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Participa en el Foro "Nuestras aventuras de viaje" individualmente como se indica:

Primera publicación: Escribe un párrafo sobre tu propia presentación, tu rutina diaria y los planes
propuestos por ti para cada día del viaje.
Segunda publicación: Escribe un párrafo sobre las nuevas experiencias vividas en el viaje en
términos de lugares visitados y actividades realizadas.
Tercera Publicación: Escribe un párrafo sobre como te sentiste con cada experiencia vivida y una
conclusión expresando las razones por las que recomiendas visitar esta ciudad Francesa..

Hi, I'm Leidy Yohana. I live in Oxford, I am 29 years old and this summer I will visit the city of Lyon for
4 days the first day I will visit the animals in the Lyon Zoo the second day I plan to practice
rappelling, the third day I will visit museums and, in the evening, I will party in the city on the fourth
day I will go shopping.

The city of Lyon is fantastic the tour was great in the visit to the zoo there were new animals I ate ice
cream, during the rappelling practice I took many pictures I saw many beautiful landscapes the day I
visited the museums there were few people and I could enjoy more of the works of each artist, on
shopping day visited many exclusive stores.

I can say that vacations in Lyon are great, I recommend them to all my friends and family, Lyon is a
city with many tourist attractions, people are friendly and the weather is great for outdoor activities, I
liked the typical food of the city city and landscapes are beautiful.

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