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Integrating a Competency-based Model into Surgical Technology Programs:

A Framework for Enhancing Healthcare Education

Lisa Day
Siena Heights University Graduate College
Dr. Cote’
May 26th, 2024

Competency-based education focuses on students mastering skills or competencies

recognized by institutions for credit regardless of the time spent on the task (Eaton, 2016).

Competency models are guiding frameworks for defining the skills, knowledge, and abilities

needed for success in industries or professions (Polermo et al., 2022). Competency-focused

education is widely used in healthcare programs as the basis for training. This method includes

standards that outline a profession's knowledge, skills, attitudes, and capacities. It involves

developing curricula and assessments to support achieving and evaluating industry standards

while adhering to accreditation policies and procedures.

CAAHEP Competency Standards in Surgical Technology Programs

Accreditation aims to evaluate the quality of institutions, programs, and services by

comparing them to established standards. This process ensures these standards are met.

Programmatic accreditation focuses on specific programs within an educational institution. The

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) reviews

individual programs to ensure they meet professional standards. These standards, created and

approved by professionals in each discipline, reflect the necessary knowledge and skills for

successful practice. CAAHEP's standards emphasize quality outcomes to prepare competent

entry-level healthcare professionals. CAAHEP, one of the largest specialized accrediting bodies,

accredits over 2,500 programs in 31 health professions and is recognized by the Council for

Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) (CAAHEP, 2023). In health-related fields,

accreditation, alongside certification and licensure, ensures that healthcare personnel are well-

prepared and qualified (CAAHEP, 2023)


The accreditation standards set by CAAHEP for surgical technology programs establish

the criteria for curriculum, faculty qualifications, clinical training, and evaluating student

outcomes. While not a specific competency model, these standards serve as a framework to

ensure that graduates possess the knowledge, skills, and competencies to practice safely and

efficiently as surgical technologists. The CAAHEP (2023) standards encompass areas such as:

 Foundational Knowledge: Surgical technology programs are required to provide

students with a foundation in anatomy, physiology, microbiology, pharmacology, and

medical terminology. Understanding the human body and its functions is crucial for

surgical technologists to anticipate surgeons' needs and effectively assist during surgical


 Clinical Skills: Students must acquire proficiency in technique handling instruments,

maintaining sterile fields, and performing surgeries across different specialties. Practical

experiences in operating rooms, surgical centers, and healthcare facilities allow students

to apply knowledge in real-life situations under the guidance of mentors.

 Professionalism and Communication: Surgical technologists must demonstrate

professionalism, ethical behavior, and effective communication skills in their

interactions with patients, surgeons, other healthcare professionals, and members of the

surgical team. Respect, empathy, confidentiality, and teamwork are essential qualities for

providing high-quality patient care and maintaining a safe surgical environment and are

qualities for delivering excellent patient care and ensuring a secure surgical setting.

Application in Academic Programs in Surgical Technology

Surgical technology programs can apply the CAAHEP (2023) competency standards in

various ways to enhance curriculum, instruction, and student learning outcomes:

 Curriculum Development: Surgical technology programs can align their curriculum

with the CAAHEP competency standards to ensure that all required content areas are

covered. Courses should be designed to address foundational knowledge, clinical skills,

and professional competencies outlined in the standards. Integration of case studies,

simulations, and real-world scenarios into the curriculum allows students to apply

theoretical concepts to practical situations and reinforce their learning.

 Clinical Experiences: Clinical experiences play a crucial role in surgical technology

education, allowing students to develop and refine their clinical skills in real healthcare

settings. Academic programs should collaborate with clinical sites to ensure that students

have access to diverse surgical experiences across different specialties. Clinical rotations

should be structured to provide exposure to a wide range of surgical procedures and

patient populations, allowing students to develop competence and confidence in their


 Assessment and Evaluation: Academic programs should implement systematic

assessment and evaluation processes to measure student progress and achievement of the

CAAHEP competency standards. Assessment methods may include written exams,

practical skills assessments, clinical evaluations, and portfolio reviews. Regular feedback

from faculty, preceptors, and clinical supervisors allows students to identify areas for

improvement and take proactive steps to enhance their skills and competencies.

Competency Based Models and Accreditation

Reporting data from the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education

Programs (CAAHEP) competency models to regional accrediting bodies such as the Southern

Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) is crucial for

maintaining the integrity and quality of health education programs (SACSCOC, 2024). This

process ensures transparency and accountability, enabling these bodies to verify that institutions

meet educational standards, which is vital for their accreditation decisions. Additionally, this data

supports educational institutions in continuously improving their curricula by identifying

strengths and weaknesses, thereby enhancing student preparation for professional success.

Overall, systematic reporting to regional accrediting bodies like SACSCOC not only upholds

rigorous educational standards but also fosters ongoing curriculum development to benefit

students and the broader healthcare industry (Eaton, 2016).

By adhering to the CAAHEP competency guidelines, academic programs can guarantee

that graduates are well-equipped for thriving careers in healthcare. When educational programs

align their curriculum, training, and evaluation methods with the CAAHEP standards, they can

offer students a rounded education that meets industry requirements. This preparation equips

aspiring allied health professionals- specifically surgical technology practitioners, to deliver top-

notch patient care professionally and competently. Adhering to these standards not only boosts

surgical technology education's quality and significance, but also plays a crucial role in

enhancing patient outcomes and healthcare services overall.



Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Programs (2023, June). Assuring the quality of

Health Sciences Education

Eaton, J.S.. (2016). Accreditation and competency-based education. The Journal of Competency-

Based Education. 1(12-16)

Palermo, C., Aretz, H. T., & Holmboe, E. S. (2022). Editorial: Competency frameworks in health

professions education. Frontiers in medicine, 9, 1034729.

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (2024, April 9).

Accrediting standards.

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