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Module Test 10 Answer Key

1 Nouns for hypothesising
1 conceived 2 concept 3 assumed
4 imply/implied 5 assumption 6 insights
7 infer 8 speculating
2 Academic collocations
1 Public 2 heavy 3 abstract 4 wider
5 underlying
3 Phrases for speculation
1 guess is (that)
2 all likelihood
3 get/have the impression (that) he doesn’t/does not
4 ’m/am confident
5 would not be surprised if a new vaccine was/
would be surprised if a new vaccine was not
6 The chances are/Chances are
4 Verb patterns
1 involves developing 2 managed to produce
3 promised to donate 4 risk losing
5 afford to buy 6 avoid spending

Language development
5 Unreal conditionals, wish, if only
1 had worked
2 had done
3 wouldn’t/would not have lost
4 had done
5 would still be/would still have been
6 hadn’t/had not met
7 wouldn’t/would not have changed
8 would still be sitting
9 would still be assured
10 hadn’t/had not turned
11 hadn’t/had not sold
12 would never have met
13 had found
6 Other hypothetical forms
1 hadn’t/had not bought, wouldn’t/would not have been
2 you could do 3 in case we
4 if we asked Pablo 5 you could travel back in time
7 Past modal verbs
1 could have changed
2 wouldn’t/would not have waited ages for you, had
known you
3 should have told us, could have done
4 may have missed/may not have seen, had got/
arrived there
5 wouldn’t/would not have said anything
6 should have printed
7 could have been, hadn’t/had not lost

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