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2021 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT)

On the Implementation of Access Control in

2021 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT) | 978-1-6654-4032-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/3ICT53449.2021.9581591

Ethereum Blockchain
Insaf Achour Samiha Ayed Hanen Idoudi
National School of Computer Sciences University of Technology of Troyes National School of Computer Sciences
University of Manouba University of Troyes University of Manouba
Manouba, Tunisia Troyes, France Manouba, Tunisia

Abstract—Access control is a main component in Blockchain Transactions are verified and validated by applying a con-
systems. It is usually implemented in smart contracts and defines sensus protocol [4]. We can mention the Byzantian fault of
the security policy, in other words, it determines who can access tolerance which is a state machine replication protocol that
a protected resource in the network. In this paper, we present
a review of the major implementations of access control in tolerates "byzantine" faults. It provides a controlled resistance
Ethereum platform. The latter is based on RBAC model (Role- to faults. One of the most common faults is the arbitrary
Based Access Control). Implementations require to take into malicious behavior (byzantine faults) of one or more nodes
account the whole RBAC process, that is, user role assignment (minors). Proof of work is a consensus protocol based on
and permission assignment. Three implementations currently the calculation of a Nounce which requires very powerful
exist and are described and compared in this work according
to several features : RBAC-SC, Smart policies and OpenZepplin calculation operations. This puts miners in competition to
contracts. perform transactions on the network and then be rewarded.
Index Terms—Blockchain, Smart Contract, Ethereum, Solidity, Despite being a large energy consumer, this protocol has
Access Control, RBAC. shown its reliability. It is the basic protocol of Bitcoin. Another
known consensus protocol is the proof of stake. Its principle
I. I NTRODUCTION is not to show an effort of calculation but to possess a certain
quantity of money. This allows the miner with the most assets
URING recent years, Blockchain attracted great interest
D due to the need of a trusted and a secure network
allowing transactions to be shared in a transparent and in a
not to cheat.
The attacker must have more than 50% of the available
currency to succeed in a double spend, The difficulty depends
secure way. Introduced in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto [1] with on the number of cryptocurrencies of the miner and their age
the rise of Bitcoin cryptocurrency, Blockchain is a distributed (CoinAge). The difficulty reduces in percentage according to
and decentralized ledger used to store transactions perma- the number of CoinAge the miner has. This forces users to
nently between nodes in a peer to peer network. The strength hold the network currency.
of the Blockchain technology is based on the cryptography Blockchain was used first for cryptocurrency exchange and
mechanism that connects blocks to each other in a secure way. then it was extended to multiple applications. The use of
Then each block contains the hash of the previous block. Blokchain in insurance can reduce the human error and save
In a Blockchain network, transactions are executed via smart time. Smart contracts can perform error checking, routing,
contracts which are a self executing programs determining and approval workflows, and calculates payout based on the
the conditions and the requirements of the achievement of a type of claim and underlying policy. In healthcare domain,
transaction [2]. Then developers create the code by defining Blockchain is used for electronic medical record manage-
the input logic of the agreement. Smart contracts are deployed ment and pharmaceuticals products traceability. In supply
into Blockchain network and when the defined conditions are chain management, Blockchain allows tracking goods from
satisfied, transactions will be executed automatically and assets production to distribution. Another interesting application of
will be transferred to the new owner. Finally, states of different Blockchain is its integration with the Internet of things (IoT).
parties and of assets will be updated and contracts take end. IoT systems are often based on centralized access control
Blockchain network involves three types of participants or systems, which leads to the problem of single point of failure
nodes: (1) Users or clients consult and request the addition of and also to privacy issues. These are the major motivations to
information to the Blockchain via an intermediate node, (2) use Blockchain for the access control in IoT applications [5]
ordinary nodes which request the addition of information to the [6].
Blockchain, consult the Blockchain but do not participate in its Moreover, access control is an important process in many
construction, (3) miners which are the nodes that participate Blockchains. There are multiple access control models in
in the process of creating the blocks, validating and adding the literature, however, the most used for Blockchains are
new transactions to the ledger [3]. RBAC (Role Based Access Control) and ABAC (Attribute-

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2021 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT)

based access control). Smart contracts in Ethereum are implemented in Solidity.

In this paper, we focus on access control in Ethereum Contracts can import other contracts or libraries. Each contract
which is mainly based on the RBAC model. All the policies contains variables, functions and constructor. Solidity allows
of access control are implemented in a smart contract. Our the inheritance mechanism and uses events to notify about a
objective in this paper is to introduce a review of the access state change. There is also the concept of modifier that is used
control implementations in Ethereum and not the Blockchain to replace a function body. Modifiers are so used in the access
based access control applications namely FAirAccess [7] or control context [12].
MedRec [8].Our overview doesn’t study the challenges of
access control systems and the need of blockchain to pass them C. Access control
like the survey in [9] where authors introduce access control The access control is an important mechanism for database
works by domain and platform.In our work, we compare systems, information systems and recently for Blockchain
the three major existing access control implementations. This technology. Actually, Access control is a method to allocate
comparison can help smart contracts developers to choose the or to deny a permission to a user according to his request
suitable implementations for their applications. to execute an action on a protected resource or object. For
This paper is organized in three sections. In section I, we example, in ERC20 contract access control defines who can
give a brief description of the main concepts used in this mint and burn tokens. Many models of access control are
work. We introduce the implementations of access control in defined [13], such as:
Ethereum in section II and we compare them according to • DAC (Discretionary Access Control): it attributes autho-
several identified features. In section III, we conclude the paper rization based on the users’ authentication.
and present the perspectives of our work. • MDAC (Mandatory Access Control): it is handled by an
administrator that assigns labels to sensitive data to secure
A. Ethereum platform • RBAC: it is used for multiple users and multiples ap-
There are many Blockchain platforms supporting smart plications. Main components of the RBAC model [14],
contracts. In this work, we are interested about Ethereum are users, roles, operations or actions executed on the
platform. protected objects or resources and permissions. Users are
Ethereum is permissionless platform, introduced by Vitalik assigned to roles and permissions are attributed to each
in 2014[10]. Smart contracts in Ethereum are written in role.
Solidity, Python, Go or C++, they are Turing complete and • ABAC (Attribute based Access Control): In contrast
are running in the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The of RBAC, it is based on the attributes of the subject,
EVM is used to facilitate the execution of smart contracts resource, action, and environment in an access scenario.
and to perform consensus. In this platform the Proof of
Stake consensus is adopted to validate transactions. Ethereum
introduces the ETHR cryptocurrency that is used to pay the
execution of code in the network which is called a gas. In this section we describe the existing implementations of
Therefore any node who needs to execute a transaction must access control in Ethereum and we compare them.
pay. Ethereum has two types of accounts: Externally Owned A. Access control implementations
Account (EOA) and Contract Account. An EOA takes the form
of an address. It has a private key and ether balance, can 1) RBAC-SC: In [15] authors introduced RBAC-SC as
exchange transactions and doesn’t have a code. A contract an Access Control implementation for Solidity Smart Con-
account has an ether balance and has a code. tracts.The objective of this work is to apply the RBAC
mechanism and to verify the user role assignments. The project
B. Solidity smart contracts is hosted on Github. [16]
In 1997, Nick Szabo [11] introduced the smart contracts as The proposed implementation is composed of two main
programs or protocols that define the obligation, prohibition, parts as shown in Fig.1: (1) a smart contract and (2) a
permission and optional terms. These programs can be exe- challenge-response protocol. The smart contract (SC) deter-
cuted without the need of third party. This is maintained by mines the user-role assignments, that will be deployed on the
the consensus protocols. blockchain network. The RBAC-SC has an administrator who
With the emerging of Blockchain, smart contracts have is the initial deployer of the smart contract. It stores users and
taken another direction which is self executing programs. Then their roles. The RBAC-SC implements the following functions:
developers create the code by defining the input logic of the • addUser(u.EOA, u.role, u.notes) and removeUser(u.EOA)
agreement. Smart contracts will be deployed into Blockchain that can only be executed by the SC owner or creator.
and when the defined conditions are satisfied, transactions will • addEndorsee(eu.EOA, eu.notes) function that can only be
be executed automatically and assets will be transferred to the executed by a registered user.
new owners. Finally, states of different parties and of assets • removeEndorsee(eu.EOA) function that lets a user remove
will be updated and contracts take end. an endorser from the SC.

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2021 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT)

• changeStatus() function that allows the SC owner or • New policy creation: the resource owner writes an
creator to deactivate the SC. XACML policy and sends it to the PAP to be stored in the
The challenge-response protocol is an off-chain process and Blockchain. Then the PAP translates the XACML policy
it is performed when a user requests a service corresponding into a smart contract called "the SMART POLICY". After
to his role. The authentication of the ownership of roles and that, the initial CH deploys the contract in the Blockchain
the verification of the user role assignment are applied in the and will be stored once it is accepted.
challenge-response protocol following these five steps: • Access request time: after the creation of the contract
• Declaration: it defines the user who is the EOA with a
"Smart Policy", the Blockchain Access Control service
role corresponding to a service issued in the SC. will respond to the access requests.
• Information Check: the service provider checks user
information: role and owner of the EOA.
• Challenge: the user must signs using data chosen by the
service provider.
• Response: the user signs with EOA and his private key.
• Response Verification: when the verification succeeded
the service will be provided to his requester.

Fig. 2. Smart Policy implementation[17]

3) OpenZepplin: OpenZeppelin is an open source library

published on Github [18], it implements multiple Solidity
contracts and different libraries to be reused. One of these
implementations is access control based on RBAC model.
The access control in Ethereum Blockchain is based on three
models developed by the OpenZepplin library [19]: (1) the
ownable contract, (2) the Role-Based Access Control contract
and (3) the "AccessControlEnumerable" model.
The first contract is the Ownable.sol contract where there is
] only one owner and he is the administrator of the contract. This
Fig. 1. RBAC-SC implementation[15] contract is based on the use of modifiers "onlyOwner" before
each protected function. This contract offers the possibility
2) Smart policies: The second implementation of the ac- to transfer Ownership from the owner account to a new one
cess control in Ethereum is Smart Policies [17]. In this and to renounce Ownership for the owner to relinquish this
work, authors adopted the ABAC model. First, they write administrative privilege.
the policies on XACML (eXtensible Access Control Markup The second model is called AccessControl.sol. The Role-
Language) and translate it into Solidity smart contract. On top Based Access Control is designed for contracts requiring
of the Blockchain technology, they defined the components of different levels of authorization. Then, this contract is based on
XACML standard namely the Policy Enforcement Point (PEP), RBAC where it defines multiple roles with a set of permissions
the Policy Administration Point (PAP), the Attribute Managers and it also implements rules for how accounts can be granted
(AMs), the Policy Information Points (PIPs) and the Policy or revoked to/from a role. Moreover, each role has its admin-
Decision Point (PDP). The Context handler (CH) is split on istrator. An administrator can grant and revoke roles to others
the off chain component and the Blockchain protocol. This accounts. There is a default administrator role who is the initial
approach is divided in two steps as illustrated in Fig.2: administrator of all the roles. Therefore, he can do the same

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tasks as administrator role and he can set it. Similarly, this For OpenZepplin contracts the authentication is done by the
contract use modifiers "onlyRole" to the protected function. constant msg.sender.
Also it defines a set of administrator functions [20]that give In table 1, we give a brief comparison between the three
him more flexibility to allocate privileges, this includes: implementation of access control in Ethereum using the 5
• hasRole(role, account): Returns true if account has been features discussed above.
granted role.
• checkRole(role, account): Revert with a standard message TABLE I
if account is missing role. ACCESS CONTROL
• getRoleAdmin(role): Returns the admin role that controls
role. Features RBAC- Smart OpenZepplin
SC[15] policies[17] [18]
• grantRole(role, account): Grants role to account. Access control RBAC ABAC RBAC
• revokeRole(role, account): Revokes role from account. Model
• renounceRole(role, account): Revokes role from the call- Reusability no no yes
Flexibility no yes yes
ing account. Operating on chain off chain on chain
• setupRole(role, account): Grants role to account. mode
• setRoleAdmin(role, adminRole): Sets adminRole as role’s Authentfication yes no yes
admin role.
The last model called AccessControlEnumerable.sol is an Discussion: The OpenZepplin access control smart con-
extension to the second contract when enumerating members tracts are the most used one because they are considered as a
of each role is required. It contains the same functions as the standard for Ethereum. In fact, OpenZepplin implementations
"AccessControl.sol" and adds two functions [20]: can be used in many cases: (1) In case of a unique owner of
• getRoleMember(role, index): returns one of the accounts an asset, the Ownable contract is the most suitable one. (2)
that have role. In case of multiple roles, the AccessControl contract is used.
• getRoleMemberCount(role): returns the number of ac- (3) When counting the members or giving the members of a
counts that have role. specific role are needed. The RBAC-SC is used in a specific
B. Discussion and comparison case which is a trans-organizational RBAC, that means that
an organization provides a service to a user who has role that
In this section we compare the three implementations in
was attributed by a another organization. The smart policies
terms of used access control model, reusability, flexibility,
contracts are flexible and can be used in multiple cases such
operating mode and authentication. Then we discuss the use
OpenZepplin contracts, but they are not performed totally on
cases of each implementations.
the blockchain, which means the lack of transparency in the
Comparison: First of all, RBAC-SC and OpenZepplin
process of permissions and roles allocation.
smart contracts are based on RBAC models and the smart
policies contracts have implemented the ABAC model. IV. C ONCLUSION
Smart contracts in RBAC-SC are used in a specific problem, In this paper, we presented a brief review on access control
in spite of OpenZepplin which are reusable especially that implementations for Ethereum Blockchain. Automating access
it takes the form of libraries so they are simply imported control in Blockchains is rather a new concern which explains
by other contracts. Because smart policies are performed off the scarcity of works dealing with this issue. To our best
chain, that makes it not suitable for reuse. Another point knowledge, only 3 implementations of access control for
is that the role allocation is more flexible for OpenZepplin Etherum smart contract exist : 1) the RBAC-SC that imple-
smart contracts rather than RBAC-SC. In fact, in the RBAC- ments the RBAC model using Solidity smart contract, 2) the
SC implementation, if a user loses his private key, the system smart policies which are contracts generated by the translation
doesn’t update the role allocation or if the owner is transferred of access control policy based on ABAC model from XACML
all role attributions will be deleted. Also the flexibility of to Solidity and, finaly, 3) the OpenZepplin access control smart
OpenZepplin smart contract is explained by the fact that it contracts which implement one of these models: ownable,
offers three models of access control, so it can be used for RBAC access control or Enumerable RBAC access control.
complex applications that require multiple roles, for example. Actually the last implementation is the well known and the
The Smart policies contracts are flexible in term of using more used and it is now a standard for Ethereum platform.
XACML rather than modifiers. This is due to its great flexibility and reusability comparing to
The other criterion of comparison is the operating mode, the others.
smart policies apply the access control off chain but the two For future works, we intend to review the access control
others implementations are on chain. The advantage of per- implementation in other platforms rather than Ethereum and
forming access control on chain is to hold more transparency to compare between them to find the commonalities and the
to the contract. differences.
In addition to access control, RBAC-SC contracts perform
authentication mechanism via the challenge response process.

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