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The UK Today 9 FORM

Variant 1
Mark the correct form of the verbs
1 When her friend came, she________TV.
a)watches c) watched
b)was watching d) is watching
2When I got home I discovered that somebody ________ my house.
a) break into c) had broken into
b) broke into d) breaks into
3 When I ________ my friend she just had left her home.
a) phone c) will phone
b) phoned d) had phoned
4 She suddenly realised that she________her money.
a) Loses c) lost
b) had lost d) has lost
5 It ________rainy tomorrow.
c) is c) was
d) will be d) has been
6 The boys ________a game of football at the moment.
a) have c) will have
b) don’t have d) are having
II. Make up sentences about Wales
1.people/Wales/population/of/has/a/3 million
3. at/the/peak/1085 m/in/Snowdon/is/highest/Wales

III. Answer the questions

1.What plant is the symbol of England?_______________________________________
2.Which country is known as “the land of song”?_______________________________
3.What is the highest peak of Scotland?________________________________________

IV. Write about the UK

The UK Today 9 FORM
Variant 2
I. Mark the correct form of the verbs
1 She was reading a book while her friends ________
a) were swimming c) was swimming
b) swam d) swim
2 I realized that I ________ him.
a) misunderstand c) misunderstood
b)will misunderstand d) had misunderstood
3 She ________here all her life.
a) had lived c) was living
b)am living d) has lived
4 My friends ________much right now.
a)don’t talk c) talk
b) talked d) aren’t talking
5 Our school holiday ________in July.
а) start c) will start
b) is going to start d ) had started
6 She told me she wanted a dessert for lunch. I ________an apple pie.
a) am going to make c) made
b)was making d) make

II . Make up sentences about Scotland

1.located/Great Britain/Scotland/is/of/the/north/to
2.The/around/Scotland/is/5 million/population/of/people
III. Answer the questions
1.How many parts are in the UK?____________________________________________
2.What is the most popular sport in Wales?_____________________________________
3.Where is the famous lake Loch-Ness?

IV. Write about the UK


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