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A Simple BIM Naming Convention

Based on ISO 19650 Part 1
1. Naming convention
For BIM Level 2, a naming convention is mandatory. To achieve the highest BIM Maturity Level,
where data is exchanged between different disciplines and organizations regularly, a predefined
and agreed upon naming convention is a condition without which the project could not succeed.
Applying this standard naming system to directories, files, parameters, and any element shared
among the stakeholders will guarantee fewer misunderstandings and errors when exchanging
Stakeholders will scan and access files to collect or modify data from the files. A naming standard
for files and folders facilitates the direct access and retrieval of information stored in the
1.1. General rules
Use Title Case, capitalize all words except non-initial articles, and separating words with
space and fields with a hyphen:
BIMicon-House B-Core Plans.pdf
This enhances legibility compared to all upper or lower case, as it is closer to standard typing.
Avoid using special characters in files and folders:
These characters cause conflicts or errors in files when copying or moving directories. For
example, use the dot (.) only in front of the file extension.
Spaces are accepted to separate words in a field. There is no need to use an underscore
‘_’ for this purpose. Example:
D:\BIMicon Library\Curtain Wall Panels\
Use the hyphen character ( – ) only to separate fields. To separate words or codes inside a
field, use the underscore character ( _ ) if a space character is not suitable. For example:
B78-BIM_Manual-Core Plans.pdf
Filename must be fully descriptive without having to open it and independent of its
Files that rely on its directory path for identification are no longer valid. For example:
D:\BIMicon Library\Windows\BIMicon_Awning Window.rfa
D:\BIMicon Library\Curtain Wall Panels\BIMicon_Awning Window.rfa
The content of these two files is different but relies on the subdirectories to identify their content.
Only with this clue, the user can differentiate them as a wall-based or a curtain wall-based
window, which does not uniquely identify these two items. A better solution is to rename the
curtain wall-based one to:
BIMicon-Awning Window-Curtain Panel.rfa
There will be no confusion when these families are moved to another folder or even moved
together by accident.
Do not exceed 260 characters for the folder name and filename character count:
C:\Users\BIMicon\My Documents\To Send\Consultants\My Project\Favourite Things\Favourite
Project\Best Project\Family Folders\New Manual.doc
Even though it is difficult to exceed the 260 characters count, it may be possible due to
complicated directory organization and backups created over backups. Tidy up the folder
structure and files if the Operating System (OS) doesn’t allow you to copy or move files.
Use sequential numbering, meaning prefixing leading zeroes to the names:
01, 02, A01, A02… instead of 1, 2, A1, A2
It will allow the OS and other software to sort your files sequentially. It is also applicable to
directories where you want to organize hierarchically or track missing content. For example, in a
directory with folders named with numerical prefixes, any missing number hints to a missing
When sharing files with stakeholders or archiving files in the system, do include a date in
the file name if the file does not have a version identifier:
Some files have appended the revision at the end of the file name. This code uniquely identifies
the file and avoids any confusion about the issue date of the file.
But when files do not have a unique version identifier in their file name, a date must be prefixed
with the format YYYYMMDD. For example, some contracts or documents without revision data,
like central models:
Keep the names as short as possible using usual abbreviations like DD for Design
Development or WIP for Work in Progress :
A short descriptive name is preferable over a long-convoluted name. Whenever possible, use the
least number of words to describe the contents of the file. For example:
WE435-CD-GF Bedroom 011-VS-R09.png
Is preferable over:
WE435-Construction Documentation-Ground Floor 011-Visualization-Revision09.tiff
Do not use convoluted names, do plan for a name instead of rushing to type it:
Rev1-BIMicon-BIM Manual.png
Taking a few minutes to check the conventions established in this guide will ensure you get it
right and save you time renaming the file later.
Make the version in the file name explicit if the file goes through changes:
If a file is revised or changed during the project, a code reflecting this change must be present in
the file name. It can be either the date or the revision discussed previously. For example, if a file is
initially named:
WE435-CD-GF Bedroom 011-VS.png
And goes through several revisions, the successive names will be:
WE435-CD-GF Bedroom 011-VS-R01.png
WE435-CD-GF Bedroom 011-VS-R02.png
In case of archiving, place the archive date at the beginning of the file name:
20210411-WE435-CD-GF Bedroom 011-VS.png
Be consistent:
Maintain the naming coherent by applying the previous norms. The rules allow some degree of
freedom, like choosing the revision field format, in which you can use:
R01, A, Rev01 or B1, etc
This flexibility requires consistency, so please stick to the established convention.
1.2. Naming Structure
Use the following structure for file names, especially for BIM files and deliverables derived from
the BIM model like plotted plans or exported drawings:

The following table enumerates each field and the next section explains each field in detail:
Field Project Originator Phase and Type Role
Obligation Required Required Required Required Required Required
Code for Code for Code to Code for Code for
Code for
Description project organisation creating phase of locate type of role of
information the file
project reference file organization

1.2.1. Codes in Naming Convention

Project. A code between 2 and 6 characters that identifies the project. In case collaboration
occurs with other organizations, it should be independent of the organization’s project code. For
101JB, 2021_B01, etc.
Originator. A code between 2 and 6 characters that informs about the organization that created
the file. For example, BIMicon, ISO, and so on.
● PH
Phase. Code that denotes the phase of the project at the moment of issuing the file. Some
examples are the following:
Phase Code
Schematic Design SD
Design Development DD
Construction Documentation CD
● LV
Level. This code specifies the location of the content of the file in relation to the building:
Levels & Locations
ZZ Multiple Levels
XX No Level Applicable
GF Ground Floor
00 Base Level of Building or linear Asset
01 Floor 01
02 Floor 02
M1 Mezzanine above Level 1
M2 Mezzanine above Level 2
B1 Floor -01
B2 Floor -02
Type. Code that points to the kind of information contained in the file:
Codes for Drawings &
AF Animation File
CM Combined Model
CR Specific for the clash process
DR 2d Drawing
M2 2D Model file
M3 3D Model file
MR Model rendition file for other renditions, thermal or acoustic
VS Visualisation
Codes for Documents
BQ Bills of Quantities
CA Calculations
CO Correspondence
CP Cost Plan
DB Database
FN File Note
HS Health & Safety
IE Information Exchange
MI Minutes/Action Notes
MS Method Statements
PP Presentation
RD Programme
RI Request for information
RP Report
SA Schedule of accommodation
SH Schedule
SN Snagging List
SP Specification
SU Survey
● RL
Role. Code to identify the function of the organization in the project:
Codes for Disciplines and Roles
A Architect
B Building Surveyor
C Civil Engineer
D Drainage, Highways Engineer
E Electrical Engineer
F Facilities Manager
G Geographical and Land Surveyor
H Heating & Ventilation Designer
I Interior Designer
K Client
L Landscape Architect
M Mechanical Engineer
P Public Health Engineer
Q Quantity Surveyor
S Structural Engineer
T Town and County Planner
W Contractor
X Sub-Contractor
Y Specialist Designer
Z General
● CL
Classification. Field used to classify assets for Facility Management. It is mandatory to specify the
classification system in the BIM Execution Plan. Among the many possible classification systems,
these are the common ones; OmniClass, ISO 12006, and Uniclass.
Number. It is a sequential code assigned to each file when it belongs to a series of files. In the
case of drawings extracted from a BIM model, it will use code the sheets numbering inside
the model. For example:
Sheets Numbering
Architectural A01_001, A01_002, A01_003…
Structural S01, S02, S03…
Multi-purpose 0B1, 0GF, 001, 002, 003…
Suitability. This code defines the current state of the document. Use the following abbreviations:
Status Description Graphical Non- Graphical Document
Work in Progress
SO Initial Status of WIP Yes Yes Yes
S01 Suitable for co-ordination Yes Yes Yes
S02 Suitable for Information Yes Yes Yes
S03 Suitable for review No Yes Yes
S04 Suitable for approval No Yes Yes
Published Docs
A01,A02,A03 Approved/Accepted Yes Yes No
B01,B02,B03 Partial sign off Yes Yes No
Revision. The code used to denote the version of the document. This is the preferred way to
version and supersede any files instead of prefixing a date. The following table contains standard
conventions to number revisions:
Revision Numbering
Numeric 01, 02, 03…
Alfa-numeric A01, A02, A03…
Rev01, Rev02, Rev03…
ISO 19650 –

Copyright 2024 – BIMicon

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