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Main Text

The Ants and the Pen

An ant one day strayed across a piece of paper and saw a pen writing in fine, black strokes. ‘How
wonderful this is!’ said the ant. ‘This remarkable thing, with a life of its own, makes
squiggles on this beautiful surface, to such an extent and with such energy that it is equal
to the efforts of all the ants in the world. And the squiggles which it makes! These resemble ants:
not one, but millions, all run together.’He repeated his ideas to another ant, who was equally
interested. He praised the powers of observation and reflection of the first ant. But another ant
said: ‘Profiting, it must be admitted, by your efforts, I have observed this strange object. But I
have determined that it is not the master of this work. You failed to notice that this pen is
attached to certain other objects, which surround it and drive it on its way. These should be
considered as the moving factor, and given the credit.’ Thus were fingers discovered by the
ants.But another ant, after a long time, climbed over the fingers and realized that they
comprised a hand, which he thoroughly explored, after the manner of ants, by scrambling
all over it.He returned to his fellows: ‘Ants!’ he cried, ‘I have news of importance for you. Those
smaller objects are a part of a large one. It is this which gives motion to them.’But then it was
discovered that the hand was attached to an arm, and the arm to a body, and that there were two
hands, and that there were feet which did no writing.The investigations continue. Of the
mechanics of the writing, the ants have a fair idea. Of the meaning and intention of the writing,
and how it is ultimately controlled, they will not find out by their customary method of
investigation. Because they are not ‘literate’.
The Adapted Text

The Ants and the Pen

One day, an ant strayed across a piece of paper and saw a pen writing in fine, black strokes.
‘How wonderful this is!’ said the ant. ‘This remarkable thing, with a life of its own, makes
squiggles on this beautiful surface, to such an extent and with such energy that it is equal to the
efforts of all the ants in the world. And the squiggles which it makes! These resemble ants: not
one, but millions, all run together.’He repeated his ideas to another ant, who was equally
interested. He praised the powers of observation and reflection of the first ant. But another ant
said: ‘Profiting, it must be admitted, by your efforts, I have observed this strange object. But I
have determined that it is not the master of this work. You failed to notice that this pen is
attached to certain other objects, which surround it and drive it on its way. These should be
considered as the moving factor, and given credit.’ Thus were fingers discovered by the ants.
But another ant, after a long time, climbed over the fingers and realized that they comprised a
hand, which he thoroughly explored, after the manner of ants, by scrambling all over it. He
returned to his fellows: ‘Ants!’ he cried, ‘I have news of importance for you. Those smaller
objects are a part of a large one. It is this which gives motion to them.’But then it was discovered
that the hand was attached to an arm, and the arm to a body, and that there were two hands, and
that there were feet which did no writing. The investigations continued. Of the mechanics of the
writing, the ants have a fair idea. Of the meaning and intention of the writing, and how it is
ultimately controlled, they will not find out by their customary method of investigation.
Because they are not ‘literate’.So after all this time, if you were to ask an ant to read a
word or what message a squiggle is attempting to communicate. It would simply look at
you blankly.The further investigation continued but the ants never understood the idea of
writing.So, we come to understand from the story is “Gathering information is not always
equal to knowledge”
Adapted Tasks
1. Listening Tasks
2. Vocabulary learning-
a. Remarkable
b. Squiggle
c. Observation
d. Explore
e. Scramble

2.Writing Tasks on “Gathering information is not equal to knowledge’’

Table of Adapting Materials

Adaptability Example Justification

Congruence 1. Materials are appropriate
1. Includes appropriate volume for in the teaching environment;
the students that's why external factors
1. External Factor
2.Included some rewritten lines as the need not to be adapted for
2. Internal Factor
conclusion and added a moral of the this text
story. 2. There is a lack of
organization in the
(“Gathering information is not conclusion and the moral of
always equal to knowledge”) the story. That’s why internal
factors get adapted for better

Need To 1. Adding critical thinking and writing 1. To increase the relevance

1. Personalizing task with topic of content in relation to
2.Individualizing 2. Students will perform individually as learners’ interests and their
3. Localization well as group tasks in the class. academic knowledge and
3. N/A educational needs.
2. To address the learning
styles both of individuals and
of the members of a class
working closely together.
Techniques 1.Added a conclusion and moral of the 1.To create a framework of a
1. Adding story as well as writing tasks and story as well providing
2.Modifying vocabulary tasks. students with more
(Rewriting) 2. Rewritten some lines in the text. knowledge about the text and
3. Deleting (So after all this time, if you were to sufficient coverage of
4.Reordering ask an ant to read a word or what reading , writing and
vocabulary skill.
message a squiggle is attempting to
communicate. It would simply look at
you blankly.The further investigation
continued but the ants never
understood the idea of writing.So, we
come to understand from the story is
“Gathering information is not always
equal to knowledge”)

3. Deleted some lines in the text.(Of

the mechanics of the writing, the ants
have a fair idea. Of the meaning and
intention of the writing, and how it is
ultimately controlled, they will not
find out by their customary method
of investigation. Because they are not


Content Area 1. Included tasks regarding vocabulary 1. To increase students'

1. Language (1. Remarkable insight regarding new words
Practice 2. Squiggle and their usage.
2. Skill 3. Observation 2. To increase students
3. Text 4. Explore listening, writing, and critical
5. Scramble analysis skills
6. Investigation)
2.Included tasks regarding listening,
writing as well as critical analysis.
Overall Comments
I have chosen the text “The Ants and the Pen “ by Idries Shah for class 5 from Bangla medium
institution because it is easily understandable, interesting, and culturally unbiased. It includes a
topic that involves themes based on real-life experiences and knowledge . This text is a satire on
the human being’s scientific endeavor, where “The Ants and the Pen” story has been illustrated
the idea that information is not equal to knowledge. I have rewritten some lines to provide an
appropriate conclusion and a moral to the story to provide them with a better understanding of
the text.I have included listening tasks at the beginning of the class and then the students will
learn new vocabulary and their usage from the text. Then, I have added a group task where they
will think critically to apply the story’s moral to generate an idea of their own.I have adapted
some explanations, techniques, and content areas for the betterment of the content and
linguistics part of the material.

Lesson Plan
Name of the Teacher: Zarin Tashnim
Topic: The Ants and the Pen
Class: 5 (Bangla Medium )
Proficiency Level of students: Lower Intermediate
Mother tongue of the students: Bangla
Medium of Instruction: Bangla
Number of total students: 20
Total class time: 50 minutes
Objective of lesson: * To improve listening skill
*To teach student writing skill

Learning Outcomes: *The students will be able to explain the text through their perspective
*The students will be able to think critically
Activities Teacher’s Role Students’ Role Materials Time
Pre-Task The teacher will greet the The students will greet Text 5 minutes
Introduction students and introduce back to the teacher and
them to the author and learn the introductory
the title of the story. information about the

During 1.The teacher will read The students will Text 35 minutes
Task/While out the text and interpret learn and write the
Task the new vocabularies to
the students.
new vocabulary on
Listening and
1. Remarkable their copies. Then
2. Squiggle they will form
3. Observation groups with 5
4. Explore members and write
5. Scramble at least 5-6 lines on
6.Investigation the given task and
one will come from
2. The teacher will divide the each group and
the students into 5 mention their tasks
groups, each will contain within 3-4 minutes.
4 members ans ask them
to write 5-6 lines about
information is not
equal to
knowledge’’ from
their perspective

Post-Task The teacher will The students will Text 10 minutes

(Homework/ provide feedback to learn the feedback
short the students on their for their task group
discussion/ class tasks and wise and take notes
getting provide them for the homework.
feedback) homework on
summary of the text
within 6-8 lines
Reference: Shah I . (2018) . The Ants and the Pen.

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