Noun Clauses

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U.S. Cultural Values

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Values are beliefs held in common by members of a group. They often come from shared
experiences. For example, some historians assert that the settlement of the American West in the
nineteenth century shaped many American values. These include the importance of hard work,
optimism, and individualism.
Countless U.S. children have learned in school that hard work is essential. In fact, many Americans
believe that they must work hard in order to happy. How did this belief develop? According to
some researchers, as Americans moved deeper into the continent, they discovered that the West
was mostly wilderness. Their lives were difficult, and they had to work hard to survive. Some
historians are certain that their success helped form a general belief in the value of hard work.
Furthermore, many Americans believe that they should have a positive view of the future. A few
historians suggest that this perspective helped put men on the moon. What is the origin of this
optimism? Some research suggests that struggles on the frontiers encouraged this attitude. People
found that they could survive, even in difficult situations.
Another common belief about Americans is that they are individualistic. Traditionally, American
children have learned that they are responsible for their own lives. This way of thinking supports
the idea that every person can succeed through hard work. In addition, Americans tend to believe
that they can start over when they make mistakes. Why do they feel this way? It is the belief of

some historians that this idea developed as a result of frontier life. Because there were few towns
and traditions, settlers created their own rules. Each new settlement developed its own ways of
getting things done. When settlements faced problems, they had no choice but to try new and
different approaches.
Not all historians agree that frontier life influenced modern American values. Furthermore, the
United States is becoming more and more culturally diverse all the time. Undoubtedly, this is
already affecting the values held by its citizens. In what way might American values change?

TASK 1 Match the two parts of sentences.

1 According to some historians, the difficulty of a optimism.
living on the frontier led to ……………….
2 Survival under difficult circumstances may have b the value of hard work.
led to ……………….
3 The lack of towns and traditions may have led to c individualism.

TASK 2 Find the sentences in the article and complete them.

1 Many Americans ................................................................ they must work hard in order to be happy.
2 Some historians ................................................................. their success helped form a general belief in
the value of hard work.
3 This way of thinking ......................................................... every person can succeed through hard
How many subjects are in each of these sentences? What word connects the two clauses?


a That clauses have their own

 May Americans think that anyone can succeed.
……….. and ……….. .
 Most people recognize cooperation is
b In conversation and informal
writing, that is often omitted. In
 Most people recognize that cooperation is
………..……….. , that is usually not


Use that clauses after the following  Some people believe that hard work brings
verbs that express ………..………..: happiness.
assume, believe, decide, discover,  I’ve discovered that some cultures don’t have a
expect, feel, find (out), guess, hear, positive view of the future.
hope, imagine, know, learn, notice,  I read that American values developed during
read, realize, recognize, say, see, show, the colonial period.
suppose, think, understand

That clause can be used after  I’m certain that I haven’t read enough about
adjectives that express ………..……….. American culture.
or ………..……….. .  We’re pleased that he accepted the invitation.
certain, clear, evident, (un)fortunate,  It’s unlikely that we’ll finish the unit by the next
interesting, (un)likely, surprising, class.

That clauses can be used after nouns

 There was no possibility that he was going to
that express ………..……….. and
convince us.
………..……….. :
 The problem is that individualistic people can
belief, impression, possibility,
find it hard to work in a group.
difference, hope, idea, point, problem,

saying, views
Combine the sentences about employees in the United States. Use that clauses.
1 Many Americans notice something. They are working harder but have less money.
2 In fact, recent research has found something. Hard work doesn’t always lead to wealth.
3 Many older Americans are realizing something. They are unable to retire after working hard
all their lives.
4 Many employees assumed something. Their companies would reward them for their hard
5 Researchers recently reported something. Job satisfaction has declined in recent years.
6 Employers are beginning to understand something. It is important to give people some
freedom at work.
7 The company was losing money. This caused our partners concern.
8 Nobody would tell me anything. This added to my difficulties.
9 We had comprehensive insurance. This made things much easier.
10 His father knew the President. This helped to keep him out of jail.
11 I spoke three languages. This helped me to work abroad.
12 She had a small child. This was taken into account at her interview.

Find and correct seven mistakes in the paragraphs about a famous American of their mid-
nineteenth century.

Settlers from the east who traveled across the American West in the mid-nineteenth
century understood they faced a difficult journey across deserts and mountains.
They knew, that the trip would take years and that some people lose their lives.
However, they were optimistic.
Michael T. Simmons was one of those determined travelers. Someone told him to go
to the Pacific Northwest for new opportunities. He sold his business to pay for the
supplies that he and his family needed. He knew that the area was largely unknown.
He also knew that was dangerous. This did not stop him.
When Simmons and his group reached Oregon, he announced that was going to
continue north. The Hudson’s Bay Trading Company heard the news, and they
discouraged him. However, Simmons was certain, that the trip going to be
successful, and he did not listen. Instead, he continued north as planned. After he
arrived, he helped to establish the first settlement in the territory that is now known
as Washington State. Documents show that Simmons built the first mill using water
from the Tumwater waterfall for power. For his, he is sometimes called the father
of Washington industry.

Read the examples and choose the correct answer.
1 a It’s entirely up to you to decide how much time you can give.
b Why most people volunteer is that they want fresh air and exercise.
c Cleaning the house is what you must do now.
A wh-noun clause can be a subject/ object/ subject complement..
When it is the subject, the verb should be in third singular form/ plural form.
2 a We’d like to follow the example of what they’ve done at Broadstone Park.
b If you have any questions about what I’ve said so far, I’d be happy to answer them.
A wh-noun clause can stand before/ after a preposition.
A wh-noun clause can/ cannot be used after a preposition.
3 a Why she chose that vocational college is that she is from an underprivileged family.
b The reason (why/that) she chose that vocational college is that she is from an
underprivileged family.
Other words used in this way include the place (rather than ………….. ), the time (rather than
…………..), the way (rather than …………..), and somebody/ someone (rather than …………..).
4 a I can’t remember whether it runs on Sundays.
b I didn’t know if the bus service has been cancelled.
c If you have any questions about what I’ve said so far, I’d be happy to answer them.
d There was some debate as to whether he could legally give us the land.
A whether-noun clause is used to talk about choices/ reasons.
whether has a similar meaning to if.
as to with a meaning similar to/ different from about before a whether-noun clause.
5 a I don’t know whether or not I’d able to come on a regular basis.
b I don’t know whether I’d able to come on a regular basis or not.
c I can’t make up my mind whether to help on Saturdays or Sundays.
d You can choose whether you want to work indoors or outdoors.
e Whether you help with the outdoor or indoor work depends on you.

f What I’m not clear about is whether we can get a lift to the reserve.
We use whether, not if: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Complete the sentences using appropriate WH-words.
1 I don’t know ……………………. jacket to choose.
2 Do you know ……………………. I am?
3 Richard will know ……………………. to do?
4 I wonder ……………………. she’s doing here.
5 Can you show us ……………………. to do it?
6 I don’t know ……………………. I didn’t think of it before!
7 Do you know ……………………. actors will be at the premiere?
8 I’d like to learn ……………………. to be successful.
Rewrite these sentences.
1 Her address is not important. (where)
2 You can do the job in any way you like. (how)
3 Our arrangements will depend on her time of arrival. (what time)
4 I don’t know his date of birth. (when)
5 Can you ask about their wishes? (what)
6 Their reason for being here is not at all clear. (why)
7 I’ll spend my money in any way I choose. (how)
8 His knowledge of French doesn’t matter. (whether)
Read this extract from the blog of an American woman living in Paris. Complete the text using a
word from Box A and a phrase in Box B.


how if the way the light shines through them I’d make it

what when where the cathedral was built to take a guided tour

whether whichever who designed the cathedral they managed to do that

whoever why direction you approach it it was built there

conditions were like for the builders wrote that

the building materials came from

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