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1. Which are the electronic protective measures?

a. Frequency management
b. Electromagnetic compatibility
c. Electronic masking
d. Manipulative deception
e. Emission control
f. Threat warning

2. What tools can be effective against IR guided anti-tank missile?

a. Radio jammer stations.
b. Blinding laser sources.
c. Corner reflectors
d. Smokes, aerosols, fumes.

3. What does the infrared threat warning subsystem detect?

a. Thermal radiation of missile engine
b. Thermal radiation of aircraft engine
c. Thermal radiation of missile's heat seeker

4. Which EW measures are not usable in peace time?

a. ECM
b. EPM
c. ESM

5. With the use of reflected jamming decoys may be created.


6. Choose the main parts of physical spectrum!

a. Spectrum of electromagnetic oscillations
b. Spectrum of particle radiation
c. Spectrum of laser
d. Spectrum of infrasound
e. Spectrum of mechanical oscillations
f. Spectrum of X-ray radiation

7. Re-radiated jamming can be used against radio receivers.



8. Which radio wave range will be usable in case of application of nuclear weapons?
b. HF
c. Microwaves

9. What parts of frequency spectrum do the threat warning subsystems operate?

a. Gamma
b. Laser
c. Acoustic
d. Infrared
e. Roentgen
f. Radiofrequency

10. What are not parts of the airborne self-defense EW systems?

a. Corner reflectors
b. Active radio jammers
c. Passive radar jammers
d. Flares
e. Threat warning subsystem
f. Active radar jammers

11. Choose the main parts of physical spectrum!

a. Spectrum of laser
b. Spectrum of mechanical oscillations
c. Spectrum of X-ray radiation
d. Spectrum of particle radiation
e. Spectrum of electromagnetic oscillations
f. Spectrum of infrasound

12. Determine those EW measures that include electronic neutralization!

a. Electronic warfare support measures
b. Electronic counter measures
c. Electronic protective measures

13. Corner reflectors have not own internal source of energy.



14. What was the main task of EF-111 and RF-4G airplanes?
a. Escort, bomber airplanes.
b. Escort, covering fighter airplanes.
c. Escort, reconnaissance airplanes.
d. Escort, electronic warfare airplanes.

15. Which are not capabilities of Information operations?

a. Deception; Psychological operations
b. Operational support; Guarding-protection
c. Electronic warfare; Computer network operations

16. Complete the sentence!

HPT are HVT whose successful _____ significantly contributes to achieving friendly
operational objectives.
a. enemy
b. elimination
c. targets
d. friendly
e. defense

17. Which threats need to count against military systems? (Radio navigation)
a. Dipole jamming
b. Electronic jamming
c. Location finding
d. Deceptive messages, signals
e. Interception
f. Guided missile strike

18. Is it able to jam the global positioning satellite systems?

a. No, the satellites are too far away.
b. Yes, we can jam the user’s receivers and receivers on satellite’s board.
c. Yes, receivers only.
d. Yes, receivers and transmitters of the ground satellite command stations.

19. Which is not part of the Computer Network Operations?

a. Network centric warfare
b. Computer network exploitation
c. Computer network defence


20. Complete the sentence!

The order of battle of EW forces is the reasonable _____ of forces both in width and
depth so that ESM and ECM tasks are successfully accomplished.
a. grouping
b. width
c. ground
d. operation
e. depth

21. Complete the sentence!

The EW devices must be out of the range of direct fire weapons, at least _____ away
from the forward edge of battle area (FEBA) – in dependence on the terrain.
a. 1-2 kilometers
b. 5-10 kilometers
c. 3-5 kilometers

22. Which technical solution can reduce jamming effects for friendly troops?
a. Use of dipole dispenser.
b. Use of unattended jammers.
c. Use of omnidirectional antennas.

23. Which is NOT electronic warfare asset?

a. Dipole launcher.
b. Decoy.
c. Navigation jammer.
d. Satellite ground transceiver.

24. What is the main task of radar?

a. Identify the parameters of the location and movement of a target.
b. Identify of nationality of targets.
c. Determine the type of targets.

25. Reflected jamming can be single-tone or multi-tone.


26. What is acronym SEAD for?

a. Defensive Activity of Air Force
b. Suppression of Enemy Air Force
c. Suppression of Enemy Air Defense


27. Put the right words into the appropriate space of the definition!
_____ waves are electric (E) and magnetic (M) fields propagating in a dielectric
material, changing in time, in interaction with one another.
a. constant
b. changing
c. acoustic
d. radio
e. electromagnetic
f. magnetic
g. hydro acoustic

28. What types of guidance are usable in the homing guidance missile?
a. Passive
b. Semi-passive
c. Remote guidance

29. Match the types of jamming with the relevant definitions!

Responsive jamming Swept jamming Spot jamming Barrage jamming

A narrow frequency band of jamming energy is repeatedly swept over a

relatively wide frequency band
The jamming signal is spread across a large number of adjacent channels
It occurs on a single frequency and jamming power is concentrated into a
single channel
The jammer operates on a single channel that jams only when it detects a

30. Which threats need to count against military systems? (Radar)

a. Interception
b. Guided missile strike
c. Electronic jamming
d. Dipole jamming
e. Deceptive messages, signals
f. Location finding

31. Is it able to jam the cell phone systems (GSM)?

a. Yes, every receiver can be jammed.
b. No, because it uses encoded information transmission.
c. No, because it uses special modulation techniques.


32. Choose the appropriate equation among the relations of frequency, wavelength, and
the distance!

a. b. c.

33. Match the subdivisions of ECM to the appropriate methods and assets!
Corner reflector Infrared guided missile Simulation
Electronic jamming ->
Electronic deception ->
Electronic neutralisation -

34. Support EW aircraft may apply Stand-off Jamming (SOJ), or Stand-in Jamming
(SIJ) procedures.

35. Match the jamming techniques to the appropriate statements!

Flare Towed decoy Jamming pod Chaff
External active radar jammer hanged on aircraft
Active radar jammer pulled after aircraft
Passive radar jammer discharged from aircraft
Device discharged from aircraft. Thanks to its high-intensity thermal radiation it is capable to
divert an incoming missile from its target

36. Choose the correct value!

Wavelenght of light visible for human eye is _____.
a. 300-600 nm
b. 400-1400 nm
c. 400-1800 µm
d. 400-800 µm
e. 400-800 nm


37. What are the targets of support EW aircraft?

a. Height finder radars
b. Counter battery radars
c. Early warning radars
d. Ground controlled intercept radars
e. Land forces' command posts

38. Complete the sentence!

During planning, the EW estimate provides an _____ of the supportability of each
proposed COA from an EW perspective.
a. confirmation
b. COA
c. operations
d. IPB
e. assessment
f. planning

39. What does EWCC mean?

a. Electronic Warfare Coordination Centre
b. Electronic Warfare Coordination Cell
c. Electronic Warfare Command Centre
d. Electronic Warfare Command and Control

40. Determine the elements of EW estimate!

a. Enemy' electronic situation
b. Enemy's COA
c. Battlefield environment
d. Friendly electronic situation
e. Friendly logistic support

41. Complete the sentence!

Electronic warfare support measures (ESM) are that division of EW involving actions
taken to search for, intercept and identify EM emissions and to locate their sources for
the purpose of immediate threat _____.
a. search for
b. deception
c. identify
d. jamming
e. intercept
f. threat recognition


g. locate

42. Match the intelligence methods with the intelligence aims!

Voice information Parameters of impulses Data of images
Information in open sources Radio release content


43. How the unattended jammers can be set up to the deep of enemy?
a. We can overshoot with cannons.
b. We can transport them by trucks.
c. We can throw down from aircraft container.

44. Determine the phases of the IPB!

a. Develop friendly COA
b. Evaluate battlefield's effect
c. Mission analysis
d. Evaluate enemy
e. Develop enemy's COA
f. Evaluate battlefield environment
g. Evaluate own capabilities

45. Chaffs can be used for re-radiated jamming.


46. Which threats need to count against military systems? (UHF communication)
a. Dipole jamming
b. Guided missile strike
c. Electronic jamming
d. Interception
e. Deceptive messages, signals
f. Location finding


47. Which are not active computer network defense techniques?

a. Firewalls
b. Intrusion detection
c. Antivirus software
d. Pre-emptive attacks
e. Counterattacks
f. Active deception

48. Which range of electromagnetic waves suitable for underwater communication?

a. Very Low Frequency – 6 - 10 kHz
b. High Freqency – 1,5 – 30 MHz
c. Medium Frequency – 500-1500 kHz
d. Microwaves – 1 – 10 GHz

49. Complete the sentence!

Electronic jamming is the deliberate radiation, re-radiation or reflection of EM energy,
with the object of impairing the effectiveness of electronic devices, equipment or
systems being used by _____.
a. deliberate
b. receiving
c. using
d. re-radiation
e. a friendly forces
f. an enemy
g. mutual
h. radiation

50. Put the correct answer into the sentence!

In _______ frequency bands the range of radio reconnaissance and jamming may
decrease due to the shielding effect of the terrain
a. HF
b. VHF
c. UHF

51. Choose the correct answer!

EW forces and assets are to be transferred
a. All at once
b. Gradually
c. It is not necessary to transfer


52. Determine those activity that is conducted parallel with the targeting process!
a. Mission analysis
b. EW mission analysis
c. EW estimate
d. COA approval

53. How many radio direction finders are necessary at least in a direction finding
baseline to define exact location?
a. three
b. four or more
c. two

54. Match the expressions with the keywords!

Direction planning Recognition Coordinate Communication

Navigation =
Radio =
Radar =

55. Which activities are not parts of SIGINT?

a. Detection
b. Radio jamming
c. Radio monitoring
d. Code breaking

56. Make complete the definition!

EW is military action that exploits _____ energy to provide situational awareness and
achieve offensive and defensive effects.
a. protection
b. offensive
c. defensive
d. kinetic
e. electromagnetic


57. Make complete the sentence!

In the case of the use of successful defense, it is possible to ensure the _____, integrity,
and availability of the data stored in a computer system.
a. publicity
b. integrity
c. evidence
d. confidentiality
e. availability
f. secrecy

58. Support EW aircraft may apply only Stand-off Jamming (SOJ) procedures.

59. Airborne self-defense EW systems may apply Stand-off Jamming (SOJ), or Stand-
in Jamming (SIJ) procedures.

60. Choose the true (T) statements among the sentences!

a. Support EW aircrafts usually have narrow frequency spectrum and small emission
b. Support EW aircrafts usually have narrow frequency spectrum and large emission
c. Support EW aircrafts usually have wide frequency spectrum and small emission power.
d. Support EW aircrafts usually have wide frequency spectrum and large emission power.

61. Match the jamming techniques to the appropriate statements!

Guarded frequencies Taboo frequencies Protected frequencies

They are friendly frequencies used for a particular operation. These frequencies are of such
critical importance that jamming should be restricted unless absolutely necessary or until
coordination with the using unit is made.
They are adversary frequencies that are currently being exploited for combat information and
intelligence. These frequencies may be jammed after the commander has weighed the
potential operational gain against the loss of the technical information.
They are friendly frequencies of such importance that they must never be deliberately
jammed or interfered with by friendly forces.


62. What device is usable for reflected jamming?

a. Corner reflector
b. Radar jammer
c. Radio jammer

63. Which weapon is not device of electronic neutralization?

a. Directed energy weapon
b. Remote guidance missile
c. Homing guidance missile

64. Are the radar signals necessary to be received for response pulse jamming?
a. Yes, because it is needed for determination of jamming direction.
b. No, we can jam radars without received signals.
c. Yes, because it is needed for determination technical parameters of response signals.

65. Which effect has been caused during the dipole scattering?
a. Active response pulse jamming.
b. Passive noise jamming.
c. Passive response pulse jamming.
d. Active noise jamming.

66. Put the correct answer into the definition!

_____ detects, identifies, and uses intentional adversary emissions (e.g. radio
transmissions), or unintentional signals (e.g. infrared radiation of engine exhaust gases)
for targeting or threat warning.
a. ESM
b. ECM
c. EPM

67. Choose the correct answers!

The order of battle should ensure:
a. The effective exploitation of the terrain features
b. The exploitation of friendly forces' strike possibilities
c. Prevention of jamming of friendly electronic systems
d. Maximum use of surveillance and jamming opportunities
e. The obstruct of enemy's manoeuvre

68. Airborne self-defense EW systems may apply only Stand-in Jamming (SIJ)



69. Which is not measure of EW?

a. Electronic protective measures
b. Electronic intelligence measures
c. Electronic counter measures

70. What type of countermeasure is the chaff dispensing?

a. It could be both, depends on the wavelength.
b. Active
c. Passive

71. What tasks are not part of the Computer network operations?
a. Mapping the structure of computer networks
b. Obstruct the electron flow in networks
c. Destruction of the operators
d. Changing or destruction of the program and data contents of targeted objects
e. Detection of the emanations of monitors
f. Registration of dataflow within a network

72. Which threats need to count against military systems? (SIGINT station)
a. Dipole jamming
b. Deceptive messages, signals
c. Electronic jamming
d. Interception
e. Guided missile strike
f. Location finding

73. What types of jamming devices are able to eliminate the shielding effect of the
a. Unattended ground sensors - UGS
b. Jammer pod hanged on unmanned aerial vehicle - UAV)
c. Expendable jammer
d. Jamming station deployed in the friendly area


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