Assignment #2 Reflection - Code of Conduct and Ethics

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Assignment #2 Reflection/ Gema Bofill

The Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct is the document that
governs the best practices as teachers and serves as a guideline for any situation in
which we, as teachers, could confront. This artifact is a study case scenario that allows
us to develop problem-solving skills in compliance with the document. The intended
audience for this assignment is us, the new teachers since we face many ethical
situations in our profession and we need to be prepared to avoid potential ethical
violations in our role as educators. Critical thinking and the ability to extrapolate the CoE
or the PPC to any possible scenario were used to develop this artifact.
The main purpose and the strength of this assignment are that I familiarized myself with
the CoE and PPC and learned how to apply each rule to specific situations and
understand the possible implications of our decisions and acts. It gave me a guideline to
follow when situations like these arise. On the other hand, the weakness of the
assignment is the fact that the scenario that we could afront be completely different and
we will have to quickly adapt to the specific situation.
This assignment has been very important for me because during our life as educators
we face many ethical situations that require quick decisions and we need to avoid
potential ethical violations. Familiarizing myself with the CoE and PCC will allow me to
make these decisions in compliance with these rules and still be able to support the
students, which is, in the end, our main purpose.

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