Chuyên Đề 4 Cụm Động Từ

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1. Một số cụm động từ đi liền với nhau
a. Cụm động từ kết hợp với 1 tiểu từ
Get up (thức dậy) Find out (tìm hiểu thông tin) Look through (đọc)
Pass down (truyền lại) Live on (sống nhờ bằng) Come back (trở lại)
Pass away (chết) Warm up (khởi động) Keep up (tiếp tục) = go on
Turn down (từ chối) Set up (sắp đặt, chuẩn bị) Hold on (chờ đợi)
Turn up (xuất hiện) Show off (khoe khoang) Count on = rely on (tin tưởng)
Deal with (giải quyết) Grow up (lớn lên) Work out (tìm ra cách giải
Give up (từ bỏ) = quit Carry out (thực hiện) Drop by (ghé qua)
Break down (đổ vỡ, hỏng) Bring out (phát hành) Bring up (nuôi dưỡng)
Take up (bắt đầu hoạt Agree on st (đồng ý việc gì) Believe in (tin tưởng)
động) Agree with sb (đồng ý với ai)
Take off (cất cánh/ cởi) Use up (cạn kiệt) Look for (tìm kiếm)
Take over (đảm nhận) Look after = take care of Set out/ off (khởi hành)
(chăm sóc)
Take after (giống ai ) Watch out/ over (cẩn thận) Run into (tình cờ)

b. Cụm động từ kết hợp với 2 tiểu từ

Keep up with = catch up Face up to (đối mặt với) Look forward to (mong đợi)
with (bắt kịp)
Put up with (chịu đựng) Look up to (kính trọng) Look back on (nhớ lại)
Come up with (nảy ra ý Look down on (coi thường) Go in for (tham gia)
Come down with (mắc Cut down on (cắt giảm) Get on with (hòa hợp với)
Run out of (cạn kiệt) Go through with (kiên trì, bền Stay away from (tránh xa)
Get rid of (loại bỏ) Go along with (đồng ý với) Make up for (đền bù)

4. Một số cụm động từ được ngăn cách bởi tân ngữ

Pay sb back (trở nợ ai) Take st off (cởi cái gì) See sb off (tạm biệt ai)
Tell sb off (la rầy ai đó) Pick sb up (đón ai) Put st on (mặc cái gì vào)
Drop sb off (thả ai xuống xe) Make st up (bịa chuyện) Put st/ sb out (đưa ai/ cái gì
ra ngoài)
Turn sb/ st down (từ chối ai/ Put st away (cất đi) Cut st into (cắt vật gì thành)
cái gi)
Get sb down (làm ai thất vọng) Put st down (ghi chép lại) Take st/ sb back to (đem trả
II. BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG BT 1. Khoanh vào đáp án đúng
1. They have turned (down/ up) Jim's application for the job.
2. You may have to deal (with/ about) many problems in the workplace. 3 . Small birds mainly live (on/ off) insects.
4. When does the plane take (off/ up)? 5. Why did you decide to take (on/ up) skiing?

6. Remember to warm (up/ down) carefully before you play sports.
7. There's no need to dress (up/ down). It is just an informal party.
8. Have you worked (out / in) the solution yet? 9. Oops, I think we're run out (of/ on) petrol.
10. Jim seems not to get (on/ off) well with his classmates.
11. My husband has decided to set (up/ down) a business on his own.
12. Do you think James will find (out / up) the truth?
13. Does Jim have many friends to count (on/ off) in difficult time?
14. Yesterday, my uncle dropped (to/ by) my house to the surprise of everyone.
15. Were you brought (up/ in) by your grandparents?
16. Who does Jim take (after/ in)? 17. I am waiting (after/ for) the result of the test.
18. They haven't agreed (on/ with) what make of car they would buy.
19. "Who did you run (out of/ into) yesterday?" - "It was my old teacher."
20. If we don't conserve the natural gas, it will soon be used (up/ to)?
21. After years of being badly treated, James doesn't believe (about/ in) the good things in life any more.
22. Why did you stay (up/ on) so late last night?
23. When Mr. Brown went on a business trip , Mrs. Smith took (over/ off) his work.
24. Jim promised to pick (on/ up) me from the airport.
25. Peter took (off/ up) his rain coat before he came in.
26. Many of my friends came to the airport to see (over/ off) me.
27. The teacher told us to put (away/ down) interesting details of the presentation.
28. It is the shared mind that keeps (up/ together) us.
29. My mother told me to (put/ get) on warm clothes before I went out.
30. Jim really (got/ put) me down when he forgot my birthday.
31. My father never (tells/ drops) me off but my mother is always shouting at me.
32. I couldn't believe she (turned/ got) down my invitation for the second time.
33. My mother often lets me (look/ take) after my younger brother.
34. "Why did she (break/ stay) up with you?” - "She said I didn't care much about her."
35. Please (drop/ tell) me off in front of the theater .
36. We've been (saving/ looking) up to travel to New York this summer.
37. Have you (take/ put) out clean towels for the guests?
38. I remember (paying/ looking) Jim back but he kept asking me for his money.
39. Jim's poor test results (got/ looked) his parents down.
40. My grandmother (died/ passed) away before I was born.
BT 2. Điền một động từ thích hợp để hoàn thành các câu dưới đây
1. Sometimes I ____________ back on my childhood and realize how happy I was as a kid.
1. James is quite easy going. He can ____________ on well with many types of people.

2. Peter has been absent from school for 2 weeks due to his illness. It may be difficult for him to ____________ up
with his classmates.
3. Did you watch the film last night? Do you know how the villain ________ back on the hero?
4. Mr/Smith decided to ____________ up smoking because the doctor warned him of getting lung cancer.
5. He could __________ with all kinds of people because it was part of his job as a receptionist.
6. Jim was sad because Jane ____________ down his invitation to the prom.
7. It is important to ____________ down our sugar consumption every day.
8. It's time you have to ____________ up to these problems on your own.
9. I ____________ forward to hearing from you soon.
BT 3. Hoàn thành các câu sau đây bằng những cụm động từ cho sẵn
cut down on deal with hold on take up count on
put up with turn down come down with tell off bring out

1. This singer will __________ ___________ a new album this year.

2. Peter is very reliable. You can __________ ___________ him.
3. You should __________ your essay __________ ___________ 500 words.
4. Jim is depressed as he has been __________ ___________ by five companies so far.
5. I can't __________ ___________ __________ such disturbing noise any more.
6. My mother is always __________ ___________ me.
7. Mr.Smith has __________ ___________ golf.
8. Are you tired of __________ ___________ complained from your customer?
9. How are you now? I heard that you __________ ___________ __________ flu last week.
10. __________ ___________! I think we’ve got lost. This isn’t the right road.
BT 4. Hoàn thành câu bằng cách điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống
1. Peter always look __________ ___________ to his senior colleagues.
2. Mary is going __________ ___________ a singing competition.
3. Nothing can make __________ ___________ the loss of my cat.
4. Jim didn't work yesterday because he came __________ ___________ flu.
5. My mother always reminds me to stay __________ ___________ bad people.
6. As a child, I used to wait __________ ___________ the present from Santa Clause.
7. I can’t put __________ ___________ his selfishness any more.
8. They argue a lot. They seem to never get __________ ___________ each other.
9. Last year we went __________ ___________ an operation.
10. Last week we got __________ ___________ all the old furniture and bought new one.
BT 5. Hoàn thành các câu bằng cách điền tiểu từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống
1. We will set __________ for Tokyo in the next few hours.
2. Everyone says that Jim takes __________ his father but I think he is more like his mother.
3. Who will take __________ your position when you are on parental leave?
4. There are four of us so Peter cuts the cake __________ four pieces.
5. I am going to buy a new bike , so I put my old one __________.
6. Remember to put the trash __________ before the garbage truck comes.
7. You must take__________ your hat before you come into a temple.
8. I hate the way my manager shuts me __________ when she disagrees with me.
9. What are you looking __________? My car keys.
10. Watch __________ for the dog. Everyone says that it is a fierce dog.
BT 6: Hoàn thành câu bằng 1 cụm động từ thích hợp
pay back get down believe in save up tell off
pull out see off agree with watch out make up

1. I have seen a lot of people burst into tears when they ______their friends and family ______.
2. Do you ___________ ___________ me that you didn’t try hard enough?
3. Has your teacher ever ___________ you ________? No, she hasn’t. She is a nice teacher.
4. Last week, I borrowed Tom $50 to buy a book but I haven’t _________ him _________ yet.
5. My boyfriend walked towards me and then he ___________ ___________ a small gift.
6. I never ___________ ___________ in ghosts but my brothet always scared of them.
7. ___________ ___________! There is a car coming.
8. I hate the way Peter tell lies and ___________ ___________ stories to chat people.
9. Have you ___________ ___________ enough to buy a new car.
10. I promised my mother not to _______ her ________, so I tried to best to get high scores.
BT 7. Tìm lỗi sai trong các câu sau và sửa lại cho đúng
1. We have already worked up a new way of doing it. A B C D
2. I can’t keep up to all the changes in technology nowadays. A B C D
3. Have you ever considered getting rid your bad habits?
4. The teacher asked us to see through the textbook before she continued.
5. Mary and Peter broke them up after two months dating.
6. You should clear your room up before mom comes back.
7. I was happy that I ran my old teacher into yesterday.
8. Mary is always showing her jewelry off.
9. Both of us agreed with Jane's opinion about our plan.
10. Last year a research on the consequences of water pollution was carried on.

BT 1:
1. down 9. of 17. for 25. off 33. look
2. with 10. on 18. on 26. off 34. break
3. on 11. up 19. into 27. down 35. drop
4. off 12. out 20. up 28. together 36. saving
5. up 13. on 21. in 29. put 37. put
6. up 14. by 22. up 30. got 38. paying
7. up 15. up 23. over 31. tells 39. got
8. out 16. after 24. up 32. turned 40. passed
BT 2:
1. look 3. catch 5. give 7. turned 9. face
2. get 4. get 6. deal 8. cut 10. look
BT 3:
1. bring out 3. cut …down on 5. put up with 7. taken up 9. came down with
2. count on 4. turned down 6. telling off 8. dealing with 10. hold on
BT 4:
1. up to 3. up for 5. away from 7. up with 9. go for
2. in for 4. down with 6. up for 8. on with 10. rid of
BT 5:
1. off 3. over 5. away 7. off 9. for
2. after 4. into 6. out 8. up 10. out
BT 6:
1. see off 3. told off 5. pulled out 7. watch out 9. saved up
2. agree with 4. paid back 6. believe in 8. makes up 10. get down
BT 7:
1. B (worked out) 6. B (clear up the room)
2. A (keep up with) 7. C (ran into my old teacher)
3. C (getting rid of) 8. D (off her jewelry)
4. B (look through) 9. B (agreed on)
5. B (broke them down) 10. D (carried out)

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