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Background Job Scheduling for IP30


As soon as I’m done with my step-by-step reply to a discussion on the subject matter recently, I realized
that this long reply comprising of several Screen-captures possesses the characteristics of a Document. So I
thought of converting it into a Document, so that members will be benefited from this frequently asked
Topic dealt here is for IP30 (program RSITRA20), but this method is valid for other programs too for
background scheduling. AZ
Here we see, how to do:
Step1. Create IP30 Variant.

– Run IP30,

– Give your Plan (here it is ABC123 ) in the Maintenance Plan field (Do not forget this step)
– Click Save Button and in the resulting screen give the Variant name,
– Optional:- Tick Only for Background Processing and Save again.

So we have just created a Variant named TEST for IP30 .

This variant will not be available for changes in IP30 Tcode, because ‘Only for Background Processing‘
has been ticked.
For changes of this Variant, you need to Run SE38, give RISTRA20 in Program field, select Variants
radio button, and then click on Display,
Click F4 help in Variant field and click Change.
Step2. Create Background Job – Run Tcode SM36
Give Job Name and click Start Condition (See Picture)
A pop-up is displayed.

Follow the steps 1 to 7 given in Picture .

(Here it is assumed that you want the RISTRA20 program to run at midnights of everyday)

Click SAVE again

You will be given a pop-up.

Enter ABAP Program Name (Here it is RISTRA20) and the Variant (we know it is TEST), and SAVE.

(Steps 1,2,3 in the above picture)

You will be here:

Do not do anything, Click Back arrow and


All Done

Now to see the schedule –

Run SM37 and Execute. (Give Current Date as FROM date and Date after 2 days as TO Date)
Execute to see a screen like this, where your Job is seen scheduled to be run at Midnight of Every Day.
(According to the settings in picture 3 above)
During Scheduling, the Status changes from Released to Active and after Scheduling it turns to Finished.

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