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Chapter 1- Introduction to Internet of Things loT (Internet of things) as ve tar platform’, wef regular devices internet a get act % sie a ve-gaz B ara communicate eet @1 |OT ve network? at fae feet ara sea & internet uz data a store aet exchange et wea 31 frase as su & electricity, electronic components , internet connectivity, software aat hardware at weed at 21 Internet of things 4 things word ar aaca fa a & oftae af fit aft dict & 2% feat internet area B access a connect fear oT wear F! loT era or fiesra waa vect Kevin Ashtona 1999 @ feat ami iene geen Improved Customer Engagement Security / Privacy | Speed / Automation Complexity | Easy access / M2M Communication Unemployment | Enhanced Data Collection Dependency ] Characteristics of loT Internet of Things (IOT) at atef teit Devices & atct & ait Internet a gt act 31 |OTS stax tet Devices ant & fas ara Wireless Network # Data at Send cen Receive fier ort 81 The & INTERNET of THINGS £9 1OT a Characteristics faraftftyr @- 1. Connectivity- OT at aaa aecaef faster Connectivity at &1 |OT Devices ate sa Components &a- Sensors, Compute Engine, Data Hubs anf wa-gaz B Connect wa F1 |OT Devices va-qaz B Radio Waves, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Li-Fi anf @ grt Connect & aadt #1 2. Intelligence- |OT 4 aga art tet Algorithms et & forts arr ae Intelligent a omer 81 gaat Big Data Analytics sz Machine Learning ar velor feet onet @ ferat fis aeae Decision fren or ae sat Situation smear uz Data et wet web suet Business Decisions ot fier om 81 sas sree wea we aed & & lOTaga A Intelligent az Smart sat #1 3. Sensing- fret Sensors® |OT dara & aét 21 Sensors area 3 A Environment # #ta@ art Changes Detect aie Measure fem oat 31 oH age sua Yas agedt snere we ore uRRafrelt at omenett 3 3 wag awd % ate ad Analyze oe wad 31 veg |OTS few at Analog Signal at Read aeet usat @ fraa fe sa afea Insights wea at ga Reet fade Problems amenz we Data at gag awa & few Electrochemical, Gyroscope, Pressure, Light Sensors, GPS, i RFID anfe a sederet aed 31 4. Dynamic Nature-|OT at ue fastwar ae % fs gat Nature Dynamic Ba 31 OTH Dataat ga ver Collect ae Convert fear orn 2 frat f Business Decisions a feet ot asi Data a Collect sz Convert ez @ fez IOTS Components et Nature Dynamic stat arée, seq seat sree aaerdt weet afeu Example- OT Sensors @t sta feet care at Temperature avant & at 3a Location sz Weather Conditions & sna uz Change état Use| GA- Delhi seat Temperature gon aitz Mumbai # ster Temperature étar| 5. Scale- |OT sraswaat & stqere ame Scalest ae siz wer we BEA 21 wa 4 OTe Scale Gar stan site Factories aa Company # saat Scale agr stom! gas Scaled sme ue A OT Carriers a Design fear oat B1 6. Security: |OT @t va qea fasteat gaat Security®1 IOT Devices # aga are Security Threats a #1 sa Threats (@ad) @ waar aga & wed gm Bi gaa Sensitive Information at Transfer fee sat ¥1 va Data at Hacker ar Attacker grag Manipulate ste quem or wea &1 OT System at Designaeat 3 aaa at gear aeat afev oRi- Firewall st Install ez, VPN a Use azn antes 7. Communication- Devices s-gazt B Communication ea & fae Connect aa €1 Communication a& gt siz Ga qi a a awn & a- Wi-Fi siz LPWA (Lower Power Wide Area) Network amf@1 8. Scalability- |OT Infrastructure # wfafea dict (Things) agdt & on wat Si safer |OTar Setup tar den afev at fs as Expansion (eam) at aft Handle az a1 How IOT Works wt IOT Process Smart Phone, Smart watch, Electronic same GF TV, Washing machine && suweit & ge edt & ait aaer |OT Platforms wa Communicate azt A Help wet %1 Four Fundamental Components of IOT System- 1. Sensors/Devices- Sensor a1 Device ve vam wap & ot anaat arama & ara & Live Data uaa wet H Help wed &1 ga Data A vita & fatter xe a awd %1 ae ve Simple Temperature Monitoring Sensor # waat %, ae Video Feed ou a wom BI ves sumer Ff ffir were S Sensor at wad & vit Baaat (Sensing) & sera wy orf wed FI Example- Mobile Phone ue tar sumer 2 fora GPS, Camera oa we Sensor aa 21 2. Connectivity: aa Collected Data @t Cloud Infrastructure # aon orn &1 dar & faites anerit a suet wee Sensor wt Clouds ‘oie ore mee! sa Bere arezat H Satellite Networks, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WAN anfe enfrer 31 3. Data Processing- vs az aa ag Data Collect & om %, ate ae Cloud ue uga ome %, at Software Collected Data uz Processing we 81 as oie Sat Temperature at wie we aadt ste ACaT Heateraa sume uz 3% Read fee on wear 81 sales! ae walt-apalt aga after aft a aoa SH Video uw Computer Vision a saat wwe Objects St usa Hee! 4. User Interface- Information @ End Users fére frit aze Available Bren aise ait saa Phone uz Alarm Trigger ees at sed E-mail a Text Message ® area B Notification tae ura fe ot aa Users et aaft-paft ua Interface at sravaaat at aac & ot afar wa S sas |OT System at ata ae 31 Example- Users uz # ue Camera wenfta 81 as Web-Server at Help& Video Recording atz waft Feeds Access meen areat &1 Bretifes! ae eae veaer Communication aét eet 81 IOT Application ste System a after @ sree uz Users ue Action (een) Set F Bert @ wan % at Cascading Effects ter ee wat 31 Example- afé #18 Users Refrigerator @ Temperature 4 feet aft wears Br Vat Sarat B, at \OTaeete S gra Users et svat Mobile Phone at Help Temperature at Adjust eet 4 wera ren wfev 1OT Applications Wearable: loT #7 weiter wearable (ueaa atea) # age carer fear GraT % 8 ® Smart Watch, Heart rate monitor, Glucose monitoring 3fz GPS tracking belts etc. & devices at eta are GH energy consume axdt 2 ga devices sensor ern dat @ ot fe data at collect ee z Health: loT earea & aa a afict ste doctors dat & fire aga sueieft B1 Hospitals 4% Smart beds a use fer ora %, ga bedsa& sensors oat ea & ot ate S Temperature, Blood pressure siz oximeter etc. @ observe eza %1 Traffic Monitoring: loT a1 gaara trafficat monitor eat H aft Rear wren &1 saa miget a speed ar un corn a wea * ste traffic wt of analyze eer of ae %, ate aff at mea traffic rules ar wert at azar ct sa Computer ant identify ee seer challan wre oT AEA Fi Agriculture: gar veto oft # wait atx wa at quality et check wet A for ore 21 gab fe Ba A sensors ad at ¥ att Pe fet fe aia wet @ ste dataa collected #1 3a- Aa a moisture, acidity, Nutrients and Humidity etc. sa data a analyze owe aft at gran & agen ot wom & se wea & Anta dar afc: # gear & a of wea 3) Smart Home: eet @ aft loT a aga oenet use dat 21 edt F weir fey ore aa ome suet smart a at %, aa- AC, Smart TV, Fridge, LED Bulb, Fan, Smart Door, Washing Machine etc. fra sare foot aga dt smears @ sat 31 Smart City: gaat aga ae aa and % wet w lolar gaara fea wrat 81 B-Traffic control, waste management, water distribution, electricity management, pollution checking etc. Industrial automation: feet aff seat & product a aa at & ste wa ad A ara aga aed et 81 geet lol aga useful wfea at %, automation a aref % feat human interactiond art weet | loT ® aeza F eH automation at ua we wed F Surveillance: gaat wetar Home, Office, Airports, Railway stations ete. uy feorre wrt & fee fee rar 31 CCTV4 wa sensor an Ber & oh fa Peet of srrarer afaiehr at catch ax awa ® ak Owner at massage send ez wear 21 & wes somn ste oft age & ar 8 oat wz loTar use fear omer 31 Building Blocks of loT ug att loT System 3 building blocks at aeardt ® Sensors, Processor, Gateway, Application. ves suzhaft loT system ara @ fare era S uel node a araet we fea wat 21 Sensors: Sensors loT device & front end @& #1 faa aw arf surroundings arfér ar-ure @ sees data receive azn siz wr am database at Processing system ae ugarat tat %1 sensors real time 4 data @ collect et % siz fizz gmt se datas process d foe aor 2a %) Sensor ag war & ea faa ot srs gat 7 Example- gas sensor, water quality sensor, motion sensor, moisture sensor, image sensor etc. Processor: Computer az ater electrical systema ou # Processor loT woneft ar fearat 81 Processor ar Bet sr sensor art collect row-data ®t process eat siz a3 aes vreent aie art a aec tar aaa A wa we wat Efe ‘$aeI GF data st intelligence Zar %1 processor at application art amar & control feet om zat 2, Se Fae we a datas yee mem ou af oh data encryption and decryption az #1 Example- Microcontroller, embedded hardware devices etc. devices @ affaz at processor @ suit wee data st process ea #1 Gateway: gaat qua arf process fea at data st route men siz fia suai & few sfiaq database at network storage 4 transfer went &1 gaz wet A gateway data are communication # help wet Bi loT system @ fez communication and network connectivity staves @1 Example- LAN, WAN, PAN etc. Application: application loT system ar grt Be %1 application collect fe ae waft data ar sft suitor ee % siz users a sa data wa interact ea & few interface wat amt BF application cloud based application & wat @ ot collect Ra ag data @ vega at & few free AT Fi Application user arr control at 1 Example- Smart home apps, security system control application, industrial control hub application etc. aft gat loTS element at waa H aad at or ws awa Pe sensor ara collect raw data? processor @ transfer wz fsa ont %1 processor raw data @t meaningful information # convert @z %at & atte fez gateway device connectivity @ ane 2 remote cloud application a database system # transfer az 2ar 1 loT ecosystem loT ecosystem different type @ devices @t ve connection 3, ot data @ analysis ex % af network uz us wR s wa communicate ez %1 loT ecosystem # user smart devices && Rs Smart phone, tablet, sensors etc. et weit network + get devices oo Sus MRE request send aar 21 d command a request at anal ame don 3) levices send fst at sis oat Bae user a information Component of loT ecosystem loT ecosystem # 3 wat element arr %, ot business, Government, Consumer a a3 oT devices ¥ Get 4 waa aan 31 loTa daa saat st aegait & sa connectivity at axa we B, wot ae cist at srat 3 remote access ura zt fs orga ot 2 wr Bi lot ecosystem 4 remote, dashboard, network, gateway, analytics, data storage ate security aft enftrer & | Gateway: gateway loT devices siz connected network & dq internet traffic at Manage eet & fav up important component @1 Gateway protocol stz network dq move @t ar data trafficar graft & mange azat # yer 31 Different loT devices different network protocol wz ar aed 31 Internet application & faa TCP/IP based protocol a1 sma uz wat fee sat 31 Analytics: analytics software loT devices grt generate data a analysis @zat_@, atz result @ cloud database # store Se 21 Analytics ar suitor fafrer vor & arrat & ed Ree ot wear Bi wet companies bulk # data collect axtt ak afte 3 aa a gaat & Ra gaat analysis @et %, af & smart & aie erm seat oz aS ak sat |e aia a ad) Cloud: Industry grade loT warenat at a tart uz Row aie Process data @t manage siz manipulate & anavaaar att Bi amd cloud based architecture a suet arate snasuecnsit @ siene W seer St ot S ra fer oe 21 loT cloud ecosystem a Age @ company devices aiz application bulk data collect ez # wert 31 User Interface: ae ue visible siz physical fee provide em 2, fra user arr siaret B access fear ot swat 1 Developers fee user ® stagger interface aera important ®, fort fret feet afar wart @ access fear oT aes ott ae smart cada FH age we BEAT a1 Dashboard: dashboard user @ fem loT ecosystem @ ae # information display @zat ®1 siz sek sae loT ecosystem at control wea Ft waa soe B1 aE sta Ue UH remote st aaa F1 Remote unit & f% mobile application ot saat web ses connect siz control ez & feat loT devices a sueitor Geensit at Beret sara 31 Remote & 3aez- smart phone, tablet, PC, smart watch siz non- traditional remote aft Database: ve afta database system den arava %, ot different devices fz end-user collect fia ot w data@ store siz manage Rt WS! Development: loT technology # new progress @1 faorr at graeme war S Ber ag sie sgt oT St FI Types of Network Local zz & global ae ae, cara & fafa ast A wh ant w networking fast at ag 81 saa user fs Ba loT connectivity protocol at arifedt uz ond, saa use ex | basic networks ay ora aa Bi Computer network ag wer # aa %1 Example- BAN, PAN, HAN (Home Area Network), NAN (Neighborhood Area Network ), LAN, MAN, WAN, VPN, CAN (Campus Area Network), GAN. BAN (Body Area Network): va afta & eax & usa a ftee body # oét wz implanted fee ae sg computing devices a interconnection’! BAN4 aad uz oa ar 8a FH va smart phone anferet stat @, Gt mobile datahub& sua # orf wen %, user data wa oe % siz sf remote database a ffx other system uz transfer set ®1 $a WBAN (Wireless Body Area network) @ ara & aft oren ore FI PAN (Personal Area Network): aaa Be networkyer S wear yo @rat 3, PAN ataaz Laptop, printer, media, system, CCTV etc. ga aa devices at cite @ fae Bluetooth a WiFi connectivity uz fre weet 81 PAN network feet wat at ue & are foe Ba a aoa % ste sa WPANS oo a4 oem oI #1 LAN (Local Area Network): Local Area Network ve Computer Network®| freer Use at ar at & ate Computers at sitga & fare fee oat #1 ae ve sat a Ue Building ae afta we 3, frat ait cor 1 Recitsier ae st aed 31 ea WANG aa B aff oe urat &1 WLAN IEEE 802.11 Standard ara Define fear orn ®1 MAN (Metropolitan Area Network): Metropolitan Area Network LAN Network ® agr sitz WAN Network & eer état 81 ae Network Us Towner City ae difera sar @, fret aga F Local Area Network 12 ama # ge sa Bi Ga- Cable TV Network. MAN Network a aim # visa @ feu Coaxial cables siz Fiber Optic Cables ar Use fear arat @1 MAN Network Public at Private état aze at Network et awa 31 WAN (Wide Area Network): Wide Area Network ve Digital Communication System@1 WAN Network a vaitr Cities, Countries ai Continents @eredtat) ar cig & fore fear one Bi SR- Internet. WAN # Data Transfer at Speed LAN al geen a mor 10 gen war act @1 WAN # Network at sitgat @ fez Microwave Stations ar Communication Satellites 1 Use fer arat 31 VPN (Virtual Private Network): VPN ve Virtual Communication Network®, «it Computer Network at gfererét gftenait at sedate Computer System @ Logical =u & azar 81 ae User Connection wiser at encrypted qa wit FH Network # suet az at agate 2a ge sas network aw uge a viet we 21 GAN (Global Area Network): a Network srfiftra atonfirs aa at Cover sam %1 ae ve Network® feet suet Wireless LANs, Satellite coverage &at anfe a ue afeeifia deen a4 Mobile or wade oe & fae fre or 21 Various technologies and Protocols making up loT ecosystem. loT gga wa S Standard Protocol siz Networking et suete az @1 lot at wa wart Technologies #1 Bluetooth, BLE, WiFi, LiFi, Cellular, ZWave, RFID, NFC, ZigBee, LoRaWAN, 6LOWPAN, GSM, GPRS, LTE. 13 (Bluetooth @ zigbee LoRa ife €>») Caunve Geri Bluetooth: Bluetooth ua Short-range wireless technology ® | foraat gedara Sort range (approximately 30 feet) 4 ws devices ar device ¥ data @t exchange aa & fee fer omer Bi ae data ar transfer ez @ fee ultra high frequency (UHF) radio waves @T getarat Beat 1 AE ws personal area network ganar 21 Frequency: 2.45 GHz Maximum data transfer rate: 2.1 Mb/ps Compatible hardware: Personal computers, Smartphones, Gaming consoles, Audio devices Developed by: Bluetooth Special Interest Group Introduced: 7 May 1998 BLE (Bluetooth low energy): BLE at anadtiz ux 4.03 so 4 onat ure &1 a at Bluetooth aga az dataat handleaz am %, afta sat & aa ae Batteryat af aga carer consume amt 31 Tet Ww wa aft arn 4 data @t sendar receive met at araeeper aét atc %, aet we eH BLE aT sedate Ged S) Ret fe as wen ae S Ma-AT Battery power a crt &1 Data transfer rate 1Mb/ps. 14 WiFi (Wireless Fidelity): WiFi ue wireless technology @ fora sueitat Computer, tablet, smartphone af other devices a vam Gav a oieat & fee fer ore 31 WiFi ve wireless routerd wa 3 devices uz ater wie aren radio signal®1 WiFi IEEE 802.11 standard ® family uz based’ siz ar wa B us LAN technology®! Data transfer rate 300Mb/ps. LiFi (Light Fidelity): LiFi ves seredt gs technology® of data transmit wea & few radiowaves@ gene Visible Light Communication (VLC) technology a1 wart act &1 ae light source (Transmitter) art feu Te were at aeitfera web Pee ore & siz va photodiode (Receiver) arr ure fee onan &1 saat speed WiFi # 100 yar aa 31 Cellular Network: Cellular network ue radio network ® ot land areas uz distribute eter @, fa cells aa S oer ona Bi wet cell fixed location transceiver wz serve Sat ont %1 cellular technology, mobile phone # ama @1 @ network different generation ate & 8 - 2G, 3G, 4G (LTE). 2Z-Wave: Z-wave Ue wireless communication technology®, of ae sa & smart home network # sueitar Reet arat B1 aE mesh network topology # suet aeat %, siz ae we network# 232 nodes a wada Get 81 saat data rate cart 30 Meters at range # 100 Kbps am %1 ae Be networks few ZigBee at gaat 4 aan siz we Bi RFID (Radio Frequency Identification): ae uve wireless technology %1 guar sederet Peet object at identify a fee Trackazt & fe fen ora 21 sae zt component aa %, Tag siz Reader. sa fret object at track evar erat & sa uz RFID Tag con feen onan @, feseft weg we mod me RFID Tag at é Receiver art detect feat one &, fae sa ag at users act 31 gaat range car 1 miterae art 31 RFID Taga wer & aid @ Active RFID Tag, Passive RFID Tag. Active RFID Tag@t sie work ae & fers Hacra data transmit eet @ fer az at Power (Electric Supply) ar %, afer ae self- Dependent aa @1 Passive RFID Tag@ ura @=z at Power Source aét wear & afew ae Receiver a snaareft Radio Wave Signal & electromagnetic induction @ feaia we Power aan @, af as Powers few Receiver az Depend wear 81 NFC (Near-field communication): ae ve wireless technology #1 ue technology RFID & ura at og &1 sa technology # at NFC Tag 3h NFC Receiver aia @, NFC Taga ot data Store am &, sa NFC Receiver read faeen ore 81 geet maximum range 10cmaw & att %, siz data rate 106, 212, 424 Kbps ae at &1 ZigBee: ae vs wireless technology®, sizqea oa & 802.15.40z based 1 a@ low-cost, low-power a aaeda azat 21 saat aad wat getdate battry enabled system # fer ore 2&1 ZigBee we topology @ aaa azar & oa- Star, cluster tree, mesh topology. saat coverage range 100 miter aie data transfer rate 250 Kbps ae Bret 31 LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Network): a Ua new wireless technology®! ae low-cost, low-power a aada we 2, siz gaat range aga wenar act @ carer 104 15 kilomiter afer data transmit speed aga sift atdt ® (300bps to 37.5 Kbps) 1 sa Fear fret license ® radio frequency bands 169 MHz, 433MHz, 868 MHz (Europe) and 915 MHz (North America) and 865 MHz to 867 MHz in India of LORA. G6LOWPAN (IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks): ae we wireless sensor network %, fSraa@r gederet home-automation, agricultural siz industrial monitoring & fee fee onat 81 ae IPv6 protocol a seeret Heat S1 It is used with IEEE 802.15,.4 in the 2.4 GHz band, Outdoor range: ~200 m (maximum) Data rate: 200kbps (maximum) Maximum number of nodes: ~100 GSM (Global System for Mobile communication): GSM ve open and digital cellular technology @, feat seater voice and data at transmate eet @ fer fear ona %, sit f 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz and 1900MHz frequency bands uz operate état @1 GSM technology @t communication purpose @ ferme Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) technique a1 sueitat ez ue digital system ® ou 4 develop fee men at! 7 GPRS (General Packet Radio Services): GPRS ue wireless 3iz cellular network communication services @ fez aaa srt packet- switching protocol#1 GPRS system GSM network switching oT Ta integrated part 1 GPRS @ Emails, Multimedia messages, Video Calls aera 1 LTE (Long-Term Evolution): as 4G wireless standard, of fa 3G technology a germ # arat cener Fast®, frat average download speeds of 15 Mbps to 20 Mbps and average upload speeds of 10 Mbps to 15 Mbps. HTT Cop Websockets Marr xp pps AMaP_ “re | or “ime tawran Link Layer 802.3- Ethernet 802.16 - WiMax 2G/3G/LTE — Cellular 802.11 - WiFi 802.15.4 — LR-WPAN HTTP ( Hyper Text Transfer Protocol ): HTTP Ua Val Helpter id forae gr gewte 8 aragr o frat ui aearge oR BRleis SAMA fears aaa es! CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol): The CoAP is an application layer and web-based protocol designed for constrained devices like sensors. Sensors have a small memory and limited processing power. The CoAP is similar to the HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) protocol. CoAP is used as the Representative State Transfer (REST) architecture. WebSocket: WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol was standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455 in 2011. The current API specification allowing web applications to use this protocol is known as WebSockets. MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport): MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight open messaging protocol that provides resource-constrained network clients with a simple way to distribute telemetry information in low-bandwidth environments. XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol): XMPP is the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol, a set of open technologies for instant messaging, presence, multi-party chat, voice and video calls, collaboration, lightweight middleware, content syndication, and generalized routing of XML 20/31 DDS (Data Distribution Service): It isan loT protocola. =, —:or M2M (Machine to Machine) Communication by OMG (Object Management Group). It enables data exchange via publish- subscribe methodology. DDS makes use of brokerless architecture unlike MQTT and CoAP protocols. AMaP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol): AMQP a more advanced protocol than MQTT, more reliable and have better support for security. AMQP enables encrypted and interoperable messaging between organizations and applications. The protocol is used in client/server messaging and in loT device management. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): Transmission Control Protocol a communications standard that enables application programs and computing devices to exchange messages over a network. It is designed to send packets across the internet and ensure the successful delivery of data and messages over networks (TCP is a connection-oriented Protocol). UDP (User Datagram Protocol): In loT (and data transmission in general), User Datagram Protocol is less common than TCP. But UDP often appeals to loT manufacturers because it uses fewer network resources to transmit and doesn't have to maintain a constant connection between the two endpoints (UDP is a connectionless Protocol), loT design methodology loT design methodology loT ecosystem # Us age & Algorithm or ara oat 81 gaa total 10 step aa #1 loT ecosystem a vs ade result et ura & fea set sat step ar followaen vem 31 Define Purpose & Requirements of loT system. _ Define the use cases Domain Model Specification Define Physical Entities, Virtual Entities, Devices, Resources and Services in the loT system Define the structure (e.g. relations, attributes) of all the information in the loT system Map Process and Ir lation Model to services and define service specifications | Define the loT level for the system Map loT Level to functional groups Define communication options, ser >ho Options, storage options, device options Integrate devices, develop and integrate the components __ Develop Applications The Physical Design/Logical Design of loT A physical design of an loT system refers to the individual node devices and their protocols that are utilised to create a functional loT ecosystem. Each node device can perform tasks such as remote sensing, actuating, monitoring, etc., by relying on physically connected devices. It may also be capable of transmitting information through different types of wireless or wired connections. A logical design is a conceptual, abstract design. You do not deal with the physical implementation details yet; you deal only with defining the types of information that you need. The process of logical design involves arranging data into a series of logical relationships called entities and attributes. loT Functional Blocks U® loT system Taga A functional blocks 81a @ Wil far ARH BT indentify, sensing, actuation, communication oir management St anal Wart GXct &. guar fea te fen a8. loT Communication Models SAR communication model WHTat Sal @ Ht TE user's H fee Ht Toa aa @ ok gaa business A A growth et & loT A UR FSI communication models 81d @ Gi f& ata feu 7a 8:- 1. Request Response Model 2. Publish Subscribe Model 3. Push Pull Model 4. Exclusive Pair Model Request Response Model — Request-Response Model Ua SAYMBM Aisa sal A Te client (RIES), server HI UP request Hota @ SAX server FA request ST respond @Xall @. $I model 1 client-server model Mt ed z sat aa ft server fardt request @l receive PA F a AS request oF SMI UR data HI fetch Sik retrieve HLA S TU SAH Se response FI client #1 send @ ae. arent & fw — sa A BIS client HIT A fehl Geese HT open HA @H request EA & @ server FH request H HU WR II saarge HT open @Xal & SAR client HI show Fa B. Receives requests Request from chent, processes Response requests, looks uolletches resources, prepares response and sends response toclient Publish Subscribe Model — Te Ue Dar wl agra Atsa stat & {STA publisher, broker 3X consumer ftifera Yea &. SAA publishers STI HI collect Hed F He Fe data BT publish a B. Broker ERI Fe data BT manage fear ware. 3a data HT consumer % ERI subscribe eat Gat %. Wa of broker HT publisher a ag data fiat z al ae Fa data ST subscribe fea BU consumer HT Ya Se S. SAAT Fer Ars FAA TAs. Message publsned to Topic? Push Pull Model — et communication model 4, data producer's & EN data PI US queue q push fear Get z TAP Ge data collector's Fa data wa queue aa collect Ba &. aa Teal Hoe a, “push pull model H data producers SIcl @T queue F push wR S Bh consumers Fe data HT queue HF pull Hed a Queue UF buffer &t ate Se Hea S at fs Ta GRAAF help Har @ Wa consumer six producer & rate F AAT Sta 8. Queues =| Messages pushed ‘Messages pulled toqueves from queves — Exclusive Pair Model — Exclusive pair U bi-directional 3X fully duplex QMbar Als Sta & GH client Sik server & Avy W® persistent connection 1 WarT Gat é 4G UF fully duplex Hise eta 8 ferTeT arf S fos Tew client sik server Gl Ub GR HT message Tet waa B. Request to setup Connection Message from Client to Server Message from Server to Client Connection close request Connection close response Development Tools used in loT. Arduino UE UP open-source prototyping Geter & ait far SRI S wat feet OA ret BISaaR she ated we onenfte star & aE UH electronic board Ba. Arduino RReW & fear Re OF Sea ok sensor 4 @ data #T process @¥al @. Arduino Board We Stel a cpu ear 3 rea op chip A Sa 8 fia BH microcontroller BI MCU wede | Arduino 4S 1 yar input & read #ear electronics $1 control SIR output aca ee HEF (device) & 60 4 fen oa | ed Partai Tessel2 aH Ta SF loT prototypes SX applications Hl TAM & Ferg fear Ua @. Tessel 2 UH development board @ HA UE wifi HT array Bt @ sik gee ERI eH Nodejs 4 scripts ATT aHAs. ¥ae UA ethernet connectivity, Wi-Fi connectivity, USB ports, UF micro USB ports, 32 MB @T flash, 31% 64MB @ RAM Sa 8. Se GA afeftad modules #1 +f cits Fad & GS fF - Sa, accelerometers, RFID SAR GPS SiTfe, gad oe at processors ed & Use WER firmware applications ol FEA AT speed A run HA A Hag HET S se GAT TR power FT Turdt o1 B manage #7 A SR input/output #I control RI A Hae RT. Raspberry Pi The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse. It is a capable little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing, and to learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python. Chapter 1 exercise 1. __ “Central Nervous System’ at 1OT# global services ax erm zerm 37 a. Perception Layer b. Network Layer ©. Application Layer d. None of these. 2. 1OT a wager feted wha at Be 2. Heterogeneity (fem) b. Connectivity c. Safety d. Allof the above. 3. Dashboards at suet a connect and control sat fee IOT devices @ use aa meh zienst wt aewt i a. Smartphones b, Tablet and PC ¢. Smart Watches d. Allof the above. 4. fama HB ara short-range wireless network ar example’? a. WWW b. Internet

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