D2L Courses

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09/03/2022 14:53 D2L Courses


09/2021 - 12/2021

Practical Machine Learning

CS329P, Stanford
Alex Smola, Qingqing Huang, Mu Li
Applying Machine Learning (ML) to solve real problems accurately
and robustly requires more than just training the latest ML model.
First, you will learn practical techniques to deal with data. This
matters since real data is often not independently and identically
distributed. It includes detecting covariate, concept, and label shifts,
and modeling dependent random variables such as the ones in time
series and graphs. Next, you will learn how to efficiently train ML
models, such as tuning hyper-parameters, model combination, and
transfer learning. Last, you will learn about fairness and model
explainability, and how to efficiently deploy models. This is a full
semester class that teaches both statistics, algorithms and code
implementations. Homeworks and the final project emphasize
solving real problems.

Course link

https://courses.d2l.ai 1/4
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03/2021 - 08/2021

Introduction to Deep Learning in


Mu Li
不论是在学术突破还是在工业应用, 深度学习是人工智能在近十年里



Course link


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09/03/2022 14:53 D2L Courses

Dive into Deep Learning

GPU Technology Conference (GTC)
Rachel Hu, Aston Zhang
This is a half day tutorial we gave at GTC, covering an introduction of
the D2L project, fundamental of convolutional neural networks, and
an brief introduction to natural .language processing.

Course link


Dive into Deep Learning in 1 Day

Open Data Science Conference
Alex Smola
Did you ever want to find out about deep learning but didn’t have
time to spend months? New to machine learning? Do you want to
build image classifiers, NLP apps, train on many GPUs or even on
many machines? If you’re an engineer or data scientist, this course is
for you. This is about the equivalent of a Coursera course, all packed
into one day.

Course link

https://courses.d2l.ai 3/4
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01/2019 - 05/2019

Introduction to Deep Learning

STAT 157, UC Berkeley
Alex Smola, Mu Li
This is a full semester course providing a practical introduction to
deep learning, including theoretical motivations and how to
implement it in practice. As part of the course we will cover
multilayer perceptrons, backpropagation, automatic differentiation,
and stochastic gradient descent. Moreover, we introduce
convolutional networks for image processing, starting from the
simple LeNet to more recent architectures such as ResNet for highly
accurate models. Secondly, we discuss sequence models and
recurrent networks, such as LSTMs, GRU, and the attention
mechanism. Throughout the course we emphasize efficient
implementation, optimization and scalability, e.g. to multiple GPUs
and to multiple machines. The goal of the course is to provide both a
good understanding and good ability to build modern nonparametric
estimators. The entire course is based on Jupyter notebooks to
allow you to gain experience quickly.

Course link

https://courses.d2l.ai 4/4

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