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Taylor Drew Gracie

Print April Bookkeeping and Human Resources Project Open Orders

Assign to Drew Sales Tax Project Pending Taylor Adobe Charge Clarification
5/9 401k 401(K) Charges Alternative Software Company
Prepare April Financial Email to Doug Regarding CPA HR Project
Statements Findings IT SOP to Reflect Insurance
Print Marketing Handouts 39659 Refunded, Credit Subsection
CC Invoices Next Steps Internally Completed
Make Website Changes AP Periodic Maintenance
Analyze Company Indeed AR Periodic Maintenance to
Ratings Send Statements
Follow Up with Kyle at
Follow Up with Kent at
Sales Tax Process
Analysis Charges Pending
Taylor and Doug
Sommer: Industries
Workers Comp Audit?
CPA 2023 Complete?
401k 2023 Contributions
Insurance Changes
Handbook Changes
Strategic Plan
Create Content
ERP Steps to Take, Gracie

Dates to Remember
13th El Jimador at 12
15th Rusty
16th MEMA
22nd Milliken
30th Company Handbook Meeting?

1st Insurance Changes?
6th Women Webinar

1st Ancillary Benefit Renewal
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Payment Runs Payroll Project Pulse
Prepared On Call Check
Send Taxes

Check Runs Bank Deposits Bank

Prepared Prepared

Sales Filed and Paid 10
AR Processing Send Statements 10th
AP Processing Vendor Statements 10th
Bookkeeping Data Entry 15th
Send Enrollment Forms to Benefit Provider
Federal and State Tax Audit 15th
Benefit Audit 15th
Accrual Audit 15tg
Contract Audit 15th

Credit Card 7th

Print Bookkeeping, Code Bookkeeping and
Assign 10th
Analyze AR 15th
Analyze AP 15th
Financial Statements 20th
Banking Transfers and Disbursements 20th
Assign Projects
One on One Check In
Performance Evaluation
Variance Analysis
Budget preparations
Renewals to Address

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