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Assignment - 1

Pritesh Lungare
Roll. no. 33

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) -

Library Management System

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This document specifies the requirements for a Library Management System (LMS)

to be used in a public library. The LMS will automate various library processes,

improve efficiency, and enhance the user experience for both librarians and patrons.

1.2 Intended Audience

This SRS is intended for software developers, system administrators, and

stakeholders involved in the development and deployment of the LMS.

1.3 Intended Use

The LMS will be used in a public library setting to manage library resources (books,

audiobooks, DVDs, etc.), patrons (borrowing, returning, fines), and library


1.4 Product Scope

The LMS will include functionalities for:

● Patron Management: Registering new patrons, searching existing patrons,

updating patron information.

● Resource Management: Cataloguing library resources, searching and

browsing resources, managing availability.

● Borrowing and Returning: Borrowing and returning resources, tracking due

dates and renewals.

● Fines and Fees: Calculating and managing fines and fees associated with

overdue resources.

● Reporting: Generating reports on resource usage, patron activity, and late


1.5 Definitions and Acronyms

● LMS: Library Management System

● Patron: Registered user of the library

● Resource: Book, audiobook, DVD, or any other library holding

2. Overall Description

The LMS will be a web-based application accessible through a standard web

browser. The system will have two user interfaces:

● Librarian Interface: Provides full access to all functionalities for managing

resources, patrons, and library operations.

● Patron Interface: Allows patrons to search for resources, view their

borrowing history, renew resources, and track fines.

3. Functional Requirements

3.1 Patron Management

● Users can register as new patrons by providing required information (name,

address, contact details).

● Librarians can search for existing patrons by name, ID number, or contact


● Librarians can update patron information, including contact details and


3.2 Resource Management

● Librarians can add new resources to the system, including details like title,

author, publication date, and category.

● The system allows searching for resources by title, author, keyword, or


● The system displays real-time availability of each resource (available,

borrowed, overdue).

● Librarians can mark resources as lost, damaged, or withdrawn from


3.3 Borrowing and Returning

● Patrons can search and browse available resources.

● Patrons can initiate a borrowing request for available resources.

● The system tracks due dates and generates automated notifications for

approaching deadlines.

● Patrons can renew borrowings online if the resource is not reserved by

another patron.

● Librarians can manage borrowing requests, approvals, and renewals.

● Librarians can process the return of borrowed resources, updating availability

and calculating any applicable fines.

3.4 Fines and Fees

● The system automatically calculates fines for overdue resources based on

predefined rules.
● Patrons can view their current fines and fee history through the patron


● The system allows online payment processing for fines and fees (optional).

3.5 Reporting

● The system generates reports on various aspects:

○ Resource usage statistics (most borrowed resources, categories in


○ Patron activity reports (borrowing trends, overdue rates)

○ Financial reports (fines collected, outstanding fees)

4. Non-Functional Requirements

4.1 Performance

● The system should respond to user actions within a reasonable timeframe

(e.g., search results displayed in under 2 seconds).

● The system should be able to handle concurrent access by multiple users

without performance degradation.

4.2 Security

● The system must implement user authentication and authorization to restrict

access based on user roles (patron vs. librarian).

● Sensitive information such as patron data and fines must be encrypted in

storage and during transmission.

● The system should have regular backups and recovery procedures in place.

4.3 Usability

● Both patron and librarian interfaces should be user-friendly with intuitive

navigation and clear instructions.

● The system should be accessible to users with disabilities, adhering to

relevant accessibility standards.

● Online help and tutorials should be available for both user interfaces.

4.4 Reliability

● The system should be highly available with minimal downtime.

● The system should have mechanisms for error handling and data recovery in

case of system failures.

5. Additional Considerations

● The system should be compatible with commonly used web browsers and

operating systems.

● The LMS should be designed to integrate with existing library systems (e.g.,

barcode scanners) if applicable.

● The system should be scalable to accommodate future growth in the library's

collection and patron

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