The Love Star

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NOTE: The Secret Love Star is a Focus of Light drawn by Cosmic Beings centuries ago to
give assistance to mankind and bring in the New Age. No one has ever made their
Ascension without the assistance of the Secret Love Star. It’s Action Transmutes discord
and replaces it with Perfection.(Ascended Master Love & Truth Vol II)

THE LOVE STAR -"The Secret"

Love Star, Love Star, Love Star bright,
Love Star, Love Star, blaze through us Thy Might;
Love Star, Love Star, our own Hearts' Light!
Love Star, Love Star, enfold us tonight.

LOVE STAR “The Call”

O Love Star! we call Thee,
Thou Jewel from the Sun,
O Heart of Creation,
Thou Glorious One!
Come now in Thy Splendor,
Flash forth Thy Great Flame,
Burst all bonds asunder,
Speak forth the Great Name!
Declare now Thy Victory
And set this Earth Free;
Reveal Thy Dominion,
Thyself let all see.
From Thy Blazing Altar,
Light's Greeting first came,
The Voice of God's Presence,
Almighty, "I AM"!


The Love Star, the Flame-breath,
The Great Heart in all,
Comes forth in Its Splendor
To answer each call;
Reveals now Its Vict'ry,
In all Realms Its Light,
Clothes us in Its Glory
And Radiance Bright;
Let all then surrender
Their might and their power,
Through loving obedience
Be raised now this hour-
Forevermore Master!
Eternally free,
The Blest "I AM Presence,"
The Great Cosmic Key.

THE LOVE STAR-"The Presence"

The Love Star-His Presence!
All silent, serene,
In Glory transcendent
While blessing the scene;
Stands radiant with Power
Its Rays pulsing bright,
Chaste ribbons of silver
Adorning the night;
Caressing, encircling,
Enfolding the sod;
Light! tying the Earth to the
Feet of her God!
The Master Christ Presence,
Incarnate in man;
The Source of all Freedom,
The Blest Word, "I AM"!

Use once an hour:

"Mighty I AM Presence"! come forth, charge my
being and world with the Light and Love from the
Secret Love Star, and keep It eternally sustained.


(The Magic Presence – By Godfre Ray Kind)

"O Children of the Light! O Flames of the Morning!

call unto the Secret Love Star.
Let Its Rays weave for you an Eternal Garment of
Transcendent Loveliness,
And wear upon your Heart the Jewel of the Sacred
Let Its Glory pour through you, that yours may be
the Scepter of Power Supreme.
Speak only the Decree of Love, that Perfection may
be everywhere.
Listen to the Sound of Its Voice, that all may hear
the Song of Joy,
Gaze only upon Its Light, that the Flame from the
Seven Elohim may rest upon your forehead.
Hold the Cup of Liquid Light, and forever pour
forth Its Life-giving Essence.
Then the Rays from the Diamond Heart shall illumine
your pathway, and
When the Knight Commander raises His Sword of
Flame, you shall pass through,
And stand face to face with Your Own Divinity upon
the very Altar of Life;
For within That Holy of Holies is the One—Omnipotent
in Blazing Glory—
Your Own Beloved Self The Magic Presence—
'I AM.'
In the Crown of your Everlasting Victory shines a
double rainbow,
The Result of Love's Attainment, encircled by All
Your Royal Robes of Authority are the Deeds of
The Rays of Light from The Magic Presence—
'I AM’.
These forever clothe all Beings with their Radiance,
And are the Fountain of Eternal Youth and Beauty;
Through them, your Scepter draws unto Love Its
The Fullness of The Magic Presence—'I AM’.
The Rays from the Seven Builders reach up—
And pour out Their Glistening Streams of Love’s
Weaving Great Rivers of Force into an Imperishable
In Blazing Glory and Dazzling Beauty—the Gift of
The Magic Presence—'I AM’.
O Children of the Flame! Sing the Anthem of Creation,
It is the Song of Love that makes the Music of the
Ring throughout space in an Adoration and Hymn
of Praise, which is The very Worship of Life,
The Magic Presence—'I AM’.
Let It flow through you in Ever-expanding Perfection:
Be the Ecstasy and Glory of Light unto all!
Know the Secret of the One! Waft the Love-Breath
of Joy everywhere: and
Feel the Great Heartbeat within the Flame, The
Magic Presence—'I AM’


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