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Question Booklet Serial No 111227 B.A/B.Com. LL.B (Hons.) - 2024 Important: Please consult your Admit Card/Roll No. slip before filling your Rolf Number on the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet Roll No, (in Words) O.M.R. Answer Sheet Serial No. ry] l | | Signanure af Invigilator Time: 90 Minutes Number of Questions: 100 ‘Total Marks: 100 NOT OPEN THE SEAL ET UNTIL ASKED TO DO So. INSTRUCTIONS: 1 Write your Roll No. on the Questions Booklet and also an the OMR Answer Sheet in the space provided and nowhere ese 3+ Enter dhe Question Buoklet Seria No. on the OMR Answer Sheet. Darken the comespoading bubbles with Black all / Get Fen only A. Do not make any idensification mark on the Answer Sheet or Quesion Booklet, Eissss chek thal this Question Booklet contains 190 Questions In case of any dsczepancy infermthe Accinant Superintendent within 10 minuesof the san of Test ‘5. Bath question has four alveraative answer (A,B,C,D} of which ‘only One is correct. For each question, darken: Oily ‘oite bubble (A or B or Cor D), whichever you think is the. conrect answer, on the Ainswer Sheet with Black Ball / Gel Peo only & There sball be negative marking for wrong answer, % ofthe marks of the question will he deduced for every wrong amwer. 7, Hyon do ot want te answer a question, leave all the bubbles corresponding to that question blank inthe Answer Booklet No matks will be deducted in such cases 8. 30 minutes extra tiie be given Co the visually handicapped/PnD Candidates, 9. Darken the bubbles in the CMR Answer Sheet arcing tothe Scrial No fe question given inthe Quesion Booklet. 10. If you wane to change an slreody snarked uaswer, denotes +, < denotes -, + denotes +," denotes x, - denotes «, x denotes > and = denoles: ‘<, choose the correct stateinent. (A) 7<747=6 (B) 7° 7>7¢7=7*7>1 (Cy 7472708 (D) J>7<747a14 74a 9 class of 6S students, 27 speak Hindi, 21 speak English and 17 speak Punjabi. 7 speale Only English and Hindi, 6 speak only Hindi and Punjabi and 5 speak only English and Punjabi If 12 only speak Hindi, then bow many speak all the three languages? (ays (B)2 (cya (Dy3 75. In acode sign ‘DRLAL" is coded a5 62014314. How is ‘CAMEL’ coded? (ay s31s714 (B)35729310 (€) 5313613 (D) None of these 76. Ravi walked 15km towards west, and then, he turoed left and walked for 20 km. ‘Then he Walked towards the east and walked 25 km, and finally, turning left, he covers 20) km, How far was he from his starting point? (A) 20 km (B)30km (C) 10 km (D) Nane of these 77.A, P. RX. S and Z ave sitting in row. S and Z are in the ceatre, A.and P ape at the ends. R is sitting to the left of A. Wha is to the right of P? (AVS (BX «Wz (D) None of these ‘78. A person completes a journey of 48 km in 2 hours. How much time will he take to cover a distance of 252 km? (A) 10 hours (B) LL hours (C) 10 hours and 30 minutes (D) None of these 79. If 40% of the people sead newspaper X, 50% read newspaper Y¥, 10% read both the newspapers, then What percentage of the people read ncither af the newspapers? (A) 10% (B) 15% (€) 20% (D) 25% 80. What was chosen as Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year for 20237 (A) Caneel (B) Authentic (C) Remote (D) Resilience ‘$81. Identify the synonym for "ephemeral": (A) Permanent (B) Lasting (©) Transient (D) Eternal 82. Which of the following is an example of onomatopoeia? (A) Whisper (B) Silence (C) Boom (D) Serene 83, What is the definition of "exacerbate”? (A) To alleviate of lessen (B) To aggravate of make worse (C)To understand or comprehend (D) To igaore oF neglect 84. Who is the author of the epic poem "Paradise Lost"? (A) John Keats (B) William Blake = (C) John (D) Geoffrey Chaucer BA/B.COM.-LLB,-24 (SET-A) 485: In the sentence, "The cacophony of te bustling city stieets wos overwhelming,” what does the word "cacophony" mean? (A) Harmony (B) Silence (©) Chaos (D) Tranquillity 86. The package arrived the expected delivery date. (A) on (B) in (at () before §7..A person with strong desire to steal; (A) Kleptomania (B)losmomania — (C) melanomania —_(D) nelomania 88. Things which cannot he belived: (A) Incredible (8) Insatiable (C) Annoyable (D) Volncrabte 59. Rohan comes 10 my house every day; Hete the adverb ie - (A) Rohan (B) my house (C) everyday (D) comes 90. The first state fo introduce a law on RTI was: (A) Tamil Nadu (B) Karnatales (C) Punjab (D) Maharashtra 91. What does the writ Of Quo warranto mean? (A) itis issued when an office holder is found to misuse his duties (B) itis issued when a court wants i order a lower court or similar authority to transfer some matter pending before it to other courts or other authorities (Cit is issued by higher courts when they find that lower courts have made judgments beyond their pawers of jurisdiction (D) its issued when the court finds thatthe oftice holder i legally holding that position 92, Where is Netaji Subhash National Institute of Sports situated? (A) Ambala (B) Bangalore {C) Ahmedabad (D) Patiala $3. Which of the fallowing waves has the highest velocity? (A) S-waves (B) Love waves (C) P-waves (D) Rayleigh waves 94. Where is Keoladeo National Park located? (A) Bihar (B) Uuer Pradesh (C) Rajasthan (D) Assam 98. Which from the followings is mot correct that consent is said 10 be free when it is nat caused by. (A) Coercion (B) Undue influence (C) Fraud (D) Threat 96. Which ens is used in the artificial ripening of green fruit? (A) Nitrogen (B) Corbon dioxide (C) Ethane {D) Acetylene 97. Aruna Ramchandra Shanbaug's case involved issues oF {A} Surrogacy (B) Euthanasia (C} Pre-natal Diagnostic Test (D) Right to Education (1 BA/B.COM.-LLB.-24 (SET-A) 98. Weather occurs in the Earths: (A) Troposphere (B)Mesosphere (C)Tonosphere (10) Thermosphere 99, Due to rusting the weight of iron... (A) Decreases (B) Increases, (C) Remains the same (1D) Uncertain 100, Which ane from the followings is not right? (A) Code on Wages (B) Industrial Relations Code (©) Social Security Code (D) Human Rights Welfare Code eer (9) ‘BA/B.COM.-LLB.-24 (SET-A) Hin-pb Bet? D fact ar 0 & "ava we Sept avian TT nS ie & Suced ta cree water nisl O hany free fe em efor Fret arr #2 Tah ey tite a hy eee (A) | tee (B) | at (8) | tee 1 © | r= (© | ferns =] (Dy [Rr _| [cy Permes | 2) fet so ine wap roe a GS A EP fot eR issceed aaa nemae = wis S | [ee ae ae | (A) | artes [AY [>t (B) | ee (2) | 78s (C) [ate [Cy Rae () | = {Dy | sea 3) | are anotte Saree a ame at ‘sorned mga woes a nets A Bat dhe ah (A) Cae wor (A) [1 Beret 202 (®) | eaten @) [seam (©) |e aad eave (© | weit a0 (D) | Wem too (D) [2 we 2006 4 we feat fee w tea 2 aa fae tren 2 nat aS Ba aw BG de eae mae ay * Ar (A) | afas (By arr (B) | Suis 4 LOC) | ee [Cy [reat 7 (D) | sere (D) | Reema 5) [pratt after ar ages te wen ea vest Haun & eis wes sen 3, | (0) 8.95, 8, few gas a Da (A) |e oe, 9, fen F Sot aes Se wc | ate 1 Reed serch (B) 8. 7, ah, eam eo | (B) |, ome, aa, ew pane © was] Seer a Be 13 kasd ert 0) SM ora ee one] [ol ae oe, as, eT ERS Frere a Paes fexed Shard 0) «se at aa sas on oo D) |, Ss, Fg, ams wh ney nae SWE Beers Ft Fitte) ‘2 fea eh 6) 22 che aH oy @ wl sel Fee ee 631678 @ Be @ ra Wine ae ces we oa aterd fier at Aer sing cx ating stead Stow ber er 8 Misa ar Air mrs eos fe a (A) [reat ear (a) =e 4 (B) [oer her (B) [ae ae (Cy | een soi (Cy | set Ba _| (D) | sa a1 [iby [eta 10 BA/B.COM.-LLB.-24 (SET-A) Hin-pb 7 [wets afar 3 “iver = aves a ae a] | wad Wes Re Wkas @ he ghia @ Gee BA eat Few dor 3 wf ea f gee a ad te A) | Se ar ] ese (B) | =e (By | at | (Cy | te L (D) | steer (Dy | Rear 8) | Feben star a ter aires Fra ae ciel eer) [ites wares we oelier Ge tin we Wa SET P a “ (By [27 (B) [282 ay wa 9) | Tate ato" gam F tee wa hier we ow Rou © ha be a (A) [Fee Ly [Rents (8) ae © are ae (C) | ee (© | weet (D) | ee (D) | es =| 10) [Peete 8 Sah ne Raa Oe Siw fe Gor sr = de aed (A) | Fam eae (A) | SH 2 ers (B) | ain w arr (B) | wees bre (© | Sait Fran (©) [wre e hese [ope Ree | (Dy |e = tres 1) | et eS gay ow ee eee es] [ee OG ade ant Ga ta © ae Sage Fr Fed on ere a seer a wg GS We TS feawewn ¢ fer ser de (A) | agar (A) ] fa ee teaser © | Frage | [©] = ae ew terse (D) | ae ae (D) | te aa teow 12) | Hiner aw aE esas = a [ (A) | WF ser (A) [Sas ae | (8) | vate (B) | arene (C) | Fan aire (C) | = oar () [= ae (Dy | wee 13) | “ater wi ater” gers & Sas oe BP “ear we vis fore © tee de de (A) | oe oe | (aye wer (B) | San sete (B) |) Sieg. ies J (Q | meee (©) | Re Be ay (D) | a we (D) | rte we 11 BAJB.COM.-LLB.-24 (SET-A) Hin-bb 14) | Rater 99 ah a eis ge Qe 2 Re Bor Bw Gigs pe (Ay | Fr LEA) | er @) | | [@) [=e (C) |r | (C) [ane (D) | rer (CD) | er Se in We hs exes Ga de we we) © SSIS ae @) aa @) | Soe Se © [aaa amy ] ©) | a tHe ts Sh qo eee a | ca (A) ee r (Be - [iC [ies = 4) | eA (Dy [aot 17) [Sateen 3a ea gee TA a oe oes Wi au RE tha SF eo od we (A) Jere rene (A) es ee [ (By [san wet (B) Dae tat (C) | rate aa (C) | teste Sra oO) ae (D) [SA wR 18) fap sat # ere 8 ey aa Gan Ew ae eel tory Gets sor ae Fes mes aE Hh om oa th th wh me ata © ote dy (A) | Sefer et cer (A) | eane-far da ay (0B) [per aor | (B) | ram ta ae —| (C) | Rear sa a (C) | ess aa aa (D) |= ew ge ae (D) | er eee 19) | tee Refstae ¥ 9 fear ad w ote pa BT Wea ae 2 88 ie ow © Ba oo Sp (A) sae eT (A) [aren ee @) | an (B) | Fe en (C) | ree (C) [eae (©) Paes (D) [seri 2) |S wae ae eet ee ee feast OH Wes Aga (dite waa Bias vege 3; | (A) [are (A) [arenes (B) | sare (B) | ear = (C) | aes [ower (D) we - (Dy | orwers 24) [ower few at gas her ordi Ber ord? Wes 2 fn on BG wees te eoiew we Sr (A) | era fA) | Fee (©) | ee |B) [serene a te a (© [rye | Fey Perse z (Dy [ee BA./B.COM.-LLB.-24 (SET-A) Hin-Pb- 22) Bafeter 3 fee Gite fn a siege oer oe ‘Oe 8 edi Gee WE Be G Ree Go ee oy b (A) = A) Sra rer 3) aaa [e) [== ter (© | ae ar (C) [pa fre (O) | ses RT (Db) [es fr (23) ‘Glimpses of World History” # Pare #7 #7 “Glimpses of World History’ @ ther Se > A) | Fa art (A) [rar ore B) | ari Ree er es (©) | sare ee (©) [Fre oe ay (D) | te ee (D) | a. Be [a a TT ES eee a] oe RS fea A Bex, “Grand Old Mon of lnda™ “Grand Old Man of India” arate #7 Sf vexetlnre fagr er ay A) | 3 tie Fes (A) [Fe eres ee (B) [2a Ft (By | cere Fat (C) [aes po ae (Cy | ar ters ae (D) [eer ar (D) [ase we 25) | gr welt Ress) Rae te (ye adi(issa) tet ere ta mes ae A) EF Bie A) [Fay ee ® | Mae @) | Ft -e Was (©) [ee a eae (© ae Ss tas (D) ae (0) [wre aay 26) | Way fea ae a aa “auRs dur trade Gy we mas By (A) | @) [we (Bre @) | Sater © ©) | (D) | eRe @) | ere [wate ater eee wae fot na 8 ae 2 wie @) Or (A) | Fe . ® | F (B) | 7 (| as (©) | faerr @) | Far (D) | ae 26) [aan ears ee Paes ws See see te | | eaers ee sige wae cere fear, (A) | 82 Rar, tee @) |» oe, ne Oe, Foe @® = be (Cy | eae, nae (© [= Fe, ie [oye Fate (D) | eee, soso 13 BA/B.COM.-LLB..24 (SET-A)iin-pb [23 Sn er ae a ae] ho shes SF oe a win WA ea a fea oy? a (A) [ate sore [ay 2 wes, gold | (B) |e tee (B) [= Wee, coi L(C) |e sam, gens (CE. ara 4 I I (Dy To, ane 30) | terete te ate nes a ae a RE aw @ ay wm fest By = (A) | (A) [ear (B) | (B) | ter 1 (©) | Ra —] © Tar (D) [ Fearss (D) | eran 3) 33s hei ee oe [Siw © fos fr ee ire ae Ber (A) | Fe este [Ay [ae ana (B) | Si (B) [wer wae © [ae et (C) | eas tee (D) | ai aa (D) | =e Star 2) Hs ce iio at aaa ay a WU Fied 8 tne § teaeed we a We a a: 4A) | 5 (A) [ee (B) | aT aa (B) | Ries ae (C) [3 () [8 D) | ear ae (D) | Fe ese 3a) | Sar tee pe fae fey a Pe a oes Re oued a Ros feck oe err ae a Aya = (A) eo (B) | +0 Fave (B) | 26 Fea (C) | 4 7a (C) | 26 ae is 3% Rae “| lio 16 ees 4) Pe Se ae ee A ee ee] 2020-2) we Oe, in ay Wits aw wean (A) Gat eat gre (A) [se Baas Be [ CB) | Raat tise gee (B) [set Bee ar OQ ita ae (©) [26 ww ae J] (D) | teat ater ae | (D) | we Sa me ee 39) |] om st ah Fae eee Wes oe aa aa] [rasa Bo Rowe, Lele Bee Be See es aren Steen wey tar at ae ae 8 Ses hms att oth she eg ted as [(@) Bear (A) | Saabs was @) | He sar 4B) [a oer Oo aa (©) | as oes 1 () | Fe oe (D) | Fete ae J BA./B.COM.-LLB.-24 (SET-A) inp 36) | Treat gt or aa we cue ga a (A) | 85e oe aie, Sts oh aiegiaa Hire (A) | 73 auee Rew, Rims a Aiwa an (B) [#3 ve soaiter, tate aes | [(B) | awe ames flatien, Gevas we wo Aieeesa HTS (© [aa ay eee oe et (©) | Fans Tree Gir, Rie ve anbe ase (D) | He ae ee a ee wei ort (D) | See Sted Row nd artes Aires | rt 37) | aren wt Few ove fee FP Faooe Ha foe on Re Ae (Ay er (A) | ere (8) | reas (B) | Shere (©) | ar 1) | hee (Dy | sear (Oy ee 38) [fo aan onto Oa oe GT Bw, dws e Ras of Siwy (Ay © ame tena (A) | 6 4, issz - (B) [ese ee (B) |e ere, lore (C) | fae, ene (C) |e em, 1956 (D) | * Pree, tne (Dy | © ews, 1956 39) | Sewer aarti vet = fem BF Siaare Sten frost wel od wie 9 (A) | art fA) | oot (B) | tert {B) | aaest (C) [oe (©) [aoe (D) | ri (D) | fer 40) [a at en fee a we [wav ee Se atthe Ber J [ay | Ga) | eve th (By | Fa eae (B) | asd weer [Oy aa tae (ON Gedo (D) | #5 Sr | [oy [a aes Gi) [sa 8 fe ae ae oe a vostta inne p Gander Amtinae a 4A) | om (A) |r (By | ear ® ae AC) | Rr (C) | sae () | er - (D) | tees 42) | 0 tote oe ew ea a eae a aT | [reed fone ow pd eo 2 er me ages Lid tec 3 [te rer (A) [es B) |r | 8) | ers (C) | aff | [Cy [ate () | Freer |_ [oy [ree BA./B.COM.-LLB.-24 (SET-A) Hin-pb | 43) AWA Sl wer Sipe lz Wi ae Ge aoe A Sea] ‘ren ae #2 | 33 © sew wee ile dis mes Ge on Ge ae ater fare de (Ay) ae @ [= (B) | omg (B) | imag (C) | Site (© | tate ) [ie () [=r 44) | Bes cet sh Eaet © seat a Jy | (A) | si Seat (A) | Bais Fee (B) a sae has Ted WBE 1 [(C) | Pet atte (0) | Recs wales (D) | forte gam [(D) | Bete gar 45) At awdtte ae gee ie sda e tent ag unsa fn & Galy (A) | vier ae TA) | 3a sa | (B) [ex Per [(B) [e.8. ee (©) [sr oe (C) Re er (D) | ear er (D) Pace oer 46) | Fate YS ah aa aes @ wes SSA Oo i RE ae wad Hews a wsee aA eS Aer ea adi a? 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(0B) [tasting [(B) tasting = [Cy | Frensiear (©) | Traasiear ) Eiernal Eccrnal 92) | Rte SH canmaiopocts WT See FF et RFS BIE ohomaiopaals W Ra BSCR By (A) | Whisper | (A) | Whisper _| ((B) | Siesce (B) | Silence (C) | Boom C) | Boom Fab Soe S| athe 83) “exacerbate” %i 3 tar BP “exacerbate” & Utww at dp [RAY | Testlevise orlessea [RA) [To allevitte or foxcen To sggravatc or make worse To aggravate or make worse (©) |e understand or compwohend (©) | To usdersand or comprehend | ae "To ignare oF néglen (D) | Teo enone ornegies 84) | Fe “Paradise Loar” W Oaa oH ED “Paral Lost” waters @ Bm eG (A) [a eae (Ay [5 ter (B) [Peay ae (B) | Rahor sea (C) [ar AC) | fren (@) | a ter (D) | aaa Ore 85) [met f “Tee citcihoay athe basing lg arc] few ES secophocy of the bustling chy wea war as Overwhelming", 7 "cacophony" Fr wat anf #7 overwhelming”, REE "cacophony" 2 air}: (AL Harmony (A) | Harmony = [By | Site (By | Bence L(C) | Chwos: _| St | D) | Pinal (Dy | Faq 22 BA./B.COM.-LLB.-24 (SET-A) Hin-?b. $96) |The package arrived the expected delivery daie_| | The peclage ariived the expecied delivery date, (@)| os (A) [on 7 (B) | in 'B) | ie ©[* Ce (D) believe (D) | feta 87) LA person with strong desite to sical, ‘A person with sirong desire to eal " (A) | Kepiomania (A) | Hlapiomania | (B) | Tesmomania (B) | Bsmomanis (©) | melinemania [C) | melanomanie [(D) | tomate (D) | nelomania: 88) [Things which eannotbe believed ‘Things which cannot be bellowed (CA) | dnecredtible | (A) | therein (B) | Tasuiiable [(B) [Tasaiiatte [(C) | Annoyable (C) | Annoyabie (D) | Valncrable [(D) | Vulnerable 89) | Rohae comes to my house every day, Haw ihe adver Rohan comesto iy house every day: Hare the adverb is ie (A) | Rohaa (fA) | Rehan [) | ay oe | [ey Tay howe (C) | everyday [Oy | everyday {D) | comes (Dy [eases - ee Mediu od whe ty an WS ue an we CA) | nfterng (A) [sbeny (B) | (B) [=e (C) [ere [() [sire (D) | Fee (D) | resee Sy | steer ger war a aa ad BP recited Wee a wae a (A)) & #2 SH tet ar foe we areles ea (A) [So Ge we at he De a ee are peat om gern eo wa oot weet et eaeed soe wie are 3 (B) | 3 9 at et oy 8 ow SY seen ost (B) [fe Ge wa dis We 2 he af wees om | Tet ee See “EBS Ts ret £ ay cette aon Ri ortn ae weft aa are ch ore an whew ee peel be sofesteh soar maT eer bl sh a Os ame ae ea) 2 00 wees Grd ar ae oe Goo F 3H oa worm A fe Freeh raat 3 frvte Se See a derby meas 8 dat ote om, fr 8 ea aha tr a1 aie Ba nifters aa iar eat Sow mater 3 ud (D) | oe at er am Fae agen Se (D) | Be C8 rd aie we oe wees Faw tae wont fe scaiere ona athe er a oe er 2 eogtes damp fs 3 ge ae & 92) [Sari gay cele Ge wer wal few FT aa We wed Ge tare Ge wes a (Ay | sa A) [= ®) - ® | as (©) | are (©) | Meroe (D) | ear (D) | ewer BA./B.COM.-LLB.-24 (SET-A) Hin-Pb 93) [Raisin 7 fea naw a ae ‘85 thee saat EAA & Ga ww S dy ae (A) ora (A) | tsar = ®) | ea (B) | fewe St sear © | ter (©) | eae [@) | ere (D) [98 weer |S) | Seeks aa ae wa Ray FF Moree Wer Ae aie | (A) | fire (A) [Free @ Pear (B) | Be ee © | ame \(C) | ormen @) | ser @) |r [95) Satan fish aa aie eat en) [Se 0 Ror ae se De wt Gee Ee el ort ba ae % tim ae ay fro 2 me ter -+- ray ont ge 2 (A) | ee (A) | ease (B) | ager rR (B) | er are (C) | staat (C) [area liad (0) |S 96) tae Pie ee ee a § Sah Ga os use se hed da GT amet? wae (ar (A) | idee (B) [We See | [) |F etree ©] © [a [O) | eer (©) | Bets 97) Sen area TT A ne a a a eS a MBE Oudeg Faws @8n Ws fe am ne (A) | Ser (A) | eae (8) | ars [By | Ber aS [© [ee Resta (©) ae Resa ae (D) | Ret ar sre (D) | Biter & sire 98) | ater at See oes SE Ronn Ro eae (A) | aa (A) [28 Res (B) re ® | =e Q [sa (©) pre aia (D) | ee (0) ee 99 [Ror aon oe a ) |e es ane ae ee fA) [rer (A) eet (B) | re @B) ses (©) [Wank (© [See wes (2) [SAR D) [seater 24 BA/B.COM.-LLB.-2¢ (SET-A) Hin-eb 100) | Fiteteres Sh ar ae aa BP ‘So A RS Ror wat ae Sy (A) a ates (A) | wage 2 az (B) | Sieh Sas sie (B) | Sethe ree ae © | Fete eer se (©) | Re arin ae (D) | SRetear eeae at | |) [RA Bee ee as ROUGH WoRK

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