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Lesson 1. Introduction to the Subject

Lesson 2. The History of the Bible

Lesson 3. The Bible in Contrast to Human literatures

Lesson 4. The Experimental Effect of the Bible

Lesson 5. Scientific Evidence of the Infallibility of the Bible

Lesson 6. The Bible’s Literary Style and Diction

Lesson 7. The Testimony of Christ proves the Bible (Divine Inspiration)

Lesson 8. The Unity and Harmony of the Bible.


A. Three basic questions must be considered as we begin to deal with the evidences of the
Christian faith:
1. Why is it important that we know whether or not the bible is infallible.

There are threefold answers:

a. The bible claims to be the word of God. This is challenged today by modernism,
Scepticism and Infidelity in its various forms. If we are to have confidence in the bible as
the “lamp unto our feet and the light unto our path,” then we must know whether this
claim of the bible is correct.
b. The Christian faith stands or falls with the reliability of the bible for the bible is the very
basis of Christianity. It is thus readily seen that is this world with its many conflicting
religious systems, we must know the facts concerning the faith.
c. Millions of individuals both in days gone by and in this present time have, put their
eternal destinies on the integrity of the bible. It is important then that we know
whether or not the bible justifies such explicit confidence.
2. What possible attitudes might any one take towards the bible?
There are only four possible attitudes towards the bible and from the very nature of
each, it is evident that one of them must be right and that three of them must be wrong:
a. The bible is entirely the work of men
b. The bible contains the word of God
c. The bible is the word of God
d. The bible becomes the word of God when it speaks to us
Which of these attitudes do you take?
3. To what conclusion would anyone come according to the attitudes the bible have just
been mentioned?
a. It the bible is entirely the work of men, then it is of no more value as a basis of
infallibility than any other book written by men.
b. If the bible merely contains the word of God, that is, if the word of God is to be
found somewhere among the many statements that make up the context of the
bible, then parts of the bible would be infallible, but other parts would be un-
authoritative and may be set aside or ignored. In this case some confusion would
i. What portions are to be accepted as authoritative?
ii. What portions are to be rejected as un-authoritative?
iii. Who has the authority to decide which to accept and which to reject?
c. If the bible is the word of God, then it must be absolutely infallible even in the most
minute detail. Then every word demands our strictest attention and confidence.
B. The student’s objective. The student should through this course reach this three-fold
1. Acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the great evidences and proofs that support the
Christian faith, and that establish the absolute infallibility and divine inspiration of the
2. Be able to fulfill the divine injunction of I Pet.3:15 and “be ready always to give an
answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you”. To do this you
will be ready to arrange systematically the accumulated evidences and proofs so that
you will be ready to apply then readily and rapidly.
3. Realize that the completion of this course does not exhaust the study of this subject, but
it rather opens the door wide for a continuation of research and investigation. Be on the
alert, pick up articles that appear in news papers and reliable periodicals, specially those
of a secular nature that may be used to establish further the truths of the bible. Upto-
date reports of archaeological discoveries etc., that establish the truths of the bible
should be clipped and filled to be used when an opportune time comes.


Some people seem to believe that the manuscript of the bible were compiled in heaven,
printed on a celestial printing press, and sent down to us divinely bound in a MOROCCO cover. This
is a modern voice of criticism casting its remarks of ridicule against those who dare to believe that
the bible is indeed the word of God. The world of course cannot understand what is meant by such
things as the word of God, the book of divine inspiration, the sacred scriptures, but this is something
that every Christian should know and that whenever He sees best to do so, God uses natural
channels to accomplish His divine purpose. Thus when God planned that through the bible He
would reach human beings and deal with human problems and human circumstances, He used
human element to give us the bible.

Historians record that the actual writing of the bible began sixteen centuries before the
advent of Christ, at the time of Moses. The Encyclopaedia Britannica has this to say “though the
priestly ordinances were mainly published by oral decisions of the priests……there can be no
reasonable doubt that the priests possessed written legal collections of greater or less extent from
the time of Moses downwards”. Thus the writings of the bible began when the human race was in
existence about two thousand five hundred years. Not only so but it took several centuries of time
before it was compiled. Why the delay? To understand this we consider three things.

 What God purposed to reveal to man through the written scripture.

 The preparations necessary for man to receive the written scripture.
 The times of actual waiting of the scriptures. So we deal with each of these separately.
1. What God purposed to reveal to man through the written scriptures:
a. God purposed to reveal Himself the Triune God and Eternal Existent Creator; the one
who is supreme in all things.
b. God purposed to reveal to man: his origin, his fall into sin, his present condition of
depravity, and his future destiny because of that condition.
c. God purposed to reveal the Lord Jesus Christ, God the Son, His pre-existence, His
incarnation and His work of redemption His sacrificial, substitutionary death on the
d. God purposed to reveal to man the reality and power of Satan and his fallen angels who
are the enemies of God and of men, and in contrast the angels of God who are
ministering spirits.
2. The preparations necessary for man to receive the written Scriptures:
Let us remember that God makes no mistake and when He saw best, man was given the
word of God in written form. In the meantime, five steps of preparations were necessary.
a. The Call of Abraham:
The word of God is for the people of God. Thus it was necessary that, before God would
give the written word, He would call out a people unto Himself. This He did through
Abraham. Genesis 12 gives the story of how Abraham was called out of his country, and
from his kindred and from his father’s house, unto a land that God would show him.
One of the promises given to Abraham on that occasion was that through him would all
families on the earth be blessed.
b. The founding of the Hebrew (Jewish) nation:
Among the many blessings that have come to the world through the Hebrew people, is
the giving of the Holy Scriptures for “unto them were committed the oracles of God.”
Romans 3:2. The history of the bible is then very closely associated with the people who
descended from Abraham and whom God built into the nation of Israel.
c. The training of the nations:
In order to receive the scriptures, much preparation was necessary for this nation. As
recorded in the book of Exodus, beginning with the first chapter, we learn that God
permitted these people to be trained in Egypt under trials and persecutions.
d. The raising up of Moses:
Into this specially called and specially trained nation there was born the babe who was
named Moses. Marvelously preserved even from the wicked plot of the Egyptian king,
this babe was reared in the palace of the same king.
e. The training of Moses:
To prepare him for the work that God had for him to do, Moses, spent forty years in the
palace as the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter, and then another forty years in the
wilderness. So trained and prepared, he was called to be a leader among his people, as is
outlined throughout the whole book of Exodus.
3. The times of actual writing of the scriptures.
a. The Old Testament: Two steps were necessary to bring the Old Testament into its
present form. These are:
i. The writing of the manuscripts: According to history, as we noted in lesson 1,
the writing of the Old Testament began about 3500 years ago at the time of
Moses. The bible itself agrees with this, see Exodus 24:4 and John 5:46.
ii. The canonizing of the writings: By this we mean that the writings had to be
recognized as genuine and set in their present form and order. This was
accomplished sometime before the first advent of Christ. There are four
evidences that lead us to this conclusion.
 The Lord Jesus inferred this – see Hebrews 10:7
 The Jewish historians, Josephus, writing in the first century A.D referred to O.T. as being
already canonized.
 The historian, Cyril of Jerusalem, referred to it in a similar manner in the fourth century.
 The date of completion is usually set at about 300 BC. This would mean that the completed
O.T. is more than 2,300 years old.
b. The New Testament: As with the O.T. so with the New Testament manuscript were first
written and then later canonized. The present canon of the N.T. was fixed by the third
century A.D. there are two evidences that support this conclusion.
 The history of the bible indicates that the original texts were completed by the end of the
first century. As illustrations for this let us take two examples 2 Timothy is considered to be
the last of the writings which the Apostle Paul was led of the Holy Spirit to write. This was
just before his martyrdom which according to historical record, took place about 64 A.D. the
Gospel of John in considered one of the last to be written of the entire bible and again
according to history it was written some where between 85 to 90 A.D.
 The council of Carthage in 379 A.D. published a list of books of the bible just as they are
Thus we see that this bible of which God is Himself the one and only Author, has come to us
through the hands of some 35 or more writers, and its writing and canonizing has spread
over a period of approx. 1600 years.


A. Some facts concerning human literature.

1. The life of the common books of fiction seldom exceed ten years and frequently less.
The Novel “Gone with the wind” which holds the record as a best seller for any one
year, nearly outnumbered the bible in sales for the particular year. Today it is hard
to find a copy on the book stand. No one has received the benefit of advertising and
sales promotion, yet its popularity has quickly faded away.
2. The books on technical and scientific subjects rapidly lose their value in the face of
material advancement and the acquirement information eg. The rapid scientific
advancement in the aircraft industry. Technical books on aeronation have become
obsolete in two or three years. Such books are in constant need of recession.
3. Only the very best books and works of literature retain their prominence and
recognition even for one century. While these classics are held in high esteem today
as examples of literature they are little read and not studied at all by the great mass
of humanity.
B. The longevity of bible in contrast to human literature.
Scotland’s greatest literary genius, Sir Walter Scott, on his death bed near his library of
30,000 volumes, called “bring me the book” what book asked his son-in-law. “The
Book, the bible: there is but one book” said the dying man. How true is that and only
book has stood the inexorable, searching test of time. The bible today, 3500 years after
its first portions were written in the largest selling book in the world and the demand is
constantly increasing. Other ancient books are more curiosities but after millenniums of
use the bible is the same vital powerful and widely read book as ever.
C. The pertinacity of the bible in contrast to human literature.
Pertinacity is the quality of enduring the persisting despite adverse circumstances and
unfavorable conditions, and aggressive opposition. The bible although apparently only
an inanimate book inherently and uniquely possesses this wonderful spiritual quality
usually associated with living creatures. The bible has outlived and outnumbered all
other books, not because of the favourable circumstances it has enjoyed but despite
bitter opposition and the united efforts on the part of men to destroy it.
The bible continued existence and constant increase, despite all attempt to destroy and
discredit it, it is an indisputable testimony to its supernatural character and divine
inspiration. No book of human origin could have endured and multiplied in the face of
such bitter opposition.
We present three reason for such striking contrasts between the bible and all other
a. The bible is the word of God. No other book is God breathed.
b. It meets the basic need of a fallen race. No other book does.
c. Its divine author has decreed that it shall never pass away. Mtt. 24:35; I Pet. 1:25.

A. What does experimental effect mean?

1. Whenever we see a force at work we expect to see an effect produced. It is evident that
evil literature is a force that produces evil results. Book of an uplifting nature will
produce beneficial results upon the readers. This is the experimental effect, the
practical results produced by these forces. It is the natural effect of natural causes.
2. What then is the experimental effect of the bible? What does it produce? In this lesson
we shall present the indisputable evidence that the unique effect of the bible is
supernatural in nature. No other book ever written has ever produced the results that
come from the reading and acceptance of the bible. Its supernatural effects are clear
evidence that this is a supernatural book.
3. Study the following example carefully. They will prove beyond question that the bible
whole heartedly accepted and believed produces a supernatural transformation in the
lives of both nations and individuals. We must remember however, that such an effect
will never be produced in the life of one who only half heartedly tastes the word of God
(Heb. 6:4) without a full obedience to its precepts. Only where the cause, the bible is
allowed to exert its power in unhindered fashion, will the supernatural effect of its
transforming power be truly manifested.
B. Examples of the bible experimental effect.
1. God’s dealing with the nation of Israel.
a. God specially fitted Israel to perform specific tasks.
She was to be a witness to God’s unity in the midst of universal idolatry.
She was to receive and preserve the divine revelation. Eg. Ex.24:17-28
She was to produce the Messiah. Num. 24:17-19
To fit Israel for this triune purpose, God gave her His word and this gave her a
distinct advantage over nations making her strong through the scriptures.
b. God used His word to restore Israel in times of apostasy. Notice that Israel went
down to defeat and into apostasy only as she turned away from the word of
God. In the days of Josiah for example, Israel’s testimony the world was in a
very poor and weak state. Then during the repairing of the temple the workmen
found a copy of the long lost, long neglected law. The subsequent reading of
that portion of scripture produced a national revival in Israel. 2 Chro. 34:14ff.
2. The transformation of the first believers.
The New Testament abounds with examples of the transforming power of the word
of God.
a. The conversion of the apostle Paul from a persecutor of our Lord toa chosen
vessel unto Him. Acts 9:1-20.
b. The joy of the Ethiopian eunuch testifies to the supernatural power of the new
birth. Acts 8:28-30
c. Paul commends the thessalonian Christians because they were ensamples to all
that believe in Macedonia and Achaia. I Thess.1;7-10
d. The Colossians, residents of one of the most lustful cities of the Roman empire,
are an excellent example of this transforming power. Col. 1:21-23.
3. The dispelling of the Dark Ages.
The cause of darkness may best be described as the absence of light. Physical
darkness is universal and it cannot be wiped off, kept out or shut out but it can be
driven back or dispelled by light. If the light is extinguished or hidden, darkness
returns. As in the physical realm so it is in the spiritual. The Dark Ages of history
were due to the light of God’s word being hidden from the great mass of people.
The Roam Catholic Church, the temporal as well as the spiritual power of Europe,
would not allow the scriptures to be translated into the languages of the people
they were supposed to serve, thus keeping them in ignorance and superstitious
idolatry. Men like Wycliffe, Tyndale, Huss and Luther fought to throw off the
oppression of Popery by giving the people of their day the scriptures in their own
tongue and by proclaiming the truths expressed in the bible. The Dark Ages of
ecclesiastical oppression gave way toa higher standard of civilization as the
transforming power of God, worked in the hearts of millions who could now read
the scriptures for themselves.
4. Transformation in the lives of Heathen tribes.
Wherever missionaries have taken the gospel heathen men and women have
forsaken their sin and the changes wrought in their lives witness to the power of His
5. Transformation in the lives of individuals.
The life story of many famous Christians is a marvelous testimony to the
transforming power of God’s word.
a. John Bunyan was transformed from a cursing foul mouthed tinker from whom ,
women ran, to a saint of God. He wrote among others, Pilgrim Progress the
greatest classic of English literature and he devoted his life to the Master’s work,
suffering repeated imprisonment for his faith.
b. As George Muller’s mother lay on her death bed he was wandering the streets, a
card playing, drunken thief, later sent to prison for his crimes. Following his
conversion he founded the Bristol Orphanage which was to become one of our
greatest examples of faith.
c. From the strong willed, rather brash shoe salesman Moddy was transformed to
a great evangelist on fire for God.
C. The inevitable conclusion.
The transformation in the lives of millions of people from which the above examples
were drawn, forces the honest investigator to acknowledge two facts:
 The bible’s unique experimental effect distinguishes it from all other literature, for no other
book produces such supernatural results.
 The only logical explanation of its supernatural transforming power is an acknowledgement
of its divine inspiration and authorship.

In this lesson we introduce the students to a new and vast field of investigation, that
of the scientific realm. It is impossible to present an exhaustive study of all the sciences, for
this would occupy many volumes. Here we give the barest introduction to two of the
sciences: Archaeology and Biology, with a few examples from each of these two realms. We
suggest that the student through further reading and study begin to compile as much as
possible of the enormous mass of facts found in every science, which without a single
exception, thoroughly support the truth taught in the bible. Many of these facts have been
recorded in the scriptures long before man ever discovered them by the investigation of
science. For example, Job declared that the earth is hung upon nothing (Job 26:71). How
did he know this fact? Simply by the inspiration of God.

Now note the following important definition: A science is a correlated body of the absolute
knowledge, gained by trained observation, proven by demonstration, defined by

Science can thus be accepted as true in every way. Unfortunately this term has been used
to cover up much that is doubtful and much that is altogether false. The theory of Evolution
is an example of this when this unproven and unprovable notion is called Scientific.. An
examination of the above definition will show clearly that this theory cannot be classed as
science. the bible warns against such practices. (I Tim. 6:20).

Archaeology and Biology are two of the many branches of scientific research in which are
found abundant evidences of the infallibility of the scriptures, and from these we here
present few examples. These ought to stimulate the student to intensive investigation. As
these sciences are quite separate in their scope they are here presented in two separate

Section I: Archaeology:

A. Archaeology is that branch of knowledge which deals with past civilization and by
means of the investigation of the relics of art, architecture, monuments, inscriptions,
literature, language, implements, customs, etc. , reveals the history of these ancient
people. These remains have survived buried in the ruins of ancient cities and are
brought to light by the spade in the careful hands of the archaeologist. For a further
introduction to the science of archaeology and its importance to the bible
apologetics read Joseph Free’s book “ Archaeology and bible history” and other
reliable archaeological resources.
B. Critics have repeatedly attacked portions of the bible. Often some ancient document
or historical writing seemed to discredit some bible incident and upon such scanty
evidence critics attacked the scriptures. In recent years rapid advancement has been
made in the methods used by archaeology and with the increased interest in this
field many new discoveries have thrown light on bible events. It is an established
fact that recent discoveries in Egypt and other bible lands unite to establish the literal
accuracy of the bible. The following few examples will illustrate:
1. Critics said that straw was not used in ancient Egypt in brickmaking as recorded in
Exodus. Ruins recently unearthed near Tel-el-Kabir of the ancient city of Pithon (Exo.
1:11) show that some of the sun dried bricks were made with straw, others without as
recorded in Exo.5:7. Further confirmation comes from an American Chemist who
discovered by experiment that the purpose of the straw was to obtain a chemical
reaction with the clay rather than for binding material. This reaction greatly simplifies
the task of brickmaking in Egypt’s tupe of soil.
2. The land of Hittite of Joshua 1:4 is just one of the forty passages in the bible mentioning
the Hittites, yet many expressed doubts as to their importance in bible times since there
was no record of their existence arart from the bible account. However in 1906, Hugo
Winckler of Berlin, working in the ruins known as Boghaz Koi in central Turkey proved
them to be the capital of the Hittite empire. Among the ruins were many clay tablets,
one being a military treaty between Hittites and Egypt. Its date is approximately 1300
BC. Although the history of the Hittites is still dim, it is now known that one time they
ruled an empire nearly as extensive as those of Assyria and Egypt.
3. A complete historical list of Babylonian kings gave Nabonidus as ruler within the city
when it was overthrown by Medo-Persia and no where did the list mention Belshazzar.
Critics used this to discredit the story in Daniel 5. However, in 1854, Sir Henry Rawlinson
unearthed in Ur of the Chaldees, sone terracotta cylinders containing an inscription by
Nabonidus in which he mentioned Belshazzar as his eldest son. In 1876, Rawlinson
unearthed in ancient Babylonian a number of jars containing over 200 cuneiform tablets
including an official account of the invasion of Babylon written by Cyrus the Persian. This
and further inscriptions established the fact that Belshazzar was reigning as regent in his
fathers stead at the time of invasion. Daniel 5:29-30 confirm this (note: Daniel was
made third ruler) Nabonidus was away on an archaeological expedition.
4. Because the historian Diodrus state that Egypt did not allow any foreigner to enter her
land until after 700 B C scholars and critics discredited the account of Abraham going
down to Egypt Gen. 12:10,20 and similar incidents. Recently archaeologists have
uncovered Egyptian tomb painting a little over 2000 B C which shows without a shadow
of a doubt that the semitic people of Palestine and Syria were coming to Egypt at that

Thus with each new discovery archaeology vindicates the infallibility of the scriptures and
each time the critic must modify or abandon his charges against it.

Section II: Biology

A. Biology is a science consisting of the known proven, verified and demonstrated facts
concerning life: it includes:
1. The classification of all living things into family groups, orders and species.
2. In its general classification, it included all specific science dealing with the life of
living creatures.
3. It embraces all the known facts of the known forms of life.
B. Some facts concerning the origin of life.
1. The reality of that amazing and perplexing thing called life is indisputable. Life
teams in the air we breathe, in the tiniest drop of water, in the dust of the earth, on
the highest mountain sand in the deepest sea yet the origin of life is a mystery
science has been unable to solve..Dr. George Sarton of Harvard says, science can
explain everything except the essential mysteries of life.
2. The Evolutionist and the bible scholar will agree that man was the last living creature
to appear on earth Gen. 1:20-26. Because of this it is evident that there was no
trained observer on the field to gather evidence of the origin of life. We see at once
therefore, that science cannot deal with the origin of life. The question of origin
must be answered either by philosophy or revelation.
3. Philosophical reasoning which attempts to explain the origin and facts of life grants
the existence of one single cell and suggests the theory of evolution and
4. If life came by specific and direct creation, it is reasonable to expect that the creator
would declare such a stupendous act by revelation. Gen. 1:20-27. Evolution is a
gradual development of higher forms of life from a lower living being.
C. Some facts of Biology which corroborate the testimony of scriptures and utterly refute
Note: the theory of evolution stands or falls with the proof of the transmutation of
species or lack of it.
1. Science has proven after exhaustive experiments that there is no life without the
antecedent life.
2. We are confronted everyday by the striking progress made in the variation of many
species e.g. the many kinds of dogs man has developed or the different breads of
chickens may be raised. In spite of the wide variation of size and colour and other
characteristics they are none the less dogs or chickens as the case may be. They are
simply variants of a species or mutations and if left to themselves will revert cack to
a common type.
Man has also succeeded in producing hybrid plants and animals by grafting or
crossbreeding but these are invariably sterile and cannot reproduce themselves. No
true examples of transmutation has ever been discovered by scientific research even
among single forms of life…Gen. 1:21-25. Leading scientists confirm this fact .
a. Darwin himself admitted… spite of all the efforts of trained observers, not
one change of species is on record.
b. Prof. Louis J Agassis, “there is not a fact known to science tending to show that
a single kind has ever been transmitted into any other. Any man who accepted
the doctrine of evolution ceased there by to be a scientist.
D. A summary of biological evidences:
Specific creation of every existing species by a self-existent life imparting creator is the
only logical explanation of the mystery of living creatures. This fact coincides with the
account of creation in Gen. 2:4-7; I Cor. 1:25.

This lesson is of great importance to the student, because it sets forth and applies a well known
principles of logic. It is simply that causes can be deduced by a careful examination of the effects
produced. That principle is used in nearly every scientific investigation. In the realm of art an expert
can by examining the picture, determine that the style composition and even the brush strokes are
characteristic of Rembrandt, or some other famous artist. The craftsmanship shows in his work.
Sheraton and Chippendale left us unmistakable examples of their skill in the furniture named after
them, and their workmanship is easily identified to the style of the workman. In the realm of pottery
the Ming bases from China bear the indelible evidence of the style of their creator.

In this lesson we seek to apply this great principle to the realm of literature. Examine the flood of
literature available today and always we shall find that the style and diction of every book reveals
the nature and stature of the author.

A. The mass of modern literature.

Much of this does not deserve the title of literature. It is a flood of magazines and novels filled
with degrading and often completely immoral filth, using profane language and suggestive
illustrations. It cannot be condemned too strongly. “abhor that which is evil.” What kind of
authors bring such

trash into existence? It is evident at once that these must be people of degraded, loose
character, intent on gaining financial return, utterly unconcerned that their filth is polluting
untold multitudes of young and old. Their lewd nature is revealed in their books.

B. The classics of human literature.

Ranking far higher than the trash described above; in fact, at the other extreme of human
effort, we find the treasures of literary wealth that men of the highest genius and skill have
produced through the ages. With words for bricks and mortar they have diligently built
lasting edifices of beauty. Shakespeare, with his unequalled vocabulary; Bunyan, with his
unparalleled story of Pilgrim’s Progress; Charles Dickens, with his masterpieces of human
interest; Milton with his immortal Paradise Lost. Winston Churchill, a master of polished
phrases and a literary giant of our day; such men as these have produced the highest and
best inhuman literature. No greater human accomplishment is possible.

Now Note three important facts:

 The style and diction of the writings of these men proclaim them as human geniuses, men of
supreme intellect and power of expression. They are beyond doubt, the best that be found.
 Yet in spite of this fact, there is a higher literature! The Psalms outran Miltons’s Paradise
Lost. The biography of David is superior to that of Ben Johnson. Churchill’s history in inferior
to the historical writings of the Old Testament. Shakespeare did not write a book of truth.
The greatest writers of law in our time have been unable to advance a single principle more
that those laid down in the Pentateuch. What writer has left such letters as Paul? No one
has attempted a Revelation. Such writings are far beyond the best that any human author
has been able to produce.
 Moreover, even a casual examination of these human geniuses will reveal that they draw
their lesser inspiration from a superior source, the word of God. The works of such men as
Dickens, Bunyan, Milton and Shakespeare abound with quotations and truths, variously
expressed, taken from the Book of books , the Bible.
C. The literature of the bible.
We face this inevitable question as we examine the sublime language and style of the 66
books of the bible: Who Wrote Them?. If as we have seen, they stand far above all the best
of human literature, and form the wellspring from which human authors have drawn their
highest inspiration and noblest thoughts, from whence came this marvelous book?
Note three things:
1. The majestic influence of the bible’s style and diction.
The bible has been compared to the Golden Milestone which stood in the Roman Forum.
From there all the principal Raman roads radiated to the remotest parts of that great
empire. The bible has been and will continue to be the centre of all the noblest thought,
purest love and holiest life of the world. The impact of biblical thought and language
upon the western world is incalculable. The bible has set highest standard of literacy
style in whatever language it has been translated. All peoples have felt its influence
even though unconsciously, and some visibly manifested. The bible of John Huss
practically created Czech language. The bible of Martin Luther powerfully influenced the
Germany; the King James has been the strongest literary influence in the English. Long
ago Lord MacCauly said that if everything else is our language should perish the King
James alone would suffice to show the whole extent of its beauty and power.
2. The complete inability of the writers to produce such a book.
They were far below the standard of the literary men who have produced the best of
human literature. Yet together these 40 or more men, ranging from kings and prophets
to lowly, illiterate shepherds, fisherman and tax collectors have brought forth this
mighty book.
Humanly speaking, those men were totally incapable of conceiving the profound truths
expressed by it statements.
Even if the ideas were imparted to them by some means, they were, of themselves,
incapable of expressing them in the matchless literary style and vocabulary
characteristic of the bible.
3. There is only one logical and inevitable conclusion.
It is perfectly expressed in 2 Peter 1:20-21. The truths expressed, together with the very
words and forms of expression, were of divine origin, and the writers only wrote as they
were moved supernaturally by the Holy Spirit the perfect divine workmanship of the
book points unerringly to its perfect divine author.


In this lesson we shall consider the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ, who while not a writer
has every qualification and right to prove and give evidence. In fact, His qualifications are greater
than even the writers themselves and so we must give them careful consideration before we
examine His testimony.

A. The qualifications of Christ as the supreme witness.

His testimony is reliable because He is God. It is not our purpose here to expound the
doctrine of the Deity of Christ. We must grant Him omniscience, omnipresence and Eternal
Existence. He was therefore a personal witness to the writing of all ages of every word by
every writer of the bible. He knew the exact circumstances that surrounds the writings of
every book of the Old and New Testaments even though the New Testament was not yet
1. He knew whether the scriptures were inspired or not.
2. He knew their content and the process of their inspiration.
3. He knew everything about the writers and the intent of their statements.
B. The reliability of his testimony is further established by his personality.
1. Jesus Christ was a teacher sent from God, representing God, speaking God’s words, with
God’s authority. John 3:32,34; Deut. 18:18, John 6:29,38,40, etc.
2. His works were His credentials. John 6:30; 10:25
3. Truth is an element of His very essence. Jn. 1:14; 14:6
4. He was the faithful and true witness. Jn. 14:2; Rev. 3:14; 19:11.
C. His testimony
1. The expounding of the Testament was a prominent feature of Christ’s ministry.
He knew the Old Testament. He loved it, believed it, lived by it, preached it , and based
His teaching upon it. We have records of over 600 direct quotations and references that
he made to it during His ministry.
2. He recognized and declared the authenticity of O.T. writings.
Note: The Hebrew division of the O.T. was in three parts: The Law, the prophets and
the writings.
a. When Jesus referred to the Law and the Prophets and the Psalms in Luke 24:44 he
was giving His approval of the entire Old Testament.
b. Similarly he covered and endorsed the entire O.T. in one statement in Matt 23:35
“from the blood of righteous Abel (Gen. 4:1-10) unto the blood of Zachariah (2
Chro.24:20-21). As we today would say from Genesis to Malachi.
c. He taught that error in the things of God is from ignorance of the scripture. Matt.
22:29-32; Mk. 24:15ff.
3. Christ promised that the revelation of God as begun in the O.T. would be completed in
the N.T.
a. Christ declared he would leave the revelation of truth unfinished. Jn.16:12-15.
b. He chose the men to write the new revelation. Acts 26:16; Jn.15:27.
c. He also declared the method of their inspiration. Jn. 17:8; 16:13.
D. Three important facts are evident from Christ’s testimony.
1. Christ accepted and declared the doctrine of full verbal inspiration of scripture.
2. He guaranteed the accuracy of the smallest detail. Mtt. 5:18
3. He demonstrated the significance of every shade of meaning by establishing a
fundamental doctrine from the tense of the word used. Mtt. 22:31-32.



A. The Situation Outline: in order to grasp the significance of this lesson it must be understood
first that the bible is not only a BOOK but it is also a library of books, 66 in number, written
over a period of 1700 years by no less than 35 men of different natures, occupations, ages
and characteristics, under widely differing circumstances and influenced by entirely different
cultures. The unique unity and harmony of their writings ca n best be understood if we
compare this divine library with the collected writings of uninspired yet brilliantly intelligent
B. The writings of man display an utter lack of unity and harmony.
This is so evident to the intelligent reader as to almost make any demonstration of the fact
unnecessary. We shall simply state a few facts:
1. Man is mentally incapable of perfect unity and harmony with others in his thinking or
- His knowledge of any subject is partial and imperfect, and he is thus subject to
distorted view, at variance with his fellows
- His memory is fallible and so he disagrees with others who try to record the same
2. Not being omniscient, men’s knowledge is progressive. What he wrote so confidently
yesterday, as absolute truth, is found today to be in error. Thus man’s writings over a
period of very few years are found to be utterly contradictory. The example of scientific
books and treatises on medicine are outstanding examples of this fact.
3. Through sin man has a fallen nature, subject to the influence of the devil, who is the
father of lies and so he is constantly prone to error, “to err is human.” This is specially
true regarding spiritual matters, for these are beyond the natural, and are in the realm
of fallible speculation. Little wonder that man disagree with each other so greatly. There
is no unity or harmony in their opinions.
C. In direct contrast to this, we find the unity and harmony of the bible clearly manifested.
Somehow these 35 men, with no knowledge of what each one would write, and in some
cases separated by continuous of time, wrote in perfect harmony with each other, and
produced 66 separate books marked by a striking unity. The unity of the bible is both
amazing and evident.
It is One Book. It has the unity of a living organism, body each part demanding all the
The Old Testament is used in the New Testament in a more or less general sense, by direct
quotation and by reference to thought person and event about 1000 times and doubtless
more if everything were counted closely.
This amazing unity could not be perceived by the writers, as they write in independently.
The process of preparation, like the scaffolding about a building, obscured its beauty – when
the workmen could not appreciate its harmony but when John added he capstone and
declared that nothing further should be added, the scaffolding fell and a grand cathedral was
D. The unity and harmony of the bible are its credentials of inspiration.
With the truth once more established that the bible is void of error or contradiction, and
that it manifests these two supernatural qualities of unity and harmony, we reach the
inescapable conclusion that it is indeed the inspired Word of God. The bible is structure
planned and wrought out by the Spirit of God. “with whom is no variableness neither
shadow of turning” (James 1:17). He, through all the ages, penned by the hand of man,
His One Book, united in every part, inerrant in every word, the Holy Bible.


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