
ralists to Empires: Critical Issues”, consists of Tepe was a feasting place, used as a Temple by
seven articles. Perhaps the most interesting hunter- gatherers. However, he does not dis-
research here is that put forward by Bleda cuss the question; who were these people and
Düring on the Middle Chalcolithic. Düring who built such a complex? If one considers
has published this period in more detail in that a “certain group of people” existed one
“The Prehistory of Asia Minor” (2011). Here could also argue that there was social class dif-
he re-evaluates the Chalcolithic as a whole, ferentiation in PPN period in the hunter-gath-
then considers settlement patterns, bringing erer societies, which seems implausible. While
new perspectives and interpretations to the I would agree that Göbekli Tepe was a Tem-
material. He argues that the old approach ple not settlement and was used for feasting
to the Chalcolithic is no longer valid. Most purposes, I would suggest we are dealing here
scholars have argued that the economy of with a PPN people who were already settled
Chalcolithic settlements and societies was in the region. These early settlements, such
based on farming. In contrast, Düring sug- as Hallan Çemi, Körtik Tepe, Çayönü, Jefr el
gests that along with farming, people were Ahmar are not so far away from Göbekli Tepe.
still hunting and gathering and eating wild Archaeological evidence of some of these sites
foods and animals during the fifth millen- indicate that people were simultaneously
nium BC. Rothman discusses the cultural hunter-gatherers and farmers.
Book Review: Apaydin 147

Ian Hodder addresses the importance and However, many important sites have been
distinctiveness of Çatalhöyük in contrast to excluded. It is important to recognise that,
other Neolithic settlements such as Aşıklı in the last two decades, Anatolian archaeol-
Höyük, Boncuklu Höyük and Göbekli Tepe. ogy has expanded in terms of new excava-
He particularly emphasizes the consistency tions, new discoveries, and systematic works
of art and building density at Çatalhöyük and publications. Although the editors point
which cannot be seen in any other Neolithic out that “we have chosen these sites due to
sites in the region. Hodder compares the their long term and ongoing excavations”
results of recent excavations by the Çatal- the book would have benefited from includ-
höyük Research Project and Mellart, who ing other sites such as Körtik Tepe (Özkaya
undertook excavations in 1960’s. He then and San 2007), which has become very sig-
goes on to consider the elaborate buildings nificant for understanding the archaeological
which include a high level of art and sig- context of Neolithic Anatolia. Also worthy of
nificant numbers of burials. Hodder named inclusion are Ulucak Höyük (Çilingiroglu and
these “History Houses”, suggesting that Çilingiroglu 2007), Ege Gübre (Sağlamtimur
ancestors were buried under the floor to cre- 2007), Yesilova Höyük (Derin 2007) in the
ate social memory. Aegean Anatolia; Neolithic site AktopraklIk
The third key site offered is Ilıpınar, a (Karul 2007) in the eastern Marmara region,
Neolithic settlement which is located in the and Neolithic site Aşıklı Höyük (Esin and Har-
Eastern Marmara region. Although this area mankaya 2007) for central Anatolia. For the
has not been sufficiently researched yet, the Bronze Age, Liman Tepe, Bakla Tepe and Panaz
excavation of Ilıpınar along with Menteşe Tepe (Şahoğlu 2008b) are also key sites for the
Höyük, Barçın Höyük and Aktopraklık, which region. Excavations have been carried out for
are very close to each other, have provided one or two decades at most of these sites, and
substantial data to help our understanding of including them in the volume would have
the Neolithic and Chalcolithic of the region. helped provide a more comprehensive under-
In this article Jacob Roodenberg outlines the standing of the early Anatolia.
general characteristics of the Ilıpınar such as
architectural structure and sequences etc. References
He argues that the Anatolian Neolithic was Çilingiroğlu, A and Çilingiroğlu, Ç 2007
taken to Europe as there are similar cultural ‘Ulucak’. In M Özdoğan and N Başgelen,
aspects between Marmara region and the eds., Anadolu’da Uygarlığın Doğuşu Avru-
European zone. paya Yayılımı Türkiye’de Neolitik Dönem,
Arslantepe has been researched and exca- Yeni Kazılar, Yeni Bulgular. Istanbul, Turkey:
vated for almost half-a-century and here Mar- Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, pp. 361-372.
cella Frangipane gives an overview of the site Derin, Z 2007 ‘Yeşilova Höyüğü’. In M
which emphasizes the development of social Özdoğan and N Başgelen, eds., Anadolu’da
complexity and its regional importance. The Uygarlığın Doğuşu Avrupaya Yayılımı
remainder of this section considers a variety Türkiye’de Neolitik Dönem, Yeni Kazılar,
of key sites from across the region, includ- Yeni Bulgular. Istanbul, Turkey: Arkeoloji
ing Titriş Höyük in Southeast Turkey, signifi- ve Sanat Yayınları, pp. 377-384.
cant sites of the Hittite Empire (Boğazköy- Düring, B 2011 The Prehistory of Asia Minor
Hattuşa, Ortaköy-Sapinuwa, Alaca Höyük, From Complex Hunter-Gatherers to Early
Kuşakli-Sarissa, Maşat Höyük-Tapikka), Gor- Urban Societies. New York, Cambridge Uni-
dion, capital of the Phrygians, Kaman-Kale- versity Press.
höyük and the Sardis-Capital of the West. Esin, U, and Harmankaya, S 2007 ‘Aşıklı
Most of the authors included here have Höyük’. In: M Özdoğan and N Başgelen,
worked in the field for a considerable period. eds., Anadolu’da Uygarlığın Doğuşu Avru-
148 Book Review: Apaydin

paya Yayılımı Türkiye’de Neolitik Dönem, Sağlamtimur, H 2007 ‘Ege Gübre Neolitik
Yeni Kazılar, Yeni Bulgular. Istanbul, Turkey: Yerleşimi’. In M Özdoğan and N Başgelen,
Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, pp. 255-272. eds., Anadolu’da Uygarlığın Doğuşu Avru-
Karul, N 2007 ‘Aktopraklık: Kuzeybatı paya Yayılımı Türkiye’de Neolitik Dönem,
Anadolu’da Gelişkin Bir Köy’. In M Yeni Kazılar, Yeni Bulgular. Istanbul, Tur-
Özdoğan and N Başgelen, eds., Anadolu’da key: Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, pp. 373-
Uygarlığın Doğuşu Avrupaya Yayılımı 376.
Türkiye’de Neolitik Dönem, Yeni Kazılar, Şahoğlu, V 2008 ‘Liman Tepe and Bakla
Yeni Bulgular. Istanbul, Turkey: Arkeoloji ve Tepe: New evidence fort he relations
Sanat Yayınları, pp. 387-392. between the Izmir region, the Cyclades,
Özkaya, V, and San, O 2007 ‘Körtik Tepe: and the Greek mainland during the late
Bulgular Işığında Kültürel Doku Üzer- fourth and third millennia BC’. In: H
ine ilk Gözlemler’. In M. Özdoğan and Erkanal, H Hauptmann, V Şahoğlu, and R
N. Başgelen, eds., Anadolu’da Uygarlığın Tuncel, eds., The Aegean in the Neolithic,
Doğuşu Avrupaya Yayılımı Türkiye’de Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age. Ankara,
Neolitik Dönem, Yeni Kazılar, Yeni Bulgu- Turkey: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, pp.
lar. Istanbul, Turkey: Arkeoloji ve Sanat 483-501.
Yayınları, pp. 21-36.

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