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PART You are going to read @ book review For questions 3-3, choose the answer, 8, Cor) which you think ts best according to the text. [Mark your answers on che separate answer sheet, The Great Indoors: At Home in the Modern British House by Ben Highmore fn 910 the misc hall comedin Bly ‘Wiliams sored his biggest hit wth the song When Father Popered the Pour, mocking the incompetence athe amateur home deenator Fri year ltr, comedans Norman ‘Wisdom and Bruce Forsyth were stl entertaining milion onthe TV show Sunday Night a the London Pollo wth sma retin, but the joke was starting o look date, ‘The access of magaines such 8 The ‘Proce Houscholer wae alesdy roving that, ste 1957 Ideal Home Exhibition proclaimed, Do-eyourat isa home hobby that is hereto stay” ‘By this stage, Britain had mosiy completed its transition fom primitive housing eonditions, made Dearable fo those who could ford it-by serene and ndymen, ‘naa wor where fame locked er themselves in highly serviced emironments Resogniabiy "deen technology inthe form of telephones, telesons ae elect, ‘nad become ubiquitous and was to ransfm domestic ing ‘uterine coming yeas. The ‘makeover of rte homes nthe twentieth entry is recounted in Ben Highmore's entertaining and Informative new book He takes as ona whiind tour ofan everyday ‘house, fom entrance hall garden she, luminstd by extensive reference tn oral histories, popula smagaine and personal memoir tits entre, though, the way ‘hat our homes have elected wider secial changes. Tate isthe deine of 10. CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: ADVANCED PRACTICETESTS. 0K focal, that ing rooms once fll ef hear funiture and Vitoran Iniclnacs are no dominated by television eee ad tered with stldens toys. There is a rowing Hnteationaliom in tate And there le thereof domestic democracy, withthe howsholdradigre and ‘telephone (lead in the hall) now replaced by iP pts and ‘mobiles in visual every room. Key to that deoentaization ofthe home and the ipl hit of power itin tithe advent of ental eating which pets pride of place ‘the norton tha allowed the ‘oleae to become ccrsibe at alltime of day and night Tling an ‘una cld o'g to your oom no Tonge seems mich of thet Highmote also documeats, ‘ower, some ess sucoeshl steps inthe ora march of domestic ‘machinery. Whatever happened to the gaspomeredtiges we ‘wee promised in 19467 Or tothe Diohmaster decade ater that promised to doa whole days ‘easing up in jst he minutes”? Rather ore cere thereon way 11902 Teermade ied occ on “hen the la loc trggred the sta match was trac, iting pil stove under the het You don't have tobe a health and safety fanatic occlu that «bedoomn Isnt the del pac for suche page. ‘gual disturbing to the modem reader is the pear obsession wth ttle ting tear Tews a Teleco enteenched thet vena ‘ic of sent merely agued thet inwintr, The eathy cd only ene abst thee hos ayn the pena as longa the day and night nursery windows ae always open” "Nowadys,thefesh i obsession has been replay rational eof honor oui the home I caler tough tthe bles of the pst, ‘nd Highmore doesn alway eis 2 Sense of medem super thou, forthe mot part e's an engaging ed uly guide, dispensing Sechlgi insights witout argon "The mssage shat even the language ofthe home has changed ‘merocaby- ring cupbours are ‘ing the fame way as daring ‘oom, As fo that Billy Wilms ‘omg, By the 1980, Highmore ‘ws, would be fposebe for ‘yon to imagine thal font oom parlour” witout seeming deeply ‘olddasioned He's at extiely ‘comet, for there was at lest one person who wae stil employing uch terminology. Prime Minister Margaret ‘Thatcher sed er menage with the use wat she calla ‘the parbles ofthe parlour, which suggests abe ‘understood the truth that, despite the eatlogue of chang, thee ie = ‘ore tha seems consistent. A 1946 ton of Housewie magazine pelt ‘toat:"men make houses, women ‘make homes” Whe you watch inal comedian toy doing a roatne bout hi ie’ atschimet to seater ‘ushons, ft gems Worth asking hae ‘theta dynamic realy moms a gest deal” + 31 The reviewer's main topic inthe fist paragraph is improvernents in home decorating skis, how common twas for home decorating tobe discussed © how unfair descriptions of home decorating used tbe. _achangeln attitudes to home decorating 52 Inthe second paragraphs the reviewer says thatthe book includes evidence Mustrating 1 that ome drsh peoples homes were transformed more than others. the widespread nature of changes that took place in Bish homes, ca the perceived disadvantages of certain developments in British homes that the role of certain people in Brtish homes changed enormously 5 Inthe third paragraph the reviewer points toa change in 1 the extent to which different pats ofthe house are occupied, © ideas of which parts of shoure shoul be furnished ina formal way how much time iden spendin hele un rooms. Ei beliefs about what the most pleasant aspect of home lifes 26 Te revwar suggests inthe fourth paragraph tat 2 ontario aed bce they wee dangers © ters unscented Bene Sey ed a ro prope some unsuccessful inventions were not advertised appropriately. ca O thre wore nsuccenfaimetone whic ght goes 25 Inthe ft paragraph the reviewer sas that in is book Highmore A-sometines focses on strange ide that were not very commen inthe pt. © occasional apples the standard of today to practices nthe past. occasional expresses regret about how some attudeshave changed. ca © Sometimes nce ops ta are not dey rear othe main ope 26 Ihe fnalpragraph, the eewer sugges that Highmore maybe wrong about ‘when certain moder atthdes to heme fe rst developed. © hich changesin home fe Ban have been most widely welcomed © theextent to which ome ein Bain has changed a Dhow common ters sch asin cupboards aren modem Bain CAMBRIOGE ENGLISH: AQVANCED PRACTICE TESTS risa.

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